Newspaper Page Text
THE RANDALL COUNTY NEWS. NOVEMBER 20. 1908. ! Watch For Our "Big Special" ad Mext Week CANYON CITY SUPPLY COMPANY The New Railroad I Why He Failed as a Leader. Will not bo a certainty without j From "Success Magazine": the required amount is sub- His mind was not trained to grasp scribed by the land owners along great subjects, to generalize, to the proposed line as per con-; make combinations, tract. But while this good world He was not self-reliant, did not is going on. I have a great bar-1 depend upon his own judgment: train to offer for sale in eight 'leaned upon others: and was al rsections of most all smooth land I ways seeking other people's op nine miles from Canyon City, inion and advice, at about one-half of the regular! lie lacked courage, energy and price that is being iaid for land, boldness. This will all have to be sold in a He was not resourceful or in body. Coed title easy payments. : ventive. SUGAR BEETS IN TEXAS. Chemist at Experiment Station Proposes to An alyze Samples Free of Charge. interest at 7 xt cent. L. C. CO.NNKK Live Stock For Sale. One Denmark stallion: mammoth jack: two brood mares in foal by jack; one saddle horse: one yearling colt: one sucking mule: two milk cows and two calves. Apply to .1. C. Carney. 4 miles west of Canyon City. Texas. ul-4tp. The State of Texas. He co-aid not multiply himself in others. He did not carry the air of a ! conqueror. He did not radiate n , I the power of a leader. There was no power back of his eye to make men obey him. He could not handle men. He antagonized ivople. He did not believe in himself. The News is this weok in re ceipt of a letter from the chem ist at the Texas Experimental Station in which he states that he will analyze samples of sugar beets which may be sent him ex press charges prepaid. He also states that they re cently analyzed some- beets from Darstow, Texas, and found that they contained lt per cent sugar in juice with sO per cent purity. He also states that four samples of beets from Keeves county were analyzed by the United States Department of Agricul ture some time ago and that of j these the maximum amount of j sugar was '20 per cent, the min limum was 0 per cent, while the With The City Churches. The churches of the city invite all persons to attend the services at their various places of wor ship. The times of the regular meetings are given below. MKTIIOIHST I'lU'Kl'H. Kev. M. K. Hawkins, l'astor. Services at 11 a. m. and :00 p. m. Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening, S:00. Sun day school 10 a. m. D. A. Park Supt., Miss Angie Meyers Sec. Senior league Sunday 4 p. m.. Dr. F. M. Wilson, Leader. Jun ior league Sunday ii p. m, Mrs. John Uibdon. leader. Home Mission Society Tuesday after noon at church, Mrs. John Hib don, President. I'HKISTIAN cmia'H. Rev. J. It. White, Pastor. Ser vices Sunday morning 11 o'clock and evening at :00. Sunday He tried to substitute "gall"' j average was V..o per cent. School '.:4."i a. in. Lee Van- for ability. i Quite a number of the citizens j f t t.mvis Sbnw Secretary. Prayer meeting He did not know men. !of this county planted small He could not use other people's j plots of these sugar beets this ! Wednesday evening :00. Choir brains. last spring and we would be glad ; pj.uctt.e priday :( p. m. He could not project himself 1 to have some of them sent down. ; pkkshytkkian oukcii. For Cash Only. CoiiR1 to our warehouse and get your feed. Pay cash and get the following prices: Kaffir Corn Chops, per hundred Milo Maize Chops, per hundred Bran, per hundred - $1.00 1.00 1.30 Will have a full line of all kinds of feed within a few days, and we will sell them at correspondingly low prices. Figure what these prices mean to you during the year. As an example, figure on a sack of bran. You pay 1.40 for a sack of bran where you buy on 30 days' time. You pay $1.30 cash here. You therefore pay 10 cents for the use of $1.30 for 30 days or less. That is a little over 7 1-2 per cent a month which you pay for the use of that amount of money, a little over 90 per cent per annum. It's only good business for you to save that 90 per cent. We give you the opportu nity. It's up to you. We Buy your wheat, oats, maize and kaffir corn and pay highest cash price for same at our elevator in Canyon City. Star Mill & Elevator Co. E. L. Malone, Manager. i test and if we could get together He did in others not inspire confidence , about six or ei because his faith in ! different portions ;ht tests from of the count v 15v virtue of the authority vested in me by a certain Deed ! into his lieutenants; he wanted ' It will take two beets with each of Trust, dated the 7th day of j to do everything himself April. r.'" ani recorded in oi. 4. Page I", of the Records of De.