Tjyi Bmf'' wiym ' ''. 7 il lf'"h HMMNfcl ii,dt Adwt A, U4MtffcMMfcAkMU&.ftMi. .V PU w. '- -V S&rA sr,CeVbv-' IThe Editor of TnE Ledeeii Ib net responsi ble for the opinions expretwd by Correspond ents! but nothing reflecting1 upon tbocharoo tbecharoo tbochareo torjonhablta of any persen will be ndmlttcd te these columns.! mrCorrapenAenU wfll pleate send LctUrt se a te rtatiiiu net later than 9 e'clnck a. m. G(p faett tn em Jew uvrcls at powtete. We uxrnl twufc in thUi department, and net advertttlng notices or vdtlOeal preument. . OUH AGENTS. " The foUewlnflr are authorized Ajtents for - Thb Public Ledeeii In thelr respective local lecal ities: Moranburg Mntthew Heffman. Helena-Hebert n. Cord. Minerva Frank W. Hnwcs. Sarclta IKO. Origsby. Oranoetmre C. H. Hees. SprlnaMU C. C. Oejraan. Jwattfttefc-Cbarlcs Whecjer. Vaneefcure Mrs. Jennie Stewari. At t. OomeJ-Kelly & Foxworthy. AUQUtta Leander Tully. Peed Jeseph1 W. Williams. BIucllfcSprIne-J. H. Hunter. Subscribers will save tbe trouble of letter writing by paying their subscriptions te the .Agent at their place. 8AI1UIS. Mrs. Andrews' was burled at Shannen te-day Bern, te the wife of Willis "Wiggins, a -flne girl. Miss Mlnnle Willlt and MlssXIxxle Mulllcan were In Maysville Saturday. , JaniesThonipienand.MIss Melcena McCar thy nre'fe be majrled aPthe brlde's home en the d Inst. We are seen te bare a no w store In our town. James Pyles is bringing en goods. He will sell at the old stand of Suit & Orever. Qua Origsby, G. W. Dye and W. T. Temlln have brought en Christmas tricks. Origsby has the largest stock. They are anxious te sell. Santa Claus Is looked for by all the little folks. The boys are beginning te pep around. BPRIMaDALK, Mrs,' .Jatnca Sweet Is suffering with a felon -r'ihump.. L -" enher tT.K'CrueyandwIfe visited friends In Lewis county Sutfday. 4 " Miss Kilgere or Esculnpla Springs is visit ing relatives here. Thore are no known cases of diphtheria In our community nt present. Mrs. J. Trumbo and son Juceb visited rela tives near Ilurtenvllle several days this week. Miss S. A. Smith returned home Tuesday after r ewcek's vlslLte C. C. Degman of Maple- woedr Eldertlunft of Fleming county closed a few W4 J.flilMAnltnf!! DliimtrlOn ?.r 111 At fjtwVa ,-J UJO UlVVItUllt Ufc ilUIMUMW VU w.fc night. One of the pters of tbe Bird's Hun bridge Is ' caving In, caused by therlbblng underneath '' being built tee high up stream. Ollver II. Trumbo, the, vcnerable Elder of the church at Bethany, se seriously hurt last week, Is still In n critical condition. A Christmas entertainment will be given by tbe school children et the Pleasant Hill Scheel en Friday night. A pleasant tlnie Is antici pated. OIlev. A. K. Gelgles begins a protracted mi et- 'ing at Betbany en Monday night, December 28th. Preaching at night during the early part of the week. Memerial, services of .our aged friend and brother In Christ, Daniel Themas, will be held at Sand Hill en the fourth Lord's day In this month, conducted by Elder W. H.'Morrlsen. Som.e ttfVk. flaw.Jess belonging te Mr. Hamrlck of Lewis county are resting by the Sides of tbe plke beyond the Baird's Hun bridge. thoJweiAeBfdcegdltioif of that structure making ltinsX e te take ihem across. Our citizens are juBtly indignant ever the eutrage perpetrateu. against William MolTett en Friday nighty Sfr.MeSett hog been an em em em ploye of the C. and 0. at this place for sevcral years. He was very faithful in his service, a quiet and unoffending citizen. He has a wife and sevcral children residing here. Ashknhuhst's safe vrns blown nt Cen- 3? -cord anil some Jewelry stelen. ?! ' -' Adlai E. 8TEVKN80?f, Vlce-Presldcut- iiR.clect will be entertained this week by the L -citizens of Atlanta. Gii. i CuATttEs L. Mahtin and Miss Minnie Rcnaker of Uynthinni were married by ?, JUdejrpiswrvusturuy. , Railway postal scrvlce has been es tablished en thu Kentucky Midland, be- '-ltween Paris aud Frankfort. .FitiDAV'a Leuekh will be the largest (single nowspaper ever printed In Mays Mays Lvllle. Have you