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THE RANDALL COUNTY NEWS. NOVEMBER 20. fOS. The Sewn PuMlHhitipr Company K. A. Tcrrlll, Manager - Editor The Randall County Newslthe fa5lure bccause yu would Published Evorr Friday. ' " .. piace wnere responsibility snan rest. Certainly it cannot rest upon those who do help. It will be solely to the apathetic interest of those who do not help that the enterprise fails. The counties below have done their duty and we think that this county will do their duty. Will you help? It is up to us. fctiterrd t jnMoftice at Canyon. Texas, as noroni class mutter. Onloe of publication. W'nl Evelyn street. Subscription Kate. toe year, in fount y It.m Oue enr. outside of county 1 55 Sii months.. . 75 Two months 25 1'iiliers Kent out of the county promptly dis continued at expiration of time paid for. A SAVING OF MONEY; Contributor Notice. The editor of this paper is nnxioti to receive, from time to time, communications from its readers, hut we request that all such com munications he siu-ned. not for publication. hut that nemiy know the source from which ! the COUl't Call abolish tllO OftiC'C Of the article conies. We note that quite a number of commissioners' courts of the state are writing the attorney general asking whether or not Hailway Time Table. WKST KOl'ND. treasurer of their county. We have nothing against any county officer, but we think that the of fice could be readily abolished under the present laws. The various counties are required to designate a county depository every two years, receiving bids for the money held on deposit. Of course these banks pay for MAIN LINK, N.. .i; to ck.vis p. m. No. 91. to Carlsbad Ii-l.". a. m. No. 73. Ical rYeik'ht flu' a. m. MAIN LINK, KA.ST HOl NIi. No. . from Cl.ivis !0:'' a. ni. No. 9rt. to KiinsHs City 5 :l p. m. No. 74. Laical l'reifhl p. in. ri.Al.NVIKW r.KANVH. NOKTH B'NP N.. . to Ain;.riijo i.omi. m. i the denosit and at the same time ' '"" j issue a bond to the count v pro- HOUND. ! , ' .'.ip ni ' lv-llllri iii .uuiil(i aouiL iw.-?.. !''. m. ! They are required and of course ! ui."in"e and keep books. If the bank was nrrnnv from designated as treasurer a person ; holding a warrant could always jknow where to lind the treasurer and in addition the county would save the amount paid out to the 'treasurer as his commissions for handling the funds for the county, when in fact he rarely lever lias any money actually in ' his posession. The collector of : taxes pays him the most of the money received and that is gen erally paid by check which the No. f'i. I-ooul I'reL-M PLA1NV1!;W lUiANVH, so. No. i: to I'lann lew No. ;tl Ioer.; r'lv.fM Trair.s No. :'; ,.. tm- Mi::r. : ..n i ! lit ;'.'" p. n.. in n..o'. Train N". on U.c Main 1 "m ni a. m. stoi. h this 1 I,oi-n'. 'reij-'hts and tra.r.- V" run on Sunday. nd : don't Come Out And Join the Boosters' Band! CAPITAL NOT REQUIRED. treasurer deposits with the de pository. It seems that arrange ments could be made for the The liecord docs not wish to appear in the light of being too insistent, but we would call at tention to the fact that it does not always require capital to build a railroad. In fact, nearly all the great roads built nowa days are first promoted by men with comparatively no means. To illustrate, some two years ago a number of men in Hereford up in the Upper Panhandle band ed themselves together for the purpose of promoting a trunk line road from Trinidad. Colo., to the Gulf by way of Hereford. The Record editor happened to be one of the charter members of the company and also a direc tor. In the charter which was secured from the state of Texas, it was specified that Hereford was to receive the general offices, the shops, etc. The first year found the company with only about twenty miles of the road graded and the work stopped on account of a lack of funds. So some of those plucky fellows up there set to work to-find some one who would furnish the money to carry on the work, and now, as the second year is draw ing to a close, a contract has been closed with a New York syndicate to complete the enter prise from a northern connec tion with the Kock Island through Hereford to the Gulf, making an important trunk line. The new company has already spent $.k- 000 of their own money on the j road, about forty miles of the grade now being completed. The general offices have been opened in Hereford and a large force of men is required to look after the clerical work. A number of large system had set aside $200,000 for Santa Fe improvements in Aina rillo. It seems that a definite statement from the railway offi cials would be more consoling to the citizens of that town however. The News has recently added very materially toils supply of printing material and now has the most up to date office for a local newspaper in this section of the country. PULLING FOR OTHER THINGS. We have been busy for a long time pulling for big things. Everywhere it is the same. The big things, the big things. Why don't we work more than we do for some other things some of the things that we have been inclined to think were smaller and would come of them selves and knock knock, Knock, at our doors? What are these little things? Perhaps that cannot be answer ed definitely. They vary so much in the lives of men and communities. Perhaps they do not have to do with city improvements at all. Perhaps they have nothing to do with the acquiring of several sec tions of land, nor with the pos session of chattels. Possibly they are all within us probably, even, they are. They akk within us. Within individuals and within communi ties. Pulling for them means developing them. Sane, simple, healthy and healthful lives of men and of towns and of counties and of states and of the nation. 