Newspaper Page Text
I f . ... .... : T.. . .! it . . . . Tr- VY, JANUARY 11, i l - 1 4 "7V 1 : if I .9 ,. ILL THINGS C0III3 TO .THEM THAT "V7AIT, .PP. G VlDllJG THEY HUSTLE 'HILS TEST, "WAIT;" Ch: n-le T7' :toutof our stjnsiiihe.'- v. v , - , . 1 -T' : - - : ..'-V JiVERGNf NOTES. I i.iL- . :v-. -L f:-q h 1 J ws3- J ! an 1)1 ) 1J, II. jLOHEO MANUAL -TRAINING-SCHOOL l 03 a Valuable Accession ! to Pearl High School. Ji PEOPLE, THOUGH TAX PAY- J&S, ARE GRATEFUL FOR THIS 0 THE POWERS THAT. BE jjj-IAT THH CITY BUDGET CAR !lFi APDRrBDiiTinwe r-no tup OF CCVORED CHIL- '.' f-EN, IS AS IT SHOULD BE. ft" jUi's is an assured fact, as it has 2 learned from reliable sources . an appropriation of $5,000 has ,f rnade, which will be used in add- -:us new branch for the benefit of &f'NEF,T taxpayers' 'A 1 -omrnenceT (.- "' v; Umau Aud j ..v Smith, P rememoerea mat at tne 3ment exercises held in Auditorium last June Prof. Principal of Pearl High annual address urged oris to the Nashville High School Aould keep it third, if not move i to second; to any high school in United States for Negroes. This , aimendation seemed to strike a '.., :.:;lar chord, and immediately aft l ie exercises were over, Mr. Joseph J ,attle, editor of the Globe, and Mr. v iy A. Boyd, treasurer ot the Globe, f. j,'.' -viewed President Leonard Parkes '.he stage, and were promised by I ',' -.; ,' 5 fair-minded educator that he ' . xld recommend some Improvement . the curriculum of the high school. I ",-qui.t force.-has been at work re ading the Board and its members r -'".is promise; and It appears that it ". is: l .L'een, .without its : .effect. Ii v: rh3 learned that. Superintendent V. C WeberwliO has ever been mlnd " l- needs of the colored schools, r-i-yA&- iri"iiionces in getting many i cings for the . different schools. ! is;not all that will' be the Negro ,er's, appropriation in tha way of afhobl .facilities. It is an as- ' fact that two new schools will ' idy for- the next scholastic year ;h,eir 'doors-thrown open to N chlldren. . The, budget for 1907 already been . approved by Mayor is. Thi? netf budget carries .with jieri scho ol building to lm. located 'YiivJ street to cost S12.000." An- iv-ihruc-.w building to be located in Bottom to cost $1,0,000. The rt .(-: m . Trimble Bottom is to take r ;it of Hie-frame building now Vo'l by t.b-! I'.oard and used for col Htildreii. Prof Neal , has taught hi !, locality 'under manv disadvan- tliis will be a relief com b H who risht time. I The -budget '.a ) carries $1,500 to enlarge and re- iir- Cartel School on Kayne avenue. , 'his practically makes three new ; 'hools. There van no appropriation, vover, made for th. repairing of .bwles School, which is almost in a epped up in order to serve its pur- "'lie'- openini? ,of these two new ihtvls will i' make the 'demand for ; ineipals' and tf&chej's .very great in stn :':-. y the. talent is here, for 1 , i ii.. ipalcau bi selected from the vi'., wlviiC th'o new teachers can be cVa!!')! ,nnd the two universities. That thij-.. N' r jkk of oashville appreciate tho'j c!iditioun, goes without saying. ' ' 1 o patient and. loyal at 11 (IliK- x- ' ' . Jt isV' -l ijiown just when work will r rin. biii'it in believed that the con- U will be let early in the spring V'iid work will KtfJn at once. Tha ( n hchool at Present is full and the ' t)l year, judging from the ; 'r.bvr, already In rcliool, will bo a .,. .', orto. Principal Smith was Inter' ' jvt d rt.T a repot tor rclatlvo to -iv V f-''M, but ffild that ho could give " I riotlJns (Uiirlte, yet ho believed , ," .Mif public had every mion to l't licit ili' appropriation would . . Vol In tin wny named by the rri'!k nceij'j l.-irKC f-cliflols k'"C- r !!,. 