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I i 8 NASHVILLE GLOBE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1910. Little Folks Write Letters To Santa Clans. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl two years and five months old. I want you to bring me a little tub and wash board and a doll, a dress, some apples, candy, nuts and oranges. Ihls Is all for this time. VIOLA E. TUCKER. 251G Batavia street, Mt. Nebo, West Nashville. Nashville. As it Is drawing near for Christmas I tnought I would write and tell you what I would like. I would like to have a sled, a doll carriage and a plenty of nuts, orang es, candy and other fruits. Please don't forget mother and father and tny chummy, Lessie Fort. LUCY SNEED. Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a velocipede, a horn, some fireworks, a paper cap pis tol, a cap, some overshoes, a satchel, a drum, a harp and bring a plenty of nuts, candies ami every kind of fruit and don't forget to bring Aunt Angie some dried peaches. Don't fail to bring mamma an,', papa something, also Cliff and Val. From Your friend. VIItfilL DOUGLAS KELLEY, 201S Jefferson sf eet. Dear Santa Clans: v Plesse bring me a stove, machine, washstand, wadrobe and dresser for my doll, also a set of dishes, some leggins and a who-ie lot of candies, REV. C. II. CLARK, D. D.f Pastor Mt. Olive Baptist Church, who presided at the Sunday-school Institute, Sunday; Chairman Na tional Baptist Publishing Board; Chairman-elect Baptist City Minis ter's Conference. nuts, oranges, apples, bananas, a doll and please bring me a safe. From Your little friend. LOTTIE LEE FORD KELLEY, 2018 Jefferson street. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl 2 years old, will be four my next birthday. I have been looking in all the papers and watching the calendar to find out when you are coming by my house. So I find you are soon to come. So will you please bring? me a little stove and some dishes and washboard, a curly-headed Negro doll and all the candies and nuts you can spare. I want to wake up happy next Sunday morning. Yours, J ANNIE MAI JENKINS, Jackson street, Tullahoma, Tenn. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl three years old. I go to Sunday-school every Sunday. I want a doll, doll bed and buggy and a table and some doll dishes. Bring me plenty of fruits and fire works and lots of nice candy. Don't forget my mamma and papa and little baby brother and Lem's mama. From Your little pyri, GLADYS ELIZABETH MANNING, 1C18 Jackson street. Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 20, 1910. Dear Santa Claus: I thought I would write you a let ter and tell you what I want you to bring me a doll, a doll bed, doll dlsh t,, a hat and some black hair ribbon and a table. I want a big one. Don't forget my mamma and my grandma and grandpa and some poor little chil dren that live near me. Good-bye, from One of your devoted children, MYRTLE WOODFOLK. Nashville, Tenn,. Dec. 20, 1910. Dear Santa Clans: I thought I would write you a few lines and tell you what I want you to bring me for Christmas. I want you to bring me a doll, doll buggy, a sack of nuts, oranges, bananas and w-; . ' ' vl - '.-!.' ,' " , " ? . , . ' : " : . . . ' i raisins and everything for a little girl like ne. One of your devoted children, AMELIA MILDRED BRANSFORD, Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 20, 1910. Dear Santa Claus: I thought I would write you a let ter and tell you what I want you to bring me for Christmas. I want you to bring me a doll bed, piano, doll, doll ' dresses for her to wear and I want a black teddy bear cloak and washstand, a set of dishes and a table. I want a red one, if you please, Santa, and a pair of red gloves. Don't for get my mamma and my grandma ajid other poor little children that live near me. Good-bye, from v One of your devoted children, JESSIE MAI BRANSFORD, 1247 Third avenue, South. I want you to bring me , some oranges and nuts, candy and raisins. Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 20, 1910. Dear Santa Claus: 1 thought I would write you a few lines and tell you what I want you to 1 ring me -for Christmas. I want you to bring me a horse, a billy goat, a ason, a pistol and some fire work? and plenty of candy and nuts. Good bye, from One of your devoted children. NOBLE STRINGER, 1247 Third avenue, South Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl six years old. I go to school every day. Please bring me a doll, doll bed and doll buggy and plenty of fruit and -fire works. Don't forget my baby brother and my sister. Don't forget mamma and papa and my teacher. Miss O. J. Lichey, Your little girl, SATIE LUCILE MANNING, 1018 Jackson street. Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 18, 1910. Dear Santa Claus: I am a boy nine years old. I want a tricycle and a rain coat, a tool box and just plenty of good things to eat. I am a very good little boy. Don't forget my little sister, Lova L. Man Ding. Ycwrs, LOVA L. MANNING, 1018 Jackson street. Nashville, Tenn'., ?c. 21, 1910. Dear Santa Claus: I think I have been a good little girl this year, and I would like for you to bring me a doll, doll furni ture, A. B. C. blocks, and any other toy that you think I would like, also a lot of nice things to eat. Yours truly, DAISY BELL DODSON. 1734 eJfferson street. Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 21, 1910. Dear Santa Claus: My sister is writing you a letter, i and I thought you would feel slighted if I didnt write you too. Please , Bring me a rag doll, some ?hoes. doll 1 buggy, picture book, candy, oranges, r.uts, etc. Yours truly, CATHERINE DODSON. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy a l'ttle over three years old. Please bring me a set of dishes, a train, an automobile, a jumping jack, billy goat, little Mary Jane dress, real live donkey, nipper, rattler and a bottle of milk. Don't forget my little sweetheart Call when you get ready to come In, as our dog might bite you. BENJ. F. MARTIN, 927 Tenth avenue, South. ' Dear Kris: I am so glad Christinas Is here again. I am still teaching at Pearl School and live Oh 'Fourteenth ave nue, North. Verna broke my tot tot train last year, and I hope you will bring me another little engine. ' Your little boy, FREDDIE RANDALS. Dear Old Santa Claus I am a lit re boy 2 1-2 years old. Please bring mo a teddy bear, rubber ball, drum and a coat, stocking and shoes. Dont forget my little sister Susie and above all don't forget my two pigs. FRANK SANDERS. Chicago, 111. Dear Old Santa Claus I am a gooa little boy, please bring me a drum, wagon, gun, train and some nic things to rat. Don't forget mamma, papa, aunty Amy. my little brother Haywood, he wants something nice too. J. R. RIED, JR. Nashville, Tenn,.. Dec Dear Santa: 1910. ThL is my first letter to you. I am a little girl only t!:,ree years old. I want you to bring me a pTano, a lit- tie doll that will go to sleep and ,a whole heap of candy and good thinas. Bye bye, your little friend, THELMA E. HAYWOOD, 32 N. Hill, street. Nashville, Tenn., Dec. IS, 19U0. Dear Santa Claus: I want you to bring me a dress, cloak, pair of shoes, and a pair of rubbers. Please don't forget . to bring me a colored doll, gold ring, pair of gloves, a hat and plenty of nice things to eat. And don't for get my mother, father and sisters and please remember my dear broth er Alfred, of Denver, Col., please bring my sister Clarice and Julia some sheet music. Bye bye. From MARY LU POPE. 1511 Jackson street. P. S. Santa please aont rorget to bring my cousins Felix and Adam Harding something nice. Dear Old Santa O.aus I am a lit tle boy three years old and I want you to please bring me a wagon andjrst bring ine a doll, rocking chair some pea nuts, canoy, oranges, J'p-iand such things as, you think I ought pies, tap, shoes and lot of other good j to have. I can't eat ' very much,-but things tu eat and wear. 1 I you can brng me something, Bye- C. H. McLIN, JR. bye dear Santa. 