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DAILY EVftMNGBOLLiSTIN. FRIDAY KVK, MAKOU 23, 1883. WTTKlt.MS t The KVHJjyO Is published dully, :iuil served tree of postage nt ll per week; 2."i cents per month;75 cents per throe months -Si.. il) per six muntliK, uiul 83 per year, pax able In advnnrn. inrTHK EVSMt UlTI.I.I.TitX Iiiin u (Jrtlly cirnilaiioit of MX II BJK lIt VI coplrs, u fact t uliieli tli attention Of UtIVOI'ifN4I'H Is Ull(l. OUR AGENTS. -The- following poisons nre tne auihoiiz d audit for the Daily Uvl htrris nl the place twinnd. Contracts for Milioeiiptlon or advertising may bo made v. Itli them : W Suit. Shannon Win. Clary. Minkuva W. II. llnwes. BIT. OiiivKT Peter Myers. .1. A. Jackson. Fkkn Lkah -Hurry Hurjzoyne. J. Knckley & To. WAbiUNQToN Mi. Anna Thomas. cjmjstrzmicnMjtJP: i.r 'jjam Tub new hall to he erected hy the JMiwnnerchor will cost $100,000. It is thought nt Washington that tho number of Revenue Distiicts i he reduced from 120 to 110. An eruption of Mt. .Etna has occurred, and was followed by an earthquake shock which destroyed sovernl houses. Sta Titus Scott and other well known English capitalists nie in Kentucky examining coal and iron fields in which they expect to invest their money. Tm: Cincinnati Price Current estimates the next -wheat crop at 450,000,000 bushels, a decrease of about 50,000,000, bushels as eoniparod with that of last year. - Tiirc forthcoming reports of the Department of Agriculture show Indiana to be the first wheat growing state. Tho yield there is placed at at 1,S1G bushels to the Bquare mile and 18.04 bushels to the acre. Ohio ranks next and Illinois third. A mm. has passed to bo engrossed in tho Legislature of Maine prohibiting tho saloor giving away of toy pistols, under a penalty of not less than five or more than one hundred dollars, and a liability for all damages from such salo or giving away. Junoi: Achison, of the U. S. Court, sitting in Pittsburg, has ruled that tho Government has no right to inquire whether or not tobacco which is sold from a bioken package is to bo sold again. Tho opinion is contrary to the rulings of th Internal Kevenue Department. Tun anti-Butler faction in tho Democratic party in Massachusetts has dwindled down so that it could be corraled in a bed-room of a summer resort hotel. A respectable number stood out bravely as long as theie was no patronage to be had, but demoralization began at once wh en Butler had offices at his disposal. It is estimated by persons who profess to know that not lees less than 200,000 barrels of whisky will be exported to tho Bormuda Islands, to avoid the immediate payment of tho tax duo. It can bo sent out of the country free of tax and returning on tho same vessel will be permitted to remain, In custon warehouses for a year before tho tax is collected, NEWS BREVITIES. Missouri is about to spend $50,000 in geological researches, with a view of discovering more about her mineral wealth. A clause in the new Italian-extradition bill puts attempted or accomplished regicide on a footing with ordinary murder. Suit has been instituted to prevent the confirmation of the sale of the Cleveland, Tuscarawas Valley and Wheeling Railroad. Hon. George B. Luring, Commisssioner of Agriculture, will deliver tho oration at the seventh of April celebration at Marietta. Thos. C. VannesH, Commissioner of Immigration under Governor Irwin, of California, has been arrested for embezzling $14,000. John MoCullough, the actor, still continues to improve. Ho will remain at Cleveland until Saturday, when he will goto Washington. Tho bill prohibiting the acceptance of railroad passes by the Slate officers passed a third reading in the Pennsylvania Senate Wednesday. Life in Berlin has small charm for many. On tho first nine days of February there were ten suicides u day. Those in the army increase. The Mississippi Supreme Court affirmed the sentences of Jim Woods and Ben. Fletcher, convicted of murder. Both will be