Newspaper Page Text
59: The Riciimond Climax. WEDNESD VY. MARCH 31, 1S37. Next Monday will ba county court day. Circuit Court meets next .Monday with a biff docket. Frost & Fanshawe's Co. at opera houe every nipht this wceir. A mule was stolon from Miss Tolly Goldon's barn, near Big Hill. A second-hand Fisher square piano and organ lor sale cheap: Apply at thio otfice. Mr. Wine's child, erroneously imported to have died, is very much letter. Charles Witt, at Irvine, was acquitted of the murder of Thomas l'uckett. Hon. A. It. IJurnam Is seriously contemplating moving his family to 1 rankfort The greatest attractions of the Maon at the opora house this week, bee local ad. Despite the$G,000 reward offered by Oarrard county four wore gates were raided Mondav. Todd & Benge will shortly move their mill from Red Lick to a point near Kingston. G E. Dossier is now overseer in the Chenault precinct, vice Thomas Phelps resigned. Elva Reeves, daughter of J. P. Hot ves, is recovering from pneumonia and pleurisy. MissTeuipie Oldham has p6stponel her Millinery opening until Thunyl.iv ami Frnlav of next week. Al McCormick has two fine hlood huiiuds and is tainingthem for tracking murderor.s, thieves, etc. line dollar to Iexiugton and return April 2d, via I fc X., good returning pnl A I, account Oratorical Uemeinbei the sale of Mrs. Sherman Dudley's handsome residence n Third street, Saturday at 2 o'clock. Hcmembor the sale of Mrs. Sherman Dudley's handsome residence u i Third street, Saturday at 2 o'clock. Frank Miller and Lou Smith are asMiciated together in the grocery business at Mr. Smith's, East Main stroft store. Alex. Campbell was yesterday 30 days at hard labor for stealing a pig from Irvine Tye all colored, pig included. The ladies of the Methodist Church w ill serve dinner to their friends at Mr. Arnold's vacant store room on First St., Mondav, Court dav. Gordon and Dudley Doty have recovered from their serious illness. The little folks had the measles and t'leir lives were almost despaired of. A bright, fresh slock at prices wor tin of the day, worthy of our fame as the best p'aie in town to buy good clothing at very modulate prices. Covington & Mia hell. The two deaths from supposed diphtheria were the 0-year-old child of l?usli Wallace and the child of John William, both in the eas. end of town. The furniture and carpets for the Government Building arrived last Saturday and occupied S cars. Bill Ow-ley has already chosen a sofa twelve feet square. Mrs. John C. Miller MilTered a severe sprain of an ankle or.c day last week, in consequence of which MUs Ellen Gibson is monopolizing the attention of the household. For two handsome volumes, "Official Becord of the Union and Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion," Gov. McCreary has the t'lankh of this oillcc. The last of the Berea College lectures occurs next Friday the "Passion Piay," famed throughout the world. It was given over oO times in Boston. Go and see it. Mr. J. Ii. Sowers, of Valley View, is being urged to run for magistrate in the Million district. Being a hardworking Democrat lie can unite the part and carry the district. John Donelson is making a specialty of roaJ wagons, made sit home, perfect lieauties, the very best; also has on baud a line of imported wagons, cheap and as good as any in the iu.irktt here or here. Tn addition to the land and stock sale bv B II. Neale, Saturday, advertised elsewhere in the Climax, there will be oTered fifteen shoats, one sow and eiht pigs, two brood sons and one Jersey Du-rock boar. On account of opera Festival at Cincinnati the L. & N. willEell ronnd trip tickets to that point March 29th to April CJd inclusive at one fare. Tickets good returning on all trains of day following date of sale. If you want to see home-made buggies and road wagons that are perfect beauties and of the best quality, visit the Kentucky Carnage Works, comer of Second and Water streets. John Donelson, proprietor. Don't handicap 0ur feet by putting poor shoes on ihem, and then scolding because they hurt and wear ont quickly. Come to us and let us show you the most selec" line of shoes of known qualities. Covington & Mitchell. Patrouize the home manufacturer when jou want bugcies, barouches, road wagons. All