OCR Interpretation

The Nashville globe. [volume] (Nashville, Tenn.) 1906-193?, January 12, 1917, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

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- One of the most pleasing informal
ffalrs of the week was the dlnnei
tendered Mr. end Mrs. William Allen
ad their family by Mrs. H. A. Boyd
titier residence, 1603 Harding street.
ilr. and Mrs. Allen with their fam
y ere the guests of their mother and
father on Fourteenth avenue, North.
They reached the city durine tha hoi-
(days to be present at the golden wed-
ung celebration of their, Darenta anil
, atnce that time have enjoyed the hos
pitality or a number of Nashville's
charming hostesses.
The dining-room of the Boyd home
is one of the most artistically de
signed In the reception suite and its
handsome appointments formed a
loTely background for the elaborate
dinner served the guests of the even
ing. The table was covered with a
handsome cluny spread. The dinner
oonsltsted of four courses. Seated at
the table were Mr. and Mrs. Allen
and their three children, Mr. C. A.
Dickson of Buffalo, N. Y., a house
tmest; Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Boyd and
Mgj Boyd.
' Mr. and Mrs. A. B. . Morris enter
talned a number of frlenda Friday
night at their home, 812 Twelfth ave
nue, South, In honor of MIsa Cynthia
McEwen, who la in her senior year at
the State normal School. A two-
course nunu was enjoyed. Those
present were Mr. J. H. Williams. Miss
Eva Murrell; Mr. Wllburn Buchanan,
Alius Jennie Durley; 51 r. Jamea Mc
Lwen, Miss Selma Adams; Mr. W. L.
Daniels, Miss Eura Adams; Mr. J. J Ja
cobs, MlBb Lillian Adams; Mi.
Charles Allen, Miss P. Grant: Mr. TJ,
G. Lindsey, Miss Ethel Ramsey; Mr.
C. Stokes, Miss Ethel Johnson; Mr.
L. G. Phillips, Miss N. Crowder. Mr.
B F. Phillips, Miss Mabel Hemphill;
Mr. C. A. Phillips, MIbs Cresa Young;
Dr. Simpson, Miss Mattie Moore; Mr.
Braxton Murrell, Miss L. Dllllhunty;
Miss A. Dillihunty, Miss Mattie Seay.
A Now Year's suppor was given at
the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
f anroy, vim Grundy street, Jan. 1,
1917, at 7 p. m. The supper was
delicious and all the guests enjoyed
(lie evening. Those present were
Rev. J. A. Sharp, Mrs. Pearl Wil-
Mlams, Mrs. Minora Wtlson, Mr. anil
Mrs. Henry Fanroy, Mr. Jessie Fan
roy. Master Frank Fanroy, Jr., and
Mis Etta Rates. They are all seek
ing an opportunity to return to this
sumptuous table.
visors New Year's Day. There were! nf? Plants and ferns. The central j tbelr delivery seemed to have carried
thirty-five children present. After
prayer and song the children march
ed to the Auditorium and sang "Holy
Night,' after rendering a beautiful
program tbey inarched to their hall
and were served a three-course menu
by their Supervisors, Mrs. Mary Mil-
ornament of tie table in the dUntn:
room where an elaborate four course
menu was served, was a cut glass
vase filled with white and red car
nations and ferns. The decoration
and place cards carried out the Yule
tide Idea. Alter dinner grafanola
ler, Josie Britt and Ida Keeble. . The' mufic enjoyed. The hostess was
children went home happy. . t t VfJ f
.1110. u, tt . .couib OUU .1.1 OO JUllU
May. Those enjoying the occasion
were. Mesdamea C. O. Hadley, Jetf
Bragg, W. M. Allen, H. A. Cameron,
Foster Long and A. Bartou.
Mrs. Alberta Oden was hostess of
an elaborate dinner Sunday evening,
December 31, at her home, 827 Tenth
avenue. South, given in honor of Miss
Dora DeGraflenried of Indianapolis,
Ind. .A delicious menu of several
courses was served. Those present
were Miss Dora DeGraflenried, Miss
Sadie Clayton, Miss Alice Allen, Miss
Lou Willie McGlothern, Miss Mamie
Moore, Mrs. LucLida Weeks, Mr. Cy
rus Johnson, Mr. Clarence Oden, Mr,
Willie Thornton, Mr. James E. Dab-
ney, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. James Dab-
the bouse down
j Each speaker was presented a
! token of appreciation by the mem
bers of their respective., classes.
Among the tokens given was a thirty
two degree Sliriner fob by the Phar
maceutical junior class to Mr. P. B.
Johnson. It seems to have become a
custom for the Sophomore Medical
clasp to present the school with an
appropriate and useful token on ev
ery Emancipation Day. Last year,
the Soplioniore class presented tbo
school with a microscope costing $80.'
, ftir the pathological laboratory.
