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THE RANDALL COUNTY NEWS. FEBRUARY 19. 1909. The Randall County News PuUlslii-il Kvt-ry Fril.iy. cannot say hut wo do want to 'apologize for sayinjj that wo have no tiro protection at all. Great (?) Is Man. The Newt Publishing: Company It. A. Tcrrill, Manager F.tlitor Kntt-ri-d iat posioWce at -iryon. Ten.. ns ! KCi'ond c;.is matter. OiTIre of puliltention. j West tvolvn Mrcct. Sutii-i rijit ion KhUh. f t i,o enr. in ccn;nl y One er. Oiilvtie of county Six men;)'. Two n)ni.i!. J'i.l'crs VI. t tv,;i nr.'i'iCNn! !ii CM'ir. ,.f IN 1 Wo have boon, from tirao to time, requested by a large num ber of our subscribers who live in the country, to call the atten- ; tion of automobilists to the man j nor in which they pass wagons i."i-!!and buggies upon the public "' i highways. Often these autos jcome up from the rear and pass a.-1 close to the vehicles to which are ! attached horses or mules which Contrilmtom Notice. Tl.o t r ty-.'.s j'afiT as r.xia t rivtsv . Jr.m I'.nif to i'i nxnini.-n.ns tri m .t ri'isiVr. t'Kt f ri"!;:t't tl'.jl .'wi mi oh con-.-n.ii:.:o(.';Mi,s to not 1. r i'.,!:':o;i:u.n. t :!! wo n.:iN know the source from h:cl the ar'.so'e eomes. Heboid the animal called man, as he goes forth in the morning in all his glory, is kicked by a jack ass and expires in the even ing. Isn't he great? He places his thumbs in the arm-holes of his vest and strut teth across the railroad track ;00 yards in front of an on-coming train. His foot catches in the coupling of a rail and he goes to glory. Isn't he powerful? He starts out driving the old family buggy horse on a country road; a razor-back hog jumps become frightened at the ' gas wagon" causing the drivers to have much trouble in controlling I from behind a clump of bushes i the teams. The autoists should ! says "boo" the horse upsets the use some judgment in these mat-j buggy and the man goes to join He's a wonder! .r. err. .: .,;.1 :. or r ! s oori 'i-uti c, h o! The New s ' rrJV'o.'.or' '.ii-on the eh.irnetor, si.t'.-n i J ar.y yers.T.. t:rn or h iii.iv i. ) i o:i r '.r the eo'..;:i.r. I l-o i.".;ui. orreetoti ssi't'V. its the :ter:ti.:i of the j-iih:-M;er. ! lie placeth his mouth over the ! muzzle of a shot gun to blow Railway Time Table. MAIN LINK, WKST BOl'ND. No. ST ! CIo.N tX tr.. No. :.- Cr.hi..l :!.' a. m. No. -X I...e: " MAIN LINK, LAST HOKNIi. X... :. froit. "iov: !. : X-... -ii. -' city... . .. . .'.: v. ra. X-. i- L-e:.: l":o .ht - i I- r.:. PLAIN VII ;V r.KANCH. NOKTH ii'NH No. to .Mi:-.r...o i. No. -i I. e.-. Pre :.!.. i "- l'LAINVIKW" 1JK.VNVI!. s X.i iT. t 1' :. .r.:e. X . I.oc..: 1 :...!.: ; r. N ::: t ..- :-- .: -SC!. : 1 . I!,. : : T-.:::-. N ' v . r. ti I. to' tors. The drivers of the teams ! the angels are even more human than the autoi'.s and they and their teams should have at least a por- j through it to see if it is loaded, th'ii of the consideration allowed He accidently strikes the ham them by law. ; mer against a tree; the coroner - - - pronounces it suicide. Isn't he The Commissioner's court has j independent": acted in good judgment when; He whistle: REPORT OF GRAND JURY. 'Mysterious Twelve" Make Final Report to District Judge With Soma Good Recommendations. thev placed their order for the raises a five "Hot Time' as he ;allon can of coal In concluding their labors as grand Jurors for the February term of the district court in this count j' last week that honorable body submitted the usual written report. In it are some very nice ly worded phrases of advice advice that, if heeded, will make for the benefit of the city and county. One particular portion of the report especially covers ground that some of the people, at least, of this city know that should be covered and if the parents would heed the admonition there would be less need for the grand jury in the future especially as re gards trouble eminating from the young boy class of meddlers We give below the report of the grand jury in full: To Honorable J. X. Browning, Judge 47th Judicial District of new inrmture Mr t ie court nousoiou ami pours u on mhho icxas. now in the course of completion. ! kindling, lie stops whistling We, the Grand Jury empannel While thev did not buy the suddenly when the explosion oe-! ed at the February Term of the highest priced furniture still : curs and is burned to a crisp, j District Court of Kandall County they st locted a very line quality : Isn't he wise": j submit this, our final report for :md L'r;i, ios and the dosigns pre-; He worketh very hard and I the term. Lorxn. : seated show that the inside fur- steady for T years; saves a few ! We have carefully investigat- f the building will be I thousand dollars that ought to rd all violations of the criminal have been spent for the comfort l iws of the State of Texas re- of himself and family, takes a j ported to have been committed ; "liver" in some class of futures in Kandall county and have re in mgs oi :r .'