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Newspaper Page Text
THE RANDALL COUNTY NEWS. DECEMBER 11. 908. The Randall County News Published Kvi-ry Friday. The News Publishing Company K. A. Terrill, Manager lvditor Kntercd nt is!oftii'e al Canyon. Texa. second class matter. Dtlice ol imblioation. West Kvelyn street. Suliripl ion Kattn. One j pur. in cmmiy (me ycur. outside of county Six months Two months 11.00 1.35 . .75 l'niHirs sent out of the county promptly dis continued Ht expiration of time paid for. Contributors Notice. The editor of this upt r is anxious to receive, from tin.e to time, communications from its renders l'Ut we reimest that all such com munications he signed, not for puMication. hut that vre nm the source from which the article cunies. Kailwa.v Time Tattle. MAIN UXK, No. ST lo Clous. . ... No. i. to 'arlstnul No. laical Kre-ht WEST nor xn. .... .v p. m. 10:1.) a. m. . . . . S-oo . m. MAIN" UXK, KAST HOl XIi. No. . from Clovis Mim n. m. No. ?J. to Knnsn City :. m. No. 71. Local I-Yfiiit 2 40 p.m. ri,AIXVli-:V HKAXCH, XOIJTH iTnD No. . to Anmr.::o Ifrfl a. m. No. W. Local rrei-'V. '"'" p. m. l-M-AIXVii;W BRANCH. SO. BOUND. No. 17. to I'laintie ft' p- m. No. OT, Local rri'ir-lit Kit) a. in. Trains No. ;T on the Ma.n ieiwinir Can yon City at 2:.Vi p. m is made up here, and Train No. 3. on the Main Line arrivini: from Clovis at 10 a. m. slops at this place. Local freights anil trains Nos. 37 and RT don't run on Sund.iy. The editor personally under took the investigations and cot prices at which the goods were sold, from the people who in vested h these "cheap'' goods. He did not go to see all of them but he saw enough to satisfy himself as to prices. Then he went to three firms in this city who handled groceries and got their prices on exactly the same quantities of goods and demand ed prices on the BEST qualities. The following is the result of his investigations: There was only one article sold that the price was lower than the local merchant would sell at and that article was Raker's chocolate which is made in two or three grades, which article the traveler who buys no products, spends none of his money for anything that we have to sell, whose home is under his hat, pays no taxes and is of no benefit to the community as a man, sold at the price of S3 1-3 cents per pound while the retail dealer here sells the best of that article at 50 cents per pound. On his canned corn he met the prices of the local dealers on the local dealer's best grade in dozen can lots, towit: 1.10 per dozen. On not another single thing did this "cheap"' salesman meet the local man's price. The traveler sold 3 pound cans of tomatoes (don't know what quality, in fact the brands of all his goods are entirely unknown to any person in this city so far as we have heard) at the exceedingly low price of of $1.39 per dozen while the local man wants just $1.23 per dozen for the very best brands. He sold gunpowder tea in 0 pound lots at ."o cents per pound while the dealer would be glad t j sell you the best grade in such a lot at 40 to "0 cents per f f I ? P f, I Pund- pound lots of roasted )Mr JyJ ' ocna an( Java coffee were sold iu i viic-a ju uuu aiiu nit: local dealer will sell you the best quality of the same kind one I pound lots at 23 cents and will ! make you 22i cents per pound i f TTJErC price if you want ten pounds at once. The rice which he had to sell was somewhat cracked "on Pome statistician Cgnires that $250,- j account of being handled so much"' and he got 0 to 7J- cents 'per pound while your dealer will sell the full head rice at 10 ; pounds for a dollar. His "What i Not" "Dr. Cook" or some other i kind of baking powder brought j him 23 cents per pound while ! the groceryman will sell you bet j ter at a cent per ounce. He j sold hams for lflc if you took two at once and the groceryman will sell you one at 13c to 17c per ixiund. Breakfast bacon of an unknown brand brought 21c per pound and the highest price quoted by local men was 22c. The salesman would not sell you sugar for "I can't save you From time to time this editor any money on that." (Every -has been preaching the gospel of j body knows just what sugar is What Man Do You Strangle ? (a - . r 7 m II CLI - 1 Cr-: , 1 body. Just consider that you are getting what is coming to you. Your local groceryman spends money in this town. It was a noticeable fact that every man of the very large ex cursion which visited Randall County last week was greatly pleased with the country. It is reported that by the largest number of sales were made dur ing this excursion that have ever been made in any one week. And the most pleasing fact of the whole matter is that most of those who bought will move to this county as soon as they can make their arrangements in the Northern states. Keep your eye on Randall County. It's going to be the most thickly populated county in the western portion of the state before long. The News will issue a special Christmas edition next week and will be the banner issue for a paper from this county. The cover is an elegant one, some thing