'ijn. limidrci?' of eli II- ryiuan. Ut".t on wrnnnt of thd tut (rt (J1,,,,"" ''- ' - " . I. II, ... ... ...H.t A 1 i J Ii f Til (milium o , ,110V., I 10' "MM Uyl II.IJS' ill U 'l Jt'"11 :itiyln', tbo h?h . V' ... ii..i r,1 Mii'ttinl IrnlnlrtK Idea ifi'-lr. President Mh--r. Battle j.j ii t.1 1 njr mn- 1-1 rnt i Rl( til H t away the , higher branches of study, Yet every one seas the need for adding both the higher education, and. the manual traini for those who want to'take either. i-Tho school will bb a credit to greater Nashville in " Its march as a metiopolitan city. BACK STAMPING DISCONTINUED. Some of the business firms of Nash ville are expressing their disapproval and their general dissatisfaction of the recent general order ' issued by the post-office department in cutting flown the ' expenses by discontinuing tlm back stamping of the incoming first-class mail. There was a time when if a letter was railed at New Orleans, at a certain hour in the day and addressed to a party in Nashville, the recipient could tell to the hour when it , was received in Nashville, thereby knowing where to place the blame if the letter was not delivered by the carrier, within ,a reasonable time. The discontinuance of this part of the mail service prevents this, thus making It Impossible-. for one to know where the letter has been delayed if a delay is occasioned. This was not so evident and, not so generally, felt until within the last two weeks. A very large business firm in this city suffered quite a loss on this account last- week. A letter was mailed from a-certain large city only one night's ride from Nashville and should 'have been delivered in Nashville the next morning before noon but the same letter, was delayed 48 hours. There was no way to ascertain who is re sponsible for this delay as the post mark -on the front of the letter only showed that it was mailed at a certain time. Whether it was delayed on the railway postal car or in the postof flce proper, is a matter that is un explained. It is to be hoped that a sufficient protest will be made by the public to the postoffice department to re-establish this much needed back stamping. .It ha3 been said by well informed business men t.hat the post office department, could better afford to refuse to admit thousands of pounds oj! public documents, which cause a large part of the deficiency, than it could to ' dispense with this satisfac tory way of keeping up with the re ceipt of and disposition of mails. Postmaster Wills has not been inter viewed by the Globe reporter, but as he is generally in favor of giving sat isfaction to the. patrons of his office, it Is believed he would not oppose a general protest being made by Nash ville's business men to the post of fice department. It is the opinion of many of the large patrons of the Nashville post office that six months longer will convince the Postmaster General that this is not a wise step in cutting out the appropriation for back stamping and that public senti ment will force a reinstatement which is for the protection of the mail or der houses and other business firms in large cities. REPORTS OF OUTRAGES EXAG GERATED. - Special correspondence to 'Nashville from Fort "Sam Houston, Texas; El reno, O. T.,- and other ports where sol diers are stationed, bear out the asser tion that these reports of outrages by Negroes or by Negro soldiers, are ex aggerated. Their sole purpose appears to be to poison the minds of the people and create a sentiment against Negro soldiers. It Is learned from a reliable source that not one of the reported as saults could be traced to Negroes. In fact, not one person in a position to know, could say positively that a Ne gro made an assault. Newspaper dis patches are sent out from these Vari ous places by white men reporting for -white papers. They lnow nothing of the crime or Its perpetrators. They color the report to ?ult their own pre judices and indications point very clearly to the fact that the intention of these despatches is to aid in making unpopular the gallant braves of the Spanish-American War or the direct descendants of the famous heroes of Ft. Pillow, and Ft. Wagner. An old resident of Brownsville, Texas, who crossed the.ltlo Grande into 'Mexico about ion years before the emancipa tion proclamation was Issued, and re mained until afir the freedom of the slaves when ho wcit to Drownsvillo, Texas, to make his future home, was heard to remark: 'Becauso Negro troops had been stationed at Tssis posts it had. been decided by few men who direct; municipal 5.tfalrs, to 1 r!:i c! the N?2rc Iruops, and the ouly way that ' 11 Js could bo dono wa to hatch up omothlpr on them and magnify ii." Tho