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THE RANDALL COUNTY NEWS. DECEMBER IB. 19QB. r, i 7 Canyon City Professional Cards D. M.. Stewart, Physician and Surgeon Offlre in Wallace building over A. H. Thomi son's druir store. Calls annerel nit lit or day Geo. J. Parsons, Physician and Surgeon Office. Thomson's Arae store. F.M.Wilson, Physician and Surgeon Oftlec. City Pharmacy. Calls answered day or nitrht. Residence phone No. -KV S. L Ingham, Dentist Canyon National Hunk building, warranted. All work Geo. A. Brandon, Lawyer Twenty-three years' practice and experience in Texas courts. Office in court house. W. D. Scott, Lawyer Office In court house. Notary in office. Buie, Rollins & Vlfoolley, Lawyers U. Frank Iluie A. S. Rollins C. V. Woolley Court pructice solicited Will attend to cases in all courts of the stale. Examination of land titles a specialty. Notary in office. Office in Smith building. Phone 9S. J. C. Hunt, Lawyer Does both criminal aDd civil practice. Twelve years' experience. Land titles passed upon. Write all kinds of contracts and instru ments. Notary in office. Office northeast cor ner public square, up stairs. Canyon. Texas. R. A. Sowder, Attorney-at-Law ; '' and Notary. Complete abstracts of Randall county lands, omce ovtf Canyon SupiCy Co. Phone iH. Northwestern Title Go. Complete Abstract of All Randall County Property R. A. TERRILL, - MANAGER Dr. C. B. Lohr Veterinary Surgeon I am now located at the office of the George Rey nolds Co.'s livery barn and treat all kinds of dis eases pertaining to domes tic animals and those of cattle and sheep especially. Castrating, ridglingand vaccinating together with tubercolosis treatments on short notice. I have had twenty-three years exper ience in my profession. All calls from the city, county or state promptly answered, day or night. Charges are Reasonable. Office Phone, No. 6. Residence Phone, No. 12. DR. G. B. LOHR r t;.. t.... ! SANTA CLAUS 15 C0MING- i Grand Old Man Will Appsar in Canyon City I Before Another Week Celebration I at Churches. I i l. 11 jjeiore anouier wren mj.iu have passed another epoch in the history of young and old alike will have come and gone. Good Old Saint Nick will have been j simons: "us distributing to the J faithful the remembrances of the yule-tide season. Never in the history of Ran dsdl county have there been so much, reason for a joyful time as we may expect during this an nual holiday. Every one has prospered according as he has labored and everyone will be able to celebrate the successful year by giving and receiving those tokens of friendship and love as are appropriate to the occasion. At each of the churches in this city celebrations will be held on Christmas eve. Christmas trees will be the order of the day and appropriate exercises will be had. Already arrangements are being made for the different articles which go to make up the beautiful decorations which will be used and for the fruits, nuts, candies and various other articles which will be distributed. The stores in this city where holiday goods are on display are being crowded every day with the present-seekers and the merchants report an unusually large advance sale of these arti cles. It seems that "Old Santa'' will be in Canyon City whether it snows or not. Celery' fresh from the garden, crisp as a new spring radish and as tine flavored as any that ever grew, at the Hauter place. With The City Churches. The churches of the city invite all persons to attend the services at their various places of wor ship. 'The times of the regular meetings are given below. METHODIST CHl'KCH. Rev. M. E.. Hawkins, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening, 7:00. Sun day school 10 a. m. D. A. Park Supt., Miss Angie Meyers Sec. Senior League Sunday 4 p. m.. Dr. F. M. Wilson, Leader. Jun ior League Sunday 3 p. m, Mrs. John Hibdon, Leader. Home Mission Society Tuesday after noon at church, Mrs. John Hib don, President. CHRISTIAN CHl'KCH. Rev, J. B. White, Pastor. Ser vices Sunday morning 11 o'clock and evening at 7:00. Sunday School 0:45 a. in. Lee Van sant, Supt., Travis Shaw, Secretary: Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 8:00. practice Friday 7:00 p. m Choir j I I PKI-'SBYTEKJAX CHL'KCH. 1 Rev. J. S. Groves, Pastor. Reg ' ular services at 11 o'clock Sun day morning and 7:00 o'clock Sunday evening. Prayer meet- ing Wednesday evening 8:00 o'clock. Sunday School 10 a. in. ill. J. Cavet, Supt., Miss Frankie ;Gober, Sec. Junior Endeavor j Society, 4:15 Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Nixon, Leader. Senior En deavor Society, 0:30 Sunday even ing, Miss Bessie Groves, Pres. j FIKST CHl'KCH OK CHKIST, SCIENTIST. Services Sunday a. in., 11 'o'clock and Sunday p. in., 7 : o'clock. Wednesday evening tes timonial service at 7 p. m. V. Edna Henson, C. S., first reader. ; Sunday school 10 : 15 a. in. All children under 20, welcome, j Only teachers, officers and chil dren present. Mrs. Ava R. I Hall, superintendent. i BAPTIST CHL'KCH. Rev. J. M. Harder, Pastor. Services at 1 1 a. ni. and 7:00 p. i ni. Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 7:00. Sun jday School 9:43 a., in. J. C. Hunt, Supt., Miss Columbia : Redfearn Sec. Ladies' Aid So iciety meets at pastor's home every lirst and third Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mrs. J. uif7 'Tis merry 'neuh the misilciM, When holly berries (listen bright; When Chrisimn fires gletm ind glow, When wintry winds so wildly blow, And ill the meadows 'round irt white, 'Tis merry 'nesih the misdetot. A privilege 'lis then, you know, To exercise time-honored rite; When Christmas fires gletm and glow, When loving lips may pout, although With other Hps they ofi unite, Tis merry 'neath the mistletoe. J. Ashiy-Sttrry. -Ms Dramatic Club Organized. A meeting was held in this city last Tuesday night for the purpose of organizing a dra matic club, the meeting being largely attended and the enthu siasm being reported as very great. Arrangements were made for permanent organization and it is thought that the club will put on a play at an early date. The personnel of the club has not been made public as yet but it is reported that some of the best talent in the city con stitutes the club. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera Remedy. and Diarrhoea This is a perfectly reliable medicine for bowel complaints, and one that has never been known to fail even in the most severe and dangerous cases. For sale by City Pharmacy. Misses Bourland and Sadler, teachers in the city schools at Tulia, were in the city last Sat urday and Sunday, the guests of Miss Ellen Donald. I John Teebken of Umbarger was in the city Wednesday hav ing come to meet a number of his relatives which he expected to come from Nebraska. James Fairbanks of West Chi cago, 111., is here on a visit to his brother, K. S. Fairbanks, and his sister, Mrs. Dr. Daniels, north west of the city. It is probable that he will also locate some where in this section of the state. C. M. Houser of Umbarger was in this city Wednesday and when questioned by the News re porter stated that every farmer in Randall county ought to and he thought that they would enter something in an exhibit hall if tlw. committee would of a fair for the LIP. re-union up more next season. It is reported that Mrs. Sarah J. Cox, who formerly lived at this place but since the death of her husband some months ago, a resident of Amarillo, has been granted a pension by the govern ment as a widow of a Union Soldier. Rev. A- B. Haynes, formerly pastor of the Presbyterian church in this city, accompanied by Mrs. Haynes, was in the city this week on a visit with rela tives and friends. Rev. Haynes was on his way to Fairview where he will be engaged in a protracted service. Mr. and Mrs. Haynes are now making their home at Mcljean where he has charge of the church. W. E. CoojK-r, accompanied by his family and household goods, has arrived in this city from Ill inois and is making his arrange ments to build a new house and barn upon his place about five miles southwest of Canyon City. To the News reporter Mr. Cooper stated that he was well pleased with this county and " City Schools to Close. When the time comes to dis miss school this afternoon the children of this city will be free for one week of unalloyed bliss The school board and teachers have decided not to have any school during the next week on account of the teachers institute which will be in session. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Vance last Friday, a girl. Mr. Renfro of Amarillo was in this city Wednesday. J. F. Barker of Hereford was in the city last Saturday. J. Frank Smith is in the north this week on a business trip. Mrs. Tom Lester of Umbarger was town last Monday looking after "Old Santa.". Mr. and Mrs. J. M. White of Amarillo were the guests of Mrs. B. T. Johnson this week. G. Q. Burnett of Amarillo was in this city Tuesday on a visit with his brother, Rev. J. T. Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. John Howell of Lake Arthur, New Mexico, have been in this city this week on a visit to relatives. John Knight has returned home from Browntield wjVre he had been interested in the dis position of some recil estate. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Meyers will leave next Monday for Den ton where they will visit friends and relatives. They expect to be gone about a month. The subject of the lesson for next Sunday at the reading room of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, will be Is the Uni verse, Including Man, Evolved by Atomic Force?" After a business trip to Fort Worth, Mr. and Mrs. John How ell of Like Arthur, N. M., spent Monday in this city on a visit with Mrs. John L. Howell Sr. They were on their way home. Claud, the little son, and Ear lene, the 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Davis of this city have been sick the past week, the cause of the trouble being the old-fashioned measles. a 0ooooo i LOCAL GRAIN MARKET S The quotations here given are from the Canyon City grain deal ers and show the market the day before the issue of this paper. The prices are for grain in sack unless otherwise stated. Wheat, No. 2, bushel $ 1 02 Oats, best, bushel 50 Maize and Kafllr in heads, new crop, ton 11 00 Millet hay, per ton 8 00 Johnson grass hay, ton. . . 