This year the present sophomore
class presented the school with three
dozen high stools for use in ths
Mr. and Mrs. Dock Simmons de
lipritftltlw Anrnrtnlnori n limlrori mim
ber of friends at their pretty borne ! laboratory. This is always a yearly
on Tremont avenue, New Year's eve
The reception room was attractively
adorned with stands of potted plants
and the evening wna most enjoyably
spent The hostess .assisted by her
mother, Mrs. Hill, served a delicious
ice course.
indication of the interest which the
htudents have in the welfare of Me-
First Baptist Church had a glorious
- Mr. Wesley Hayes and Miss Lela
AaOersOn iwere quietly married Sun
day evening the 24th inst at 6 o'clock
t the home of the bride. There
was a great number' to witness the
ceremony. Rev. G. B. Taylor officiat
es". He tied the knot tight. The bride
is an exceptionally attractive young
woman. For her wedding gown she
wore a lovely costume 'of blue satin
lav which she looked very charming.
The gown was combined with white
net and silver lace. Her bouquet was
a lovely shower of (white roses.
Kr. and Mrs. Hayes will live at the
home of the bride. Mr. Anderson,
her father is a successful grocery
san on the corner of luth and Wood
stjreet. Retfresnments were served.
The collection of handsome presents
was an attestation of the good will
wtiich the many friends of this popu
lar couple wish to express.
On the 25th Mr. and Mrs. Haynes,
were entertained at her auntie's, with
a family dinner at BOO 12th Ave., N
Mrs. G. B. Williams' residence.
Mrs. Millie Thompson and Miss Al
media Williams were joint hostesses
Sunday evening last at their home,
:115 Twerth avenue, North, of a pretti
ly planned luncheon, given to compli
ment White of Michigan and Mrs.
I Washington of Chicago, 111., who are
the house guests of Rev. and Mrs. H.
M. Burns. The table was beautifully
decoraed, the cover of pink being
laid. A delicious four-course menu
was served. Those besides the honor
guests were Rev. and Mrs. II. M
Burns, Mrs. Annie V. Marshall, Mrs.
Bettie McClain, My. and Mrs. Washin-
ington, Mrs. Bettie Coles, Mrs. Sallle
Norman, Mr. W. M. Weakley, little
Miss Louise Washington, little Miss
Pauline Washington, little Miss Sadie
Washington, little Master White of
Michigan, Miss Julia Pauline Cason.
The Excelsior Literary Club met at
the residence of Mrs. IT. L. Scott, 123:!
1st Avenue, South. The following
officers were elected for the next six
months: President, Dr. D. S. Calo
kebu; Vice President, Dr .1. T. Gunn;
Secretary, Mrs. Ross: Assistant Sec,
; Treasurer, Miss A. Rucker".
At the close of the business a verv
interesting program, entitled
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. White were host
and hostess Sunday of a handsomely
appointed luncheon given at 733 Ninth
avenue, South, in honor of their at
tractive sister, Mrs. Emma Little, of
Decatur, Ala. She was properly en
tertained by the following; Sir Knight
Reynolds of Pulaski, Tenn.; Mr. an.a
Mrs. A. G. Bass of this city, also Mrs.
Hall, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Perry. The
guests, Mo numbered nine in all,
were seated at a" large decorated ta
ble An elaborate menu of many
courses was served and tne affair will
rank as one of the most interesting of
the many delightful affairs of this
Christmas season.
The many friends of Miss Josephine
Copeland will be pleased to know
that she was united in holy wedlock
to Mr. George Bradley at Mt. Ararat
Baptist Church at 8:30 p. m., January
1, 1917. The ceremony was perform
ed by the pastor. Rev. D. B. Butlei.
Her bridesmaid, Miss Johnnie Starnes
wore a lovely gown of pink silk and
lace trimmings. The four little flow
er girls were beautiful in white
dresses. Mr. Van Lyerson acted as
best man. The bride was beautiful
in a gawn of white silk. She carried
a lovely bouquet of roses and ferns.
Her veil was caught with lilies of
the valley. There were a number ot
friends to witness th ceremony. She
received a large collection of pres
ents. Reception at the home of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.
The holiday entertainments this
winter have been numerous and
brilliant, and among them was the
Progressive Whist given Thursday
evening at the home of Misses Ida
and Alice V. White In honor of Miss
Eunice M. Boyd of Hopkinsvllle, Ky.,
who is the house guest of Miss Addie
L. Allison. 1
The rooms were bright with dec
orations of flowers and evergreens,
suggesting the holiday season. Sev
eral attractive prizes were awarded
and a delicious ice course was served.
