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V - f . - f MOTIOB TO RRAOBKM: Whan yon finun rd tnf thia luu of th NaahvtUa Qloba place a U. & l-caul stamp a ttali aotlc. hand aama to any V. 8. Poatal am Dloyaa. and K will ba HVIIXE GLOBUS placed In tha hand! or oar aoldlara or aallora at tha front. No wrap NASHVILLE A CHY OF OPPORTUNITV-THE LEADING NEGRO JOURNAL IN TENNESSEE. ping, no aaaraaa. - 1 - NASHVILLE. TKNN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1018. NUMBER 9 VOLUME XIV MAS REJECT PEACE TERMS OF FERED BY COMMISSIONERS Balk at the Word Prcquisitc; Radicals Win Over Conservative Demand to the Publising Hons, to be tamed over. Spoils man for Incorporated Convention declare they seek not reace but Money. If this not given nar is on to tha knife. Tefuse to annul charter. COLORED CAROL SINGERS. Immediately after the angelic choir sang at the advent ot Christ on that memorable Christmas morning, carol sinking at Yuletide season became a custom in the Orient. But only re cently has it taken form in this country. During the Christmas of 191S, no doubt, there was more sorrying and donrivation existing among every people than has ever been the casa before, and, as usual, the less fo,tu nate colored people were the most unhappy. Notwithstanding Christmas is the season when even the poorest should feel joyful and burden-free be cause of what it represents the birth day of the Saviour of all the gloom land poverty in so many homes hin ders. lifllOO READY FOR 1920 CAMPAIGN correspondent of the New York Globe, says in the Globe: Washington. Secretary McAdoo's resignation is not to be taken as elim inating him from the list of Presi dential possibilities for 1920. Quite '.. . ... . .. the contrary. i remaps tne emiuren anticipate tne , ; " """ , A ,ni i , . i of the Secretary, who beyond question were to experience it. Our first night In the trenches will long be remem bered and thinking ot what we had heard we did not expect to last long but we pulled through all right, it must be remembered that the Sector that we took over at this time was quiet, known as the "Argonne For est." We were in this sector quite a while before we received orders to RESIGNATION ENABLES HIM T0move' Owing to tne connnemeni oi AVOID "ROUGH VOYAGE" OF ' Tl , : i mh w NEXT TWO YEARS. !were expecting a short rest in the irear of the lines but we did not get Judson C. Welliver, Washington I it. It must be remembered that dur- Nashville, Tenn., December 13th. Special. Organic union between the National Baptist Convention (incor porated) and the National Baptist tlon was not raised as to whether vis itors would be allowed to sit during the meeting ot the joint sessions. Wisdom and experience of the Com- Conventlon (unincorporated) will not mission were shown in the concise obitiin, and seems as far away this and fair rules adopted as a course of morning as it was in September, 1915. procedure. One of the rules, and when tliey divided at Chicago, if the perhaps the most important one, action of the joint Peace Commission was that which provided that all which closed its sefsion here last questions affecting either conventions nisht, is sustained by the respective with the Commissions here assembled conventions In their ncj;t annual ses- were to be given time to meet sep plons. During the deliberation of this arately and apart from the Joint tes joining commission ohatt was held at sion and consider and vote upon said the First Bartist Church (white), questions and report back to the corner 7th Avenue and Broadway, this city, intelligence was pitted a galnst intelligence, wit against wit, parliamentary tactics against parlia mentary tactics, resourcefulness a- galnst resourcefulness, eloquence a- joint session. This rule was quickly adhered to. There seemed to have been an earnest desire on the part of all to have peace and finally get to gether In a reunited body. However, during the session there coining of Christmas with greater eagerness than the older ones do be1 cause of their happy thoughts of the visits of old Kris. We who have passed that period in life realize the joy that fills the little heart that awakes Christmas morning to behold the stocking hanging by the fireplace that has been filled with goodies by old Panta Claus, who came down te chimney during the night. With the child this alone