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With Christmas less than a week away—and a host of friends to remember —doesn't The Emporium's timely dollar sale appeal? It should, from point /vt*N O&J value—for every item is a full dollar's worth and ofttimes more. Everything is worth-while and chosen for its appropriateness. Bring this listwithyou. "f-J" \I * &~ & ) If v , Men,S Ne s kwe f r . (luo|j Child's Handbag [ Japanese Art Crafts California Glace Fruit ' Dollar Watch Gift Blouses ' jy| JJ« Handsome scarfs, in holiday S Genuine morocco Thousand head cup and saucer, Luscious, delicious and an ex- Ingersoll; tried A number of pretty styles, /WL feS? boxes, flowing end four-m- m pannier style; Satsuma vases in variety, $1. 4^ ' cellent gift to send East; put and true; for the but we make special mention £0) style; exclusive pat- |£h ■ * stirrup handle; Lacquered boxes, priced $1. " ™SL up in very pretty burnt wood school boy ; \||a#f|v of a fine batiste, cluny trim- Jjn^ [terns; special, each, $I.QQ [ lii ; ; ; . coin purse; $1 | Metal craft jewel cases, $1. boxes; special, box, at $1.00 priced at $1.00 j mcd model; sale, at $I.oQ^^feT| W§ ? i^- Ci ? eCaBC I ] Letter Casesl INDIAN BASKETS Box of Cut Flowers $1.00 Christmas Candy f~~T Pen Knives. fJL Flower Corsages Z, 2x4 mch case, of r Heavy seal i. T]\?4 Also J a P anese sweet grass Three Christmas wreaths; very special, $1.00 Two-pound full weight Christ- j/ N . Splendid assort- /OwSik Orchids, roses ' tm y J&j J3L neavy sea * !f 3 * 9bKs? grain stock, full k baskets in a great variety of Blooming Poinsettia plants, in pots, at $1.00 mas boxes of assorted chocolates of very RMJ*} French flowers, in J9L JQq} with four bottles; « leather finish. Tf j) styles for different uses, ea., $1 Ferns and Christmas baskets, special, $1.00 or French mixed bonbons; for good knives; a fancy box; specially (jlnl special at $I.QQ j Ye r y special. 0> 'rf<jl£>\ gi ft special at $1.00 [ bargain at $1. priced at $I.oo®^ j| n^' 8 ,, 3^^^ 086 , r£L Neck Tie 18x36 Inch Rugs, $1.00 fy^* Graphophone Records Rail Plates ' Camisoles at $1.00 ' >P«j Pure silk, full fashioned jflJ Holders Attractive house gifts and un- |u| M ST/ ree records » double faced, A pretty gift for / \ The beautiful lace and rib- /P^i socks; in black, gray, Gilt frame; lea- common values at this $1.00 \\ f fl and needles, for $1.00 the home maker, ( T J ) bon under-bodices for wear I ' S^ZCS 11 1 t0 / \ t^er mounun 8'» price; all in Axminster weave- Christmas packages of Song many to choose under filmy waists; trimmed Jm{ ||| [Uy 2 ; special, pair, $1.00 v special, $I.QQ splendid gift. (Third Floor.) J ewe l r y Novelties for $1 Hits » s P ecial for $1.00 from; $I.QQ with rose buds. (2d Floor.) j Hand Mirrors Cigar Jar ] Crushed Collar Bags, $1.00 Cuff «« rf P in f« tie ; cla8 P B ' ba , r ; P™. pin Women's Hose in Boxes C7Z Steins at $1.00 ff Pearl Beads at $1.00 (tl| m . f, a / ,S,a ? r° ry l /S< / / ° f heavy glass, Handsome leather novelties for brc f.^f s \ fl f ck shainf'5 hain f' sterlin * s . llver Accordian, two toned, lisle, $1 «L For the bachelor's A J!-„ 525 M M with 5!