Newspaper Page Text
Wearo constantly adding nei7 styles to our already large variety, and there is do reason why ou cannot bo suited, so Insist on CavinR vv. L uoujias saoes iroui jour dealer. Wo use only Uie best Calf, Russia Calf (all colors), French ratent Calf, X rencn xnainei, v ici niu, eic, graded to coiTesiioud with prices of the shoes. Ssiliik If dealer cannot supply you, rnto . W.L DOUGLAS, Brcctlofl.rkts. Catalogue Fees. RQYAi POWDER Absolutely Pure Celebrated for its great leaven'ng strength and healthfulness. Assures the food against alum and all forms of adulteration common to the cheap brands, .boyal bakimo powder CO., NEW YORK. The Children's Home Society. The Madison County Local Advisory Board of the Kentucky Children's Home Society organized with the following officers : President, Judge J. C. Chenault, Vice-President, Mrs. R. E. Turley, Secretary, R. Edgar Turley, Treasurer, J. A. Higgins, Examining Dr. J. M. Foster. Among-other objects it is designed "to receive and report to the proper headquarters the case of a homeless child to the State Superintendent of the Children's Home Society." SOLICITING COMMtTTEl:. Thos. Thorp, Miss Ruth Crow.Mre. M. A. Lynn, Mr. S". F. Rock, Mrs. Nannie Hogg, Mrs-J. W. Zaring, Mr. Thos. E. Arnold Miss Sudic Russell. ASSOCIATE MEMBEnsMAGISTEHIALDISTKICT. G. D. White, Vhites Sfation, Ky., Glades District. M. F. A rb tickle, Kirksville, Ky.. Kirksville District. W. L. Crutcher, Richmond, Ky., Richmond District. L. F. Oldham, White Hall, Ky.. Foxtown District. E. E. Million, Million, Ky., Million District. Dr. John Harris, Union, Ky Union District. W. L. Searcy, Waco, Kv Waco District. R. D. Pettus, Kingston, Ky, Yates District. T. B. Graham, District Superintendent. DUTIES OF ADVISORY 150A3DS. I. To organize at once, upon appointment, by the election of, president vice-president, secretary and treasurer. 2' To receive and report to the proper headquarters the case of a homeless child. 3. To accept a child in case of any em ergency, subject to the approval of the State Superintendent. 4. To icceive aud report applications for children. 5. To give information and supply blank application papers and other requisites when solicited 0. To report the character, standing, and financial ability of a family applying for a child, obtaining satisfactory testimonials from reliable sources 7. To obtain in writing, when so directed by the Slate Superintendent, the legalsurreuder of a child offered the Association. 8. To discreetly supervise the work of the Society within the local jurisdk tiou, and give such assistance as may be in their power to the Superintendents or Agents of the Society; and especially to report at once to proper headquarters any case of abuse or neglect of a child. D. To receive donations when neces 6ary for the Society and to remit the 6ame without delay, to the proper authority, keeping a correct list of donors. 10. To aid in the circulation of the Children's Home Finder and other literature of the Society. II. To keep correct minutes of their proceedings, and a record of all children placed within their jurisdiction; also a record showing when nud by whom children have been transferred. 12. To repoit in writing any matter of importance not specified in the above rales. 13. To promptly notify the State Supcrintaudent of the removal of any family having a child of the Society, giving, if possible, their new address. For copy of Children's Home Finder. or information about the tcorjt of the address. REV. F. M. ELLIOTT, State Superintendent, No. 714 Seventh St., Louisville. K. LAND, STOCK AND CROP Cyntiiiana A very 6inall crowd iu town. No cattle on the market. There was considerable inquiry for good cattle of any age. We noticed several buyers from Bourbon, among them J. E. Clay and others. A lew common mules and Dorses sold at low prices for home ii6e. Winchester. About 250 cattle on the market and most of these extremely plain. There was a good demand and first clns3 cattle would have brought 4c or better. One lot of god 000-pound steers were sold by the head, and when weighed it was found that they had cost -lie. A lot of good 75!) lb steers where sold at $30 each; heifers weighing GOO or 700 pound 2 to 3c; fat cows 3 ; common bulls 2c; milch cows $25; hogsSJc. llules sold $5 to SI0 higher than last couii; c imiiion mules 15 to Ihi bauds high, $50 to $65. Democrat. E. P. Dean, Jr. sold at the Pickett Tobacco Warehouse, Iiuisville, laUweek, for June Stone, of