OCR Interpretation

The Nashville globe. [volume] (Nashville, Tenn.) 1906-193?, November 08, 1907, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

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ness would continue as heretofore,
and that the safest of all institutions
was one in which the. people's confi
dence remained unbroken. The re
port for the close of business Tues
day made by the teller of the bank,
Mr. C. N. Langston, showed an In
crease in deposits over the same date
a year ago. The directors present
were R. II. Boyd, president; J. W.
Bostic, vice president; J. C. Napier,
cashier; J. P. Crawford, C. S. Ran
dalls. J. B. Bosley, T. U. Ewing, &r.,
Wm. Beckham by proxy, Henry Allen
Boyd. and L. B. Jeiierson Dy proxy. teref(. arou noting the business
As the fiscal year was nearing an activity of the six firms took C0Unsel
end, it was decided at this meeting to and a(. 0QCe pu(. forth another contest
gat out a complete report covering with nQt only a piano but a wagon
the year's work and a review the past and sry articles as prizes
four years' work and mail it out to Misg Katie Wright and Miss Mattie
every stockholder. The annual meet- Smith tne onry colored contestants,
ing of stockholders will be held early are receiVing a liberal number of
in January. votes.
The certificates thait are being is- Farewell sermons by the pastors of
sued by tho clearing-house was taken all A M Ei c. M. E. churches in
up by the board and thoroughly dis- thlg city an(j county were delivered
cussed. The certificates range in last Sunday night. This custom is a
denomination from $1.00 up, and will flxed one jn Methodist churches. The
be honored by all banks and mer- m. e. conference convened in Mem
chants in the city. Mr. Napier said nhis on Thursday, and the C. M. E.
that it was not necessary ior any ae- jn
nositor to lose one cent on a cerun-
cato. They were backed by the
clearing-house and would be paid on
nre.senta.tion, and that any of the cer
tificates given out from the One Cent
Savings Bank would be redeemed by
the bank. He stated further that the
action of the One Cent Savings Bank
would be that of other banks with
respect to depositors drawing on their
accounts. Those having $500 or less
in the bank could be paid $50.00 or 10
nor rrTlt Cif their dpnosits each week.1
This, it was stated, was agreed upon
by all the banks. Hence there need
be nothing but a successful contin-
uance of business in financial circles.
The first certificates Issued by the
clearing-house were signed with pen
and ink by some trustee of the bank
issuing them. The last certificates
nre lithnnranhed and are similar to
the silver certificates issued "by the
We are very glad to say Ithat aftei
four weeks of illness, Miss Sylvia
Moore, our book-keeper, is again able
to be out and to fill her place at tne
Miss Annie Pace, one of our secre
taries, left for her home in Winston,
N. C, Tuesday. She will spend one
day with our friend, Mrs. Hamilton,
in Knoxville, Tenn.
The J. P. Moore Foreign Mission
ary Society and ithe officers and teach
ers of Third Avenue Baptist Church
gave a social in honor of Miss Pace
after the business meeting of the So-Was
ciety Monday evening,
Tho following-named persons were
elected to offices in the J. P. Moore
Foreign Missionary Society Monday
night, November 4: Mrs. L. J.
Rhodes, President; Miss A. M. Rob
erts, Vice President; Miss N. J. Mc
intosh, Secretary; Miss S. E. Moore,
Assistant Secretary; Miss Marie E.
Coleman, Treasurer.
Miss Rosa Mcintosh, of Mt. Juliet,
Tenn., is visiting us for a few days. I Mr. John Drake was called to Chat
Rev. Mr. Worrell, of Louisville, Ky., tanoosa. Saturday morning to the
led the prayer-meeting last Wednes-
day afternoon. His special thought
was upon letting Christ be all to us.
The Holy Spirit was very manifest in
the mooting and those present were
much inspired to a nearness1 to God.
Mr. Pollard, of Sclraa, Ala,, son of
Rev. E. W. Pollard, President of Sel-
ma University, wn in to see us this
week. He is a Freshman in the Den
tal Department of Meharry.
Give Thought
Drug Buying
Drugs and medicines cannot be
bought too carefully. So much
depends upon their quality that
carelessness in their selection may
prove disastrous.
If yon purchase at our store you
c.ui be Mire of right quality every
One is not obliged to be a
o of drugs to buy correctly
. We carry nothing but the
, potent. The thought to give
your drug buying is to think to
here. You'll be protected both as
to quality and price.
