, ixVAJU, tele , EVENING BULLETIN. Kll esro. " HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS PALL WHERE THEY MAY." 'rrrrrr VOLUME 2. JUAYSVILLE, FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 23, 1883. NUMBER 104. TAB. II. HAIiliEE, CLAKKNCK h. BAlTiKK. Snllro tfc Snllce, ATSTOItNITVH AT I. AAV INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Court Street, (soplOdly) MAYSVILLE,Ky TIT F, MAUSH. ' ATTO ItN E Y ATLIW, Justice of tlio Peace, REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE AGENT. Will advertise and sell real estate. Nocharees whatever unless a alo Is consummated. Deeds, morUrnRes Ac. written nt rates as low as any oue'B. Olllce Llbnuy Building, Sutton street. pAUIi 1. ANDKItSON, M&EL DEKTTIST, Jfo. 21 Market St., nearly opp. Central Hotel, Office Open at all Hours. MATBVJLLE, KY m iyl81y.d. BUY YOUR . Watches, Jewelry and SILVERWARE at lEEC JEWELRY STORE. No. 48, Second Street, 8 doors West of Market. augaiuiy P. S. MYERS, Dealor In Groceries, Hats, Caps. Hoots and Shoes, Queensware and Hardware. Highest, cash price paid lor grain and country Produce. Jyl5d AiT. OLIVET ZEstablislieca. 1SS5. EQUITY GROCERY. , W. GEISEL, No. 0,W. Second St., Opp. Opcrn Honae, yrnltsandVeeetablesln season. Yonr respectfully solicited. J14dly F. H. TRAXEL, Baker and Confectioner FRESH OYSTEHS A SPECIALTY. The only manufacturer of PURE STICK OANDY In the city Orders lor weddings and parties promptly attended to. myodly Plumber, Gas and Steam Fitter. Keeps constantly on hand Bath Tubs. Water Closets, Wash Stands, Force and Lift Pumps, Wrought Iron and LeadPIpo,IoboAv.gloand Check Valves. Steam and Water Gauges. in tho celebrated Calumet brand of Sewer and Drain Pipe. Jobbing promptly attended! to anu an woru warranted, aecouu street, two doois nbovo Ueo. T, Wood's. il(ld8m PINE APPLE HAMS, Home-made Yeast Cakes, myOdly GEORGE HEISER. WILLAM CAUDLE, Manufacturer and Inventor of TRUSSES, Made Double or Single for men or bovs. Address WILLIAM CAUDLE, care T. K. Ball & Son, apHdawly Maysvlllo, Kjr, J. C. Kackley & Co. -Dealers in- Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes. Hats Caps and Clothing. ood always what they ara reccommended to 1m. Mala fetreet, Gormantown, y. THE GREENHOUSE. Through roof of glass tho sunllKlitstreams, Life, HgluS and warmth are In Its boama, Tho air Is tilled with odors sweot, And bright tho oyo do moot; Tho iuImhIoub of theso floworo fair Are various as tho names thoy bear; Thoy sido hv sldo In beauty bloom, Some tor tho bridal, some the tomb ; Theso shall tho brow of bouuty grace, Or wither In a costly vaao; Three may to somo poor suffororlnf'nr Tho thought of childhood and of spriinr, Tho Mayflowers' fragrance sweet recall The babbling brooks, the old Btono wall (n which ho stood, that ho might sou The bird's nest hidden In tho troo. This rosebud, cro Its lo.ivos unfold, May tell a talo that's very old, Yot always now and sweet to hear When Hrst It falls upon tho our; Oi burled long in homo old boolr, In token of homo word or look, The owner wondering some day why Sho kept that dower so old and dry. To prima donna theso aro tossed, Ho ( aring llttlo what thoy cost, Jlor nmnio ho his soul has thrilled, And with her charms his heart is tilled. T.ds hunrh of iolets, fro-di and bright, Ero Htm shall set another night, Stiewn lound a nario , tiny l)ed, O'er which a m ither's toaisare shod, May then ho .shut from light away, To wither with tho lovely clay. Yo pinks, what fragr.mre uxhalol Yet in that hand m still and pale, And w ith the brow whore genius flowed, And lips from which siteh bouuty flowed, Your sweetness ami your life shall fudo Within tho silence and tho shndo, With hopes of many n true, warm heart, Of which his life had formed a part. Ohl Mot'ioi ICarth, wit hlu thy breast It is not all that's laid to When our lovod ones to thee wo trust, To mlnglft on-e a.ral'1 with dust. Our hope, ambition and our prldo, The greensward o'er thy mound doth hldo; Our minds in darkness gropo, nor seo Tho light that mav arise from thco. Tho skdlful gardonor trains with earo Tho vino and tho oxotic rave, And so tho mother florist trains Hor flowers with much of caro and pains. Thoy side bv sido in beauty bloom, Somo for tho bridal, somo the tomb, Mr. J. W. Norcrosa, in Boston TrancripU Ignorcnsc" Tlio following