-d of Trust of Kandall Countv. Texas, wherein the Canyon City : himself was not strong enough. we feel sure that some tine re Ice A: Light Co. conveyed certain j He communicated his doubts 1 suits might be reported. proierty therein doc ri bed to aml llis f(.ars t0 otj,ors j J.i. A. Park, in Ti:i". to secure , , , . , , I. i i i en ' He could not cover up Ins weak 1 A thel-ii-st National Hank of Can-j . 1 i yon. Texas, in the payment of its 1 Points. j note of even date with said Deed I He did not know that to reveal ; of Trust for the sum of nine ; his own weakness was fatal to! Methodist Minister Recommends Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Washclean. 1 Washclean is a scientific wash ing compound. It is absolutely guaranteed to do washing with- "I have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea, Pemedy for several years for diarrhoea. I consider it the best remedy I have ever tried for that 'o'clock trouble. I bought a bottle of it o'clock. thousand, three hundred ninety- jthfl conn-ti,.nce of other five and "! ' dollars, due one.' bundled and twenty days after (iate, with b1 per cent interest from maturity, on which note the interest to October. "J-'Ird. l'.n has been paid, and it- i ..i. ...... .1 . iii iu..v. ,m o..mi. u.-, guaranteed to do washing with-; a few days ago from our drug s'-rioeu note ;im uue. ami i ... . , , . , , , unpaid, and'the First National ; "ut an-v -'mg whatever. W ash-j glst, Mr. K. R. 1 5 rooks. I shall liank of Canyon, Texas, has re-i f'1,'an ashing Compound con-; ever be glad to speak a word in ji.ested that I proceed under , tains nothing that will harm the j Us praise when I hnve the op the powers delegated to me in inot delicate fabric, Hv usinir ! tw.ritv 'l.W .1 I) k'm.nn. Pas- Washclean a washing can be done j tor M. K. Church, Miles Crove, in less than half the time it re- ipa. Sold by City Pharmacy. (juires in me old way wun aetu ally none of the back-breaking work. It is an article no home can afford to be without. A trial Kev. .1. S. ( i roves, Pastor. Keg-; ular services at 1 1 o'clock Sun- day morning and ":O0 o'clock : Sunday evening. Prayer meet-; ing Wednesday evening :00; o'clock. Sunday School 10 a. in. II. .1. Cavet, Supt., Miss Frankiei (Jober, Sec. Junior Endeavor1 Society, 4:1." Sunday afternoon,; Mrs. Nixon, lyader. Senior Kn-i deavor Society, 7:i50 Sunday even-: ing. Miss Bessie ( roves, Pres. j FIRST CIU'RCII OF I'MKIST, ! SOKNTIST. ! Services Sunday a. m., 11 and Sunday p. in., : Wednesday evening tes-! I using i noritv i t i r 'r , i c saio v u o! x , . Washclean a washing can be done ! 1 hkkkfohi:, i win proceed to sell the property described in said Deed of Trust at public vendue at the court house door of Kandall County, in Canyon City, Kandall County, Texas, to 1... l.;,rlw,t l.Ill.-jv fi.v fali r.n the First Tuesday in December, I convince the most skeptical. A. D. I'."'-, the same being the ! Fr sale by all grocers. o4-ltp First Dav of December, A. D. j He Married Her. l'.)o-(, between the hours of Parentally Considered. 10 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. ,., and will apply the pro- T(W.U.r iftn oh-J(K.t k.s.son)So ceeds of said sale as follows: ' First, to the payment of all costs now, children, you know how a necessary to the execution of j knife is made. I want you, Mar this trust: Second, to the liquida- j jorie. to tell me which is the most A well known Chicago clergy man, who is a widower and th father of two charming grown . Hunt, daughters, is also s jinething of a Kedfearn Sec timonial service at s p. m. V. Kdna Henson, C. S., first reader. '. Sunday school 10 : 7 a. m. All : children under '0, welcome. ( nly teachers, officers and chil dren )i-esent. Mrs. Ava K. ' Hall, superintendent. baptist ciiria'ii. i Kev. .7. M. Harder, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8:00 p. in. Sunday. Prayer meeting .Wednesday evening H0. Sun day School .t:4r a. m. J. C. Sujit., Miss Columbia Lidies' Aid So- tmn of said note; ilurd. ttie ro- imixrtant part of a knif. miiiiider. if an v. to be naid to the: ... Canvon City Ico ,V Light ('.. -'JK-'-r-er -er- , and found Ins daughters in tears. tll mornirig hour ' (iood Citiwn- its assigns or legal repp-sonta- y " -nei e me iuu .