Those present were, Misses Eunice
I meeting to ' watch the old year out
land the New Year in. We had a gen
MRS. HARRIS AND SON RETURN leral class meeting. Preaching, Rev
HOME. 'J. Smith preached a good sermon
Wh v. Xt TInrris nnrl Master Sid-i The stone the builders rejected
ney W. Harris have returned home ; good congregation was present, the
siftP,. Knfinrtinir tho holidays in Nash-1 prayers of our sisters and brothers
vllle as the guests of Mrs. E. Ander-jfor our success in this New Year., We
son at 125 Fourteenth avenue, North, j are moving on in the name of the
While Mrs. Harris and son were in. Lord
the city they spent Tuesday afternoon
Ft wlu'iTf'"7
with Miss Yodina Bowen of 1618 1-2
State street. ,
Mrs. Maddie Stone entertained them
at dinner.
Mr. Elbert Ferguson and Mrs. Ero
Harris spent Sunday in Flat Creek Christmas
with Mr. and Mrs. Abe Ferguson
evening with the noets."
ed. v
Selection Instrumental, Miss Sadib
Quotations from members.
Selection Vocal, Miss A. Rucker,
accompanied by Miss Malone.
Paper An American Poet (Long
fellow) Mrs. H. L. Scott.
Selection Vocal, Mr. G. M. Gunn
accompanied by Miss Dinkins
Paper An English poet (Cooper)
Dr. A. G. Stevens.
Selection Vocal, Miss White
Address to the club with quota
tions from1 different poets, M C S
Foster. , '
Selection Mdha
joowers, jjaniels
Messrs. Wilbtirn A. Bucnnnan, Ir
vin and John Thompson were hosts
"An 1 of one of the grandest social Dutcd
Mrs. James Harris and Miss Ger
trude Mayes entertained a number of
their friends last Thursday evening,
December 28. at the home of Mrs.
Joseph Hohnes, 1145 West Randolph
stret, Chicago, 111. The affair was
one of the most brilliant or tne sea
son. The house was beautifully decora
ted with ferns and cut flowers. Dan
cing and games were the features of
the evening. Miss Margie Louis and
Mr. Wpi. Harris presided at the pi
ano. The dining-room table was dec
orated with roses and carnations and
cut class. A five course menu was
served. Miss Gertrude Mays received
the guests at the door. Those pres
ent were Mr. and Mrs. James Harris,
Miss ertriide Mays and Mr. Herley
Jackson, of Chicago: Miss Verneda
The Christmas holidays, regardless
of the bad weather, seemed to be
real I v enjoyable. Friday, December
I 22nd, the public school had its usual
tree. The email chapel
was Deauutiuiy aeoorateu ana me
tree was well fillid with presents
from, teachers and pupils. The pre
liminary exercises were:
Sng, by the school; Scripture
reading, Prof. Edmunds; Prayer, Rev.
A. J. Russell; Song, P. C. Choir;
Christmas Story, Miss Pearl Crutch
field; Song, by school. After which
the many presents were distributed.
The Christmas tree at Quiun Chapel
was luRe a success Christmas night
and was followed by a free treat to
each member of the Sunday school,
and continued with a supper. The
pastor, Rev. A. J. Russell, and tha
Superintendent, Mr. C. H. Jenkins,
lost no time in making the occasion
pleasant for the Sunday school.
Thursday night Christmas exercises
ty the little tots, conducted by Mrs.
A. J. Russell. Mt. Zion Baptist
Church had a well conducted Christ
mas tree on the 2'ith, with many
pleasant gifts; followed Thursday
and Friday nights by a game supper,
I We are very glad to note that the
.... . m .1 r
vwiuums l .ucimuiia, '". Papfisst congregation is having sol-
vices in their new basement. They
Bovd of Honkinsvillo Ky. Elizabeth I Russell Thomas of Chicago; Miss
Morgan, Viola Flags, Willa I!. Flags, I Margie Louis. Miss Margie J.Tarkson,
Annie Russell, Nannie Allison, Annie i Miss Geneva .T.Tones of Gallatin. Miss
Mai Darden, Ella Danlen, Georgia Kthel Ferrell, Mrs. Leroy FerrelUMrs.
Bright, Jonnctta Bright, J. L. Terry, i Ljuan n. Phillips Gray, Mr. William
Emma J. Terry, ElTie Johnson, Marie Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blair, Miss
Stocks!!, Laura White, Lailye K. ! Maggie Blake of New York, Miss Tho-
Pliillilis, Lottie Phillips James, of (la Alexander and Miss Lavada Alex
Whitens dark or brown skin. Bleaches and
clears sallow or swarthy complexions, re
moves all blemishes and causes the skin to
grow whiter.
See That You Get the Genuine
Terre Haute, Ind., May 18, 1916.
The Jacobs' Pharmacy Co.,
Gentlemen: I have been using Dr. Fred Palmer's
Skin Whitener ointment, soap and powders and they are
Just gt.'nd for the skin. My skin is looking so nice now
and eveiybody that knows me asks what I am using on
my face. Please find enclosed two dollars ($2) for six
boxes of Dr. Palmer's Skis Whitener ointment, two ot
soap. I do aot like to be without It. Yours truly,
2434 North 17th Street.
Terre Haute Ind.