constitutes a merry. Christmas, and though the cost is lit tle, many in poverty-stri ken homes were deprived of it. With this in view, a number of the employees of the National Baptist Publishing Mouse force ing carols Christmas eve night that they might assist in making some little folks happy, and tliey were well compensat ed for the effort, for within a few hours they collected thirty-odd dollars which was .given to Phyllis Wheatley i FRENCH APPLAUDS COLORED BAND. is in a position to know how Mr. Mc Adoo would wish his resignation to be construed, declares that the retire ment does not at all affect the pos sibility of a Presidential consideration. "Mr. McAdoo," he said, "lias noth ing to do with that. It is a matter for the party. If the party wants him, it can nominate him, and he will be f ree to accept." Explaining the resignation further, he opined that the President is de termined not to run in 1920, and that if there ever was a chance of his do ing so, it has been ended by the re cent election and the outburst of criticism called forth by the peace negotiations, the appeal for votes and the trip to Europe. Two Bad Years Ahead. "The administration," continued ing this time that "Allies" were in a precarious predicament, owing to this we were neded at another front, to which we were immediately trans ferred. I must state that during this time we were being transferred on transportation generally known as (T. P. and W.) which simply means walking. We were moved from our Sector of our first experience to a Sector, more vivid in our memory, we being reminded of such by "Fritzs" shell, better known as 'Austrial 8SV and you can bet your life that they are some shells. Having occupied this Sector for a month, now con sidering ourselves veterans, we were ordered back for a short rust, being relieved one night in July, hiking ill night, we arrived at our destina tion in the morning, taking over a Sector that had been quiet up to the timn nf nur arrival. Oh! yes I am Stevedores and Battalions indispensiblo to A. K. F. says War Correspondent Win. E. Stevenson Special Representative of N. N.Pa. gives impressions on closing day of hostilities. "Somewhere in France," November 11 1918. Mr. Henry Allen Boyd. Nashville, Tenn., Dear Sir. Of course everybody knows that hostilities i .n omi tml:iv at eleven o- plonk and. therefore I shall ay noth ing concerning the signing of the, armistice. However. 1 cannot resist, ' the temptation of giving you an idea, of what happened here when it be- came known that Germany had laid, I down her arms. I iAs I rode in a truck crowded wiln. ! American soldiers, to a town a few j from here, an aiong wie wrinkled' eainst eloauence. and throueh it. nil were strong arguments made in sup-,. ... . . u . hfl" . tho. the speaker, "has ahead ot it two ----- --- - th, ...-H- ,., -.1V.1UU IU UO uu..,..v.,..j iw. -..w - - it aeveiopea mat tne so-caned Lit- " tie R. F. D. Baptists," through their 8reat speeches made explaining the commissioners representing the unin- same- Eacn ,o the colored commis corporated! National Baptist Conven- slon8 elected its spokesman to repre tlon, seemed to have worn every point sent th.el? and ,one hou' w,as B've,n and came out more than victorious ea?h , he spokesmen to lay their because of the superior generalship slde V6 Question before the joint on the part of their leaders. Sum- cmml8S,10"- ;1JonTJH Srf"TW ming the proceedings up it develops poSanor S!"..ta! !! unhlcoVpOTated conventfo? Dr. w" mwiiiiiaicu vuiivomiuii, who lurucu . . - , - . . o . . by Itoeir own action to bear the stig ma of befog a barrier to the peace that was proposed. "As you were" 'evidently will be the order of the Ne- H. Moses, the general field secretary of the incorporated convention, was spokesman for that body. Dr. Gam brell, after addressing the brethren upon the importance of the meeting During their canvass of the city Republican Congress to make all the they saw carol singers going in every .troubles possible. Certainly there is direction worklne with Ereat enthuBl- no reaBon wny the President, with aBm and receiving liberal response years of uncomfortable times, with a 1 "Fritz" was kind to us. He wouldn t even trouble us to ask our auaress, but to make us feel at ease, he sent over an airplane and go our address and being a very good correspondent, he wrote us constantly. 