Kleises Drug Co.,
422 Fifth Ave., South.
PHONE Main 3341.
Winrf Ave. and Lafayette St.
PHONE Main 4937.
Several weeks ago about a half
dozen merchants were induced to in
augurate a piano contest, giving votes
with each purchase. Many schools,
churches and persons have had their
Th(J other merchants seelng the in-
Chattanooga the same day
Mr. A." L. Parrish, of Milwaukee, is
in the city.
Rer. F. W. Gardner left for Mem
phis on Tuesday.
Rev. P. J. Coleman has left for
Chattanooga to attend the annual
conference of C. M. E. Church.
Presiding Elder Rye went to Mem
phis to attend the conference and
urge endorsement of Dock A. Hart,
of Nashville, for Secretary of the
Sunday School Union,
Mrs. M. L. Kelly entertained last
Wednesday night with a Hallowe'en
party in honor of Mrs. Adam Dixon,
of Des Moines, la.
Mrs. Adam Dixon left for her home
in Des Moines, la., Thursday, October
31, after a pleasant visit with rela-
tive3 and friends.
Drs. C. A. Kelly and S. Jefferson
went to DicKson, ienn., lasi murb
day night, instituted a Pythian Or
der and conferred the ranks upon fif
teen men.
Mr.. William Diggs returned from
Louisville last Thursday.
Mrs. Wm. Buck will spend several
weeks in Memphis with friends
Mr. Geo. W. Berry, Jr., of Owens-
Ky wag ln the c5ty Friday and
Master Henry M. Mitchell cele-
i brated his seventh birthday with a
party Saturday evening. Quite a
number of little people enjoyed his
The charming affair of Saturday
the entertaining of the Ladies'
Embroidery Uud Dy Mrs. o. a. uraciy.
After two hours were spent in work,
the ladies passed to the dining room.
where a tempting menu was served,
consisting of peas, escalloped oysters,
crackers, pickles, gfclaitine, whipped
cream and cake.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, of Nashville,
spent Sunday in this city.
Miss Ella C. Darden spent Satur-
day and Sunday in Nashville
bedside of his son, Benjamin, who was
recently stabbed.
Mr. H. P. Sicales is In Shelbyville.
Mr. Pony Alexander was the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sublett.
Misses John El O'Neal and Elma A
Williams spent Sunday evening with
Ujrs. Rose Overall.
Rev. B. F. Anderson was indisposed
last week with rheumatism, but was
able to fill his pulpit Sunday.
Rev. Mr. Reed, of A. M. E. Church,
was attending conference last week
in Nashville.
Mrs. Mary Williams was guest of
Mrs. Katy Page Sunday.
Mr. Thomas Elridge, of Nashville,
was guest of Miss Lula Cowan Sun
day. Mrs. Lurena Johnson has gone to
The public schools of this city are
closed this week on account of scarlet
'Miss Cordelia Butler was the guest
of Miss Elma A. Williams Saturday
and Sunday.
Mr. Elmore Bonds was in ithe city
The pupils of Bradley's
gave a concert at tho First Baptist
Church last Wednesday evenint,.
Quite an interesting program was
rendered before a large audience.
Mrs. Minerva Martin was stormed
last night. The party was gotten up
by Mr. J. Redmond and Mrs. Ollie
Jcnes. The following donated: Mrs.
Mary , one peck of Irish pota-
toes; Mrs. Mattie Robinson, potatoes;
Mrs. Rideout, meat, flour, tea and cof-
fee; Mrs. Annie Battle, sugar; Mrs.
Yancy, sugar and tea; Mrs. Wm. How
lette, 1-2 bushel of potatoes; Wm.
Shute, meat; Mrs. Jones, 1 sack flour;
Mrs. A. J. Neal, tea, coffee, sugar and
molasses. Mrs. Martin is about 80
years old and has been in declining
health for the past two years.
The members of Ebenezer are re-
Joiclng over the return of their pas-
tor, Rev. Mr. N. Smith.
Tllliuuvsl MvMtsUMUnanot tht
caw K-oUmWcU V U hmeh
is that ktttiMit tbc l.oul'a
Supper or, in other wmU, &wa Tu
rnout. We do Mot think it in in
keeping with these saerevl oidi
ancos of the Lord's Supper in
church now-n-tlava U try to Admin
ister it with out the proper vessels.
