Newspaper Page Text
7T$rfEpq; J Wmpi; J" ! - ., n.tifiii.jy "WP -- THE WILD JIAN OF CAMAS. Killing1 of a Strange nnd Dreaded Creature in Idaho. Bellcvuo Sun. The celebrated wild man of the Cainim prairie whs killed recently by some parties traveling through the praiiie. "While the travelers were enmped in the foothills on the edjio .of the prnirie one of them, ntinied Micklehnney went a few hundred yards from camp to kill some ducks, taking with him a loaded with large shot. "When only a couple of hundred yards from camp the ' Wild Man of Camas" jumped up from his hiding place, and, after tunning a short distance, stopped and looked at Micklehnney through his large, clear eyes a moment, then, with a shriek that struck terror to the hunter, and caused him to shudder as the echo n sounded through the forest lhe man, with the ferocity of a savage beast of q jungle, made for so fiercely that in order to insure his own safely he emptied both barrels of the gun into him, when he fell, apparently dead. Micklehaney went to him, when the strange being began to revive, and he put his foot on the man's neck and called to his comrades to bring an ax, winch they did with all possible haste. The man escaped just as they arrived, and with a pitiful moan regained his feet and started to run. The ax was thrown at him, and as he turned his head to look back it struck him in the center of the forehead and ho dropped lifeless to the ground. On examination ho was found to be rather tall, with full, clear eves, and an extraordinarily large head ; appeared to be about forty-five venrs of age, although not a gray hair could be seen. The wavy black hair of his head hung low down, onto his body, and his bushy beard wns about two and a half feet long. The body was also covered with a thick growth of hair about two inches in length. This was also black and very fine. The finger and too nails were two inches long, and resembled claws more than nails. lie was wrapped in a long robe made of rabbit skins. The skins were sewed together by sinews. On examining the place from which he" made his appearanco it was found that he had a very comfortable bed which was made of the soft bark of sage btush. It was under an over-hanging rock, and well protected from the wind. Near the bed were two rabbits which had most likely been killed by stones. About ten years ago an insane stage driver left Boise City and has never since been heard of. The "Wild Man of Camas" may be the same, having taken up his abode in the then desolate prairie, but seldom visited by whites. The "Wild man of Camas, lias, since first seen in 1873, been dreaded by the lonely traveler and prospector, who 'will be relieved to know that he is dead. A fool-hardy sailor, who put to sea from San Francisco August 19, in an 18-foot dory, for Australia, was picked up by a coaster oh" Queensland, in an exhausted condition. lie had lost his instruments and provisions by the capsizing of his boat. The French Ministry of Marino are having forty-six vessels constructed at the present moment, thirty one in the Government dock-yards and fifteen by private firms. Fourteen of these vessels are ironclads, representing a value of 120,000,000 francs. Two, the Admiral Bandin and the Formidable, will cost 11,500,000 Francs each. Eight others will cost each more thm three-quarters of that sum. Tho same jealousy and ill feeling exists between native and foreign laborers in Germany as in other countries. A number of Italian workmen have been employed upon buildings in tho neighborhood of Cologne. Ono evening while they were in their quarters occupied with preparations for supper a large number qf native laborers entered the place, uncovered the kettles, and spat in the food. A light resulted in which tho Italians were badly injired. Tho Germans used knives and axes, crushed the skull of one Of tho Italians, mangled tho leg of another no that it had to bo amputated, .and, inflicted severe injuries upon tJiQ rest. The Italian, workmen who wero hu8 maltreated are described as industrious, sober and frugal, and wqre in tho babit of sending regular remittances from their small earnings to their families " ' at home. "' IT1Y AND COUNTY DIHECIUJC. 