Sold by druggists, or sent direct, anywhere,
for 25c, postpaid. Remember the name, Dr.
Fred Palmer's Skin Whitener. Write Jacobs'
Plisr;nacy, Atlanta, Ga. ,
St. liimis, Mo., Messrs. Porter, Kirby,
Johnson, Walton, McPcters, Burke,
Martin. Hawkins, Drs J. Taiwan
Phillips. Marshall, I iambrick, Holt,:
Dabhs and I. C. James, Jr. !
suppers at the residence of the last
named gentleman, Mil Tremoiit
avenue. The evening was enjoyed with
music and daneing, also card playing
and all of the latest dances were pull
ed off by Messn. Buchanan, Crockett,
Stockard and George Ordenvay and
Misses Laura, Jessie and Annie John
son, Miss Dimple Bolton and Bessie
The drawing room and parlors were
beautifully decorated and tho dining
room was exquisite. Those partici
pating in this never-to-be-forgotten af
fair were Mr. Tony Haddox, Miss
Mary Murphy, Mr. Wilburn A. Bu
chanan, Miss Maud Justic", Mr. John
Will, Miss Dimple Bolton, Mr. Felix
Crockett, Miss Mattie Donaldson, Mr.
Sidney Harri-
Holmfis Jim! nnn
. 0 .w,llAO uy Ule neu. presi- Hooert ytoekani, Mr,
I own, .uiaa gic HUhttll, .1I. UCUlfiO 1 UL
lce COUrSe Was servo, l ll,l..n- Ml.."-a,j. vil,.l.. ii -
Thompson, Miss Moliie Cannon, Mr.
ander, of Texas; Mr. and Mrs. J. n.
Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Brnhan,,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brooks, Mr. and
Mrs. JoJseph Holmes. Master Joe
Ttrnnks. Jr.. and Master Chostrr E
Grav. The evening was enjoyed by
Tuesday, at (i p. m., at their home, i
rj12 So. 4tli street. Mmc Mabcr j MRS. LITIL1-: MOSS PASSKS
Overton gave In inan'ias0 her sister,! Tq tur GUKAT HKYON'M.
Mrs. I.ikn'c ltoxley Moss wife of
Mr. William Moss, parsed nuielly
owav last Wednesday niornin.!; tit
Willa Jule. to Mr. Alhort Bracking
Hr. W. S. Kiliii'-'ton of First Baptist j
Church. Kasl Xashvilh:, said the
beautiful and impres-ive ceremony. J
Only members of tiic faintly and a
limited number of friends witnessei
i .... ....
uuaieBs 10 me aeiieM nf nil
ine .clubs guests were Misses M.lEdHy Hyde, Miss Mattie Duvall, Mr.
wiiollri Hattle Brnnilett, C. S. Robert Moppins, Mr. Terry Payne,
ly ?,one. S. Watson, E. Wat'som
.uio Auan, urs. G. M. Gunn, Dan
iels, Holmes, Dysart, S. C. Foster.
laiTr,KNe aVea Llterary anI Soc
i.h ?et Tueaday nf8"t. December
nit. r,esl(,ence r Miss Fannie
Thi ICf,arrlS 911 Sal,nklin reet.
ir r.T 1 g pened Misa Mc
Farris song by Mrs. Mattie Johnson.
Miss Johnson played the piano for
tte club. The club was entertained
wert 117KVeIyChrlstn,as tre. Presents
were 175. The president, Mr. Bernard
Majs received 10, the fund received
i' 7?i,e m6? was benutifully decorat
ed with a 1 kons of toys. Mrs. John
"?"hfa.nfTtw00 soIts- No. 1 was "Silent
night, No. 2 was "God iwill take care
&i?rU; We.fl8u thank the North
thilr I UTl C1Ub fr th6ir aVOr aDd
their nvitation which they sent us
to visit their club. We also thaw
' H- January for the token he
sent to Miss McFarris. Visitors are
Messrs, Robert Donoldson, Edward
Ray, Bruce Jackson, Frank Jordan,
James Thompson, Willie Townsend,
Arthur Alslen, Misses Alice Reed, Ma
mie Drake, Addie Blackman, Jennie
Driver, Nona Buchanan, Cassie
Woods, and Mrs. Thompson, also Miss
Bertha Barksdale and Sallie Lamber-son.
Mrs. J. A. Lester was hostess of the
club December 22, at her home, 153
Lafayette street. The house was pro
fusely decorated with holiday em-
nouy wreatns, ferns and
palms ornamented each rom. When
the roll was catfed each lady respond
ed with a quotation. A donation from
Mrs. Scruggs of Cincinnati was thank
fully received by the club. The club
discussed a communication from the
National President, Mrs. Tolbert of
Buffalo, N. Y., concesnlng the Freder
ick (Douglass home. The meeting
then turned into a social and the
guests ushered into the dining-room,
where a lovely two-course menu was
served. Mrs. Lester was assisted by
Misses Jimmie Mason and Emma
Martin. The visiting guests were
Mrs. Willa B. Clark, Irene Dowell, W.
