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Image provided by: University of North Texas; Denton, TX
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THE RANDALL COUNTY NEWS. DECEMBER IB. 1908. U i 'i if-, v CHRISTMAS SWEETS You should buv vour candies and fruits for the Holidays from some one who makes a study of these things some one who knows how and where to buy the verv best of them. We make a careful chased the largest largest stock of study and have pur assortment and the Candies, Fruits and Nuts ever brought to Canyon City. Over one hundred different kinds of candies to se lect from, while our stock of Fruits and Xuts contains the choicest of these things that are shown on the wholesale markets. CITY CONFECTIONARY J. W. COWART, Prop. East Side of Square We are headquarters for everything good to eat. Have just gotten in a full line of new crop canned goods and can sell them much cheaper than last season. Have everything you want for your Xmas. fruit cake. All kinds of sweet and sour pickles in bulk or bottles cheap er than ever before. All grades of P. & F. Syrup, F. F. (). (x. Pure Maple Syrup, all kinds of dried fruits, new crop; flour from 2.75 to 3.50, that we guarantee. If you get a sack of Buttes Excellence that vou don't like, it wont cost vou a cent; White Swan flour, while this car lasts, at 3.00 per hundred pounds. Don't fail to get a few hundred before it goes up. In fact we have the most complete stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries in town and are positively under sold by none. We pay the highest market price for all kinds of country produce. Don't fail to come to see us or phone No. 25. CANYON SUPPLY COMPANY Groceries Groceries Groceries TOP PANHANDLE HOGS. Load From Swisher County Outsells Others on This Market The Texas Panhandle again had the honor of topping the hog market today. A load sent in from Swisher county, consigned by J. M. McXaughton, averaging 272 pounds, sold at STtXn. O. S. Currie, part owner of the hogs, accompanied the shipment and of course felt good over the way they sold. Mr. Currie says there is a large number of hogs in Swisher county, and they have proved so profitable that farm ers are getting more interested in that branch of live stock rais ing. They are raising high bred hogs, for that is the kind that mature early and put on fat, and bring good prices. There is no better place for hogs than the plains, for there they are notice ably free from cholera aad other swine diseases. The foregoing clipping taken from the Fort Worth Live St-ck Reporter but goes to confirm the statements often made in these columns that the Plains country raises the linest and best hogs in the state or the south for that matter. Mr. McXaughton lives across the line in Swisher county near Happy and is an earnest advo cate in diversification not only in soil crops but in crops of all kind of animals. He thinks there is always a good profit to be made from hogs here. VIRGINIANS COMING, TOO. Farmers From Eastern State Buy Land and Will Establish Farms in Randall County. Through one of our local real estate firms seven people from Virginia recently visited our .county and each of the seven bought land near this city. They all expressed themselves as be ing glad that they had come out to this country to investigate it, and the expression was further ratified by their purchases. These seven men expect to come out to this country during this winter and early spring and will develop the land which they bought into modern farms. With the large increase com ing from northern and north western states, and an influx of farmers from the east there is going to be the best development ! in this country the coming year I that we have ever seen. New Telephone Manager. Sid Stephenson, who has been located for some time in Mem phis, has arrived in this city and taken charge of the management of the affairs of the local tele phone exchange. The Pretly Weather. The Plains of Texas have al ways been noted for their fine weather but for all this notoriety a person could hardly expect such weather as we have been having during the past week, at this season of the year. It has neither been too hot nor has it been too cold just that pleasant, mild temperature which is agree able to any person who has any thing like an agreeable mind. If anyone has had any fault to find with what the weather bureau or! whoever runs the temperature of this country lias been sending out to us this week, it is time he looks after his liver. Sherron-Dison. i Happy News. Mrs. O. Malcolm and Miss Jessie June were in Amarillo : shopping Monday. P. J. Xeff will leave Sunday for Nebraska to return in a few I weeks with his family. Misses Edna and Sadie Cook were in Canyon Friday. County Assessor Hutchison of Swisher county was in town Monday on business. Miss Carter is attending In stitute