Newspaper Page Text
'IT f T fiT-nr.! fridav January 11. 1907. j CITY ITEMS. 7- Hon. It L. Mayfield will address t'na people of Clarksville, Teun., Fri day night. Subject: "The Negro of yesterday and of to-day." Miss Belma Mahaa, of the steno graphic force of the National Baptist Publishing House, was called to her Lome iu Little Rock, Ark., last Sat urday, on account of her lather's se jious illness. Recent letters from Miss Mahan contain the welcome intelli gence that her father is better and hopes are entertained ior a speedy re covery. Prof. F. J. Work, lately instructor if music at Atlanta Baptist College is In the city and has a number of pu lls who will receive musical instruct ion under his new method. Mrs. Lizzie Bransford and sister, Mrs. Sarah Harding, entertained Friday evening at 5 o'clock tea, Mrs. Smith, Mr. Robt Woodson, Rev. Goodall, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCullough, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Franklin, Rev. and Mrs. Flagg, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Forest and Master Wm. Franklin, Jr. Mrs. Eugene Woods has as her guests, her sister, Mrs. Shaw and her mother, Mrs. Lipscomb. Sadio Lee Webb, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Webb, received many presents, this being her first Christmas for old Santa Glaus to come. Capt. Jackson McHenry, of the Geor gia State Troops (col) and his son Jackson McHenry, Jr., were the euests of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Carter, this week. Mr. John McCoy at the home of his mother. Mrs. Mary IMcCoy, 305 Twelfth avenue, North. Those pres ent were Mrs. Annie Overall, Mrs. Jo Bcnhine Clark, Mrs. McCoy, Mrs. ' Grace Brown, Mrs. iB. - H. Gray, Mr. Henry Bonds and Mr. Jones, of Lewisburg, Ky. Mr. Jackson McHenry, one of At lanta's mail carriers, and Miss Lizzie Fant, of Nashville were married at the home of her parents, January 3, 1907. Mr. and Mrs. McHenry will be at home, 236 Fort street, Atlanta, Ga, after January 5, 1907. Airs. Nannie H. Keeble, of Chicago IU.. left this morning to visit her moth' er in Murfreesboro, Tenn., after spend ing a few days with her sister, Airs Isabella Keeble, of 318 Sixth avenue North. Ttp.v. J. E. Phlrps. of Africa nreached at the St. Andrews Presby .terlan Church to a large congregation last. Sunday morning. On Thursday night he lectured to the mission class and exhibited his curios. .-''Mr. Jesse Randolph, of Patterson street, is sick. Miss Ada Lee Harris, of Fourth, ave nue, South, is slowly Improving. Mr. xoung Aiexanuer, ui njuo fctreet, who was very painfully hurt at McCullough's mill is rapidly recov ering. Capt. McHenry and son were roy nllv entertained by Mr. ana Mrs ----- - B. Carter, 7? 3 Uay street. Mr. John Sublett, of Patterson street, who recently stuck a nail in his hand and from which he has been confined to the house for some weeks, Is able to attend to his work again. Mrs. James W. Wright, who has been the guest of Mrs. Robt G. Ba son, of 318 Eighth avenue, North, left for her home in -St. Louis, Monday morning. Mrs. Thomas A. Ewing, of 501 Fisrhth avenue. North, had at tea Sun day evening Mr. and Mrs. Robt. C. Ea- Eon and their guest Airs, james w, Wright, of St. Louis, Mo. Owine to a quorum not being pres ent there was no monthly meeting of the National Baptist Publishing Board Tuesday. '' Rev. E. C. Morris, D. D., of Helena, Ark., did not arrive to attend the Pub lishing Board meeting Tuesday as was expected. r--Hley. C. H. Clark, BvD., pastor of Mount Olive Baptist Church, Cedar street, left the city Wednesday for Sa vannah. Ga., where he will spend a fortnight assisting Dr. Carr in a re vival. The church where tne meet in f will be held and of which Dr, Carr is pastor, is said to be one hun dred and twenty-five yeai-s old and to have a membership of six