E. A. Ford, Misses Nannie Thomp
son, Jennie Mason, Emma Martin.
Next meeting wth Mrs. A. B. Mor
ris, January 12th. 812 Twelfth, avenue,
Mr. and Mrs. W.- A. Acklen were
host and hostess of a handsomely
appointed New Year's dinner in
honor, of their pastor and wife, Rev.
and. Mrs. H. L. P. Jones.
Seated at a beautifully decorated
table were Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ack
len, Rev. and Mrs. H. L. P. Jones,
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Saunders, Mes
dames Bettie Patten, Burl Davidson.
Mary Ewing Williams, S. A. Jones.
Misses Bettie Todd, Nanev Savage,
Ophelia Bryant and Mr. W. A. Ack
len. A lovely six course menu was
served to the delight of all present
After wishing the host and hostess
many more new years equal, if not
surpassing this one, the guests do
parted. .
tb0 ceremony. Before the
Mi:-s I.eon Sanders s.an:-i,
those tears." Miss (ladip Winn of I
Cliieapo, now a student in Roper!
Williams, rendered a piano s'ilo,j
flower song. During the ceremony
Miss Sander.; played meditations. At j
tho strains of the wedding march j
Master Jessie Hickman entered,
bearing Hie license in a basket of
holiday colors. !
Tho only allendants wore Dr. audi
Mrs. J. W. Russell. The bride enter
ed on the arm of the groom, very ;
becomingly gowned in a creation of ,
simple white and gold Ceorirotte crepe'
and crepe De chine, a beautiful pic j
ture hat of Raslm silk anil gold
tagal braid.
Mrs. Russell . wore a coral gown
with black trimmings and a black
and gold lace hat to harmonize.
Botli carried French bouquets.
2:15 o'c'oek at
Jefferson st'-ect
! scveiai lncntus.
ceremony 1 y(iunf;rst ,i;mo-;,t0r of Mrs. Anna
Oh! Hry ; ,,. ,,.,, 1. ...in i, remembered
lr.rt one of her sons nnlv throe weebs j
a'o. Mrs. MoH was n faithful mem-1
l.er of the Mt. Olive Bantist Church. !
doins at all times whatever her j
hands found lo do. She was a youiv-'i
matron of sterling finalities and!
possessed a sv.e'"t, lovable !lspo'
tion which made ber ii:ito a fav:,r-,
ile amoin a host-of friends who are:
deeply grieved over her sad demise. .
Soli inn and impressive funeral '
services were held from the church 1
of which she was a member, last j
Fri'lav afternoon at 2 o'clock, c n j
ducted bv the Rev. C. 11. Clark, !.
will have a beautiful concrete
church when completed. Rev. J. P.
Woodson deserves much praise fr
bis noble effort. Mr-. T. G. Mcl.e
Moore spent the holidays at Nashville
Miss Pearl Crutchfleld spent the time
at Union City. Mbsos Hudson
Cooper and Fitch are home from A.
i'lid I. State Normal. Rev. T. W.
.Hamilton, Supervisor of A. and I.
Slu.e Xi rnial rpent the week at home
.V10. Vent Pui'io;- IV.n i.' ?e''c vis
iting her mother, Mrs. Ada Porter.
Mis. Nell Brown llhtkemore, of Elk
ton, Ky.. is here visiting her mother.
Master Lawrence Dennis is homt
I rem Turner Normal for a short stay.
Mrs. Millie linnias has been ill for
a few days. Mrs. Kthel Waddy King
of lloplunsville, K, is visiting
their vesii'eiico on j ii iali.es hero. .Mr. Jo-eph D. irons
after nn illness of j and Miss M.wtle Dunbar were mar-Mr-v
Mr-p w:w the j ned l;cemhcr olst, at tbo home of
ll:o briile, a I 1 p. 111. They leit oil
the same day at 5 o'clock for Chica
go, hi., where tbey will make their
! titme liomi' nt "ftpt Dearborn street.
Their nianv friends wish for them
u long and prosperous life. Mrs
Sarah Mattbewson and Miss Sal'.io
War -en visited relat.ws in Memphis
d' r'.uz tb0 holidays.
Tho ureat li:ne of tbe year ha
(omc and gem' and we are thankful
that we are spared lo see another
new year come in. Good bye, old
1 f I !, and welcome, l!i!7. Miss Sam
ella. Ilowsp and Miss Frances Tharbs
On Dec: (lie 2(ith Misses Volinda
Adams and Gussie King gave a
Christmas house party for thirty o,'
their school mate. They had as
their guest also a cousin from Chi
cago, 111., Willie Be:ilriee. Mason.
A surprise dinner was had at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Witherspoon of
Bock City Monday, JaJnuary 1, in
honor of Miss Willie Connie. The
house was artistically decoared
throughout with stands of flowering
plants and other greenery. The
guests were as follows: Mrs. W. B.
