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The Winchester news. [volume] (Winchester, Ky.) 1908-19??, January 17, 1912, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

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Kk A'."- Fur. -1 '"' ' ' ' THE'WIHCH'ectM MEW! ' . - - " '. , ' ' " , M
p. Wsm 1 Xlie Champion Roller, Skating Bear of the VVorloU I
' Hn.. APPEAR AT THE " - I
I Thursday, Friday and Saturday, January 18th, 19th and 20th. I
I I " "' I
i Youngest Roller Skater in the world. Sd me of Baby Jack's program: Skates absolutely alone; bauls boy or girl around rink in cart; Waltz, Smokes, Dress with " fl
ft - :pun Dress Sjit and Cane, Wrestles, Catch as Catch Can with man or boy, arid many other wonderful stunts. This Cinnamon Bear does on rollers what many f S.
I people can not do Don't miss this if. you lose your job to come One performance each night. Special matinee for the ladies and children Saturday after- J ft
I; noon No raise in prices If not a real live Bear, your, money refunded. j ' M
I mam , u.ZS' c FrSS I
ft 9TPAIRHTFN Yflll I1IIT dicd Tl,e l,:,y o itthcmilosh- she OF HISTORY Lexington and eastern DENTIST. classified advertisements
UinmUIMLH I UU UUI wiu bo buricd Fridny itt the ctlorca RAILWAY CbMPANY ,lIti PIoar McEliownsv BulIdM 'C a WWd fW llnli. (fUartsafc When in want of flowers, insist
cemetery. A HEROIC SPANISH MAIDEN. WINCHESTER. KY. 2c a WOi for Utm CCniUtl, to- "P1 llaviS home rown flowers,
M0 Headache, Biliousness, Upset By A. W. MACY. WESTBOUNT Daily pnlly MrtlOM. thereby keeping your money in your f'M
ft Stemach, Lazy Uver or Constipa- T PI AIM HFAT1 A woman he,ped t0 sive- Na- a.m. P.m. Insure ill y'c- mari ,ir ,,ome cllde' v . JT 1VT I
' ' lU ULnllll HLnU poleon his first check and to ; Lv. Quicksand, Kv. .. . 1:25 SMilOH POOLE & PURLLAM.
Bewels By Morring RF SMITH FOIICH inXnr Tff Jackson, Ky." .... 5:05 1:50 STRQTHER'S 10c i'wori par manth. fTr' I
-Are you keeping vou boners, aver IM" DWIIII1 MM Agu,ta, and she Is known .n. 0. & K. Junction . . 5 :10 1:57 fl, n nr. ..n.r ?mf taltan, It a war j p. 1-13-tt TWhester, Ky.
; . , ' . " ' . history, as the Maid of Saragos- Athol, Ky 5:35 222 -III 11 KrllflKIr Insertion. crni, om c ,nn t. , TTTt
I yissagenay UiroMgU these nlimcii- Who Willed Kis Own Head lo Slu- &2-S ! PW'SS5Lrt TL'EXS? ' . , I
; tary or drainage organs every few dents. again the following winter. The Clay City, Ky. .. . 7:19 4:0f REAL ESTATE AGENCY mr iwnnan aa CWia. - ..r ( , , , H
; Ws-with Salts, Cathartic pills, Cas- city , had no fortifications but L. ft E. Junction .. 7:51 4 .3? Mfflca Fraternity Bide., p!.cn8 185 FOR. SALE 500; shocks, .of.. good.
W; Oil or rurgative Waters. Mid.lle.boro, Ky.. Jan. 7.-lepre- 'i . Winchester, Ky. .. 8 :05 4:5j JJ yjllC TRiP.Y iNIl TflKFI Y ' Tfc hfM 1
K Stop having a. bowel wash-day, seatatives of Dr. Blair, oC Apache, 'J3.' SaTo""' Ar. Lengton, Ky. .. 8:o0 5& JO Wgg 1 JlllUIVIlI if. do.ton nomehone 813A.
Let 'Cascarets thoroughly, cleans anil Okla nro traveling through the women, and children,' rushed to l?tp.2!No.4 W I'lS C II Mil 3 A LK " n-.Deml . '7? M
Wgu.ate..the.to1nach,Ten1ovetheun- n.ountains of Easlc,n Kentucky to EASTBOUND Uiiyf Dailj FOB RENT ,
digested,' sour and fermenting food Wl.ite.-burg, wheie they will claim the woman of quality, only a lemon- - , P- m-1 m F'llM fVll t ll Ir 'i'l J .""TT.-. J. m. oltVtUoUrt H
- atid.foul gases, take the excess bile bead of Smith Foueh. pfom&cd 23 ade seMer in the streets; but Lexington, Ky .;. .1:35 .7:2( linQPn UniiCD 5 ,O0V t&AWh , AttornejT-at-LaW
ifom the liver and carry out of the -ars a,i as payment for Dr. Blah's SL f nchester, Ky. . . 2:17 8:0. UUCI d MULlOB avtl ' ' Ws. Main St. Witiphestefj Ky.