that you will like to pre serve for all future time. It will cost this office considerable but then we are confident that our exertions to give the people who are subscribers the very best that can be had will be duly ap preciated and it will only be casting bread upon the waters which we hope will be returned before the many days are passed. The Santa Fe to Extend. Lady in Trouble. OO'.y.xD every J'f i i!ns diverted from tin; local merchants of this coun try to the mall ordor concerns in the great cities. How much of that MONUMENTAL MOUND OF MONEY goes out of this coiuiiiiinlty ? Every dollar so Kjnt helps t SWELL THE HEAP iu the city that has u use fur us except to j:-t our ;oOI MONEY. Every dollar mailed away helps U STUANfjLE ENTEIU'IIISE AND SCUTTLE UKOSrEUITY right here at Imiiie. When you straug'.e your neighbor you Birangli- yourself. Announcement is made for a meeting of the people of this county to be held at the court house next Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock for the purpose of hear ing the report of the committee who had charge of the Reunion this past year and for the elec tion of the committee for the coming entertainment. This is an important matter and should deserve the attention and attend ance of every energetic citizen of the county. Come out and see if you cannot help the matter along by your presence. This last week has been one of rather moment us development in railroad circles, and the com ing two weeks will probably bring more surprise to the peo ple who are watching railroad movements in this section. Rumor that the Santa Fe had contracted to build on to Lub bock from Plain view within a short time has been verified and land values at that place have doubled themselves within the last week. It is also rumored but not ver ified, that the Santa Fe soon starts teams to work on the Tex ico cutoff to Plainview within a short time, while the Altus, Ros well and Kl Paso has teams at work out from Roswell, Lubbock and Childress, so that things will have to be doing about in Floyd county in a short time. The Floydada citizens have al most subscribed the required amount for the building of their proposed line and according to this subscription heading must begin work by January 13 or the stock forfeits, or rather be comes of no value. All these various movements are of interest to Ijockney in as much as they show than some thing is "going to be doing" and Loekney must certainly do or be done soon, for the operation won't be in California or East Texas but right around some where close, the proximity of which we believe the people of this town are to an extent capa ble of saying if only an effort is made now. Ijockney Beacon. Louis Perkins of Elkton. Ky., was in the city the first of the week visiting two of his former Elkton friends, Messrs. ('. P. and (ieorge Hutchings. Mrs. M. J. Rainer was placed under detention about noon to day by officers, it being alleged that she was suffering from a mental strain, under the inilu ence of which she could not fully control herself. Until further disposition may be made of the case the lady is occupying the county hospital ward. It is learned that Mrs. Rainer form erly lived in Amarillo, on the north side, but later moved with members of her family to Can yon City. Her presence here at this time is due to a visit with friends. The' lady has been in ill health for several months, but it is learned that the stress has become more tense within the past few days, resulting in the condition requiring outside as sistance and medical attention. Daily Panhandle. Veterinary Surgeon, Dr. C. B. Lohr, a veterinary surgeon and dentist has arrived in this city from Staunton, Va., and has located here with his of fice at the livery barn of the (ieo. Reynolds Co. Dr. Lohr comes well recommended and will prac tice his profession in any portion of the Panhandle country. He is well versed in his profession and those who have required his services since his arrival speak well of his ability. 37-1 1 Dan K. Vsery, who lias been one of the Star force for the greater part of the time for the past year and half, left Tuesday for Canyon City, where he will work on the Randall County News. Stratford Star. J. C. Compton of Port ales, N. M. was in this city last Sunday the guest of friends. Be Content The desire to get rich quick lias been the ruination of many a man. It has led men to wander afar in the hojHi that luck might lead them to wealth and as a usual thing they have found dis appointments at the end of the trail when following in the con servative path success was cer tain. The same desire has led men to put millions of dollars into holes in the ground where they have succeeded in digging out but few and the same desire, coupled with gambling instinct, has led and will lead many to disgrace a self inflicted death. There has never been a stu dent of real life who has not ex tolled the surroundings of the tiller of the soil and every day brings further testimony from men who have sj)ont years in seeking the very thing they were leaving on the old farm and