Stafford, JJohn E. Stewart, Dr. J. O.
Biackman, T. H. Burns, Jr., C. E.
Burns, Miss Vera iNapier, Florence
McDonald, Mary h. Bowling, Edna
Miss Cora M. Edwards of 101 Rob
ertson street enetrtalned New Year's
eve a limited number of friends at
dinner. Yuletide emhlems were ar
tistically arranged throughout the
house. Miss Edwards was assisted in
entertaining by her mother, Mrs. Ed
wards, Mesdames J. E. McClain and
Rnfus Douglas. The clever after din
ner speech by Mr. Jno. Williams was
most enjoyable of the evening. A de
licious menu was served. After an
enjoyable evening of conversation the
guests departed, all expressing them
selves as having nad a delightful
time. Those present .were Misses
Mattie M. Baker, Mayme Drake, Cora
M. Edwards, Mrs. Rufus Douglas, Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. McClain, Mr. Jno. Wil
liams, Rev. Wm. B. Baugus, Mr. Wm.
Watkins and Mr. McKenzie Baugus. '
Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Fitzgerald of
1209 Edgefield avenue were host and
hostess of a fe wfriends December 30.
The dining' table was beautifully dec
orated. Music was f urnished by 'Mrs.
J. Voorheea. At a late hour a threo-
course menu was served. Those who
enjoyed Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald's
hospitality were Mrs. J. Voorhees,
Mi and Mrs. J. K. Campbell, Mr. and
Mrs. H. Hatcher, Mr. an.a Mrs. Barnes,
Mrs. C. James, Mrs.. M. Carey, Mrs.
Z. Foster, Miss Fannie WJaters, and
little Annie R. and James Fitzgerald.
Juvenile Society No. vi, G. U. O. of
0, F., was entertaiend by their Super-
Miss E. C. Ewing entertained at
her homo on loth avenue, So., with
an informal dance Monday, Januarv
1, 1917.
The entire house was pretty with
the simple decorations ot ferns and
poinsettns. An ice course, consisting
of pink and green brick cream with
p;nk and green individual cakes
teas served to the following guests:
Misses, Hayes, of Louisville. Kv.,
Ada Dickerson, L. Dillahunty. A.
Dillahunty, S. Vernon, L. Coleman.
Storve, A. Allison. N. Allison, Mrs.
S. M. Utley, N. 0. Malone. Dr. and
Mrs. J. T. Johnson of McKenzie,
Tenn., Messrs. Iloff, Williamson, V.
"Whattaker,, E. Whittaker. Jones,
Whattaker,, E. Whittaker. Jones,
Dickerson, M. Van Buren, Mont
gomery, Welch, Ford, Elliott, Kurd,
Wallace, Warren, C. Allison. A. Alli
son, Lightfoot, A. Phillips, Claybome
Shepherd, Cassel, Lennon.
D., as-isted by Rev. Green Thonip-, s,,ent a ,)iirt 0f the holidays in Nnsh-
son. Tne ttoral olicriiitrs were many
and beautiful. She leaves to mourn 1
ber lost a faithful, kind and affec-
I tionate husband, a devoted mother.;
I one sister, two brothers and a host
1 of other relatives and friends. j
! Interment at Greenwood Cemetery.
Taylor & Co., funeral directors.
NO. 6. MET DEC. 27, 1916. I
This being the last meeting for the
year, the otllcers for the ensuing year
were elected, all of whom were re
elected excepting the Worthy Pro
tector. Owing to the fact that our
Worthy Counsellor, Mrs. Wm. Wilson.
Lad given the Court fourteen years of
Sincn mil liiaf ivrlTo.nn frnm fhlo
loyal service, we deemeii it ngnt ana 1 Illllce another year has been born tc
ville. Mr. S. Howsc of Nashville
spent the holidays here with his
mother and sister. Mr. and Mr
John Hugle prepared a Christmas
dinner for him. A iittle of every
thing was on the tablo. He returned
home Thursday moriing on tho 9:15
tra n acompanied by his niece, Miss
Abigail M. Hugle. Miss Hugle spent
the rest of tbe holidays in the city
of Nashville visiting friends and re'
a'ives. She expressed herself as
having a fine time. Mr. H. W. Ruclv
mian of Rucker was the guest of
Miss Bi'ssie Hugle Sunday.
a r ' ' ' - '
lo-uay enrioBii'K w-
ind jpt Holr Ff lso BOOK fully lllmtruted
showing latent lylc In Hair Qooil. nl Tlll
articles. Remember. Hair Nets fuel with order for
tooor 6O0 Comb, illustrated Book FREIonroauML
CE0RCE V. V BUNGAY 2S$o.WiItmSt.,NewTork
20c. -1
together With ImpoHod French Hair Nal Fraa.
