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Image provided by: University of North Texas; Denton, TX
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THE RANDALL COUNTY NEWS. DECEMBER It. 1908. WILL TRY RAISING HOGS. Farmer Near Canyon City Will Stock His Farm With Swine Thinks Hogs Will Make Good Profit. T. B. Slaughter who recently moved to this county and has bought and is now improving four sections of land northwest of the city on the Palo Duro was in this city the first part of the week. He and his son are oper ating the farm and ranch jointly and in conversation with the News reporter Mr. Slaughter stated that he had been watch ing the raising of hogs in this country for a long time and he had come to the conclusion that there is nothing that can be rais ed in this country with surer re sults and greater profit than the swine. Said he: "This country al ways raises a good crop of milo maize and kaftir corn and we con sider that it is almost as good if not quite as good feed as Indian corn. In order to show our con fidence in them as a feed we have bought and now have stack ed up on our farm the largest amount of those feeds that will be found at any one place on the Plains. We are going to raise hogs and are now trying to buy hogs of almost any description that we can get. Of course we eventually want to raise nothing but the very best stock of hogs but we came here . so late this year that we are trying the aver age -grade. This country is singularly free from all diseases which infest the hogs in the northern climates and we can get good feed at very moderate prices and therefore feel sure that we are making a safe vent ure as everyone here who has tried to raise them has succeed ed in getting a good margin of profit at even lower prices than those now prevailing." Amarillo Business Men Hurt L. L. Monroe has returned from an extended trip down to tin' Floydada country. He says that every time lie goes away from Handall County, lie comes back better satisfied than ever. He likes the Floydada country very much but says that Kandall County beats it and is the place for him. .No. ::r, REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The Firt National ISank At O'HJ.von. in tin. State of Texan at I tin-i-J.oc of huciin's. ijv. '7, l'.tuv i!i:soi iti'i. Lo.ihk inn discounts . . SiNi.T'Oi ( vTilrfts. secured and un- i seeured .".".,." 1 ;. i'4 j I'. S. liond to securecircu- j iatioti iMt.(rfo.(Mi Premiums un ('. S.lionds . 4.74'i.Ti Securities, etc ."U.OOfM.Ht l'.atiU in house, furniture, ;ml fixtures 4"M.7' Ot li. r n-il -r .-1 1 ovt..d l:i.;i! '!:.' Idle ItMlil 1 1 .- t i . i j ; a I li.-i tikis i itH.t it -s. r w ii eiit . i .';.."'!:;.:;;; lhie from Slate p,.inl;i and ' lianUeis 'JJ.JTA'i I Mie f roni ;i 'i:"' ved reserve nuents :;j.!t::7 7'.t ( '!ie ks A: other cash items l,li."14.'' Notes of other national Iianks llt.'.OO Fract ional iia percurrency, nit kels and cents ' 212..V; Lawful money reserve in liank. viz: Siie-ie i.:':'74."i I-al-tendernotes .".47.K 14.7714.", Iteilemption fund with P. S. Treasurer (' ofeir- culatioin 4,l.V).(Ki Total .!7,7,7.4. l.IAIill.JTIKH. Caiiital stock iiaidin .1dO.I'iOO.OO Surjilus fund liu.ouo.w I'niiivideil rofitn. less ex- jienses and taxes jiald 17,'i:j (is National liank notes out- standin Pni.iHHi.00 Tuesday seemed to have been a bad day for accidents to Ama rillo people. That afternoon E. L. Dahoney, W. D. Dahoney and his brother, Alfred Dahoney of Paris, Texas, Charles O. Wolflin and a driver for the auto, in com ing up a hill about twelve miles west of Amarillo, happened to an accident which resulted in bruises for all the parties in the machine while E. L. Dahoney had the misfortune of getting his leg broken between the knee and ankle. From reports it seems that when the car had nearly reached the top of the hill the power gave out and the car rushed backwards down the hill finally turning over into a deep ditch. Mr. E. L. Dahoney jumped from the car before it turned over and sustained his injuries in the fall which he received. C. C. Loving, manager of the Loving Printing Company, in as sisting about some heavy ma chinery, had the misfortune of having the tips of two of his fin gers on his left hand cut off on account of a portion of the ma chinery falling. He will not be able to do much manual labor for some time. Other accidents of minor na tures were reported for the day and it wasn't Friday the 13th either. Kobert Elliott of Hereford passed through this city this morning with a car of thorough bred Jersey cows which he will put on sale at Hereford until sold. He will deliver to purchas ers. Get a good Jersey cow now. 37-1 tp Many people of this city will regret to learn that Mr. and Mrs, B. J. Rector have moved to Kan sas City where they will