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Image provided by: University of North Texas; Denton, TX
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THE RANDALL COUNTY NEWS. DECEMBER 18. 1908. COMMITTEE FOR ANNUAL REUNION CITIZENS MEETING APPOINTS DIRECTING BODY FOR NEXT YEAR'S CELE BRATION HERE. Surplus From Last Reunion Amounts to S240 Statement of What Should Be Done Made by Citizens. According to announcement a citizens' meeting was held at the court house to hear the report of the reunion committee which had in charge the annual picnic, re union and fair held in this city last August and to elect the di rectors for the ensuing year. The committee for last year con sisted of George A. llnmdon, J. II. Garrison, J. D. Gamble, Travis Shaw, J. C. Hunt, C. I Hatchings and George L. Ab bott. When the time for the meet ing came quite a representative crowd was present and Judge Brandon presided over the meet ing in the absence of Judge J. C. Hunt, the chairman of the com mittee. The meeting was a short and decisive one every thing working very harmoni ously. The report of the committee made by the treasurer showed a balance of cash in hand amount ing to 8)5.04 against which there are two outstanding ac counts amounting to about $ir, which would leave a net balance of about $240.00. The report of this committee was, by resolu tion, accepted and the thanks of the citizens tendered them for their faithful services. The next matter taken up was the selection of the members of the committee for the next year and after the vote was an nounced, L. E. Cowling, Travis Shaw, O. C. Davis, C. N. Harri son, A. N. Henson, George A. Brandon and R. A. Terrill were declared elected. The time of holding the celebration was left entirely in the hands of the com mittee as was all things pertain ing to the matter. A meeting of the directors has not yet been hold and therefore the various officers have not as yet been named. Of course noth ing definite has been decided upon as a plan of action for the next year's entertainment, but from what we can hear from some of the members there is going to be a decided effort made for a cfiange in the entire program which' has heretofore been on somewhat of the same order each year. A great tieal more attention will be paid to the exhibits of farm and garden products as well as live stock and poultry. Some of the mem bers state that they expect to get out a list of the prcniiiKiis early in the year in order that every farmer and every person in the county might be able to compete in the various items should they so desire. In order that some expression of sentiment regarding the mat ter might be had the News re porter questioned a number of the citizens of the town last Tuesday morning relative to what could be done to create new interest in the affair and some very good suggestions were offered and we give a few of the suggestions made below: 11. II. Sanford, sheriff Get to work early and secure two or three good speakers of National reputation. It. will cost money but it will bring the crowd. Have some good races. Give us more general exhibit of farm products and live stock thereby creating a great interest in successful farm ing. . Geo. A. Brandon, attorney Hold the meeting about the mid dle of September and have better agricultural exhibits. M. I. Garner, county clerk Lot's have a good one better than ever before. Get up in the collar, get in line and every fel low try to bring something that will attract somebody else. W. D. Scott, county attorney We ought to have a better one than ever. The merchants should give a parade and then there should be a floral hall for the ex hibition of flowers. It will create an interest in flowers about the home. IV II. Young, county treasurer (Jive the people more free en tertainment. They kicked on paying so much last year. W. S. Reiser, real estate The thought suggests itself to me for better fair exhibits. From these exhibits we could select a general exhibit to send to Dallas. No county on the Plains can raise more or better products and we ought to be at our cele bration and at the state fair at Dallas with the goods to show it. !:. L. ShitHett, real estate Let's have everything. Enter tain the people both by day and at night. Turn the people loose. T. P. Roid--Get our home peo ple more interested. R. II. Wright, banker Have more attractions. (Jet a carnival company to come here. Get good farm exhibits and have a great deal to see. I. L. Hunt, banker It is hard to suggest just what to do. Get the people of the county inter ested first. Oscar Hunt, p o s t m a s t e r Don't think the reunion could hardly be worse. The people want more entertainment. Newt Reeves, ranchman Lot the people give more money so that the committee can do some thing that is big. W. T. Moreland, merchant Get Molly Bailey's show to come back. J. II. Jowell, city marshal The people in this country like good horses and some good races will create an interest. U. S. Gober, real estate Give us more and better shows. T. C. Thompson, merchant Arrange for an exhibit hall so that the merchants may place exhibits out there. We will do everything possible to help the matter along. G. S. Ballard, farmer Show the products of the country and make more of a fair out of it. J. W. Cowart, merchant It ought to be held later in the year and then give the people more free attractions. I. L. Van Sant, farmer Spend a little more money on it. W. J. Redfearn, merchant