H "system all the decomposed waste .-enka in saving Fouch's life. J couraged others to acts of . & dimcaoii .. . -.Jo sat i 5 room cottage, gas fixtures. College
Utter and poisons in the intestines Fouch was sl.ot in the eye Dr. Jra-y. cS'juS 347 0:27 S ?; "'ji'v i;'-" PENDLETON, BUSH 4 BUSH- ' I
arid bowels.- BUur performed a hazardous opera- j snatchcd the fse from his hand Torrent, Ky 4:04 0:44 WBOUGSIkIV NlQElt ,1211 . 1 I til. Hl?if!!C AttOmeys-at-LaW ' I
' A Cascaret tonight wiii make you tioii. -and discovered, he say.. O-.at j and herself fired the cannon. Beattyville Juct .. 4:25 10:04 . . . ' ?VmC;-" Mf iiVi' V'srtl2-H0 n vinr Xf.v Ti,rJ:i '"' '
I feel great by mornin" They work Fouch was ble to perform normal 1 For her braVe actions she was Athol, Ky 452 10:30 i ' . f V;f't" 1 , 0(Qm cjtlage gaJVu.rcsV Broad- oor McEldowney Building
Mcui oy iuormiij,. wort. i made an officer in the Spanish OAK" Timnfinn 5 "10 10-".7 s - ' . . .J v ? l -r
iviile you sleep-never gripe, sicken function w.th :a.bul!eliuthe lobe of army, and presented with many Lkst Kv 5''3 1H5 ''i T'H C '' ' :'' ' ' 'f " ')' "'V0 Winchester, Ky.
or cause any -inconvenience, and cost 1- brain dcjnjton u. Quicksand, Kv. "Ill-o I II C 1 room cottage, gas fixtures, Broad- ,
only 10 cents a box from your drng- Alter touch's apparent recovery j hadyperi8hed'from war and pes. mMaMM
I gist. iKllions of men and women be aid he couldn't pay the doctor., tilence. Her heroic defense stag- CONNECilUN: room cottage, gas fixtures, faylur H
ft' take a Cascaret now and then and but. offered to will the physician hi. I gered Napoleon for a time, fo; LEXINGTON -Train No. 1 will make (( Ml Vl ( j avenue $12.50 I '
f , i i n'l i . i i 11 revealed the Intrepid spirit connection at Lexington with the L. V- 1 Jl 1T1 V- 1 1 -.,., 4t.,., fivir.ro - iiomnij U rntftw Ouikta ajj
never have Headache, Biliousness, head. Ihe doctor accepted, and j of a people when fighting for & y. for Louisville, Ky. No. 3 will . room cottage gas fixture, Haggaid (j0(.0 aTO
' coated tongue, Indigestion, Sour when Fouch died a couple of days their homes. Agustina lived to make connection with the L. & N. al streot $12.o0l TUnUmi I'lx-Wit
WM Stomach or Constipated Bowels. bo ieft a note asking that Dr. e very old' dyin9 I" 1857. Lexington for Cincinnati, Ohio I A II J 9 9 7 100111 cottage, gas fixtures. Haggard
: Cascarcts belong in every household. Wair be reminded of the be.p.ct. 19U bvJoseDl,B Bowles) CAHPT0N JUHtSTION Trains So, L W street $15.00
Children just-e to taice them. A medical .Indent is on bis way ,o tCopi right. - y Joseph B. Bowles.) j 2, 3 and 4 will make connection S room roidencc, bath, gas, etc.. ClaA COUHtV I
I"- IWhV Whitcburg home. Fouch's with Mountain Central Rallway to .Main street .' 30.00 M
. 0 Few Useful Hint. and from Campton. . tT 1 jb kiI,
,Ar..Unwelcome Perlcd. kiiL-mcn. it i.- icpftrted, ay they will Stains maCe by medicines, and espe- BEATTYVILLE JUNCTION-rTrain' PRICES $1.50, $1.00, OC .-fli0-.?r;s.,Jii1.11 tVmr..,ro..m- rsln NSUOIltll ISA HI M
B L,617 drear1 "ennit decapitation of the corpse. cially llnimei.t marks,, ar- among the N x 2 and 3 wiu makd, connection . . r .trcot..... , ' t
K i people who are no kin to him will be- . , ... most obstinate of removal and fre- ., ' T , flnfi COp ' - , v- 1 '"I" " ...Ji:"ts
K ite callint b!m uncle. Fouch lived 2.) years with a bullet qucntly tax amcteur knoxvleflge to the th tLe. L' & A RalIw"ay for Beatty- IIU 3Ul. OiT.cc, ground floor, rairtnx trect. .fM.fc 1 j (
i - - in bis brain. ? 2 utmost. Iodine marks may, however. ' . . $10.00 . H
K ' o successfully removed by means of 0. & K. JUNCTION Trams Nos. 2. GALLERY 25C Several Hats, all im.dern couveni-
K IZ!IL I1(l"id ammonia, a little of the spirit 3 and 4 will make .connection with .