make their future home. They have made many friends during their residence in this city. II. W. O'Keefe, President of the Canyon National Bank, has returned to this city from a three or four weeks trip to his Bailey county ranch. He reports things prosperous in Bailey county. J. V. Gillham and family, who have been making their home in Hunt county, arrived in this city last Saturday and will try their fortunes in this western coun try. They will make their home south of Ceta. NEW DISTRICT JUDGE NEEDED. Efforts Being Made to Have a New Court District Established in the Panhandle Country. For several years it has be come more and more apparant that the present districts for the District Courts of this portion of the state were entirely too large for speedy transaction of the large amount of business which appears upon the dockets of the number of counties now compos ing the districts. A meeting of the District Judges and District Attorneys of this Northwestern portion of the state has been called to meet in Amarillo on yesterday for the purpose of taking steps towards getting together on a concerted plan and make an effort to get the next session on the Legisla ture which meets in January to adjust the matter. The increasing business of the courts in the Panhandle section of the state makes it almost im perative that some action along j Cook were in Canyon last week, this line be taken at once. The j Several new immigrants for matter has been generally dis-1 u.mra. tiit Happy News. D. F. Felton returned Tuesday to Happy after being absent, several weeks. Mrs. Fred Tonamaker and Irene Williamson were in Can yon Tuesday. Mr. George Berry and Fred Jones entertained the club "Ramblers" at a turkey supper Friday night at J. Christian's home. A jolly time was had The next meeting will be at the Gamble home Friday Dec. 11. Dr. McElroy's new residence will be finished in a few days and Dr. and family will be here Xmas week. A very interesting program is being prepared by the young jvople of the Sunday school for Christmas. A tree, etc., will be I in readiness. Everybody is in vited to attend. G. Baumgardner is building a new shop 'JOx.'lO feet. His old shop was too small. Mrs. V. S. Cook and Sadie cussed among the attorneys practicing in the various dis tricts surrounding our district, the forty-seventh, and it is thought that a new district Mrs. A. Robinson spent Fri day with Mrs. O. Malcolm. Happy. Lost. A scroll top, tube brace- Due to other nat'l. hanks . :,';i'1.42 Jue to Hate IxiiiUh and banker 17,.Xi.o: Due to Trust CoinpanieH mimI .Savings Jianks Jue to njiproved reserve liejClltH Individ un I deposits subject to check Time ecrtiliciiten of deposit Certified Checks Kills pa.vnlile.lncludiiitfcer t ilicntcs of deposit for money borrowed 747. IT. W1X! Wi,2T.'5.24 ln,( Total $V.i7.7'7.-l. State of Texas. County of Uaii'lali, ss: I, I). A. Park. cashier of the n'eive named, do solemnly KHdir that the nliove statement is true to theliest of my knowledge illid Is lit f. I. A. I'AI'.K, Cashier. I. T. LliSTKK G. I j. AimojT Directors. K. G. Ouuiam J Suliscrilicd and sworn to before nie tUU -ui day of Pec, J'.mis. A. S. Pol. l. is, Notary Public. County Judge Hale of Tulia was in Canyon City the first of this week. Swisher county is attempting to erect a new court house and we guess he was just nosing around to find out some thing about ou rs. J. M. Burkhalter until recent ly a resident of the Ceta com munity, is at the home of J. W. Cowart in this city until he can make final arrangements to be come a permanent resident of Canyon City. Wanted to Buy A large number of stock hogs and feed of all kinds delivered at my place 12 miles west of Canyon City on the Palo Duro. Wagon scales on the place. T. B. Slaughter & Son. 37tf Claude Moreinan, a former Denton county friend of ye ed itor, was among those from Here ford who presented the play at the opera house last Friday night. A. S. Rollins has been "going around some" this week as he is reported as having been in both Tucumcari, N. M., and Tulia this week, going to both places on legal business. C. O. Keiser had the misfor- I tune to get a cinder in his eye on his way down during this excur sion and it caused him a great deal of pain. Work on the new $23,000.(10 church for the Christian church people at Amarillo was begun last Wednesday morning. Ijt-o Stokes of Umbarger was in the city on a business trip snouia oe created consisting -oi : k,t- Findor pit,ns0 rotu,.n to Ulis Deaf Smith, Castro, Palmer, i ,-,,, .t it- Swisher, Briscoe and Randall, j This should leave the Fortv-sev- i - -tton thoroughly un enth and the Sixty-third district ! c-lean.ngand pressing. f , i i . 1 Let him do vour work. .