OCR Interpretation

Daily evening bulletin. [volume] (Maysville [Ky.]) 1881-1882, February 01, 1882, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069124/1882-02-01/ed-1/seq-4/

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Livnghorne Tnbb was out looking at the
tobacco in this community last week
Master Bennie Cox of Muysville spent
Saturday and Sunday with the family of
II Hawley
Miss Mollie Laytham of Lawrence
creek is the guest of Miss F L Browning
one of the fair sex
Miss Katie Osborne who lately went
to Mt Sterling is at home visiting her
mother Mrs McAulifle
Misses Jennie Chamberlain and Alice
Dorsey the belles of Lewisburg are visit
ing the Misses Kerr
Thomas S Kerr an affable young gen
tleman from Slacks Postofiice was the
guest of Jqhn Baldwin sr last Sundav
Mr Hiles of Scott county is the guest of
his brother AV M Hiles
C F Lockheart of Oonnorsville Ind is
visiting relatives in this place
H V Morris of the Mason County Jour
nal was in town one day last week
The entertainment given on Saturday
night by the Dramatic Club passed off verv
By the request of the hoard of education
Prof Cassatt resigned his position as prin
cipal of the academy Dot
From Another Correspondent
On the evening of the January 28th the
Germantown Dramatic Club gave their
long promised entertainment in the Town
Hall at this place and She Stoops to
Conquer was thoroughly enjovod by the
Inrsc and appreciative audience there as
sembled The house was well lighted the
Btage ingeniously arranged to represent the
old English manor house and the cos
tumes procured for the occasion from a
furnishing house in Cincinnati quite ele
The dramatis personre were as follows
Sir Charles Marlow James Pollocic
Young Marlow J a Walton
Mr Hardcustle JC Kncklev
Tony Lumpkin JnhnPollift
Mr Hastings KdEufflnKton
Roger J it wuton
Dlgory o Ilolton
Miss Hardcustle Miss Murry
MissNeville Miss Fannie Walton
Mrs Hardcustle Miss Hardin
Where art has so litttle and nature so
large a share in the acting of our young
amateurs it is hard to make a distention
and say which was best especially where
all were good But in Mr Hardcastle the
line old English gentleman showing forth
the best qualities of his caste both the
hospitable host and anxious father were
quite true to nature and equally well ren
Mrs Hardcastle too the bright eyed
ready tongued fashion loving spouse the
doating mother of an unworthy son often
rose above expectation and never fell be
low it Young Marlow in his difficult
character of double lover
So bashful yet so bold I ween
When eer he met tho wine cups queen
Won much applause particularly his
personation of the bashful lover which
delfghted all who saw and heard it Miss
Hardcastle with her deversity of manner
and pretty acting was very engaging and
stooped to conquer more than onb among
the audience Miss Nevilles beauty won
her much sympathy in her love trouble
while her inimitable cousin Tony made
the audience equally happy with himself
on coming into his fortune and of ago
But I cannot particularize all and will
only say further that tho evening was
very enjoyable as well as thoroughly suc
cessful in every particular and we hope
soon to be invited to spend another even
ing equally as pleasing and in the same
good company
The Supreme Court of Missouri has
nflirmed tho decision in the case of Charles
P Kring for the murder of Dora Broemser
Ho will hang February 4th
A reservoir at Calars France containing
ten million gallons of water burst sweep
ing away a number of buildings and caus
ing a serious loss of life Thirty bodies
have been found
During a storm nt the mouth of tho
Volga a fleet of Russian fishing vessels
was destroyed Six1 hundred persons lost
their lives
Tlio circulation of this popular newspaper Is
