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Newspaper Page Text
THE RANDALL COUNTY NEWS. NOVEMBER 20. 1908. CI Cattle King RESTAURANT Re-opened under new manage ment and supplies the best lunch es and meals in the citv at all hours. Pies and Cakes of all kinds the kind that mother used to make at reasonable prices. A trial will convince you. Opposite the Depot The Cattle King Restaurant For Sale The Ed Ilarrell creek section tion of land six miles northwest of Canyon City. 2T0 acres in cul tivation and SO acres more in alfalfa. Good five-room house, and large barn for about 20 head of horses, also hay barn for 65 or 70 tons of hay. One hundred and seventy-five acres under three-foot hop wire fence. One of the best alfalfa farms in the Fanhandle. Will sell the horses, tools, etc.. with the farm if the purchaser desires them. In quire of i9ee i BUSINESS LOCALS t See the Canyon Coal Company for fresh maize chops. Cowart A; Phillips sell the fa mous "King" candies. Cowart S: Phillips have ."( dif ferent kinds of candies. The Canyon Mercantile Com pany pays the highest price for butter, eggs and produce of all kinds. For Sale Two busies and har ness, one gentle pony, one bod room suit, one iron bod. iW-L't I. Ij. Van Saxt. Wanted-(Jirl to help in house work. No washing, good wages. Phone 17., V,v. ;:-t-p Clatim: H. Cuawkoui. Dressmaking. 1 am now prepared to do tirst class dressmaking of every description and at fair prices. Call at .1. F. Hawley's residence. :;:itf. Mks. K. W. Wi:st. RAPID WORK ON BUILDING. Good Weather Allows Work to Resume Court House For This County. on BEGINNING TO IMPROVE. Nebraska Citizen Will Make Fine Home and Stock Farm Near City. First the delay in the ship ment of steel and then a cold snap delayed the work of the contractors in completing our court bouse but when the weath er warmed up the first of this week the building fairly swarmed with workmen. The window frames for the second story have been set and the brick work on the south side walls is about up to the top of these casings and the people can now gather a better idea of the neat appearance which the build ing will present when completed. The fire proofing between the first and second stories has also been about completed and alto gether this has been a very sat- I. K. Jenkins came in yester day from Meadow (Jrove, Neb., for the of improving bis section of land three miles north of town, which he purchased about a month ago. In conversation with the News reporter Mr. Jenkins stated that be would build a modern home, large barn and machinery sheds. That he expected to go to work next Monday. It is his inten tion to makefile best stock farm in the Panhandle as he will bring thoroughbred rattle and bogs with him from his Nebraska home. He has already sold his three farms in that state and expects to have everything ready and move his family down about the It Is a Wonder. isfactory week in the work. Mr. Skinner, of the firm of j first of February next Gilleoat & Skinner, the eontract- 1 ors, states that ho is employing I ivirv :i il:ihli ni:ui in order to Call at Cowart A. Phillips' and j rusi, the building to get it en see their new line of candies. dosed as soon as possible. i . Tlu railway committee is or; will soon bo in the market for! some town lots to use on bonus, j See L. (i. Conner, Chairman, tf i Washclean. M. H. BOGAR Cficcnrc; 33-4 Phone 122 2 Rinf OvIOUI C I T Y Meat Market JIM lOSTKH. rr.ipriil.T F LIk'F 0 x.m MKAT " to eat ourselves and therefore know ju-t what our customers want in this line and We Supply Them with the very U" can be bought. t meats that We Are Now in Our New Location in the Smith -ing, south side Monroe- build f the square. CITY MEAT MARKET JIM I'OSTKK, I'rofi. Washclean is a scientific wash-' - 1 1 . : . .. 