Little Rock, lShhda of tobacco, entire ciop lot, at the $15, 1411, 10 25, 7 SO, 7 30, 7 30, 6 30, 4 95, 4 50, 4 30, and 3 SO,. Ciop averaged $8(5. LITER AR Y NOTES. OLGA NnTIIERSOLK TO WRITE OJga Nelhersole, the aclress. has turned her attention te writing, and will give advice of a practical nature to "The Girl Who Aspires to Elocution." Her con- tributation trill appear in an early issue of The Ladies Harae Journal. Count Your Ancestors And Find You Are Kin To Everybody. The meeting of the Daughters of the American Revolution at Washington recently renders apropos the following interesting, and perhaps comforting, solution of the ancestral probltin which is now agitating the minds of so ninny young Amcr'cns, F. F. Vs., D. A. It's, etc. Granilf.itheis and grandmothers are very pru when they can boat of having a p.i t y score or two of descendants, ttiit n seems to be aware of the mils he has fur boasting of the number of his ancestors. Has it ever occurred to you to count back in a direct line? If not, try it now, and you will be astouihhe 1. At the firbt icinove you have two father and mother. At the next step vou have four J wo grandfathers and two grandmothers. Each of these has had a father and a mother, so that ou have four and four great-grandmothers. Each of these has had two patents, so that at the fourth generation back you have sixteen ancestors, at the fifth you have thirty-two, at the sixth you have and at the seventh you have 12S. As jou go a little further they rise to the thousand.", bo that, if all your diiect for twenty generations be added together, they amount to over a million, and if you go back another twenty degrees, they total 1,000,000,000,000 or more people than there are iu the world at the present moment, if you leave out Asia. Now, as forty gcueintions arc equal to only about 1,200 years, if you were to calculate back to the begiuning of the woild, you simply couldn't find figures to express the number of your blood relations The Kircball Parade. The Kimball Piano Company deserves to succeed if energy and advertising lead to success. Yesterday afternoon they exhibited their pluck and business determination by a second street parade with a bras band and a number of wagons loaded with pianos and organs. This parade exhibited the second large shipment of instruments received by the agent of this company at Lexington within the pabt six weeks. The price and quality of these pianos must appeal to the public from the number Mr. Sutherlin has had shipped to him. It was thought at first that this house had opened here for a short time only, but it seems that it has met with such success that it has come to stay. Lexington Herald, Mar 21. Kentncky Under Radical Rule. Georgetown Times.) The toll-gate raiders in the Republican county of Lewis, wbo in the broad light of day, without any attempt at disguise, rode through the streets of the county town and boasted that they destroyed the toll-gates as they came to them, have not been arrested andare not likely to h The Maynville Bulletin sav s it has it from a reliable source that County Judge Hillis not only told the raideis that he nppioved of their action, but actually 'oak them to bar rooms and tieated to drinks. This judge who thus encourages lawlessness in a candidate for icelection He is a shining representative of the party thatclaims to stand 'for law and order." OUR CLUBBING LIST. Magazines, Newspapers, and Other Publications at Reduced Rates by the Climax Company. Below will be found a list of periodicals which the Climax will order for its subscribers at its reduced rates, the only provision being that the subscription to the Climax bo paid up one year in advance. By reference to the prices quoted below, it will be found that we can save you from five cents to one dollar on every publication named. following prices include the Climax: Arena .. ?3 75 American Art Journal, Music. 3 25 American Art Review S 13 Breeders Oazette 2 15 Century Magazine 4 60 Cosmopolitan.- 1 95 Weekly Courier-Journal 1 65 Weekly Commercial Gazette 1 45 Weekly Enquirer 1 CO Demorest's Magazine 2 C5 Frank Leslie's Weekly. 4 So frank Leslie's Monthly 3 4G Detroit Free Press Semi-Weekly 1 85 The Forum 3 75 Harper's Magazine .. 4 15 Harper's Weekly . 4 35 Harper's Bazar ........ 4 35 Harper's Round Table 2 65 The Independent . . 3 65 Lippincott's Magazine. . 3 15 Muncey's Magazine . 1 60 McClure's Magazine .. . 1 90 North American Review 5 25 Ohio Farmer . 