secured your advertising Pi . iBIJtltUI XH i . a'" About two hundred mo're miners will RQ from the Boyd county mines te work ln Missouri, This will make about uve hundred that have gene West. ' TjtE BuqclaviRchoel of. the Christian jChurch has scdurcd llev. C. C. Kline te give a storeopticen and musical entertain entertain feent next Monday night ut the Church. OTlie publie invited. .IneNTON has repealed part of her Sun- duy ordinance se that i( is new possible Ite procure a buggy from a livery stable in which te attend a funeral en Sunday. JOr go out into the country te call en Sveur Sunday glr). ffJl Allen T, Wheatley fermerly of this ThIrd National Ilarik, 8t. Leuis. Three iplh'er ex-MaysvlIllans are in the eame in stitution F'rnnk Wheatl'ey, Jntnes'Bharp und Isaac Balleuger. K2 n i i R David A. AVklb sayg that $10,000,000,- 1,QW has been wasted during the last fertrgytajw w thlflfcy aid 64her Intexi- ,ct& A,f'OKi!loper (Ieihks tne correct cerrect jfMN V Mrf tVeIU's ftntwient. He m famk tkftt memj pRt for an article Vmm immm ttrlRka or wmcn will MAkrl ft mm fl M 1? Ue ewhJ all of ' ., UH4 WW mhI prt e( Cwtftds lsMNMtaiT4MWMVM. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE. tjiy vexni hand at avuasiNQ aezn airjsir away. Wlie M'Ut bf the A'ext Mnrthal, Collector ami Treaturer and Attester? "Tlie Icdger'a" iScUeme 'for Your Amutement. In order that the roaders of The Ledeek may have seme diversion with which te oc cupy their minds, and desiring at the same tlme te attract publie attention te our newsy phper, we have concluded te propeso a guess ing contest, and hope that our subscribers and readers may become. Interested In our effort te afford amusement. Publio Interest during tbe next few weeks will be mero centralized in the ensuing city election than In any ether local matter, and we have, thorefero, selected that as the basis of our guessing contest. We have selected as the races te be guessed upon these three: City Marshal, Collector and Treasurer and Assessor, for the reason that they seem te be' the most complicated, and mero Interest will probably be manifested te them, as thore are three or mero candidates for each ofllce. The butcome In these contests will be harder te anticipate, and, thorefero, our scheme will preve the mero Interesting. Fer the oince of City Marshal thore are six candidates announced, as follews: M. E. Mo Me Mo Kellupi EjW.Fltzerald, Jehn V. Aloxander, Jehn V. Day; James Redmond and W. B. Daw Daw eon. " Fer Collector and Treasurer thore two centestants: Jntncs W. Fitzgerald and Hora tio FIcklln. Alse three for Assesser: Charles D. Shcp ard, Fred W. Bauer and Jehn Walsh. Tho-e are 1,422 votes registered. We propeso te give In prizes (17 GO In geld, as follews: The urst prlze of 910 In geld will be given te the flrtt pcrsan who names the winner In each contest and also guesscs nearest te the exact number of votes received by each. A scceud prize of $5 In geld will be given te the person making the next best guess. A third prlze of (2 CO In geld will be given te the person making the third best guess. In making guesses the following rules must be ebserved: Firtt All guesses must be made out en the following form cut from The Ledqeh and for warded by mall or handed In person te this office Sfcend Guesses must be made In each of the three contests In order te rccolve censid eratien. 37ilrd Your name and PosteDlco address must be signed at the bottom of your guess In awarding the second and third prizes no account of the Jlme theyjire received will be taken Inte consideration. These prizes will be given te theso entitled te them by reason of tbclr iruesses, no matter nt what tlme said guesses are received. All guesses must be made se that they will reach this oince by 5 o'clock p.m. en Satur day, December 31st, 1892. Any one, man, woman or child, can guess. Fill out this blank as Indicated and cut It out and forward by mall te Public Ledqer, Maysville, Ky., or hand in person te this oince. J I PREDICT THAT O . WILL BE ELECTED MAItSIIAL, a Receiving votes. 