OCR Interpretation

The Nashville globe. [volume] (Nashville, Tenn.) 1906-193?, April 26, 1907, Image 1

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JLL. Aim JLlJLlx2z3
"All things come to them that wait, providing they hustle while they wait." Char les W. Anderson. "Get out of our sunshine." R. n. Boyd.
Vol. II.
No. 16.
if VI If
1 1 -
Slashes Them in Their Faces
With his Knife.
A crime that surpassed any ever
committed in the South was that of
a white brute on two ladies on Cedar
street last Monday, when, without
provocation, he hacked up their faces
with a large knife until the sidewalk
was covered with blood and they were
faint with weakness. Such butchery
of helpless women has never been
heard of before in this fair southland,
and had the perpetrator been black
and the victims white he would have
been apprehended before his tracks
were cold, but despite the fact that a
black man witnessed the deed the as
sailant is yet alive and at liberty.
When will Negroes learn what to die
This murderous attack took place
on Cedar street just west of the train
bridge between eleven and twelve
o'clock. The two ladies, Miss Martha
Floyd and Miss Martha Wright were
on their way to work, and they stated
to a Globe representative that they
passed this man on the corner of Wal
nut and Cedar streets. He was stand
ing whitling a stick. They went on
paying no attention, and had no
thought that he was bent on doing
them any harm. When they noticed
him a second time he was trampling
on their heels. They asked him to de
sist from his impudence, 'saying to
him that the side walk was large
enough for all of them, when, without
a moment's warning, he drew his knife
and commenced his savage butchery.
He stabbed Miss Floyd several times,
and when Miss Wright begged for
mercy for her friend, he turned upon
her, cutting her face into a pulp. He
then retraced his steps up Cedar street
and was soon out of sight. The young
ladies eyes were full of blood and
they were so excited they could not
tell which way he turned when they
reached Walnut street. Blinded with
blood they made their way as best they
could to Dr. Burrus' office, corner
Ninth avenue and Cedar street,
where their wounds were dressed. It
was necessary to put twenty-five
stitches in Miss Wright's face and sev
eral were taken in Miss Floyd's face.
When seen by a Globe representative
at their home at 30S Capitol avenue,
the young ladies were suffering in
tense pain. They presented a pitiful
sight, and the brute' that butchered
them up was still at large.
The police station was called up to
ascertain whether or not the savage
had been captured, and the feeble
reply echoed back, "No." It will be
hard to convince the forty thousand
Negroes in this city that the police
have been vigilant in their search for
this murderous brute, but they feel
like saying: To the winds with your
theory that it is the duty of every Ne
gro to assist in bringing to justice
every black criminal, for the rule will
have to work both ways to be effective.
They believe that If the police and de
. tectives had been diligent in their
search they would have captured the
thug before Monday night; but it rath
er makes them feel that this fiend Is
being harbored.
The daily papers with all their fa
cilitles for gathering news could not
learn anything about this assault. If
a Negro steals a rotten egg they have
it before he cracks the shell.
Equally as bitter is the denunciation
of the Negro man who stood and saw
the assault and did not as much as
cive alarm. They hold that he should
have captured the brute dead or alive
and delivered him to the police au
thorities. This occurence puts the
Neeroes on a wonder what will be
next? For when it reaches the point
where innocent women cannot go to
their work without being hacked to
nieces, our civilization is receding and
we are fast drifting back to a stage
nf pavacorv.
Colored women must be exempted
from white brutallsm.
American Naval Officers and Norfolk
Society Fear the Coming of
At all times and on every occasion
old "cuffy" is causing some body to
loose sleep. The latest is a report to
the effect that the little black republic
is to accept the invitation sent out by
the United States Government to the
nations of the world to participate in
the celebration at Jamestown. The
alarming cry reads as follows:
Chicago, April 23. A special to the
Tribune from Norfolk, Va., says: If
the Republic of Hayti carries out Its
threat there will be more trouble at
the Jamestown exposition than all the
old English pioneers put together ever
encountered in the strenuous times
t'ie big show is intended to commemo
A report from Washington, which
.lust got out to Rear Admit al Evans'
lieet to-day and gave the officers seven
different varieties of brainstorm, says
the Haytian Government Is trying to
borrow a warship somewhere with the
object of sending it to the naval re
view as the flagship of a Vice Admiral.
