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THE RANDALL COUNTY NEWS. DECEMBER 18. 1908. The Randall County News Published Every Friday. The News Publishing: Company K. A. Terrill, Manager Editor Kntered at postofflce at Canyon. Texns. as second class matter. Office of publication. West Evelyn street. Snbacription Rates. One year. In county $1.00 One year, outside of county 1.S5 Six months 75 Two months S5 Papers sent out of the county promptly dis continued at expiration of time paid for. Contributor Notice. The editor of this paper is anxious to receive, from time to time, communications from its readers, but we request that all such com- munieations be surned. not for publication, but that we may know the source from which the article comes. Kailway Time Table. MAIN LINE, WEoI ISOl'ND. ,N. 3710 Clovis J-50 p. m. No. 911. to Carkbad 10:15 a. m. No. "? Local Freight 9:00 a. m. MAIN LINE, EAST BOl'ND. No. . from Clovis 10:00 a. m. No. a. to Kansas City 5:30 p. m. No. 74. Local Freight 1:40 p. m. PLAINVIEW BRANCH, NORTH BND No. !S. to Amarillo ltX a. m. No. 94. Local Freight 6:00 p. m. PLAINVIEW BRANCH, SO. BOUND. No. Tt. 10 I'lalnriew H0 p. m. No. 93. Local Kreiirbt H:10 a. m. Trains No. 37 on the Main line leaving Can yon City at 50 p. m. is made up here, and Train No. 3. on the Main Line arrivinc from Clovis at 10 a. m. stops at this place. Local freights and trains Nos. 37 and 3j don't run on Sunday. The editor stood in the rotunda of the Post Office one afternoon this week and listened to some of the conversations which took place among some of the boys of this city, and even as tough as the editor is and as well ac quainted with various slang and rough words he was actually shocked at the language used by these boys. And they seemed to be careless of the point as to whether or not other persons heard them. We have some boys in this town that will have some thing to happen to them some of these days. Is it your boy? OUR CHRISTMAS NUMBER. The ieople of Randall county deserve the very best that can be had in everything and partic ularly in the newspaper line and therefore we have not any time stood back in the matter of ex pense in giving them the very best of everything that poes to make a live local paper. This week we are issuing a Christmas edition of the paper and we are trying to get a copy of it into the home of every citizen of the county. If you know of a citizen who did not get one, kindly send us their name and we will try to see that they do get it. We think that the paper is a credit to many a city which makes larger pretentions than does our city. Now that the committee for the reunion and celebration to be held next fall has been unani mously appointed by a meeting of the citizens of this city, it be hooves every citizen of the coun ty to get behind these people and assist them in making the next year's entertainment far better than any heretofore held. We all know that Randall county can grow practically anything that is planted and we want to see a fine exhibit of the products and there is only one way to get such an exhibit and that is to offer premiums for the various en tries. Would you like to help exploit the products of the coun try? If so just encourage the committe a little bit and you will see "something doing." Christmas is a time of joyful celebration among all the Christ ian people of the world, a time when everyone lays aside the cares of business and enters into the abandonment of happiness. We are glad that such a day has been set aside not only because it celebrates the birth of the Savior, but also because of the universal tendency of every per son to try and be thoroughly happy for a short time at least. It's a stingy man indeed who cannot be happy in those days of jy- Say, did you ever see so much lumber going out of a town in your life as is being taken from Canyon City these days? New houses and new barns are spring ing up as if by magic in every portion of the county. Before long we will have to have rural free delivery in every direction from here. THE TEXAS PANHANDLE The cits council has pledged its support to a tire department The merchants certainly would like to assist, therefore what is the matter with starting the movement? Come out and speak up. As tne noliuay season comes on people begin to cast their bal ances for the year- Have you done your share in the develop ment of the county and city? How does your balance stand in this matter? Many local people do not real ize the rapidity with which our county is settling. Just look around and see how many new farm houses have been erected within the past year. THE PALO DURO NATIONAL PARK. Citizen's Report of Recent Inprovement Associ ation Meeting at Denison Congress to Take Action. Some time ago a movement was started for the establish ment of a rural free delivery from this city running west to the county line, thence south I two or three miles and back into Red river to the city. The matter was held i proposition? Editor News: The undersigned, in