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Image provided by: University of North Texas; Denton, TX
Newspaper Page Text
THE RANDALL COUNTY NEWS, FEBRUARY 19. f09. NEW JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Randall County to Have Eight Weeks of Dis trict Court During the Year Instead of Four. During the session of legisla ture which is now grinding along at Austin a bill was introduced to make a new judicial district out of a portion of the 47th dis trict of which Randall county was a portion. The bill was passed and was signed by the governor on the 13th instant and is now a law. Kandall county will have two terms of the court each year each of which may continue in session for four weeks instead of the two which was formerly allowed the county in the old district. This will give the court more time to dispose of all the business to be transacted in this county at the present time. Judge Browning will continue as judge of the district to which Kandall county is attached, the 47th. and the Hon. D. B. Hill has has been appointed as the judge j of the new district. We give below the bill as it passed the two houses of the legislature and as it was approv ed by the governor. An act to reorganize the Forty seventh Judicial district and to create the Sixty-ninth Judicial district, to tix the time for hold ing the terms of the district courts in said districts, and to provide for the appointment of a district judge and district attor ney in the said Sixty-ninth Jud icial district. Be it enacted by the legisla ture of the State of Texas: Section 1. That the Forty seventh Judicial district shall be composed of the counties of Donley, Kandall, Armstrong and Potter and the terms of the dis trict court shall be held therein each year as follows: In the County of Potter, on the second Mondays in January and July, and may continue in session twelve weeks. mine loumj ui uini ; on the twelfth Mondays after i the second Mondays in January and July and may continue in J session two weeks. j In the County of Donley on the j fourteenth Mondays after the; second Mondays in January and j July and may continue in session j three weeks. j In the County of Kandall on I the seventeenth Mondays after j the second Mondays in January j and July and may continue in! session four weeks. j Section -J. That the Sixty-! ninth Judicial district be, and is, ; hereby created and shall be com-; posed of the counties of Dallam, I Sherman, Moore. Oldham, Hart- i ley, Parmer and Deaf Smith, and j the terms of the district cocrt; shall be held therein, each year, as follows: In the County of Sherman on the second Mondays in January j and July and may continue in session two weeks. In the county of Moore on the second Monday after the second J Mondays in January and July) and may continue in session two; weeks. j In the County of Oldham on J Always Pleases!! Chase & Sanborn's popu-! lar brand of Teas and Cof-j fees never fail to please the housewife. Her afternoon coffee parties are not blight ed by learning at the last moment that the coffee is not good. This brand of coffee has been tested and not found lacking. Ask those who use it. Please feel free to call on us for any assistance we may be able to render in the work ing out of the grocery prob lem. WHITE SWAN GROCERY CO., Iaion llros., Proprietors. the fourth Mondays after the second Mondays in January and July and may continue in ses sion two weeks. In the County of Hartley on the sixth Monday after the sec ond Mondays in January and July and may continue in ses sion two weeks. In the County of Dallam on the eighth Mondays after the second Mondays in January and July and may continue in session six weeks. In the County of Palmer on the fourteenth Mondays after the second Mondays in January and July and may continue in session two weeks. In the County of Deaf Smith on the sixteenth Mondays after the second Mondays in January! and July and may continue until; business is disposed of. i Section 3. The district judge and the district attorney of the Forty-seventh Judicial district, elected and now acting for said ; district shall hold their respec-; tive offices in said district, as j hereby reorganized, until the; the time for which they have, heen elected shall expire, and ; their respective successors are duly elected and qualified. Section 4. Immediately after j this act shall take effect the gov-; ernor shall appoint a suitable; person as district judge and a ; suitable person as district attor- : neyof the Sixty-ninth Judicial! district as herein created, who shall hold their respective offices until the next general election,, and until their successors are elected and qualified. Section That all process issued or served before this act takes effect, including recogniz-; ances, appeal bonds and bail! bonds, returnable to the