made at home, by John Donelson, and warranted the best. You can get them as cheap as imported work and superior in quality. To accommodate, the trade, Donelson has on hand work brought on that can be secured for as little money as any work now offered. Baggies, wagons and everything in that line as cheap as any offered by any one, and of the very Hesl make. The statement is still going around that the best way to make hens lay eggs i& to feed them on strips of newspaper dipped in sour milk. If depends n good deal like advertising, on the amount of circulation, hence, uso the Climax in making the experiment, The handsome residence property on 3rd and Mobrley avenue, de- Sbed in this paper, will be sold pu jlicly on Saturday at 2 p. m. Possible purchasers are at liberty to examine the property any time now and the hour of sale. It is a well constructed, modern, and convenient home, asd -will be a bargain for some one. Young men, attention! We liaye the best all wool suits that can be bought for 7. They are beauties. See them. Covington & Mitchell. The great Oratorical Contest occurs on Friday night at C. V. will be represented by K. S. Gordon, of Louisville. Barren county has a negro candidate for jailer. Madison has one but the Pantagraph says ho's no good. How about that "Wince ? The first Inter-Collegiate Declamatory Contest will occur stf Lexington May 7th. K. U., C. U., Ky. Wesleyan and State College compose the league. Rev. Creckmoro has beon doing good work at Pilot Knob church, and; it is predicted that a larger houso of worship will boon be erected there. A difficult but successful operation for fistula in anno was performed by two local physicians upon Arthur Jenkins, of Silver Creek, on Saturday. The silver daily paper, The Dispatch, will appear early in April. Over one hundred subscribers have been obtained in this city alone. J. II. Kennedy is agent. The first Federal appointment for Kentucky mnde by President Me-Kinley is that of Mr. J. W Berryman to be postmaster at Versailles, succeeding Mr. Heimiller, whose term expires to-day. Mr. Peter M. Pope, of this city, recently met Mr. W. C. Priest, of North Middletown and these two church dignitaries forgot to say what the Governor of North Carolina said to the Governor of South Carolina. A pretty girl to draw attention, a mule to draw a cut; a bankrupt sale to draw a crowd, but our prices on clothing draws the trade See our all-wool suits at $5.S7. S and 10. There are no others that will approach them. All we ask is companion. Covington & Farm Sold. Mr. SamQ. Roycc ha& purchased of Mrs Fula Royee Chamberlain her farm of21Gl acres, known as the Tlios. faun, on Callowa'y Creek, for 57,500. Special Rates Via. R. N. I. & B. Grand Opera at Cincinnati March 29th, to April 3rd, one fare for round trip. State Convention Peoples party at Louisville April 7th, one and one third faro for round trip. To the Democratic Parly of Madison County. I desire to withdraw my name from the contest for Superintendent of Public Schools in this county. With sincere thanks to the friends who have manifested au interest in my buccess, I am verv truly, Mas. John Williamson. Killing Over The River. Lucien Boone, of Clay's Ferry, shot and killed "Shad" Taylor on Monday at Athens, about :". miles from the river, and sheriff Simmon:, sent Gordon Dudley to Clay's Ferry to watch for the murderer who had eluded his puruers. It is believed he escaped into Jessamine. Officers are still on his trail. Mrs. Williamson Withdraws. Elsewhere Mrs. Williamson announces her withdrawal from the race for county school superinten dent. Whatever her reason for withdrawing it may be said that she was eminently qualified to hold the position, and has a host of friends who would have testified their regard by loyally supporting her. For Jailer. Elsewhere in to-day's Climax will be found the announcement of Mr. . C. Gonnley for Jailer of Madison county subject to tho action of the Democratic party. Mr. Gormley is too well known for us to make any special comment; but if elected to the responsible oillce hohoeks, will make a good jailer and fulfill its responsibilities. Evan McCord Fails In a Well. Evan McCord. the little oa of Mr. and Mrs. John McCord, who reside on the