1 am sure mils away 1 mil- i n,ar .hllilrpn nlld old Ma Hire you me wuiiucuhb nucic u " -i ,i,i i.j, long rest came in, so are we. It men and woman waved their hands in the dark. I am pleased to inform ! and greeted us with cheers of ta must be stated here that we are still ! guerre est finl." "the war is ended, you that the Germans havaf a first and "Vive l'America, long live class mail system. I must say if you I America. should happen to get his letter, you won't feel like answering it. When we arrived in our new position, INJUSTICE 10 COLORED RACE DANGEROUS MENACE TO WEL FARE AND ADVANCEMENT OF AMERICAN WHITES. By Evans Paul Harris. ro Ba;ptist Rational Conventions, as --h- reru . oi w wpori oi we imams pre8ent, and the outlook for the fu- M-the final action ofUie Joint com. ture work and development, thanked .tesion. A titanic struggle In which the Commission for the honor con- diip omacy ot action and words, hi ferred upon h!nl t0 preBlde over them whith statesimw.'sljlp .presentation and asked tnelr co.operatlon to the was used, brought about the supreme end that everything that should be test, and at every turn of the road done mlght redown to the honor and the observer and the visitors could see tlhat the unincorporated or little R. F. D.'8 were masters of the situa tion.. ', witnout encouragement, appar ently, entering the conference with mo tseeimng ouus against laein, vney. came out triumphant, in' that they of- fered everytlhihig but surrendered noWiIng that would , jeopardize the principle for which they contended. Their prompt refusal to allow the in corporated brethren to divert the is pue from the real causes that split Wie convention, viz: the securing of the mu'ch-discuffsed charter by the un authorized seven brethren; and the in stitution of many law suits now pend ing, caused the incorporated or Mor ris faction to reject what they luad ad ready unanimously accepted. It be came evident that whew they saw they could not gobble up the $350,000 worth of property now held in trust by the National Baptist Publishing Board, tliey withdrew. It was stated by several of their leaders In the opening of the conference thiat they were there for spoils, they were there for money, they wanted, according to their own- statement, the great Na- REV. S. J. DICKERSON, Moral Baptist iPlant. admitting a,p Field Secretary Monie Mission Board parently that they were unable to operate it should I- J Mr. L. Landers, expense of car 5 00 Rev. H. A. Boyd, expense of car '5 00 Mr. Ira T. Bryant, expense of car 5 00 , Mr. J. H. Adams, expanse of car 5 00 Dr. J. H. Hale, luicn 5 00 Mr. A. G. Price, lunrh 5 00 Dr. R. H. Boyd, lunch 5 00 Cash from public .... 33 18 you don't understand what all this means but the above is tne way we state it. It means simply as soon as Occupying this Sector for about a months time, we were again orderea to move, this time to one that was to prove a warm sector. It may seem unusual to the readers of this but it is usual to us. On the line we con tinued to have our reville and re Total donated f"0 18 I am scarcely yet regarded a prac tical writer, being yet but a student nH nnt havine hitherto made public lh hna hfien Bald that When you Weep wi thnoo nnlv you weep alone, but that the worm on far leg8 ,m. htnKh. witt. u. We know that the x world ha symoathlzed with France, but 1 believe, considering what I saw Dortant subject am writing here to arouse the pub- Charge one battery 1 00 they get it, they iein mat u snouia De given 10 tnem glory of Godi He then caned upon . and thoy were willing to subordinate the unincorporated commission, or j: everything if they could have turned rather Dr. Frank, to present what "Tf over lock, stock and barrel the mag- ever ne had on behalf of his cora- niflcentt plant which the untneorpor- mission, whereupon Dr. Frank spoke ' eted or "Little Rv F. D.'s" declare for forty-five minutes in a most pro it ' should remain In ; statu quo as a found and logical speech. He laid phurit owned, operated and controlled before the vast audience- the ques ': ,tr all the Baptists, those from the tlons at issue that caused the separa- furks of the road as well as those tion of the convention, together with from ' the metropolitan centers; the those that have arisen since to keep untutored and uneducated rural dis- them-' apart and widen