thousand. Mr. Edward E. Cooper, of Washing ton D. C, wlio is a special agent for the Department of Commerce and La Vor is again In Nashville. It is not known how long he will be here as he is on official business. Miss Nannie Brooks entertained a number of friends Friday evening Deceiruer 28, at tne nume vi ucr er, Mrs. H. S. Brooks, on the Harding Tnnd UMth the house in the regu- lation holiday attire of holly, mistle hoi is a brilliant sight was pre- t, sonted Miss Brooks was assisted in receiving by her two sisters, Misses thi Minnie and Pearl Douglass Brooks. At a suitable hour an elaborate colla t 'tion was served. Miss Mary E. 1 Wright served egg-nog on the arrival of the guests, which included, Misses Anna P. Burford, Hattie Jons, Ally Mai Vaughn, Clare Adams, Mary E. Wright, Samic Mays, Mary' Nolen. Messrs Burford, Rhodes, Turner,' of St. Paul, Gibson, Nichol, Burford, Tur ner, Burford, Head and Compton. An orchestia furnished music for the oc casion. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hightower, of 30 Lewis street, entertained Sunday, December 30th. in honor of Mrs. James A. Davis, matron of Turner Normal Institute, who spent the holidays in the city, the house guest of Mrs. M. E. Bryant. Quite an elaborate lun- heon oi nve courses was servuu. Jttle Miss Clara M.. who has just re covered from a spell of la grippe served the guest wlrh frappe. She was assisted by her cousin, Johnnie White: The following enjoyed the ospitalitles: Mrs. James A. Davis and daughter Flossie, Mrs. M. E. Bryant, Mrs. J. V. WThite and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Bunch. Miss Nannie H. Burroughs, the Cor responding Secretary of the Woman's Convention, an auxiliary to the Na tional Baptist Convention with head quarters in Louisville, Ky., is siatea to reach Nashville some time during the latter part of January or the nrst of February. Her mission here win ha in the interest of the Convention and the manual training school, which will possibly be located In wasnin, ton, D. C. Mrs. Lewis L. Cheatham, wife of Dr. L. L. Cheatham, who is now re siding in Pine Bluff, Ark., left last Fridav evening after having spent the holidays with her motnor, Airs, Albert Buchanan. ' She was enter tained by many friends while visiting her old home. Mr. F. D. Patterson, of the C. R. Pat terson and Sons carriage manuiac- turers, located at Greenfield, Ohio, was n Nashville Monday. Mr. 1'atterson represents one of the largest carriage fMotnHps in the middle West. Not withstanding It 13 a 'Negro corpora Hon. it has stood the. close.'Jompeti tion for three generations . ana nas been in the Patterson family all the time. The first Pattersons began as renairers of wagons and . buggies and built up a business. , Tne secona rav tersons Improved upon it and the pre ent generation of Pattersons are prov ing: eauallv as industrious, 11 not more nroOTGssive. as Mr. Fred Douglass Pat terson spends most oi nis time on tne road selling directly to the uaae. is said that he solicited some excel lent orders in Nashville. It is learned thot com of the nrofessional men r.laced orders for handsome turnouts ... . and that the two coiorea nvery buluic gave large orders for vehicles to be de livered earlv In the spring. It Is measing to note that our people i Wm. Ferguson, one of the restau- anteurs of Jo Johnston avenue, has been indisposed for several days. Mrs. Ann' Dixon, mother of Rev. R. 3. Boyd, D. D., has been confined to her room for several days from an attack of side pleurisy. Miss Willie E. Battle, who has been 11 for several days, is much better. Mrs. J. W. LeWees, of Ament street, has been ill for several days. Mr. James Davis, of 50 C Fourteenth avenue, Nortn, is quite inaisposea. Mrs. Lou Lytle, of Fourteenth ave- nue, JNortn, is connnea w nyr ut?u with a complication