A QeaixWliQlescae * Papers/for * California Homes. *■ , •V . d •"-MX, ANT> POST. TOU !+*. NO. 14S. RAX FRANCISiO OAIJ_ VOI_ ITS. NO. 14. PRESIDENT APPROVES HETCH HETCHY BILL Western Fuel Witness Faces Charge by Girl FRAME-UP DECLARES me i v. s. "Will Settle Charge Immedi ately," Says Roche, Who Summons Witnesses to Grand Jury Miss Una Cadass of 50 South Park street today secured a warrant for tise arrest of Davi dG. Powers, star witness for the prosecution in the government's case against the eight officials and employes of the Western Fuel company, charged with fradu- Jent weighing. The girl charges be trayal. immediately afterward, Theodore J. Roche, one of the special government prosecutors, intimated that he had positive evidence of a frameup against the star witness for the prosecution. Roche summoned three witnesses to corroborate this, and arranged for their appearance before the grand jury this afternoon. WILL, SETTLE CHARGE AT ONCE ••Tiie charge will be settled for good one way or the other immediately," he said. Three months ago Miss Caduss laid her charges against Powers before theg rand jury and the police courts. Powers declares, butg aye insufficient cause for action against him. Powers alleges that at that time, when the story was in theh ands of the grand jury, the girl's relatives offered to slop all action for $1,000. The warrant secured by Miss Caduss today was issued by Police Judge dm. M.ss Cad ass accuses Powers of be trayal on tiie promise of marriage on May 18 last. .Judge Crist fixed bonds at the sum of $5,000 or $2,000 cash. Mjss Caduss, whois 20 years of age, was accompanied by Attorneys Wal lace and PoUtzer. STORY BY MISS C\DVSS The complaining witness told the judge that she will soon become a mother. She said that she met Powers it* July, 1912, through an introduction of a mutual friend. Miss London. She Kays she went to theaters -with Pow ers and last May he betrayed her after he promised to marry her, and assuring her that he was a divorced man. Only.-lately, according to Mjss Ca duss, did she learn that Powers was a married man. Detective Fred Bierman was given the warrant to serve. Powers, who now has the title of government special agent, working under W. H. Tidwell, was formerly an employe of the Western Fuel com pany. He aided Tidwell, the govern ment expert, materially in securing the evidence on which the govern ment's suit is based. Not long ago Powers said he had Continued on Pace 2, Column 5 EVERY BOY HIS OWN BOSS! ■snansn* j when he sells Calls, the paper every one wants to buy. Come and Find Out About It See the Circu lation Manager of The Call. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL GEORGE STERLING A POET? READ HIS WIFE'S CHARGES Mrs. George Sterling, wife of the poet, who today filed suit for divorce in Monterey county. niiiiiiiiniiwi'ii'i in i CHINESE REVOLT; VILLAGES BURRED HONGKONG, Dec. 16—Many for eign missionaries are in peril as the result of a revolt in southeastern China. British officials were notified today that hundreds of natives had armed themselves and, led by agi tators, were preaching "death to for eigners" and burning isolated vil lages. Hawthorne's Partner Pardoned by President By Associated Press. WASHINGTON, Dec. 16. —Dr. Wil liam J. Morton, who served a term in Atlanta penjtentiary with Julian Hawthorne for complicity in mining stock selling frauds, has been par doned by President Wilson to restore his civil right* FOURTEEN PAGES—SAN FRANCISCO, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1913 —PAGES 1 TO 8 GEORGE STERLING is a real poet. It's been proved again—by his wife's divorce complaint, just tiled in Monterey county, according to word received here today. Here are her charges: Nonsupport Idleness Dissipation i i Coulrt a list more typical of the tra ditional poet's foults be made? Now, instead of listening to "The Testimony of the Suns," Sterling will hear the testimony of a prosaic court, probably touching on his consumption Continued on I'agt 2, Column 4 COLORADO BLAST ENTOMBS TOILERS GRAND JUNCTION, Colo., Dec. 16.