the breach, trict Sunday school worker, church and as he put It, he stated tha case, member and pastor as well as the cul- defined the issue and showed the ef ured, educated, refined member of feet, then applied the remedy by the Sunday school, church and pastor submitting as prerequisites to peace from the metropolitan, centers. Twen- and reunion the following': .ty-fiv& super-superior, stalwart repre- That the lawsuits In Chicago, 111., sentatiives of the unincorporated con- against the National Baptist Conven ventlon defended every contention and tlon (unincorporated) to prevent advanced many arguments to sustain them from using the name NATION the contentions of the umlncorporated AL BAPTIST CONVENTION, must uapiisw. a survey or me enure be dismissed. The ministerial em bargo encouraged and practiced by the brethren of the Incorporated con vention and associations and church es, must be lifted, and reputable min isters of the gospel must be accorded the due courtesy and recognition which belongs to them, which Is the wonderful recor3 he has made, Thoy, of course, were working for uim mo cuunces mvoiveu m white children. We having only one th,,rd1er0m dacy. He wil re choir were handicapped in responding tire in 1921 with a record of achieve . n f-:,i i.ono ment in both domestic and lnterna- anv who chose to assist and were not tional affairs that insures his place, we arrived they began shelling us reached to forward their donation to ln history. The two years of bitter-1 they reminded us every day that they u r. 1. .Tnrltinn. nresirlpnt of tha u-is, ami pai iy mnio ; were SIU1 over lucre, Phyllis' Wheatley Club. 707 Lea Ave. feai w,m disagreeable, but Donation and expenditures follow: Pass and be forgotten while Donations ltne enduring fame of the President s Rev. Z. Hill, expense of car ..$5 00 or w!r a? W monu- iiirriiL. i.'iim di. vicvciailUB li&m III, and at the place he occupies now ln the list of 'presidents! "For Mr. McAdoo to remain in the i treat but none of us liked the tune, cabinet meant that be must carry the because it started so suddenly with heaviest part of the burden in this a Bcreeching sound as it passed hur trvlne time, with nn rhnnno tn rierilv through the atmosphere. I benefit by It. He would be part of an, think you will agree with me when I administration that is certain to en rv. we who had been pleased in the out under fire. Already his resigna- "States" with the very best of music tion has called forth tributes to his were no ways satisfied with this. - c .. ability, enerev and imnnrtnnre 'in tho This means in a few words that we w .. ?' ' r a admlnlatmafctfin -i-TVpno. huvs- ntinnviv .m ahAllnd nverv morning anu Gas. " 1 25 emphasized the realization that if afternoon and the sould those shells-1 One fhauffeur 50 the President is not to run again, made, coming over, was not to our wkhuuu is me sirong man or tne HKing. up unui c u.v party. His geography is rleht, as a a very few casualties. We were New Yorker, and if the partv wants taken out of the lines, this time to him it can draft him. He will look make one of the longest and most better and better, too, as tho months memorial hikes of onr stay in Franco, pass." we hiked two hundred and ten kilo- i The speaker was one of the many meters in a very short while. e $30 08 Democrats who have been amazed at ended up at the front better known the recent turn of the political tide as the Champayne. It was here we against their "party. Without trying to explain u, ne seemeu to assume that the President has lost his grip on both party and country. Con- , vinced that it all represented a f oar ful injustice to the President, he ac- Noted Negro Evangelist Begins City r(,n,o,i t, E(,Pmi.iv City Wide Gospel campaign sunay. He ,s rathr too daze( even t . . , B ul fashioiK on that (Furnished by the National! Negro attempt an analysis of factors that memorial date, Sept. 28, 1918. At Press Service of America. ClllileQ nroduced tho sudden reverse, .!. whnn va wpr- neded most we from the Shreveport Journal, (La.) Wilson's "Popularity" Exploded. received orders "Over the Top" of December 15, 1918. Telling the But opinion is settling down to those moments when we first started, story of one of the greatest Religious something like conclusions about over, shall always be remembered by OJixie, tnousauuB oi uum imra a. wnat