1'onrtn CJrnill Conrl. Judge A.E.Colo. Commonwe.ilth'N Attorney T. A. Curran. Clerk B. D. Parry. Sherlfr Peny Jefferson. f Dan Perrlne. Deputies: Chan Jeiteiton. ( J. V. Alexander. Jnller Dennis Fitzgerald. Tuesdnv alter second Mnndny In January, Apt 11, July and October In euoh year. Comity court. Judge Wm. P. Coons. County Attorney J. L. Whltalcor. Clerk-W. W. Ball. Second Monday c each month. timri rly Court. Tuesday atter second Monday In March, June, September and December In each year. AIufrlstrfiteN Court. Mnysvllle, No. 1. W. IT. Pollock and J.L. Grant, llrst aid thlid Tuedajs In March, J line, September mid December, Alnysvllle, No. XL M. F. MarMmnd W. L. Holton, fltst Saturday and fouith Tuesday, sumo months. Dover, No. 3 A. A. Gibbon and A. F. Dobym, llist and thlid Wednesday, same months. , Minerva. No. -i-O. N. "Weaver and J. H. Wathon, Ihbt and third Tuihdays, banio months. Germantown, S. F. Pollock and Jar. Fegnn, flist and thlid Saturdays, same months. Sard is, No. 0-J. M. Ball and J. "W. Tllton, second and lourth Satin days, same months. Maysllck, No. 7 U. W. Williams and J. D. Raymond, second and fourth Fridays, same months. Lew'lshurp, No. 8 J. M. Alexander and Ahner Hord, second and fourth Thursdays, same months. Orangeburg, No. 0 "W. D. Coryell nnd W.J. Tullv, tlist Saturday and last Monday.same months. Washington, No. 10 John Ryan and James Smlthers, fouith Tuesday and third Wednesday, same months. Murphysville, No. 11 Lewis Jefferson and E. L. Gnult, fourth Monday and third Thurs. day, same months. Fern Leaf, No. 12-8. E. Mastln and J. B. Burgess, second and fourth Saturdays, same months. CoiiHtnhlcK. Maysvllle.No. 1 J. P. Wallaco, Maysvllle, No. 2 W. L. Moran. Dover, B. McMillan. Minerva, No. 4 James Runyon. Germantown, No. 5 Isaac Woodward. Sardls, No 0 J. A. Collins. Maysllck, No. 7 Tftomas Murphy. Lewlsbuig, No. 8 S. M. Strode. Orangeburg, No. 9- Thomas HlBe. Washington, No. 10 James Gault. Murphysville, No. 11-W. R. Pruther. Fern Leaf, No. 12 B. W. Wood. Society Meeting Masonic. Confidence Lodge, No. 52, first Monday ol each month. Mason Lodge, No. 842, third Monday of each month. M aysvllle, Chapter, No. 0, second Monday of each month, Maysvllle Commnndery, No. 10, fourth Monday of each month. I. O. O. P. Plbgah Encampment, No. 9, second and fourth Mondays In each months at 7 o'clock. DeKalb Lodge, No. 12, Tuesday night, each week, at 7 o'clock, Ringgold. No. 27, Wednesday night, each week, at 7 o'clock. ItnfpIitH of Honor. Tho first and third Tuesday of each month. Lodge room ou Sutton stieet. K. of I. Limestone Lodge, No. 36, Friday night ot each week. I. O. W. M. Wednesday night each their hall on Second street. Sortnllty B. T.M. Second and fourth Sundays In each month, at their ballon Limestone street. Father Mat hew T. A. 8. Fltst Sunday in each month, at their hall on Limestone stieot. St. PtUrlcIt'H Benevolent Noddy. Second Sunday in each month, at their Hall on Limestone street. Cigar Sinkers' Union. First Tuesday night in each mouth, i. o.cir. Monday night ol each week. MllilH. K. C. R. R., arrives at 0:30 a. m. and 8:15 p. m. Departs at 5:45 u. in. and 12 m. JioNANZA, dowu Monday, Wednesday and Fridays at 0 p. m. Up Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m. CITY UOVEItNMEKT. The Board of Council meets tho llrst Thursday evening in each month. Mayor Horace Jiimmiy. Council. President L. F.d. Peaico. First Ward-Fied. Beudel, A. A. Wads-worth, L, Ed, feat co. Second aid Dr. G. W. Martin, Thomas J. Chenoweth, M.C. Hutchlns. Third Waid Matt. Peuice.E. W. Fitzgerald. David Hechmger. Fourth J. P.Phister.B. A. John W. Alexander. Fifth Ward Wm. B.Mathews, James Hall, Edward Myall. Treasurer and Collector E. E. Pearce. Clerk Hairy Taylor. Marshol James Redmond. nnttni J Robert Browning. Deputies. Ymt Dawson, Wharfmaster Robert Flckiln. Wood and Coal Inspector Peter Parker. Marketmaster M.T. Cockerlll. City Physician Dr. J. T. Strode. I .. .eper of Almp, Houses-Mrs. S. JBls. NOTICE having been asserted that 1 am preparing IT to move to theconntiy ai dgive up my In the Hewing Machine buslnes, I take this method ol announcing to my ti lends nnd the public that there is not a wotd ol truth In It except that I will move my (aml)y to tho cotintrv but will continue tosell ahlk sing Kit at the Mime place. second stieet, opposite post office, nnd run my wagons in the ontmtry as neieiomie. i. the above. 1 am thankful to the nubile for the large putiomigcl have received for the passed nine years, and respectfully bollcit a share in the future. Jali2d&v3ni G.A. McCRACKEN, Agent for the Singer Mannfuctuilug Co. For Teaclilttsr all Branches of Dross School Cutting, and every gnrnient fading worn by lad v or child; also, SEWING, TRIMMING, DRAPING, and all tho FINISHING PAUTS of DRESSMAKING! Position Guaranteed if Desired. LADIES Address: D. W. MOODY & CO. living oat of the city SlWestNlntfiSL while leavniug. CINCINNATI, OHIO. mnr.1dbwHm SLYGM&HEALY ' TS &tm Stato & Monroo Sts., Chicago. Will, end prrimlil toany nli!r lliclr BAND CATALOGUE, I tar ISH.1. Aft tvuit. Ill kii"imlnm i p b -. imt of iuitruinenU, SulU, Cip", IMu,1 Pompom, Epaulet, Cm y Drum XUmr'i hutU. ami rnr i "lliti, Sundry luinl Uuthu, IttpWnif I M MtlerVd', nl'u Incliidn tmtriirtlon ami Ei- !rrrlrt or AmMrur intiili, aim vtiwogur of CLoIco llaud Muilc feb!2(Utwly America Ahead! FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DEALERS. 