— An explosion at the Vulcan mine at Newcastle, east of Grand Junction, to day is reported to have entombed be tween 40 and 50 miners. The mine is owned by the Rocky Mountain Fuel company. The cause of the explosion is un known. Convicted Slayer of 2 Hanged by Dakota Mob <_> — — J WILLISTON, K. D„ Dec. 16.—Cleve Culbertson, recently convicted of mur dering three members of the Dillon family at Ray, N. D., was taken from the Williams county jail hy a mob today and hunraH from a bridge near her©- WILSON AIDS U.S. PALACE AT FAIR President Promises C. C. Moore to Ask Congress for $500,000 Building WASHINGTON. Dec. 16.—President Wilson today promised Charles C. Moore, president of the Panama- Paclflr- exposition, that he soon would send a special message to congress Urging a government building at the fair. Moore was the president's only unofficial caller. It is expected that the amount asked fpr the building will be at least $500. --000. That is> the sum previously voted fpr the government exhibits, to house which no provision has yet been made. MO ORE AT BA.VQI'ET The announcement, not unexpected by those tn touch with the exposition plans, cornea on the heels of the bril liant banquet given in honor of Presi dent Moore at the Pan-American building last night, atw huh Secre tary Bryan was host. The guests in- eluded members of the diplomatic corps, the cabinet, California con .gressmen and others. The dinner was given as an em phasis to the governmental backing of the exposition. SITE IS HEADY Louis Levy, director of local pub licity of the exposition, said today that a site of 10 acres is available for the government exhibit. He declared that thef air leaders were expecting the move announced from Washing ton. Th federal structure will be built, if the plans are carried through, on Presidio land. Wireless Fails, but Cupid Is Victorious A delayed wireless failed to do more than delay the romance of Lieutenant Richard Pailleser Taylor of the Twenty-fifth infantry of Fort Sco fleld, Honolulu, and Miss Darion Eu genic Bretz of Stonehurst, Dobbs Ferry, N. V. The liteuatnen arrived from Honolulu Saturday and found his message to Miss Brets had not been delivered. A letter from {Tie young Woman was waiting him at headquarters, informing- him that Miss Bretz was en route from Los Angeles. The license was issued today. Suffragette Arsonists Set Fire to Church By Associated Press. LIVERPOOL, Dec. 16.— The suf fragette arson squad today did ex tensive damage to St. Anne's church here. The stalls on the south side of the church were destroyed and the splendid organ was seriously dam aged. Entrance was gained thrqugh a stained, glass window, which the incendiaries smashed.i > Two Die in Fire Set by Arson Fiend By Associated Press. CINCINNATI, Dec. 16.—Fire de clared to be of incendiary origin last night caused the known death of two persons in the Salvation Army's home for men, and many others are report ed missing. The exact loss of life will not be ascertained until the building is searched some time today. Perfumed Judges to Be Barred From Booths CHICAGO, Dec. 16.—Women whose clothes smell strongly of perfumes | may be barred from serving as judges | and clerks in this city at the spring | primaries. Recently women petitioner I the board to prohibit smoking at the I polls. Yesterday's protests against j perfumed odors were filed by men. Bill in Senate to Aid Squatters on R. R. Land WASHINGTON, Deo'. 16.—A bill to confirm titles to land acquired by squatters within public land grants made to the Central Pacific railway, w;ts introduced in the Senate today by Senator Works of California. TERRAZASSR. WOULD DIE FOR SON Aged Millionaire Willing to Sacrifice Himself to Villa to Rescue Boy MEXICO CITlf, Dec ltt.