A Complete Hardware Line
Those who have been our customers for years know that we have always tried to
keep the best line of hardware to be found in this section of the state both in quality
and in quantity. This knowledge has led these people to have complete confidence in
our stock of goods and when they know that they can get what they want when they
want it and at the very lowest price they become permanent, satisfied customers.
I nese are the kind we want and are endeavoring to have. We always keep a lanre
stock of everything in hardware, including Builders' Materials, Wagons, Implements,
and lools of every known kind. Our stock is complete. The price is right
Just Arrived
We have just received a car load of those justly celebrated MO LINE WAGONS, wagons that have stood the test of this
climate for many years, a vehicle that you can depend upon at all times. We have the regular wagon and the wagon with
the low wheels and the wide tire. These wagons are better than others but the price is the same.
Fa rm Trucks with the wooden wheels and the iron wheels.
Extra Wagon Beds.
Farming; Implements
We are agents for the celebrated JOHN DEERE IMPLEMENTS and people have become so well acquainted with them
that it is not necessary for us to extoll their good qualities. An inspection will reveal them to those who are not acquaint
ed Ieop e expect more from the JOHN DEERE implements than from any other and they have a right to do so; they are
better and of course should give better satisfaction.
John Deere Disc Plows, with one, two or three discs. John Deere Disc Harrows with trucks.
John Deere Gang Plows, with two or three gangs. John Deere Drag Harrows, the best ever made.
John Deere Sulky Plows, with foot lifts. j0n Deere Implements of all kinds.
John Deere Land Rollers, the new style, the kind used by the most successful farmers everywhere.
Buggy Department
We show nothing in this department but the very best quality made in just the correct manner for the most service
combined with neat appearance. THE VEUE BUGGIES ARE ACKNOWLEDGED LEADERS. Our Rubber Tired Traps are
neat and good and our Surries are without competition on this market.
Harness Department
To our stock of leather goods we have in transit a very large shipment of the very best grades of harness-harness that
there is some satisfaction in purchasing. We have team harness with the slip tugs, stationary tugs and chain harness of
all kinds. Buggy harness that are made from the best quality of hides and put up for looks as well as service
We claim that in our stove department the quality is not excelled by any other store located at any point. I'or cook
ins stoves we especially recommend the Coles' Hot Blast Heater, the Charter Oak Hot Blast Heater or the Charter Oak
Heater and for cooking purposes the Charter Oak Stoves and Ranges which we handle are as good as can be made.
THE ARCADIAN RANGE which we offer you is absolutely the best on the market. It is non-breakable, non-comparable
and we show you more good points about it than can be shown you about any other range made.
Full line of Barbed and Smooth Wire, Hog Fencing, Star Windmills, Piping and Supplies.
We are strictly a home concern and therefore have your interest as well as ours at heart.
ercantile Company