at Tulia this week and will also be' there next week. A few of the "Ham biers'" went to the canyons and brought back a fine cedar to be used as a Christmas tree. O. Malcolm and J. Ilendel were in Tulia Saturday. Mr. J. II. Durrett went to Kress Monday evening to takej charge of a store and bank there, i He will he miftd l.eie as At the home of the bride's parents in the southeastern por tion of the city last Monday af ternoon, Robert E. Sherron of Tulia and Miss Kate Dison of this city were united in the holy bonds of wedlock, Judge A. N. Henson performing the cere mony, in the presence of quite a number of the friends of both parties. The bride and groom left that afternoon for Tennessee and other points to spend the holidays after which they expect to return to this country to live either at this place or at Tulia. Downing Goes to Market. S. M. Downing who has been ; feeding cattle and hogs east of j this city during this fall, left last; Monday for Fort Worth taking' with him a carload of hogs which ' he will place on sale there at the : packing houses. There have ' been a number of cars of these j animals shipped from this city, lately and every car of them have j I 'J " HJV, IJKIL IL l 141 11IV.I1 V- Ill.JO casnier in ine nappy .1ercanu1e . Company. 0SI 7 a - --"'ji Weak Women frequently suffer great pain and misery during the change of life. It is at this time that the beneficial effect of taking Cardui is most appreciated, by those who find that it relieves their distress. TAKE 11 IS S It Will Help You Mrs. Lucinda C. Hill, of Freeland, 0., writes: "Before I began to take Cardui, I suffered so badly 4 1 was afraid to lie down at night. After I began to take it I felt better in a week. Now my pains have gone. I can sleep like a girl of 1G and the change of life Las nearlv left me." Trv Cardui. AT ALL DRUG STORES Mr. and Mrs. .loe Gamble en tertained the "Ramblers" Fri day at their home five miles north of Happy. About twenty couples were in attendance and all report a splendid good time. The Tulia Decorating Co. is busy pairing, painting, etc., on several houses hero. County Sheriff Potter was in town on official business Tues day. i i Mr. Griffith of Hereford,) j brother of Mrs. .1. C. Hradon-j j baugh, is visiting his sifter this , week. ! The building the barber shop ' was formerly in has been moved across the track east of the Plains Lumber & Grain GVs. office and J. Ilendel will run a short order house. D. F. Felton was in Amarillo Sunday. The Happy Mercantile Co. ex l)ect to move into their new store room this week, the new room to be for dry goods and groceries and the old room for hardware. Happy. ingtook with him this week are said by those who saw them to have been the best that has been shipped so far this winter. We expect to hear some good re IKjrts from the sale when made. W. S. Llewellyn and his fam ily of Longstreet, Louisana, have arrived in this city and will make their home here. Mr. Llewellyn stated to the News rej)ortcr that jhe was through lira tointry The Canyon Lumber Co. FOR J . LLI. V.; Canyon, : Texas The Last CHANGE For the benefit of those who have not taken advantage of our special sales we will give you one more chance to get cheap Christmas presents. We will offer for 49 Cents Saturday, December 19th, our entire line of stove mats with binding, our entire line of scissors, our entire line of bread bowls and bread boards, a large line of pocket kniyes and a large number of valuable pieces of china ware. Any of these are exceptional bargains. Please do not ask us to sell these goods at this price after that day as it is impossible and we will not do so. The Date: Saturday, December 19. The Price, 49 Cents. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT Canyon Mercantile Company II. H. Heed of Lubbock was in ,XiaitIie city Wednesday on a busi- some sixteen years ago and that he had had his eye upon it ever since that time and that he thought that it would eventually become one of the finest farm ing countries in the entire southwest. He stated that he was very agreeably surprised at the large number of improve ments going on in this country. N. Thompson is putting in a private system of waterworks back of his building on the south side of the square and will serve both the tenants in his two buildings. He has had a well dug this week and has erected a tank snd windmill. The Canyon Mercantile Com pany pays the highest price for butter Pi'"- nm r.rfir1iw af ll Letter Heads Statements Bill Heads Envelopes Cards Anything and everything In the way of high-grade commercial printing. Our assortment of job type is complete, our press facili ties of the best, and our workmen true typographical artists. This tells all the story of our facilities for doing job printing of the right kind at the right prices. Cards Envelopes Bill Heads Statements Letter Heads r I,"1 M