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THE RANDALL COUNTY NEWS. NOVEMBER 20. 1QOB. Canyon City Professional Cards D. M. Stewart, Physician and Surgeon Offloe in Wnllace huildinir over A. H. Thomp son's druK store. Colls answered niuht or dny. Geo. J. Parsons, Physician and Surgeon Odlce. Tliouion's drui; store. F. M. Wilson, Physician and Surgeon Odlce, City IMiiiraiHUjr. Cnlls unswert-d dny or niifht. Kcsiilence phone No. C. S. L Ingham, Dentist Canyon Nntionnl UimU huildinir. All work wnrrnnted. Geo. A. Brandon, Lawyer Twenty-three CHrs' prnotice and experience in Texns courts, Oflloe in court house. W. D. Scott, Lawyer Offloe In enurt house. Notsry in offloe. Buie, Rollins & Woolley, Lawyers n. Frank liuie A.S.Rollins C. V. Woolley Court practice solicited. Will attend to eases in all courts of the state. Kxaminalion of land titles a specialty. Notary In ofrice. Onice in Smith huildinir. l'hone 01. J. C. Hunt, Lawyer Does Ixith criminal and civil practice. Twelve years' experience. Land titles passed upon. Write all kinds of contracts and instru ments. Notary in ofnee. Office northeast cor ner puhlie square, up stairs, Canyon. Texas. R. A. Sowder, Attorney-at-Law and Notary. Complete abstracts of Randall county lands. Office over Canyon Supply Co. l'hone 21 1. Campbell's Soil Culture IS MAKING HISTORY HAS A FIELD OF ITS OWN It tells you how to gel Rood croiw in dry years by the Campbell System of Soil Culture, and how to double the present yield per acre. A yield of winter wheat, by the Campbell Sjsteni. at the Nebraska Hraneh Station. North Platte. Nebraska, this .tear was (17 bush els per acre. Mr. Campbell is pstnhllshinK experimental farms in many sections of the country. This system Is liclnir practiced more every year and its trreat success is becoming more completely demonstrated. It's no longer n theory, but is proen fact. Sample copy of the Farmer Free' ."nil for it now. We want reliable, active BKents for our paper. An opiKirt unity for youni; men and women to work their way thru school or prdvide for nec essaries. We pay salary and commission. Write for terms. Campbell's Soil Culture Co. :V2 S Lincoln, Nebraska STAR Barber Shop H. E. Muldrow, Prop. Everything new and up-to-date with the best of barbers in attendance. Fine Bathing Arrangements Agents for Amarlllo Steam Laundry Parties having land joining or near town and desiring to sell same for bonus purposes to rail way committer should see tf L. (J. Connkk, Chairman. THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION,- President Issues Annual Message From the White House Sets Thursday, November 26. "Once again the season is at hand when, according to the an cient custom of our people, it be comes the duty of the president to appoint a day of prayer and thanksgiving to God. "Year by year this nation grows in strength and worldly power. During the century and a quarter that has elapsed since our entry into the circle of inde lendent people we have grown and prospered in material things to a degree never before known in any other country. The thir teen colonies which struggled along the seacoast of the Atlantic and were hemmed in but a few miles west of tide-water by In dian hunted wilderness, have been transformed into the might iest republic the world has ever known. Its domains stretch across the continent from one to the other of the two greatest oceans, and it exercises dominion alike in the arctic and tropic realms. The growth in wealth and population has surpassed even the growth in territory. Nowhere else in the world is the average of individual comfort and material well being as high as in our fortunate land. "For the very reason that in material well being we have thus abounded we owe to the Al mighty to show equal progress in moral and spiritual things. With the nation, as well as indi viduals who make up a nation, material well being is an indis pensible foundation. Hut the foundation avails nothing by it self. The life is wasted and worse than wasted which is spent in piling, heap on heap, those things which minister to the pleasure of the body and to the power that rests only on wealth. Upon material well being as a foundation must be raised the structure of the lofty life of the spirit, if this nation is to prop erly fulfill its great mission, and to accomplish all that we so ar dently hope and desire. The things of the body are good; the things of the intellect are better; but the best of all are the tilings of the soul, for in the nation and as in the individual, in the long run it is character that counts. Let us therefore as a people set our faces resolutely againts evil and with broad charity, with kindliness and good will toward all men, but with unflinching de termination to smite down wrong strive with all the strength that is given us for righteousness in public and private life. "Now therefore, 1, Theodore K oo s eve It, president of the United States, do set apart Thursday, the J(th day of No vember, next, as a general day of thanksgiving and prayer, and on that day I recommend that the people cease from their daily work, and in their houses or in their churches, meet devoutly to thank the Almighty for the many and great blessings that they have received in the past and to pray that they may be given strength so to order their lives as to deserve a continuation of these blessings in the future. "In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. "Done at the City of Washing ton, this thirty-first day of Octo ber, in the year of our Ird, one thousand nine hundred and eight and of the independence of the United States, the one hundred and thirty-third. (Signed) Hy the President, I "TlIKOPOKK IvOOSKVIXT. "AlA KY Adkk, I "Acting Secretary of State.'' Scissors. New goods coming in almost daily at the Racket Store. 