1BK FOR ITt BUY IT!! TRY ITU' mlld&wlrn T7BFuTO ' E.DAVIB. FULTON & DAVIS, Manufacturers of- OHIO VALLEY MILLS FAMILY FLOUE, Corn, Shorts and Shipstuff. Flour for sale by all grocers In tho city, FULTON & DAVIS, fUtl8Uy ABERDEEN. O. T. X.OWRY, DKA7.ER IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, Teas, Tobacco, Cigars, Queensware, Wooden ware, Glassware, Notions, Ac. Highest prlco paid for Country Produce. Goods, delivered to nny pmt ol tho city. Cor. Fourth and Plum Ctreets, npl'Jlyd MAYSVILLE,KY. NEW DOMESTIC PATTERNS AT Hunt& Doyle's. NOTICE, VA 0t,xXjoic3L of tho celebrated Just received. Call and get one for less money than vou ever bouehta Watron. I augMly HVAlvLARILBY. AYER'S Hair v igor restores, 'with the glo.s and freshness of youth, faded or gray hair to a natural, rich brown color, or deep black, as muy bo desired. By its use light or red hair may bo darkened, thin hair thickened, and baldness often, though not always, cured. It checks falling of the hair, and stimulates & weak anil sickly growth to vigor. It prevents and cures scurf and dandruff, nnd heals nearly every dWeaso peculiar to tho scalp. As a LndlcH' Hair Dressing, tho Vinou Is unequalled ; it contains neither oil nor dye, renders tho hair soft, glossy, nnd silken in appearance, and Imparts u delicatu, agreeable, and lasting perfume. Mit. C. P. ntueiiEii writes from Kirby, 0., July 0, 1K82 : " Last fall my hair commenced falling out, and in a short time 1 became nearly bald. I used part of a bottle of Avnn's HAin Vioon, which stopped tho falling of tho hair, and started a now growth. I have now a full head of lialr growing vigorously, and am convinced that but for the of your preparation I should have boon entirely lulil." .7. W. Howkk, proprietor of the MrJrt7ntr(OMc) Enquirer, says : Avnn's Haih Viooit Is a most excellent preparation for the hair. I speak of It from my own experience. Its use promotes tlio growth of now hair, and makes It glossy and soft. The Vioon Is also a sure euro for dandruff. Not within my knowledge has tho preparation over failed to glvo entire satisfaction." Irt. ANOt'S Faiiwiairk, leader of tho ' Faiiiialrn Family ,;of Scottlsli Vocallsta, writrs from lloslon, Mass., Feb. (5, 1880 ; " Kver since my hair began togivosllvery ovidenceof the cliango which tlueting time procurotli, I have used Avkr's llAin Vioou, and so have been ublo to maintain an nppearanco of youthfulness a matter of considerable consequence to ministers, orators, actors, and In fact oery ono who lives lu tho eyes of tho public." Mns. O.A. Piikscott, writing from 18 Elm. St., Charlestoion. 'Mass., Anril 14, 1881!. says: "Two years ago about of my hair came olf. It thinned very rapidly, and I was fast growing bald. On using Ay Kirs Hair Vioon tho falling stopped and a now growtli commenced, and in about a month my head was completely covorcd with short hair. It has continued to grow, and is now as good as before It fell. I regularly used but ono bottlo of tho Viuou, but now uso it occasionally as a dressing." "Wo havo hundreds of similar testimonials to tho ofllcaey of Aykr's Hair Vigor. It needs but a trial to convince the most skeptical of its value. PREPARED BY Dr.' J. C. Ayer &. Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. EDGEWOOD. Desirable COUNTRY Place FOR SALE. WILL sell privately, on reasonable tenna, I my placo known asEduewood. on the Lexington turnpike, one nnd a lourth miles Irom AliiyhYllle. The tract contains 17 acres, more or less, and tins on it a FINE DWELLING ot sovon rooms nnd a kitchen, n good stable, and nil other necessary outbuildings, togettua with u eood tenant housi of tlireo room. Tho placo Is well wateied, hns on it a good healing milt orchard of all varieties, is well adapted to gurdenlnunnd helm: convenient to the eltyis very deirnble. Title perfect. For term apply on the place to jiiullkl&w3m WILLIAM HUFF. THE WEBER PIAHfl. Forpower.purity oftono.billllnncy oftouoli beauty of finish and durability it has no eoiuii,Tlie most eminent pianists pionouncolt THE BEST IN THE WORLD. L. F. R1ETZGER. MANAGER, Branch office, Maysvillo, Ky. :Also, Tho Matchless: BURDETT OROAN. A. full supply of pianos and orguns, constantly on hnnd. Correspondents promptly Payments easy. sep'iGd&wly, &Ktn ttOll Pr day at homo. Sampled OIQ $4U worth W free. Addross Rtinso A qo., Portland, Main. WF J, a r .. , JvifrS.' , fl.l.l ,. o 1- -J I '