Fresh Candies
All Kinds of Fruit
Nuts of Various Kinds
Finest Fountain in Town
An Entirely New Stock
Harrells Confectionery
Fnet SIHp nunrf ! ti Npiu XKrrc Rlnrtr
640 Acres
A fine section of land cornering1 with the
city limits: 250 acres in cultivation; 100 acres
of sub-irrigated alfalfa land. Living water in a
running stream across the north end and plenty
of fishing. Has a fine natural park with a beau
tiful grove of native trees.
This tract of land is finely located and will
make an ideal home. It is close to school and
is within the Canyon City Independent School
The soil is as good as any on the Plains and
the price is attractive. See me if you want a
fine tract of land for an ideal home.
I am offering for sale 1G0 acres of land, the
west portion of Section 30 in Block B5, adjoin
ing the town plat of Canyon City on the north.
This property is finely located and has a run
nine stream of water with fine fishing place with
about 50 or t0 acres of very fine sub-irrigated
alfalfa land about half of which is already planted
and the remainder is plowed ready for planting.
The place is located convenient to town and
good public schools and a bargain is offered to
the man who wants a good home. Would sub
divide tract to suit purchaser.
Canyon City, Texas.
Fire and Tornado
Only the very best companies are represented
through our agency. Here they are:
American Central
Commercial Union
Detroit Fire and Marine
Firemen's Fund
German American
Insurance Co. of North America
Liverpool, London & Globe
Michigan Commercial
Mechanics and Traders
Fire and Tornado Insurance
C.N. Harrisonft Co.
For Sale
New York Underwriters
North River
National Union
Northern Assurance
North British & Mercantile
Providence of Washington
Phoenix of Hartford
Phoenix of Brooklyn
St. P?ul Fire and Marine
Santa Fa in tha Panhandle Received Largest
Number in History of the Road.
An official letter to the Brand
from D. L. Meyers, Gen. Freight
and Passenger Agent Pecos Val
ley Lines of the Santa Fe in the
Panhandle says:
Dear Sir:
During the year 1908, we un
loaded at our stations in the Pan
handle of Texas, 1184 car loads
of immigrant outfits. This com
pares with 1033 for 1907 and 494
during 1900 and shows a remark
able increase in the business and
indicates clearly that the reputa
tion of the county from an agri
cultural standpoint is well and
permanently established.
Yours Truly,
D. L. Meyers.
This letter is very gratifying
to everybody in the Panhandle.
If all other roads in the Panhan
dle have had the the same in
creased in the immigration bus
iness there has been a heavy
percentage of increase. Taking
the tigu res for 1907 and adding
the increase to the total, the
Santa Fe, Denver and Rock Is
land handled over 3000 immi
grant cars in the Panhandle only.
The Panhandle is meant to in
clude only that "neck of the
wood'' from Childress west and
from Plainview north. As soon
as the official report is received
from the other roads the actual
tigui'es will be published.
What does this mean for the
Panhandle? It means that the
country is to be put to the test
by the real farmer, that thous
and of acres of land is to be put
under cultivation, that millions
of feet of lumber is to be put
into new houses and barns, that
a million miles of new fences
are to be built, that train loads
of farming implements are to
be bought, that hundreds of new
school houses and churches are
to be built, that a large number
of new towns will spring up on
every side, that the success of
every new farmer in the Panhan
dle will count for good and re
sult in bringing others to this
country. It means more people
and more conveniences to life in
the West. Hereford Brand.
The "T Years.
A writer in a Chicago paper
grows enthusiastic over the
striking record made in other
years during the past century
which ended in '"9," and predicts
wonderful achievements during
1909. He instances the follow
ing: "Glancing backward through
the archives of memory, it will
be recalled that the panic of '37
was succeeded by the great
boom of '39. In '49 gold was
found in California. Pike's Peak
was discovered in 7)9 and the
mines of Colorado opened. In
'09 the era of reconstruction set
in, and the prosperity that fol
lowed has never been equaled.
In '79 came another readjust
ment of industrial conditions.
In 'b0 came the boom that col
lapsed in '92. In '99 the open
ing up of the Klondike and the
revival of trade after the Span
ish war brought another boom."