5. I PREDICT THAT . WILL UE ELECTED X'' COLTECTOll AND TREASUIIEtl, I Receiving votes. 1 A' I l'HKUlUT THAT i .,: ;;....:.-.....: WIIJ, IIE'ELECTED AhHESSOn, X rltcctlvlng votes. J Slgned).....'. i . The World's Fair Commissioners who ware appointed te act under the bill that was declared unconstitutional reported expenditures amounting te 810,000 te the Hquse expended boferc'tbe validity of the bill was'qucstinncd. in Open Ballet! Heme-made Mixed Candy 08 Taffy Mixed Candy 10 l"l ne French Creum Candy 10 Crystal Mixed Candy 10 Pure Stick Canity 8 New Figs and Dates 10 Mixed Nuts.. .7. .'.I 12K Flerida Oranges per dozen 20 te 40 Fancy Bananas per dozen 10 te 20 NewRalslnsBH te 15 Flne Chocolates 20 te.,...,.., 60 Hund-made Creams 80 te.. . W HEADQUAUTEltS FOIl Oysters, Celery, Crackers, . Cranberries and Apples. I'HEAMS AND ICES MADE TO ORDER. MARTIN BROS,; 111 R. Third Street, MAY8VIU1K. KY. COCHRAN & SONS, ' ATTOttNEYH AT LA If", CUUUV 8TMKRTJ I10MT. A. COCHIIAH IIT. A. COCHIIAH, 1 h.j.oeohham, MA.raviLLis,Kjr . D. oeownAw. ) 1 ' A. V WH W.H.f ADSWOHTH, BR, W. H. WADSWOHTH, ls WADflWORTH Jk gON, rATlVHilMYM AT LAW, , . MAYBT1UJC, KY, Thiitrtl y 4 Lw. K OVER A VOLCANO 1 An American Finds the French Situation Alarming. v Fault of the People te Distinguish Gov ernment Frem Its Servants. JTew Outside of Franee Have a Concep tien of the Dangers of the Situation A Revolution Thought te De Im- mlnenU-Koglnecr Ktflel Talks. Paiub, Dec 31. The political peril of France does net diminish. These who are best informed and whose judgment is soundest are the ones who fear the worst. The head of one of the greatest banking houses in the world, with headquarters in Paris, said te one of the American delegates te the Ilruesels cenference: "I believe we ere en the ove of a revolution. Few eutside of France have conception of the dangers of the situation. The temper of the pcople is net understood. They can net and will net discriminate between the government itself and the indi viduals, who represent it." It is new generally understood that the popular mind must be further ex asperated by mero revelations of cor ruption in high places. The Panama story has net half been told. Every day odds a fresh chapter. A feature of great interest te Americans will prob ably seen be mode known. It involves .a banker of world-wide reputation, as well known in New Yerk as in Paris. 4Ie Is said te have been a heavy benefi ciary of the Panama Ce. without having rendered any tangible pre qua Rumors about him wcre circulated in high financial circles some months'age. At that time he took an active interest in the proposed monetary conference. He was Indiscrete enough te show a letter en the subjet writ ten te him by Socretary of the Treasury Fester. The effect was te discredit te some extent American motives in calling the conference, and 'the co-operation of the strongest French financiers was almost lest It is need less te say that the reports connecting the banker with the Panama scandal were entirely unknown in America at the time. Slnce then the gentleman has net been In American interests in international plans. In certain finan cial quarters Tuesday reports were cir culated questioning the stability of his firm. The rumors were net credited in the best Informed circles, for though certain losses, amounting te $10,000,000, are ascribed te the firm, its entries are mere than sufficient te meet them. It has been reported for a day or two that Eiffel had lied te avoid arrest A reporter found him at Rue Rabelais. "I have net run a way, "said he, sharp ly. "I am ready te account for my conduct If I have been successful in my transactions with the Panama com pany it Is nobody's business. I never attempted te bribe any member et par liament If I gained enormous profits the money is quite safe where nobody will get it, and my family will net be in need if I should be unjustly molest ed." It is currently reported that Eiffel recently withdrew 9,000,000 francs from thcUank of France