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V 11. 0 THE NASHVILLE GLOBE, FRIDAY. JANUARY 4 - IS - 1 -(L3 i . i 8 7 ' JLi. A. Prices to Suit &1 a? """"" " W If If A? A? ' 1? A? A? A' A? .Si A,3 'it A A? . Af .A? A? '-Af H I 1 (i SAVE $50 OR $100 OH A PURCHASE. TERMS REASONABLE A. These Pianos are Double Veneered, case made in fancy fig- 2 nred mahogany fiine Circassian or burl walnut, or quarter- 5 'S sawed oak of the finest quality. ' S .-!' " We offer as our.testimonals the people who have purchased i and are now using our Pianos. Call on or write them for. x their opinion: Dr. W.-Pv-Baker, ; 504 Foufteenth ave., N J Nashville, Tenn., Bishop; Evans Tyree, 10 N. Hill street. $ Nashville, Tenn.; MrsHoYcll Landers, 1603 Harding street,, k ' 2 Nashville, Term.: Mrs';"- .'"!!. Boyd, 523 Second ave., N., 5 Nashville, Tenn.; Mt. Olive Baptist Church Sunday School, Nashville, Tenn. M .a - I For Prices and National Baptist R. H. BOYD, Secretary, 523 Second Avenue, North, Nashville, Tenn. g V' CURPRI3E BIRTHDAY DINNER. )j A ve ry pleasant surprise six o'clock ciinner waa given by Mr. and Mrs. ' i Caas. C. Boger, at their home 1716 Jo Johnston avenue, last Thursday even Ung. The occasion being the anniver sary of the birth of their son, Mr. William D. Boger. The following menu was served: '- r - Salmon Salad. Lettuce.' Egg-nog. Oyster Stew. Baked Turkey. . Oyster Dressing. Cranberry Sauce. Cream Potatoes. June Corn. Candled Yams. Kentucky Pone. Light Rolls. Celery. Black Coffee. .. Neapolitan Cream. Fruit and Layer Cake. Candies. Nuts. Oranges. -At the conclusion of ths dinner -young Mr. Boger expressed nis appre- 'I " '-elation of the kindness of his parents I jjk , , -and his friends who naa Dravea me Inclement weaiuer lu f iv""v Throughout the evening music was ChaA hv r. strine band. Those ' J. U.L . - present were Misses Grace Frank, Ad- die Fite, Charley Rosenberg, Messrs. "William Boger, J. O. Battle, ,D. W. ACruteher. - ; i BRENTWOOD NOTES. Miss Sallie Sneed and Mr. Walter. Rucker were united in Marriage last week. Rev. James Finnell, of Brook s Chapel M. E. Church, officiated. Mr Rucker has a neat home on the Edroondson pike where they will live. Mr. John Hunt, of Nashville visited relatives and friends in Brentwood last Sunday. ' v Mrs. Hubbard Newsome Is on the .sick-list.-. , . ' . Mi Sable J. Perkins has returned fi'om a visit to Nashville. . at,. Thnmaa Abernathy is still V' Mr .aiidkrs. Henry Covington spent 3.v t Sunday in Brentwood, the guest Mrs. Lucretia Woodson, after fit-- , t davV 'pleasant vacation at home, i'-rned last Monday to her school v. o' W on: the Harding pike. .. 'r Woodson, - of Columbia, visited 1 u wa, Mr. Mitchell Woodson, last "i Crockett, the Brentwood gro rrryan, ' offered to the one buying ' the largest cash purchase a $05 sewing ttiachine. The contest grew hot and narrowed down between Messrs. Alex.. and Haywood Baincs. These -two stubbornly disputed - .-ry S or sronnd. but Mr. Raines AN O B 'fi ll the bassos. 15 9t it jr jr a X n i jr , J ,? M S 5 5 . , s rr vmj fc-i c: '.are: ssslJL :-zVv. L-i! I Terms Apply at Publishing Board. finally came in on the home stretch and won vthe machine. Mr. Raines was highly congratulated by a large number of friends. Masters Denny and Eugene Perkins and little. Miss Lillie Perkins 4ne sented their teacher, Mrs. Cora Fields, with a very ntce Christmas remem brance, which Mrs. Fields highly ap preciated. The Brooks . Chapel Sunday School seems to be quite interested In Sunday work since the Christmas holidays Last Sunday a good number of tne children came back to school who had been absent foi some months, also quite a number of the married ladies came in and Joined the school, name ly: Mrs. T. A. Thompson, Mrs. Lucre tia Woodson, Mrs. R. E. Johnson, Jr., and Mrs. J. C. Crawley. Mrs. Wood son and Mrs. Crawley entered into an agreement with each other that if either of them Is ever absent from the Sunday school any Sunday she is to pay a fine to the one that is