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THE RANDALL COUNTY NEWS. NOVEMBER 20. 1908. - pi I o I I interest leg Facts When you catch on to the fact that we're offering you the best values ever shown in this town you'll be surprised that you have neglected the opportunity so long. The fact that we arc doing business for ourselves doesn't prevent our doing business in a way that makes profit for you. We have two reasons for saying this. We pay cash for our goods, therefore we take advantage of all discounts. This means a saving of more than a clerk's salary. We sell for cash. We don't have to figure on having any bad accounts on our books at the end of the year. Don't you think these are sufficient reasons for us to say that we can save you money? Others have found out that "WE SELL FOR LESS;'' why don't you? BE SURE TO READ THE Ladies' Millinery Wo havo about twenty trimmed hats that sold early in the season at $4.00, $5.00. SC.. 00 and S.OO that we are oinj to sell at just Half Price. If you have already bought vour hat you can afford another at these pri ces. Think what this means. $4.00 Hats at 5.00 Hats at 0.00 Hats at S.00 Hats at $2.00 2.50 3.00 4.00 c r r c r r r r Damask, Towels, Etc. We haven't the space to mention all the ood things in this depart ment, hut will merely give you an idea of what we are offering you. 72 in. all linen damask, pretty pattern, the yard - $1.00 () in. linen damask, as good as you have paid 75c for, at 50c 40 in. turkish bath towels, a splendid value at, per pair. joe r r Wonder-Wear Hosiery You have always had trouble find ing hose that would wear. We have solved the problem for you by get ting the agency for this line. It is sold and advertised at three pairs for $1.00, but we add one more pair for the same price. Four Pairs for Men - $1.0 Four Pairs for Ladies - 1.00 Four Pairs for Children - 1.00 I J . JL Ladies' Skirts We Hiv expecting a big line of skirts in a short time so, in order to clean up the present stock, we have put prices on them that makes it an opportunity you should not overlook to get now up-to-date skirts. Some are in voiles, black and browns, and all wool Panama, blues and blacks. Those are all well made garments and wore good values at the original p rices. ? I '..Ml Skirts S.00 Skirts 11.00 Skirts l.f0 Skirts P2.00 Skirts $4.75 5.70 UH) C.70 S.SO Our preparation for supplying your wishes and demands for all classes of Dry Goods have been made on a greater scale than ever before attempted here and we are positive that the same character of high grade merchandise has never been so reasonably priced. IL THE . " t CITY SCHOOL FINANCES. Knockers Gat Their Dues. Anruai Report of Treasurer of Independent ; Do you know what we think is School District is Approved By County the best story in the Bible? It Commisslone-V Court. may surprise you, but it's about jXoah and the Hood. We say this Iv.ich year on 1 :;ist day of, even in the face of the well A:, trust the treasurers of the In- educated folks, who turn up their ! -pendent school districts of noses and declare the story a t!.U -Me make their annua re-; fake. You remember Xoah had p'.rt of the condition of the to work a long time on that ark. 1. nances of their respective dis-' It was uphill business, too, at ln-ts. Thi report is acted upon j best, to go toilinjr and sweating aii'i audited by the Commission-' day after day, in the hot sun, ers' Court of the county at the building a boat away out on dry iH-.t regular term thereafter, land, while the local anvil and .Judge .J.C.Hunt who is the i hammer club sat around spitting treasurer of the "any;n City In-, tobacco juice upon his lumber, dejH-ndent srhoo district has whittling up his pine boards with made hi-, report for the year ! their jack-knives and telling him eliding on Aug. oKt last and the I what a fool he was to expect a big Commissioners' Court which was jain in a country that was too in session last week went thor-! hot to grow alfalfa. Hut he kept oughly through the report and J at it. Finally the Hood came and approved it and it will be sent to! every mother's son of the the department at Austin for j croakers was drowned. This is final approval. j the Only case we know of, either The report shows the follow-! sacr(:d "r profane history, ,., , , ! where a bunch of knockers got ing: Halance from previous yr, ; (?x;u.tly wJlflt was colin-to tlxun. s:;7i.U; amount received from j . ... j-;xchange. available; school fund of state, apportionment from coun ty treasurer, 21)5. bO; transferor pupils, 41.50; tuition, 21.:J5; total, 555.l J. Disbursements are as follows: Aii)unt paid to teachers, 4,05; taking census, 17 ARMSTRONG COUNTY MEETING. Citizens of Southeastern Portion of That County Realize Their Need of a Railroad. Washclean. Washclean is a scientific wash ing compound. It is absolutely guaranteed to do washing with- I out any rubbing whatever. Wash- 2-1; treasurer s , t.,,UI1 Washing Compound con- commissions, 50o; school jtains nothing that will harm the house and repairs, 214.55; insur ance, 217.50; sundries, janitor hire, miscellaneous expenses, etc, ''.7.12; assessing and col- most delicate fabric. Hy using Washclean a washing can be done in less than half the time it re quires in the old way with actu h-ct ing. .i.7:?: interest, 2'.. lr'; ally none of the back breaking balance August .'!!, KC.'.7; total, work. It is an article no home 55511. Scissors. can afford to be without. A trial wiJl convince the most skeptical. For sale by all grocers. o I-1 1 p See the Canyon Coal Company for fresh maize chops. The citizens of that portion of Armstrong county which lies southeast of the canyon are cer tainly interested in the building of the proposed railroad from this city to Galveston by the way of Silverton. As announced through the col umns of this pajx.