and transferred prop erty te his wlfe amounting te 0,000,000 francs mere. NO "MIRACLE" THERE. Archblihup Ireland Denounces the Canten Inilew Foeuihness. St. Paul, Minn., Dec. 2L The in vestigatien by an expert of the Canten church wludew was made partly at the request of Archbishop Ireland. The archbishop afforded special facilities for such an investigation. The result has been te prove ,the falsity of all claims made In regard te this "mlracle window. It is new probable ,that the Assumption church at Canten will be closed, at least temporarily. wnen the fact was stated te Archbishop Ireland that during the last three days there had been a ronewal of the special train service for carrying pilgrims te Canten, the archbishop uttered an ex pression of sorrow. lie believed that there had been fraud conniving or abet ting it either en the pari of Father Jenes, but thought it likely that the priest might have erred in being tee credulous. "Is it safe te say that the church will be closed?" was asked of the arch bishop. "Yeu rany say that no time will be lest in checking the pilgrimages." Htanibeul sold for 4 l.OOO. New YenK, Dec. 91. Stamboul, the stallion king, with a 2:07K record, was sold at auction Tuesday morning at the American institute building for $41,000. The bidding Btarted off with $30,000 and went slowly up with jumps of $3,000. The purchaser was IX II Ilarriman, banker, of this city. Five minutes' after Stamboul was sold Mr. Cerscn, one of the executers of the Ilo Ile bart estate, said he would give Mr. Ilarriman $5,000 te withdraw his bid. Mr. Ilarriman had then left the build ing. A ItatlreaU Murder Jlyitery. Teledo, 0.,'Dcc. 21. The Wabash car inspector found the murdered body of an unknown man en a pile of corn In a newly received car. It had been shipped from Sarenvllle, Neb., and re ceived by the Wabash at Chapln, 111., December 17. The body was covered with beards, every poekot was turned inside out and a blew en the brain had caused death. The man was of medium size, had red mustache, sandy hair and were geed black clothes. KiiglUli Murderer llatigeiL Londen, Dec 21. Jeseph Meller wan hanged at Manchester Tuesday for the murder of his wlfe, Mary Ann Meller, at Oldham, in September last The execution was uneventful Meller met hit fate quietly and U said te have ac knowledged the jostteeof the sentence, A KeB efTwrer, Mxmnux, Mbwi, Dae. SI. A reUa of ttrrer mWU Ih Kereysr ewnty, bJ ev ery eHke wke had Mytktf ledewlth Mm haayUy et U mm TilWt u4 liWwtlug Tw wA WHr TalWrtte m W Im awIv Aa4 t m. A OLEVER ROBBERY. While an Expreii Agent Is at Dinner thi Safe I Opened With a Key and S7,0O( Taken. Peivr Iltfiteu, Mich., Dec 2L One e the most successful robberies that evci occurred in this vicinity wospcrpetratcc at the Canadian express office at Sarnia, Ont, Tuesday, when $7,000 was takes out of the safe in the office wblle the clerk was at dinner. The robber, ei robbers, if there were mere than one mode geed their escape, apparent! without leaving a single tangible clew Themas Cook, jr., agent of the com pany, has been blck abed for the pas' .few days, and the office was in chargt 'of James McMohea At 12:25 o'clecl McMahon locked everything valuabli 'into the office Bafe, which is en old fashioned key-lock affair, and, aftei locking the front deer, went for hit mid-day meal Upen his return, at fiv minutes before 1, he found the deer e' ' the safe open, with a key sticking Ir the key-hole and $7,000 in currencj missing. The porpetraterof the jobbery galncc 'cntrance through a rear deer in tht basement, which had been left open fet the delivery of seme coat DR. LOOM IS, The SpeclalUt, Make a Statement Con cerning Mr. lilalne'a Mulltlen. New Yernt, 'Dec. 21. Dr. Alfree Loemls returned te this city Tucsdaj night from Washington, where he had been te see Mr. Blaine. Te a repertct he said: "Mr. Blaine is in a very critical con dition, yet he can net be said te be in any immediate danger. He is a very siek man and may die at any moment, or he may live for