Newspaper Page Text
THE RANDALL COUNTY NEWS. DECEMBER 11. 1900. THE LADIES BOOK CLUB. Very Interesting Meeting Held Last Wednesday Afternoon Macbeth the Subject of Study. The Ladies Book Club of this city held a very interesting reg ular meeting last Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. R. A. Ter rill on West Evelyn street, there being a large, attendance and an earnest discussion of the lesson for the da j'. This club has undertaken the study of Shakespeare's Macbeth during the present winter and the lesson for that afternoon was from Act I, Scene VII, and Act II, Scenes I and II, and the dis cussion of the various phases o the different characters which are prominent in that lesson was very earnest and enlightening Mrs. C. P. Ifutchings and Mrs diaries K. JJurrow botli read papers which were more than in teresting. Mrs. James Ury Cranford who was a member of the club before she moved to Oklahoma, was present and will again be come a member as she has moved back to this city to make her home. She was gladly wel coined back by the members. The club has decided to pur chase a number of new books to add to their already extensive library and a committee consist ing of Mrs. W. O. Bennett, Mrs, S. L. Ingham and Mrs. Travis Shaw lias been appointed to make the selection and it is ex pocted that before long these books will arrive and be added to the present collection. Please Sign Your Name. uearein receipt of several iicius uirougn me mans mis week which would be interesting to the ieople of this county but : 4 . 1. 1- . l . . ;i . i the senders failed to sign their names and we did not get to in vestigate the items so that we could write them personally. Now we are glad to receive these items but we must know who is sending them in, not that we want to pubiish the names of the sender but that we may have confidence in the items them selves. Don't Be Discouraged. That's a fool remark, isn't it? Well, if the writer didn't believe he was pretty well conversant with the situation he wouldn't be guilty of this platitude. The point is, that some of our farm ers have lost two good chances this year for a cotton crop, and now find themselves "up against a proposition.'' We will start out by saying that this situation is mighty bad. That doesn't help matters any, then what? The tendency among mot men when they lind themselves in a close place is to get out, no mat ter how, but to get out. And many men in a wild scramble to get out of what they considered a bad proposition have lost the savings of years, besides money they owed to men who were in no way to blame for their misfortune- Oftentimes the place to make your money again is where you lost it. There are disad vantages about any place in the world. In some respects an other country might be better, and in many respects it might be worse. Some other occupa tion might have disadvantages as well as the one which you are in. In making a move of any kind there is always a cost to count, and their ought to be a gain in view before it is made. You have the situation in hand where you are, and with a change you might bo more at sea than ever. In fact, when everything is counted more often than otherwise you will do well to remain where you are and make the best of a bad situation. Not all our country is hurt and the southern and eastern parts will make the loss on our crop from the west easier on all part ies. It is also rare that cotton makes here as it has this year in the western part of the county. So let's just take our loss, count up and see where we stand and proceed to fight it out. A man is never beaten until he acknowl edges defeat. We are not nearly whipped yet and we have the best country anywhere. Cheer up, old fellow, we had just as well be in a good humor about it. "It is easy enough to be pleas ant, when the world moves along like a song; but the man worth while is the man who can smile, w h e n everything goes dead wrong. " Baylor County Banner. HOLIDAY GOODS ARRIVING. Merchants Are Stocking Up With Nice Array of Articles For the Annual Celebration. The merchants of the city have always had great confidence in the prosperity of the people in general and this is clearly shown as the Christmas time appears each year when the stocks of presents and toys are displayed for the benefit of the public. This season there has been an unusual amount of confidence and a person who desires to re member kinfolks, sweetheart or friend need go no further than any one of the stores in this city where such goods are handled From what this reporter has seen of the stocks that are now being opened and placed on dis play the variety is greater than has ever before been bought for the local market, and the general tone of quality has been im proved. "Old Santa" need have no fear but that there will be something for each ierson but the main trouble will