Jawal Comb 500 with two Hair Neu rraa. Wrltai ,
WlKjfAIRjUz ;
ant vistors at the school Monday
murnins,'. Rev. Booth gave the school
a splendid address on the subject of:
"History." Rev. Booth is here hold
ing his second quarterly conference
with Rev. E. J. Redlck. pastor of
Sinii)s;.'i Chapel M. E. Church. Rev.
Booth pffecheiV wo strong and 5lo
otient pennons Sunday and Sunday
night. Mr. Edsar Dysart is fre
quently feen wending his way toward
Moorcsville. A1iat is tbe attraction,
Mr. Dysart. some fair damsel? Prof.
Jones and his class of youngsters
numbering abort fifteen boys, are
I banning another opossum hunt soon.
We hope tliey will have bettor hick
not t'nie. II. is said tbey traveled,
over tventy miles one night and;
net-ceded in capturing only onp lit
tle, pitiful opossum that had taken
refuge in a small tree. "Old Buster :
rented old Som, Oscar Billington,
our most ixc Rent marfcman, broiigh,,
bis fowling piece into action and
Sam came tumbling to tho ground.
Mr. Jones wants to know how long
before another leap ear. Mr. Allen
Smith and Mr. Jake Jones have
moved their families to live in Bed
I'or Countv. Wo are sorry to give up
these most excellent neighbors, but
wish them much sucee-s in their
new home. Revs. Booth and Redick
dined with Mr. and Mis. James Laws
at their beautiful country home last
A ruiu opportunity; comfortable living;
home siwiuu; Hum oloth senilis. Auy
scwins; nuH'iiltiL-. sti-iidy. No (anviu8
,111!. No trillion. wMiiltil. ."Samples 10c.
Kt iuru Hiiol himsiaclury. Home tSew
irsco. Jot, tiers 8(.viiij;. l.luc.,2, Uoho-
lli, Iel .
The marriage of Miss
Cartwrlght to Mr. Charley
took place Wednesday evening nt
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Warner
Haddox on the Brick Church pike,
Rev. J. Kiel officiating. Mrs. Myrtle
Cartwrlght was the matron of honor
while Mr. Leroy Sl!ver8 was beat
man.. '
After the ceremony an ice course was
served. On Sunday, December 31st.
they were the honored guests at
dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew' Silvers, of the Dickerson
Road. Thos who partook of this
treat were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller
rind "family,' Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pry
or, Mrs. Brown, of Chattanooga, Mrs.
Laura Baskett, Mrs. Andrew Silvers,
Jr., and daughter, Mr. Prank Silvers,
Mlsg Sadie L. Cartwrlght Mr. Leroy
Silvers, Mr. and Mrs. Warner Had
dox. .
proper to show our appreciation by
giving her a token in tbe form of a
silver pitcher, which was presented
by our Worthy Receiver of Deposits.
Mrs. John Shelby, who made an ex
cellet and appropriate presentation.
After the response from the Worthy
Counsellor, she in turn presented each
officer with a linen towel for their
faithful work during the past year,
after which we all enjoyed the social
part of the evening with a two-course
The Emancipation celebation was
one of the mo-t enjoyable and recre
ating occasions of the season.
An audience which packed the ca
pacitv of the Meharry Auditorium
heard the rendition. One of the
main ar-d most entertaining features
of the great celebration was the
(plendid mmdc made by the Meharry
Orchestra. Mr. J. C. Wright of the
Junior Medical Class is due great
praise for the excellent manner in
wlv'ch he has conducted the affairs
as leader of the orchestra this ycav;
for it is certainly the best of several:
seasons. Tbe next feature, which is!
we'l worth mentioning, wore the well ton
us and we now enter another page
in the history of our lives. Let us
make this the bright page of all. Let
it be replete with noble deeds and
vtorthy actions for God and man.
What til is old world needs most to
day is more sunshine of human
kindness. Let us be thankful that
ours is a land of peace, pray that the
dove of peace may continue to perch
upon our banner, and the ravages of
war acos the waters may cease
nnd the nations now at war may beat
their swords into plowshares and
study wttr no more. ,We are glad to
report that the sick of our com
numitv have about recovered. Cupid
is still playing his hand In our little
town. Mr. George Biggers and Miss
Callie Mai Allison were happily mar
ried last Sunday whilo seated in their
IniRtry, In front of Squire Swing's
residence. Tho bride and groom left
Immediately for tho home of the
groom, near Thick, Tenn.
Mrs. Angie Alison and little daughter
visited her brother, Mr. Allen Smith
near Shelbyville last Sunday, and
returned home Monday, accomixinied
by her neiee, litt'e Miss Tennessee
Smith who will re-enter the Fann-
Pubiic School. Mr. Edward
del'vcred and well balanced orations. I Maylield, Mrs. Mary Dysart and lit
The speakers representing the four I tie daughter, Birdie Mai, were the
departments were as follows: Miss guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Holt one
State of Tennessee, Office and
Master Chancery Court, Nashville:
December the sixteenth, 1916. Harriett
Wilson Complainant vs. Morgan E.