640 Acres For Sale A fine section of land cornering with the city limits: 250 acres in cultivation. 100 acres of sub-irrigated alfalfa land. Living water in a running stream across the north end and plenty of fishing. Has a fine natural park with a beautiful grove of native trees. This tract of land is finely located and will make an ideal home. It is close to school and is within the Canyon City Independent School district. The soil is as good as any on the Plains and the price is attractive. See me if you want a fine tract of land for an ideal home. W. E. BATES Half Mile Northwest of Depot grading outfits are engaged and j That's it. That's a harder thing it is said cars will run into Here- j to do than pulling for big things, j ford over the new line by the I Why don't in n everywhere do : middle of next year. these things that count so much ' The point that ve wish to make i for the real well-being of them is that the original company had j selves? Hereford Democrat, but little money --not more than i That's right. Pull for the lit $10,000. The start which they tlo thi as wt.u as t,R1 lar , made onlv opened up the wavi . .. ..... ... .,, . and showed to outside capital j OI1"s' A lew little things will m that a road was badlv needed duco a larger one to come, and a bank to make the general reports; through the proposed territory j larger one will induce several things to materialize. J event don't forgot to j C. N. HARRISON & CO. Fire and Tornado INSURANCE Only the very best companies are represented through our agency. Here they are: instead of a treasurer. The bank (would balance up once a day while the treasurer is only re- quired to balance once in three I months. THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE. j And now the question is raised ,as to whether the school amend jment voted upon on November '3rd lias actually carried as re j quired by the Statutes and Con stitution. Of those who voted (upon the question the amend-, our citizens to make Canyon City Join the Boosters' Band and boost! j ment carried by a large majority the beginning point -of one of the and their work was at an end. What Hereford is doing is within range of the power of many other towns in this western country. It is only a question of "Shall we make the start?-' Vernon Kecortl. The jieople of Canyon City are now confronted with the same kind of proposition that was formerly before the Hereford people only the Kandall county proposition is much more favor smaller In any "pull." able to our people. It will only take a little hustle on the part of Don't stay home and go to roost! Keep awake and make a spiel! Put your shoulder to the wheel! Try to help your town along! Eoost it loud and boost it strong! Everybody lend a hand! Come and join the Boosters' Eand ! IT IS UP TO US. but the contention lias arisen j m0st profitable cross-state lines that it could not become a por- j 0f railway in the state. ; tion of the constitution for the! . . .. . j reason that the amendment did The Honey Grove Signal gives utterance to enough philosophy in a few lines hereto attached to justify their careful reading and thoughtful consideration: .1-1 . e . .1 . ...... 1 i lie ieiuow who noesu i iearii to be a good loser not only lacks j a.... l. ,.r i n iiiai inueii ui utiii ii i-ii i uuim- ed man, but he is very apt to grow into a very dangerous man. Down in Louisiana a few days ago a man who had lost out in a love affair followed his success ful rival and bride into a train and shot the former dead. Had ho been a good loser he would Aetna Ameik-an Central Continental Commercial Union Detroit Hire and Marine Equitable Firemen's Fund German American Hartford Home Insurance Co. of North America Liverpool, London & Globe Wichigan Commercial Mechanics and Traders New York Underwriters National North Kiver National Union Northern Assurance North British & Mercantile Providence of Washington Phoenix of Hartford Phoenix of Brooklyn Queen Ro al Sprint; field St. Paul Fire and Marine Shawnee WYstihester Fire and Tornado Insurance C.N. Harrison & Co At last H. Clay Pierce, after ;noi ieceie a majornj or an tne ( costing the state many thousands have congratulated the bride ! voters who voted upon the day of j of dollars, has come back into and groom, sent ,them a nice the election. the state, been wined and dined ! present, and perhaps have found ; It seems a matter of justice to by some of the "leading citi- L prettier girl later on: but being this editor that the amendmen 1 1 zens," made his little, bond and j a fellow who had not trained .ought to be declared carried! has gone on his way in his priv- j himself to meet disappointment ; even though it did not receive a ate car rejoicing. H. Clay Pierce with a smile, he must spend his 'majority of the number of pie who voted on that day. JX.'O- If a Iieally the people of Pandall ; man voted not upon the question county, as a