Newspaper Page Text
t ii-- i L Mi I The Richmond Climax. PUBLISHED tVEUY WEBSKSDAY BY Tha Climax Printing Co. j. a chesault. A. D. MILLER. J Proprietors and Editors. C. . WOODS, Associate Editor. I'KICK PKtt IX ADVANCE, YKAlt, $1.50. S1.25 WEDNESDAY, MAKCII 31, 1S97. The Corbin News is simply a ly, and deserves Bnccess because it is an all-round good sheet. Democrats at Frankfort stick it out and prevent an election of a Re-p iblicar, which in tirn w 11 prevent the U. is. Senate from passing a bipli UrifT Otherwise they will he responsible for it. Thursday. April 1, is the day appointed by Chairman Renick, of Clark, for meeting of the Democratic Committee of the 23th Judicial District composed of thecounties of Madron, Jessamine, Clark and I'ow ell. The meeting ill take place at 10 am,, at the I'ccsc Hause, Winches ter, rb :n the time and manner for a iJemocratic candidate for Circuit Judj;e and Commonwealth's Attorney will be determined. Let Editor Walton lay not down his arms in the cause of the people .. ".Money and Morals," even though the Star-Eye 1 Goddess turn npon him that evil ejuand corroding pen. The "craft that is doomed to wreckage" is the same which the Courier-Journal captained for many aytar its cause the same vl icb the editor of the Courier-Journal his than ten oars ago. and which but forliissednctHjnbv the money hoarders of the Est be would yet be advocating. Such doertion as this come-with ioor grace and luw won for the Courier-Journal complete contempt and substantial isolation from the very ones to whom it was long a guide and Hesby "Wattbkpos i mad when fie is not tifjht and tifrht when he's not mad, ele the would lonjrago liavo gotten hack into line for party success as Dick Knott i doinjr. The l'ot i iutthiR up the best of arguments for Democratic lnrmony, but Mr. "Watter.-on and Mr. Iliildeman are out of touch with the people, the large majority of them, thatV why the Louisville DNpatch i a n;ceity, and thatV why editor "Walton wiys: "Come back in the lniat. Mr. and bring your Knitting and the Courier-Journal with you and we will again together , 'skim the waters with a "wet sail and a flowing sea and a wind that follows fat," or words to that effect." Tjie Democratic County Commijtee met last Friday afternoon to take steps regarding the coming primary election, the Jessamine Journal. "The meet ing" "was very harmonious and the in vitalion extended m the gold Democrat w .is certainly the light iwe. Now if thegoW Democrat!-do not wish to affiliate with the partv, the fault lies with them and i.ot with the committee." The following resolution was adopted: "Relieving that the best interetsof the people of Kentucky are bound up in the Democratic party, and that Democratic control in local atlairs i absolutely essential to the peopleV welfare, ae invite all Democrats, regardless of differences of opinion upon questions of national jioliey, to unite in the selection of good men for the offices, thus insuring to county an efficient and economical administraton of local affairs. It is ordered that all legally qualified voters who consider theniaeives Democ rats, and who will support the nominees of this primary election, and all young men now under the age of twenty-one. but who w ill arrive at the age of tn years on or before the day of the general election in November, lfc'.IT, and who declare their purpose to affiliate with the Democratic party, shall be entitled to vote in said primary election." Vxi'EK the new Republican high tariff, the increase of the tax in certain scbed ules is worthy of spccnl notice. On tobacco the proposed increase is from 10!l to KM per cen. Wool, w Inch paid 44 27 under the McKinley Rill, is expected to pay 54 50 per cent, under tlie"moderate" tarifr of Mr. DingleV Woolen yarns mount from 30 to 100 per cent.; oilclothb from 4S to 100. Blankets are raised from 29 to H) per cent ; flannels go up from 4S to 100; dress goods from 40 :55 to 100. Shawls rise from 40 to 112 01 per cent. Hats of wool from 3.i to 90 per cent. This might be pursued indefinitely, but the rales mentioned give a good idea of the bill, especially in the woolen schedule, which is the point where protection made its most formidable charge. Under the present law, in 1S0G, the average rate on dutiable goods was 33.04 per cent In 1S93, nnder the McKinley law, it was 40.5S per cent. In