1 DC Public Opinion 3 IS Review of Reviews 325 Scnbner's Magazine. 3 CO St. .Nicholas .3C5 Semi-Weekly St. Louis Globe-Democrat.. . 1 to Tri-Weekly N. Y. World 1 75 Kentucky Stock Farm- . 2 75 Louisville Evening Post. 300 Twice-A-Week Courier-Journal X 75 Weekly Louisville Commercial 1 45 N. Y. Journal, daily. - 600 N. Y. Journal, Sunday- . 3 20 Silver Knight -Cincinnati 1 7C Post, daily 3 20 Peterson's Magazine. 1 SO Puck, weekly 5 25 Judge, weekly 5 25 Atlanta Constitution .. 1 5 Atlanta Journal 1 45 Ladies' Home Journal. 200 Five hundred other journals and magazines with the Climax, at reduced rate-3. The Climax Company will take pleasure in attending to orders received by mail. Always Dtate whether or not you are now taking the periodical you wish us to send for. BULLS S SALE. W. T. Duerson, of Kirksville, has two young Shorthorn bulls for sale, and ready for service. They are good color and well bred. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund the money if it fails to Cure. 25c. For sale by W. G. White, Druggist, Richmond, Ky. MADE ME A MAN AJAX TABLETS POSinVEljY CUR1 JLUCA'rrvous 9tIoa orTpImpotency. Bleeplennem, eta, caascw br Abuao or other Excesses and Indi j t ftl 1 ! 1 1 -4-ft -7 restore ot in old orjonnc.anL nt a man lor naa jf Dasines or marriage PrerFnt Iasanitr and GonsaDUon ii tiki Dinum. ThBirte ethow im mod lata lmrroTe inieat&ad effects a CURE where all other Xaii upon harlriK the cenaine Ajaz Tablets Thex hare cared thousand and will cure jtwl writton miaranto to effect a rare Eft PTC In each case or refund the money. Price w w I viper paekaoe; or eis pkts (fall treatmentl for f2.Sfl. I3j mail, in plain Trrnrpnr. yn rocetptof price. ircn1ar " AJAX REMEDY CO., TB.- For sale In IUetSaond, Ky., by Hacan & Bemdon. f J 0 Wbo can thin. Idea tbtsc of tome tap-teat; WmDle Protect Toar Mean; Hhermay b t write jmw m --., .-, Iter. D. O, foe tfcate lie Speediest Inn, The Finest Kigs, The Safest Drivers, The Promptest Attention. The Cheapest Prices, The Favorite Stable. Telephone Your "Cousin," P. B. BROADBUS, Hunley's Old Stand. No. 26. BRIDGEFORD'3 ECONOMIST RANGE, SEE THEM! EXAMINE THEM ! PURCHASE THEM! Am I SS?sri iStPJElvM T! iiiii&f?iB lllllljf SOLD IN RICHMOND. ELBE Sill S BED WETTING CURED OR NO PAY. Mks. B. M. ROWAN, Milwauije, Wis. s RAILWAY. uvijy (IN KEMUCKY ) bcheilulo In efTert F-l. 15. 1S07. EASTBOUM) MX I No a No. t Lv LtuUvillc .. 7 Ajarm botpai Ar. &heibyillo 9 Hin 5i.fipm ! ArUrencHUK i0 OJin H2m v.pra Ar Versull a 10.23am ft3pm laitpm Ar T.ex'tvzlPn .. . IflVJim Titopin 10 iCpm w K-. n 1 1 Nn ZT'2il I.v Ixiiixto.i .. . . 74..1U 1 ' m Ar. Vors.ille a 1 0am a.lpu 50 in Ar &"0in alopai i.tam Ar SheibyTiUe 9l7in .:pm COvjm Ar. Loulsvlllo 7&jpm Trains Nos 1.2. 1 and a carry Tree (.hair Cars. EASTinDND WE5TD5CNJ. No I No. II STA IONS. So lipo lt 3 5p n 7 4aru Lv Louisvit Ar 7 .opmlo ha.n tllpu 10 UUm Ar Iirncbrz Ar ilim 8 -win 7 Upm iat9jm Ar Harodsbg r 1 31pm 7 3iam 7 5 pm 11 01 m r Uureln L. 4 7.;im EASTUfU.NP WitSTBOOO No. 1 INo "7 srArli'N N'a 16 tN'o M. "3.spui 7 15j..ii L.v Louisvll A O -warn 7 5.ipni S'dti 9 liam Kr snelbtil Ar 9I7im d3ipm 634pa 'a;3im Ar Verslies Ar a.iliim t 1 pra 701px II OTim Ar Midway Ar 7 4lan. 7 30p'n lilSpm Ar Genrstn I.vl 7 1 nrj Hpm BASIOjU.nD WES UOUMX N"o. 1 tN'O i. STATIONS. . N"o 6 , tNo 7. 45am iaspm .v Uoul.vii Ari I idj m . aipm lOiim ftlOpni L ersl es Ar 7 55nm KUlpm II 05am 7 31pm Ar NlcblvIllAr 0 "Sam 4 l'ipn I! l!Snm 8.3Dm ArR.chmo"JL (SOiair. 3 Iipm 1 i0,.ml Ar Irvine Lv 1 31pm stati )NS. No. 1 Nc a Lv LouUtlile. 7 404m iipm Ar Lexiieton 10 Wra l.i 4 1pm Ar Knoxille... 7 lupm 7 marxi Ar Ashellle. ... 1 4Jam I i 51pm Ar bnvannah 4 51am Ar J iclconvtlle 9 0 am Ar Cau.nooia . d oopm 7 51im Ar. Atlinta ,0 5mm 1 lipm Ar Macon 1 35am Ar Jacksonville 90iim Lv ChJltanoo.'a.... o. I IptTi s. I jam Ar llirmlngham . ,0 05pm I Oipm Ar Meridian 2.3im 94pn Ar New Orleans.... 8 3JJU1 ilium No. 1 carries Free Chair car LcuUvllle to Lexington there connecting with solid e '1 rain carryln; Pullman fcieepini Car to Jacksonville via Chattanooga, also to New Or leans. No. 3 carries Pullman Sleeper Loutivllle to Chattanooga, alio Lexington to via Hot Springs.Asacvllle and Pullman Union Sleeper Lexington to New Orleans tDally Eicept Sunday A.'WnEDOx.P &T A. S.T Swirr.P &TA.. Louisville. Ky Lexineton. Ky. W. H Green Gen Sup. J. M- LUiP.T. JL W.ihlnvton. D C. Washington. I). C W. A. TUHK.G P. A . Wll U. Tayloe A G j? A. Washington. D. C. Louisville, Ky. HQ !J lbrli5bJl cr (i A quart of prevention Is worth gallons of cure The old saying- is just as true in its new form. It refers to the taking of 3 - USt QUAUT boitles. when you begin to feel nervous or tired out. "Why take Johnston's ?" you ask. Because it has stood the test for thirty years, and because what it has done for thousands it will do for you. Quart bottles sell every "i ? 