present (5 cents) and the money is to go to the Sunday school treasury. BISHOP TYREE LEAVES FOR THE WEST. Bishop Evans Tyree will leave for St. Louis, Mo., Friday en route to Kan sas City, Mo., to attend the Mid-winter session of the Bishop's Council of the A. M. E. Church. H will stop over in St. Louis and at other points, reaching Kansas City by the 17th. After the sessions are over he will return home to spend the remainder of the win ter In quiet rest. RECEPTION. - A reception in honor of Messrs James and Palmer Ransom, of Louis ville, Ky., was given at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Anderson, 639 Bass street, last Tuesday night. Quite a delightful time was had by all pres ent. Frappe was served by Mrs. Nel lie Williams. The guests present were Mr. and Mrs. J. W. DeWees, Misses Maggie Hargraves, Annie Rucker, Rosa Shelby, Tabitha Claybrooks, . eoleta Black, Loam Alexander, Johnie Denny, Artie Ransome, Messrs. Bias, Mem tosh, Joyner, Jones, Fisher, Harrison Roberts, Battle, Hargrave. NOTICE. The Pythian Choral Society wil' meet Tuesday night, Jan. 15, 1907, ai Pythian Temple, 428 Fifth avenue North. All members are requested to bo present. By order ; A. W. W. UPSIIAW, President. i MISS MARY WORKS, Secretary. 1 a; 1 m t 5 " , i 7 i : r. ' 1 1 A WHITE MINISTER SCORED. (Continued Jrom Page 1.) hope the next legislature will sweep every saloon out of Maury county. It a the white man's saloon that makes the negro rapist and other criminals. rt-Treesw .to me that there is so much practical work of ThlrkiadLto be done that we ought to stop wriUnlTnwr- paper articles about the "negro prob- em" and "the white man's country" and go to work and do something to uplift humanity. FISK LITERARY CLUB. The Fisk Literary Club held the first meeting of the new year at the home of (Miss Lucy B. White, 218 Oarteenth avenue, North. The meet- ng was opened by the reading of a salm by Mrs. C. W. Brown and prayer by Dr. Grat. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the Secretary, Miss Lillian Bright. Words of encouragement to the club were ex pressed by the President, . Mrs. C. H. hlllips. Mrs. P. R. Burrus, Chairman of the Art Department, presented the ollowing programme: Solo Mrs. Preston Taylor. Essay Art, Mrs. P. R. Burrus. Solo Miss Lucy B. White. The club was favored by a short but very interesting address from Dr. Sarah Grant, who is traveling in the nterest of the Orphan's and Old Folk s Home, of Alabama. Short talks were made by Mesdames Hadley, Bright and Miss -Benson. At the close of the progamme an retired to tne tuning room where a most elaborate and ap- etizlng luncheon was served and good will, cheer and wit reigned supreme. n a few well-chosen words Mrs. Brown returned thanks for the Club to the hostess, after which each guest departed, expressing themselves as having thoroughly enjoyed the even- ng. Those present were Mesdames H. Phillips, C. O. Hadley, C. W. Brown, P. R. Burrus, M. J. Bright, Misses Janie Benson, L. A. Bright, Lucy B. White, Cerella, Brown. Visit ors, Mrs. Taylor and Dr. Sarah Grant. GOODLETTSVILLE NOTES. The Christmas social given by the Misses. Hendricks Friday, December 28, was first-class in all respects. The parlor was beautifully decorated with evergreen, mistletoe and Christmas bells. Music and song were interest ing features. At 1:30 o'clock the mother of the home, Mrs. Martna Hendricks, invited all to the dining room, wnicn was supplied - wim a . It I XT- choicest viands. The ; ladies present were Misses Anna, Rosa and Eunice Hendricks, Lula Thomas and Mary Fite, Revs. R. C. McLendon and J. C. Russell, Messrs. G. W. Haynes, J. J. Gren and W. A. House. The latter are students at Fisk, University. Much credit is due Mrs. Martha Hendricks and Mrs. Emma Dozier, who gave much assistance in arranging for the occasion. The Congregational ( ud C. M. E Sunday-schools had their Christmas tree conjointly on the evening of De cember 28, at the Congregational Church. Mr. Lee Grooms was a guest