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Image provided by: University of North Texas; Denton, TX
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THE RANDALL COUNTY NKW8. FEBRUARY f&. f9O0. WILL BUILO NEW YARDS. Canyon Lumber Company Will Change Loca tiont and Erect New Modem Offices and Sheds. It was announced yesterday that the Canyon Lumber Com pany of this city had closed a deal by which they become the purchasers of the northwest quarter of block 33, in this city. This is the key block at the northeast corner of the square. With this goes the report that as soon as the deeds to the property have been received and the deal entirely closed the company will erect at once large commodious offices and sheds on the block of land for the use of their Canyon City yards. .7. M. Kockwell, one of the firm of Rockwell Bros. & Co., who are j largely interested in the Canyon Lumber Company, was in this city last week and the change was decided upon. It is made necessary on account of the largely i n c r e asing business which the company is doing and in order that their offices might Vie more centrally located and u!o nearer the railroad. While C. K. Burrow, the local manager, did not authorize the statement, it is distincly under stood that the company will not spare expense in making their permanent quarters entirely ad equate for the present business and sufficient for the large in crease which they naturally ex pect in this growing country within the next few years. Wayside Items. ' i ItUkA : x I : r a. HA'T- & ft trsxiv , v! 8 V ; J Some of the farmers of the neighborhood are engaged in planting oats this week,and most of the others are very busy. E. J. Helms made a trip to Amarillo, Friday. Hester Gillahm, with his moth er and grandmother were in the community this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher were at their old home on busi ness the first of the week. W. D. McGehee was in Canyon Saturday. The first meeting of the Thurs day Night Club (we do not know its name yet) was held last week. This is no secret society and everyone who has any interest in his home, children or community is urged to attend. The County Superintendent has been invited to make an address at the next meeting. Little Miss Lorine lie mice and Mattie McGehee spent Saturday and Sunday with their grand mother. Messrs. Blackenship and Lm gendorf, of near Amarillo were trying to buy cattle here Mon day. The family of John McGehee is sick. NEW OPERA HOUSE SCENERY. Local Manager Renovating the Play House and is Having New Curtains Made for It Manager Comer Thomas is having the opera house in this city overhauled and renovated especially that portion constitu ting the stage. He has employed Edward C. Home, a man of much experience, to superintend the work, and will have several new curtains and shift scenes made as well as thoroughly repairing all the old material. A new front curtain will take the place of the old and it is said that when the work is completed the stage part of the house will compare very favorably with any in any town of our size in this portion of the state. Bud ford Steen, formerly of this city but now residing in Amarillo, was in Canyon City this week on a visit to his broth er, Robert J. Steen. In our report of the death of the Kev. W. J. Gregory in last weeks issue, the report being taken from the daily papers, no other account being available, it was stated that Rev. Gregory, as he discovered the tire took his wife to safety and returned to the residence to try and put out the tire. It now transpires that that portion of the report was incorrect. Rev. Gregory was eighty-eight years of age and was almost totally blind and when the fire was discovered he tried to get out of the house but lost his way and never reached the outside. When found his body was near the door through which he had evidenly tried to pass but which was usually kept locked or thoroughly secured. His body was very badly burned the lower limbs and the head being reported as having been burned from the body. Howard Stephenson made a business trip to Plainview last Friday. Mrs. R. P. Roberts of Ama rillo is the guest of Mrs. C. P. Hutchings. Joe Black has returned from a ten days trip to St. Louis and Kansas City. Oscar Gamble is at Chillicothe i where he went for a visit to his sister, a resident of that place, j For Sale A few more good pigs ! and a few tons of bright, dry alfalfa. 47-tf Jno. A. Wallace. C. T. Bennett changed his mind and left last Wednesday for his visit with horaefolks at Crystal Springs. Mississippi. Louis Maloney, manager of the' drjT goods department of the' Canyon City Supply Company,! has returned from a trip to the j northern markets. j Go to the Canyon Tailoring; Company and get your suit press- j I have decided to locate in Can yon City for the practice of medicine but it will be impossi ble for me to reach there before March 1st. 47-2t II. V. Reeves, M. D. Joe Foster has returned from Mineral Wells where he has been for the past three weeks with his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Foster. Joe reports that his father's health is better. ed. 21G. It costs but little. Phone "WHERE THERE'S A WILL THERE'S A WAY" It will only cost you 50 to 75 cents to get your skirt cleaned and pressed at the Canyon Tai loring Company. Phone 210. Ab Thompson, Charley Huff hines and one or two other par ties expect to leave here the first of next week for New Mexico where they have claims. When asked about the matter Ab said he wanted to hire a few boys as he said the prairie chickens were laying eggs so fast on his claim that he would need help to gath er them. The reporter's private opinion, however, is that Ab wants someone to build his fences while he bosses the job. Is an old and a very true saying, and in nothing does it apply with more force than in the matter of saving money. Everyone should save some part of his earn ings, as it is not what one earns but what he saves that makes wealth. Start a savings account this month with The First National Bank of Canyon isr Brother s CANYON CITY, TEXAS, Buy and Sell Panhandle Lands. TTTVVVTTVTVVTVTTVTTVTVTTTTTTTTTTVTTTTTTTVTTTYTTT'y THE COUNTRY of good crops, fine climate, plenty of water, moral, prosperous and happy people, great advantages, cheap and productive lands. Lands are cheaper now than they will ever be again. j, j, j, JLA-& A A JL Jl A JL A A A A. A A A A Jt A A A A A A A JL A. A JL Investigate Panhandle Lands. Keiser Brothers & Phillips. ips"l I V V i