of diseases. Mrs. Willie Williams Reed, of Chi cago, formerly of this city, who was expected here to spend the holidays, was 'prevented from making the trip on account of illness. Mrs. Ann Stamps is Improving aft er a lengthy spell of sickness. Dr. Jefferson, of Clarksville, was in the city Sunday. Last Sunday the ordinance of the Lord's Supper was solemnized at Mt Olive Baptist Church, Dr. C. H. Clark, pastor. The services were Impressive and the attendance was large, the spa cious auditorium being completely filled with communicants. The ej ections for the day amounted to $114. 01. Mr. Jasper Phillips, member of the Senior College class at Fisk, enter tained his classmates with a 4 o'clock luncheon, Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 26, 1906, at his home, 317 Twelfth ave nue North. Games, music and jokes were much enjoyed. Before leaving the dining room, Mrs. Phillips pre sented each person with an orange tied with blue ribbon, representing the college colors, and with much enthu siasm, they all sang, "Hurrah for the gold and blue." ; Those present were Messrs. Arthur R. Ware, iienry k. Merry. Brown W. Payne, Pratt Thorn as, George Thomas Overstreet, Thom as P. Haralson, Jr., Aionzo a. arocs, William A. House, Misses Jennie Let? Noel and Lady Emma Louise Phillips. Mr. Phillips entered the boarding de- nartment of Fisk, January 2, where hq will remain until commencement in June. Miss Gertrude Lewis, of Flrt ave nue. South, entertained at dinner last Wednesday evening Misses Anna P. Burford, Katie Berry, Lottie R. An derson, Messrs. Lawson- Burford, Dr. Chas Covington. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Jordan, of Sixth avenue, North, entertained a lim ited number of friends at dinner Sundav. in honor of the pastor and deacons of Third Avenue Baptist Church. The table was ladened with thfi delicacies of the season. Those L. Harding, Mr, PreBton Taylor. Telephone OOc5, TAYLOR & CO. Funeral Directois and EnMmers. CARRIAGES FOR JURE. 449 Forjh Avenm, Korth, Nashville, - Tenn. fi.ri-' r.1 a. 1 ?y 1 ' V til f MM Mrs. L. Ii; Johnson and Mr. W. C. Davidson, of St. Louis, have returned home as their sister has improved so much. Miss Luclle Brien, of the Baptist ublishlng House, is lightly Indis posed. Dr. Jefferson Lytton, the popular chiropodist, is stationed at the shop of Mr. Marshall Cheatham, Union street, between Second and Third ave nues. . The residence of Rev. and Mrs. W. Lewis is being renovated. Mr. Granville Lyons, of the Baptist Publishing House, has returned from Wartrace, where he visited his parents during the holidays. By request the cantata, "Santa Claus' Doings," will be repeated at Spruce Street Baptist Church Friday, Jan. 25. Mr. A. A. Underwood is slightly in disposed. Rev.-W. A. Lewis left the city Thursday for Kansas City and other western points. Miss Bertha Lee, after spending the holidays, pleasantly at home with her parents, is at her post oi amy. Mrs. Alberta Saunders is now con nected with the composing room at the A. M. E. S. S. Union. The. services at the First Baptist Church. Eighth avenue, North, last Sunday were excellent The sermon bv the pastor, Rev. W. S. Ellington, was well received and tne auoience was afforded a rare treat in the nature of two beautiful tenor solos by Prof. F. J. Work and Mr. Roland Hayes. Little Viola Carter, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Carter, Jr., of St Louis. Mo., formerly of this city, was hnmed very badly last Sunday, She Is improving at this writing. Bishop Isaac Lane; of Jackson Tenn., was the guest of Bishop Phil lips duaing the holidays. ACKS0N TEMPLE SUNDAY SCHOOL WILL GIVE A Box Entertainmonl AND AT m it, JACKS011 TEL'PLE C. 11. E. Church Monday Night, Jan. 1 4, 07. All ministers and their congregations are invited to attend this entertainment, and every minister is expected to take part. ; The entertainment is for the benefit' - our church debt. ' A Prize will be given the lady that has the Prettiest Box. Admission, 10 Cts. M. T. LYDA, Sup. A. W. UPSHAW, Ass. Sup. & Mgr. J. Wm. LIJCKETT, Pastor. Geo. 0. Boyd, Jr. J. Frank Uattl. BOYD & BATTLE, Fist-Class Ilorses and Buggies To let Our Baggage Wagon will call for and deliver your parcels. Short Wood and Coal Orders promptly delivered. Horses Beught and Sold. PHONE MAIN 4460-Y. 900 Joe Johnston Ire., : Saslmlle, Tenn. " 7-20-'06tf nresent were Rev. J r.