—TerrlUe fljCbtln*; between Zapatistas and fed eral* la priag on near the shore of Lake Xorbimllco la tar federal dis trict. The battle has eontianed (or 18 hours. The federal commander has sent aa urgent appeal for help. Zapatistas are fighting federals at Milpa Alts, 17 miles from here today. Federal reinforcements have been sent there. EL PASO. Dec. 16. —General Luiz Terrasas Sr. may offer himself to General Villa as a human sacrifice to save the life of his son. AH that pre. vents him from doing so is his intui tive conviction that the rebel chief tain will break faith and torture both father and son to death. What will I do to save my son-?" replied General Terrazas in response to a question of The Call-Post's cor respondent. "Mother of God! What will any father do to save his own flesh and blood? Anthing: everything! I would even give myself over to Villa. But it would do no good. He would only hoi dus both and suffer us to Insults worse than death. lam doing every thing possible and within reason now. Through my influential friends here an appeal is being made to Washing ton. But to a father whose every thought is for the life of his son and the safety of his son and the safety of his women folk it all seems so slow, so slow." Here the aged millionaire burst Into suppressed sobbing. His younger son and nepiiews crowded around him to offer ministrations of condolence. "He is almost ill," one of them said. "The strain of the terrible flight across the desert, the horrible sus pense of not knowing whether or not his son is dead or to be executed any moment has undermined his nervous system." V, S. SAVES FOREIGNERS By aaaociated Preai. WASHINGTON, Dec. 16—Through representations to General Villa by American Consul Letcher and through messages conveyed by the American consul at Hermo&illo to General Car ranza, the United States has success fully interceded in behalf of Span iards who complained of mistreat ment when Chihuahua City was oc cupied by the constitutionalists. SILVER t'A\.\o\ BALLS I SKI* EL' PASO, Dec. 16. —Silver cannon balls are being used by rebels at Chi huahua, it is reported here today. The rebels are short of shells and are compelled to use the output of the silver mines in southern t'hihuahua. End of World Due in Fifteen Million Years PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 16—Prof. Eric Dooitttle of the University of Pennsylvania's astronomical depart ment is authority for the statement that the world will come to an end about 15,000,000 years hence. Speaking before a body of Presby terian preachers today he said that the eventual cooling of the sun will bring about darkness, cold and death to all life. Poor Retouching Cause Of "Mona Lisa" Theft FLORENCE. Italy, Dec. 16.—Signor Chini. the Italian painter, writes to a local paper today, urging a theory that the theft of the "Mona Lisa" was "simulated in order to conceal some badly executed restorations of the picture." He says that he detected some retouches of which there is no official record. "It's a Lie," Cries Slayer When Termed Insane By Associated Press. NEW YORK. Dec. 16.—Hans Schmidt sprang to his feet in the court room today and vehemently denied his coun sel's statement that he was Insane when hp killed Anna Aumuller. "It's a lie!" he shouted, brandishing his fists. "I protest against that." The prosecution rested its case. •lilllliiPlillllllll lIM||I IlllltfllWl BiTWHiIM lIM hMI H llipiPJIlPliLII "111 * -San Great DaUjy Founded - Trains and boata, So.JLIVLV. JS ill V. Hi >\ 1 Funeral Halted as Undertaker Beats Blockading Autoist Savage Battle Delays Cortege Through Oakland Street for More Than Half Hour A funeral proceeding' ont Telegraph avenue. Oak Band, was delayed for more than half an hoar this morning at Twenty-sixth street while C. Welch, the funeral director, took: off his white glove* and undertaker's black coat and thoroughly thrashed. H. G. Harlan, driver of an automobile truck, who had refused to move his machine out of the path of the fu neral cortege. As a result Welch was arrested on a charge of assault and battery and will appear In police court tomorrow. The truck was standing at Twenty sixth street in such a position that the funeral procession could not pass. The driver of the automobile hearse shouted to Harlan to get out of tbe way. Harlan refused flatly and the battle followed. Famous Pianiste Is Won by Sweetheart Of Her Schooldays Miss Paloma Schramm, Youthful Artist, Will Be Bride of Civil Engineer IjOS ANGELES, Dec. 16.