Roop, Trustee et al Defendant.
It appearing in from aflidivit filed in
this cause that the Defendant, Les
lie Wilson and W. II. Cooper. Trustee
are non-residents ot the State of
Tennessee, and cannot he served with
the ordinary process of law.
It is therefore oredred that said
Defendants enter their appearance
herein on the fourth Monday in Janu
ary next (1917), it being January 22,
1917, and a rule day ot said Court,
and plead, answer or demur to Com
plainant's bill, or the same will he
taken for contested as to them ana
set for hearing ex parte, and that a
copy of this order be published for
four consecutive weeks in the Nash
ville Globe.
Robert Vaughn, Clerk and Master.
By T. J. Bailey, Deputy Clerk and
' Master.
G. F. Anderson, Solicitor for Complainant.
December 22, 29, Jan. 5, 12.
There is a glass for each com
municant. Tell us how many
you have to commune and we
will make up an estimate of
the cost of a set for you.
National Baptist Publishing Board
R. H. BOYD, Secretary
523 SeconJ Avenue, Njrth. NASHVILLE. TE "
Mrs. A. J. Bender entertaihed la3t
Wednesday at her home with a pret-'
tily planned dinner.
, The house was bright with fiower-
K. D. Beil. Nurse Training; Mr. P. B
Johnson. Phkarmaceutioal ; Mr. O. A.
Childress, Dental; and' Mr. E. I.
Robinson, Medical Department.
Too much praise cannot be giv 'i
all the speakers for the attractive:
mmner in which thev ' delivered
their respective pieces. The eloquence
and general -stage of behavior ot
each individual speaker was far
above the ordinary. Special men
tion, however, should be made ot the
rharmaceutical and Medical repre
sentatives particularly for the man
ner in which they held the audience
absolutely spell-hound. The amount
of grace and ease as exhibited In
day la t week. Mr. Oscar Billington
spent Saturday night with relatives
near Thick. Mrs. Euln Woodruff la
visiting relatives in Fayetteville.
Mrs. Susie Dryden is with her sister
in Chattanooga. Mr. Zack Bowen
dined with Mr. and Mrs. Holt last.
Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Winston
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Willis McQuiddy last Monday at Rich
Cicek. Mr. Jake Jones is viKiting
his sister in some parts of Alabama.
Mr. Linus Biggers spent Sunday
with relatives at Thick. The public
school at this place re-opened Janu
ary 1st, with a splendid enrollment.
Revs. Booth and Redick were pleas-
W ANTED SALESMEN -1'rof.T men with cloth
Injr. tailuii iR or retail oxperi neu to tile? eliarge of
an agency for new propoaitiim to bv placed in every
county. No inv.atment required. If yon oan qual
ify it means at leu.it $35.00 to $40.00 weekly.
I'rontalile, permanent busiuasf.
ln(ltlCOU CO..
509 So. Franklin CHICAOO.
Wim Andrew White Kirkpatrlck,
Lillie Kirkpatrlck.
In this cause it appearing to the
satisfaction of the Court that the de
fendant is a non-resident of the state
of Tennessee, therefore the ordinary
process of law canont be served upon
her; It is therefore ordered that said
defendant enter her appearance here
in at the February term of the Davi
son County Circuit Court, to be holden
at the Court House in Nashville, Ten
nessee, on the 1st Monday in Febru
ary, it being a rule day of this Court,
and defend, or said complainant's
bill will be taken for, confessed at to
her and set for hearing ex parte. It
is therefore ordered that a copy of
this order be published for four weeks
in succession in the Nashville Globe
a newspaper published in Nashville.
Wl B. Clark, Clerk.
A. M. Hltt, D. C. ..
G. F. Anderson, Solicitor for Com
plainant. - The spirit to divide the race
along denominational lines In the
celebration of Emancipation Day is
a bad spirit, and not conducive to
the highest good and welfare of the
entire people. We do not feel that
such a tspij'it could be condemned
in too severe terms. Those r
sponsible for having denominational
celebrations in our judgement, ar
to be teverely criticised This oil
'ourse, does not refer to what the
colleges us institutions may do, but
it refers to the general mass of
people from a public standpoint. .
What is needed, Is that all of the
Negroes, regardless of denomination
al tenets should celebrate in untsoa
and unity, both in spirit and acclaim
the Emancipation Day. It appears
to the editor of the People's Defender
that division along this line upon ,
matters so important to all the peo
ple is entirely uncalled for and is aa
exhibition of the spirit of littleness,
and demonstrates much of the ra
malning latent capacity In the Neere
to do small things, and his incapacity
to grasp largo things and do them,
upon a universal scale as it applies
to the race. It appears that some
body simply wanted tc be boss, and
this without regard to the well-being-of
the entire people.
The People's Defender.

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