-r,A Mra Anthrmv Williamson. Mr. and pleas ng to note tnat our we I.r obt Black, Mr. B. B. HudsOE, ;,Mrs. Dora Merrill, of 903 Eleventh learning fast how to patronize not wrs. i , Mary avenue. North, entertained Dr. Lynch, only home Jusmes a -J- , ' of Meharry, Miss Lelia Merrill, of Co- - ,cr,t tn An. Miss M. C. Grisham, of 1624 Jackson wu.ntin nre that Nashville will street, is suffering from the effects of v nt ih hpst fitv directoiies a heavy cold. that has evef been turned out by any Mrs. Brown, of Springhill, and sis- Southern city. The work of compil- ter of Mr.. O. C. Pressly, spent the noil ing this Directory is in the hands of days in the city, the guest of Mrs, Marshall-Bruce-Polk Co., who aTe f. C. Bowling, of Patterson street. sparing no pains in getting all the in- Mlsg Mayme K. Clcmmons, of Sixth formation that one mignt neeu u &u avenue, South, is slightly indisposed in this Directory. . Mr rhns. 11. Burrill. secretary of Mrs. J. C. Napier, the President of ,hl rini,fl rubllsniiis Company, is suf- the Day Home Club, has issued a call fering with neuralgia. for a special . meeting oi me ouu u.u Mrsrwlanora Brooks, or umcmnau, thfi Dav Home. No. 618 Fourth avenue, vsuTnr hr sister. Mrs. Mary F. South, Monday afternoon, January 14, Houan,if 0f 209 Eighteenth avenue, at 3 o'clock. New mcmDers wiu u North. admitted and all those who nave con- M1 Carrle Tandy mi Hester tributions of any klmd win piease semr , Hopasviiie, Ky., who were them. visiting the aunt of Miss Toney, re- Mrs. Daisy Byrd is sick at her home turned home Saturday. On their re- on Almeta street. ' turn trip they were accompanied by Mrs Cora Phillips, of Indianapolis, Miss Addie Fite, rnrt who has been visiting her sister, tpv t t Townsend. of Browns- Mia. W. M. Rucker, of 1413 Hynes vlllfl Tenn.. will occupy the desk of street, has returned to her home. the sprUce Street Baptist Church on Mr. . William Broyles is improving the second and third Sundays of this ranidly. month; ... Cni,'iiinMM rnnHmiea to lm- Herrman the Great will be at Spruce BUY YOUR SHOES lunmbia, and Miss Cole during the holidays. Miss Laura B. Coleman was away from her post of duty several days this week on account of an attack o tonsilitis. Miss Anna Young entertained a few of her friends new ; year's day. Those present were Miss Sadie Wat kins, Lottie Phillips, Amelia Carpen ter, Georgia Connell, Beatrice Can trell, Messrs. William Royster, Arthur Fite aud Howard "Salter. prove. Mr. Herman Rhodes, of Murfrees boro. scent the holidays with his rtjincTitftr. Mrs. W. M. Rucker, of xivf3-Bvv-r Hynes street Street Baptist Church January 18 Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Ferguson, of 1116 Jackson street, entertained a few of their friends Tuesday evening Jan, with a card party. A two-course menu was served. Those present were Mr nnd Mrs. Joe Watkins, of 1307 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Richardson, TTvnps street recently entertained a Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Turner, Mr. and ' : . mt. - I j nr.. txr immhw nf friends at dinner. ine Mrs. Henry rrice. mt. ami wis, v, indtPd mwfits were Mr. and Mrs. R. hi. Patton. Misses Nannio Brown rjenfro. of SDringhill: Mr. and Mrs. R. Laura. Stump, Lena Moore, Lizzie vcitv Tio-iiv Mr ami Mrs. Walter TnVmsmv Messrs. 