tho election results meant. To those who are left of us. 1 must packing tne Big l aoernacue msuuy the question, "What happened so Uj hear Our Own "Black Billy Sun- suddenly to dissipate the President's day" the Rev. Br. J. Gordtp McPher- immense popularity " the common, son. Field Bvangelit of the National est answer is that "It never existed." Baptist Convention.) The explanation is interesting, run- "It is estimated that about three ning somewhat thus: thousand people, many of them white, The President, first of all, was not hlstle steam- national and ship, yacht, factory, engine, automo-l lations and welfare have become so bile horns, etc., vied with each other complexed and endangered (first) by In an effort to announce to tne peo- the evil lust oi certain f-m-pie that the brutal injustices done the shrewdest diplomatic American them by Germany had been avenged white men the classes that have and that once more tney were io u been so misled Dy tneir uiue.j allowed to live in peace and harmony' ceaied and cherrlshed mean ideals under their own vine and fig tree. i that they have attempted and are GreaO numbers ot soldiers were re-i gaining momentum In their contln lieved from their duties and the! Ued more organized attempts to sever streets of the town were choked with relation and imprison rignts oi cer thmiannda of npon e who yeuea mem- ta n races, ana iecuuu,.i , selves hoanre as the parade passed, j uprising lawless ,' biased opinioneu Total expenditures . . Summary. Cash from public Expense Given to Phyllis Wheatley , $3 10 $33 18 . 3 10 BLACK BILLY SUNDAY DRAWS LARGE CROWD, TO BIG TABERNACLE. were to feet the enects or a great battle after resting ourselves for a few days, a few miles behind the line getting ready to start in what was to prove the greatest drive of modern war. wnen we eii. our asi irauus place, we were travelling light, what conference shows that. As early as Tuesday morning and continuing until Thursday morning representative colored and white Bap tists from the various states in the Union were coming into the city as members of the Peace Commission of the National Baptist Convention (In- j characteristic of a friendly Christian corpora ted) and National Baptist I brotherhood, and the practice of the Convention (unincorporated) and the southern Baptist Convention (white) and many other members and friends - ot the two colored conventions re spectively. The meeting, according to previous arrangements and an- unbaptlstic manner ot churches be longing to the Incorporated conven tlon receiving members from church es belonging to the unincorporated convention without letters, as an act of disrecognition to the churches state here to the readprs, don't think that we are exaggerating, because it Is Impossible for the pen to bring j before your eyes, a picture of the 'events as we really experienced them, I going over in a happy mode, some of us knowine. but not who, that we crowded into the big Union Tahernale, the choice ot the convention that i were not coming back and thinking corner Texas and Grand avepues, nominated him In 1912. There had nothing of it, it was a sight to do Sunday afternoon, to witness the ini- been a nation-wide contest for dele-; credit to the colored race. Advanc- tial semK.ce of the great cityfwide rates, as a result or whirh Champ i ing upder continuous shrapnel, shell gospel campaign to be conducted by Clark attained a majority of votes in Black Billy Sunday, ,under the au- me convention- on several tmnots. spices of the Negro .churtmes, of the The two-thirds rulo beat him, and clty, Bryan and other forces made the In the bsence of Myor John McW. convention nominate a man who was Ford, who was to have been presept not lta real holce. It was anything and made an address commending the h"t a proof ot popularity within the Negroes for their interest in the spir- Democratic party, itual and moral uplift of the members Thn came the Republican split, of their race, W. A. McKennon, Mtho- and the election. Wilson seemed dist layman, was introduced and de certain to win, and therefore might livered a spirited message, congratu- n been expected to win heavily, lating the Negro leaders on the pro- thankst ? 