-r last week there was a meeting of these cit izens at the Ueulali school house in that county last Saturday. When the meeting was called to order by Chairman Helms there was quite a representative crowd of the citizens present and bo fore the meeting adjourned the entire building was comfortably filled. Fatly in the meeting it was readily ascertained that these lcope were thoroughly aroused to the importance of active steps for the securing of this proposed outlet for their products and be fore the meeting was over every person present who was a land owner had signed the contract except one man and it is thought that he would have made his subscription had he not been called away before the subscrip tion paper was started around. Several from Canyon City at tended the meeting among whom was the reporter for the News, and right, here the reporter wants to thank those people for a very fine day's entertainment for himseif as well as tin other people from Canyon. Quite a number of speeches were made, l'rof. McGehoe and Major Gordon making the pi in cipal addresses and the tenor of jail the addresses were highly in i favor of the proposition and very j optimistic in tenor. I'efere the ; meeting adjourned the list was I turned over to a committee who j will see the few remaining prop erty owners in that vicinity and ! secure their co-operation. ; This meeting places the rail ! road proposition in the Wayside land (.'eta community in fine j shape, .and a little speedy :md 'thorough work' will complete ! their portion of the bargain, i Hy the way, this trip was the 'first that this reporter has ever : paid to that sect ion of the coun try and to sav that lie was stir- j prised at the great CIVIC IMPROVEMENT. ;done and knew the boys refused i to tell who they were. This may Scmo Necessary Work Which Should Ba Done be right, but I wish to state As Suggested By a Citizen. right here that the man or woman who sees my son injur Much has been said and some- ing or insulting another and thing done recently in our lil 1 !e withholds that information from city toward the cleaning and; hums no friend of mine or my beautifying of the town and : son's. those of our citizens who took! I invite all to call and see my part in either saying or doing j fence and judge for themselves deserves highest, praise. There i and tell me if placed in my po is however, a certain class of ; sition just how much pride they people in every town who, for ! would manifest in a "cleaner various reasons, will do nothing j town.'' I do not. consider the which will cost them either time, injury to mo half so great as labor or money. The Civic Im-jthat to the boys nor the cost provement Association is a good ! nearly so much to me as it will . .1- 1 . I I.I ! lu. t ll. iv.rnnk. .if ciK.ll liiil'J amount ol Tiling ami eei. iosn mihuiu ; in; hi m: i ! i . iii -i "i .-.m ii u",).-i I. . . I .'ill.. rr . 1 1 land in cultivation, the new ! have one, but to get 1 lie host re- j wrio win nave 10 suuer me ois bonses that are .'" tin and the i suits there are other things to! grace and reproach brought upon sons who l . . ....... made in that section, is placing the thou-'htsof therenorter verv'lot of ''kids" who, without re-j their neighbors improvements that are being lie considered. jltiem iy sons who were noi This town is infested with a , taught to regard the rights ol mildly. The jx-ople are wide awake, hustling and energetic aud when the railroad is built down into that neighborhood Canyon City will certainly have to keep on her toes in order to keep abreast of the advancement which those people will make. Watch the prediction. Washclean. Washclean is a scientific wash ing compound. It is absolutely guaranteed to do washing with out any rubbing whatever. Wash clean Washing Compound con tains nothing that will harm the most dedicate fabric. Hy using Washclean a washing can be done in less thai, half llie time it requires in the old way with ac tually none of the back-breaking work. It is an article no home can afford t he without. A trial will convince th" most skeptical. For sale by all grocers. :!l ltp Ioiin HinnoN. City School Reports.. gard to the rights of or cost to, their neighbors, take a delight, in j tearing palings from yard fences : and in a threatening and tantaliz- ing way--not in the presence of ' Tl"' following pupils in the the men who are injured but ! '''("h and Kleventh grades were taking advantage of helpless ! present every day and not, being women. Whether they have ! tardy for the month ending (c johie.l the "Association"' and j ,"1"''' propose to "clean the town" I do Cowling, Hettie Mulky, not know, but it is a fad that it M:i.V Hfllird, Mculah I'richard, is annoying to come home after Archy Key, Messie Johnson, a hard day's work and pass by I Weltha McNiell, Grady Holland, the full length of a block when; ,,,,,n l'es, Zina Iletison, Jetlie the kids have torn palings j Wallace, Fay Gober, Hristow Hates. scissors. enough from the fence to suggest that it is 1he home of some worlhless drunkard. I suggest that if they insist on the dis graceful work they should at least spare the feelings of the oe.--iiant and either make a clean swoop or l'-t U alone altogether. At a meeting of ladies thisj H. T. Johnson and 1 II. Young week this matter of injury to of this ity have returned homo fencos'was discussed ami ladies after a trip to the central por who saw the riopivdations being tion f the state.