- sin) ' and at the evening sf-rvice i sobbed in unison. th. sul)iect will be: "Is the 1 ! Was) Scissors. Ma r jorie Kr Teacher . C : . i.:r . .1 jvf.s ; (mi l oi 111s Kline uo;s your The property described in said j father use the most? Deed of Trust and herein adver- Marjorie-The corkscrew. - li!s to be sold, is described as follows: Situated, lying and being in the County of Kandall and State of Texas, viz: All of that part of Hlock No. forty (10) which lies south of the right-of-way of the Pecos and Northern Texas Railway, as shown by plat of Heller Addition to Canyon City as shown by the Deed llecords of said County. Also, Hlock No. Twenty-four (24), in Iur Addition to Canyon City, as the same apioars by the plat of said addition recorded in the Deed Records of Kandall County, Texas. Said lands being the property on which the plant of the Canyon City Ice V Light Company is lo cated, together with all imple ments and machinery thereon and connected therewith, to gether with all light lines and ecrything connected with said lilies. : ViTNl-s my hand at Canyon Citv, Randall County, Texas, this :;i-d" dav of Novemlx-r, A. D. Won. j 1). A. Pa i;k. Trustee. wag. During his vacation this'eiety summer he sent the following telegram tr his daughters: '"Have just married a widow with six children. Will be borne tomorrow.'" The next day lie arrived alone and found his daughters in tears. Adjoining Town I am offering- for sale 100 acres of land, the West portion of Section 30 in Hlock H5, adjoining the town plat of Canyon City on the North side. This property is finely located and has a run ning stream of water with fine fishing place with about 50 or (iO acres of very fine sub-irrigated al falfa land about half of which is already planted and the remainder is plowed ready for planting it. The. place is located convenient to town and good public schools and a bargain is offered to the man who wants a good home. Would subdivide the tract to suit purchaser. W. E. BATES, Canyon City, Texas. meets at pastor s home every first and third I uesday j afternoon at ' o'clock. Mrs. .1. ! A. Harbison, president. Mrs.' Carl Coffee, secretary. At the Presbyterian church next Sunday the pastor, Rev. i (Proves will use for his subject at Harter & Chesser BLACKSMITHS Yours For Good Work. Northwestern Title Go. Complete Abstract of All Randall County Projerty R. A. TERRILL. MANAGER Oh, lie replied, a merry ; Young Man Safer" twinkle in his eye, 1 married her to another man." - Kx. 1 oo 4U The prices are for grain in sack unless otherwise stated. Wheat, No. t, bushel. (Ms, best, bushel Maize and Kaffir in heads, new crop, ton 10 00 i Millet hay, per ton no Johnson grass hay, ton . . 1' oo Alfalfa, per ton 11 00 Corn, best Afaize, threshed, bushel.. Kaffir corn, threshed, bu.. CliickctiH and KggH Fryers, per dozen L'ggs, per dozen Putter, country, pound At the Christian church at the 1 1 o'clock hour next Sunday the pastor, Klder White, will use as tin; subject, "The Way Home to the Father." There will bo no evening services at this church iere given arejtjat ni,t on account of an en gagement of the pastor to de- a sermon at another place, pastor . especially invites e00oo i LOCAL GRAIN MARKET 2 I he quotations from the Canyon City grain deal ers and show the market the day jVer before the issue of this paper. 1 'p,,. "0 .'0 s:i oo everyone to attend the services and to bring the children. His Mug. An Irishman went into a bar ber shop, and was comielled to wait a long time. When he fin ally climbed into a chair, the bar ber asked him: "Have you a mug?" "Yes," replied the Irish man, "and I want you to shave it, quick." - Atchison (Jlobe. Protect Your Property BY FIRE INSURANCE Commonwealth Fire Insurance Company of Texas. The London Assurance Corporation. Fire Association of Philadelphia. The Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Company, Philadelphia. The Royal Exchange Assurance. Philadelphia Underwriters. Scottish Union & National Insurance Company. Orient Insurance Company of Hartford. The New Hampshire Insurance Co. of Manchester, N. II. W. D. SCOTT, AGENT, Office in the court house Canyon City, Texas For Sale Com! piano, used about :i0 One year. I .nouire at this office. -: a I if ' j. - - - Advancing yjp; KXDKAVOK to advance Their '10 ',us,m'ss interests of our customers in every legitimate Interests way. In so doing, our motives : may lie somewhat tinctured with selfishness, for, upon the pros perity of its patrons hinges the success of every bank. m Canyon National Bank CANYON, TEXAS. 1