4 wc THE RICHMOND CLIMAX M VOLUME X. RICHMOND, MADISON COUNTY, KENTUCKY, WEDNESDAY, MAECH 31, L89T. NUMBEIl 48. Tl ARMING, U - wjsii to caution all users of Sitamons ! i 1A it r on a subject, of the deepest ' -i htiJ nnjwrtance to their health i bip iheir lives. The sole proprietors i in m Simmons Liver Regulator "i i i it ciMOTiers are often deceived by n a i.l taking some medicine of a ' appearance or taste, believing it to . ihiuivh Liver Eegulator. We warn i 'hat uniVss ilie word Eegulator is on p t bottle, that it is not Simmons KuUtir. No one else makes, or .r h s mad" Simmons Liver Regulator, or ,n vi 'imp coital Simmons Liver Eegulator, i u! I H Zeihn&Co.andnomPdicinemade i . aiv me e si is the same , We alone can I t n up and we cannot be responsible, if represented as the same do n t hel.. vou as you are led to expect they w 11 this fact well in mind, if you have Iieen in the habit of using a medicine which yon supposed to be Simmons Liver Regulator U-cause the name was somewhat like it and the package did not have the word on it, jou have been imposed i.p n and have not been taking Simmons La er Kegulator at all The Eegulator has I pen favorably known for many years, and all who ae it know how necessary it is for Fever andAgue. Bilious Fever, Constipation Headache and all disorders anting from a Diseased Liver. We ask you to look for yourselves, and see that Simmons Liver Eegulator, which you can readily distinguish by the Red Z on wrapper, and by our name, is the only medicine called Simmons Liver Eegulator. J. II. ZKIL1N & CO. Take Simmons Liver Itegulalor. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 3Uv MILT-UK!) GOLDEN. ti: o. rapiie'r and TYPEWRITER. It n hmom), Kentucky. niijvimiHj A .11 Eurnam'&. p IV. MILLER. Atto Law, - - Kbktucky. Office in the rturnam Building, next door to P armtr's National HanV. C. F. HDBVAV. W. S. MOUKRLEV. B JRNAM MOBERLEY. RICHMOND. - - - KENTUCKY. Oppicb in Baraim BhiWids, recently occupied bj A R. Brnam. 31-39 v . -ii J A ttokn by-at-Lav, IIK'HMOXI), - - KENTUCKY. t:lie over Taylor's Hardware store, Court Htmse, on Main afreet. II. 15. IKHiti, .1 ttorne v .1 r la r. En iimond, - - Kentucky. ( di-e No. 13 Firat St.. up stairs. 31-30 (iUANTIi LILLY, A T LA II', I'm Kentucky. iimod, - - Office S. W. corner ilain ami Fccoml up etairb. Will in sill tlie omrts of MadiMjn and ndjuiiiiiij: count ! and Court of Apjteals. J.C 4-D JI. CIIENAULT. ATTORNEYS AT L.UV, Richmond, - - Kentucky, OTice on Second street, over artH'erv. CREEN CLAY, A T-LA '.V. liirhmtmd, ------ Kentucky. ol'citod. 13- strsTiT a - M li;. DR. II. R. GIBSON, P1IYSICIA X AXD SURGEON, RlCHMOI. - - KCNTUCKY. OlEce in the Je I't.Kiw lmftdtflg. iS and to Second Street, oirer Wane . ed drmstere. 17- CIIAS. HOOKER, I ETEIITXARY SURGEOX, Grmlwiti OnUtriu Veterinary QMege. Veterinary Den'try and Sterility a Specialty. OSice a str ver New Yerk Store, cernei Mhib awl FlMt stre. RKhmwH1 46- IL C. JASPER, M. J) Medicine and Surgery. Oflice Collins Ihiilding, MainStreet. Ttlepoone lit icii'lence (the Ciirr ptaec) or. lre.tdwa . RlCIIMOXD, Kentucky DR. O. A. KENNEDY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Richmond, - Kkxtcckv. OSce in Smith Building, No 204 Main Street, nj ttam Olnce hourc 11 to 1 ani t to 5 o'clock. DR. JOHN M. FOSTER, Richmond. ... Telephone at office and residence. - W. EVANS. M. D., Physician axd SUhobok, - - - Kentccki DR. T. J. TAYLOR, Practitioner in iled'unne and Surgery, Richmond - Kentucky 3rriceHOil retl.leiiroo iTlilnl -street. MlTrAL sussr?.T. DR. A. WILKES SMITH", DENTAL SURGEON, Riv.huusu. Kentucky OfriCE Smith building. Mii Street. Office lOUr, tpBO tO 13 II ; 1.03 to 4 I'. M. nyl'ractiee hra.ted in rientUtrr. J. C. M0B3JLN. J. A. TATES. MORGAN & YATES, DENTISTS, Richmond, Kentucky. Street, orer Mtditon National Bank. When Will Democracy Die. Ovin to numerous requests, we publish tlie folowiiiji lines tliat appeared in these coluuis tome ye.trs ajjo: When the lion eats grass like an ox And the fksiiwonn swallows the whale; When tennpins knit woolen socks And the hare is outrun by the snail; When serpents walk