8 tand-wigon vote. But, gress tey were maaaManaga anada as- received fewer votes than OUMUft WW waw 4Ua itfrtp nAul1 La divnAtilail iinnn at all' times to assist in any move that ?lrensin would conduce to the welfare ot the Negro Bpltually and morally. The Bong service upnder the direc tion of Lula Mae Btler, said to 'be one nf the greatest gospel singers and soioisls ot the Negro race, waa one of the most interesting and inspiring features of the afternoon service. The nouncements, was called to order at i who belong to the unincorporated eleven o'clock ln the First Baptist Church (white) by the Rev. Mul lins, president of the Southern Bap tist Seminary at Louisville, Ky., who acted as temporary chairman in per fecting the permanent organization of the joint Commission, which re sulted in the election of the grand and beloved Dr. Gambrell, president of the Southern Baptist Convention as permanent chairman. Rev. C. J. W. Boyd, Prof. Chas. H. Stewart, Dr. O. . I Halley were elected secretaries. Dr. Halley, who had acted in that capac ity ln the last peace conference which met at Memphis, felt disposed . to decline and allow others of the colored brethren who were elected to do the work. However, he did not Insist upon his declination, but did ' not render any active service In that i capacity. There was a beautiful ex position of friendship and brotherly love exhibited on the face and ex . pressed In language by all present. It was a real Baptist meeting on a high L order1, tor the doors were not, closed . against the public. While no invi tation bad been extended, the ques- convention, must be discontinued and discouraged; and the lawsuit against the National Baptist Publishing Board at Nashville, must be with drawn. When Dr. Frank concluded, the chair called upon Dr, W. H. Moses of the incorporated convention, to submit what he had to submit on their behalf. Dr. Moses arose, and after making a strong presentation ot their case, stated that it was the desire, and not only the desire, but the intention, and not only the' in tention, it was their determination to get together at any cost, and he deemed. It unnecessary tor . him to make ia lengthy speech. After speaking for forty minutes and re plying to the speech ot Dr. Frank, he concluded with recapitulation of the things submitted by Dr. Frank as a basis of peace and ultimate ro-unlon, no striking testimony of popular Company "K" 372 Infantry. S. P. 179, France American Exped. Forces. November 6, 1918. To the Editor o fthe Nashville Globe: Dear Sir: Knowing you are well acquainted with a few boys ln this Hislne Star Glee Club and the large comPany I an 8ur that you will be the "Huns" flee before them, des ?"Bra,m portunlty," the home of Old Company um "". """ ..G. iRt senarate Tennessee Infan- 'melodies and camp meeting hymns , , . fairly making the ratters of the big tne boysB tnat are ,eft of the tabernacle old Company "G" are not sending "God's Call to Old Nwereport" was this article for the benefit of thetheme of Black Billy s opening guperfluoua pralse8 but tointorm the eermon. He declared that this was peopie ot what theIr gonS( husbanda one of the biggest opportunities that and Bweethearts are doing for the had ever come to Shreveport) for men beneflt of thelr nation and the coiored and women to line up on God s side raco , We know frora reliable sourc and give Jesus Christ a chance to es that you Qon't get the reports of come into their lives.- : doings of the boys in France under If it was needful for the white race the pre8ent circumstances all of the to spend hundreds of thousands of boys are doing fine and have learned dollars tor conaucxing reugious cam' 8 1 , i r r r REV. D. J. HULL, by the rage ot certain laboring classes that are so much more easily en ftuenced bv careful camouflaged law less .methods than by straightforward iinina nf civil eovernmentation. that 1 cannot hesitate longer to add my bit to this effort of arousing at tention ot those just, patriotic, well informed and lawabiding cltlzens( of everv race and laboring or wealthy class) in the graveness of the situa tion.. Although the facts nf my argument since the subject treated here is so because of acutcness of the deep j should defend my sincerity, yet, delicate and one so broadly neglected rooted evils it concerns and because of the small proportion of the Amer can pouplation ttuit are the defence less victims of such evils, I wish to assert that my conviction is as Inti mated further herein