It is not to be expected that in
the matter of achievements 1909
will be behind the other years
that have "9"' in them. Nor
could it better lay claim to dis
tinction than by witnessing the
greatest strides yet made in the
development of the Panhandle
and the Southwest. Nothing
would more certainly add luster
to that particular numeral now
and in future years. Having
thus publicly called attention to
the matter this paper has dis
charged its duty. It is now up
to 1909 to make good in the man
ner here suggested. Daily Pan
handle. Shoats for Sale Twenty-five head
of Poland China Shoats. See II.
J. Webber five miles north of
town on Amarillo road. Phone
connections. 40tf
Santa Fe's California Traffic.
The opening of the Helen cut
off for California traffic by the
Santa Fe which has been planned
for February 1, has been post
poned and the changes will not
be made until later. The finish
ing touches on surfacing the
Helen cut-off which extends from
Amarillo, Texas, to Helen, New
Mexico, has been delayed by the
bad weather and numerous other
causes and the line can not be
opened before March 1. After
that time a part of the freight
traffic to New Mexico and Cali
fornia will be detoured over the
cut-off by leaving the main line
at Florence and going south to
Augusta and Mulvane to Well
ington, thence over the Panhan
dle division to Amarillo and over
the new line.
Only a part of the traffic will
be detoured by this route at the
beginning. This will be done to
settle the track before ballasting.
Following this a part of the
California passenger trffic will
be detoured over the new line but
over a different route. The pas
senger trains which are detoured
over this new line will leave the
main line at Newton and 'pass
through Wichita to Wellington
and then follow the same route
as the freight traffic. However, it
is predicted that the passenger
trains will not be changed to run
over this line till during the sum
mer and probably not until next
A number of prairie type en
gines of the 1000 class have Ween
assigned to We transferred to
Wellington to work on the divis
ion between that point and Ama
rillo, Texas, to help settle this
track We fore the ballast is put
down. The track over this part
of the line has been in use for a
number of years but in was built
with light rails but were not
heavy enough to occommodate
these heavy engines.
Four of these engines Wave
been assigned on this division
and are being transferred from
the Missouri division. Others
will be transferred to Wellington
as soon as heavier engines can
be secured for service on the
Missouri division. Wichita Bea
American Story-Ttllars.
Here is one of the reminis
cences of John Sharp Williams
of Mississippi:
"I spent some of my linn.' in
Florence, Italy, during my stud
ent days. Shortly after my ar
rival in the beautiful Italian city
I heard a number of people men
tion a beautiful Algerian prin
cess who was making quite a
sensation in Florentine society.
My curiosity was aroused, and
I gladly accepted an invitation to
a public reception when? it was
reported that the princess vs
to be present. When I armed '
at the reception the place was
crowded, but I managed to make
my way to the spot where the
alleged member of the Algerian
royal family was standing. Her
skin was very dark and her lips
were very thick. My suspicions
were aroused. Elging myself
quite close to her ladyship, 1
leaned over and whispered, '"1
say, nigger, what part of the
South are you from?" She gave
me a startled look and saidTso
from South Carolina, boss, but
please don't give me away."
"I didn't."
It's no use to get mad because
a woman is wrong in an argu
ment, for then she will cry and
make you say she was right.
Education is all right in its
place, and experience is worth
millions to the wise; but there is
nothing that can take the place
of good old common sense.
It's the unreasonableness of a
woman not to want you to hold
her hand before she is married
to you and to want you to after
she is.
A woman has an awful queer
look in her eyes when men talk
about padding the election re
jturas. Ex.
Texas Live Stock Paper Advocates Raising of
Higher Grade of Animals.
Capt. Burke Burnett has just
returned from Iowa, where he
bought six fine stallions to be
used in horse breeding. The
number includes five registered
Percherons and one Shire, all
coming three-year-olds. The
stallions will be exhibited at the
Fort Worth Fat Stock Show,
after which they will be sent to
Capt. Burnett's GG0G ranch in
King county.
