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Image provided by: University of North Texas; Denton, TX
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THE RANDALL COUNTY NEWS. DECEMBER It. 1903. jj FOR A CHRISTMAS GIFT Anybody who has to buy Xmas presents young or old know how hard it is to find something suitable or what you really want. Often it is hard for you to say what you rsally want. If you try to get the person you intend the present for to state what they want they will say: "Just get me some little thing; anything will do." That's the way they are apt to talk. Now there are two things to bear in mind when buying a main present. The first is, you had better buy it where he would buy his other things, where you can get new and up to date goods. The second is, this is headquarters for ncv, and handsome goods. For the ladies it is no hard task to find just what she would want for vs have lots of suitable things for her. We call your especial attention to the following: Ladies' Net Waists White Allover Net Waists made over ilk in the very latest styles, 3.50 Same as the above only a little better quality, in ecru . . $4.00 Other styles in net from $4.00 to $10.00 We also show a nice line of taffeta silk and satin waists from 3.50 to $7.50 For Evening Wear We are showing a line of dresses seldom seen outside of the larger places. We will be glad to have you see them whether von care to buv or not. Prices . . $13.50 to $27.50 Ladies' Skirts We have just received a line of ladies' skirts that are undoubtedly the best val ues that the market affords. An all wool Panama, black or blue elegantly tailored, at . $5.00 At $0.00, $7.00, $9.00 and $12.00 skirts that you would have to pay at least 20 per cent more if bought any where else. OUR SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Ladies' Cloaks worth $22.50 at Ladies' Cloaks worth 18.50 at Ladies' Cloaks worth 11.00 at $16.30 Ladies' Cloaks worth $10.00 at 14.20 Ladies' Cloaks worth 8.00 at 7.75 Ladies' Cloaks worth 7.50 at $7.25 6.20 5.75 THE EADER CIVIC IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION Call Meeting Held Last Monday Afternosn tract f:r Cemetery Chapel is let. Con- Killed a Large Deer, A sK'C-i;tl meeting of the mem Ijors of the Civic Improvement Aso:oiition was held in the court room List Monday after noon for the consideration of sev eral matters pertaining to the work which this association now has on hand. The principal matter for con-! sideration was the report from the Cemetery committee which report" -d that they had secured While out hunting with Dave I ik-e in the canyon last Friday, Mose Westley of the Ceta com munity succeeded in sneaking up on a deer and killing it. Just how many shots he made before he killed it could not be definitely determined but it must have been about "steen"' from all re lorts. At any rate he killed the buck at about 400 yards which is a pretty good shot. Some of the neighbors claimed that they had to sit up with Mose for the next two nights and we ourselves Cemetery Lots to be Sold. the amount of!wou'd have been tempted to be- the purpose of '. ilieve that he had shot some- Mihscriptions to ;:!.oit si i f,,r 1 , w ., ..I l ... .i ""UJ "U"U'":""M1W:1:U llK "-Ujc-Ihad he not brought the head of lei . i DC association tiien TOOK ! 1 . fWr tr this: Tim nnirnal body's calf back of the cow pens under consideration the matter of the construction of the build ing and the contract was let to II. T. Johnson for the construc tion and it is the intention of the people to have the building erect ed and painted by next Tuesday afternoon. It was also decided that the blocks in the cemetery which are to be sold be valued at $L'0.00 each and that a sale of the blocks be held on Wednesday afternoon of next week. Several other matters pertaining to the work of the club were discussed but no definite action on any of them was taken. There was o,uite a good crowd present and the membership committee reported the names of several new members. Al together the association seems to be progressing nicely and a large attendance is expected at the next regular meeting which is next Monday afternoon at three o'clock. was about two years old and very fat. lil Health is M;re Expensive Than any Cure. Hibdon .supply you with c elery as line us you could wish and home raised. This country is now tilled with people who migrate across the continent in all directions seek ing that which gold cannot buy. Nine-tenths of them are suffering from that throat and lung trouble or chronic catarrh resulting from neglected colds, and spending fortunes vainly trying to regain lost health. Could every suffer er but undo the past and cure that first neglected cold, all this sorrow, pain, anxiety and ex pense could have been avoided. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is famous for its cures of colds, and can alway be depended upon. Use it and the more serious dis eases may be avoided. For sale by City Pharmacy. Ladies' Bazaar. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Christian Church will open their Christmas Bazaar about De cember 17th. Location will be announced later. 3Ctf. Under the auspices of the Civic Improvement Association a sale of the lots at the cemetery will be held next Wednesday after noon. It is the purpose of the Association to use the money de rived from the sale of these blocks of land in improving the cemetery. All money thus se cured will be used on the prem ises in planting trees and in digging a well and installing a system of waterworks for the use of the people. A committee consisting of Judge A. N. Hen son, Elder White and John Knight have the matter in charge for the ladies of the Association. New Officers are Elected. Hall Musical Company. The Odd Fellows at the meet-1 The Hall Musical Company til ing last Monday night elected j cupied the stage at t he local op their officers for the ensuing' era house last Saturday, Men Protection for Court House. J. E. Hawley of this city who is a member of the firm of Perot & Hawley, reports that his firm has made a contract with the Commissioner's Court of Swish er county to install a complete system of lightening rods on the new courthouse which the coun ty is erecting. It will be re membered that the court house for that county was destroyed by a fire caused by lightening last year and both the agents and the commissioner's court consider that the rods are cheap er than any insurance and that the installation of these rods is purely a business proposition on the part of the county. It year and they are as follows: Noble Grand, James Dawson; Vice Grand, W. I). Scott; Secre tary. J. F. Smith; Treasurer, M. S. Lusby. T-lie Kebekah lodge elected their officers also last Friday night, which are: Noble Grand, Noble Grand, Mrs. Frances Ter rill; Vice Grand, Mrs. Maude Nickson; Secretary. Mrs. V. Edna Henson; Treasurer, Mrs. J. W. McDorinan. day and Tuesday nights drawing good crowds each night. The entertainments were well re ceived, many people who at tended claiming that they gave the best musical entertainment ever given in this city. Odd Fellows Lodge. Dunlap raster, Cashier of the First State Hank at Happy spent last Sunday in this city visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis T. Lester. The Odd Fellows Lodge of this city meets every Monday night at 7:.'!0 o'clock and all members as well as visiting brothers are requested to attend. The offic ers are: li. C. Taylor, N. G.; James Dawson, V. G.; A. N. Henson, Sec; J. Frank Smith, Treas. How One Doctor Successfully Treats Pneumonia " In treating pneumonia," says Dr. W. J. Smith, of Sanders, Ala., "the only remedy I use for the lungs is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. While, of cou re, I would treat other symptoms with different medicines, I have used this remedy many times in my medical practice and have yet failed to find a case where it has not eontroled the trouble. I have used it myself, as has also my wife for coughs and colds re peatedly, and I most willingly and cheerfully recommend it as superior to any other cough remedy to my knowledge." For sale by City Pharmacy. Aldrich does only the best cleaning and pressing. Phone 13. A REPORT Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea ' Remedy. This is a iierfectly reliable medicine ior bowel complaints, I and one that has never been known to fail even in the most severe and dangerous cases. For sale by City Pharmacy. Not the pmi.v sizzle of a lx'fin gun, nor the scarcely audible kiwi) of a boy's cap pistol, hut the deafen ing belch of ;i ponderous, strictly inoilt-rii, large cal ibre, rapid firing, well alim-il gun mounted to defend the Interests of the community in general and t lie depositor of "TIr Old Reliable" in part leu I nr. Read the fteport. Its adoption Ih by unanimous voto of a large majority of our honorable citizen. L. T. Lester, President. John Ilutson, Vice-Pres. D. A. Park. Cashier. Travis Shaw Asst. Cash. THIS FIRST NATIONAL BANK CAXYOX, TEXAS. At Close of Business, November 27th, 190S. aTATEMCHT CONDCNSMO FKOM RMPORT TO COMPTftOLLe Resources Loans and Discounts ...$::Mi.21!l.74 Bond & PremitiuiH 1."i4.7-li.(ki Real Estate and Fixtures 17,!)!Hi.7 Demand Loan $4.",(HH1.IML Cash 7!.v.M.!! 12I,S24.J Total f".!7.7s7.4" certify that the above is correct. Liabilities Capital Stock ?100.ll(.(l( SurpliiHand Profits 47.20:i.ON Circulation KMI.OOO.IMI Deposits ?..".0.r.SJ.:t7 Total ?."!I7,7S7.45 I). A. PARK, Cashier. The First National Bank of Canyon Dooki with cattle bills of sale, lib - - b.,,.on th0 , ,,u..,;lI. nt of nn- or tw -wont- -tj-a. u "". '7