whole, ought to bo it was his fault and evidently ashamed of themselves. At the ; showed that he was not against meeting of Armstrong County : the proposition and therefore he citi '.ens held, last Saturday at the j should be counted as tacitly for Heulah school house there was i the amendment. "Silence gives an unusual interest manifested ; consent." in the new Canyon City-Calves-! ton, by the way of Silverton Hail-; About two weeks ago a move way. Before the meeting broke j ment was started in Fort Worth up there was a good crowd of j to raise a bonus of SKXiX, to land owners present and every gother with stockyard conces one of tliem signed the agree- sions, land and some other small ment except one poor lonesome items, for the purpose of indue man and he left before the meet-1 ing the establishing in that city ing was over for fear that he 'of another packing houee. Al would be convinced. ; ready the Swartzchild & Sulz- Now it is up to us. The coun- j larger Co., packers, through G. ties below us are practically Sulzberger last Thursday an- ready with their portion of the jnounced that they would and work and still Kandall county is were considering the acceptance behind. What in the world is i of the offer of Fort Worth for the matter with you? Can't their own concern. If they doit you see that you are delaying will employ at least L'000 people your own prosperity by stand ing back and waiting on some one else to do the work? It is almost senseless for any erson not to take an activk interest in this campaign for the advance ment of the best interests of the county. If this railroad proposition fails do you want to shoulder the responsibility? Do you want to have to think that you are at least partially responsible And they will siend their money in Fort Worth. Will it be worth the investment? Certainly. Did you ever (see a mule that wouldn't pull? Did you ever try to drive one? You know just how- provoking it is, don't you? Well, the citizen who won't pull is just as provoking. Everybody wants to lake a rail and maul the stuff ing out of Ihe balky one. He does not have the respect of any fur good citizen. has money. Heaps of money and j.days in the penitentiary or a therefore is nlile to franmanil the'.,..,.l l.,r. P tli. ti I.w. 'respect-' of the officers of the : sons for u fellow to learn is that: state. While he was nominally everybody and everything are! in the custody of the officers for j not going to bend to his desires a couple of hours we doubt if the J and whims. If he learns it well officers spoke a dozen words to the chances are that he will be him about his trouble at least j come a good citizen; if he does did not try to secure from him a j not, he will go through life un confession of his guilt, as would I happy and the world will breathe have been the case had he not i a sigh of relief when he is finally ! been a plutocrat. Recently a j c alled hence. j man by the name of William Hat-; . .. j field was "suspected" of beingj Sj ,,;inlliin(1(l (.ountrv! connected with some crime injmiUi, a clean sweep of orchard, California. He was immediately j field and garden prizes and arrested and jailed, taken out of i purses at the Dallas fair, the the state chained to the seat of i liut'"'i' of the newly adopted ge , . ., . Jography who slapped that sec the car and given the very least j V,, int0 lll0 arid uivi of accommodations, according to I sion of soji an,i climate, can newspaper reports. Hatfield was square matters and make some a poor farmer. Pierce is a mag- i money by getting a home among nate. There is a difference be-i Panhandle hustlers raising -cent hogs ana trying ins nana at diversified crops. Let Texas grow. Fort Worth Star. Jexas is ijounu lo grow, iti cannot help itself and be kept from it now. This Panhandle country is so widely advertised and comes so nearly being an ideal place to live and raise crops that we could not keep the jeo pie out if we wanted to do so. Texas sho' will grow. tween the farmer and the mag nate in the eyes of the law according to the officers who are enforcing the law. Amarillo does not seem too sure about the location the new shops which the Santa Fe railway system will have to build on account of the recent fire in that city. A report has gone lortn mai tue road would possibly build the new shops at (VIory fresh from the garden, Clovis. However, in a recent (.,.jsp as a new spring radish and edition of the; Daily Panhandle : i.,v.,.,.,i f l.-.t r.ver the statement is made that the! rrew, at the Hauter phce. Look to Your Own INTEREST! We have the most complete line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES ever in this city. Buying many of the staple lines in car lots enables us to sell you at the lowest possible price. Will Give You Prompt Deliveries to Any Part of the City. When you can thus supply yourself with the very best and at the lowest price, what good reason have you for not doing so? Highest Price Paid for Anything You May Have to Sell. The White Swan Grocery Co. Phone 109. LAND TITLES IN RANDALL COUNTY J)o not take it for "granted." Demand an Abstract before you pay out your money. Trades are tied up every day for want of sufficient record title. Our business is Abstracting. Careful and prompt attention to all such matters. NORTHWESTERN TITLE COMPANY Office in the court house