hanged at Natchez, May 3. Reports from the central portion of Illinois indicate that the cold snap has caused damage to early-sown wheat and seriously affected tho peach prospects. There is said to live in Fairfax, Va., a maiden lady over 100 vears old who has wined and dined with Washington, Jef ferson, Madison, Monroe, and others of j tho Revolutionary regime. A deficiency in tho Public Printer's office is already apparent, and it is openly charged that many public documents ordered by Congress aro sold for waste paper, it is presumable by Congressmen themselves. A w ill pi inted on n type wriler has been admitted to probate at New Haven, though a Connecticut statute requires that such documents must be written, the judge deciding that such printing is fewriting within the meaning of the law. Advices from various points in the Yellowstone country indicate, that the past, winter has been favorable for stock men, and the loss from exposure and cold weather is estimated to not exceed five per cent, for th'e whole Territory. ' Tho Lutz Wagon Company, with a capital stock of $25,000, has been organized at Xenia, O., with the following incorporators : John Lutz, Eli Miller, ,T. II. Ilarbine, T. P. Townsley, R D. Tor- I ronce, David Millen, Thomas Ilarbine I and J. D. Kyle. I At Peoria, 111., Thursday, a rope sur-1 tabling a swinging scaffold, on which three men were engaged painting the ! side of a large elevator, broke. Jacob I Wattenschwuler was killed, Joseph Vail j was fatally hurt, and R. O. Shupp caught a rope and escaped injury. j Amonsj other strange coincidences is ; the part played by the numher 13 in the . lifo of the late Richard Wagner. In the first, place, 13 is tho number of letters ; comprising his name; in the year 1813 I ho was horn : on the 13lh of March, 1801, his great work, "Tannhauser," failed to arouse anv appreciation in Paris : it was I ll, 10.1. f I?.. I. .... l. ..J. I. l.4l 1 Ull UIU ItJlll Ul L'UlMUUiy UllU 1IU UIUJUIIIMI bis last; and ho died after 13 years of married lifo. A recent issue of the London Gazette shows that public houso property in the large cities of England is rapidly decreasing in valuo. There were thirty public, houses within half amile of Liverpool Custom llouso closed within the year, becausQ they did not pay the cost of rent, taxes and license fees. It is to be hoped that this state of affairs is due to a bettor public opinion in regard to tomperanco. A sweeping theatrical bill has been introduced into tho House of Commons in England, where it peems certain to pass. It proposes to repeal all existing acta, to reljoye the Lord Chamberlain of his duties and tho Middlesex magistrates of theirs in connection with licensing music and dancing halls, and to place all theatres and ontertaintnents of whatsopver .kind under; the Homo Secretary for li censing, order and regulation. GL0TKIM0. h KENTUCKY K2&XH LOTHIN iMEikirsvxiLir.E, Kir. Fresh arrival of Spring Goods to be sold at the lowest possible prices, A Complete line of latest styles and best make of CLOTHING, for men, youths and children. Positively the finest line of Piece Goods, imported and domestics, ever brought to this cily, which we are prepared to make up in the latest styles and fashions. Perfect fits guaranteed. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods including many novelties. Hats, Caps, Trunks and Valises. Call and sec us. si second st: Ificroy & Lee. WANTS, homo for a good girl sixteen IT years old, to do geueial housework. Apply at mb'd&wtf THIS OFFICE. "f AKTJKI Bottom knocked out of prices T in wajjon making. James M. Ftn.lor desires Ihe people to know that ho 1b prepared to do all kinds of wagon work, olllier repairing or new work, nt reasonable prices. Peisons desiring a good Job will plcnso call. JAMESM.FRAZIER. rcrtOdib wlm Helena. Ky. FO?6 WAH-M. S A liU A line walnut desk nearly new iM5t 318, will bo told forSl'2. Apply at miadtf THIS OFFICE. double barieJled gun wtih 1 