1 . . .1 .. .1 .. : i lug compouiui. ii is aosoiiueiv i guaranteed to do washing with-j j out any rubbing whatever. Wash-J j clean Washing Compound con-j : tains nothing that will harm the; I most delicate fabric. Hy using: j Washclean a washing can be done ; A. S. Kollins went to Tulia I in loss than half the time it re-' . . . . . , i . . . . . i Aionuay returning me next day. j quires in the old way with actu Chamberlain's Liniment is one of the most remarkable prepara tions yet produced for the re lief of rheumatic pains, and for lame back, sprains and bruises. The quick relief from pain which it affords is alone worth many times its cost. Price 'J5 cents, large size ."0 cents. For sale by City Pharmacy. REALIZING THAT OUR CUSTOMERS WANTED Nothing But The Best and that our reputation depends largely on the class of goods we put out we have bought from the most relia ble factories and the very best brands and in such quan tities that we can and will sell right. If you have not tried the White Crest Flour you should do so. We have added to our Store the Canyon Market and hope to merit the nice business it has always enjoyed. - WE HAVE FOR- W. K. Fates returned last Fri day from an extended visit to the cent nil portion of the state. Gs:d C:ugh Medicine f:r Children and Grown F:!ks, T:c. "We could hardly do without Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,'' says Mrs. Flora Dospain of Uioyd. Ky. "I found it to be s good for the croup and have used it for years. I can heartily recommend it for coughs, colds and croup in children and grown Every newspaper wants to ; publish the news. The better! i the paper the more prosperous i it will be. liocal news items are 1 esix'ciallv linnl to run rlovvn ; all v none of the back-breaking , ' i , ' . . , , " How many times have vou been, work. It is an article no home ,s . , , ! , . , , .approached by the newspaper can afford to bo without. Atrial. , r .. f ,i .,, . , man for an item of news and! Will UK' UJUl IWI'lll.ll. . til 1 . 1 ...... . told him you knew nothing of m- bv all grocers. ..4-ltp f . ,. , f , , , ... .. i 1 terest. Probably at the tune! For saU Snap Shots. your family were away or a visit or some one from out of town; was visiting at your hrime. Of course you didn't mean to do-j reive the scribe, yet when you receive your paper you wonder ed why your family and friends were not mentioned. A good folks, too.' Th e above shows t his the implicit eentidence that many mothers place in Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy, a confidence based on many years' experience in th. of it i om n..,., 1 ! Cast fO does not IJ1 hesitate to use this remedy for j some "f th,:'se till5'ls- it contains no chloroform, opium j The talk about a Southern or other narcotics and may be . man for President still sounds given to a child as rontidenlly as ; like a bunch of jokes. to an adult. For sale by City; It looks like n,e:i take up a j Doing nothing ran be awfully j overdone. j Sometimes home is little more j than a place in which to hide j from creditors. About the first thing a girl way to avoid all of this is to kind i tries to do after she comes home ly inform us of the facts or drop j from boarding school is to show , a note in the post-office to paper. her rugged father how to absorb The one item may not amount to soup noiselessly and feed with much, but several columns of i one hand. such news is the life of a local ! Joe's a Dutchman if President : paper. See? - Exchange. match Flour has advanced 2c per hundred but we will, for the next' ten days, sell our Hour at the same old price. I Canyon Mkhcantii.i; Co. SATURDAYS And Also For THANKSGIVING best Colorado Celery, Lettuce, Young Onions, Radishes, Cranberries, Fresh (i rapes, Or anges, Bananas, Cocoanuts, Fresh Fish, Dressed Chickens and Turkeys, Seal Shipt Oysters, most sanitary and best, Maekrcl, White Fish, Cod Fish, Dried Herrings, Tripe, Fickle Fig Feet, Hog Head Choose, Fure Fork Sausage, the kind mother use to make. Cony Island Sau sage, Dried Beef, Wienewurst and Bologna Sausage, (.'ream Cheese, Swiss Choose, Lim hurgor Cheese, Bulk Kraut, Bulk Sweet and Sour Fickles, in fact most any thing you wish for. New Crop Oat Meal, New Crop Nuts, Full Line of New Crop Dried Fruits, Seeded Raisins and Currants and many, manv things you will like. Come in and see us for your eatables. Phones 172 and 109. Prompt Deliveries, The White Swan Grocery Co. Jl Pharmacy , LAND BARGAINS I)KINO an "old Timer" here I am ) posted on values and know