K; BBBBBBBBBMaBBBaBBBaBiiBBBBBBaaaMB being poured into the saucer and the Ohio & Kentucky Railway for Canne! enees; well locateU; eitiier tiit 01 fcmtii flf BgrClMlI, fimVl t
stained garment laid p---oss it and City, Ky., and O. & K. Stations. Seats On sale at Strode's Drug Store -Second floor; price right. j iUn JftlJcIt!. I
the spot dab ed repeat-dly with the CHARLES SCDTT, -j-.-;-- Office in McEldowney Building ' j . ',
i C T afl 7 17 C ag-irin- p-oses (mibmhuw I
I m . washed with strong soaps..as in the LtUISVILLE & NASHVILLE wMim - '- ' . , -
W JLLJ asl manner SguthMund. ,fW L0ST-A small gold pin attached to
P- Tu . . . WrInklM No. 87-Cincinnao-Krorvm !oc &Kjf MilJS ,,0TO Keturn l" RoU,ilIS Slt iK Cepital and Surplus I
I 1 AnueSoauiry is 10:25 a.m. 37 B"arf- W,000.00 I
v to blame for permanent lines across No. S3 Cincinnati-lacknou villi .vofi-tmaj. wli
R "RllTr TVTnnVO'Q AlV 10,TTf' the forehead. Then there is another limited, 10:52 a. m. FOR SALE 300 shocks cf fodder MHUHBHHBBnm
ALiy d, iTXUUICO XXil'LlgUb muscle whose office is to draw down Nfc 9 Maysville-StaJiford local --B-lMaihB Wiil ford in pn.tnrc, straw stacks. V
. , , , tbC ,eyebrows: " does ,tB. ecf, l Tith Cincinnati conmectioo at 7777 Barbce Belts. 1-15-tf aBHiHBHHIMHB
K. Heater and warm your whole 7" capital - . noo.oro s dcai cctatc 1
KTi . presslon is not in keeping with a hap-1 No. 31 Cincinnati-AtlanU limits FOR RENT Cottage of five rooms, It LRU ELOlHlC. S
If' house. We also carry a com- : JSJEi.-' is 0De of the ,east " 11:22 p" m' street; r Farms for sale Honses
K- BunnBoand hgbts and good stable. J. N. flnd Lots for gaje Qr Y
1 plete line of Coal Heaters. A..hairibvr 1 -Bn5h 1Iomc phone r- 3"u'tf I
' lncu- For tle Purpose of such fine No 10stanford-MayBTille local Winchester Bank FR SALE The Big Run Coal, the A Specialty Of Lot
M- w , , , , , and de"?;e me,f "r eme,nt t00lt mak!f Jonnectine i Paris for Cmcinna'.: best on the market; yards on West Sales.
1- Would be glad to show you , Bro.ay. c' county con-1 'n f B1TIIff I
; that has to be taken into consideration No. 38-KnoxvJle-Cincmn8t, U WINCHESTER. KY. struction Company. U-28-tfl MIHtLO S MlUlf
H . Aim linA ' in the manufacture ot a thousand and f arnvw 2:48; departs 23 p. m r j-t-. ni-i B
:T J OUr lllie. ne things in the machine maker's art' No. 3S--JwlcsonviUeiCinoiTUiali ' 1 . , I AnaitOniim DlOg. H
Close calculation of this rt must be limited 5 :37 p.m. FOR RENT Two-story bouse on IBHli
done on the doors of bank vaults, for jj firo daily excopt Nog 9 ant N. H. WITHERSOON, Haggard street witb gas and stable i ? S H
ft Our prices are right. . , Stt . president. w.p.amil i-o-tt KLLTHKeQuCH
' CHESAPEAKE & iH!t. ;P W. R. SPHAR. .v. 1 ' g , IandUDbTtiIIIIM
K Rest in Solitude. CaihieT F0R ' f 1 I CURK LUWP,
Ut The C -t requisite In resting Is to EastheWtC corn Sroundi clover sod. A tlOUSC ummM gaKA MlaUgt ;H
K- ........... ........... .......... "ealone Every human being is more No 26, Daily; Ex. Sun. ..8:45a. m and 10 acres in grass. J. II "f 11! H(l 9 1
xt it T7X AWT XK tude and silence; for it is in the heart No. 4, Daily 9:10 p. in MMVUmi ,
1 FKANKLIN, rTOp. of what shalUw people calllonellness WestbOBI SOLICITS YOWt HOUSE FOR RENT Six rooms fWCSBSS'SBKrff V
K tliat there Is found the fountain of re- No 27 Dailv Ex Sunt fj-oo m wi-wiiw iwwi- la.aj a.TWtWTOWai H
K. . (SUCCeSSOrS tO J. K. Allen) and a new birth of Joy In' o2 T I t5S t ACCOUNTS. th gas and water. Apply to A AMALLTMQWAM0 LbUGTWOWKS
I" . J Ufe- In. 25, Daily Et Rwk .. 3-50 p. m Sympson, corner Maple and G(AAMTED SATTSFACTO.ir
K, iMHMMHaailllHMMBMami No. 23, Doil. j5 bMPBbm Hiebna gtrcets- 12-29. tf yQVVCP. J

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