disturbance at BrowiiHvlllo dooa not ' comparo with tbo rco'tit "hhoutluy Ui" of tlio street rar I.t l1'-r,.A.. Nor dos it cotnpare r-'Jth tbo horrible outrar.oa of iho Ir,ui1hl t'i'!t..i Mutes Vol unl t'ii whlld btall NASHVILLE. TENN., FRIDAY, JANUARY tloned at San Antonio,; Texas. Said he; ."Just prior, to their going ' to 'iha Philippine Islands', ' when almost the entire regimen would 'tear, up'. '. the town every pay day." . lie said. further that v If an. -investigation would be started which-would prove-that those people-who saw the shooting over the garrison walls were either dreaming or having imaginary visions. Such is the remark coming from an old Texan who knows that it would be almost Impossible to see even if this occurred, the shots coming from bv6iTthe garri son walls. MANDOLIN RECITAL AT THE BLIND SCHOOL. . The members of the faculty and stu dents of the Tennessee School for the Blind, located on Tennessee, street, were highly entertained Friday even ing last by a mandolin recital by Mr. Frani A. Gordan, of Fargo, N. D., who is at present a student of Fisk Uni versity. The program, while neatly arranged . In every respect, was pleas ing as well as helpful to the students and . faculty. 'Some highclass music was s rendered during . the evening. Misses Lizzie Wells and Minnie Mae Hunter, two of the teachers, 'assisted in arranging the music for Mr. Gor don. '- ' , , ; , The principal of the school, Mrs. Lowe, together with .the faculty, was highly pleased. The students showed their appreciation for this musical treat by rendering several piano solos and duets. Many of the advanced pu pils in this school are first-class musi cians and have from time to time ap peared in public recitals, rendering very diflicult music. - ' ; ' f . appro aohiiwThe three mile post. ANNUAL MEETING OF ONE-CENT SAYINGS BANK WILL BE HELD JANUARY 14. The general call for stockholders' meeting of the One Cent Savings Bank of Nashville, . Tenn., has been Issued by the President and Cashier. The fiscal year of 1906 will be closed and its reports made up. ,At the con vening of this meeting will be marked the third anniversary of this institu tion. No city in; the United States can boast of a more prosperous and well managed financial concern than can Nashville. ' The stockholders and directors- exercised ' wisdom and fore thought in selecting its board Of dt rectors and officers, who have labored incessantly . to dispose of the stock and increase the deposits of the In stitution. The third annual report which is issued will show remarkable progess in financial circles. At the beginning of the new year, it has been learned that strenuous efforts will be put forth to dispose of all the un sold shares at their par value. Not withstanding they havo advanced un til they are worth 12 cents on the dol lar or , at least a dividend of 12 per cent was declared at the last annual meeting. It is predicted that at the meeting next week a more startling dividend will be declared. The in stitution has not attempted to make any . more improvement in the line of fixtures and office furniture, but it Is devoting Its entire time to the better treatment . of patrons and stockhold ers. Yet many of the business men have not shown their interest enough to become depositors or stockholders. A Globe reporter in interviewing the cashier learned that after a careful calculation that if one-fourth of the money handled by the Negroes and deposited in white banks,' was put on deposit in the One Cent Savings Bank, it would show that the Negro had hoardc-d up in these institutions over five millions cf dollars each year that could be advantageously and credit ably deposited In the One Cent Sav lngs Bank. There is not a safer in stitution within the bounds of the Volunteor State. The comptroller of currency has given flattering compli ments for the management after each quarterly inspection, which of itself should bring an endless chain of new depositors md purchasers of stock to this worthy banking house. An elec tlou of officers for the ensuing year will be held pursuant to a call at the first annual biocting. Stock, will bo uld and. a 'perioral revival of interest will, bo. attempted. Report c2 the Ono Cent Savings Punk mado to the,Co.nntrollcr for the month of December, 1906: Nashville, Tcnn., Dec. 31, 1906. PRANK" DinilELL, CmnntrOsVr cf Hi 5i r 07. T r. Dear ir: The folbwir.