other words, under the Dingley Bill, in its present Ehape, the rate of taxation will be about 17 per cent, higher than it is now, and about S per cent, higher than it was under the McKinley law. This percentage is estimated on the amount of dutiable importations. If we compare the tax it6elf now and the probable tax of the Dingley Bill, it will show an increase of some 34 per cent. And yet there are patriots who would go naked and starve that our "iufant industries" might give employment to a few at the expense of all the American people. Is The Negro Still a Slave? As might have been expected the Pantograph, speaking for the white Republicans, rubs its cheek np against the negroes and says, "We love the niirger." The Climax repeats all it ever said concerning the stupidity of the colored vo ters of this and even- other county for not demanding something for their indispensable services to their party, and nothing the Pantograph has sail or can sjy should deter the colored people from E2lecting some of their most respectable and able citizens and offering them for official recognition. The Democratic party owes the negroes nothing politically, though it does talc care of the few who ote that ticket. As for nominating any of these, this challenge comes with poir grace from a party whose very slaves the poor Negro has been erer since the war. There are a number of highly educated and influential colored men in Madison who might with justice and propriety ask a nomination at the bands of their party, and the time to do it is right now. Another thing, we would liko for tho colored voters to do a. little of their own talking, as we do not be lleve thatthe Pantagrsphj has ban f "Wince Ballard is unfit for the duties of Jailer, and cannot make a winning fight," let itaflirm that there is a colored Republican who is fitted for the place and able to win, and nominate him! LOCAL, Fifteen Children Born to Them. A case without a parallel, in this county at least, is that of Mr. and Mrs. John Forbush,who are respectively 35 and 153 years old, and to whom last Thursday wa born their fifteenth child. All of the children except one, a twin, are living. The family resides on the Roonesborough pike just beyond Mr Dan Harber's, and while their home is a small box house they are as happy as the inmates of Windsor Castle. A Gun and a Son-of-a-Gun. Justice has rarely been meted out more promptly than in a case which came to our notice here lastSaturday. A negro man stole a fine Winchester rifle from Mr. John RalFard, of near White's Station and sent it to Franklin, Simpson county, Ky., below Rowling Green, near the Tennessee line. Mr. Ballard cair.o in on Friday and notified Sheriff Simmons of the circumstances, and in exactly twenty hours the gun was located, the thief arrested and lodged in jail, and Mr. Rallard made happy over tho recovery of his property. It came about in this way. Sherifr Simmons mailed a letter atS:40 p.m., Friday, to the Sherifr at Franklin, describing the gun, etc.; that oflicer received the letter, located the gun and telegraphed Mr. Simmons before the hitter's breakfast had settled next morning. Mr. Simmons telephoned to White's Station and the message was sent over to Mr. Rallard's, three mi let away. A posse wju. dispatched to scour the country for the on-of-a-gun, and by two o'clock Saturday he had been run down near Fort Estill by Deputy Sheriff Dudley and landed behind the bars of Castle Wagers. Sons of Confederates Organize The first camp of Sons of Confederates Veterans in Kentucky was organized at the Court house in this city, on Saturday last. David It. Tevis was chosen Captain; Harry Rlanton 1st Lieut.; Frank French Adjutant; Rev. Jasper K. Smith Chaplain; Tom Collins Quartermaster; Dr. H. R. Gibson Surgeon. A meeting was called for Thursday next at 2 o'clock, p. m , at Tevis' Laundry Otlice, to complete the organization and to enroll additional t'harter members. It is earnestly hoped that the sons of all Confeder ate-; Veterans in Madison and other counties will attend. At tho decora tion of Confederate graves here last spring, Rev. Mr. Smith was called upon for a few remark. His extemporaneous oration was lb. of the day. Ah his father a "rebel" ho knew how to talk, and in five minutes there was not a dry eye in the audience. Nevertheless, there was no appeal to pUnHOIli no unpatriotic utterance the story of the lost Cause was rehearsed so pathetically add eloquently that it compelled unbounded admiration as it fell from the lips of this young son of a Confederate, this valiant soldier of the Cross. Dichthcria Ragipg. The Board of Health has taken prompt steps to prevent the spread of diphtheria, and over tho signature of Dr. A. W. Smith, Health Officer, and T. T. Covington, Mayor, ha-, i.