A Haytian Vice Admiral would be
black and probably short and extreme
ly black.
That, though bad enough, is not all.
The Haytian Vice Admiral, black and
short and fat, would be the only Vice
Admiral, with the possible exception
of the commander of the Japanese
squadron, at the exposition. And, ac
cording to the etiquette of the navy,
all the other naval officers would have
to knowtow to him and give him so
cial and official precedence.
Such is the emergency with which
Admiral Evans and the officers of his
fleet have been suddenly confronted.
The prospect of a Haytian Vice Admir
al's coming spread consternation all
up and down the long line of battle
ships anchored off the city.
No official "action has been taken as
yet, but there is talk of sending a fly
ing squadron out to sea with orders to
see that the Haytian warship and its
Vice Admiral loses its way between
the- black Republic and Jamestown.
Scarcely less than the commotion
caused by the report among the offi
cers of Admiral Evans' fleet is the
commotion it has caused in social cir
ies here. There will be a good deal
of official and unofficial entertaining
of one kind and another while the
fleets are here, and social leaders are
wondering how they will have to treat
this short, fat, and extremely black
Vice Admiral if he should suddenly
appear and claim all his privileges.
It is a question which they refuse
to discuss, but they hope the Haytian
sailor will stay at home.
In sDite of the bad weather, Mr
Peyton and his boys are busy at
work on their farm. It Is desired to
make this vear a successful year in
this line of work, and with the aid of
his able line of assistants. Mr. Henry
Jackson, who has become thoroughly
acquainted with farming, It Is hoped
that, exeat success will be the result
This school Is a place where young
hovs and cirls are taken in order that
thev mav have their hands trained to
do service. Mr. Peyton Is a true
Christian man, honest and upright,
with the love of his people af neart.
His success Is chiefly due t jis abil
ity for managing. Mrs. Peyton has
charge of the day school and is sue
ceeding nicely.
Mr. Henrv Jackson has been a mem
ber of this school several years, and
has always given general satlsfac
Those who are not acquainted With
the school should come out and see
what is going on right in their midst.
The fire department of "Woodland
Street. East Nastvllle. did not par
Urinate In the exhibition which took
place on Deaderick street, Tuesday
morning as a part of the program for
the Spring festival. It Is learned that
thev were stationed at headquarters
to take the place of the Deadrick
Street Company in case an alarm was
turned in. They witnessed the com
petitive exercises as they were carried
out in front of the fire department.
Last Sunday at the It a. m. service
Bishop B. F. Lee preached an able ser
mon. The Allen League, at 6:30 p. m.
under the leadership of Mrs. S. M.
King, had a grand meeting. At 8
o'clock the Tayne Chapel Choral
Class made Its first appearance, with
Miss Etta Lee Bradford, organist
When George Spurlock
Shot Charles Smith.
Jealousy rests at the bottom of an
other murder which Is chronicled In
records of the criminal history ol
this city and charged up to the ac
count of George Spurlock for the
killing of Charles Smith. The "pro
verbial woman in the case" holds true
'n this. It Is cald, and the result Is
the same old tale. Such tragedies
are to he regretted, but they are Inevi
table as long as men and women al-
'nw the nasslon of jealousy to over
balance the sober dictates of reason.
The dead man and his slayer, It Is ru
mored, had been, before the tragedy,
-u'tnrs of the same woman.
The shooting of Smith by Smirlock
ocurrpd Saturday nierht. Aorll 21, at
or near the comer of Sixteenth ave
nue and Pearl street. The men
"marreled over the matter between
'hem, growing more and more
vented wHh ansrer until finally Spur
'ook reached his word limit and
hipping out a pistol fired at his an
tagonist, the ball striking him under
the arm and passed In his body so as
fo cut In two his snlnal cord. Smith
was taken to the City Hospital and
fhere examined by the surgeon
'n eharse, his opinion was that the
wounded man had practically no
chance of surviving. This opinion
was onlv too true and was soon to
'-o verified, for Smith succumbed to
the effects of his wound during the
night and passed to his account.
The oharsre which had been lodeed
israinst Spurlock for assault with a
oistnl with Intent, to kill, was changed
fo murder and he was committed to
'ail without bond. He must now an
wer the people's demand to know
why he has done this, and hereafter
V must answer Cod's Injunction,
"Thou shalt not kill."