artiolo, contributed by & valued correspondent, is so true, and so thoroughly illustrates the matter treated, that wo publish it verbatim: 41 there is nothing so annoying to those which aro brought into contact with it as ignorcso is. Ignoront people aro unablo to understand those things which tho overage mind should comprehend at onct. Education opens tho mental vision, as it were, and presents to tho thinking mind a vast of beauty, while to tho course and vulgar eyo of ignorenso there is nothing attractive. " daniol webstcr oncct said that is power and his great dictionary is adequate proof that no was no slouch himself in the education lino. L have often saw people who became tho victims of their follow men because thoy wore not informed upon thing- of which thoy should have obtained a nolledge, 'while others who had obtained a thorough education could tako a pencil or a piece of chock and add up anything. " Tf I had a child and could give him an education or a sle p ranch. I would give him tho education and then lot him acquire the sheep ranch. If 1 hail a son and could give him a largo herd of cattle or a good education, I would educate him, aiid ho would get a sore-back mule and a Texas stujr and let nature lake its course. " I know at one time a boy who was bent upon going to colltdgo although his folks was poor and he persevered for iiftcon yoars through thick and thin till ho came out with a diploma and a tapo worm. You can acquire almost anything at collidgo from a Greek education to a hectic flush. Another young man who I knew first aa a poor boy with red hair, applied himself at his studies patiently and industriously till ho was a good ponsman, and then ho wrote a check by whioh ho got $2,000 and oightocn yoars in the penitentiary.. Other boys would have boon contented with ten. but he was . ambitious, and onct said that ho would not be satisfied with anylittlo fool potty-larceny racket. " I can count over among my own acquaintances a hundred I should cackle-late who had as good opportunities to acqu'ro a prominont position in life as I did, but thoy would druther cach cattish and curse thoir future with and vise. Had they applied themselves while young, thoy might as well havo been in tho jogisfaturo as I for thoy possessed tho same natural heaven born genius that I did if they had improved it as they ort. "When I was young I tackled tho moro difficult branohes with great ardor and bot'oro I was nineteen years old could reduco fractions to a common do-nominator readily with one hand tied behind me. "Do not dispiso learning. Men stand in Congress to-day as tho rosult of thorough and studious labor in school who otherwise would perhaps bo unknown, unhonoreil anu unsprung. They orked hard at shool while other boys "were out at recess. Thoy toiled on at noon eating thoir bread, and cold beof with ono hand while with tho other they worked out thoir sums in algebray. "If George Washington had neglected his studies in his youth, where would ho have boon to dayP Ho would havo filled an unknown grave, instead of resting in a stone milk-house at Mount Vernon with hundrods of Americans coming there day after day to shed tho scalding weep over him. Adams & Joflcrson, Forepaugh, Alexander the Great, Jesse James & Queen Victoria were all alike poor boys, but they acquired a nollodgo of the spelling book and slate early in their lives and now thoy are well heeled. The pen is might'or than the soard and a thorough nollodgo of grammar is bettor than a farrow cow in ily time. If it was tho last words I could utter I would say: Got wealth if you can, but if you can't, got an education and marry rich." Nye's Boomerang. i Lady's Complaint Against the Customs. A lady fashionably attired called upon Deputy-Collector David W. Gray tt the Custom-house, and said sho ha.l a nilk ress which she desired to send to hor in France for certain alterations, and wished to know if she could .lo so and havo it returned free of duty. When tho dress was made and sent hor from Paris full duty was paid, and s-he shought it ought to be her privilege to send it back for tho necessary changes without being required to make fuithor payment. Mr. Gray politely informed her that tho Customs laws made no provision to meet the case as sho desired it, and as ho was governed altogether by those laws, he