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THE RANDALL COUNTY NEWS. DECEMBER 18. 1908. 53 OOD CHEEK Christmas with all its traditions, means, above all things, "(food C'he?r." Nothing will produce the genuine spirit of the holiday season so much as some token of your regards. Our store contains an excellent assortment of such gifts. Easy to pick from oiw stock as everything is new and our principal aim has been for QUALITY, not the cheapest, but the best for the money. Don't overlook our place when doing your shopping. Below are a few of the many good things. Genuine Alligator Hand Bags, leath er lined at $4 to $9. Beautiful Back Combs, good quality stones set in inlaid gold and silver, good quality combs $3 to $4. Nothing is more acceptable to a man than a tie. "We have gotten in a nice line and you will be sure to find what you want. 25c to 50c. r r r r V r V V f V f f V V V V V V V V V V V VVTVWTVTTTTf FOR THE HOLIDAY ENTERTAINMENT vou will be sure to need an Evening Gown. It is too late to have one made; come down and save trouble and worry by getting one ready to put on. An all wool Batiste, iv- handsomely trimmed, made Princess Style, at $13.50 Princess Gowns made of Messaline Silk, you would have to pay at (no en least $30 in the city for a poorer quality, our price $ZliuU Princess Gowns made of nice grade of Liberty Satin, an 18 inch satin that would retail at $1 per yard, made by the best ladies' tailors, ron no all nicely trimmed, black and London smoke, at $0U.UU J J, A. A J! A A A JL A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Al A nice line of Belts, the latest styles, elastic, and leather 50c to $1.50. A big line of Sample Handkerchiefs at a big reduction over regular pri ces. We bought them cheap and sell them cheap. Don't Overlook the NET WAISTS. We have them at all prices from $3 to $10. From $4 up only one of a kind so you will have exclusive patterns. Thanking you for the nice business you have given us and wishing all a Merry Xmas, we are I , THE LEADER I I v zz ' $75,000.00 COURT HOUSE. Petitions Circulated Asking Court to Order an Election to Build Hew Temple of Justice. Monday afternoon several pe titions were circulated asking the Commissioners court of Deaf Smith county to order an elec tion for the issuance of bonds for the purpose of erecting a new house for the county. The amount called for is Seventy Five Thousand Dollars. Nearly a hundred names were secured in a few hours, all signing with Roy Irick and wife passed through this city from Plainview last Sunday on a wedding trip. They had just been married in their home town. L. T. Lester, George L. Ab bot, Fulton Brown and Judge SAYS NEED ROAD TO NORTHWEST. GENOA LODGE ATTENDS. T. P. Barry Declares Dallas Should Have Line i Rev. C. A, Briggs, Sr. of Winslow Officiates at to Panhandle and Get a New Trade. ! the Church Large Attendance. That the construction of a rail-j According to the rites of the road from Dallas to Northwest i Independent Order of Odd Fel- Buie were in Dimrnitt last Mon-i Texas will be a determinate fac-! lows the remains of Leslie day looking after some business matters. J. C. Pipkins and Rev. M. E. Hawkins left last Monday for Memphis where they will hunt the elusive quail and other game. tor in securing to this city the , Griggs were laid to rest in Ge trade of a fast developing coun- j nou cemetery Sunday afternoon, try is the statement of T. P. i Nov. '.). The services Ave re in sister, Jessie. His mother, daughter of Mrs. Abbie J. Pat terson, passed away about four years ago. Leslie Avas one of those big, good natured, manly men Avhora it is always a pleasure to meet. He Avas industrious, of clean hab its and made friends wherever he Avent. He was a good citizen, a good Odd Fellow and a good Clifford Reynolds came up uuu .juai it cnuui.ic-jjiuLj iKuutiew last ouuuay una i tpj City, even ment of the move. spent the dav with his parents. The petitions are still to beiMr. and Mrs. George Reynolds, j ,ns " said Mr Marrv "is thp Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Diggs of building from Dallas of a north Plainview were in the city the j western railroad. The projected first of this Aveek the guest of j line from Dallas to Albuquerque, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Moreland. j- M.f will cross a very rich ter ritory. Such a road Avould cross found at the business houses Avhere voters may have the op portunity to sign. If you have not signed drop in and do so. It is the purpose to secure as large a number of signers as possible. It would speak well for the county to s(m.- the name of every qualified voter on the petition. This matter comes up now after lying dormant for several months. A year or tvro ago the matter of a new court house was discussed but the step Avas not taken, because it was thought liest to Avait until the county was a little more thickly settled and values increased. The panic came on and made the sale of bonds slow or even .impossible. But now that the "prosperity procession" is passing, it is a good time to provide for this great necessity. Hereford Brand. Barry, who has just returned charge of Kane Lodge of Elgin j fnend.