-f. Is'-an ex- act.statcmciLtQr .txo .condition of. the One Cent Savings Bank of Nashville, County of Davidson,, at tho close of business, Dec. 31, 1906. , Resources. Loans and Discounts ...... 522,461.86 Cash Resources. Due from banks and bankers ... $15,161.19 Checks and other ,-. cash Items 505.86 ' , 160.12 300.00 $16,127.17 Specie Currency i j . Total Resources .$38,589.03 ' Liabilities. ' Capital4 stock paid in ....... ? 2,455.00 Surplus and Undivided Prof- ; its' (less expenses and taxes paid) ...... . . . . . . . . 1,660.92 Individual Deposits subject to check 34,473.11 Total liabilities .' . .$38,589.03 I, J. C. Napier, Cashier of the above named One Cent , Savings Bank, do solemnly bw jar that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowl edge and belief, and that the same was or will be published in the: Globe of Nashville, Tenn., on January 5th; 1907. (Signed.) .. J. C. NAPIER, . ' . , r ' Cashier. Subscribed and ' sworn' to before me, this 31st day of December, 1906. , : (Signed.) . : C. N. LANGSTON, (Seal.) , ' ' Notary Public. ' " A WHITE MINISTER SCORED. In an recent issue of the Mt.;' Pleas ant Record, Rev. A. S. Allen asserted that the Negro Questioned would not be settled until the 15th amendment to the Constitution was abolished. His article - was answered by Dr. J. O. Johnson, presiding elder of the Colum bia District A. M. E. Church.' "We pub lish herewith his reply to Rev. A. S. Allen. . : . , REST FOR THE NEGRO. " Rev. A. S. Allen raises the question: "When and where will the , Negro find rest?" From . the , tone of the ar ticle it does not appear that Mr. Al len cares very much whether the negro has any at all. He asserts that the negro will find rest when he i3 dis franchised. In every Southern state he is practically .disfranchised by educa tional, property and other qualifica tions. But this can only be temporary, as negroes everywhere are fast redu cing their ignorance and accumulating property. The South will finally ac cept the. Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution with good grace. We might as well, talk about abolishing the law of gravitation as of abolish. ing any of the war amendments" to the constitution. The negro has done too much for this country in all of it3 wars, and in developing its resources, in the mines, on the farms, and as servants in many capacities. We have a heritage here as much as any white man, and though we are now denied many of the , benefits of the laws yet we still claim them. Revo lutions never go backward. Tho ne gro will never be disfranchised. The white man of to-day came up from barbarism to civilization. Any man. who has read Lord Macauley's or Green's or Froude's history of Eng land knows this, that the white man of to-day had a very unpromising be ginning. Julius Ctesar declared that the early Britons were unfit for civ ilizatlon, but to day these same men are the masters of the world. Fifty years ago who would have predicted that the Japanese would have aeve: oped such a great civilization? or that a yellow race would have whipped a white race as in this case. Rev. Allen is certainly not informed as to the real and essential progress of the negro. He knows more about the criminal negro than he does of that great progressive, upward-moving ne gro who is lifting tho burdens of the South and is building himself up and buying homes and building churches and schools. But no race is to be judged by its criminals. It is unjust for the South to be judged by Its mob leaders or by men of the Tillman and Vardaman class. It is very unfortunate that the press should give so much space to proclaim ing the faults of the negro, and this, too, in the face of the fact that the ne gro is universally trusted in thousands of important places in the life of the South; The gospel which Rev. Allen claims will make the negro moral, has failed in this roRpect with a certain class of whites who still -seek to contaminate young colored women in the South. I am in a position to know that the ne gro is making great progress toward higher moral standards.and the whites ought to help us move in this direc tion. This can be done by abolishing tho' low dl: ' '-.this and other towns. . :,(C r--Pag.8.V ------ -j,.. i ...