"I propose to engage exten
sively in raising large farm
horses",says Capt. Burnett, "and
will use these stallions in breed
ing up my stock. The rapidity
with which West Texas is set
tling with farmers will make the
demand for such animals as I
propose to breed. I have been
raising all kinds of horses from
the cow pony to the thorough
bred, for the past thirty years,
but the coming demand for large
animals has caused me to take up
the raising of a breed suitable
for farm work."
Capt. Burnett is a member of
the executive committee for the
Cattle Raisers' Association of
Texas, but he is Tar-sighted
enough not to be wedded to cattle
alone. He rightly sees in Texas
an opportunity for Wetter farm
horses and proposes to be in on
the ground Hour.
It is a fact, as he predicts, that
the demand for larger farm horse
will soon be greater than the
supply. This condition prevails i
all over the United States. Big!
horses are in demand because j
they can do more work, haul big-!
ger loads, pull bigger plows,
while the cost of keeping them!
up is practically the same asj
1 1 lose for horsers of lighter i
draught. j
The past few years has wit-!
nessedthe steady and increasing!
importation to Texas of a class j
of horses which would have been ,
laughed at in Texas t wenty years I
ago. They are not . Ileet enough '
to run down a sick yearling, and :
in a carriage they cut a poor tig-;
ure, but when it comes to pulling
loads they can give cards ami;
spades to anything else that;
walk's on four feet. i
At the National Feeders and!
Breeders' Show in Fort Worth j
last March some of these horses ;
were shown by breeders who:
saw the coining demand in Texas;
and spent time and money to gel '
hero early. 1
Texas is a good st ate for horses !
from thoroughbreds to polo
ponies, and the heavier type!
should llourish. In spite of all
the demand for automobiles t lie ;
market for good horsellesh is as
good today as it ever was. Texas '
has plenty of opportunity to de
velop along this line. -Texas ;
Tha Wife.
A good wife is t a man wis
dom and courage, strength, hope
ami endurance. A bad one is
con fusion, weak' ness, disci mi lit ure
and despair. N'o condition is
hopeless when the wife pos
sesses tirmness, derision, energy
and economy. There is no out
ward prosperty which can coun
teract indolence, folly and ex
traviganeo at home. No spirit
can long resist bad domestic
influence. His home must be to
him a place of repose, of peace,
of cheerfulness, of comfort, and
his soul renews its strength and
again goes forth with fresh vigor
to encounter the labor and troub
les of the world.
Every wedded pair might be
happy did they but bear each
other's burdens and strive with
half the zeal they sometimes ex
ert to make each other miser
able, to contribute to each others
mutual happiness. Ex.
For Sale Residence with three-
fourths of a block of land near'
. . , . w ii .... i ..4i
OlllKlimr. tt I'll aim uuii'i
40-tfp C. P. Shklnlt.
Neckwear, Hosiery,
Canyon Tailoring Co.
South Side of Square.
Belts, Cuff Buttons,
Post Cards
J. R. Harter
Horse Shoer
....Blacksmith Too....
Northwestern Title Go.
Complete Abstract of All
Randall County Property
THOSE old Suits and
Trousers of yours need
cleaning and pressing.
We Know How.
Let Us Do It.
South Side of Square
Dr. C. B. Lohr
Veterinary Surgeon
I am now located at the
ollice of the George Rey
nolds Co.'s livery barn
and treat all kinds of dis
eases pertaining to domes
tic animals and those of
cattle and sheepespecially.
Castrating, ridgling and
vaccinating together with
tuberculosis treatments on
short notice. I have had
twenty-three years exper
ience in my profession.
All calls from the city,
county or state promptly
answered, day or night.
Charges arc Reasonable.
Oflicc Phone, No. 0.
Residence Phone, tio. 12.
DR. G. 0. LOHR
Canyon City. - Texas
Located at The Leader
Neatly Done
Clothes Called For and Deliv
ered Phone 133.
Barber Shop
H. E. Muldrow, Prop.
Fine Bathing Arrangements
Agents for
Amarillo Steam Laundry
0 to the pub.ic through the
columns of this paper.
With every issue it carries
its message into the homes
and lives of the people.
Your competitor has his
store news in this issue. Why don't
you have yours ? Don't bjame the
rvfrn! fnr flocklna' to his store.
; r r-- " . . -
i Thev know what he has.