weeks. It Is impos sible te tell anything mero definite about his case at present" r A dispatch ' from Augusta, Me., says it Is known that Mr. Blaine suffered an attack similar te Sunday one week age last Saturday. Ills friends in Augusta are. c-dlshcartencd and fear that they will net see him again in life. One ei Mr. Blaine's relatives says that Mr. Blaine has been losing strength ever since he apparently recovered from his Illness two years age. STU PENDOUS FRAU DS. A Londen Building Firm Robs a llalldlne Society of Millions. Londen, Dec. 21. J. W. Ilebbs, the well known builder, and O. II. Wright a solicitor, who were arrested en De cember 12 en charges of forgery in con nection with the recent failure of the liberal or permanent building society and the land investment trust have had additional charges preferred against them. Ilebbs, in addition te "having te answer the charge of for gery, will also have te answer for the theft of a large sum of money belong ing te his own firm J. W. Ilebbs & Ce. (limited), builders and contractors. The new charge against Wright Is that he stele a check for 2,500 belonging te the society. Wright was formerly financial manager of the society, and Ilebbs was its managing director. It is said that Ilebbs & Ce. ewe the society 2,009,000. An Killer's Hack Iny nnd Pension. "La Pertk, Ind., Dec. 21. Elder Sam uel Mlller.ef this city, has been notified that he is about te receive beck pay and pension money amounting te some $0,000 for services in the Black Dawk war. A team belonging te him was pressed into service, and net wanting te leso it he enlisted and went with It Fer seme reason he was never dis charged, and about a year age he pre sented his claim against the govern ment and is likely te get a hatful of money in liquidation of the claim. The Kxtreme l'ennltjr far Manslaughter. Marien, Ind., Dec 21. Charles Fert was convicted of manslaughter here Tuesday," and sentenced te twenty-one years in the penitentiary for the killing of Michael llulpin at Jonesuero, in this ceuntv. July 13. In an altercation Fert struck llalpin with a club. This Is the first instance in which the extreme pen alty fee manslaughter was ever fixed in this county. lticltcrcl Letters Melen. Peoria, 111., Dec 21. Four registered letters containing In the aggregate $SO0 mailed here, failed te reach their desti nation, Lacresse, Wis. The theft was traced te Dan German, dellvery clerk In the Peoria office. When arrested he breke down aud confessed. lie said he was tempted te take the money because his wife was sick. A J lube In JalL Mt. Stkiiline, Ky., Dec 21. Miss Martha Roberts, of Mt Savage, Carter county, with a young babe in her arms, is a guest at the county bastlle, charged with violating the postal laws in send ing an obscene and threatening letter through th malls te Mr. J. II. Tyrec, a merchant of Rush, Boyd county. Oen. Ilesfcrans Going te California. Washington, Dec 21. Gen. Rose Rese crans, register of the treasury, will leave iere Wednesday afternoon for Les Angeles, CaL, in the hope of recov ering bis health. Ills daughter will ac company him from Washington, and Gov. Teele, his son-in-law, will join them at Chicago and go as for as Junta. Mary A. West's Remains. Chicago, Dec 21. A dispatch from Teklo says that the remains of Misi Mary A. West, the noted temperance advocate, left Yokohama Tuesday fei the United States, A delegation will be sent te Vancouver from this city tc receive the remains and act as escort Held for Counterfeiting. CeLUMnua, a, Dec 2L Fred W. Davis, the counterfeiter, was taken be fore U. 8. Commissioner Jehnsen Tues day for trial lie was bound ever in $3,000, and in default of bail was com muted te jalL MlnMter Kn lias HtsUeri, Nkw Yerk, Dee. 21. Hen. Patrick Egan ulled Tuesday afternoon en tht steamship Columbia for Asplmvall, en his way fartte W his pest la Chill. Dropped Dm WM4 at Werk, JaAmfex, !., Dec 21. Mr. A. B. Q SitMi, ft wUkQwft blacksmith of Uk WMi X4, ftff4 MVr, ttaiffwd Am In BWslpWWBBsW iBI Brsp sk wJ H T irTsBJBi