constantly Increasing It contains all the lead
lug newsof theDuily Herald and Isarrunged in
handy depavments The
embraces special dispatches from all quarters
ol the globe Under the head ot
ai o given tlieTelegraph Dispatches of the week
Jrom all parts of the Union This ieaiures
alone makes
the most valuable chronicle in the world as it
is the cheapest Every week is given a laithful
report of
embracing complete and comprehensive des
patches Horn Washington including full re
ports of the speeches of eminent politicians on
the questions of the houi
of the Weekly Herald gives the latest ns well
as the most practical suggestions and discover
ies relating to the duties of the farmer hints
for raising Cattle Poultry Grain Trees Vege
tables Ac c with suggestions for keeping
buildings and farming utensils in repair This
Is supplemented by a well edited department
widely copied under the head of
giving recipes for practical dishes hints for
maklngclothingand for keeping up with the
latest fashions at the lowest price Every item
of cooking or economy suggested In this de
partment is practically tested by experts be
fore publication Letters Irom our Paris and
London corresponents on the very latest fash
ions The Home Department of the Weekly
Herald will save the housewife more than one
bundled times the price of the paper The in
terest ot
are looked after and everything relating to
mechanics and labor saving is carefully record
ed There is a page devoted to the all the latest
phase ot the business mnrkdts Crops Mer
chandise c c A valuable leature is found
in Mie specially reported prices and conditions
of the
Sporting News at home and abroad together
with a Story every week a Seimon by some
eminent divine Literary Musical Dramatic
Personal and Sea Notes There is no paper In
world which contains so much news matter
every week as the Weekly Herald which is
sent postage free lor One Dollar You can
subsciibe at any time
The New York Herald in a weekly form One
Dollar a year Address
j2 Broadway and Ann Stieet New York
TK W f Mooros Dentist
Sv niMwii inin i auif a v nr
-I 1UIUL li Ul l W J -- -
gv UcG olu stand Second street
J mayau iy
Manufacturers of First Class
Carriages Beggies
of the latest stylo and best workmanship all
of tho latest style Side Bur Springs Also
Spring Wagons Jiejmirini done with dispatch
Wall Street next door to Pkarce Bkos
jan 1 110 1870 MASVIIjIjIS KY
No 24 EJIarlset St IdayHVillo Ky
Having rented tho storehouse lately occu
pied by B FThomas wo will pay tho highest
price at nil times lor eggs butter feathers
poultry g Also a well
The First National Bank at Brattleboro Selected Litl6 Of GROCERIES
vu gut juuguinenc ior jbuuu against
ihe estate of its defaulting President
Gas used in tho exl ruction of teeth dl
kept to suit either country or city trade Give
us a call and wo will endeavor to suit you in
price and quality
III Ill I I 11
tyoAWEEK 812 a day nt home easily made
Costly Outfit free Address Truk Co
Augusta Maine T17 ly
Tho Bun ior t82 willmake its fifteenth an
nual revolutiou under the present manao
ment as always for all big and little mran
and gracious contented and unhappy Repub
lican and Democratic depraved and virtuous
intelligent and obtuse ihe Suns light is for
mankind and womankind of eveiv sort but
Its genial warmth is lor the good while it
pours hoi discomlorton the blistering hacks of
the persistently wicked
Tho Sun of 1K08 was a newspaper of a new
kind It discarded many ot the forms and a
multitude of the superfluous words and phrases
oi ancient journalism It undertook to report
in a tresh succinct unconventionnl way all the
news of the worldomittlng no event ot human
Interest and commenting upon affairs with
the fearlessness of absolute independence The
success of tills expeiiment was the success of