-. . 11 i iNO. 1. DRIVERS' MUTUAL - " AID ASSOGIAnO: Sensible Organization of t of a GGirimon Cclin, WHAT IT HAS PAID OUT FOR Tl:'..: BENEFIT OF ITS SICK IS WORTHY OF ITS HIGH FUR POSE BALANCE OF $2,000 NOV. IN BANK INSURES ITS MEM BERS AGAINST THE NECESSITY OF PUBIC CHARITY. The members of the Drivers' Mutual ' Aid Association celebrated their six teenth anniversary last Monday night, ; January 7; by a banquet and installa tion in their hall in the Boyd Building on Cedar street. ' , - v , The hall was beautifully decorated by the ladies, who were highly compli mented by all. After the regular rou tine of business, President Green in-; troduced Drj W. H. Key, who was the founder of the organization. ' He was given the gavel and asked to conduct ' the installation services. He said he was proud of the high privilege of in stalling the officers for the ensuing year, and hoped that they would prove themselves deserving of the authori- ' ties entrusted to them. "Dark was the night and cold the ground," was ,' sunig very feelingly, and the president given the jewel of his office. The fol lowing are the officers Installed : H. T. Green, president: Isaac Body, vice ' president; S. J. Chandler, fi nancial secretary; Mansfield Douglass, recording secretary;-;W. B. Marshall, assistant secretary; W. C. Foster, treasurer; 'J. Johns, chaplain; Silas Rhodes, sentinel; R. M. Fall, Marshal.," President Green, upon taking the stand, stated the -purpose 'of. the Asso ciation.-- He eald- $300-liad r(Xjcn paid -to the sick during the year, and that a cash balance of $2000 was in the treasury. .Real estate to the amount of $1,200 was; owned, and. not a cept owed by the organization but what could be paid by nine o'clock the next day. Four widow a of . deceased 'mem bers were' called forward,., namely: ' Mother Edith Scales.-. Mrs. Martha, Thompson, Mrs. Scottio Bramlett and . Mrs. Adkins, each wi' presented $5.0J) as a gift from the Association. Atten tion was then turned ; to the "New Years," which was arranged in the style of a regular Christmas tree, it was ladened with resents for many of those present. The president an- , nounced . that the guests would be , " " turned over to the Reception Commit tee who would serve the many viand3 prepared for the occasion. Mr. Cof fey, proprietor- of. the Spa Cafe, served the large crowd in a way very credit able to himself. , ' The Association had in store a very pleasant surprise for President Green in a beautiful geld watch, which was presented to him by. Mr. S. JVC-hand- . ler, financial secretary. .'---:;. ';' '?,- '' Only one feature of this organiza- ;' tion noticable that deserves criticism- and that is they make all of their do,' " posits in banks operated by white. men, ignoring entirely their own, the ,Vi One Cent Sayings Bank. This' institu tion does not handle 10 per cent of the ' money deposited in .banks by Negroes in Nashville, and It is the opinion ot some that there is business enough foi two banks among the Negroes of this city and vicinity, and that it would b better if apother bank was established i The strongest societies in Tennessee' ' do not deposit in the bank here nor in Memphis, but are doing as the Drivers' Mutual Aid Association;- "fattening frogs for snakes." On a whole the en tertainment was a grand affair, and a, credit to the Association. '" A DOUBLE FUNERAL. The sad deaths of Misses Schuldrla and Sarah Ualfacre, who lived at No. 922 Overton street, was made doubly fcbtrowful because they both expired about- the saio hour, yet each was sick with a different complaint. Ar rangements were at. once made with Taylor & Co. for a double funeral, both were shrouded alike, both caskets ar the same color ' and trlmnled alike. The funeral services were held a' Salut Eli Baptist Church, Rev.- Mr Thompson, officiating. It is said viu icPiucji'.s mat uiin is the tl-' doiiW"- -neral reported In Nashv.. cars. . : ( V I j I 7 i; - 4 '"V