when their sun commenced to set spend the remaining years in be wailing their misspent lives. The farmers of Young county have much to be thankful for and but little to lament. Nature has dealt kindly by them and their acres respond quickly to the men who farm intelligently and systematically. Blessed in health, blessed in possessions and blessed in their surround ings, they have all the things that go to make up contentment and happiness, so it is the part of wisdom to not be led away into pursuing phantoms when the substance is within your grasp. Graham Leader. Rev. J. M. Harder, pastor of the Baptist Church left last Monday for Cooke county where he will be engaged in holding a revival for the next week or ten days. GOT SKINNED ON GROCERIES. Do you want to shop with ! pleasure? If so, go around and j look at the Christmas goods 1 earlj. The clerks in the various ! stores can do only so much dur-, ing a day's time and if you wait J until the last day the stocks will j all be picked over and you will not be satisfactorily waited upon which is exasperating to a care-! ful purchaser. j R. II. Caler of the Happy com- j m unity was in the city Tuesday and to the News man said: "Say, that is a spicy pater you are j getting out and we are always j glad to get it. Don't ever bej late in sending it out or we will : be disappointed at home.'' buying your supplies from your local dealers giving various good and valid reasons for so doing the mainmost of which were, that you could buy just as cheap and in addition could have the satisfaction of knowing just what you buy at the time you do buy and if not satisfactory your dealer would make the matter good. This week we are k'oing to bring the matter straight home worth and he wasn't tfoing to lose any money while business was good). Canned California fruits sell on the local markets at 2.00 per dozen while this man sold his lowest priced goods at 2.40. When it came to anything in the spice line he revelled in the "exceedingly low prices which I am offering you." He got eighty cent per pound for nutmeg while the dealer will sup ply you forever at 40 cents while to some of our people who think i the oppers, cloves and spices that they can buy from some; of all kinds sell locally at 30 traveling ' representative" for some unknown firm in a faraway city. There has been a man among our people this week tak ing orders for "cheap" groceries for his firm in Kansas City or some other place. The editor heard about it and is willing to investigate such matters in order to satisfy his curiosity and to be thoroughly satisfied that he was right in his contentions. We are glad to say that a great many of the ieope were sensible enough to know that they could buy better goods at less prices right here in town but some of t hem took the Cork under and lught goxls which will be hero-af1-r delivered. cents per pound, in pound lots this gentleman raised the price 33 1-3 j)er cent and got 40 cents. So we might go on and quote you the prices named and secur ed on many other articles but we think the list given is suffi cient. To those who did not "invest in these bargains" we have to say that we honor your good judgment and to those who were tempted and fell we want to say that we are glad that you got skinned. It was nothing more than you deserve. When the man comes to deliver these goods take them and pay for them and if they are not satis factory don't say a word to any- Canyon City is making history ; for the younger generation of! people and we wonder if we! would be glad to read the his tory now being made if it were written up some twenty-live j years from now. Better get ready to defend our business houses and homes be fore it is everlastinglj' too late. Which is cheaper, a fire or a fire fighting aparatus? Which is safest to the health ! of the community, the cess pool and open closet or a system of ! sewerage? What lias become of the Can yon City band? Must Be a Necss'rty. In making a remittance to this office for the News this week Phil Schneider of Ilinton, Iowa, sends word that he is very glad that he has purchased a section of land in this county and that he values this land but that next to the land he values the Randall County News and therefore does not want to miss a single copy. Thompson Hardware Company The Bowshcr sweep mill is the only mill that will grind Kaffir Corn and Milo Maize in the head successful. Grind your feed and realize twice the good. -:- -: -:- -:- -:- ml '!f. HI ll'! Vfaf The American Fence is the American Fence best, strongest and most sub stantial fence made. -:- Easy to stretch and Everlasting. Combine the Fence . and the Host and cet theuouaw American JJolIarsf r Harness and saddle department, is com plete. AM goods hand made from the vary best California Oak tanned leather, the best that money can buy. -:- Ve have a full line of Eclipse vind mills, pipe, casing and all kind of water supplies, wagons, buggies and implements of all kinds. Call and let us show you our immense stock. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. EAST SIDE OF COURT HOUSE.