Every Church Ought to Have a
First-Class Communion Set
They can have them made out
of the best grade of quardruple
plated table silverware if they de
sire them. The Church Supply
Department of the National Bap
tist Publishing Board has just re
ceived from their factory a new lot
of this high-class ware, and would
take pains in showing them to any
The Prices are Within Reach of All
and Terms are Reasonable
No church ought to be willing
to use glass dishes or the like for
these ordinances when they can
have the best grade of silver at
moderate prices.
Hon. A. N. Johnson, funeral direc
tor, lectured to the Alpha Knight's
Society Monday night The soci
ety wishes him to be present again
Rev. Mr. T. W. Hampton, of Colum
bia, was with us Sunday morning at
eleven o'clock and made an excellent
address to the Sunday school; he also
preached for the congregation at the
eleven o'clock services, and at seven
o'clock Rev. Mr. Mitchell preached us
a wonderful sermon.
Mrs. Sarah Davis has returned
home after a visit of three weeks in
tho city.
Mrs T,mnsA Tvtlfi has heen venr ill
for severai days. '
Miss L. J. Covington visited here
The United Sons of Relief will give
. . i V . 1 1.
a grand entertainment on iNovemoer
10, at the A. M. E. Church.
On November 17, Rev. M. Florer will
preach for the Woman 8 Missionary
Society at eleven o'clock.
Quite a number wentto Smyrna to
attend the funeral of Mrs. Lizzie
Miss Sallie McKnight was the guest
0f M.iss KUth Baker Sunday
Mr. Manuas Ross and brother vis
ited here Sunday.
Mr. Aaron Trimble visited the city
last week.
Mr. T. A. Goodman was the guest of
Miss Baker Sunday
Mr. J. H. Polk visited Smyrna Sun
Rev. E. W. Pankey preached his
farewell sermon Sunday night. He
will leave for Chattanooga Wednesday,
Misses Covington and Davis gave
Hallowe'en party last Thursday even-
Miss Mammie Davis is in the city
Mr. Eddie Lytle was in the city.
Miss Mollie Cannon, who was the
guest of Misses Maggie and Sallie Bat
tle, returned to her home Monday
Miss L. Perry visited here Sunday.
Mr. Rub Patton has been very ill
for several days.
SMYRNA notes.
The funeral of Mrs. Lizzie Smith,
wife of Mr. Benjamin Smith and old
est daughter of Mr. Samuel Nelson,
who died early Sunday morning, took
place Monday afternoon. An exceed
ingly large crowd from far and near
was present to listen to Rev. L. W.
Florer. pastor of the M. E. Church, de
liver the sermon. The floral contri
butions were numerous and beautiful.
irc Smith who was a lovintr wife, af-
fertionate daughter and mother, leaves
a father, three brothers, two sisters
and a husband and six children. The
youngest child, a girl, is only a week
Miss Anna Hill and mother came up
from the city Monday to attend the
funeral of Mrs. Lizzie Smith,
Mr. Ed. Davis, of Louisville, Ky.,
uncle of the deceased, arrived Monday
night too late, to witness the funeral,
but, as a token of respect, visited the
. . . . 1 lU
crave or nis niece in company wiui
husband of deceased, and left a beautl-
ful floral design.
Miss Julia B.: Smith, who is attend-
ing school in the city, and her sister,
Rachel, spent the day here Sunday.
2 Plates, 2 Goblets, 1
Mrs. K. D. Shave has returned
home after spending some time with
her sick sister, Mrs. Mary Jordan.
Mr. S. H. Hushes, of Manchester.
Tenn., has returned home after visit
ing his brother-in-law, Mr. Robert
Bains, Sr., who is quite sick.
Rev. Mr. Alford, of the White Meth
odist Church, of Brentwood, preached
one of the most powerful sermons to
the Brooks Chapel M. E. Church mem
bers last Sunday evening, November
having as his text Matthew 4:1.
Among the many good things he said
was, "One man is no better than an-
other," except he did better and lived
elnser t.o Christ. He admonished his
hearers to hold on to the anchor of
faith, and all would be well in the
Mrs. Field's school is growing too
m , 1 1 . ll- 1 1
large ior one icacner. u is me wish
of the patrons that the Board of Edu-
cation elect an assistant teacher to
this school. There is now an enroll-
ment of seventy-four pupils, and as
the farmers finish gathering in their
crops there will be more children to
Mr. Mitchell Woodson and family
have moved to Mt. Pleasant, Tenn., on
his father's farm. His father, Rev.