the inter est of the park, attended the two conventions of the Red River Improvement Association which convened resctively at Shreve port, La., last spring and at Den ison, Texas, the 5th and Gth of November; and I am sure it will it will be of interest to your readers to give them a glimpse at least of what is going on in the matters above indicated. Some may ask the question: What has the improvement of do with the park I answer: Very To the Panhandle country, my friend, why not go? Where the winters are mild and free from deep snow; . Where the cool breeze of summer, refreshing and grand, Fans the brow of the maid and the laboring man. Where water is as pure as the dew-drops that lie And sparkle in sunlight beneath the clear sky, Is found in abundance, and, thanks to man's skill. Is pumped to the earth by the clever windmill. Where the country lies level rich, fertile and good: That the rainfall is ample is well understood; Where the buffalo grass, once the friend bf the beast, Is yielding its place to the grain of the east. Where corn, rye and barley.Milo maize, oats and wheat, And fruits of the orchard, the world cannot beat; Where products of gardens and melons compare With those on exhibit at a grand county fair. Where cattle and horses in pastures grow sleek, And sheep, hogs and poultry of them I must speak, Are all grown with profit and but little pains, By the farmer and ranchman on the great Texas Plains. Where people are prosperous and live at their ease, Enjoying a climate that's free from disease Pure air and pure water and bright sunny skys; One glance at the country will open your eyes. Where land is now cheap, but will not so remain, As hundreds are coming on horaeseeker's trains; They are buying for homes, for comfort and health, Advance in investment alone will bring wealth. My friends, take advice secure a good thing; A home in the Panhandle is tit for a king; Buy while you can you will find out in time The truth simply stated in this little rhyme. Plainview News. YOUR OPPORTUNITY In order to materially increase our attendance, we have decided to allow a 10 per cent discount on 20 scholar ships, if sold before January 1st, 1909. This gives you a regular $50 scholarship, good in any department for $45 cash. It will be good for any date to enter. -:- -:- You Had Better Act Promptly or you will not be one of the 20. Get your scholarship now-to-day-and then you can enter any time. Address AMARILLO BUSINESS COLLEGE Amarillo, Texas neither thought nor investiga tion, that this river is third only in importance of the great nav igable rivers of the United States, and that within a very few years it will be second in ltortation as is Congressman Joseph E. Ramsdell, and we feel assured that as the exegincios require, the requirements will be met for the work in hand. Our Congressmen and many of Protect Your Property BY FIRE INSURANCE Commonwealth Fire Insurance Company of Texas. The London Assurance Corporation. Fire Association of Philadelphia. The Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Company, Philadelphia. The Royal Exchange Assurance. Philadelphia Underwriters. Scottish Union & National Insurance Company. Orient Insurance Company of Hartford. The New Hampshire Insurance Co. of Manchester, N. II. W. D. SCOTT, AGENT, Office in the court house Canyon City, Texas importance as a water highway j the members of the Legislature , to the great "Father of Waters."' j of several of the states are be- j This splendid river, when 5 m - ginning to recognize the real; proved as an artery of commerce j merits of the Palo Duro Park reaching from the Panhandle of , and I think it is quite possible Texas, will carry to and distrib- j even probable that Representa ute from the Panama Canal an ' five Bowman and Senator Veale annual tonnage of freight that is ! will find some way to induce the almost beyond computation, and Texas Legislature to regain for will make every point passed by the p e o p 1 e this wonderful this great stream "a common "beauty spot" and preserve it point for freight rates,'' and it is ' for the generations to come, as now the marvel of those who well as the present; and doubt have slightly investigated the ! less the legislatures of Arkan matter that such improvement : sas and Louisiana will follow the has been so long neglected. The , noble example of Oklahoma in extent of the territory and the : memorializing Congress in bo number of people to be benefited half of the pari:. The "OUTDOON" Herd OF REGISTERED HEREFORD CATTLE BULLS IN SERVICE Strike Twenty No. lKHu (Anxiety-IIesoid) Winsome Prince No. 1 7J. 1" (Rose Stock-Post Obit) Imp. Armour Dale No. iru, ;J (Anxiety-Dale) FOR SALE One car load two and three year old bulls. One car load yearling bulls. Ten head two year old heifers with suitable bull. Ten head yearling heifers witli suitable bull. One hundred head cows with calves on foot. --addkkss John fiutson, Canyon City, Texas Jasi'kk N. Hanky, Chairman Nat'l Park Ass'n. The Christmas Spirit. i . .... .1. i . i ioe iiiai suiiereiii ion ami This will be the first rural free delivery in the Panhandle which .shows to rapid increase in the population of the county. up pending the ojwning of t wo j much. miles of new road. Arrange-j Projxjr work at .said conven ments were made in this city ! tions has resulted in linking and last Saturday for this road to locking the nationalization of the be opened by the first of the park to, and as a part of, the yearanditis expected that the! great plan and work of so im new rural route will be estab-1 proving the Red river as to make lished by the first of February, jit navigable from its mouth to its confluence with the Pease river, at a jK)int far west of Denison. This great work is now enlisting the brain and energies of the ablest men in four of the great est states in the Union. This iwwerful association represents and is backed by hundreds of thousands who own and occupy the fertile valleys and rich table lands that constitute the vast watershed of this river, whose hoary head is in the Palo Duro canyon, ana whose glittering crown is the park In question which will be nationalized. T in 1iflf?Milt fr imnnwii is truly wonderful. The United States Congress will place the improvement of this river under the supervision of a separate engineering divi- tirm with nmn-fini-iiitinnsi and Christmas is the season of oivw, ....... "i'l-- "I provisions for continued and per-; Kindness, r or umstmas cele manent improvements: and this orates tne coming ol uirist into I A. 1 - .l T 1 A. 1 - 1 A f . A will include forestry protection j " woriu, anu n.e neari oi me i -it ? . f i i and conservation of water to pre- nnsi message or love-Jove ex vent overflows all along its upper j pressing itself in homely chan- tributaries, to prevent the dis-! new or irientuiness ana good win, asters so common on the lower river. At each of the conven tions above named, the Palo Duro Park received social and earnest consideration, and the deep interest unanimous. At the Denison meeting, the convention instructed its chair man, and also each of the Con gressmen who are members of the association, to appoint such number of delegates as they re six?ctively deem advisable, to attend the National Water-ways Congress which assembles in Washington on the 'Jth of this month (December). I am not Some comment was caused in this city this week on account of our editorial in last week's paper entitled "(lot Skinned on Gro ceries." People began to inves tigate and in every case found out that they had actually been "skinned." We don't want to "roast"' any tody but we are ac tually glad tint they have gotten their eyes open to the fact that twol ino'liQpitf twlot tltsfc yet advised who Mr has appointed from Congressional District, or from this or adjacent cities, but I must presume that he has not neglected this matter. The park has no wiser or more enthusi astic supporters than Congress men Sheppard and Randell of Texas; Wallace and Cravens of Arkansas; Carter of Oklahoma; and Watkins and Ramsdell ofj Louisiana, the latter of whom is president of the National Water ways Congress, as well as chair man of the Congressional com mittee on appropriations for waterways; and it is not flattery to mm to assert thai there is perhaps no other one man in the ! inrm TTnitfl Ststtt so thoroivhl .' rf Mi vrfrti. out IS kind.'' If we have kindly emo tions, let them have their way and blossom into kindly thoughts and kindly deeds. Iet the free manifested was cllllt' I)im ot open-hearted friendliness preveil. For this is the child's festival, celebrating the birth of a child, the wonder ful Giver who gave Himself for mankind. Let us carry the Christmas spirit through all the following days that come and go with all their measure of care or I pain or pleasure, and boar in! our hearts the inspiration and' hope of the blessed Christmas j festival of love, bearing ever I ringing hIhivp the soundsof earth iiind sense, tin; song of the angels V 0 5 V r fc V V ou 8 t LEADER: THE FAMOUS Nigger Head Hand Coal. Globe Cattle Dip Cottonseed Products, Grain, May, Etc. 5 J 7WVTTVTTTTVTTVTTVVV7TTVV Crowdus Ores, it Hums Co. Stephens j heralding in the birth of the Sav this lothliour of mankind. Publisher's Auxiliary. Hill Aldridge TAILOR Located at Tiis Leader CLEANING TRUSSING :and: REPAIRING Neatly Done Clothes Called For and Deliy- ere-i.. Phono 13.1. . KiO acres of in MIock M5, land, the adjoining I am ofl'ering for sale West portion of Section 'M) the town plat ot C anyon City on the North side. This property is finely located and has a run ning stream of water with line fishing place with about 50 or 00 acres of very line sub-irrigated al falfa land about half o! v. 'r'eli is already planted and the remainder is plo.vrd nr.dy foi planting it. The place is located convenient to town and good public schools and a bargain is oiTercd to the man who wants a good home. Would subdivide the tract to suit purchaser. E. BATES, Canyon City, Texas. urn .(.I) the rj"..:l l:t "T one or tw ccwuin-