. : 1: in keeping with the beauty and symmetry ediiice. t v. . of th I. H Thought Microbes In a Drop of Ink. "fi. r W-- p.'itiv-o an article ;n on.1 of o.u' e.X'-l.angfs this week stating that one of the eiti.-ns of that . county had killed a hog w.-igh- ir.g pounds. People ill Han da!! eo;;r,ty have killed several larger than that this year---John II. Hell killing on " poanus wet.-! Ad thi and goes to the poor house knows it all. He worketh and denieth his family the comforts of life for e" years in order to save some thing for Ins children after he is dead. He outlives the child- The "OUTDOOR" Herd REGISTERED O F HEREFORD CATTLE BULLS IN SERVICE Strike Twenty No. 1K1,Ww (Anxiety-Hesoid) Winsome Prince No. 172,-125 (Rose Stock-Post Obit) Imp. Armour Dale No. 150.H43 (Anxiety-Dale) FOR SALE One car load two and three year old bulls. One car load yearling bulls. Ten head two year old heifers with suitable bull. Ten head yearUng heifers with suitable bull. One hundred head cows with calves on foot. ,nnui:ss turned four bills for felony and j four bills for misdemeanor- The public building and pre-1 mises have been inspected by us i ;nd we report them in fairly! gaud condition. We wish, how- ; ever, to recommend the building of a fire proof jail as soon as the i will per-1 teg rai rAr r 1 Frf I V 1 ren. The administratttr and the that weighed lawyers get the roporty. Isn't li nances of the county before last, lie the limit to good judgment': , Plains country is a givat ' He goeth forth to seek an office ' We visited the public school ir.g country anyhow. at the hands of the people. He ; building in Canyon City and find : is th.en incorrupt and everybody, ; same to be clean, sanitary and Some people call the plains a .' including himself, believes he is ; in good order. -On account, how "windy country." Weil, what il ' incorruptible. The lobbyist, ; ever, of the possibility of a cal it is': You never hear of anv representing a special interest, j amity from fire we believe that property damages arising from dines and wines him: pays all 'the winds. The careful inquiries Sr editor has made ' his expenses on several excur . and has not yet i sionsdoans him till the money he ''found out where a single rosi-: wants without interest and final ' dencehas even been destroyed by jl.v asks a small (': favor of him any wind or breeze that ever as a law maker. He grants it blew here. Not many states can ' and is sold to the highest bidder, say that. i Isn't lie loyal": - . Man knoweth not one minute In a short time the farmers of whether or not he will be alive all doors upstairs should open out into the hallway. Also the doors to the entrance into the hallway down stnirs we think should ojion out as a further precaution in case of fire. In conclusion we wish to say that our county is almost clear of crime and were it not for the loose and easy methods of pro-' v. L.-n thev ra: r;rr, So.-.':; '..l K' i :.ore s a saau w be hard at the next, and he knoweth not curing firewater- in our neign their spring; today what mean triek he may I boring metropolis, our peace the ! be guilty of tomorrow. let he officers could put in all their wilP boasts of what he will and will I time fishing and playing check ers. t:;i-y 1- O'.l I.: if t!i- 1 ,.1. r.-i,ps .f :;;-,( ;-;;-',t:' tM iaakf a i-rei-t.-r L IL'.L'd tbis lativt Ik tiwn. !.cr 1.: this country will ikt y.-oik letting in ei'o; s. Diversification of tilling aim planting ol crops mean much for the farmer in not do, judging others by his this section this year. Better ! standard and lives his life as if plant plenty of feed crops and a die always intended to remain few hogs. ihere. There is no doubt about - ! it man is a great animal. Kx. Th must la-. ftl-'iU-!l :S the outsi 1 r I rot'.y lively TLus a dr-.ji ! M;wi'Ai'i::; vi;i:' :sin(; ink is a the t. .n. ;.joJ tL: Al- f-r AN APOLOGY TO CANYON CITY. Even an editor of a weekly pa per like the Kandail County News is liable to make mistakes. For some time we have been rearing around and tearing our editorial hair until we are almost bald because Canyon City had taken r.o steps towards the protection ' of the property of the city from lire and now we find we have made- a mistake. We have claim ed that we had no fire proteetiori at all. but we hae to take off our tifiieial hat and kneel in sack Te.vhne Local came out ! last week under r.ew manage-' : merit, P.P. Haynes now being j t the guiding spirit in the editor-j i ial room. He has a very newsy, ! paper for his first edition and if he bv his first issue he will succeed Salvation by Pipe Lins. The colored parson had just concluded a powerful sermon on "Salvation am Free," and was ir.ninnon(f t I i i t m .HiitIr?i up the standard pdaced , , . ' 1 ' ,.