the Sun
J t effected a permanent change in the style
of American newspapers Every important
Journal established in this country In thedozen
years past has lu en modelled alter tho Sun
Every important journal already exlslng has
been modified and hetteied by the force of the
Suns example
The Sun ot lb8 will be the same outspoken
truth telling and interesting newspaper
By a liberal use of the means which an abun
dant prosperity affords we shall make it better
than ever bctore
We shall print all the news putting It Into
readable shape and measuring Its Importance
not by the traditional yardstick but by its real
interest to the people Distance from Printing
House Square is not tho first consideration
with the Sun Whenever anything happens
worth report ng we get the particulars wheth
er It happensiu Brooklyn or in Bokhara
In politics we have decided opinions and are
accustomed express them in langunue that can
be understood We say what we think about
men and eve ts That habit is the only secret
the Suns political course
The Wet kly Sun gathers Into eight pages the
bet matter of tne seven dally issues An Agri
cultural Department of the unequalled merit
full market reports and a libeial proportion
ot literary scientilie and domestic Intelligence
complete the Weekly Sun and make it the
best newspaper for the tanners household
that was ever printed
Who does not know and i end and like the
Sunday Sun each number of which is a Gol
conda of inteiestingllterature with the poetry
of the day prose everv line worth leading
news humor matter enough to till a good
sized book and infinitely more varied and en
tertaining than any hook big or little
If our Idea of what a newspaper should be
pleases you send for the Sun
Our terms are as us follows
For the daily Sun a iour pagb sheet of twenty-eighty
columns the price by mnil Is f5
cents a month or SO 50 a year or including
the Sunday paper an eight page sheet of fifty
six columns the price Is 15 cents per month
or 7 r0 a year postage paid
The Sunday edition of the Sun Is also fur-
nlshed seperately atSI20ayeur postage paid
i The price of the Weekly Sun eight pages
fifty six columns is Si a year postage paid
For clubs of ten sending 10 we will send an
extra copy free
Pubbliher of the Sun New York City
WILLARD HOTEL Lottery Drawing
Louisville Ky November 10 1881
Jiesolvcd That the board of Commissioners
consent to a postponement of the drawing
of the Willard Hotel Lottery until the 14th day
of February 182 nnd they will not consent to
any lurther postponements the same
Rout Mallohy Chairman
By tho above resolution tills drawing must
and will bo hgd on the day ilxed or money
distributed back to ticket holders
If enough tickets are sold hefoie date fixed
the drawing will bo had and notice oi sumc
will bo given through the papers
The Willard Hotel with nil its toncri nflfl
Fixtures and Furniture q6JUUUU
Ono Residence on Green Street S10U0
One Residence on Green Stieet 150
Two Cash Prizes each S50U0 10000
Two Cash Prizes each S2000 -1000
Five Cash Prizes each 2o00 5000
Five Cash Prizes each SoOH 2500
Filty Cash Prizes each S100 5010
One Hundred Cash Prizes each 0 5000
Five Hundred Cash Prizes each 20 10000
One Set ot Bar Furniture 1000
One Fine Piano 500
Ono Handsome Silver Tea Set 100
100 Boxes Old Bourbon Whisky S33 14400
10 Baskets Champagne 835 350
Five Hundi ed Cash Prizes each 810 50U0
400 Boxes Fine Wines 30 12000
200 Boxes Robertson County Whisky 30 0000
400 Boxes Havana Cigars 510 4000
Five Hundred Cash Prizes each 810 5000
Tickets 8 HnlvcH 1 Quarters 2
Remittances may be made by Bunk Check
Express Postal Money Order or Registered
Responsible agonts wanted nil points For
circulars giving full Information nnd lor tick
ets nddress W C DWHIPS
wuinru Hotel iouisynio ity