accoutrements. Lam inn ted steel; cost Si3, will bo sold fo$l2. Apply at nil3dtr. THIS OFFICE. SAT.i: OIL In Chester containing 5 rooniH and a kitchen, gnrden and henery lor a largo lot ot poultry, stable and house for buggy. Apply to inarlftUf JAMES JACOBS. of 111 acres near I7H Caldwell county, Ky. Raihotul rons Ihrontrh the count j. Pi fee 700, will exchange lor Texas land or other property. inSSdlw AI.F. MARSH, Library Building, Sutton Street. WAlLK Warehouse and lot, corner of ? Wall and Second, three story brick corner Market and Front, two residences on Second, and one on Fourth street. Apply to liffiltii GARRETT S. WALL, 1'jlOK second" hand Sphar & ; Co's.brlck; 50 squares roofing I In nearly now: 2o,0 M feel of nearly new lumber of t kinds. Apply to mlOd&wtf G. M. WILLIAMS. HAfjK A Frame cottage of 3 rooms 17< kitchen, " aero of giound attached, one mile from Maysvllle, on tho Fleming pike. Apply on the premises to m(l M RS. M ARG AKET CH ILDS. One hundred acres of best land I i in Miisou countv. with irood dwelllui! and hue tobacco mini, Twenty acres oi new iann. Situated on Fleming pike live miles horn Maysvllle. Apply to nil5Uwlui GARRETT S WALL. S A Li: A "di sln bin ot 6 too in t, 1,iOi: Thlid street, Aberdeen, O. The rooms are all on ope floor, with a nice basement. Thoiols an abundance of fu it trees, a good well of water lu tho yatd and a uood stable. Apply to W. I1URI3ERT, nmiOd&wlni Aberdeen, Ohio. FOR RJENT. ,1IS ItBJNT Two cottage i In coood rapalr. Apply at m2ldlw THIS OFFICE. Mm for rent In the central J 1 partof the city. Inquire at tho f'2T BULLETIN OEFIOE. NAB-K Sevorarof tho best building IjiOll iu Chester. PrlceSlBO to8150in weekly or monthly payments, Apply to . M. If. MARSH, Library Building, Button Street. KK&T About six acres of pi oductivo ' tobacco land, with a cood barn and tobacco stick , with pasture. There is a good .brick house on tho land. Apply to . mHd&wtf THIS OFFICE. tstf u ' jli'' - '" '. ' ,' if ART1 Ahnnt a wnnk m'o. n nlAln KOid li i nrnm a nftftniftli'ri hrtlflbt UllU Ttiftflrid eg.wlll pleatwireurni name tp toin. office and be liberally rewarded, . . ... i m23dlw - - T J.BiCiwip.' jhbelUfrmneu.iAPiKwnvv utq)',iiT - ' - i - Cttpfl. Keinrn;iQ;j.nom uiu sleen;or"t GLQTHIN LOKOU KlUtJwfoi I IB ... 1 1 -'- --"" Zijt. Mii3 Dhess Good: a LL of the latest style colors of Cashmoro Dress Go nls at JU2&11W MRS. A. J. WILLIAMS'. j. ir. non.soN'. 1). C. FHAiKK. New Firm ! Fresh Goal ! UODSON & FRAZEE, successors to J. 1. Uotlson. We are now ottering tho best ot Pomeroy Coal, delivered to customers In the city or In wagons at our yard. We also keep constantly on hand Youghloghony Coal lor blacksmith purposes; and Salt. Ofllce and scales Front street, between Wall and Short. Orders left at J. H. Dodson's grain warehouse promptly attended to. DODSON& FRAZEE. m2.'l dim Coal and Leaf Tobacco Dealers. CARPETS, Rugs, Gil Cloths and failings Will he sold CHEAP for the next thirty days. Cull and see them, inajdlw MRS. A. J. WILLIAMS. SPRING MILLINERY GOODS received a handsome supplvjof JHAVEJust tor the Spring 1 1 ado. Now styles of Bonnets ,llats and Neclnveav Plumes, Zephyrs, Handkerchiefs, Ribbons, Laces, and In lact every thing ot the latest stylos, and beaulllul to behold 1 ask tho ladles to call and examine my stock and compare prices uilfld&wlm MlfcS LOU POWLING. BEMOVAL. . G. A. McCARTHEYhas romovod his Queonswaro store to the build ing on Sutton stroet, two doors below Second street. inyBdly JOHN WHE2SLER?S D AILY MA R KET Receives every day River, Lake and Saltwater 'Mxm'a Prices 3jOVEST. ""Windhorst &"Bliim, FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILORS, Have Just received their Spring Btock of In, porteiland Domestlo Goods or tho luteatstyloa. Prices reasonable and work tho beat. ah'JIy EABM FOR SALE. DESIRABLE faronef and A twenty -eight acres.wltlv a residence, etablo about BAMikMti txm rnmrw .AP u Wm. P.Smoot, on the premlHea. orfo HityiavlIto, Ky. i 1 I I