/2-.nch bevel- with non - tarnish- the gentleman's gift; seven *P°°™ V chlld * k " lfe and fork •» ""gj Fine thread silk hose; pair, $1 »);den; some of the old MMiCI J d mirror and long able silver top; inches in diameter; silk lined combs, bafrettcs, fans, hat pins, etc., ea, $1.00 Three pair full fashioned silk German type; excel- ff 1 v a a n ? handle; sale, $1 fj J special at $1.00 J with draw string; splendid value Ag£\ lisle hose; priced, pair, $1.00 lent Christmas gifts. c " : ' s^e " ffijg fWi I P Me y S H "^| s « rehirf * Powder Jar $1 ( Dainty Aprons, $1.00 " Gloves for Men ] Gift Vases, Bl'| Brass Novelties "^l^^ >w ' Ur6 i l 6"' W1 tCSt red onem^an These are chafing dish or tea ray mocna gloves, one clasp; Pretty, dainty If f? For the smoker'? use, for 'tiSjj | initial; box of three $1.00; painted aprons, sewing aprons and such - /f " J tan PX M cape, one clasp; novelties for the jJif| Jl desk or library table; a Hqk also cambric initial handker- glass, hinged gilt novelties; these are most excel- gray silk gloves, one clasp; guest room or "T~ T| choice gift assortment in the r\LS [ chiefs, box of six, for $ 1.00 j cover. First Aisle. j lent values at the sale price. Giftsfor the Baby $1.00 special price, $1.00 P a irJ the boudoir. Jj Jf ) household department, || ,^n^ 1 ?•"^^^lf 1 m dm, ~, A Number of Tempting Novelties All for $1.00 Each IBBSL What $1.00 Will Buy in Gift Books and Fiction M-Jj *y u ?™ n tnram ed juliet slipper. . | Crash embroidered pillow. | Bracelets, cuff buttons. ' Children's books In variety. . < 'The Old Nest." /f 1 Famous marvel" »M -^rpieces. VSS rin?^^^ ?. 0 ? I ir ovelt y box P| n c « sh i°»- H\l Thimbles, brooch pins. IllM HsV Holiday gift editions. <P 1 "The White Linen Nurse." VI "She Stoops to Conquer." Co^T is 3 Creton case, with play ng cards. | Scissor and thimble ser. yD I Novelty studded bows. Black's beautiful color books. J) I "Daddy Long Legs." J} I A Christmas Carol. wgD - Nn heart pm cushion. Pompon boudoir slippers. Chain crosses; clasns. ■ WE& Standard classics in leather. "The Melting of Molly." - The Cricket on the Hearth." (MSi M J^ a o Buffer ' $1 j Atomizers, $1.00 D Kodak Albums, $1.00 iJkr* Fancy Neckwear, $1.00 f Tango Sets | |I|Sfe-Ta Safety Razors \m Of Parisian ivory. C,* j De Villbiss per- CSTx A pleasing remembrance and a Uft Embroidered colored collars, y f /X Tbe seas o» s | ||T Favorite Ge m \M Jewel Box, $1 fur " c atomizer,/'IVj useful one to some friend who stocks with jabots, fancy silk buckSs ' Q 1 E;7\ and Ever-Ready Non - tarnishable decorated g1 a s s.t takes good camera snap shots; or cniffon scarfs ' lace stocks - IS*/fit f ° r ea ° h shoe: , M-A types, holder and metal; hinge cover j | r/n First Aisle.) <£/ J very special at the price—sl.oo gumipes, etc.; excellent grade. price at fToS. J blades. $1.00 /?R 5 COI^i y ? ,ipper * f Collapsible Cup ' Playing Cards, in Case, $1 Gift Stationery ' Slipper Buckles Gift Umbrellas, $1.00 fWW 50 C ° T Mt . sll PP ers ' m German silver cup. The man will appreciate a lea- IB iMmm' Correspondence cards, note pa- A handsome lot of Men's and women's sizes; ((gS variety of attractive styles; a »a gold lined, in lea- ther case fitted with fine ivory ■£ : per, wax sets, etc.; calendars, samples and