that accom plishment of the objects of my argu ment is as vitally important to the yhite people as to the colored, and as much so to one rank or class ot people or section or party of this country as to the other: and that mere criticism, therefore, is not in New Editorial Secretary, National the least bit my object, since, In fact, Baptist Publishing Board to takn things na t.hev enmp. And hn palgns lamog the white folks, who hannv. Our Reelment has been In had back of them centuries of culture, France seven months, during this a proud ancestry and a boast of the time we have had, I might say, a test highest civili'zatlton the world , has 0f the read "stuff," more than that ever seen, how much more waa it we had a meal of it but after we need, Black Billy Sunay asked, for think of what it is for we are happy the Negro race, which, tut. a few and contented. I will try to give hundred years ago, had merged from you a few facts concerning our regi- darkest heathenism? Give the , Ne- ment which must be guided that no gro race Jesus Christ, he declared, military knowledge , may be gainij .. .1 ,4 ... J , 1 1, I .... . . I. n . m I . - . ..... . , 4.,. l tuuu it, win ue au luvtxriuicui. tutu . iruul 11. . ' ?"d.ffin yield large returns, in the mak-1 On a certain day in June, 'after lng of a better citizenship, for the many weeks ot hardj training, we re wthitle cairwiot reach'the zenith of coived orders to move to the front, their greatness while the Negro re- the place we were eager to go. We tentlonjthe document that was adopt ed by he Memphis commission .and approval uj uiB cuuveuuuu wucu it I ontlnncd on pago 8.) ; and machine gun fire, with our best friends and comrades falling around us, our men kept up their courage and continued to advance. After strenuous efforts the enemy, recog nized their disability to check our advance, knowing that the circum stances were against us that we were on the offensive and fighting without the assistance ot our artilery and then could not check our advance, they grew excited after a stern re ststance and retreated with haste and disorder. In the mean time sur rendering in large numbers, leaving to our capture, vast materials, such were the conditions for a series of days. We were unassisted by our artillery barrage because our advance was too hasty, they had to refrain, less they would wipe out their own men. such is the characteristic, of an American soldier, for us nothing waits, some ot the boys could not sunDress the wild laughter, to see despite re turn fire. The enemy vigorously counter-attacked with furiously increased hos tility in our progress we were de layed for a while but not driven back, after a short time our advance was resumed, the enemy was driven back ward, despite thpir furious counter attack. We reached our destination, leaving behind several kilometers or French miles to our gain. We took our objective. The wounded of us did not suffer anything unduly for the Medical Corps was with us and among us at J all times. to the misfortune ot war, they were there to administer aid to the wound ed and speedily remove them from the field to the place of evacuation. Our mortalities and casuallties were light according to the modern destructive warfare. The enemies' loss was very heavy, according to the advantage under which they fought, In -the mean time our efforts are which was the defensive, tirever crowned with victory.. We t,ive good reasons to believe they are l worded in French history, ct this military organization Continued on page 8) . . .. . my hope is to arouse attention auu meet with co-operation of (instead of opposing argumental response from) fhnse the whole country over whom It was deeply Impressive to see peo. are now bBtter nrenared than I to plo from so many countries, though accomplish the good object of my speaking different languages, trying argument. Of course, I am not a to understand each other. And they recognized authority on tnternation did understand, for actions speak ai, national or racial problems, louder than words; and the smiles Neither was Franklin, however, on and laughter constituted a language electricity at time ot Its discovery, that all spoke. i nut real evident facts always de- A heavy burden had been lifted mand respect regardless of recog frora tihe heartB of many by the val- nized diplomacy. And, at