be when he delays his selection until too late. Cer tainly there will be no excuse in this country for an empty stock ing this Christmas. Santa Fe to Extend to Lubbock. Waco, Dec. 9. J. B. Holloway, who has just arrived from Lub bock, announced today that a contract has been closed with the Santa Fe railroad for the ex tending of its line from Plain view to Lubbock and that the road willl put up a substantial forfeit. The work starts im mediately. The towns are about forty miles apart. For a Lame Back. When you have pains or lame ness in the back bathe the parts with Chamberlain's Liniment twice a day, massaging with the palm of the had for five minutes at each application. Then dampen a piece of llannel slight ly with this liniment and bind it on over the seat of pain, and you may be surprised to see how quickly'the lameness disappears. For sale by City Pharmacy. Stray Cow. One brown and white cow with tie rope around neck. Owner may have the same by calling at Dan fair ranch northwest of city. 37 ltp C. L. Daniels. Sam Marshall has resigned as manager for the local telephone company and has accepted a po sition with the White Swan Gro cery Company. Mr. Marshall has been connected with the tel ephone company for a long time and was well liked as a manager, and considering the equipment furnished him he made a success of the operation of the system. John E. Albers of Wisner, Ne braska, was in the city Monday on a visit to his sons who are lo cated on some of the Block past ure lands east of the city. He was on his way to California where he expects to spend a por tion of the winter. Horace James was in this city from Ceta last Monday. We presume that he came to town to help Mose Wesley verjfy the the killing of that deer. HEREFORD DRAMATIC COMPANY. Amatuer Company From Sister City Gives En tertaining Play at Opera House. Though the play had not been very thoroughly advertised, the Hereford Dramatic Company was greeted by a large crowd at the opera house last Friday night when they presented a rural comedy of the western plains en titled, "Jim Burley's Ranch." This company was composed almost entirely of local talent from our sister city of Hereford and despite the fact that one of the leading men in the play was unfortunate enough to miss the train in coming up that after noon, the members of the com pany proved themselves worthy and energetic, and by shifting the cast of characters somewhat gave the play anyhow. The com pany being composed of ama tuers the assembled crowd was willing to make some excuses for any mishap, but these ex cuses for the company were not necessary because the company gave a much better rendition of their very interesting story than even the most optimistic had ex pected. It would be hard for anyone to single out the best character for the reason that each person in his regular assignment in the play seemed to well fitted for the part assigned. An orchestra composed of some of the musicians of the city was present and assisted in the performance, playing the over tures before the curtain raised and during the intermissions be tween the acts. It would be well to mention that Wesley Sturdey sang several songs which elicited an encore each time, which clearly shows that they were ap preciated. Judge Buie went to Tulia on a business trip Wednesday. Mrs. B. Frank Buie and little daughter, Edithe, are visiting in Tulia this week. All kinds of cleaning and press ing done by O. B. Cotton are the best that can be done. 37-2t Hay For Sale I have a quantity of Alfalfa hay and baled sorghum for sale at my barn just north of the square. M. F. Slover. 37tf Joe Foster has been under the weather for the most of this week but we are glad to report that his sickness is not consid ered dangerous by any means. The Rogerson Hotel dining room is now under the manage ment of Schultz & Schultz, ex perienced caterers, and they ex- wct to furnish the best meals in the city. '.',7 '.it R. G. Kirsch of the firm of i. G. Kirsch & Co., who are the architects on the new court louse building for this county, is in the city on a tour of inspec tion of the work now being done. Ie expresses himself well pleased with the progress and the quality of the work. Judge L. C. Lair and L. E. Cowling together with Claude N. I.'.rrison went to Amarillo last Monday to receive the two new autos which they had bought. Judge Lair thinks that the agent must have mixed the machines on him for he could not keep his machine out of the barbed wire fence but he also claims that he has about conquered the animal now. Let O. B. Cotton do your clean ing and pressing. 37-2t J. M. Whitaker of Falls City, Neb., was among those who came to this county7 last week with a view of locating here. He stated to the News reporter that he was very much impressed with this country and that it had by far exceeded his exactions. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Redfearn and their baby of Plainview visited relatives and friends in this city this week. Be a News subscriber. PR03RAM FOR TEACHERS INSTITUTE. To be Held at School House in Canyon City Dec. 14th to 19th Inclusive. ltlUY, IlKC'KMlIKK l!l. 10 n. m. Opening ExercUes. 10:10 to 1:4) n. in. Address liy Coun ty SllHTillt('llll('llt. Organization. 1:30 p. in. How to Secure Regularity mid Promptness in Attcndmice Upon the School .1. I,. Redus. 2:1.' p. in. MfthoiU of Conducting n History Reri tut ion J. II. Cm wiry ami Miss Itrynon. fl:(M) p. in How to Correlate His- tory mill Geography Mian Emma Ni'jil mul Minn Fiinnic Johnson. Ro'l Cull mul Cloning Exercise. MOMMY, IHtt'KMIIKIt 21. 0:00 n. in. Opening; Exercise. 0:10 h. in. A Lesson in psychology; Instincts J. L Redus. !l:4." a. in. Rending. Class Peinoii Ktrntion Miss Ilerthu Tut He, fol lowed ly Miss Ottie (iills. 10:00 n. in. How to Tench Diacrit icnl Marks C. E. Cosh, followed ly .1. YV. Kan l.ill. 11:1.". ii. in. To Wlin t Extent Cmi Country Schools he Graded W. L. Brcitlinupt mid .1. M. Craig. l:::op. in How Often Should Trus tees Visit the School Dr. F. M. Wilson. 2:00 p. in. Met hods of Tcnclilng Ag riculture .1. D. Clevclmul mid Miss Annie Kirk. 2:1.". p. in. Effect of Scl I Environ ment Miss Eiuina Dry son and Miss Nellie lioyle. ::::o p. in. Knotty Problem h in Teaching General Discussion. ti:i:shav, ijkckm hi: it 22. 0:00 a. in. Needed School Legisla tion C. V. Woolley. Esq. !1:4." a in. Lesson In Psychology; In terests .1. L. Redus. 10::!0 ii. in. School Sanitation Dr. S. R. Grillin. ll:1."ia. in. Primary Class Work Miss Emma Neal. 1::I0 p. in. Arithmetic to Fractions Miss Nell Gilliam mul Miss Ida Rowan. 2:1.1 p. in. Should the Teacher's Au thority Over the Pupils Extend Be yond the School Grounds Miss lielle Shot well and Miss Julia Frary. :::0 p. in. Technical (ini miliar J. M. Craig. wi:im:siav, dkckm nun 2:t. 0:00 a. in. Opening Exercises Lesson In Psychology; Association .1 L Redus 0:45 a in Paper; Literature in Schools Miss Edna O'Rrynn 10::!0 a m Paper; Literature in the Grades Miss Berth Tuttle 11:15 a m Literature in the High School C IC Cosh 1::0 p in Texas History Miss Lillie Leonard and Miss Annie Kirk 2:15 p in Physiology; How to Teach It Miss Ida Rowan ami Miss Nell "Gilliam 3:1111 i in Essentials of Good Disci plineMiss Minnie Frary and .1 M Craig Tlli nsllAV, IlKCKMIIKIl 21 0:00 a in Opening Exercises. How to Teach Fractions .1 H Crow ley 0:45 a in How to Teach Percentage .1 D Cleveland and . I V Randall 10:110 a in Discussion, Appropriate Opening Exercises, General Dis cussion 11:15a in School Law .1 C Hunt l:".0p in General Business General Discussion HATI KDAV NIIMir, IIKC 10, l'.KIN Song ly audience Invocation li.v Rev M K Hawkins 'Motion Song" by primary grade Recitation by Kathleen Stewart Solo by Miss Willie .1 Eakuian Recitation by Bessie Johnson Piano duet by the Misses Hawkins Address, 'Teachers' Institutes," by Judge W M Jeter Address, "Our Public Schools," ly Hon F P Greever of Miami Address, 'Development of Child Mind," bv B II Raker of Hereford Vocal solo by Prof Peterson of A Hi ll rillo Closing remarks by Rev Groves Benediction All topics will be open for gen eral discussion. The work in psychology will be based upon Thorndyke's Principles of Teach ing. For Sale At a Bargain A saddle and set of single buggy harness for sale cheap. See them at Hick's Feed Store. Bakery for Sale. Will sell the only bakery in this city. Doing good businoss. Enquire at the City Bakery. For Sale White Holland turkeys; Toms $2, hens !?1 each or $4 for trio. Plymouth Rock roosters $1 each. One Poland China boar 10. J. H. Bell. 37-tf With The City Churches. The churches of the city i.ivite all iiersons to attend the services at their various places of wor ship. The times of the regjlar meetings are given below. METHODIST CHURCH. Rev. M. E. Hawkins, Pastor. Services at 1 1 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening, 7:00. Sun day school 10 a. m. D. A. Park Supt., Miss Angie Meyers Sec- Senior League Sunday 4 p. in.. Dr. F. M. Wilson, Leader. Jun ior League Sunday 3 p. m, Mrs John Hibdon, Leader. Home Mission Society Tuesday after noon at church, Mrs. John Hib don, President. CHRISTIAN CIiriiCH. Rev. J. II. White, Pastor. Ser vices Sunday morning 11 o'clock and evening at 7:00. Sunday School 0:45 a. m. Lee Van sant, Supt., Travis Shaw, Secretary. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 8:00. Choir practice Friday 7:00 p. in. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rev. J. S. Groves, Pastor. Reg ular services at 1 1 o'clock Sun day morning and 7:00 o'clock Sunday evening. Prayer meet ing Wednesday evening 8:00 o'clock. Sunday School 10 a. in. II. J. Cavet, Supt., Miss Frankie Gober, Sec. Junior Endeavor Society, 4:15 Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Nixon, Leader. Senior En deavor Society, 0:30 Sunday even ing, Miss Bessie (J roves, Pres. FIRST ('IintCII OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST. Services Sunday a. m., 11 o'clock and Sunday p. m., 7 o'clock. Wednesday evening tes timonial service at 7 p. m. V. Edna Henson, C. S., lirst reader. Sunday school 10 : la a. m. All children under 20, welcome. Only teachers, officers and chil dren present. Mrs. Ava R. Hall, superintendent. BAPTIST CHURCH. Rev. J. M. Harder, Pastor. Services at 1 1 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 7:00. Sun day School 0:4a a. m. J. C. Hunt, Supt., Miss Columbia Redfearn Sec. Ladies' Aid So ciety meets at pastor s home every lirst and third Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mrs. .1. A. Harbison, president, Mrs. Carl Coffee, secretary. Rotten or Ripe. The Pessimist growls, clouds hide the sun, the world is dark, pie tilts his digestion, friend ships are false and everything is "rotten."' The Optimist carries his own sunbeams, hears the 'music of busy machinery, of laughing flowers, notes the good points of Fulton Lumber (Jo's, build ing material, and everything is it , ripe. County Tools Wanted. I have been appointed custo dian of the tools belonging to Randall county and all persons are requested to bring in to ine all tools belonging to the county which they may have in their ixissession. A word to the wise is sufficient. W. J. Redfearn, 30-2t County Commissioner. Christmas Bazaar. The ladies of the Aid Society of the Christian church will open tncir oazaar on wecemoer liin; in the hardware department of the Canyon Mercantile Co. 37-1 1 i i For Sale One good mare mulej For Sale A 35 h. p. Pope-Toledo colt out of Carney's jack. See touring car. Has just been com Thos. Lester at Umbarger. 37-2t j pletdy overhauled: tires new and i car truaranteed to be in first Lost one brown hair braid, tinder return to News Office. Northwestern Title Co. Complete Abstract of All Randall County Proivrty R. A. TERRILL. - MANAGER BUSINESS LOCALS : See the Canyon Coal Company for fresh maize chops. Bryan's Commoner and The News, both one year $1.80. Phone 41 when you have an item of local news. For Sale Good piano, used about one year. Enquire at this office. C4-tf For Sale. Seventy head of shoats averaging about 50 pounds. Phone J. A. Wilson's ranch. 35 3tp. For Sale Two buggies and har ness, one gentle pons, one bed room suit, one iron bed. 3o-tf I. L. Van Sant. Celery fresh from the garden, crisp as a new spring radish and as tine flavored as any that ever grew, at the Hunter place. Parties having land joining or near town and desiring to sell same for bonus purposes to rail- ut) v will ill 1 1 ice nlli'UlM 3trc tf L. G. Conner, Chairman. The railway committee is or will soon be in the market for some town lots to use on bonus. See L. G. Conner, Chairman, tf W. H. Aid ridge is now located in the Leader building and is prepared to do all kinds of clean ing and pressing. Phone 183. See the Canyon Coal Company for f resli maize chops. Phone Aid ridge at No. 183 if you want cleaning or pressing done. For Sale 10 pigs and shoats, some good sows with pigs by a registered male. See Bob Fos ter. 35-4 tp You have noticed that the most extravagant claim made by others is that their lumber is as good as Fulton Lumber Co's. You have noticed that. Flour has advanced 20c per hundred but we will, for the next ten days, sell our Hour at the same old price. Canyon Mercantile Co. For Sale or exchange for unin cumbered land a clean, fresh stock of drugs and fixtures. Ad tl'Oi' mil m iff va ii'liAii b- tiArt dress W. I). Cl.EVEI.ANI), 35-5tp Canyon. Good quality calling cards 100 25 cents. "All men are made of the same kind of stuff; the difference is in the way the stuff is put to gether." Be an early and ap preciative customer. Do IT NOW. Fulton Li mher Co. Cowart's Confectionery can dies are good. We desire to stale that F. L. Gano has just finished threshing our kaftir corn and to say that he thoroughly understands such work, lie is competent in the management of the threshing machine and we recommend him. Reiser Bro's. & Phillips. The candies at J. W. Cowart's confectionery store are the best made. Nature has borrowed the tints of the rainbow to remind us the procession is passing and the months glidding by. Only 'a few weeks remain and lOt' will be a matter of history. Now is the time to make the year a good one. r uiiini IjIihiijit v o s. unii- , wiH ivt, ontiulsj;lsm to your effort. You can always find fresh fruits at Cowart's Confectionery. class condition. Will demon strate. Has gable horn and sjieedometer; good road clear ance; 30-inch wheels. First check for $l,0C0 gets car. Reasons for selling. Runabout answers own er's purpose better. Ix't me show you this car. Address, P. O. Box 0s, Amarillo. Tex. 3ti-4t Books with cattle bills of sale.