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;NASiiV.l.LL12 GLOBE, Fill DAY, JANUARY 11, 1307. Glofa. - Every 1-nuav m the v Room :A -.1 Fellows!.' No. 447 lr. rth Ave- nae, .North, Nashville, lenn., THE GLOBE PUBLISHING ;.CO. Telephone 4ii-Ll J, C. CATTLE .Editob Entered as second-class matter Tanuary 19, 1906, at the post office at Nashville, Tennes see, under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879- No Notice Uken of anonymous contribu tions. 1 ' V SUBSCRIPTIONS IN ADVANCE. One Year U 50 One Month ; V." 15 Single Copy -05 i Notify the office when you fail to get your paper. ADVERTISING RATES FURNISHED UPON APPLICATION. READING MATTER BATES. r MTtc ixT line for each insertion. 8 cents per line for each insertion (blck face). Contracts for 1,000 lines to be taken in a year, made at 3 cents per line. ! Advertising copy should be in the ofhee not later than Tuesday ,9 a. m. of each week. " m TO THE PUBLIC. Any erroneous reflection upon the charac ter, standing or reputation of any person, firm or corporation, which may appear in the columns of THE NASHVILLE GLOBE will be gladly corrected upon being brought to the attention , of the management. Send correspondence for publication so as to reach this office Monday. No matter in tended for current issue which arrives as late 8S Thursday can appear in that number, as Thursday is press day. All news matter sent U9 for publication must be written only on one side of the pa per, and should be accompanied by the name of the contributor; not necessarily for publi cation, but as an evidence of good faith. CUTTING OUT NEGRO PAT- RON AGE. The announcement comes from North CaroHna that Collier's Weekly, through one of its agents, has given specific order that no business shall be taken from Negroes. Likewise, the announcement is heralded broadcast from New York that the Metropolitan Insurance Company has notified its agents to accept no uew business irom Negroes. The report of the actions of Collier's agents is surprising if true, more so than that of the insurance company. The refusal by cither con cern, though, to accept business of Negroes will not hurt our race. There are thousands of publishers who want , our money, and there are some insurance companies so anxious for our patronage that they will not inflict upon us the bumptious white agents. But what is more important, the refusal to accept our patronage by white business concerns raakesit bet ter for our own business men. ' A HASTY DENIAL. It would seem from recent develop ment sthat the War Department has contracted a case of acute sensitive ness or that it is endeavoring to exem plify the old adage, "A guilty con science needs no accuser." Last Sun day the press dispatches contained the news that the department had ordered all the colored soldiers to the Philip pine Islands for service. In the same article was a ong interview with a member of the general staff of the army denying that the order was prej udicial to the colored troops or that It had been inspired by the Browns ville affair. The Department's explanation and denial as voiced by the officer briefly stated is this: All the white troops . have seen foreign service, but only one regiment of the colored troops has been detailed for such service, the Twenty-fifth Infantry, which Is at. the Philippine Islands at present It was formerly thought that the colored troops were not fitted for duty in the colonies, but the Twenty-fourth is making such an exemplary record the general staff advised that the colored regiments be treated as the whites have been; that they he required to ac cept foreign service. The action was not influenced by the Brownsville af fair nor by the reports being circu lated as to the conduct of the soldiers at other posts. It is really a promo tion for the men, as they will receive an increase of 20 per cent In wages and one year will count as two years In their service record. It seems strange that this explana tion was necessary on the very day that the order was issued. There ihvii!e t could be no objections cArnoment to assigning tho colored t?ops to any post or duty where tso whites had been assigned prtvicusly. But It appears from the action taken at this particular time that the criticism being showered upon the commander: In-chief of the army has caused the troops, to be withdrawn under fire. Then, again, this order , has recalled and given added importance to an or der recently sent that enlisting officers should use every effort to enlist "white" men. It looks as if the de partment is trying to promote the col ored troops out of the army. LYNCHING STATISTICS. According to statistics gathered by one of the' daily papers of the North, during the year 1906, 73 persons were lynched in the United States, This is an Increase of eight victims over 1905. One hundred and thirty-five were lynched in 1901 96 in 1902, 104 in 1903, 87 in 1904. Mississippi lead? all the states in the number of victims, 13 having met death at the hands of tho mob. This, however, is 7 less for the state than in 1905. Louisiana had 9; Georgia, 9; Texas,' 