could see no way for Iter to csoapo tho duty. Tho deciiiou thus given excited her greatly. She expressed herself freqly concerning tho of tho Government and left in a hull'. Baltimore Day. Fish cakes: Take any sort of cooked fish, well picked from tho bones, and mince it. Put tho head-, fins and bones into with sufficient water or stock to cover them; add ono or two onions, somo herbs and a little pepper and salt. Now put to the fish a third part of bread crumbs,' a little chopped onions and parslev, and season with white popper, salt and a little mace, if liked. Mix these ingredients woll together, and then make into small cakes with white of m, a llttlo melted butter and anchovy sauce. Fry a nice brown, keeping a plate over the top while doing. Strain off the fish stock, thickon it with butter and Hour, add catsup and a glass of white wkie, then put it back into tho stew-pan with tljo , cakes and Bimiuor gently for a tmurtr q( an hour. Tlio President or tho Liuio-Kiln Club on Slang. "If Bruddcr Pizarro Grant am in do hall to-night ho will please stop for'd," began tlio old man as Samuel Shin struek tho trip.nglo and sent its quivering notes dancing along the coiling. Brothor lMzarro was present, and ho stepped, his eyes having a s juint of alarm and his knocs losing thoir sand with every motion. "Bruddcr Grant," continued tho President, "you am a young man on do of life; you w'ar wery tight pants an' a wery short coat, an' a wery narrow hat, and you look decidedly Do great world am be-to' you, If you begin right, no man dares bet two to one dat you won't sit in a Gobornor's clm'r bofy' you am fifty. If you begin wrong it will bo safe to bet 1,600 to nuflin dat you will bring up in State Prison bofo you am ton y'ars older." "Yes, sab, Izo tryin' to start right," said Pizarro, as Brother Gardner stopped to swallow a pint of water. ' I hopo so I hope so, but I doubt it, Bruddor Grant. Izo had my eye on you fur somo leotlo timo baok. I doan' link you would lio or steal or burglor or forge, but you has fallen into ono very bad habit Do odder day you mot a friend in front of my cabin, an' when he axed if you war gwino on do excursion you replied dat you would gasp to gurgle.' On anodor occashun I heard you remark dat you would 4 nix to murmur.' Again., you observed dat you would 'sigh to stifle. Only an hour ago you told Waydown Bebeo to choeso it,' an' you advised Piokles Smith to ' bet his sweot life.' What does all deso iings mean, Brudder Grant?" " I doan' know," replied tho victim, as he stood on ono leg and scratched liis head. I "Nor I, cither. Izo looked up do Latin an' French an' Gorman an' Greek languages, but I can't find any sioh as hire a hall,' see you in do grave-yard,' or 'I should smifo.' Why do you make uso of 'cm?" i "I doan' know." "Den stop it! If plain English am not good 'nuff for you to 'spross your thoughts in, Tarn Spanish or Chinese. Jt am all right for a sweet young gal who has been frew col logo to romark dat sho would tittor to grin, but sioh , 'spreshuns doan' sound well comin' from a young man. If I should go homo to-night an' tell my olo woman dat I would perspiro to ovontuato, or lithograph to animosity, sho'd look mo straight in do eyo fur thirty seconds an den would come a climax, in which mv hat, head an' a broomstick would bo ail mixed up. I "Keturn to your seat Bruddor Grant; go baok an' sot down wid a to avoid slang an' do your talkin' sqtuir' from do shoulder. When you git tired of beof go into a grocery an' ax fur codfish in plain Lnglisli, an' doan' uso any mo1 oratory dan am necessary to socuro full woight an' git rid of a quarter wid a hole m it. Vo will now purceed to split do reg'lar order of bizness down do back air let out do sleeves. Detroit Free Press. i Tho (hizcttc Man' i inn de in ils news regarding ocean disasters, relates the fnllow'ng curious oxamplo of tho formidable ownr of molecular forces: Tho Italian ship Francosca, loaded with rice, put into rort on May 11, at East London, considerably. A large forco of raon was at once ptu on board to pump out the water contained in tho ship and to unload her; but, in spite of all the activity exerted, tho bags of rice soaked in water gradually and swelled up. Two days altorward, on May 18, tho ship Was violently burst asunder by l tho ' g welling of hor cargo. -ft , s