FA0T3 OF IMMIQRATIOH Astounding State or Affairs In Berne European Countries. Washington, Dec 21. Seme valuable Information relative te European labor was glven the joint committee en immi gration Tuesday which, met te consider Senater Chandler's bill te suspend im migration for one year. Walter Griffin, agent of the United States at Llgerne, France, who made a tour of the principal countries of Eu rope for the purpose of considering labor conditions, said he discovered after a searching investigation, that secret societies existed among the work werk ingmen Jn many countries, many of them befng criminal in their nature In Switzerland the workmen were thoroughly organized and strikes were rare In Italy Mr. Griffin found a most deplorable state of affairs. The upper part of Italy centnlned an honest and energetic people, but they did net im migrate. Immigration was confined te the lowest and worst class of Italians; who wcre oemmunists and socialists, the great majority belonging te se cret societies criminal in their intent and which the Italian government had in vain tried te suppress. Twe hundred thousand of these people left Italy last year, most of them going te America. , They believe the United State is the haven of the world and will de anything te get here, In the German province of Ertzgeber ger the people would emigrate en masse if they could. Clubs were formed in many districts te aid people te go te America. CHILI'S CASH. She Sends 875,000 te Kettle the Baltimore Adair. Washington, Dec 21. The $75,000 paid by the Chilian government in set tlement in full for all claims arising out of the Baltimore affair at Valpa raiso was covered into the sub-treas ury at New Yerk Tuesday. The draft for that sum was brought te this coun try by Minister Egan in October last It was drawn en the bank of France, and called for payment thirty days from date of presentation. Mr. Egan gave it te the secretary of state. It then went te the secretary of the treas ury, by whom it was sent te the assist ant treasurer at New Yerk. Its nego tiation was then intrusted te Sellgman & Ce., bankers, by whom collection was duly made through their agents In Paris, and this part of the transaction was closed by the deposit of the money at New Yerk Tuesday. These necessary preliminaries having been performed, and the money being in the actual possession of the govern ment, arrangements will be made as seen as possible for Its equitable distri bution te the people for whom it is In tended. This important branch of the transaction Is in the hands of the secre tary of the navy, and it is expected that the matter will be closed up satisfactor ily during the present administration. TILLMAN WRATHY. Streng Lungnuge Used by the Governer of Seuth Ciirelliitt. Celvmdia, S. C, Dec. 21. The bill putting the absolute control of all the railroads In the state in the hands of the railroad commission, from whose decision there shall be no appeal has been signed by Gov. Tillman. A mass meeting of railroad empleyes was held in this city Monday night and a commit tee was appointed te wait upon the governor In regard te the bill. After hearing their mission the governor said: "The bill has already been signed and is new a law. The opposition of 8,000 or 10,000 railroad empleyes docs net amennt te a compared with the 50, 000 or 00,000 farmers demanding its pas sage" The effect of this, was rather inflammatory. A mass meeting of all railroad empleyes In the state was called for Thursday night next, nnd the battle crv will then begin In earn est against the Tillman movement WANT TO CONVERT US. the Oeanel of Islam te lxi l'rcurlied In the United State. Bombay, Dec 21. Alexander Russel Webb, who recently resigned his office as U. S. consul at Manilla te preach Islamism, is new at Hyderabad solicit ing contributions te a fund te be spent in sending Islamite missionaries te the United States. He is having Immense success. By a few days work in this city he secured $5,000 for his work, and in Calcutta and Rangoon $10,000. In Hyderabad the subscriptions of the Mehammedans already amount te mero than $11,500. He will use much of the money secured in India te establish Islamite newspapers and lecture courses in American cities. He will also pub lish a new translation of the Keran. Increased latild Iteserve 'talked Or. New Yerk, Dec 21. A report Is cir culating in Wall street te the effect that when congress convenes after the holi day recess, a bill will be introduced au thorizing the issue of $100,000,000 bends for the purpese of increasing the geld reserve of the United States treasury. The Pest says in connection with the report that Secretary of the Treasury Eester Is te come en here te confer with New Yerk bankers. This Is accepted by the "street" as confirming the bend Issue rumor. Yeung Fnerstel's Methods. St. Leuis, Dec 21. The methods adopted by the suicide, Feerstel, in em bezzling from the city treasury wcre these: Bends te the amount of $45,000 were reported by ' him us redeemed, when Instead the money had gene into the defaulter's pocket Bends te the amount of $4,000 were unlawfully hy pethecated. The remulndcr, $14,030. 10, was taken from the cesh, checks, etc, passing through his hands. Deputy Wilsen's Murderer Captured. Talkquau, I. T., Dec 21. Henry Starr, the noted desperado, who last week shot and killed United Sty tea Deputy Marshal Floyd Wilsen, was cap tured Tuesday by United States Deputy Marshal "Hick" Bruner and posse Oetd Wetker at, La, DusuquK, la., Dee. 8L TwetAty wh th oeldeet day ef the teacea. The tHrmeiWr mark IB ckfrm below mm fttvl K la ftewteff lir ' tCOftPENSED IfEWS - Gathered Frem All rarte of tise Conn ny Telegraphs Peter Grosscup, whose appointment t as United States judge for the nerthers' , district of Illinois was confirmed by the' Senate Tuesday, used te live In Ash land, O. A panic has been caused among the 200 convicts working en the Iren Mpun- tain read at Helena, 'Ark., by the death, of four from arsenic in their feed. Oth ers are in a critical state. The North American Endowment as sociation has gene into the hands of a rcceiver. The concern has about $25, 000 in assets and about 1,500 members. It formerly had 8,000 members. .-' p Sheriff Brown lest two prisoners shortly after supper. Burglar Tem Heward and Geerge Wilsen pried off a . bar at the Wooster, O., jail, over powered the turnkey and escaped. The divorce suit of Mrs. M. M. Gard ner, maiden name Sadie Polk Fall, wife of a prominent stock farm owner at Nashville, Tcnn., en the grounds of cru elty has caused a society sensation. Senater Hale entertained a party of senators at lunch in his committee room Tuesday afternoon, te meet United States Minister Rebert T. Lincoln. Among the Invited guests was Senater Bricc The probate of Lord Tennyson's will) has been granted. The gross personal estate amounts te 57,206. The entailed estates descend from Hallam Tennyson te the succeeding male heirs. The will was executed In 1884. The Atlanta has left the Portsmouth navy yard te relieve the Kcarsarge at La Guayra, Venezuela. Before sailing, Lieut-Cemmander W. H. Webb, being sick, Lieut-Cemmander W. IL Bcknel, of the Franklin, succeeds him 'en the Atlanta. v Oliver Hernbeck, a farmer, living a few miles north of Willlamspert, O., has lest a valuable horse, and has several ethers sick, with a deadly dis ease, which the veterinary surgeons claim they never heard of, and can find no remedy for. A meeting Tuesday of the Bub-com-mlttce of the heuse committee en judi ciary, charged with investigating the alleged illegal use of Plnkerten men at Homestead, was productive In showing that no two members agreed as te the character of the report te bcnade te the full committee Edward Wildman and Herman Wittlg were arrested at Chicago, Tuesday, charged with using the mails for swindling purposes. The men -were doing business under the name of the Illinois Lumber Ce. and Wildman & Ce. They came here from Philadelphia, and the complaints are sworn out by In spector Griggs, of that city. iScnnter