Lexington pike, near Clay's Ferry, fell into the cibtern of John Pow ell, a neigh bor, and narrowly escaped drowning. Mi&. Powell heard the child's affrighted screams and summoned the little one's father, who descended into the well by the chain and rescued the little fellow. Evan was unconscious for some time but was finally resuscitated. Mr. file Cotton Here. Mr. J. Me Cotton, of Cincinnati, passed through to Irvine last night. He will return to-morrow and remain in Madison until Satifday. He is soliciting shipments for thj Live Stock Commission firm of J. S. Kidd & Co., Cincinnati, of which he is a member. He says that there is a good demand especially for light butcher cattle ; hogs steady, at $3.90 to $4 for selects; sheep higher. He Died. Here is the kind of obituary that a Georgia editor puts up for a man: "Poor Jim Browii slung his earthly garments on a limb and swam the river yesterday. He did not stand back because the water was cold, but plunged right in and struck out for the other shore and met the angels smiling. Jim was a poor man but had his subscription to his homo paper paid up and got there in good shape" Committee Meeting. A meeting of the Democratic Committee for the 2oth Judical District, composed of the counties of Clark, Jessamine Madison and Powell, is hereby called to meet at the Rees House in Winchester, Ky., on Thursday, the first day of April, 1S97, at 10 o'clock a. m. for the purpose of fixing the time and manner for selecting a Democratic candidate for Circuit Judge and one for Commonwealth's Attorney forsaid dis trict, to be voted for at the November election, 1897. Ahram Benick, A Disappointed Crowd. A great many persons were disappointed by Miss Elvira Sydnor Miller, of Louisville, being unable on account of sudden indisposition to fulfill her engagement to give her reading and recital as was contemplated Thursday last. However, it is hoped! she will be able to come in the nealj future when we assure her a hearty reception. As Miss Miller 18 the newspaper woman in the South, tho Climax suggests tliat the press of this city at once sot on foot a movement among themselvei 'to Show Miafj Miller, while here, some special mark of estoorn. A reception ia.ker.hofioc would be a graoeful act; Frosl & Fanshswo's Repertoire Co, In a carefully selected list of old and new successes, properly staged and magnificently acted, opened Monday in "East Lynne," to bo followed by a choice of "Asa Jenkins," "An American Beauty," "The Two Orphans," "Lady Audley's Secret," "Ten Nights Jn a Bar Room," "The Country Postmaster." "Darius Green," '-Naval Engagements," "The Mad Boy," "False Life." Six nights and Matinee Saturday. Everything strictly first class, amusing, moral and instructive. Admission, children under 9 years, 10 cents; Adults 20 cents; reserved scats 30. A Startling Discovery Dug up $3,500 In Gold. On Thursday last a hired hand on the place of Mr. John Parrish, who resides between this. city and Silver Creek, dug up $3,500 in TJ. S. gold coin, the largest find ever made in this county. Hon. A. T. Chenault saj s that many years ago he was on a jury which tried an old man for lunacy who resided on tho Parrish place. It was known that he had buried a large sum of gold and Mr. Chenault asked him where it was concealed. To this the old man replied : "It is none of your business,' and he later died and left tho secret locked in his old breast. The Diphtheria Scare. Precautions Necessary. The panic ensuing from the death of two children in adjoining houses in the East end on Saturday and Sunday is condemned by thinking people, for the reason that those houses and any others where there is the suspicion of tne disease have been quarantined. Also, some of the children that are fleeing from the city may have already been exposed, which might disseminate the disease. The physicians advise deliberation and caution by all parents and a strict compliance with the edict of tho Mayor and Board of Health, published elsewhere, and scattered on 5,000 bills. As a precaution let all households use such disinfectants as carbolic arid, listcrine, eucalyptol, etc. ; and chloate of potash as a mouth wash. Keep cats and dogs out of the house. Keep the children at home. Whiskey Men Meel. The