odd - 8-rib frames, with slide run- Qfk gift sure to please; very ther case: very spe- finish playing cards: this would- cards, novelty brasses for the pairs, rhinestone. ners; black waterproof gloria PK v special for this sale, pair, $1 cial price at $I.QQ an ideal Christmas gift. Mf desk; in big variety at $l.QOj etc.; sale, $I.QQ j covers; splendid Xmas gifts. What $1.00 Will Buy in Handkerchiefs -jIB Toys A Wonderful Array at this $1 00 Price tfc& « ihJJr'shrmrSk lnoL«wor t (t 1I a inin o e^ br °' d r red ' k" OX - d* 1 I California handkerchiefs. Wl-jiijgyy Dressed Kewpie dolls. . - Mechrltttealiv propelled boats, . Enameled Dish Set, 18 pieces. fi corner Tn hoy aD I « embroidered, fancy box. iflllfm Hrnnpty Dumpty circus. (b 1 Hetty's bungalow, a house/* <T 1 Rotary printing press. >Z/ty. LfV hS pZoMpS in i .h, t • « mbrolder K ed hdkfs. I Princess lace handkerchief, folder. *M machine, complete.j) I Set of doll furniture. J) I Alcohol range and kettles. J 1 r c A tenVce tool Pox's educational hoard. r> l.'" "c r liy .. , „ TT" I 7TI 7^— dates, plum puddings, Granada figs, and others. —— " o^L> — Combination Sets f-|jrji Whisk Broom, $1 U Loose Leaf Memorandums 1 ' Women's Kid Gloves [ Q Clocks at $1.00 Dressed Doll, $1 ¥§ bix groups; silk hose As illustrated, with « A pocket comfort to the business ChflStmaS Cheer From White pique gloves, back em- Dependable A variety of very jfifi and tie: silk hand- ( W fancy pig skin strap, man; it prevents brain fag and V y ' ?f f. ™ broidered; tan PX M cape; S™. prettv'dollies, dress- rM kerchief and tie, b-dkJEdV nickel, buckle holder. serves as a daily reminder; an trl€ LiiqUOf JJe part Hie lit gray pique mocha white pique desk novelties- a ec j anc j rea<^y f or /fJI IMf m e,c; specal. $1 V 3 J j Splendid Mens g.ft, excellent On*, gift -$1 tLll'TvX doe Am. etc.. special at $1.00 «. giving a. a pre.ent. M fij~2S f "* f/ ' \ • V * t —— Chianti assorted, $1.0«. One quart of California V —— .V , . W P R ?T iCUre W n- ir . Cap, L ■ T.p«fry Novelties M(t taWk,sia American Hunters |Ff U2) riease tne Wltn one ot size, in cow- J Uainty, Jack affairs, bewitch- imperial Brandy, cocktails of all sorts. Old Crow Beautiful dresser boxes and Mirror, comb, file. A game of great interest; these smart cloth or felt hats fPfhide leather case, 1 ingly pretty, net lace, lawn or whisky bestßu.giindy. special bottle, at caseSi with tap estry and very compact, in large board with game on /^S SW ,n telesc °P c °5 tUr ,V. ty fei | * full dimity; hand made roses, etc.; ffl If If W gold braid covers; also trays; . leather case; a hooks for target and popgun KB M v caps too, for this sale $I.QQ J j lent value atsl.QQ special at the price, $1. J 1 £\ #£tk k\ II exceptional value at bargain at $I.QQ % jto shoot; special price, $I.