least, I am or amdi bravery of the Allied soldiers, callable of observing and relating and the feelings of the people were the such evident and important facts given free rein; even the German as cited herein, and otdo so immed prisoners wore a smilo that wouldn't lately I am sure Is my duty. A. come off. menacing matter of fact here is that As I stood and watched this smll-lthe recognized authorities on these ing. laughing, happy and surging' matters, whether unthoughtfully or mass of humans I could hardly real- wilfully, neglects the open and stern ize that I was in beautiful France criticism necessary to destroy the witnessing a celebration ot the end related dangereous evil developments, of the greatest of wars; great not 11 ' Interesting, but far more alarm only because of the number of men inS. t0 observe the weakness of the engaged and lost but great also be- whole man who is undoubtedly the cause It had been fought in the name highest developed human Intellect of democracy, the effect of which alljln resPec,t ot resisting Influence of men should now feel. mere evil sent ment. When It is so In the parade bands of various na- Pnly 'evident that the less the Hons competed with eadh other ln! raf f America is robbed of the playing of America and the La rights, socially abused, scorned, sub Marseillaise, and the only colored Jected ,t massacres, deprived of equal band ln this vicinity so thrilled the opportunity for earnings with same crowd when It played "It's a Long. f,5 Shii.-. that ?h. whi III - m.Ii ,, tf tu man, forced to believe that the whites - Ifth 81 ' S , hate rather than ove it for Its humble chorua with it Ui.. . . .,.., jn As the shades of night fell and I m,a rM, .h nrtM .n wended my ;vay toward my quarters .tt.:JJ m n Y .v ... nn nnn tioatflln' lin im, 7 7 ",,r.-i derstand from visible evidence why 7 , u , r.7,.1 the whites will allow these conditiona seemed to be preparing tor another t0 exUt th (tne whlteg are not celebration, the time of the end of degenerating instead of progressing which no man knew. .m that they profess to respect as civ- France, England, Italy America, nlzatlon. i, at least, have observed etc., have suffered untold agonies- a common fact evident to anyone mental and physical and all are happy that w,n thnk that evil sentiment that this bloody conflict Is ended. Bpreadg among whites with far great However, I am sure mo nation o er rapidity and effectiveness than highly appreciates the victory as the among the coloder race. . We have French, for on her soil, for more than imtle 0. n0 authentlc evidence ot four years, this unprecedented war has .recognition of this fact by the whites. been waging, 'ine numoeness wom-Dut there Is not one of the cleverest en young and 'middle-aged, garbed writers that could put up a genuine in black wthilch one sees everywhere, eveu interesting argument, with are a living testimony of the cour. facts. contrary to this fact, if one IUUS uo . Totn.I4lotn nf tho mllllnna nf , i n.l. I i, fa, wo fii vlrtlm 1 aRa "u foi..uu.m ui io even wouiu try. iuib cunumuu m AS last as we it-u yiuliui . jj rrv,i h l,.'oj . . t , x- .1. . .t.i- j . uci uoau, mcu iciimiuq o um iu purely a Durueu io luw WUIIU auu a beneath the sod of the many beautiful terror to the colored American citi cemeteries of France. Their bodies zens. Then why should it be allowed have been killed but their spirits stu ; to exist? If even the .whites veto live: and the millions of little white benefited, any whatever, the situa crosses which mark their last resting tlon would be justly alarming but places proclaim to the world that; not so perplexing. But. to think, as might Is not right but that Justice! evidence reveals it, that this national must and will prevail. x land now even apparently interna- According to a statement of one' tional evil is Increasing detriment of the high officials of this country,1 ally to interest and welfare of whites France has Inst '2,fi00.000 men, a fif-las well as colored races, and that the teenth part of her population.. He intelligent, whites whom have been says further that (looked to for economic and safest "Three hundred and fifty thousand civil policies and ideals win negieci fCnntlniind nn naze 4VU5i-" has (Continued on page 6.) I mains In ignorance and sin." had heard It much talked of, now we ' , " ' ' ' ! ) "