at the Second Annual Banquet of the Peo pie's Mutual Benefit Association given in East Nashville on the evening oi January 2. Mr. Mack Dozier is here visiting rel atives and friends. Mrs. ate Cole spent Christmas in Nashville. Mrs. Willie Finch, who is appreci ated for active church service, and who was among the first persons of Goodlettsville to subscribe for the Globe, will continue to be a subscriber. Mr. Ernest Baker has entered scnooi in Nashville. Mrs. Martha Hendricks spent last Sundav at Edeefleld Junction with her daughter, Mrs. Nettie Gee. Prof. Rideout reopened school last Monday morning. Mrs. Martha Payne visited Nashville last week. Mrs. Parlee Clayborne was with her friends of Goodlettsville last Sunday. Revs. R. C. McLendon and J. C. Rus sell were abundantly cared for last Sundav at the homes of Mesdames Kate Utley and Utho Grlzzard. ..Miss Jane L. Crosswye entertained at her' home on the evening of Decem ber 31 a large number of friends. Candles, nuts and cake were served On the evening of January 3, Miss Katie Dozier entertained a company of friends at her home. SMYRNA NOTES. ,. v: On Thursday Mr. Ed. Ridley and Miss Fanny Ward were united in mar riage by Rev. B. G. Strong. Misses Esther B. Darden and Mary Eliza Batey have returned to the city after spending tho holidays at home. Mrs. Eva Sneed left last week for Earlington, Ky., where she will spend a few weeks with her sister. Mrs John Phillips. . Mr. and Mrs. John Hill spent par of the holidays visiting in Huntsville Ala. Mrs. J. C. Fields spent two days las week with the Perr'; family. Miss E. M. Perr,f ; and Mr. L. Turner were in the city tonday. The fireworks &tertainment given by the Misses 7. -er was enjoyed by all. '-ZJ ' JVERGND rCTES MISS J . Y1' C Sue - Bucutan t ; i visiting Mrs. Mj't ' ' Mr. Did: V.rn!o v.:. with rheuueatisra, L i. Mr. and Mrs. Will a . iy a nt day bt-rii down Inz slowly. -Wl-son, ol Nashville, spent several uiys atji2- nfaihi5-4he--C4iristmas'bi-aotnl. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ross, of Nash ville, spent the Christmas holidays at home. Mr. Alonzo Goodman, of Nashville, spent a day during the Christmas with his aunt, Mrs. Henry Covington. Mr. Maners Ross, of Nashville, spent a pleasant Christmas in Lavergne, the guest of Mrs. Henry Covington. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Davis, of Lou isville, Ky., spent the Christmas here, visiting their pareDts, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wade. They returned to Louis ville Sunday morning. Mr. Littleton Wade, of Dyersburg, Tenn., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wade. - Mr. Wllburn Covington, of Nash ville, spent alovcly time with his par ents during the Christmas Miss Sylvester Wade, of Murfrees boro, is visiting here, the guest of Miss Janie S.' Wade. Mr. Jno.-H. Polk spent Saturday iu Nashville. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Woods, of Nash ville were the guests of Mrs. Dick Wade Sunday. Mr. Ranzy Goodman, of Nashville, spent the Christmas in Lavergne, the guest of Mrs. Henry Covington. Mr. Llpskln Goodman and sister, Miss Lena McKnight, spent the Christmas at home. - - Mr. Henry. Magers, of Nashville, spent the Christmas here, the guests of Miss Sallie McKnight, Mr. Eddie Lyghtle, of Nashville, spent Christmas here. ' Miss Anderson, of Murf reesboro, is visiting Miss Janie S. Wade. MURFRESBORO NOTES. Mrs. G. B. Brady recently enter tained at whist assisted by her daugh ter, Mrs. R. C. Eason, of Nash ville. Dancing and whist were the order of the evening. The guests repaired at a late hour to the dining-room, where an elaborate collation was served. Walden colors were the decorations of the table, The guests of the evening were Mes dames Preston Scales, R. B. Mecks, Jas. W. Wright, of St. Louis; R. C. Ea son, of Nashville, Misses Ora Greene, Gertrude Lewis, Alva Booze, Maymie Lee Jones, Nettie C. Cox, Anna Bur- ford, Cassie Battle, of Wralden; Misses Mamie J. Ganaway, Florence Jackson, Matilda