^ T^indln^fr^" Jewel Box fjfJ^ ll Soft Fascinators Fountain Pens f Brownie Kodaks, $1.00 f Simplex gP« tery jar, flifdSthon. fffoSSS ' 1 Imported; size ij,- Hand knit scarf, in fine wool, m year-round reminder and a £3jj|&| To put in the | Type- iM poll , n i d - °-- M - anl - PflypHy , m babies or old ladies; white pract i ca l prese nt; The Em- hands of the am- \ni 'Jl '»^Ar^-^ v *vri ter i C s° C a \ r j"*, 3 aa\Tl /or black; extra values at the Growing PlailtS fof thfi porium is offermg some special ateur or child; 1 Tr 3 P \ T ?ri^ t this sale at si.oo J i«ned; $1.00 J price for this sale of $1.00 ChrigtttiaS MeSSage $1 * , ' o ° ValuCS; eXcellent « ift> [ P rice » $1.00 Immimmmmmin.mmnmuwnk ->t»oj. rr Tow * U » t^ l - 00 r-n Ash Receiver ' Knit Petticoats Blooming Cyclamen, Poinsettias, Bougain- Sterling Novelties Candle Shades Picture Prints, $1.00 ' M tfJO Fancy bath towels, pr, |1 Attractive glass In white, gray, pink, blue or villeas, Hanging Baskets; also Ferns, including A host of pretty silver things— Attractive novel- jlWmk Copies of standard subjects, (fijO r\€ Heavy bath towels, pr, 1 1 novelty, gilt trim- stnpe effects; three-fourths wool Boston, house. Maiden hair, Japanese sword spoons, bottle openers, Sterling ties in silks in ornamental gilt frames, 10 VW Hemstitched huck. pair, |1 m,n 8 5 a n« cigar knit; a cold weather comfort; and Holly fern; also HousePalms.Aspadectras, handle manicure articles, etc.; cretons; specially O xl 2 inches; make most pleas- LDK Linen hiction towels, »1 rest, at $I.QQ very exceptional at $I.QQ Saxifras plants and many others, at $1.00 exceptional value, at, each, $1 j priced at $1.00 ing gifts; special at $1.00 J\ ]T7 C ° f PPCrABhTray Il> , S,ipP€ i rB ' $1 -°° L i_ Men's Suspenders f /fS f Perfume A> footballs and flash lights. $1 ' (Wj pieces, put up in hand- /§ \ or a lue AL J retty styles made to match the Attractive styles, put up in holi- If fJVvjp Fine grade in pret- | Grain leather, guar v|F Jl hammered cop- jftmS blanket robes; also cozy flan- day boxes; silk lisle with gilt M fe? ty Christmas pack- I anteed bladder ball, W man who smokes; " ew « Jm*W nelette gowns at the price—sl. ' v :fe>L buckles and leather tips; a very IS ages at $1.00. %# /and 64-inch tubular ML priced special at $1.00 j tic effect, $1 j (Displayed on Second Floor.) special price for this sale—sl Excellent gif t s. [ Xj/flash, complete; sale, rgg Handle % tea \ California FrUitS ill Christ- Tennis Rackets $1.00 » i.v Ik .Tik i crushed /£" v- i' ._. . # . , Leather 1* 4J £ Another style J: Also a number of other sport- fi|f M skl I" r" Isf maS Baskets—mThi.fiW« $1 covered; ItJLjjf tUds. ing goods that will pie J the W m der; also hemstitched damask eluding the. violin #* A Choice fresh fruits in pretty groupings of any with thread .pBL «c. : Jhi. is very boy or girl ft f athletic bent. scarfs; special, each, $I.QO box style, $I.QQ % \ % kind desired or assorted. fOn First Floor.) and tools. Excellent value. (2d Roor) Refugio 0 / /TTfl] I Aif ,h ]ii c .f» ct » a j . /\\ I Gift Certificates $1.00 Traveller's Slippers, $1 I f Sawfeafl Gtoves, $1' IS Swf S, 25 X aii 7/ f All metal; also Unusually good values ,n jL_ Let us write you an Emporium J C #k A fine kid, #A%. \ Catchers' or Ml (cI Xa f r ° r i>* P a°r?: I lIHI If , , P ? rCe o^"? 11 C , B " gift check so the recipient may i n ff if* '% mitts M sMll«Firs,FL,,»g lain, trmvJl / R. &G. and Warner s makes; choose their own gift at any leather en- \ J* n d fielders' Cffl Kn„ ; .ncc.,L- m.ngs; $1.00 j low bust models; ail $I.QQ Y OU also save time. velope; $1. gloves; bargain