'Hoping you will I have a merry Christmas, you jolly Lewisburg, Tenn., bee 18, 1970. I old fellow. Dear Santa Claus Lam a littla girl tight years old. I have been good all the year. I want to tell you what I want ou to bring me. 1 want you to bring me some nice or- , REV. N. II. PIUS, D. D, Superintendent Teacher - Training Course;. Instructor at the Sunday School Institute, which closed Sun day. anges, candy, apples and some nice books to read and a rice pair of gloves. Don't forget my teacher, Mrs. M. L. Jones, bring tiling nice. I will tell her some- Your little friend, ALICE W. SMILEY. LewisDurg, Tenn. Dear Santa 1 am a little girl twelve years old. I have been good all the year and I ant you to bring' me a pair of over shoes pair of gloves and a. post card album, a nice story book and every thing that is nice to eat and please come by Franklin and leave my teacher, Prof. S, J. May- berry everything that is nice. Please bring him a sweetheart. Please re member all of my little playmates and bring them sometning nice. Don't forget my mother and sisters and my brother John. Good bye, j'our little friend, ANES SMILEY. Dear Old Santa Claus t am a little girl nine years old and I have ;ried to be good. I want ytm to bring me a big doll that can open and shut her eyes, and a doll bug&y (with a top on it).) a doll trurk, a lock anu some candy, nuts, oranges, apples ana many other fruits. Don't forget mv grand mother, grandpa and , sist:r Bessie and brother Preston, and my cousins Earline, Thelrna and Robtrt Watkins. Dont forget papa and don't forget Evalena and Sadio Couch. Bye, bye until nest Xmas. Yours truly, GEORGIA OVERALL. P. S. Don't forget Ruth Derrick, she lives at 1111 Kayne avenue, Nashville, Tenn. Keeling, Tenn. Dear Santa Claus I am a little boy three years old. I have been very good. I wish you would please bring me lots of candy. Your little friend, G. R. McBRIDE, Jr. E. Nashville. Tenn.. Dec. 18, 1910. rtear Santa Claus Having seen so many children's letters in the Nash ville Globe which my auntie taKes, i ...... ;v ; ,. -. .. -'. " , ' i rov . , ...... i ":..i.- . :i -'v. v j-"' ' i V.V: ' ' I: : ' . .A :" . . ' ... . .'V ' - ( . : i ' - . ' I .... V ' ' " - thought I would write to you. this being my first time in Nashville. I go to school every day and I'm in the 3B grade. - I want a set of furs, a pair of kid gloves with long cuffs on them, and a pretty story book and a plenty of nuts and fruits. I will close. From your little girl, JENNIE MAI ROULAND. Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 18, 1910. Dear Santa Claus I am a little girl thirteen years old. I wrant you to bring me a fur coat, a black beav er, a new dress, a pair of gloves and a scarf, new undressed shoes. Don't forget mamma and papa and my little sweetheart GuStas Hill. Bring me plenty of oranges, candy nuts, raisins, and apples, and fire works. Your friend, . LOUISE E. WILKERSON. E. Nashville, 107 Lake street. . Columbia, Tenn., Dec. 15. 1910. Kind Old Santa I am a little girl only eleven months old. Will you MARTHA CORNELIA BROWN, Route No. 2. Columbia, Tenn., Dec. 15, 1910. Hello Santa Claus I am anxious for Christmas to come. I hope the weather will be in your favor. I want you to bring me an air gun that will "shoot one thousand times. I want a little train and a track for it to run on. Yoti can bring me any thing that you think best for me. Bring me some good things to eat. I wish you could come to see us every day. Bye-bye dear, old Santa. JIMMIE BROWN. Route No. 2. Dear Old Santa I am a little girl ten years of age and have been a very good little gin. . Please Dring me a little doll and a set of dishes. Don't forget little Dave Boxley; bring him a little red cap and a hom. also little Albert Allen, although he is very bad. Don't forget the members of the Loraine Social Club, also my , little sister Anna. Your little chap, ' MINNIE COUCH. Nashville, Tenn:, Dec. 20, 1910. Dear Santa Claus I am a little gill almost five years old and I help my mamma to clean up the house. I want you to gring me a tricycle, doll bed, large Negro doll, pair rub bers, some hair ribbon, a ring, set of dishes, and don't fail to bring my little brother a box of tools. Don't forget, to bring my little baby sister and Roberta. Good-bye. 1 am your little girl, MARY EM I LINE LANDERS. 150:', Fourteenth avenue, North. Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 20, 1910. Dear Santa Claus I am a little boy three years old. I have been a very good little boy this year and 1 thought I would ask you to bring me a box of tools, a velocipede, and dont forget tobring my little baby sister a rubber doll, and don't forget mamma, papa, and my cousin Katie , a. Boyd. From your little boy, LOVELL LANDERS, Jr. 1503 Fourteenth avenue, North. Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 15, 1910. Dear Santa I am a little girl eleven years old. I go to school. I am in the fifth B grade. Miss, Lewis Is my teacher. She is very good to pupils who enter her class. I don't want much this year. Please bring me a teddy bear, a coat, a hat and a dress. Don't forget my cousin Sara iiella Anderson. She lives at 1305 Eleventh avenue, South Nashville. My friend wants something nice too. Her name is Helen Batte. She is in Miss Flagg's class, she teaches the 4B grade. Bring plenty of candy, nuts and oranges. Bye-bye. Yours truly, BLANCHE M. BARNES. Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 15. 1910. Dear Santa I am a little boy nine ylars old. .1 go to Cater's school. I am in Mrs. Ferguson s class, pnease bring me a large wagon, a suit of clothes and a hat. Don't forget my friend J. B. Batte. Bring him some thing very nice. He lives at 705 Steveson avenue. Bye bye. Yours truly, JOHN BARNES, P. S. Don't forget, my parents. Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 19, 1910. Dear Santa I am a little boy one year and fifteen days old. I thought I would write and let you know what I want you to bring me. Please bring me a red wagon and a teddy bear coat. Please don't forget my mother and father. This is all. Bye bye. From, your little boy, WILEY A. BARNES. P. S. The door is locked but mama will open It and let you in. Nashville, Tenn., Dec 20, 1910. Dear Santa I am a little girl ten years old. I don't want much. I want some fruit, a hat, a dress, a pair cf shoes, a jacket, a bllliken, some legom Don't forget my teacher and my mother, she wants something good. Now I will close. Yours truly, EDNA BROOKS. 504 Fourteenth avenue, North. Dear Old Santa Clause I am a lit tle girl five years old. I have been very good this year. Please bring me a suite of furniture, a set of doll dishes, a little stove, doll buggy, some oranges, candy and nuts. This is all thio time. But please - don't forget my little brother, Robert, he wants a rain coat to wear to school, a slate, a satchel, a little train and plenty of rice things to eat. We are your little friends, IDA AND ROBERT LEE. 918 Jackson street 1011 Eleventh avenue, North, Nashville, Tenn., Dee 19, 1910. Dear Santa Please bring, us a horn, a beak-satchel, some ' candy, nuts, apples, oranges, bananas and raisins and all kinds of little things REV. W. S. ELLINGTON, A. B., D. D., Principal speaker .at ths Sunday School Institute, whose subject, "The Call to Christian Service" was so widely commented upon. that you think best for twins eight years old. Your little friends, MARINE MAYBERRY. MARIE MAYBERRY. Lewisburg, Tenn , Dec. 10. 1910. Dear Old Santa Claus I am a lit tle boy two years old and go to choox every day. I try to be a good little boy, but they call me bad at school. I want you to bring me a little rock ing ohalr and a (horn and a little wag on and a billy goat so I can drive to see Uncle Mc. Now, Snta, don't forget mamma and papa. Now, Santa, we will go to 'bed soon. You will find me second house on Vernon avenue. Your 1MJ friend, PAUL LAWRENCE DUNBAR DAVIS. PROFESSIONAL COLUMN. NICE FUOISnED ROOMS With Modern Improvements FOR RENT Prefer Men, or would take a couple. Call at 140 Hyncs St., MtiS. PARTHENIA LOWE. Dr. C V. Roman, SPECIALIST. Post-graduate (if the It. L. ). llonpltal AQd the (J. 1 1. N. T. and K. Hospitals London, Kngland. Pracilc limited to medicine and surgery of the Eye, Ear, Nose nd Throat. Eye glasses and spectacles properly lilted, Napier Court. Nashville, Tenn. R. L. MAYFIELD ATTORNEY PRACTICES IN ALL THE COURTS Office. 410 1-2 C4x Street Phone. Maln273 r . . -- i . ... , . . . - . . ' ' i ' . .. ; r . i , ' ' .. ..' -i , . . i ". '..' i . t ' . .... .. . ' - ' t . -.-.' ., . .v.f ' . ' ' 7 ' '- . , ' J ' ' " v-.'v-, : . . . , . v - i . : , f f . v ' .