Mr. Woodson came up with two teams
to move him; he stayed over Sunday
and preached at Brooks uiapei bun
day night
Mrs. Clara Scott has returned from
a visit to her relatives in Athens,
The new pastor of the Howard Con
gregational Church, the Rev. Mr.
lines, preached his introductory ser
mon Sundav morning at 11 o'clock
before a. large audience. The pas-
tor's ithieme was on the Divine love
and he imade a very favorable impres
sion unon his hearers Rev. Imes
was assisted by Revs. Henderson and
Moore in serving sacrament. Spe
cial music for the services was ren-
HrPfV At the close of tho meeting
pastor and his wife were in-
troduced to the members and visitors,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Johnson, ot
Chicago, HI., residing at 3909 Went
worth avenue, entertained their sister,
Miss Temple Johnson, and niece, Miss
Jennie Mai Thompson, of Nashville,
on Wednesday evening. The house
was beautifully decorated with ferns,
carnations, and roses. Music and
ganes were the program for the even
ing. Mr. Schieler Emerson of Clinton,
Iowa, presided at the piano, with Miss
Jennie Mai Thompson assistant
Miss Johnson rendiered several selec
tions. At 11:30 tho guests were asked
into the dining room where a four
course menu was served. Those .pres
ent were Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Sim
mons, Mr. and Mrs. James Lewis, Mr.
and Mrs. Sanford Moreland, Mr. Wm.
T.iFicomh from Nashville; Miss Mary
Johnson, Mr. Carl Patton and Messrs.
Chas. Ernest Walker, Mr. ftnd Mrs.
Richard Hutt, Mr. Wm. Beard and Mr.
and Mrs- James Lewig.
Quart Flagon.
The following persons visited the
school this week: Misses Grace E.
Birkett and Hettie Stewart, white,
and Messrs. Ira B. Scott and Eugene
Moody, Misses Eva Murrell, Everill
Frazier and Daisy Murrell, colored.
The seven visitors went into every
class-room and listened to the recita
tions. They also visited the Domestic
Science Department, where the chil
dren were engaged in making some
"mock bisque" or tomato soup. The
principal says he can recommend this
soup to the highest degree as he was
granted the privilege of eating a bowl
of it that had been prepared for him '
by the class. That others may get the
benefit of this delicious dish, the form
ula follows:
1 can tomatoes, 1-4 teaspoonful
soda, 2 teaspoonsful salt, 1-8 tea
spoonful pepper, 3 tablespoonsful but
ter, 4 tablespoonsful flour, 1 quart of
Stew tomatoes until soft enough to
strain; heat milk in double boiler; rub
butter and flour together; add to hot
milk and stir until smooth; cook 10
minutes; add seasoning and strained
tomatoes to which soda has been add
ed; serve at once.
The Tearl Football team is prepar
ing to invade Kentucky after the
game . on Saturday with the eleven
of Burrell Normal School of Florence,
Ala. They have an engagement to
meet the Central High School of Lou
isville on Saturday, Nov. 10. This .
promises to be a great game and both
teams are out for blood. They have
played annual games for the past two
years and neither side has , scored.
Pearl goes in determined to win this
third contest.
Great interest is being manifested
in perfect class attendance by the 8-A
and 8-B Grades. A friendly rivalry
exists between the teachers of these
grades as well as between the pupils.
Each class is trying to have the least
number of absences and thus win the
honor of having the best attendance.
Last week the 8-B grade, under Miss
C. M. Bryant, won the honor, having
only 3 absences during the week in a
class of 59 pupils. Your reporter ven
tures the assertion that such a record
has not been surpassed in any school
in the city.
Quite a number of visitors and del
egates to the World's Christian Tem
perance Union are in the city to at'
tend this notable gaJiering of earnest .
temperance workers. The president
of the state organization, Mrs-. V. W.
Broughton, arrived Tuesday night
from Normal, Ala., where she is
teaching, Ito direct the affairs' of the
state organization and to be in the
meeting. Mrs, E. Adams and Mrs. E.
E. Peterson, two prominent Texas
delegates, are among the arrivals and
are 'the guests of Mrs. Geo. W. Moore,
at 92G Seventeenth avenue, North!
There are other delegates from va
rious pa.rt.si of the United States. ATI
the prominent national workers are
here and a good meeting is already as
sured. The meeting opens this morn
ing under the most favorable circum
stances at the First Presbyterian!
i V

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