-J . t with a comfortable amount of j business still upon their dockets ! Mack Leonard of Tulia visited and would give the counties nam-i his sister, Mrs. 1. C. Ihompson ed a chance to get speedy action upon their cases by giving them longer terms counties. in the respective j DISASTROUS TRAIN WRECK. (Continued from I 'aye 1.) work for some time ed a fracture of the cartilage of the tenth rib on the right side, right hand severely bruised and skinned and his upper lip cut, all of which combined makes a very painful injury. So far as we have heard he seems to have been the most badly injured passenger. It is a miracle that no more people were not killed than were and this was clearly shown when the scene of the accident was reached. The two engines were literally smashed and ruined and the wrecking gang tore them all to pieces. The tender on the north bound train was forced back into the baggag? and ex press car and the second coa-h on that train tel -s -o, t;,(. ;c end of the same b iggage cir. The escape of the express and baggageman in this car was wonderful. As stated above the mail car on the west bound train was smashed and how the other mail clerk got out without in jury cannot be explained even by himself except that he was in the center of the car. The ex press car on this train was also ruined and the wrecking crew in clearing up the wreck burned this car. The three train men killed in this wreck were popular with the people all along the lines. Barney Nelson being a conductor was possibly more widely known and when news of tins wreck reached this city many ieople heard that he was killed out right and were glad when they found out that the report was untrue but when accurate re ports were had they knew that it was only a question of hours until the end would come for him and there was sorrow among his many friends. ju me injured were laKen o Amarillo as soon as a relief train ' could Vie had and placed in ai hospital for treatment. The body j of Engineer Maham was shipped to his home in Ohio while that of' Mail Clerk Smith was taken to Commerce for interment. Both Maham and Smith leave a wife and one child. The arrange ments for the funeral of Barney Nelson had not been made up to yesterday morning but it is thought that he will be buried in at this place this week. Mr. and Mrs. Syford of Happy spent Sunday in this city on a visit with Judge and Mrs. A. N. Henson. i Born. To Mr. and Mrs. B. (Gregory last Sunday a tine 12 .pound boy. Mother and son j doing well. j Dean Smith, until recently the Groceries Groceries Groceries We are headquarters for everything good to eat. Have just gotten in a full line of new crop canned goods and can sell them much cheaper than last season. Have everything you want for your Xmas. fruit cake. All kinds of sweet and sour pickles in hulk or bottles cheap er than ever before. All grades of V. &. F. Syrup, F. F. ().(!. Fure Maple Syrup, all kinds of dried fruits, new crop; flour from to $:J.5(), that we guarantee. If you get a sack of Buttes Excellence that -vou don't like, it wont cost cent: White Swan Hour, while this lasts, at S.'J.OOper hundred pounds. Don't fail to get a few hundred before it goes up. In fact we have the most complete stock of Staple and Fancy (iroeeries in town and are positively under sold by none. We pay the highest market price for all kinds of country produce. Don't fail to come to sec us or phone No. 25. YOU car was in Canyon City on business the first of this week.. If. II. Gillham of Wayside was in this city last Saturday and was raising a howl about not re ceiving his News properly. Mr. and Mrs. Coyle who re cently arrived with their car of household goods, finally succeed ed in renting a house in which in to live until they would be able to build. CANYON SUPPLY COMPANY J. A. King has resigned his position as manager for the Can yon City Supply Company and reports that he is going to Tuc son, Ariz., where he has accept ed a position with one of the leading dry goods firms. The members of the Baptist church of this city in their reg ular business conference last Saturday morning there being (uite a large attendance and much interest in the affairs of the church was shown. Every available space in our store will be filled with suitable Christmas goods presents that will be appreciated by the boy and girl, the young man and young lady, the older man and the older woman presents indica tive of the good will of the donor. We will have a complete assortment of Jewelry, Silverware, Books, Bibles, Toys and All Kinds of Holiday Goods. Most of them are already here and we are busy opening 11h.mii up and they will continue to arrive by almost every train until the 20th. If you want just the thing to please and at just the right price don't fail to come to the Headquarters. A. H. THOMPSON Leading Druggist 1M Tuesday. I the cemetery at Amarillo.