11. poster. Arinur i' tj, AiUUiVJ - - . ( v , - Hadlev, Mr. and Mrs. Jake lladiey, stump, and Andrew uuason. Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Bianton, Mrs. TTic(J thrs iiall. of 1610 State Work. Miss Etta Shaber, of Franklin; -trPp., i3 tiowiv improving. Miss Bennie Rogers, ot tjmcago; miss ,., n T OTlt t1l v,flii M. L. Walridge, of Georgia;, and Mr. - has returned t0 the W. J. Bianton. The menu consisted a- a of eight courses, and included wines, r-11'' fruit and confections. Mr. and Mrs. rranu aucu euwsi- it la hfArnr whisnered that at the talned In honor of their sisier, ivirs. rinsA nf the nublic school season sev- a. Kelly, of Clarksville, ienn., ana oral of the teachers will enter the bonds of wedlock. iMr. J. Milton Easterling, Grand Lec tuer of the Knights of Pythians, will be in the city soon to deliver his an nual lecture to the lodges of that order in the city. Mr.' Joseph Wilkerson DeWees, who recently returned to our city from Chicago and Evanston, 111., has accept ed a position with the National Bap tist Publishing Board. Of BOB ROBERTSON. PHONE 8223-L BES1DEXCE: 618 WEBSTEB STCEET. WITH Clino & Gordon. 410 Union Street. Phone 1235. The Best Variety aud the Most ReilM? Shoc3 Made. Miss Anna Jackson, ot Mempmo, Tenn., the guest of Miss Bessie Roon ey. Mrs. C. A. Kelly and son, of Clarks ville Tenn., have returned home after a Christmas visit at the home of her sister, MrsJ Pleas Perkins, 52 Lewis street. Mrs. A. J. Dodd, who has been quite sick for the last six weeks, is -much better. ' . ' " BIRTHDAY PARTY. Little Miss Cerella Annette Brown, of Fifteenth avenue, was "At Home to auite a number of her little friends t i i ast Friday afternoon . January Be tween the hours of 2:30 and 5:30 o'clock, It being her seventh birthday. The house was gay with decorations of red, white and green, , and the walls echoed with the happy voices oi cnu- dren. Healthful play and merry games for tho little ones were mrectea Dy Miss Janie E. Benson, who assisted ,urs Brown in receiving the guests. All entered unrestalnedly into tne fiTrtt nf iov and happiness that is every child's birthright Promptly at 4 -so o'clock the children were ushered Into the dining room, the march being led by Little Miss Brown and Master Lenida Crosthwait. There the color scheme of red, white and green was navHd out in the table decorations ices,' etc. The birthday cake with its candles of red. white and green was a thing of beauty. A three course luncheon was served. Quite a number of beautiful and useful pres ents were received. The guests left promptly at 5:30 o'clock, wishing the little hostess "Many. Happy Returns of iha tviv."' Those present were Mas ters Lenida Crosthwait, Smith Walk er, Leonard J. W. Ellington, Bruce Reynolds, J. B. iSingleton, Jr., Green w ttii Jr.. Aueustus H. JacKson ii. -- ' - " .. .(! James P. Bond, James r. yv nue, flush es Virginia Steele, Alberta Watkins, Ruth II. Crosthwait, Georgia Walker, Clara B. Stevens, Ruth Upshaw, Hat tie Reynolds, Marie M. Singleton, Vileen F. Hall, Bertha J. Dunn, Alma M. Dunn, Ilva Paul Yerby, Edw na n v-vw TCfimnnia White. Pauline Crosthwait, Mabel Lillard, Madames Preston Taylor, S. A. Walker, S. W. Crosthwait and W. A. Crosthwait BUY YOUR Clothing, Hats, Etc, OF BOB ROBERTSON, PHONE 3223-L. BESIDEXCE! 613 WEBSTEB 8TBEET. - WITH ' Varley & Bauman. 825 Union St. Phone 600. Th Beit Variety d the Most Reliable VUca IntheCitj. BUY YOUR Drj Goods, lotions, Cloaks, Etc., OF Bob Robertson. PHONE 3223-L. RESIDENCE: 6 18 WEBSTER STREET. WITH The Castnor-Knott Iry Goods Co. 209 Fifth Are., X. Phone C20. Th Largest and Eest Stock to Select from in the City, To t!ic Madam of Hie House: ANYTIME YOU ' rieed Sorvanls Call Main 2160 Hunt's Employment Office. T P. I1