Teller introduced a concur rent resolution for the assemblage of the two houses In the hall of the heuse of representatives, en Wednesday, Feb ruary 8, 1S03, at 1 o'clock In the after noon, pursuant te the requirement of the constitution and the laws relating te the election of president and vice president of the United States. THE MARKETS. Cincinnati, Dea 2L . Fieun Winter patent, I3.7S4.15: fancy, fllSaiM. family, I2.35I&2.G0. extra. tl.80a2.2S; low prafle, ei.0fta2.00. spring'patcnt, M.2V31.50; spring fancy, tXbVQXn; spring family. (3.00(3 HO. Kjeneur,fH0a3.0a Buckwheat, 12.003 Z.2S per 1U0 S sack. Wheat The market was quiet and easy at 633 C7e for Ne 2 red, although one fancy let sold en local milling account at 680 for pressing requirements. Ne. 3 red quotable at CS&CJc. Ceit.v The demand was chiefly from distill ing teurceaand offerings of goecTANo. 8 white Ne. 2 yellow and Ne. 2 mixed were taken at 45c Seme choice Ne. 3 white was held at 46c, hut abeve the views of buyers. Ear firm at tl&Ue, according te quality. , Oats The market was steady en the bulk of offerings. Ne. 3 nhlte quotable at S7t3Se and Ne. 3 white 3SQ3)c, according te quality and requirements. Ne. 2 mixed and lower grades dull und easy. Ne. 2 mixed quotable at 3lViaWhc Krs Ne spot offerings and market nominal at 65&Wc for geed northwestern and 53 (Moter Ohie, Indiana and Illinois samples. Cattlb Expert steers, MC034.7S, fair te poed shippers, M.OOlSa Oxen; Geed te choice, Ml&l.OJ. common te fair. SZ00&3.O0; select butcher, M 0QCS4.35. extra, fclpher: fair te geed, laOeaaRS, common, J2.0Oa2.75. Helfers: Geed te choice heavy, I3.25&& 75,- geed te choice light, t3.00fl3.65; common te fair, U.75&2.75. Veal Calvbs Commea and large, C3.503 5.50: fair te geed -light. 16.0036.75; extra, (7.00 &7.2 IIoes Select heavy nnd prime butcher, SS.69 &6.70. fair te geed packing, fa.40fi8.G0; com non and rough, 86.002,8.55, fair te geed light, (0.2536.50; select, 165 te 175 lbs, 14503,6.60; tat pigs, J8.0O36.-.A Snr.EP and Lambs Sheep Wethers: 14 50 8.5.00. fat ewcb, M.0OJM 50, common te fair mixed, (ZT5.a3.75. Lambs: Extra, tV50; geed te chuice, Si 836.40, common te fair, M.0O&175. Nkw Yerk, Dec. 21. Wheat Ne. 2 red weak and quiet without feature. March, 77 5-l6c Hvh Qulet and nominal; western, 54&580. IUltLKY State, 65360c; western. 00280c; Ne. 2 Terente, 81 Ubie. Coun Ne. 2 moderately aeUve and weaker; May, 5lXc: Ne. 2, 50aSlHc; steamer mixed, MJi&MO. Oats Ne. 2 dull and easier; January, SflVc; May, S9c; state, 36347c; western, 36317c. PiTTSBnnan, Dea 21. Cattle Murket nctlve at yesterday's prices. Hogs Market steady ; fair U;ht te best hogs, W.653.8.TO: 5 cars hogs shipped te New Yerk. Sheep Market dull and a shade off from yesterday's advance. Baltimore, Dea 2L Fleuh Dull and unchanged. Wheat Steady; Ne. 2 red spot and Decem ber, 73140; January, 7JHc; May, 78 Jfe. Ceiin Easy; mtxed spot, 47Ke; year and January, 47hc; May, 6140 asked. Oats Steady; Ne. 2 whit western, 4331.4a RYE Dull; Ne. 2 58e asked. Chicago, Dec, 21. Fleuh and QliAilt.Ciuih quotatiens: Fleur dull and weak, but net quelably changed. Ne, t spring wheat, 69j(Q70e; Ne. 3 spring wheat,6Ql We; Ne. 1 red, 60VS70c; Ne. 2 corn, lKe; Na. J, 37e; Ne. 2 eats, 9K29Ke; Ne. t white, 34 fl 35e en track: Ne. 3whlte,SlQ3lUei Na 8 rye, l7Xc: Na 2 barley, Me: Na S, 1. ft b., 3SMe Na 4, f. a b., 353tte; Na 1 nax-4wed. M.M. PnlLADBXTHJA, Dm, 21. Wheat Na .2 red la expert oltvster, T2J rac; Na l red December, 7KtbTHe. Conn Na 3 yellow cm track. 4c; Hww (a expert eloTater, Te: Ne, 2 yellow la gU Ac pet, 0c Na S mixed lu expert elevator, 44c; Nat mixed December, 4843Me. Oats Na 8 white, sec; Na S whit, 4!; A choice, 41VJcj Na 8 wbtta, December, Mtttft 10140: January, 89i$40c. ToLxne, a, Dt. at WHIATDuU and steady) Ne. Mtt, Defwbf. TlHet May, TTe eketl. Oem-bw tea steMyt Ne. I Utj, H; He. 3, 41ttc. Na i, , UAT-Wtl CM, 3W. XTav-DttKi mH. Me. ftMMILAsUllaiUiMAiil 9mmLmm saiassi ItMMtl VtWTTBWIWITmHf I ycimm PMh mm C HW vJWkv4r kqssf tflMIWI siHM sniQi -M ., ? ras i ,