-Genoa (ill.,) Republican ifrom Lubbock, Plainview and i of which the deceased was a other towns of the Panhandle. j member at the time of his death. "The most essential thing to There Avere about twenty Odd the continued advancement of! Fellows here from that city. more essential TJ XI r 1 i. a. i it. M. rwaer una returned j the Katy. the Santa Fe, the Ori from a trip into the Corpus i ent the Widiita Valley and the Chnsti country. Randall county , pecos Vaey in(1Sj as W(. as the is gooa enougn ior mm. About fortA' members of Genoa Lodge No. 70 were also in at-!L- Abbott in this city for several ROCK ISLAND FRISCO RAILROADS. Announcement Made That the System Will Spend Large Amount uf Money In Ex tension and Improvements. Miss Esta Hightower left yes terday for her home near Has- J these matters kell. She has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. There has been a great deal said lately about extensions of old raihvay systems and the building of new roads in the Panhandle section of this state and from time to time there have been issued more or less author itative statements relative to E. II. Griggs has returned from a trip to Genoa, Illinois. Ross I. Winn of Plainview was in the city Monday coming here from Happy where he has been put ting in a stock of lumber for the Happy Lumber Company, a new concern opening up at that loint. Be ft New anlis'riVwr . Ill Health is Mare Expensiva Than any Cure This country is now filled with people who migrate across the continent in all directions seek ing that which gold cannot buy Nine-tenths of them are suffering from that throat and lung trouble or chronic catarrh resulting from neglected colds, and spending fortunes vainly trying to regain lost health. Could every suffer er but undo the past and cure that first neglected cold, all this sorrow, pain, anxiety and ex pense could have been avoided. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is famous for its cures of colds, and can alway be depended uj)on. Use it and the more serious dis eases uriy be avoided. For sale hv fVitw Phtirtnof'ir ... . . ' ! road building northAvest of Stamford. "If Dallas don't get direct railroad connection Avith this country, the bulk of the trade from that section will be lost. "The country is being very rapidly settled by a desirable; citizenship. Successful farmers from other states are buying tracts and improving them. These settlers are people with means, as a rule, though not wealthy, and they are of the sort ! that make good citizens. The ! continued development of this western country is assured, and no road Avould pay better than one from Dallas to that section." Dallas News. Geo. O. Renner who recently moved to this county from Illi nois, Avas in our office this week and to the News man stated that lie was more than ever pleased tendance, all marching to the church from the hall in a body. The services at the church were conducted by Rev; C. A. Briggs, Sr. of WinsloAV, 111., as sisted by the local pastor, Rev. J. T. McMullen. Rev. Briggs formerly preached at Plato where Mr. Griggs resided for many years. Music was furnished by the ladies quartette. Besides the large pillow of (lowers presented by Kane Lodge there were many beautiful floral pieces. The at tendance Avas large considering that rain fell during the entire service. Leslie, son of E. II. and Ilattie Patterson Griggs, was born in Plato township, July 1 T, IHsO. At the age of five years he came with his parents to Genoa. Tavo years later the family moved back to Plato Avhere Leslie re sided until the age of twenty- two years when he went to Elgin and entered the employ of the Elgin-Aurora Traction Co. In March, l'.)07, he Avent to Canyon City, Texas, near which place lie located on a ranch. He Avas taken sick last August and never recovered, passing aAvay Novem ber -8. Leslie is survived by weeks. Joe Foster, tax assessor for this county, went to Waco the first of this week to attend the state convention of the tax as-i sessors which met in that city. Robert DaAvson left last Sun day for his former home at Ar kadelphia, Arkansas. We give hirn about three months in which to get back here. Ry F. Rudolph, one of the of fice force of the Plainview Her ald, Avas in this city last Sunday the guest of his friend, Dan K. Usery. In the absence of the pastor, Rev. W. II. Younger filled the pulpit at the Baptist church at both hours last Sunday. Ab Thompson and E. II. Ack ley have returned from a hunt in Moore county and report that game is plentiful. L. M. Williams of Umbarger was in the city Monday trans acting some important business. John A. Wallace and John Wuthrie made a trip to Lubbock the first of the week. C. T. Bennett and Oscar Gam ble were Amarillo visitors last The city of Fort Worth has been looking with longing eyes toward that section of the state lying between the Fort Worth and Denver railway on the North and the Texas and Pacific Rail way on the south and recently a movement Avas inaugurated in that city looking forward to the extension of the Roek Island road from Graham into the Plains country and it seems that these hopes are about to have realization. B. P. Yoachum who is chair man of the board of directors of the Rock Island-Frisco combina tion is said to have issued a statement that his roads would expend the sum of $80,000,000.00 during the coming year in the extension of its present large systems and in the betterment of the track conditions along the existing lines. Inas much as the tracks of the lines already are in very fair condition it is expected that the greater part of this appropria tion will be spent in reaching out into new territory. Just in wlint direction these extensions : are expected to go cannot be verified from the statement issued but Port Worth seems to be in a joy ful state considering that they Avill soon have, railway copper': - fc.iilon Ih MtfV.Ml-T.t of onp or two -