Get some good speakers of re nown. M. P. Slover, farmer Have something out there to keep the people busy all day. George Hutchings Charge a small entrance fee and make the ball game, broncho busting and such like attractions free. Get up a merchants parade. C. P. Hutchings, merchant Get a carnival company here and then have a place for the mer chants to make an exhibit of their goods. Sam Heysor, merchant Give the people plenty of attractions and let them enjoy themselves. Jim Poster, b u t c h e r Too many people kicked last year about the various charges. Make a nominal entrance fee for each day and let everything ex cept the side shows be free. J. D. Gamble, liveryman Or ganize a fair association to be owned principally by the farm ers of the county. It will amount to something then. A. S. Rollins, attorney Hold the reunion after the first of September and give the farmers a chance to mature their crops which they want to exhibit and they will then be worth exhibit ing. Make it a fair and a good one. B. Prank Buie, attorney Make a complete exhibit of everything of every kind raised in the county, hogs, chickens, horses, mules, cows, calves, A TRAIN LOAD OF EMIGRANTS. AT LEAST FIFTEEN CARS OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS WILL COME TO THIS CITY ON ONE TRAIN. People Begin to Move to Randall County in Large Numbers Other Large Parties Are Announced to Come. In the history of immigration of business of the United States there never has been so much in terest taken in any section of the entire country as is now shown in the Panhandle of Texas. Every state in the Union is lending and sending those who are investing in the lands and are moving to this country. During the past year and par- colts, farm products, garden products, children, everything that we raise. Every man in Canyon City ought to select some class and offer a premium of some kind upon it. It will be worth many times the cost. W. E. Bates, farmer Make a good county fair out of it. E. W. Pipkin and Geo. Massey, merchants Organize an adver tising department and advertise it thoroughly; then give a good program and it will be a success from every point of view. R. G. Oldham, merchant Get a more attractive place for the ex hibits and after the exhibition is over send the best of them to the state fair at Dallas. The reporter did not have time to see others but the above will show something of what the peo ple think about it. There was an almost invariable expression that we needed a better enter tainment. It is up to the people of Randall county to make the matter a success, - and Randall county and Canyon City will do it. ticularly during the past four months the largest number of actual settlers have bought land in Randall county than ever be fore and they are moving hero at a rate that is surprising to the uninformed. This week there are arrange ments being made for a solid train of cars of household goods from Wisner, Nebraska, to Can yon City, and it is very probable that the train will be increased to twenty-one cars. This train of people with their belongings are scheduled to leave Wisner during the early part of next month and it is expected that it will take about four days to make the trip. Most of these people are to lo cate within nine miles of Canyon City, a number of them going to lands in the Block pasture, some out towards Umbarger and some south of the city. To the News reporter, one of our leading citizens said: "Canyon City has a chance to do some very effective advertis ing if they take advantage of it. The city should place banners on the cars showing that the train was bound for Canyon City and Randall county in the Pan handle of Texas. The people along the railroad over which the train is to come should be noti fied so that they could see that the train was an actual fact and it would not be a bad idea for the town to turn out "en masse" to greet these people when they arrive. This is the kind of busi ness that Randall County wants and if the people know that others are coming to this county and those who come know that they are received with a hearty welcome, it will not be long un til farmers will come in trains with two sections." D. N. Redburn expects to leave the first of next week for points in the North in connec tion with some of his business affairs. Realizing that the people of this county desired the l.est that the market afforded in their selection for the Christmas remembrance for relatives and friends, we have purchased nid now have on exhibition the Largest Stock of Holiday (ioods ever brought to this city. Ve have endeavored to buy the best of everything selected and being in a position to investigate the samples of almost every house in the country soil ing these goods, we were enabled to buy satisfactorily both in quality ami in price. EVERY DEPARTMENT IS FULL of good goods and the prices are right. Presents for the Children, for the Young Men and Young Ladies, for the people generally, may be found here. Ne cannot hope to enumerate any number of articles hut if you will call we shall be glad to show you the complete stock. Our Jewelry Department is under the direct charge of an experienced man, the stock is the largest and best assorted in the western portion of the state, and we have just the correct thing in this line. We Have a Large Line of Christmas Fire Works. WEST SIDE OF THE SQUARE THE TY PHARMACY CANYON CITY, TEXAS II JOE FOSTER, PROPRIETOR