6; Florida, '6; Alabama, 5; South Carolina, 5; North Carolina, 5; Arkansas, 4; Kentucky, 3; Missouri, 3; Tennessee, 2; Indian Ter ritory, 1; Maryland, 1; Colorado, 1. Of the number killed three were white and 70 colored, one of the latter being a woman. The most interesting part of the sta tistics is that which ' relates , to the crimes punished by the mob. The following are the crimes apportioned: Quintuple murder, dual murder, mur der and robbery, assault and mur trlple criminal assault, miscegenation, improper proposals, petty robbery, carrying a loaded pistol; theft of a yearling calf, disorderly conduct, one victim each; quadruple murder, 4; attempted murder, 11; murder, 15; criminal assault 13; attempted crimi nal assault, 19. It is to be noted that persons that were kileld In riots like that of Atlanta are not included in the list. These statistics put at rest the con tention of President Roosevelt and others that the crime of lynching is most generously provoked by criminal assault. Less tnan one-fifth of those to meet death at the hand of the mob were alleged to be guilty of the "un mentionable crime," and only about one-fourth had been accused of at tempting the crime. The sta tistics snow tt?at in some com munities, owing to a ment of the law, a lax enforee Negro may be lynched for any cause which the white man may decide is a capital crime. They further emphasize the fact that with all the machinery of justice in his hands, the legislative, executive and judicial, the southern whites, and we say southern whites because lynehlngs are more general In this section than in others and it is here that the Negro has the least in fluence in the shaping of public af fairs, are afraid to trust their own men to dispense that even-handed jus tice to which every man Is entitled. If any section of the country should enforce the laws more than another, that , section is the South. We have never been very enthusias tic as a supporter of the various ex slave pension movements that have Deen inaugurated wntreby the ex- slaves were to receive a pension fnn the general government But, it does seem that these ex-slaves are as much entitled to a pension as various com munities of the South which are asking for reimbursement with interest for the damage done by the federal armies during the late Civil War. lowa starts mo new year with a new brand of lynching. A white man charged with the murder of his wife and child was taken from the jail and, T . i ... after a prayer service, was lynched The victim, who was about GO years old, had been demented for a number of years. A nf-w brand of lynihing but an old method of "casting out the devils." First pray and then kill! It reminds one of the stories about the Salem witches. The "Washington Bee has come out as a strong derender of Booker Wash ington, having devoted almost a whole issue to Tuskegee and its work. Now some of the papers of the coun try, which have heretofore joined ed itor Chas in fighting the Wizard of Tuskegee, want to know how : much the veteran newspaper mas got If there is anything in it, doubtless they want to be put next Senator Joe Bailey, the great consti tutional lawyer from Texas, is not worried about whether Roosevelt vio lated his constitutional authorities in dismissing "without honor" the bat talion of the Twenty-fifth Infantry, lie is trying to pour oil no not oil, for the mere mentioning of the word i3 nauseating to the statesman from Texas upon the troubled waters. The report comes from Chattanooga that Sheriff Shlpp, his deputies and the other men who are charged with contempt by the Supreme Court will soon be arrested. We Jiopo it is true. The guilty persons should he convicted and receive the full penalty provided by the law. The stories coming through the newspapers concerning the crimes of the black regiments show tha the art ist who was located at Mole St. Nich olas during the Spanish-American skirmish has changed his base of op erations. The Hon. James K. Vardaman, Gov ernor of Mississippi, has been accused of graft by one of the state officials. The only thing "urprising is that the charge Is not worse. . The legislators are trying to drive whisky out of the state by legislative enactment. Heretofore they have used other methods for getting rid of the fire-water. Gov. John I. Cox must think he is a second Theodore Roosevelt, judging by the length of his message. The Globe has expanded. How do you like the change? PEARL HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. The pupils of this school spent the holidays pleasantly. Nearly all of them, at one time or another, were present at some little social affair, which has already been noted in the columns of the Globe. That was a neat and opportune five- minute talk which Prof. Smith gave the pupils on the first day of school in the New Year. According to his comparison, the New Year was to the pupils as a fresh block of marble to the sculptor. As the sculptor saw an angel in the uncut stone that lay be fore him, so each pupil ought to see in the New Year a higher and purer ideal and ought to