Tn moralizing on this bloodv affair,
't Is not out of place to say that the
Tien and women who feed and pamper
'eaiousv hover In their hearts the
most cruel and deadly of all the hit
nan passions: they are nursing a
'ion's wheln. so to speak, which, when
Town, will be bevond the power of
control, and will demand carnage, yea.
and will have it. Some one has said,
md truthfully so, tnat. Jealousy Is as
natural as love, and like love, It may
he curbed or cultivated. One : thing
which the records of crimes bear out
is a fact, and that Is this: Jealousy,
unleashed, Is a demon that drives
under Its lash the victim, In whose
soul it Is lodged, to the commission
of the most horrible deeds.
In conclusion, it mav be reasonably
predicted that the killing of Smith Is
the beginning of another series of
The Improvement Committee of
Walden University alumni had their
business meeting In the office of Me
harry College on Monday. April. 22
This committee has only been in ex
istenee two venrs, yet they have raised
over five hundred dollars In the way
of improvement. Their work has been
somewhat handicapped by the suits
which were pending, but as they have
now been dismissed, the committee
wi'l go to work In earnest.
Tt was decided at this meeting that
all moneys raised by them hereafter
should fro toward a building fund. The
work for the coming year was care
fully planned and all entertainments
to be given under the auspices of the
alumni wHI he in the hands of this
(this committee: Eddie Dickorson
j chairman: Vera L. Moore, Secretary
Tillle Llovd. treasurer; Dr. T. II. El
Hlott, Dr. J. IT. McMillan.
Miss Anna T. Jeanes, of Philadel
phia, Pa., has made a generous and
magnificent gift of $1,000,000 for the
educational uplift of the Southern Ne
gro In the country and rural districts.
Miss Jeanes is a Quakeress and has
ong been interested in the welfare of
the Negro, contributing to Institutions
of learning where he h being fitted
educationally and morally for the
work of life. Too much cannot be
said In praise of this noble-hearted
woman In giving In perpetuity this
arge sum of money to help dissemi
nate the light of enlightenment,
through the practical medium of edu
cation, to the masses of our people In
the rural communities, who are de
pendent solely upon the limited and
sometimes meagre appropriations of
state and county funds for whatever
educational advantages their children
receive. This splendid gift was most
gracious and magnanimous, coming at
a most opportune time a time when
there was a lull In benefactions for
educational purposes of the Negro.
While the Negro is not stopping to
whine and play the baby In the ab
sence of liberal benefactions as have
heretofore been given, yet he Is most
grateful for any material evidence
that the philanthropic spirit of inter
est in his well-being Is not dead.
Ever and anon along the highway
of his racial life some generous souls
who, ascending to that height of dls-
nterested nobility which shuts out
narrowness, shuts out color, shuts out
prejudice, and only looking at us is a
part of a common humanity, striving,
deserving and needing assistance, lend
us substantial aid and bid us rise to
the full stature of highest usefulness by
persistent and unflagging Industry.
From the tablelands of God, as It
were, they fling out to our upturned
faces the banner of Hope upon whose
white folds is Inscribed In radiant
letters this significant encourage
ment: Onward and Upward. This
awakens In our anxious souls a newei,
fresher hope, a saving faith In the
ultimate outcome of a grander,
brighter day, if we but labor on and
The Negro is so constituted that he
Is as grateful to his friends as he Is
forgiving to his enemies; he never
forgets manifestations of kindness
and soon curbs the rankllngs of bit
terness for Inflicted Injuries: these
are known characteristics of his
elastic nature, not that he Is a fawn
ing sycophant for favors nor an In
sensible dullard to Injuries, but that
he has learned to take the most hope-
(Continued on page 7.)
Mrs. Mary Humphrey, well known
in Nashville as the proprietor of thf.
up-to-date boarding nouse, cornei
Eighth avenue. North and Gay street,
has retired from business on account
of failing health. She has successful
ly conducted this establishment foj
years. Since her retirement she has
turned the house and its contents over
to her niece, Miss Alice Carter, who
is now busily engaged In renovating
the place. Entire new furniture will
be installed. The house will be re
modeled neatly and all conveniences
will be added. Nashville has needed
for a long time an establishment ot
this kind run on modern basis. Nash
ville has long suffered because of not
having one. The new management
has promised the public the best ac
commodations. Just under what name
the new house will be known has not
been given out. They have decided
however, to give special attention to
their meals on Sundays, and assur
ance has been made that the rates of
boarding and lodging will be within
reach of all.