upright like men Ami doodlebugs travel like frogs; When grasshoppers feed on the hen And feathers are found on hos; When swim in the air And elephants upon trees-When insects in suminei are rare And bitnfl never makes people sneeze; When fKh creep o or dry land And mules 611 velocipedes lide; When foxes lay eggs in the sand And women in diess take no pride; When Dutchmen no longer drink beer And girls get to preaching on time; When billygoats butt from the rear And treason is no longer crime; When the humming biid braj fa like an ass And litiiberger smells like cologne; Wfien plow shares are made out of glass An 1 ihe hearts of Kentiiekians are stone; When ideas grow in bullet shape 1 heads And wool on the hydraulic rain Then the Democratic party will be dead And thi4: country won't be worth a cent S lelbv News. The Cause of Free Silver Coinage. nnquircr. The conference of silver leaders at Denver 011 Monday last was an event of more importance to the caue of fiee coinage than an thing that has. happened since the election. It was attended by Senator Jones, of A 1 Kansas the Chairman to of the Democratic National Committee, Senator Teller, of Colorado, and other prominent men, the Cha;rman of the Democratic Congresfr'onal Co nmittee. After the which was neld with closed doois, the Chairman of tli3 Democratic National Committee and the Chairman if the Democratic Com mittee left Denver for Salt City. The main object of movements is understood to be a general plan for the continuous circulation of free coinage lit- eratuie throughout the country, and especially in the doubtful elates. This, work is to Ikj accomplished by the co-operation of active prominent advocates of bimetallism m the several states. While the good work above defx;ribed is going on, the enemies of bimetallism are doing everything in their power to deceive its fiiends into the belief that they are working in the interest of international They are like those in 'who stole the livery of the Court of IUaven toscne the Devfl in." Having sold the M coventiou for a price measured by the necessary campaign fund, the shifty politicians in that body where permitted by thir Wall street employers to declare for international bv agreement with the leading commercial nations. lint they were required to pledge the Republicans party to the maintainaiice of the gold standard until these nations including Great would join a free coinage policy The promise of bimetallism upon such conditions is juft about as sincere as would le the promise of the devil to join the Presbyterian church at that indefinite date when he cm put up ice. It steins iiicreditablc that any friend of bimetallism could be deceived by such a fraud, and yet huiidieds of thousands of Republicans w ho are opposed to the gold standard voted for McKinley upon this Tliey were so devote 1 to the to piriy name and the party organization with which the had so long been asso is ciated that the nbmission 111 the .St, ly I.ouis platform that bimetallism was desirable served lo keep them withi'i their party lines These men were made the dupes of knaves. "Knavery's plain face to be hated needs but to be seen." This plrtin face is now being Kvery step taken the Republican party oit thissuhject since the election is a direct step toward Wall street. The banking fraternity of the country, without regard to party, was represented by the self elected convention held at after tl.e election. It favored as every heiesy advocate 1 by the gold men. It was lmsii'e to rce'ihackb and to all forms of United States nies, and aiso to silver com and silver It was in favor of gold as theonly money, and private bank note not a le gal tender, as the onlv circulating iiiiii. It favored a monetary commission to b? created by law appointed by the President, which would formulate all these rchemes for en.u tmei.t into law. President McKinley, in his iiuigural, remarked that if Congress should create Mich a commission, he would ap sxiiut nonpartisans of eminence. Every , body of seuseknows that is an uncompromising partin of thegold standard. 