'M il Happy News. W. Kline is improving very slowly. J. P. White made a business trip to Plainview this week. J. M. McNaughton was in Canyon Monday. Mrs. Dillinger went to Plain view to visit a sister at that place. The Ramblers met at the Ross Woods home Friday evening and report a jolly good time. The club have a carry-all for their use on their trips to the can yons. It will conveniently carry club and twenty persons. Miss R. Carter spent Satur day and Sunday with Miss June. Mrs. O. Malcom, Mrs. R. Woods, Mrs. Robinson and Miss Jessie June were Tulia callers Wednesday. J. O. Bradenbaugh was a pas senger to Plainview Tuesday. P. J. Neff will be here this week and is looking for the lum ber for the new lumber yard any day. Geo. Berry was a guest of C. June's Saturday and Sunday. J. Durrett of Savoy, Texas, is in Happy visiting his son James Durrett, cashier of the Happy Mercantile. Happy. Hoffman Paragraphs. Frances Cage is spending the week with Mrs. L. A. Pierce. Jim Farley and sister Miss Lucian, spent a few days in this community last week, leaving Saturday for Galveston to spend the winter. Miss Ira Cage and Nell Boyle were in Canyon last Saturday. W. T. Garrett and daughter, Edna, were in Canyon last week. L. A. Pierce returned from Kansas City last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McLain visited Mr. and Mrs. G.R. Strat ton last Wednesday. Will Cage and Jesse Pierce are very busy putting up feed. They say they are preparing to spend the winter in the sticks of East Texas. Max. Scissors. On his return from New York, Mr. Cullen, manager of the Southwestern Engineering & Construction Co, gives out the information that the roadbed will be ready to receive the ties and steel in thirty days. Shipping orders have been sent for ties and rails and as soon as the first shipment arrives the work will begin. The lirst construction train will operate from Hereford north instead of from Adrian as first contemplated, and the com pany will not wait for the Rock Island to extend its line to ex tend its line to the junction. Hereford Brand. Croup Cured and a Child's Life Saved. "It affords me great pleasure to add my testimony to that of the thousands who have been benefited bv Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. My child, An drew, when only three years old was taken with a severe attack of croup, and thanks to the prompt use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy his life was saved and today he is a. robust and healthy boy," says Mrs. A. Coy, Jr., of San Antonio, Texas. This remedy lias been in use for many years. Thousands of mothers keep it at hand, and it has never been known to fail. For sale by City Pharmacy. Farwell Banner: A constitu tion pessimist is a hindrance to the growth and development of any town and country. A man devoid of sunshine in his soul can not be expected to shed light in dark places. Bike a frog, he can only croak. Bass him up. NEW RAILROAD CROSS WEST 'TEXAS. Fort Worth to Finance Line to Connect With Albuquerque. Ft. Worth, Nov. 14. A num ber of wealthy citizens announce that they will form a largely cap italized company to build a new railroad from Fort Worth to Al buquerque, N. M. The road will run northeast erly through Texas, entering many towns and counties now without a line. It will cross the Wichita Valley and Orient prob ably at Haskell, though the route has not been fully decided. Mrs. Curtsinger. Mrs. Fannie Curtsinger, wife of J. D. Curtsinger died in this city Saturday November 7, l'.tiw, and was buried the following day in the the Hereford ceme tery. She was the daughter of Rev. A. J. Cocanougher, a min ister of the Baptist denomina tion and when home was for many years at McKinney, Texas. The family had been on the Plains for six years, three years, of which time their home was in Hereford, Mr. Curtsinger en gaging in the grocery business. The mother leaves a bereaved husband and seven sorrowing children, ranging in age from eleven to twenty-six, four boys and three girls. Mrs. Curtsinger had been con lined to her bed for several weeks and tho the end was not unexpected to her many friends, her death was a severe shock to the father and children. The funeral services were held at the Baptist church, of which demon ination she was a consistent member. A large concourse of friends followed