special committee appointed recently to prepare a plan whereby the Kentucky distillers might combine, met at the office of Col. T. II. Sherley, in Louisville, last Saturday. There were present Waller Bennett, John T. Roach, J. AY. Megibben, J. A. Wathen and W. V. Monarch. No plan was agreed upon and it was the general opinion that no combination would be effected. To arepoiter one of the distillers said: "We have agreed among ourselves upon certain measures whereby the whisky business in Kentucky can be made more profitable than it has been heretofore, but the agreement is one of technical manage ment. I do not think the combine with the spirits trust will be effected, it looks to me now very much like it was an effort of the spirits manufacturing people to get a combine with the distillers so that they can reap the advantages given the distillers by the bottling law. The distillers have begun to seo through the plan and they look upon it now with a great deal more distrust thau they did at first." The Athletic Tournament. The Court House was crowded with an interested audience on Friday night upon the occasion of the fourth annual indoor athletic exhibition by tho students of Central University. There was boxing, wrestling, tumb ling, jumping and parallel bar work, good music and a monkey show by Joe Mansfield and a fellow sinner, Col. Howell. Prof. Frew showed what a master trainer he is and brought to mind the great work of his brother, J. W. Frew, trainer here four years ago ; though not so large as tho latter, A. M. Frew is a little giant, and what is better knows his business, which could not bo said of his immediate predecessors. Harry Blanton's tumbling may be said to have been the smoothest ever seen hero by a student; Norton Mourning's skill as a ii;er, club swinger, and bar actor was a feature, whilst the wrestling of Denny and his previous boxing exhibition rank him A 1. Walker and Wallace jumped 5 feet G, and were warmly applauded. These were not all that were good, for the dumb boll and pyramid exhibitions by tho class, the boxing of Harry Fnncis, Bissett, Sanders, Stone, and Norman's wrestling came in for much applause. The show- closed with the wonderful tumbling feats of Kid" Allen, of Louisville, an old pupil of Prof. Frew. Court of Appeals Renders An Important Decision Concerning Banks. The Court of Appeals on Tuesday last decided the bank tax cases, affirming some and reversing others, deciding that they were subject to county and municipal taxation. This overrules the decision of last June. The decision of die court affects every bank in the State. It reverses the previous decision which held that banls should be taxed under the Hewitt law, and subjects all banks to the ad valorem tax. The facts in the case in brief are that in 1SS5 the Legislature passed what is known as the Hewitt bill, according to which the banks wero to pay to the State 75 cents on every $100, and were not to be subject to any other taxation. This was accepted by the banks, and a contract entered into. But in 1S(J3 the Lsgiblature did away with the Hewitt law, and passed a bill taxing tho banks according to the advalorcm s stein without deducting debts. The banks contested tliis, and thev were sustained in their objection by the Court of Appeal, which held that the Hewitt law should hold. But a number of banks had been formed since 1855, when the Hewitt law was passed, and these were subjected to tax. They sued, holding that they should not be taxed on other conditions than the old banks. These are the cases thit were decided on Tneday. The Court of Appeals has been changed since 1SS3, and the late decision not only holds that the new banks shall be taxed on tho advalorem system, but also reverses the previous decision holding 1 that the Hewitt law is unconstitutional and that all banks shall pay an taxi Whether the. banks can be made to pay , back tnrfes will have to be decided by litigation. In all probability the ( case will he further eputested and."