1 he President did not t icciea i n f j nstii h cemmissh n in tlirect terms, but he evidently had the recommendation of the Indianapol's in mind The idea of a inonetarv commission cuia lati g from that source. This proposed monetary commission must not be confounded with The Jilily3 could 7. L. Douglas productions possible we make wsSa L50, Douglas much mi. esss Merchants,, lawyers. ami economical I'livsiclans all KbiJfeSlllk men wnar W. L. Dcuglaf Shoes becanso tbey are tbe best. For sale by drawn by a New York lawyer employed by J. Pierpcnt Morgan and his associates. men appointed under it, if such a bill could pass, would be men who would sit around a table with J. P. Morgan and his attorneys and recommend just such a system of finance as would enable the syndicates which he leads to make the most money and create the most distress among the people. Any friend of bimetallism who is entrapped into voting for the creation of such a commission will be doing the work of Wall street. If he knows this and votes for it, he will be a knave. If he does not know this and votes for it, he will be a fool. Let no such man be trusted. We believe it to be goo 1 policy to throw-no obstacle iu the way of the Republican Administration in the passage of the tariff bill. The Republican leaders have assured us that that way prosperity lies. The real leaders of the Republican party care no more for protection than they do for the Mohainme Ian religion The opportunity was given them in 1S90 to retain the McKinley tariff law on the statute books, if the Sherman siver pure i: se law could also remain. They promptly decided to throw protection to the djgs rather than allow a continuation of a limited silver coinage law. The real struggle in Congress at this extra session will not be 'ietw eeu the friends and opponents of proteclion. The real struggle will soon develop itself, and w ill be found be between the representative of Wall btrcet and those of the people. The former will vote for the monetary commission, demanded by the bankers, brokers, and wreckers of Wall street. The latter will vote against any monetary commission to serve as a mask for Wall street operators. I.ct J. P. Morgan come to Washington with his syndicate and tell the committee of Congress what they want. That would be a manly thing. Bu we want no sneaking jobbery, no monetary commission advocating the schemes of the syndicates under a false pretense of beiug actuated by public motives. Wood Longmoor's Wit and Wisdom. The following arc bright sayings gleaned frOra the Frankfort Ledger for the delectation of Climax readers, Science teaches us that nothing is lost the great plan of the universe, and that the destruction or disappearance of any material object from view but proclaims its existence in other form. We would be highly gratified if science would inform us what form has been or will be assumed by a few former Democrats iu Kentucky who are lost and refuse to be found. Some people affect to believe that there is a compiiison between Carlisle and Teller. Nothing of the kind. Carlisle threw principle aside aud betrayed his party to worship at the golden shrine, while Teller spurned gold and discarded party for a principle. That's the difference in the two men. Teller is respected even by the pirty he renounced, while Carlisle is detested by old friends and will never be fully trusted by new allies. We hear very little these bright days of the mongrel ticket for county offices, which is made up principally of renegades from the Democratic party, and a few Republicans who hope crawl into office through the grave of Democracy, as it w ere. But Democracy far from being dead, aud is a very liv e- corpse indeed in this neck of the woods; so much so, in November next will show a larger Democratic majority than ever in old Franklin couutv. The most prominently-spoken of candidate for Governor on the Democratic ticket is Judge Win. II. Prjor, ex-Chief Justice of the Court of Appeals. Judge Pryor is a true and tried Democrat, an eminent jurist, conscientious gentleman and bus a clean record to stand on. Should he be selected to lead the Demo cratic forces iu the forthcoming conflict, there will be little doubt of the result, his very name is a word to conjure with among Kentucky people George Washington, whose memory we revere and honor today, delivered this gloi ions co tin try from the yoke of Great Britain, and William Jennings Bryan will deliver it from the no lees galling yoke of the gold barons of Wall and Lombard streets. Washington was the champion of political liberty for a vouug and Btuggling nation, and Rrjau is the champion of the sacred liberties of a great people. Washington was not successful in his first battles against a pow- lerfnland anogant enemy, and neither was Rryan. But George kept on until he got there, and the present indications are that William