-sued the following address: to Tin: citizens ok iiiciimoxd! Whereas there have been two deaths from Diphtheria in our city, the Board of Health issues the fol lowing order, viz: It is ordered that parents keep their children under the ages of fourteen years within their own premises for the period of one week from this date. Ttiat parents report promptly to their regular physicians should a case of sore throat develop in a family. That during the next three months no child is allowed to attend school while Milfcring with a sore throat. That children be kept from homes where there is illness. Section 4 of by-laws of the city of Richmond provides: "Any person within the city who shall knowingly go or send a child, servant or other person under his control from within a home in which diphtheria exists into any public place within this city or to another person's home, or to church, or school where they shall come into the presence of other portions shall be liable to a fine of $.10.00 for each oflense." The foregoing order will be strictly enforced. All phyfcicians are ordered to report any case of diphtheria which may be seen hi' them to the Health Oflicer within twelve hours. A prompt compliance with all the foregoing orders may prevent spread of disease. Any failure to promptly comply -with these orders will be immediately punished. Done by order of the Hoard of Health and Mayor of tho city of Richmond, Kentucky, this 20th March, 1807. Death of a Lady Who Had Lived Under Every President Exccpl Two. Mrs. Susan C.White, affectionately called '-Granny" White, died on Wednesday morning last, at 7:30 o'clock, March 24, 1S97, aged 93 years, 3 months and 20 days. It was our pleasure upon her last birthday, as it has been upon these recurring natal occasions for ten years, to pay a tribute of respect to this now departed saint, remarking that her gentle life had spanned almost from the dawn to the twilight of this century; and that she still lingered to bless those few remaining members of a largo household which had melted away so rapidly in late years. The deceased was born January 4, 1804, at Jonesboro,Tenn.,and was the fourth of thirteen children of Hugh Lowrey White (born in 1776, and died in 1850, aged 80 years) and Catherine Cain, who were married in 1798. Mrs. White only 1G years of ago when sho was united in marriage, 9, 1820, to Claborno W. White, of Abington, Va., the ceremony taking placeat Manchester, Clay county. Ky. Mrs. White's husband died in 1833, leaving only one child, the late Col It. X. White, of this city, father of Mrs. Susie W. Miller and Charles F. White, both deceased, and W. Fant, ot Newberry, H. J. Mrs. j'h ..' e- a'dod to see twooC her ., Richard Wi Miller, Jr., of this1 city, and Susie Miller, infant of MrsMattfo McQowau, of .tl&ata., Ga. -Three Kppolsted to dloUUe vrht.they shall her family setved in Con deceased, her cousin, Hon. Addison White, of Huntsvllle, Ala., and Hon. John D. White, of Manchester, Ky , a nephew. The first named was Speaker of tho Lower House of the Twenty Seventh Congress, and a close friend of Henry Clay. Of her twelve brothers and , only one remains, Sirs. Sallio Russell, of this city, aged 83. FOr the last five years Mrs. "White has miilo her home with Mrs. Russell, and it was a beautiful spectacle 1 to observe tho tender affection exist ing between these aged saints. Tho funeral occurred at Mrs. Russell's on Thursday and was conducted by Rev. L. G. Rarbour, assisted by Rev. Jasper K. Smith. About three score intimate friends of the family were in attendance. Tho pall bearers were Messrs. It. AV. Miller. Win W., David It., Hugh R., and Joseph Tevis, and Clarence E. Woods. The remains wero inferred in the family lot in the Richmond Cemetery, and the grave covered with floral oirerings of attached -friends, conspicuous among which were a large floral wreath with !)3 in a central design, from Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hogue. of "Washington, Ga., and a cluster of immortelles from Mrs. Kate Milward, of Lexington, all of whom were present at the funeral. Mrs. White was a devout Presbyterian, and had been a member for over three-quarters of a century. Throughout her life she was distill-, guished for her great kindness of nature together with a total absence of what is known as childishness encountered in most aged persons. She was a very intelligent woman, possessed of much spirit, but the trait of meekness with devotion to her God was a prominent characteristic. Her life was singularly free from bodily afflictions, though "sorrow's crown of sorrow" sat heavily upon her bead. So that her death came gently and she fell into her final rest with painless easo. Peace be to her ashes. PERSONAL. Miss Dora Rus?ell continues to improve slowly. Mr. J. M. Wright, of New York, a farmer, is in the city. Mr. Thos. Palmer and family left Monday for Rowland. Col. and Mrs. I. Shelby Irvine are at home from Chicago. Mrs. T. S. Hagan and child left Monday for Winchester. Miss Kstelle Poyntz returns tomorrow from Mt. Sterling. Mr. John K.jGibson has been in the South for about two weeks. Misses Lucia and Esther IJurnam leave to-day for Cincinnati. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Riggerstalf, left Monday for Mt. Sterling. Mr. Henry P. Moid spent Sunday with his parents at Mt. Sterling. Miss Mary Campbell left on Friday for :i visit to friends in Louisville. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thorpe and family left yesterday for Droadhead. Mrs. R. W. Miller and son left yesterday morning for Huntsville, Ala. Mr. and Mrs. Brutus J. Clay returned on Saturday from Washington. Mrs. Matt Hacker, of Irvine, was the guest last Friday of Mrs. Joe Carr. Rev. G. W. Young spent last Thursday with friends at Williams-town. Major J. D. Harris is the guest of his daughter, Mrs. C. M. Clay, at Paris. Mrs. T. T. Covington and family left Monday for Spears for a few-weeks. Miss Adler, of Lexington, was the guest on Saturday of Miss Raj Miss Delaii"y, of Covington, has joined Miss Fish as guests of Mrs. B. J. Clay. Judge Will Walker, of Lancaster, wrs the guest on Friday of his brother, Mr. Jason Walker. Miss Wagers left on Thursday for a visit to her aunt, Mrs. Alice Wagers, at Cincinnati. Miss Bettie Owings, of Mt. Sterling, has been the guest since Saturday of Mrs. J. M. Poyntz. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gatewood, of Owingsville, are expected to-morrow to visit Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Poyntz. .Mr. and Mrs. Waller Dennett re turned on Saturday from Frankfort, as did also Miss Mariawillie Smith. Mrs. David Rowland and children, of Danville, were the guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Rates White. After a delightful visit of five weeks Miss Julia Higgins was-welcomed home on Monday from Stanford and Danville. Miss Davel Combs, of Lexington, came over on Wednesday last to visit friends here. She is a grand-daughter of LesPe Combs. Miss Mary Spencer Smith spent last Thursday in Cincinnati, attending her sister, Miss Willie Smith, who is having her eyes treated. Mr. It. J. McKeo left yesterday for Camp Nelson, where he will take charge of E. J. Curley's distillery. Mr. Scott, Camp Nelson, will take McKee's place at Silver Creek. Mr. W. W. Watts has returned to his plantations in Texas. "Whilst Kentucky has been blessed with abundance of rain," said Mr. Watts, "some parts of Texas have been suffering for the want of it." Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hogue and Mrs. Kate Milward left on Friday for their respective homes, Washington, Ga. and Lexington, Ky., having attended the burial of Mrs. Susan C. White, who died on Wednesday last, aged 93 years. Mr. W. L. Rice, of the -firm of Wagers & Rice, Rice Station, was here Thursday en route home from Cincinnati, where ho purchased an immense line of dry goods, etc., etc. Mr. Rice, as usual, left us a nice order for stationery. Miss" JJolIo Bennett is threatened with malarial fever. She is greatly interested in tho Sue Dennett Memorial School at London, and her illness at this time, when her valuable aid is needed, would bo seriously felt by the Institute. Mrs. Eugenia Hume, Mrs. T. D. Chenault, Sr., Mrs. Harvey Chenaulr, Miss Llla Cheuault and Mr. Cabell H. Chcnnult leave to-day for a brief visit to Cincinnati. 