-..,.1,1 l... t.,p..n f....,( t ..f with the aper. sU'-Cess. W e wisn lorn Did we hear anyone say that they were dissatisfied with Kan dall county': If we did all we want to say is that then- is plenty of room where you came from. It don't take much room for a smali one. Have vou said anything good . , , , ; find out. Now aoout ti;e town and county late IV: j the parson and Ids family. Up ! jumped an acutely brunette ! brother in the back of the church. '"Iyiok a-year, pahson.' he in ' terrupted, "yo" ain't no sooner done tellin' us dat salvation am free dan yo' go askin' us fo' : money. If salvation am free, ' what's do Use in payin' fo' it": ; Dat's what I want to know. An' II tell yo' p'intedly dat I ain't goin to gib yo notion until I CI' '. ii nd hes nd beg the humble pardon of the peopk Canytm City whom v.e Of have so During A Csckroach Remed j "Patience, brudder, patience," 1 said the parson. "I'll 'lucidate: : S'poso yo' was thirsty an' comej I to a river. We wish to call the attention of parents to the depredations of young Americans of the trundle bed size who go about touching fire to weeds, grass and almost anything that will burn and we recommend the prompt applica tion of a good sound board to a certain part of their anatomy which best fits the board, there bv saving residents much un easiness and future grand juries! valuable time. j We wish to thank the Court, the District and County Attor neys and other county officers for courtesies and kindness shown us. And now having concluded our duties and finished our labors, respectfully request to be dis charged for the term. L. K. Cowuxu, Foreman of the Grand Jury. Been There Before. A housekeeper who w; 1 1 j a' ; g r. a n 1 1 v m a n d e red . this week the editor has found : commended to try cucumber ; notion', would it':" about fourteen fe.-t and three ieelings as a remedy for cock-) "Ob cou'se not. inches of rubber hose hidden roaches st re v.-ed the floor with , what I " under the stage at the opera ; pieces of the peel cut not very; "Dat water would A new constable was on duty! Yo' could kneel right i at one of the London police courts ;down an' drink yo' fill, couldn't j and was conducting a prisoner j '"'-"iyo': An it wouldn't cost yo' j to the cells. j i "Mind the step," he said, as Dat's jest they came to a dark corner. j "All right'' muttered the pris be free," fner; "I knew that step before house and with it w as one good thin and watched the sequel, says ' continued the parson. "Hut you were born.'" Ex. brass noa! e for about a three- a writer in Suburban Life. The ;nosin' yo' was to hah dat wa-i " ' quarter inch stream. So far as pests covered the pet 1 in a short ', ter piped to yo' house": Yo'd j to ascertain time so that it could not be seen, have to pay, wouldn't yo":'' ' Chance to Make Up. the editor was abi- there was but nineteen holes in so voraciously were they engag- in sucking the poisonous We understand that ed 'Yas, suh, but " 'Wal, brudder, so it is w id "Why so sorrowful, girl?"' "We have parted forever. He the hose this hnse and r.ozy.le were mi r- nn is1 1; re f ruin it Tln second ! ..!,...;..., f...... 'writes me to send buck the - - - - ' - - -- - - i - - - -. ituiiuii. is. miiiaiiM;i n:ii in i f chased by popular subscription night that this was tried the i hut it's de bavin' it pii-d toyo';r'n! .ome years ago for fire protec- j number of cockroaches was re-j y( got to pay fo'. Passde' tion. bether or not tliere was dreed to a quarter and none hat, deacon, pass de hat.' "Tell him to call for it," ad-; Kv-! vised the experienced friend. OUR LEADER: THfi FAMOUS AyyvttvtttvttttttttttttttA Nigger Head Maitland Coal. Globe Cattle Dip Cottonseed Products, Grain, Hay, LStc. Crowdus Bros. I Hume Go. Can You Play Forty -Two? If so, alright. If not, then learn. We have just made arrangements with the Forty-Two Card Company for a limited supply of their NEW CARDS and will send you a pack of "42 Cards" regular price 50c if you will send us the names of 15 young persons in your vicinity who are interested in a BUSINESS EDUCATION, and 25c in stamps or silver. This is good for only one week from date of this paper. HURRY. ADDRESS The Amarillo Business College Amarillo, Texas LAND BARGAINS BEING an "Old Timer'' here I am well posted on values and know bargains when I see them. I am in a position to show you the best FARMS, RANCHES and CITY PROPERTY at the LOWEST PRICES L. C. CONNER Real Estate Loans, Live Stook, Rentals Office Building. North Side of Square, Canyon City. Texas Canyon Coal & Elevator Co. Incorporated. W. H. Hicks. Manager Successors to Canyon Coal Company Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Coal, Grain, Hay and Field Seeds We Sell the Best Quality at Lowest Prices. Genuine "Nigger Head" Maitland COAL We Pay the Highest Prices for Grain and Hay Strictly a Home Concern. Office at the Elevator. Telephone 72 John Hutson, Canyon City, Texas ( tr ( ( tr tr tr tr tr tr 1 more of the huse at the time wej were left on the third night. ; cry body 's Magazine. lymisville Courier-Journal.