9 00 Alfalfa, per ton 11 00 Corn, best Maize, threshed, bushel.. GO 52 Kaffir corn, threshed, bu.. 52 Chickens and KgjrH Fryers, per dozen $3 50 GOOD PRICE FOR HOGS. Randall County Citizen Disposes of Fat Swine at Good Price on Foot Says This is a Good Hog Country. J. D. Knicelj", who lives south of this city, was in the city Mon day bringing with him forty-five head of hogs which he had sold to S. M. Downing at five cents per pound. The average weight of the hogs was 254 pounds and therefore the size of the check received for this by-product of Mr. Knicely's nice farm assumed proportions which would cause a man to stop and look up. To the News reporter Mr. Knicely said that he had been raising hogs ever since he came to this country many years ago and had found that they were great profit makers, and that as long as he stayed in Randall county he would continue to raise them. He still has on hand some fifty or sixty head which he expects to keep over until next fall at which time he ex pects to have very heavy fat stuff for the market. Mr. Knicely claims that hogs are entirely free from any trouble of any kind here and that they can be raised at a much smaller expense than anywhere else about which he knows. He also claims that kaftir corn and milo maize make as fine feed for hogs as anything that can be had in the feed line, claiming that the hogs digest every particle of these feeds which are given them therefore making weight out of every pound of the feed. For a Lame Back. When you have pains or lame ness in the back bathe the parts with Chamberlain's Liniment twice a day, massaging with the palm of the had for five minutes at each application. Then dampen a piece of flannel slight ly with this liniment and bind it on over the seat of pain, and you may be surprised to see how quickly the lameness disappears. For sale by City Pharmacy. Mrs. Thomas Rowan, accom panied by Mrs. J. H. Garrison and daughter, Miss Earlene, spent last Tuesday in Amarillo. BUSINESS LOCALS ! a Be a News subscriber. Books with cattle bills of sale. Bryan's Commoner and The News, both one year $1.80. Let O. B. Cotton do your clean ing and pressing. 37-2t Phone 41 when you have an item of local news. You can always find fresh fruits at Cowart's Confectionery. Good quality calling cards 100 25 cents. Cowart's Confectionery can dies are good. For Sale Good piano, used about one year. Enquire at this office. 34 tf Cattle to Feed I would like to place my cattle to be fed about Janu ary 1. G. G. Foster. 38-2tp Cattle Wanted. Ranch and Ijve Stock to handle on shares. Ap ply at this office. 3tf. Let Hibdon supply you with celery as fine as you could wish and home raised. Lost Between Judge Haney's and O. C. Davis' residences, a breast pin. Finder please re turn to depot and receive re ward. 38-It Canyon Residence for Land, We have one of the best dwell ings in town to trade for half section of land. tf Laik-Cowlincj Land Co. Work Team For Sale. iJ5:tejim.'wdirhinJ Be a News subscriber. For Sale One good mare mule colt out of Carney's jack. See Thos. Lester at Umbarger. 37-2t The candies at J. W. Cowart's confectionery store are the best' made. All kinds of cleaning and press ing done by O. B. Cotton are the best that can be done. 3; The railway committee is or will soon be in the market for some town lots to use on bonus. See L. G. Conner, Chairman, tf For Sale Two buggies and har ness, one gentle pony, one bed room suit, one iron bed. 3G-tf I. L. Van Saxt. For Sale 40 pigs and shoats, some good sows with pigs by a registered male. See Bob Fos ter. 35-4 tp Parties having land joining or near town and desiring to sell same for bonus purposes to rail way committee should see tf L. G. Coxnek, Chairman. You have noticed that the most extravagant claim made br others is that their lumber is as good as Fulton Lumber Go's. You have noticed that. For Sale or exchange for unin cumbered land a clean, fresh stock of drugs and fixtures. Ad dress W. D. Cleveland, 35-otp Canyon. "All men are made of the same kind of stuff; the difference is in the way the stuff is put to gether." Be an early and ap preciativeeustomer. Do it now. PCITON Ll'MBEK CO. Hay For Sale I have a quantity of Alfalfa hay and baled sorghum for sale at my bam just north of the square. M. F. Slovcr. 37tf The Rogerson Hotel dining room is now under the manage ment of Schultz it Schultz, ex perienced caterers, and they ex pect to furnish the best meals in the city. 37-3t Nature has borrowed the tints of the rainbow to remind us the procession is passing and the months glidding by. Only a few weeks remain and 10(H will be a matter of history. Now is the time to make the year a good one. I mum Lumber Lo s. lum ber will give enthusiasm to your effort. For Sale A 35 h. p. Pope-Toledo touring car. Has just been com pletely overhauled: tires new and car guaranteed to be in first class condition. Will demon strate. Has gable horn and speedometer; good road clear ance; 30-inch wheels. First check for $1,000 gets car. Reasons for selling. Runabout answers own er s purpose better. Lot me show you this car. Address, P. O. Box I), Amarillo. Tex. 30-U Ladies' Bazaar. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Christian Church will open their Christmas Bazaar about De cember 17th. location will bo announced later. 3l5tf. Good Land For Sale. I am offering the finest com bination hog and alfalfa farm in this country for sale. Tt. am. sistsof(17 acres about 2 mile northeast from the court house and has a stream of running water. 400 acres of fine alfalfa land with a residence on the place. Price 5 per acre with terms. J' W. Pkichaki), tf Canyon, Texas. Rotten or Ripe. The Pessimist growls, clouds hide the sun, the world is dark, pie tilts his digestion, friend ships are false and everything is "rotten.'' The Optimist carries his own sunbeams, hears the music of busy machinery, of laughing flowers, notes the good points of Fult-nn J.njnhoi. f'n