entertain fresh hopes for a better and brighter future. That as the sculptor would not touch marble without a definite plan and idea of what he wished to create, so the pupils ought not to enter upon the New Year without meditating upon what they wished to accomplish this year. Their aim3 should be higher and their efforts more strenuous to succeed than ever before. Mr. Eugene Taylor, who was ab sent from school several days on ac count of the serious illness of his fa ther, has returned. Miss Maud Webster, a pupil In the 9th-A grade, was married last week to Mr. Herbert Voorhies, of the class of 1904. Mr. Willis Summers and Mr. John Caldwell have returned from Okla homa, where they went to spend the holidays. Examinations occur next week, and there is a feeling of nervousness among the pupils, copeciolly . among the Seniors. MOTICE. All Allen C. E. Leagues' or their representatives, are hereby notified to please be prepared to pay 50 cents at the meeting to be held January 13, 1907, at Salem. .This Is required to meet the incidental expenses from time to time that will occur. All pas tors who can't be present on that day please send hi3 50 cents and repre sentative of his church League. REV. WM. FLAGG, Pres. MISS M. B. TOPP, Sec'y. ANNUAL MEETING. At the annual meeting cf the Gloue Publishing Company last Monday evening,, the following gentlemen were re-elected by acclamation: J. O. Bat tle, president; C. II. Burrill, secretary; H. Allen Boyd, treasurer; 1). A. Hart, manager. , - -t - COLUMBIA NOTES. A very sad death was that of Mrs. Ella Hill Morrow, which occurred at the residence of her father, Mr. Rut lege Hill,' January 2. A large number of friends and lelatlves attended the funeral at 'Salem Presbyterian Church, of which she was a consist ent member. Services were conducted by he pasor, Rev. Mr. Macklln, assist ed by Revs. Mr. C. Norman and T. W. Hampton, of the A. M. E. Church. Rev. P. E. Greggs eulogized her life beautifully as a teacher. She had taught in Maury and adjoining coun ties. Mrs. Morrow was a woman ot splendid traits of character;.; admired and loved by all who. knew the", and that was tested by tha lun$ Tc cf carriages that followed her - remains to beautiful Salem Cemetery, eight miles from here, where flowers were spread over her last resting place. Mr., Hampton, of Meharry Medical College, spent Saturday and Sunday with- his wife, who. is here from Mississippi to spend the winter with her mother, Mrs. Maria Andrews. Miss Agnes Pulor Hampton will leave this week-for Hoffman Hall, Nashville, where she will attend school. . - Mr. Harlen Green visited Nashville friends last week. Mr. Ed Hill, of New York, who was at the bedside of his sister, Mrs. Mor row, when she died, will return in a few weeks. Mrs. E. H. Brown has returned from Decatur, Ala. EBENEZER NOTES. The first quarterly conference dur ing the pastorage of Rev. N. Smith, held by Rev. Jackson, proved a suc cess in every respect The board members and others pres ent for watch service, enjoyed a New Year's gift of fruits from the Sunday school. 1 The Ebenezer Stock Company, un der the directions of Mr. Henry H walker, played with .. great success their play, "A Woman's Way," for the second time on Monday , evening at Prostess Chapel. A beautiful Christmas paper was written by Mis3 Martha Little, stu dent of the Catholic School on Lea avenue, and sent to her sister in Vir ginia. Mrs. Helen Cheatham, wife of Dr. Cheatham, a graduate of Meharry, re turned to her home in Pine Bluff, Ark. ATTRACTIVE, SOCIAL EVENT. One of the most attractive social events of the winter season was a party given by the ' Delicatessen Club during the holidays, at the res idence of Mr. and Mrs. Green Hall, 1820 West Jefferson street. ine decorations tnrcugnout were very artistic. The double parlors were effective in white chrysanthemums, American beauties and roses. In the reception hall' frappe was served from a cut glass punch bowl by Misses Ade laide Allison and Luella Mayberry. The tabls : was covered with cluny lace and at each end stood a large sil ver receptacle of white chrysanthe mums. The reception began at 8 o'clock, the receiving' party including Mrs, Cora Hall and Miss King. The dan cing began at 9 and at 10:30 an ele gant hot supper was served. The party included Misses Nannie B. Allison, Anna L. Mayberry, Mamie Whittaker, Eloise Frierson, Willie B. Dodson, Clara Frierson, Lula Grant Cleopatra Evans, Emma James, Lu- venia McLemoii, Hattle Bramlett Hattie Bryant, Mayme Allison, Mamie Brown, Selene Peterson, Millie May berry, Sadie Harding, Virginia Whit taker, Fannie Hayes, Georgia Buford Bessie Harding, Bell Smith, Messrs, Charles W. Smith, J. A. Simson, Char lie Morten, J. B. Frierson, Walter Clark, James L. Hunter, Anthony Por ter, Wade H. McCree, Dr. George Reid James Hurt, Samuel Rhddes, Law rence Creel, Clarence W. Laprade, Dunson, George Yowell, Samue! Tenner, Hyram Harding, Allen Whit taker, Mclvin Hayes, J. O. Battle, Henry Gordon, David Saundew, Dr, George Rcid. A BRILLIANT AFFAIR. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Garret, of 919 Blank street, entertained in honor 0: their son and daughter, Theodore and Bessie, during the holidays. A jolly crowd enjoyed a merry time. The parlor windows were adorned with mistletoe, and red bells while bright lights welcomed all. The color scheme was cherry and white, which was car ried throughout' the house. .F.trin music was furnished by Messrs. Smith Bradford and Bass. Dancing was the feature of the evening. At a late hour the gue&ts repaired to tho dining room where cake, v.ine, nuts and candy were' -served by Mesdames Garrett, Crockett and Faulkner. Thoso win partook of Mr. and Mrs. Garrett's hos pitality were: Misses Daisy Tjrce, Willa Hurt, MaudWeb,ster, Evalena Barnes, Anna F. Brame, Yanuoy Webster, Pearl Oten, Florence, Bruc.e Mai Ewing, Katie Steel, Velma Mai Moslcy, Louella Mayberry. Aic'r. Allison, Clara Frierson, Ftc"- ' -ble, Florence LaPrade, Bent"' ' Prade, Corine McGavock, Dora , Buelah Formor, of Chattanc; i Bessie E. Garrett, Messrs. J Leach, Edward Allen, Richs?'4 kins, : Jessie FIte, David Al-d-Ernest Brown, George Upshaw, eph Webster, Charles Greer, I Hurt, Stanley White, George F Hadley Fite, Allison Floyd, C: LaPrade, Charles Fields, of ;K leans; Scovel Richardson, '.Wii'aau Hurt, Cleveland Houston, ' Edward Whlttaker, Smith Bradford, Baas, and Theodore B. Garrett. ... EUREKA CLASS. ..The 'Eureka Dancing Class, which has been governed by Mr. Dock Liner for the last three years is enjoying the greatest of success. The large crowds which are attending the class are highly pleased with the order and the high-class dances which are put on, Mr. Liner has been the recipient of three beautiful gifts from the class be- quires of all. The class will continue open every Monday and Friday nights during, 1907, as during 1905-190(5. The school has made its reputation and Is a credit to the city. Those who have accepted the opportunity to learn to- dance correctly, now go through the figures with military precision. . .. . . THREE ENTERTAINED. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Saunders,, of North Mary street, sumptuously enter-" tained a limited number one evening last week in honor of Mr. and Mrs.. , T A&AXCIiLXA illlllvt UUU -'- . . Sylves. The unique cottage wa3 handsomely and -artistically decorated with cut flowers, palms and ornament al designs. The following ladies and gentlemen were present: Mr. and Mrs. Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Davis, Mr, and Messrs. Dock Liner, O. II. Sublett, An drew Sylves, J. R. Robinson, Eugene Sylves, Frank Sylves, Harlan and Master Napoleon Davis. the enjoyment of games and music a most elaborate four-course menu was served. The participants left feeling, highly complimented. MEMPHIS NOTES. The Christmas tree of the Taber nacle Baptist Church, Monday night, was very mucn enjoyea. ine. .super 1 my . , . intendent, Miss C. E. Lewis, Is to be, commended for the manner in which she handled the little folks. Mr. Lucian Searcy left last Friday night for Nashville to enter Fisk Uni versity. Tne wane at Mrs. canara s on Turly street, will long be remembered. Miss Eva M. Reed, a teacher in the city school of Brownsville, Tenn., was the guest of Miss Lillie Owen on Jeanette street. Mrs. Mary Brooks, of Ft. Worth, Texas, is visiting her parents on Polk street. - Miss Lenora Kneeland is visiting ia Humboldt Wednesday evening - the Young Men's Club entertained at the resi dence of Mrs. Ewell on Moore avenue. Miss Lula Hopson, teacher of stfin, ography at Howe Institute is in Nash ville visiting her mother. Mrs. Gertrude Byars, of Michigan, is tn the city visiting relatives on Wrilliam avenue. Miss Lillie Owen delightfully enter tained Thursday evening, December 27, at her home, 654 Jeanette street The parlor was beautifully decorated with holly and Christmas bell3. Games and musical selections , were the amusements of the evening. At 11:30 o'clock' a four-course menu was served. Those present were Misses Pearl and Elnora Hodges, Misses .Net tie and Ella D. Thomas, Misses Eva and Elizabeth Reed, of Brownsville, Drs. G. P. Bell, J. L. Delaney, E.' E. Nesbltt, Professors M. L. Jones, J. T. Franklin and Samuel Owen, W. J. Daniel, Samuel Currie, Rev. T. J. Townsend, of Brownsville. Mr. Noah Bond, of -Lane College, Jackson, Tenn., spent the holidays in the city. Rev. T. J. Townsend, of Brownsville, was in the city Thursday attending the meeting of the Board of the B. Y. P. U. Friday evening the young people of the Tabernacle Baptist Church gave an old-fashion "nut cracking" at the come or the pastor, ti. (J. Owen, boi Jeanette street. Games and music were prominent amusements. All ex pressed themselves as having highly enjoyed the entertainment beyond th ordinary. On Saturday evening Misses Ella D. and .Nettie Thomas entertained at their beautiful residence on St. Paul street. A very elaborate two-coursa menu was served, Mrs. M. E. Plumps presiding over the punch bowl. Thosa present were Mcsdamss Smith. Galvin, Plump, Misses Maggie Fleming, Ora and Elizabeth Reed, Lillie and Lena Owen, Messrs. Plump, Davis, Mitchcl Byas, Martin, and Samuel Owen. v .ft - r f