Boy Puffs Like an Engine and Sings
Like a Bullfrog.
TTopkinsville. Ky. (Special.) Char
lie Roach, a boy of this city, 16 years
of aee. has been adjudged on unsound
mind and sent to the Western Lunatic
Asylum here for treatment. It was
the excessive use of cigarettes that
caused the hoy's reason to give way,
until he could no longer be left at
He labored under two very peculiar
delusions. One of these was an Idea
that ho was a railroad locomotive,
and he would whistle, puff and blow
Just like an encine using his arms to
perform the duties of piston-rods. He
also at times Imagined that ho was a
frog and would roll and turn his eyes
like one and make a noise like a bullfrog,
At Fisk Memorial Chapel,
Friday Night, April 19.
The twentv-R
- OV.OOUU ui tllC
Mozart Society was celebrated In the
vicuionai unapei, Fisk University
A r y tl 1(1 j OA -a ...
M"ii i.- mm ai wnicn time they
save their fifty-ninth and sixtieth con
certs. This sorietv hna
"han one applause from Nashville's
enthusiastic music-loving public. It
was said year before last when thev
cmieieu ine Messian, that they
lad reached the climax of their per
'ection in this line. A similar remark
vas made the preceding year when
hey produced "St. Paul," but the
staging and producing of Harry B.
'incent's "Prodicnl Rnn " haa
1 ' iiuo I'lUtui
hat these predictions were all untrue.
"jskh luozari society produced this
-watorio in a way that the public shall
wt forget. The fact that so many
lave looked upon that oft-repeated pas
sage of Scripture from the Bible to
ompare with their conditions, made
he occasion one eagerly looked for
ward to. The program itself was
nough to guarantee a large audience.
rt appeared in the neatest form, show
'ng a beautiful rut nf th famnr-i
w v. s iUVHlW I ICbi
Chapel as It looks from Jubilee Hall.
The members of the Mozart Society
onsist of some of the leadino- si
tt the South. Many visitors
from adjoining cities to witness
innual concerts. The conductor, Prof.
i. 11. Wright, annears to snend his
force on these particular occasions.
lence the nTty-ninth and sixtieth con
certs on last Friday night and Satur
lay matinee will long be remembered.
Special praise for excellent sprvlre
's made of the sopranos, Misses Marie
v. I'eek and Elsie V. Taylor. Both of
hese are in a class bv themsplvpcj
They are favorites and will remain so
ror time to come. Mrs. John "W.
Work, the undisputed -best contralto
linger in the South, was bv far the
Ideal of the evening. Mr. John Work,
Mie tenor, as usual, enraptured the
-tuflience with his beautiful tenor
olos. Mr. Alfred G. King, baritone
soloist,-was a new star. Certainly the
voung man Is destined to come nn In
'lis class. Too much can not be said
if the different parts taken and ren
lered. The several choruses were es
pecially eniovable. Each nart crew
better and better. The chorus, "There
's Joy in the presence of the Angels of
Hod over one sinner that repenteth,
more than over ninety and nine Just
men that need no repentance," was
"activating. Tt was enchanting and
hrought forth tremendous applause
from the audience. The last quartet
hy Messrs. Boutte, Merrill, Mrs. John
Work and Miss Peek was another beau
tiful selection; but the choral fan
pare, "Oh that men would therefore
iraise the Lord for Ills great mercy
'into the children of men." was con
sidered hy all the treat of the even
ing. Notwithstanding the clam-like
mode of the audience, which was
Plainly evident throughout the entire
evening, they had to burst forth with
a tremendous plaudit. It was noticed
Miat the audience did not show the
roper appreciation for the perfect
and beautiful production, "The Trodi--ral
Notwithstanding the second niece In
nart one. "Father, give me the por
tion of good that falleth to me," sung
hy the sweet tenor soloist. Prof. John
V. Work, was beautiful In every re
spect, not. a sound of approbation went
ip from the audience. A Globe re
porter paid particular attention. It
was about the middle of part second,
when some apparently enthusiastic
hearer broke the long silence with a
boisterous handclap, which seemed to
sot off as by electricity a part of the
hearers. It was taken up and carried
around and by the time part three was
reached, the audience was giving vent
in more than one handclap to their
appreciation of the program.

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