No20 SUTTON STREET MaysvilleKy
PLENDID new stook of Staple and Fancy
uvy uoous pqugnint uonom prices ior casn
Coiiirs Circuit Court
Judge A E Colo
Commonwealths Attorney-
-T A Curran
Clerk B 1 Parry
Sherl ff J CPickett
Deputies ft
Jailer Ed Gault
Tuesday utter second Monday lnJanunry
Apiil July and Octoherin each your
County court I
Judge G S Wall
County Attorney J L Whitaker
Clerk W W Ball
Second Monday ot each month
Quarterly Court
Tuesdny after second Monday in MarchJuue
September nnd December in each year
MngistrntcN Court
Mnysvllle No l W IT Pollock nnd J L
Grunt first nnd third Tuesdays In March Juno
Septem her and Decern her
Mnysvllle No i Wm Pepper nnd W L
Ilollon first Saturday and fourth Tuesday
some months
Dover No 3 A A Gibbon and A F Dobyns
first and third Wednesday same month
Minerva No 4 0 N Weaver and J H Wat
son first nnd third Tuesdays same months
Germantown No 5 S F Pollock and James
Fegnn first and thiid Saturdays same months
Hardis No 6 J M Bull and J W Tllton
second and fourth Saturdays same months
Maysllck No 7 0 W Williams and J D
Raymond second and fourth Fridays same
Lewisburg No 8 J M Alexander and
Aimer Hord second and fourth Thursdays
same months
Ornngiburg No 9 W D Coryell nnd WJ
Tully first Saturday and last Monday sumo
Wnshington No 10 John Rynn nnd James
Smlthers fourth Tuesday and third Wednes
day same months
Murphysville No 11 Lewis Jefferson nnd
E L Gault fourth Monday and third Thurs
day same months
Fern Leaf No 12 S E Mastin and J B
Hurgess second and fourth Saturdays same
Mnysvllle No I J P Wallace
Muysville No 2 W L Moran
Dover No 3 W 15 McMillan
Minerva No 4 James Runyon
Germantown No 5 Isaac Woodward
Sardis No 0 1 A Collins
Maysllck No 7 Ttiomns Murphy
Lewisburg No 8 S M Strode
Orangeburg No 0- Thomas H Ise
Washington No 10 James Gault
Murphysville No 11 W II Prather
Fern Leaf No 12 B W Wood
Society atfeetinps SIoNonic
Confidence Lodge No 52 first Monday ol
ench month
Mason Lodge No 312 third Monday of each
Mnysvllle Chapter No 9 second Monday oi
ench month
Muysville Commandery No 10 fourth Mon
day of each month
Plegah Encampment No 9 second nnd
fourth Mondays in each months nt 7 oclock
DeKnlb Lodge No 12 Tuesday night each
weeK nt v ociock
Ringgold No 27 Wednesday night ench
week nt 7 oclock
K of P
Limestone Lodge No 36 Friday night oi
ench week
Wednesday night each week at their hfall on
Second street
Sodality B V ML
Second nnd fourth Sundays in ench month
at their hull on Limestone street
rntlior Mnthvw JT A S
First Sunday in each month at their hall on
Limestone street
St Patricks Kcneioleiit Kociciy
Second Sunday in ench month nt their ha
on Limestone street
CJftar Malterh Union
Flist Saturday night in each month
i o v
Monday night ot ench week
K C R R arrives at 080 a m and 815 p m
Departs at 545 a m and 12 m
Bonanza down Monday Wednesday nnd
Frldnys nt 0 p m Up Tuesday Thursday and
Saturday nt 8 p m
City ok Portsmouth down Tuesdny Thurs
day and Saturday at 11 a m Up Monday
Wednesday and Friday at 10 p m
The Board of Council meets tho first Thurs
day evening in ench month
Mayor Horace January
President L Ed Pearce
First Ward Fred Bendel E D Nnto L Ed
Second Wnrd Dr G W Mnrtin Thomas J
Ohonoweth M C Hutchins
Third Wnrd Mutt Pearce Richard Dawson
David Heuhmger
Fourth Waul Dr J P Phister B AWal
lingford John W Alexander
Fifth Wnrd Wm B Mathews James nail
Edward Mjall
Treasurer and Collector E E Pearco
Clerk Hurry Taylor
Mnrhnl E W Fitzgerald
Deputies Wim jjaWuon
Whorfmnster Robert Flcklin
Wood and Coal Inspector Peter Parker
Murkotmuster MTCockerlll
City Physician Dr J T Strode
Keeper of Alms House Mrs S Mills
9Lowest prices is our business motto 1 14 J LU UiU 85 free Address BTiusoNri Uo
July3 ly

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