31iss Chenault will j;peml two weeks with Miss Shnrall, of Covington. Friends of Armer oomed Tiim horh4 last week from a Cures Prove the merit of Hood's Sarsaparllfa positive, perfect, permanent Cures. Cures of scrofula in severest forms, like goitre, swelled neck, running sores, hip disease, sores in tho cjes. Cures of Salt Klieum, with its Intense itching and burning, scald head, tetter, etc. Cures of Boils, Pimples, and all other eruptions due to Impure, blood. Cures of Djspepsia and other troubles where a good stomach tonic was needed. Cures of Rheumatism, u here patients w ere unable to work or walk for weeks. Cures of Catarrh by expelling the impurities which cause and sustain tho disease. Cures of Xcn ousuess by properly toning and feeding the nerres upon pure blood. Cures of That Tired Feeling by restoring strength. Scud for book of cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla To & I. Hood tz Co., Proprietors, Lowell, Mass. u ., riMi are tho best after-dinner flood S FillS pills, aid digestion. 25c. recuperating his exhausted energy. His health is improved, his eye brightened, his step more elastic, etc., etc., etc. lie is now riding a bicycle. Accompanied by Mr. David Martin, Mr. William Todd left on Thursday for Rockbridge, Alum Springs, Va. Mr. Todd is in poor health and goes to this famous resort with tho hopes of improving if not recovering his health. He is a son of Jas. Todd, deceased, and a brotl erof NJnevah and George Todd, of Rrassfield, this county, is thirty years of age and married. Rev. C. K. Marshall and family have removed to the nico cottage "ferninst" the Springs in the Springs Additions Rev. J. F. Williams and wife were called to Newport this week by tho death of Mrs. Ducker, mother of Mrs. Williams. Harrods-burg Democrat. Mr. Marshall is father of Mrs. J. S. Collins, this city, and Mr. Williams was once pastor of tho Baptist church here. Close upon the heels of the handsome entertainment given by the Phi Delta Theta's came that by the Sigma Nu's hist Friday night. Their hall, which is tho prettiest in the city, never looked better, and the assembly was Al. The chaperoncs were Prof, and Mrs. Pepper antl Mr. and Mrs. Kooper Hood, and Mrs. Sallie Miller, who did the honors of the evening with consummate grace. The total value of a S1400 diamond was destroyed last Sunday by being dropped on the marble floor of the Hoffman House in Xew York, the stone being ' feathered" by the shock. "We gladly pass on this valuable piece of information to other members of the Kentucky press so that Buh Xewlon, Clarence Woods, Charlie Lewis, Ed. Walton and other opulent editors who sport headlights on their shirt fronts may have a care for their sparklers when they ernes their legs over the marble floors in the halls of wealth and luxury. Democrat. "Eom. MARRIED, Marriage license was granted to Mr. John T. Hawkins, of Cumberland C5ap,Tenn., 'and Miss Nannie Carter, of Wallace- ton, on Thursday last. IS. son of Elder Newland, of Garrard, and Miss Mary S. Wells, sister-in-law of D. T. Rogio, of this county, were granted marriage license on Tuesday last. J) one RELIGIOUS. Pursuant to notices given by tho pastors, Sunday evening services began in thevarious churches at 7:30, which will continue through tho spring and summer. Rev. Dr. Vaughan will preach at tho Methodist Church Saturday night,aiid Sunday morning and night. It is the third quarterly meeting for this Conference year. Evangelist W. W. Orr,of the Associate Reformed Synod of the South. will begin a series of meetings at New Hope Church, near Paint Lick, at 11 o'clock, a. m., April 4th. The meeting will be conducted on the union principles. All of God's people are asked to lay aside denominational tenets and co-operate in their prayers and personal efforts for the salvation of souls. The public is eordially invited. DEATHS. Smith. William McKiuley, the three-year-old son of Mr and Mrs. W. 11. Smith, died Wednesday night of measles. Burial in Richmond cemetery Thursday at 10 o'clock. State of Ohio, City op Toledo, ) Litcas County. i Fbaxk J'Caexey makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business ia the City of Toledo. County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cuke. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and suliscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 18SG. A. W. GLEASON I SEAL I Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists! 75c CORRESPONDENCE. COTTONBTTRG. Corn is worth $1.50 per barrel here. Several bunches of cattle feeding in this community. Candidate? are getting things" warmed up here, r Robert Moberly is improving slowly. His wife isnov ill with fever. People are at work in earnest as the rain and bad weather have held them off so long. David Smith has resfgued as postmas ter here; J. P. Long' has asked to take his place. David Smith has shipped 7 hogsheads of tobacco at intervals this winter, realiz ing from $4:15 to $7.95. ' The baptist church at "Gilef.d church I OfiJIed Rev. A. J. Pike asjheiripastorrit beinjr b"Seeventh."yerinjaeceiion. liM.w.terepreeetitGd, our r wWU JMrt. "jilMi. thlakf tfcirti gr ' W brothetyRoa. John Whltv, trip fojIagUaft, vkeie ma , j tcwnjattf.v'py wyfny jbera wo,y syj inhabitants. We have a lively little town. Richard Moberley runs the goat department, David Smith the white rabbit park, Maca Ross the dog ranch. Alex Kay, grocery ,Dob Long, hotel, an 1 John Kelh ihief marshal. VALLEY VIEW. G. A. Roy 'vas iu Cincinnati on S3. "W. L. Burgess was in Garrard last week on business. J W. Masters and wife, of Pel kin-, were in Cim.ini.ati from Monday until Thursday. Miss Hattic Taylor, of Whites Station, visited Misses Mollie. and Mnttie Howe last w eek. Mr-. C. B. Day, of Pinevilte, returned last week from a prolonged visit to her sister, Mrs. 1. M.A'shcr. There ai rived at the home of McClelland R"chardson Int week twins boy and gill, and weigh respectively S and 4 pounds, total 8 i ounds. C. F. Bryant returned last Saturday from an extensive busimss trip in Eastern Kentucky, where he had been in the interest of M. B. Farran, Cincinnati. Mrs. Lon AVoodard, of !Xicholas hie, and Mrs. MaryTacke.of Lexington, returned home last week after a stay f several day3 with their sisters, .Sir?. W. II. Kanatzer, of Perkins, and Mrs. Thos. Jones, of Is ewby. itELiaious noises. L. II. Blanton, of Richmond, preached here last Sunday. Rev. It. B. Baird will preach at Syloam M. E church South next Sunday. Preaching here next Sunday and is cordially invited to attend. Tfie Sunday-school organized a few weeks ago is progressing nicely and the attendance is increasing every Sunday. GATHERED FOR, THE CLIMAX. Wharton & Roberts began operations at the lumber plaut of M.F. Wharton's last week. J. W. Masters has built an addition to his ahcidy large storeroom at Perkins. P. E. Phillips, our popular druggist, now greets his customers in his new-store, which is an attractive bu'ldingou Main street. The Jas. A. Callaus Company of comedians struck our city Saturday and played to a crowded house that night. Monday night Sowers Brothers assisted them and made a rip-roaring success. Capt. Ike M. Asher, buyer ami walnut logs, has bought CC0 walnut logs from different parties around here which he will ship to Liverpool, England, in a few days, lie has one log, a "curlev bird's eye," which he will realize $300 for. The Southern Lumber Co. is running on full time at one of their mills and expect to stait their other mill in a few-days. With two lumber plants in full blast, employing 175 men, our thiiving city will get a move on herself and bid defiance to dull times. Jay Ei.l Ess. BEREA. President returned from the Eist a few days ago. Misses Maggie Elliott and Mary Baker arc spending the spring vacation at their homes. Prof. Herrick and his friend. Mr. C. Hickok, of Washington, D. C, are enjoying mountain life during the vacation. The Boy' Gleo Club of Berea College, under the able direction of Prof. Thurston, rendered an excellent program at Wildie, Tuesday evening. To-night the Young Ladies' Glee Club will give a concert at Wildie. The protracted meetings held by the churches in Berea are proving very suc cessful. The Church of Christ (Union) reports over one hundred hopeful conversions. The interest is marked and is ou the increase, apparently. The socials held at Ladies' Hall Friday, Saturday and Monday evenings, were unusually long and delightful. Interesting programs were rendered, in which music, refreshments, readings, etc., alternated to furnish enjoyment. The Lilliputian social given Thursday evening in the College Art Studio by Mrs. Street for her Art pupils, was an overwhelming success. Grown people came attired as