district : court of any of the counties of. said Judicial districts shall be considered and held returnable, to said courts in accordance '. with the terms as prescribed by ; this act and all such process is ! legalized, and all grand and petit ; jurors drawn and selected un der existing laws in any of the' counties of said Judicial districts ! shall be considered and held law-i fully drawn and selected for the; next term of the district courts j of their respective counties held j after this act takes effect, and; all such process is hereby legal- j ized and validated; provided, that j if any court in any county of; either of said districts shall be! in session at the time this aeti takes effect, such court affected! hereby shall continue in session j until the term thereof shall ex- j pi re under the provisions of ex-( isting laws, but thereafter the1 courts in such county shall con-; form to the requirements of this ; act. j Section 7. That all laws and j parts of laws in conflict with this ; act be, and the same are hereby j repealed. j Section 7. Whereas, the rapid ', settlement of the counties men- j tioned in this act and the crowd- ; ed condition of the dockets ofj the district courts of various i counties of said Judicial districts j and the want of time for dispos-; ing of the business of the dis-; trict courts of said counties,; creates an imperative public; necessity and an emergency ex-; ists that the constitutional rule; requiring bills to be read on ; three several days in each house be suspended therefore, said ; constitutional rule is suspended; and this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its! passage; and it is so enacted. ! Approved by the (Governor, February 1 3, IWX j George A. Brandon began work ! this week on extending his build- j ing formerly occupied by the News office on West Evelyn' street, out to the street line. He j will also put in a modern front; and otherwise improve the build-; ing which he will occupy as a' law office. Ceta Rustling. Mrs. Alta Beasley has been quite ill, but is getting better. White Currie and lady friend attended the social at Wayside, Friday evening. We are glad to see the mail carrier, Mr. Evans, come among us again. Walter Butler was a Wayside visitor Monday, The traveling agent for Wat kins Co., was calling on the resi dents of Ceta neighborhood this week. J. T. Holland, of Canyon' City spent Sunday with O. Dalton and family. Tuesday night of last week R. U Wesley and wife entertained the young people with a party. All enjoyed themselves. Mr. Harner, from Kansas, is stopping with Charles Sutton a few days. There was no Sabbath school Sunday evening on account of the extreme cold weather. The Jennings house is in the hands of the plasterers and will soon be ready for occupancy. Sunday was the coldest day this winter. Miller Currie spent Saturday and Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Isom Hollabaugh. Miss Smith who is visiting at E. J. Wesley's has been quite sick with the measles. J. A. Currie has built a new shed for his implements and machinery. Mr. Straus, of Amarillo, spent Tuesday night at Ceta. Measles will be stylish by the last of this week as they are a good many exposed to them. Mr. and Mrs. John Hutson re turned home last Thursday after several days spent in Kansas City and other points where Mr. Hutson went on business. Tuesday was pay day among the Mexicans who have been working in the railroad gangs and they were all in town that afternoon in full force. Carlsbad Mineral Water At the Fountain and in Bottles at the City Pharmacy. Sam Russell of Dallas arrived Tuesday on a visit with Robert' Harrell! The Eclipse Windmill siTTI fee is the best self regulating mill on the market. It will gov ern itself in a storm. It is made of the very best mate rial, making it the simplest and the longest life mill made. If you buy an Eclipse you will have the best and the price is not extravagant. The SUCCESS GANG PLOWS we have in all sizes. They can be fitted with or without tongue, with roll bottoms as well as with mouldboard bottoms. We also have it in the high lift. This gang has no equal. It is a complete success. 1041 MflE jl IFlKKsIE 5 w cs II l-v krx . , J We also have a good stock of (lenuine Baker Perfect Barbed Wire, the best to be had, as well as many other things such as Wagons, Bug gies, Harness, Saddles, Weil and Water Supplies, Tanks, Stock Drink Tubs, Heavy and Shelf Hardware. MADE BY American Steel & Wire Co. il Rnhstnntial. enduring fence. built on the elaBtic, hinged-joint prmci. ule the most scientific, practical and jht- Yj r?3fc' ' feet fence principle known. It yields to great ty and eudden pressure but returns again to the original shape. Thoroughly galvanized and protected against weather. j i an gift,.. Call and See Us on East Side Court I louse Drtwi