will follow suit. There are points that all editors, reporters and type setters should Be careful to give credits at top not end of long articles. Typos should never set a stick of type aside without comparing with copy. Paris Kentuck iau. mm SHOE Style, Fit and Wear not be improved fur Uouble the Price. $30, $4.00 and $5.00 Shoes arc the of skilled workmen, from the best material to put into shoes sold at these prices. the international monetary conference, for it is entirely a homo affair. It is a little Congress on w heels to do the business of the big Congress, vvliich, it is alleged, docs not know enough to legislate. Any bill introduce! in Congress for the creation of such a commission to steer Congress will be purely and simply a gold standard measure It would be also $iA and iia snocs tor men, ana $2.00 and 51.75 for boys, and the W. L. 530 Police shoe, very suitable fcr letter-carriers, policemen and others having walking to do. Freeman Brothers, Richmond, Ky, where foi;i..oo. I New Firm Surles Kennedy, (Next door Richmond Nat. Bank.) HEADCOAUTEnS FOE D. H. Baldwin & Co.'s Pianos anil Organs. New Home Sewing machines. Standard Kitchen Cabinets. Agency Provident Savings Life Insurance Co., and Old Continental Fire Insurance Company. .SADDLER1 i .. &.&. -x" - ' L SS &'K?5 res eAvSa&K tsj TMsllliiiili & I I Ttifi7"T Geo. White. ATWaiEnAZBEu'3 Livery Stable. All kinds of hand-made harness, cheaper than can be bought any where in Richmond. One us a trial and be convinced. Satisfaction guarantcd. D3. PEFFER'3 PILL MKVMSrOVFRY. KEYFKFULS. .ii, exrv itc, scanty c pnm' (r"V3 m, r llU'ii. tumt ion. No-v nseti tv orrr HO.OOC '55 lnricrrat3tl.esa orvans. le- S ware of 1mU ei.u i3:t.i:t!i. K&nu W TT-W T1 0m t T !"! ' - ( uvj Vu btn L V feilu l.. plilo bej I 4c ii I Maniiaf particuia fold ! loCRj I X IWI I IJ MF Ii ' CAX.A3UC2AriV.V Ill ioh by Drus Co. i.l V . AVIiite. WEAK mtS lflDE VI0"5S5 if ffiSS, nitid lDf. ISDW 272V tila t PE?FF.B53 &&iW!m D It acta aad ira h r ot.era fMl. Vnrr En regain h'ta bt I. TiPnrw ver Toiithful vior. artectt to Cue cr nune"W, Iot 1iiii -a AIt rcl n-i. bt, Fsii!iry SI"mc , jiin x "ac, and a'l ejects of slf arru t or t s rf inUrrtiGn. Wpri!s olf tncani y aid r i h - Unzx 1 t finurgt irapoo a wur;hU ssm t li ; n I'JC W.P5RS ft lYGSSv ov - nd . -Cx-n &o earned is vctjoc!:ct. lTccaid pi tt. ; icr. ! per or G for sI. m h A f o- r1ttrn Oas.ran(s t Cure irl"cfjn " inp7. laniph!tfr,.ooUi b tirucists. "I ! ".! , r - "- ASV, .Iilciise, S'oUl by Uichinoii'l Drujj Co. eml W. G. White. UK. W. ItlliKY Of Shclbyvillc, Ky., I'ecommcnils Wright's Celerv Capsules. Sliflhwilie, Kv, May 20, "JC. To Wriht Medical Co., Col., O : dent's I have purchased a bos of Wricbt's Celery Capsules from G. 1 Mitiiieltoii, druuist, and used them for Sour Stomach, Torpid Liver and Constipation ami found that they crave me immediate relief every time. 1 think it an exLcllent remedv. Yours very truly, 9 Geo. W. Kilcv. liOV TO FIND OUT. Fill a bottle; or common water glas with urine and let stand hours1; a sediment or settling indicates a diseased condition of tl.e kidneys. When mine stains linen it isposithe evidence of kidney trouble. Too fre quent desire to urinate or pain iu the back, is also cunvinciii proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. "V7HAT TO DO- There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every w isb in relieving pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary pasaces. It corrects inability to hold urine and scaldirg'pain in passing it, or bad effects following nse of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes thatitiiipleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many the night to urinate. Tha mild and tho extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It slands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing: cases. If you need a nieJicine you should have the best. Sold by price fifty cents and one dollar. For a sample bottle and pamphlet, both Siiit free by mail, mention the Cuii.w., and send yoiu full address to Dr. Kitner & Co., Uinghampton, .X. Y. Tne propretor of this paper guarantee the genuineutss of this offer. - Pi - rUte m WILUATIS. DAY1S. 'SRCOKS & CO., Detroit, filch. 513 -..--- cr ir t -i--"- ------- .--.-----,-.,- -.,---,---.-.-,.