children, acting their part to perfection, and children came dressed as aged people, dignified and stately to a fault. The evening passed in playing such deep, scientific games as "Drop the Handkerchief." marbles, etc. The nurse was kept busy scolding and wielding a switch, which had naturally little cflect on babies. i Berea College closed its most successful term Wednesday evening, with appropriate exercises in the College Chapel the "B" Rhetorical Class blossoming out finely under the direction of Prof. B. S. Hunting. I lie music furnishel on this occasion by Mis' Manmerite Brown. Howard Einbree, John P. Mann, R. Thomseu, and the Euterpians, was one of the most enjoyable features on the program. Especially deserving of mention was tfce "The Berea Idler," edited by Miss Ruth K. Todd, which was fu'.i of fun and sparkle. The debate as to whether or not the United States should interfere in bchnlf of Cuba, was spirited amiable. At the close of the exercises, President Frost made an address of pith and brevity, expressing his pleasure iu the excellence of the evening's entertainment, and speaking of his interest ing tour in the East. TortwooF. Born to the wife of Balev Richards, a 10-pound boy. Miss Nannie Azbill. of Winston, visited Miss Mattie Portwood last week. J II. Turpin sold to N. Wagers last week 50 head nlhogs for?3.57 per lb. Miss Cora Behton, of Union City, left for her home. this week where she will stay the remainder of the summer. Mr. John RoMnson returned home last week, from Beiltyville. $100 bond for his appearance before the Police Judge at this place. He was tried aud confined 10 days in prisoa and 25 days at ban! labor. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, w CREAM BAKING Pimm -MOST PERFECT MADE A niar Trv& rm'M Tdj4 d.uj. i" I BIRTHS. Ballard. To the wtfo of. Bland Ballard, nen Miss Annie Traynor, a boy.,' With the clerical ability of his falhertind the musical talent of his mother, the youngster ought to bo a darling when he grows up. A square mile contains (I0 acres. We are to announce Mr. W. C. Go m e r a candidate fi r Jailer of MaiiiM.n county, subject to tho action of the Democratic party. Frankfort I (kiimli Railway. (In Effect March 1, IS97.J DAILY EXCEPT SU.VDAY. EAST BOUNC Lre Frantfort Arr Elkhorn. . SwiUer. Stamping Ground Duvalls . " Georgetown.. Lve Georgetowr. . Arr Newtown. ' Ccntrevilli . . " Elizabeth .- ' Paris . .. WEST BOUND. Lve Paris. .i . Arr Elizabeth ' Centreville " Newtowr. " Georgetown Lve Georgetown Arr Duvalls. . . Stamping Ground Switzer Elkhorn ' Frankfort , a.m. 630 6 43 6 51 7 02 . 7 OS 720 a oo 8 12 8 22 828 8 40 a.m. 9 20 . 9 32 93S 9 48 . 10 00 .10 40 10 56 11 10 11 25 11 35 11 55 p.m. 3 00 3 20 3 32 3 '8 358 4 15 4 30 4 4 52 4 IS 5 10 p.m. 5 30 5 42 5 48 5 58 6 10 6 30 6 41 6 IS C 59 7 06 7 20 C. D. BEUCAW, CJen'l Pass. Agent. GEO. B. HARPER, Gcn'l Supt. Frankfort, Kentucky. kmh and Ok Railway Time of Trains at Winchester. Ky. WEST BOUND. Mt. Sterling and Lexington Accom 6 55 am F.astern Express for Louisville 7 30 am ilorchead and Lexington Accom. 3 00 pm New York Lim.tcd FR V 5 45 pm EAST BOUND. Lexington and Morehead Accom 9 13 am New York Limited F. F. V. 11 58 am Lexington and Mt. Sterling Accom 7 00 pm Washington Express 9 08 pm Accommodation trains run daily except Sunday. Other trains run daily. Through sleeping und dining car servic to New York. For information, rates or sleeper reservations call on or write K. HOOD. Agent Richmond, Ky. or GEORGE W. BARNEY, D. P. A. C. & O. By., Leiington, Ky. HON. C. T. CALDWELL, of Parkersburg, W. Va., mends Wrights Celery Capsule.'?. FAISKEKSBUnG, W. Va., January 2(5, 1995. The Wright Med. Co., Columbus, Ohio. Gentlemen: I have been using Wright's Celery Capsule3 since November, 1S94. and find them to be as recommended. I first beisin taking them while at Hot Spring. Ark, under treatment for Sciatic .Rheumatism, Liver and Stomach trouble. Constipation which I had been a long sufferer. I found the Celery Capsules gave me irreat relief from the beginning ant. ive used them ever since. With pleasure, and unsolicited, I recommend them to any and all RufTering with liko afllictious or either of them. Very truly yours. Charles T. Caldwell. Sold by T. S. Hagan, Druggist. Trice 50c ents and 1.00 per box. Call at drugstore and get free sample. G- 'Amrwmw,Alum.orinyotfirjidulteiwt ir? l-H' ' -..'