-ill be , taken fo ilJie United States Snpreme Court. Mr. Brewer Explains. This statement appeared in the Climax last week, in its report of the Cjnnty Committee meeting: "All the speeches with a single exception, Mr. Brewer's, were in favor of conciliating the party factions and uniting for Democratic supremacy." Mr. O. H. Brew er thinks we did him an injustice in saying he opposed Democratic supremacy. As for conciliation, he Is for Congressman Evan Settle's idea of harmony, set forth in tho Louisville Post recently. Tho Climax meant to convey a different idea, but Mr. Brewer requests this statement and it is freely made in justice to him. Hood's Stimulate the stomach, rouse the liver, cure biliousness, headache, dizziness, sour stomach, constipation. Pills etc 1-rice cents. Sold by all dniKits. The only lMUs to take with Hood's Sareaparilla. Envelopes wero first used in 1S39. That tired feelinir is due to impoverished blood. Enrich the blood wi'h Hood's Parsapanlla and be slrong ami vigorous. 1 1 Telescopes were invented 1500 Croup, the great enemy of children, succumbs at once to the soothing influence of Dr. Bell's Pine Tar Honey. Bronchial affections lose their danger when this great remedy is at hand. No home should be without it. It A barrel of rice weighs 600 pounds. Whiskers that are prematurely gray or faded should be colored tc prevent the look of aire, and Buckingham's Dye excels all others in coloring brown or black. It A barrel of flour weighs 19G pounds. Many people, w illi the notion that nature ought to take care of herself, allow a cough to plague them for weeks and months. Whereas, if nature were a doe or two of Ayer's Cherry the cure might be effected in a very few days. 3 1 A barrel of pork weighs 200 pounds. It surprised many visitors to the Chicago World's Fair to find that of nil the blood-purifiers, Ayer's Sarsaparilla was the only one on exhibition. The reason is that Ayer's Sarsaparill is a standard remedy, and not a patent medicine, or secret nostrum. It A firkin of butter weighs 50 pounds. The burden of labor is constantly being lightened by new inventions, but nothing new has yet been discovered to the hours of labor, and make life worth living like Simmons Liver Regulator does It's the King of Liver Medicines. A s'uggish liver, besides depressess one's spirits and causes languor, besides upsetting the whole system. But Simmons Liver Regulator tones up a id strengthens the body. It Tha first si eel pen was made in 1830. The Shakers made a discovery which is destrofjifco accomp'ith much good. Realizing fiiat of all oursufferings arise from stomach troubles, that the country is literally filled with people who cannot eat and digest food, w ithout subsequently suffering pain and ."Jjjiress, and that many are striving, waUrfng to mere skeletons, because their food does them no good, they have devoted much study and thought to the subject, and the result is this discovery of their Digestive Cordial. A little book can be obtained from your druggist that will point out the way of relief at once. An investigation will coat nothing and will result in much good. Children all hate to take Castor Oil but not Larol, which is palatable. It A span is ten and seven-eighth inches. Ky Neitrlibor Tol4 Uo About Hood's Sarsiparilla and advised me to try it This is the kind of advertising which gives Hood's Sarsaparilla the largest sales in the world. Friend tells friend that Hood's Sarsaparilla cures; that it gives strength, health, vitality and vigor, and whole neighborhood use it as a family medicine. Hood's Pills act easily and promptly on the liver and bowels. Cure sick headache. It A hand (horse measure) is four inches. P.iGoaatism Quickly Cured. After having been confined to the house for eleven days and paying out $25 in doctor bills without benefit, Mr. Frank Dolson of Saul Ste. Marie, Mich., was cured bj one bottle of Cliambrlain's Pain Balm costing 25 cents and. has not since been troubled with that complaint. For sale by W. G. Whit. mar3 lm A storm moves thirty six miles per hour. Tetter, and Eczema, The intense itching and smarting incident to these diseases is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favonto remedy for sore nipples; chapped hands, chilblains, frost bitefi and chronic sore eyes. 25 cts. per box. Dr. Catly'rt Condition PowdcrR, are just what a horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifngo. They are not food but medicine and the best in use to put a horse