—A romance filled with memories of the family farm, an old adobe home, graceful pepper trees swaying in the summer breeze, and a friendship that has stood the acid test of time, has culminated In the engagement of Mis* Paioma Schramm, world famous youth pian iate, and Edgar Baruch, a civil en gineer of the city. She says she will lay aside her con cert life for domesticity. Parcel Post Branch Opened in Post Street Two innovations in the parcels post service were inaugurated by Postmas ter Fay today. in response to the views of an umber of merchants, he opened a branch holiday parcels post depot in the Jewelers' building in Post street, and similar stations will be opened during the week in various department stores. In order to facili tate the business of merchants ship ping large consignments of holiday goods, they will be allowed to use precanceled stamps. Will Ask Successor to Mrs. Young to Resign By Associated Press. CHICAGO, Dec. 16.—John D. Shoop, who was elected superintendent of public schools to succeed Mrs. Ella Flagg Young, will be asked today by a committee of Chicago clubwomen to resign, so that Mrs. Young can be re appointed. The delegation will be composed of representatives of the Chicago Women's club, the Chicago Teachers' federation, the Political Equality league and other large or ganizations. Christmas Ship Brings "Yuletide and Goodwill" By Associated Press. NEW YORK. Dec,' 16.—The Rev. James Yule, Robert Tide and Miss Helen Goodwill were names on the passenger list of the Anchor line steamer California, just in from Glas gow. Captain Blaikie said that in ad dition there was an abundance of good cheer in the hold of the vessel, where there were several hundred cases of Scotch whisky. Another U.S. Judge Is Urged in South WASHINGTON*. Dec. 16—Pleading that tiie rapidly growing population of California and the congested cal endar of the southern judicial district makes an addition district judge im perative. Congressmen Stephens. Church, Bell and Kettner appeared before the house judiciary committee yesterday to urge the bill to create an additional judge. Coppettes Demanded by N.Y. Probation Officer By Associated Press. NEW YORK, Dec. If.—A demand that New York follow the example of other cities in the appointment of women as policemen is made by Miss Maude Miner, secretary of the New York Probation society. She wants 10 policewomen appointed to solve abduction cases and trace runaway girls- SITV WINS FfflFOR SUPPLY DF WATER Active Work on Great Syster. From the Sierras Begins With the Return of Mayor Rolph Thorn a* Jena baft*. Acting Mayor of San Franciaco—Prealdent Wil son signed the Hetch Hetchy Mil this afternoon. Congratulations to San Francisco. JAMES ROLPR JR. This message, received late last night, marks the last stage of Sa» Francisco's victory, crowning Its lon| fight for a Bierran water supply. It came from Mayor Rolph in Wash, ington. where, with others who paw ticipated in the flght to get the Hetc \ Hetchy bill passed, he watched thi final stage. "Now we can take our coats off an 4 pick up the shovel," said Actint Mayor Jennings when he read thf telegram. READY TO GO TO WORK "City Engineer O'Shaughnessy will arrive home today and is ready to go ahead with the work, and before long San Francisco will turn with a will to the 10 year task of building the magnificent water system. "We knew it was coming, of course, but this is a big day for the city." Everybody else about the city hall was as jubilant as the acting mayor. WILL FORM WATER COMMISSION With the return of Mayor Rolph it is expected that active steps will be taken immediately toward the forma tion of the commission which is tn have charge of the work and whos* head will be City Engineer O Phaugh. nessy, according to recent announce ment. The first move after this will be to begin the condemnation of lands needed along the route of the pipe line. Witnesses Against Mrs. Vaughn Gone Vivian Lyons, Robert J. Widne.v and Noel Murphy, witnesses against Mrs. Mary Vaughn, clubwoman. have disappeared, accordjng to a statement made before Judge Lawlor today by Assistant District Attorney Cunha. Judge Ivawlor ordered the police to bring the three to court tomorrow, that they might be subpenaed fof the hearing Thursday of the cas« against Mrs. Vaughn. She is ac cused of offering to "square" a cass against A. B. Widney for $500 in th« police court. kbe White Smtai Prompt and Efficient Holiday Service Clove and Merchandise I 1 Orders Issued See Regular Ad on Page 3 j j T '1