Houston, Ada E. Sims, of Fisk. Misses N. M. Manson, Melissa Ransom, Elaia Williams, of. Murf reesboro: Misses Carrie and Mary Page, of Nash ville, Tenn.; Messrs G. L. Williams, W. Hill, J. H. Gilton, Joseph En glish, W. A. Lewis, L. T. Kelly and Burford, of Mehurry; A. R. Ewlng, of Nashville, Tenn.; R. C. Eason, Wymon Brady, of Walden University; Messrs. Preston Scales, Olden Lindsley, W. H. Davis, R; B. Meeks, Elmo Bond, J. B. Sublett, E. W. Greene, of Murfrees- boro, Tenn. , HARVEST GLEANER CLUB ENTER TAINS. The Harvest Gleaner Club of North Nashville, entertained at the residence of Mrs. Frank Sapps, 1501 Phillips street, Monday night, Dec. 31. The house was beautifully decorated for the occasion with ferns, mistletoe and bells, which presented a brilliant sight as the guests arrived. Games and dancing were enjoyed until a late hour, when a four-course menu was served In the beautifully decorated dining room. The color scheme being pink and white was fully carried out. Mrs. Jacobs was assisted by Mrs. Sapp in serving the guest, while Miss Nettie Andrews kept the register, which showed the following: Misses Julia Harding, Esther Webb, Katie Polk, Willie Washington, Tenny- Perkins, Nona W7illiams, Maggie Cockrell, Myr tle Parker, Nettie Andrews, Julia Pope, Mary Beasley, Corlnne Webb, Alberta Perkins, Messrs. David Washington, Edd Polk, Richard Thompson, Adam Harding, George Britton, Earnest Fri erson, William Jacobs, Willie D. Price, Felix Harding, Arthur Fite and Amos Allison. Misses Sadie TIartling and Esther Webb presided at the piano. The ofllcers of the club are Miss Ethel Crowder, president; Miss Emma Wil liams, secretary and Mr. WWani Jacobs, treasurer. ANNUAL MEETING OF HALL AS SOCIATION. The Pythian Hr.ll Association held its annual meeting in the reception parlors of the Pythian Temple, Fri day night, January 4. All the lodges and courts that own stock in the building were represented. Reports of the officers showed that the year bad been a successful one. Election of officers for the year resulted as fol lows: President, Preston Taylor; Vice President, A. W. Fite; Secretary J. A O. rough toil ; Assistant Secretary, T, Clay Moore; Treasurer, J. O. Battle; Bookkeeper, J. B. Batte: House Com mittee. A. W. Fite. A. W. Cleaves, J Thomas Turner. 4- 1 1... PLATE I. We manufacture K. P. Lodge Banners as per illustration given above, at prices according to quality of materials and trimmings, ranging from $50 to $75 silk embroidered work from $80 to $110; hand embroidered bullion work from $135 to $260. Specifications furnished on banners at any price desired. :: :: :: PLATE 2. This thows a very popular design for G. U. O. of O. F. Lodges. Front made of white flag silk. Lambrequin, or Cur tain, of red silk. Painted m gold leaf and oil colon, back of red banner sateen. Trimmed with imported gold lace, fringes tassels, etc. Hardwood pole, wood cross bar, rain cover and holster. Prices $60 to $75. Any of the above Banners will be made for any other organization at same, prices, changing emblems and lettering' to suit the Order. :: :: :: For further Information write to National Baptist Publishing Board, R. II. BOYD, Secretary, r 523 Second Ave N. Nashville, Tenru COLORED Y. M. C. A. Rev. Mr. Fitz, a returned missionary from Africa, and a native of the West Indies, will speak Sunday at 4 p. m. A special program will be rendered. All welcome. DELIGHTFUL STAG. Mr. Wiley Anderson, of . 609 Bass street, was Lost to a jolly stas party at his residence Monday evening, in honor of several cf his friend's from Loulsvillo, Ky. The evening was spent in true conventional stag stvle yarns games, cigars, cigarettes and ginger ale. A most delightful lunch was served dutch supper style. Those present wore J. W. DeWees, J. O. Bat tie. A. A. Underwood, Crow and others. . ' . M ' II ;v ; & 1 Li, V " ft "- , s - ' ' . 'A V lvju-i V! !). S . fife- - ft-v- .-c-bi-ra V- ... . remj , ia 'Si I rt! ,. ' ' .h -2 .-.V A . ' 1I 3 : 2 1 IT 1 s i! f J U 1 0 J f