-. n3 fm KA far Uverettes for ana ticic 35c E3 . ? i, ; . - j Sold br.D;Z4ir. Bi,Taylor, Wace.K. ,s -;--., "p'JbiT 1--&1- -. i ' ,-3 -1 "Nothing else like ii:', The inost refrsshtni? and pleasant Soap for the skin. xi ilSZ&j S-5 fl JnSDICATEa ml ffiinSREOUgggi ii ! S!iriS q. vm g Tm.TYrns57rc rei tk: gjlS I'Jil T E riH.Kr;;i..i j -. DPirc O" g I lJLji.ctJirrpi It lasts twics as longf zz others. A trial w II convincs ycu of its great merit. VilI plcasa most f:tidiou3. CHARLES F. KILLER, lfr. ct FCNCIl ?- L' 0 TCrET EOAPS AND FCRFL.V.ERV, Lancaster, Penn. ESTABLISHED, X859. Fa Ga Oo 5e nr MAKE American Beauties EC.CO'5 CORRECT on Ar Cos ARTISTIC EFFECTS, JSL All i 5 Lengths, On Each Box. .S T NEWEST W.WRialfr2SrJ MODELS. ipag FANCY ind PLAIN. FEATHERBOHE DORSET Gb SOLE MANUFACTURERS. SOLD av W. D, 0LDHA31 & C0HPANY. L. & S'. B. E. K. O. DIVISION. In Effect 1, ISSG. I I lv. Express for Cincinnati, akv . M. MaysilIo, Win- i. m cheater ami Lexington C.2o mail. 7JSS Cincinnati. Paris, M. ville, Winth es ter and 2.03 Lexington mail. 1.05 Livingston, London, Jel 1.10 lico. Pineulle. 12 55 Fast line for Livingston, a. m. 11.43 London, Jellico Knoxvillt 19 . m. Fast line for Cincinnati r. m. 3 111 Paris Winchester. 11 43 r m Kowland Imcaster am m 1.2 j "tanfort. 1 10 4 f iTll to CO o 3 J2 CD J George Thorpe, Second Street, between Main and Water, rear of Dillingham building, Itichmond, Ky. Ready to do all kinds of blacksimtlimg promptly iu the best workmanlike manner. S-7 naaison monEffleiiiai worKs, f : , ij if x: i?,"5rrir'' , Vr -(V it & k A iPSIi &. -1 J&(xkrifeZ&'&f A5??l& EBZC - EEvIO o 2 S o 03 ???e. -si? tW 2ls V ...... MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IX GRKNITE S mONUmeNTS, AND ALL KINDS OF CEMETERY WORE. For further particulars, price &c, address, Wadisoi) MooUDKDfcal BBBBBaB9 'BSBBBV "r - -l Eu ''"aBgWi g ,- s J" f'J V " jBBBylaflay " tm. ' m Largest Livery Stable In Eastern Kentucky. C. 3e 38-H 1 r "!. --- We Send it FREE! -TO J Young and Old. Rejoice with us in the Discovery. When a man has suffered for years vith a weakness that blights his life awl robs him of all that reallv make life worth living, if he avail Imiiseif of a complete cure, w hy not possvatl.e moral courage to stop his downward course. We will send ou by mail, FISEK, in p'ain the All I'owerful UK. llmiAV VITAI, witha legal to permanentlv cure JIAX II0III), bh.UHIi VARU'lli'KLK, MiPS forever MIIIIT KMISSIONS and ail unnatHral drain. Returns to former appearances emaciated Xo C. O. D. fraud nor recipe deception. If we could not enre, we would not seiwl our medicine FKKK tu try, and pay uhen Mtistieti. Write to-day, as this utav Hot apjiear again. Address Western Hedicine Company, UCOKFOEAIED. Kalamazoo, 31 irk. 24- 25 FREE EDUCATION. ( An eilncation at Harvard, Yale, V or any other college ir intitutkiit y V of learning in the United States, A or in the New England tory of Musir, can be by v any young man or woman wln it, in eanrest. Write for particulars ijui. klv. JMhI. uvir 4 .ii Rron.tield t . Ronton, Mass. ' e, n. i. & b. hi if. Tune Table Xo. 27, Taking PTect ?HH- day, No ember 8, lMtC. 1ST CLASS. 2ND CLASS. EAST BOUND No x No. 3. No. a. Ex Sun Ex Sun Ex Sua ExSwi A M. A. M. Versailles IC ?5 6 40 sss Nicholas ville 11 1-1 7 3S IO KZ Valley View It . 75 10 55 Million .. t 4S S 12 11 3d r M. Richmond-. H 12 H5 330 i2 3paf .. Untoc 12 ia s ' Mobtrly 12 2 t cn Brnsticw 12 T IS? Panola . "42 2 tJ t Irvine. MH. I 1 3 No. 2. No. 4 .No.S. N'Skia WEST BOUND Ex Sun Ex Sun Ex Su Ex San A. M r M. P.M. A. M. Irvine i So 3 js fanula , ., 4 jg . 3 m 4 4 loberIy .. 2 ll 5 Co Union .. 1 t7 5 jj Richmond 60s 23$ 549 $eo Million . 6 20 2 3a Valley View 6 34 3 S SI NichotMviHe 6 s8 4; 10 6 S "er'aiHe 35 A ia s a. 11. r.iu r. M. a. m. Trains LobbyiBc atl VcniiUfi -. TraiHi betweea Cucmaau aad Niclinlnsvq laily. All traaj coBsect with Soother- K Iway ta ir1 from LosisviIIe. as- wtth the CX.CiT. P. to ami from I inciLRali. Yoa caa spend fire hoars ta LaaTStea)Mtsx boars ta Ciactaaati or is aoars ta Lexmt4m aa retara to Rtchawad at zjo a. m. V sou Get the Profits Of Dealers, Agent?, Jobbers nd Middlemen "by buying direct from the manufacturer. 52L vl . &&mf rrt w;r J No better wkeei mads than the A cm& i - -' iritfr. o yde Built in our own b skilled workmen usm the ce material aiiJ the motimproe t machinery, "'o hza no cgen' ' Sold direct from factory to tl rlcLr, fully warranted. Shipct.i anywhere for examination. WRITE FOR Oiar.nceresiing OEr Acme Cvcle C.'.. lad. - ITXD Q c O cr. o c ' a 1 1 . M 3 - o iFeed and I Sale T. Sccessrt8 CHs t Far, Richmond, ICy. m i ni n 1 Ji m it -i s 1 I 1 lHT m ii'J a? U ii V n m Il wS ma fl! : i sffr2