the remains to their resting place. Mrs. Cora McReynoldsof Can yon City, a cousin of Mrs. Curt singer, was with her during her last hours. The Brand extends the deep es condolence to the members of the bereaved family in the loss of the wife, mother and dearest, friend. Hereford Brand. j Farwell to Have Station. "I conclude under the law, that the Railroad Commission of Texas, under its general juris diction over the railroads of of Texas, lias the power to re quire railroads to establish de pots at places where the interest of the public at large demand that depots should be establish ed, and that the issuance of the order involved in this case, the Railroad Commissioners had ex ercised a reasonable discretion authorized under the laws and Constitution of this State. .Judg ment, therefore will bo rendered for the defendant." The above is Hie concluding paragraph of the decision of the court with reference to the suit brought by the l'ecos Valley Railroad against the Railroad Commission of the stito. The Commission has issued an order requiring the railroad to estab lish and maintain a depot and station at Farwell, the county seat of Farmer County, and the railroad sought to enjoin the order. The judgment of the court upholds the Commission and the railroad will thereby be compelled to build a station. Heretofore the people of that town have been compelled to go across the state line to Texieo in order to get freight and to take passage on trains. In addition the railroad could charge higher freight rates to Texieo as it was j without the state. Jn fact the i rates to Texieo is, on ordinary ! freight, twenty cents per hun id red pounds to Texieo than it I was to Bovina,-a town eighteen or twenty miles this side. J. H. Hall has returned from Stamford where he was called on account of the illness of his mother. She was much better when he left to return home. Books with cattle bills of sale. Lost A leaf M. V. A. charm. Finder return to this office and receive reward. THE STATE OF TEXAS, Randall County. IN COMMISSIONERS' COURT, November Term, 190. I ief ore nie, M. P Garner.Clerk of the County Court In and for saiil Coun ty, personally appeared the Members of the ComnilrtHioners' Court, whone naineH ire below mibneilberi, who upon their oaths, do Hay: That the requirements of Art. S(i7, Chapter 1, Title XXV, of the Revised Statutes of the Statu of Texas, as amended by the regular session of theTwenty lifth Legislature, have in all 'things been fully complied with, and that tlie rash and other assets mentioned in the quarterly report made to and tiled in tills court by S. V. Wirt, County Treasurer i if said County, fur the quarter ending the :H Kt dny of Oct.. l!M)S, ami held by him for said County, have been fully Inspected and counted by them at this Term of said Court; and that the amount of money and other assets in the hands of said Treasurer are as follows, to-wit: Jury fund $ V,:7 0:! Koad and bridge fund (over drawn) !Kl7ll (ieneral fund L'lKW (il! Court house and jail fund -707 40 School fund .Vd (is Kstrav fund :! !U Sinking fund :hr. ss Halance in hands of treasurer 777 H7 H.-ilancc court house building fund lo:tM -" Total balance in hands of treasurer -OHM) 22 A. N. IIKNSON, County .luilge, Kandall Co. W. J. Redfearn County I. D. Knicely Commissioners. M. S. Park J Randall Co. Subscribed and sworn before me this l'ith day of November, 1!0S. M. P. GARNCU, County Cl'k. Randall County. COAL For Everybody Highest Market Prices Paid for Wheat and Oats Highest Cash Prico Paid for Hides, Hay, Maize, Kaffir Heads, Etc. We are a Strictly Home Concern and Desire Your Patronage, Canyon Coal Company V A A A 2 OUR LEADER: THE FAMOUS Nigger Head Maitland Coal. Globe Cattle Dip Cottonseed Products, , Grain, May, I:tc. Crovdus Bros. j j j j j j j j Tho stow of Mrs: Matilda Warwick, of 'okomo, Ind., as told below, proves the curative ppprrt ies of. I ; that well-known female remedy, Win : f Cardui. y Mrs. Warwick says: fni TAKE! It Will "I suffered from pains in my head, shoulders, limbs, side, stomach low down, dizziness, chills, tier- .. II 1 il .. i 11.,.. vousness, fainting spells aim omer icmaie inmuics. M f ivnc nl.iiAst rlonrh Three doctors did not help me. At last, I took Cardui, and with tlie tirst Dome o-1 tained relief. Now I am cured, lhtt for Cardui, j. I would have been dead." Iry Cardui. AT AT.T. TmTTtt STORES MRS. B. MAN LEY Trained Nurse Will nurse cases in town or coun try under direction of any regu lar practitioner. Long distance calls promptly answered. Phone 173 rings Canyon, - - Texas TUB COZY CORNER can be made extremely attrac tive at a very little cost if fur nished from this store. Couches, rugs and pillows are here a plenty at remarkably low prices. FINK FURNITUKK VALUES always prevail here. Our cozy corner specialties are only a sample of the opportunities that pervade the entire store. Come and make your home snug for the winter. It's not very far off now. THOMAS BROS. The Quality Mouse. A A A V - A Jl A A A & Hume Co. j j j jfc j j j 1 able Si&;y 1111 is 4 j si Help You .3