-An yum TUa.WAwn.iLBn ,-. i Xt,KrJI. JL : V PUBLIC SAL! I will sell at public sale to the highest bidder, on SATURDAY, APRIL 3, 1897, At 10 o'clock, a. m., promptly, three miles from Kicnmona on tne liicnmona tnranUtp. the fnllmrinff: antl Fortt Lexington oi good land. There is a spring on this land that never goes dry. At the same time I will sell a number of Stock, Stares, Colts, it Also some Alderney Heifers and two Milch Cows. Terms made known on day of sale. 8. If. NEALE. N. B. Also acrr sof good land, with nice dwelling bouse and black-smith shop thereon adjoining the above tract. B. H. N. arao Be! (Two-year-old itrial.) l& BH9H BARON BELL is a bay stallion, 15',' hands high, foaled in 1891. Sired by Baron Wilkes 2:18; 1st dam Crescent 2:2j1,', by Belmont; 2nd dam by Norman, sire of Lulu 2:15, and sire of the dam of twenty-one 2:30 performers Including Norval2:ll'.. Better breeding can not be found in the Stud Book. His sire, Baron Wilkes 2:18. is conced ed by the trotting horse world to be the best j stallion living, having been sold recently for ;w,wu, iuc largest price paiti tur any uuiac since boom times, and his dam was Crecc:nt, with a race record of 2:25,J, to high wheel sulky, by Belmont, sire of Nutwood 2:18i, Earlmont 2:094, and a host of other fast per formers. I BARON BELL has had very little training, and should easily trot in 2:25 this year. Will stand at $20.00 to insure a mare with foal. B. H. NEALE TWO - FARMS IFOR SALE The undersigned has three separate small farms which he offers at private sale separately or together. All three are situated at WHITE'S - STATION, on the waters of Silver Creek. They contain respectively 85 and 165 acres, and are well watered and well improved farms. There is no better land in Madison county, most of it being --RICH BOTTOM LAND.- It is a fine neighborhood and accessible by turnpike to schools, churches, railroads, mills, etc., all within a mile of White's Station Post Office, ten miles from Richmond. TERMS Sale will be made one-third cash, balance to suit purchaser. For particulars, address Geo. D. White, -White's Station. Ky. Wanted-An Idea S8 Ertect..? tby may bring you wealth. I ' Write JOHN WEUDSKBHRN & CO, Patent nejs. WuMogfefn. D. C. for taeir Zljxn prize oiler I and list or two hundred lnrentlona rr&nied. Calicoes, - - 3cts, Cottons, - - 4cts. Ginghams, - - 4cts. Dress Goods, - 8cts. Carpets, - - 9cts. Floor Oilcloth, 18cts,ayd. , Lace Curtains, 38cts. a pr. f& B& RS m L 3 m m :K3 r??i &i f$Q J5K' rrft1 $3 feS J 11 n M fori Grower, Seoit&FrazeeJ - CARPETS, FURNITURE, U'UIPIPPDC: notutnirc 1 DRAPERIES. &r The Dingley Tariff Bii Means Higher Prices for &c, for the FOUR : YEA! Anticipating' the passage of this Bill we have bought largely of all kinds of Now is the time To Place Your Order. 1VE COR I) TALLY ISYITE IXSPEl'Tlo. J??. 1 Brower, Scott & ries produce. If you expect to ( plowing the coming spring, SSiockelfo! RICHMOND, KEN'llCKY a yd. : " . a yd, jp m a yd. SlilSfe Wk a v"d. Z2mKKKT. J HIS --- -. -- ui; mmrxvu o. CARPETINGS, MATTINGS. RUGS, LACE CURTA1KS. r And while this stock lasts, there will ou FORMER LOW PRICES. g2v Corner Main and Broadway, Le.xingtw, X. ju T T T T"T- in ' " " "" "" r y"" ! SPRING ir PLOWING, t M TVe have the hest plows the !,, ii fraze? and k not already supplied with plows. cannot afford to huy before guiim a call. JbiVerytlimg kept in a w i equipped hardware house is found our stock. 9 Jl A -1 A u '"J.w w w j t - ,- . " - - a --"- -."! . " We are in it We open in our new house, next door to the Farmer's National Bank, fonm wcoupxuvi uj J.V1C1U uo Kuju, uiiviijg fcuiu uul an our bioeiv ai auction, wc open new stock, the largest and best in Richmond and w ;3 t - t -7' We want your j custom and we will give you the best bargains ever offered before in the county MKFg Men's Suits at S250, Boy's Suits at 50c. - -Boy's Knee Suits at 58c. Men's Shoes at 75c. -Ladies' Shoes at 75c. v, worth sii.i m worth worth worth 4.H) l.:o 1 2.) worth l.."50 i Overcoajts and Capes at your own prices, Table Linens at 15ets. a yd., and everything you need in .Notions and Furnishing Goods cheaper than ever offered before. We want 3Tour trade and wo will save you money. Don't forget our place. NEW YORK STOR d T-T". it - -.' f ..,-' s "? "m'M Up Town. Klein &-Son's Old Stand.-Corae Everybody. . - . Kentucky- i..!. - - A. . g&W.