bar; when 1 .ee them. I am in a position to you the b,t FA I!. M.S. RAXCIIKS CITV PROPERTY at the LOWEST PI IK 'KS well ains how and L. C. CONNER Real Estate Loans, Live Stock, Rentals Office Building. North Side of Square. Canyon Cify. Texas grouch against the church after they have been married in it. There are several hundred re cei;es for reducing f!eh, only one of which docs the business. Pastor Returned Here. At the meeting of the North west Texas Conference of the Methodist church held at Waco When a rich old bachelor has a j last week Few M. K. Hawkins lot of sisters and nieces he gets j was returned to this city as pas more letters t han the hind office ! tor of the local church for the man. 1 ensuing year. Rev. Hawkins is Senator Elkins is understood ' well liked here as a preacher and to have set his riirht foot down a! d '"-lstian genueman, ana the AUCTION SALE upon the Duke's suggestion of a 1 e f t h a n d e d m a r r i a ge . When a girl begins telling a fat man how she admires robust ness it is time for him to cither duck and run or come across. people of the city will be glad to learn that he will be with us for another year. Mules for Sale. Six yearlings and tive mule After a married man has toed j colts for sale. The "OUTDOOR" Herd OF R EG I ST E R ED HEREFORD CATTLE BULLS IN SERVICE St l ike Twenty No. 1:5,h;."i (Anxiety Heboid) Winsome Prince No. lTl'.llT) (Rose Stock-Post Obit) Imp. Armour Dale No. l.V,FJ (Anxiety-Dale) FOR SALE One ear load two and three year old bulls. One car load yearling bulls. Ten head two year old heifers with suitable bull. Ten head yearling heifers with suitable bull. One hundred head cows with calves on foot. ADOUKSS John Hutson, Canyon City, Texas ; the mark a few years he forgets i i how to use his feet for kicking j purposes. : It is amazing how much! i I i money a woman can do without j after she has opened an account lather favorite store. j What the average man wants I is a simple and sure plan to get j rich before he gets old. Is there any such thing as ! sane foot-ball? I Joys and girls should be taught in the public schools that it is not right to destroy the property of those who are pay ing for their education. Dallas News. -Hp. Will Ca(;k. Basket Ball Game. The young ladies of the High School of this city have organ ized a basket ball team and ex pect to have a practice game this afternoon preparatory for a game to be played on their grounds Thanksgiving afternoon between the local team and a team which is to come from the High School at Plain view. for Sale At a Bargain A saddle and set of single buggy harness for sale cheap. See them at Hick's Feed Store. (iood quality calling canls J0O -j: cents. Iit Hibdon supply you with celery as fine as you could wish and home raised. Of the fifteen banks which closed their doors in New York on account of the panic one year ago fourteen have paid their de positors in full or opened their doors for a continuance (tf busi ness. The fifteenth has paid t0 per cent (tf their claims. Dallas News. i have decide to dispose of all of my Live Stock and Farming Implements at Public Auction and every thing offered at the sale will go to the highest bidder. The sale will take place on my farm o miles West from (.'eta and 7 miles Northeast from Happy on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, At One O'clock. LIVE STOCK" our ffwo work m"k,s' ()m- si)an f ol' horses, One span of good young mares, broken; One good brood mare; One young mule; One horse colt; Two yearling colts. Seventeen Cows, five calves, six yearling heifers. These are high grade Durham cattle. Also one full blooded Durham bull. IMPLEMENTS- l!"", 1 ,is; "- " JW'"i Hinder, One McCormick mower and rake, One new Success Riding Oang plow, One single Success Hiding Plow. One Cassidy riding plow, Two drag harrows, and two cultivators. Also a number of other farming Implements. All implements in good condition. Will give terms upon the implements. One half section of very fine, smooth, Randall County farming land for sale on terms of one-half cash, the remainder in three equal payments, 5 percent interest. J. M. BURKHALTER, Ccta, Texas.