in prime condition. Price 25 3ent3 per package. A hurricane moves eighty miles per hour. "That Tired Pceline" us when inferior greparations arc recommotidcd by unscrupulous dealers ns "just as good as Foley's Honey and Tar Cough Syrup," when we know the unevualled merits of this great medicine. inarll lm The first iron steamship was built in 1830. ETcrrbody Says So. Caschrets Cand v Cathartic, the most wonderful medical discoverv of tho age. p audAefresliint: to tho taste, act pcntly and positively on kidneys. Hvcr nrd hoivels, cleansing the. en tiro system, dispel coins, cum licatlaclie, fever, liaultnnl constipation and biliousness. PJeaso buy and try a box of O. C. C. to-day; 10, 25, so tents, fcfold aud guaranteed to cure by all drupglsts. Measles continues prevalent in Franklin county. Creek. After a big fire in Cripple Creel:,! took a very severe cold and tried many remedies without help, the cold only more settled. After using threesmall bottles of Cough Remedy, both the cough and cold left me, and in this high altitude it makes a meritorious cough remedy to do any good.-G. B. editor Daily Advertiser. For sale by W. G. White. mar3 lm i Watches were ursLconstructed.inbiTo. For SrJe or Exchangs, ,. House nndlot. House of fierooma and hall, two porclies, pantry ariil four clos tits. Lot 90x2ip feet. -Will ajcbaBge for snail farndj For part Kntam'taddreiw Ki-.. vmmi Uaroh. April May Are She months in which to give especial attenlion to the condition ot your physical health. If you pas.? safely through these months and find yourself strong hihI vigorous, on the anival ol warmer weather, you will bt well in summer. Now is the time lo lake Hood's Sarsapar ilia, because now id the time when the blood must be purified enriched and vitalized, and because Hood's Sarsapar ilia is the only true hlood purifier prominently in the public eye today. Hood's Sarsaparilla has power'to make you healthy and guard your system against disease. mar3 lm There laiurnages. To Consumptives. As an honeit remedy Foley's Honey and Tar does not hold out false hopes in advanced stagee, but truthfully claims lo oominrt and relief in the very worst cases, and in the earl' stages to effect a cure. mar3 lm Barren county has a negro candidate for Jailer. How in in yming men and young women are i ii' oil just as the- future seems briglieN! .i .d fullest of promise! The are tak a awav by the disease which t over one-sixth of all the deaths in w .rid the disease which doclorscall ninption. There is abolullely no ii in the world why consiimp iiiibl.onld e een serious. It is a disease of the hlood, and can he cured absolutely aud always by purifiug and enriches the blood.. The only exception to this is the case where the disease has been neglected and improperly theated until it is stronger than the body until the body has become so weak as to hae lost thf ability to recuperate. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will cure 98 per cent, of all cases of consumption if used directions It also cures all lingering coughs, bronchial throat affec tions. bend 21 cents in one cent stamps to World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffdo N. Y., and receive Dr. Pierce's 1008 page common sense meoical Anvscit, illstratcd. It Livingston is soon to have a handsome new bridge. Dangers of tho Grip. The greatest danger from La Grippe is of its resulting in pneumonia. If reasonable cure is used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken, all danger will be avoided. Among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy fur la grippe, we have yet to learn of a single case having resulted in pneumonia, which shows conclusively that this remedy is a certain preventive of that dread disease. It will effect a permanent cure in less time than any other treatment. The 23 and 50 cent sizes for calc by W. G. White. mar3 lm Madisonville's new steam laundry is about ready for business. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Tear life Away. If you want to quit tobacco using easily and forever, bo made w ell, magnetic, full of new life aud vigor, take Iso-To-Bac, tlie orker, that makes weak men slrong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days. Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Bao of your druggist, under guarantee to cure, 50o or f 1.(10. Booklet and samplo lanileil free. Ad. Sterling Remcdy("o.,Chieaeo or New York. The cellulose factory atOwcnsborowill be pushed rapidly to competition. Bever Dam, 0., Aug. 27th, 1S93. My daughter, after being treated by four doctors, and being given up for lost, a neichbor recommended Foley's Kidnev Cure. To-day she is able to walk several miles without fatigue. I feel we would have lost her if it was not for your medicine. Respectfully, Mrs. J. M. Bailey. mar3 lm Next Saturday week the agony will end for the Union county candidates. BEST OP ALL To cleanse the system in a gentle and trnly beneficial manner, when the Springtime comes, use the true and perfect remedy, Syrup of Figs. One bottle will answer for all the family and costs only 50 cents; the large s'e SI. Buy the uenuine. Manufactured by the Califor nia Fig syrup Company only, for sale by all druggists. apr3 lm Alleged sewing machines agents swindled several persons in Livingston county. Have.You Had The Grip? If you have, you probably need a reliable medicine like Foley's Honey and Tar to heal your lungs and stop the reeking cough incidental to this disease. mar3 lm Shade Johnson, need nineteen years, of Leblie county, married agitl only fifteen years old. Keep Cool! I desire to notify the citizens of Richmond aud my old customers and friends in particular, that J will again be in the Ice business this season, with splendid equipments, and they will do well to see me before making other arrangements. Respectfully, Wm. E. Luxon, Jk. Office in Caperlon Building on First street. Mar24 tf Tho Metropolitan Democratic dai'y and weekly paer, "The Louisville Dispatch," will make its appearance tho firbt week in April. J. H. Kennedy will take subscriptions for Madison county. Ofiice next door to Richmond National Bank. tnar21 4w Missouri Farms For Sale. I have three very desirable farms within 20 miles of Fulton. Mo. Also a large list of cheap farms in Calloway county, Mo , for sale Circularand price list sent free on application. F. S. Poston, mar24 4w Fulton, Mo. RESIDENCE FOR SALE! Having taken penngnent residence In another State I desire to sell my residence property, without reserve, to-vnt: One of the best constructed', most convenietat, aud most desirable residences in Richmond, at public sale, on Saturday, ipril 3,'3,, Two story and half, 8 rooms, reception hall, bath room, large celler, finished throughout in fine hard-wood gas fixtures, force pump, sink; stable, garden, outbuildings, shade and fruit trees, terraced lawn, Veil fenced, everything in good repair. Sale at 2 o'clock, p. m., on the preny.sesj corner Third and Avenue, adjoining the,, property known as the T. S: 'Bronstpn place. TERMS -Gash, balance in 6-and 12 months. IzS nniioi t,&jfciv59iJ5 QQ IHiMHBIiiiMHMHn mVMU VBHBA9RiHSMOHKfllMklliiiiHHMU ..m JDUdI rDCA'IMG UUiiiA Are the Shelves, Counters and Ledges of the CAS H STORE hm'ft trt "TTirrl r n 4.,! --.-. ."1 ,-, Jl j ,t -i atfS tj" .?,- rr n it tm. fynY WITH THE ENORMOrS SPRING STOCK OF Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Notions, Carpets,:' Lace Curtains, Trunks, etc., that have been crowded upon them. " ' slBSr "- "icu vui .melius uim patrons tne line C of Goods to select their Spring and Summer purchases from S as we uo whs season. NOT A STONE Has Been m Mumi To make this the Banner Season of Our Enornous Business. In our Dress Goods Department we are offering one lot of about 25 different stvles all wool 36-inch wide Novelty Dress Goods in all the new style checks at $1.08 per dress pattern These goods make as pretty Spring Dresses as if the- cost $1 per vd. 200 yi We have one lot of all-wool Stripe Dress Goods, Good Spring Styles wide about in the lot that we will clean up at 15e. per yd. These formerly sold at ' While in the Dress Goods Department ask 'to see our line of Black Figured Jacquads they are as handsome as Brocaded Silks and make much better dresses. No large cities are showing anything in dress goods that you can't find in our stock All the new fancy weaves, Jacquads, Cheviots, Pongees. Foulords. Covert Cloths, Gloria" Crash Cloths, Secilians, &c, can be had here. Also all the new things in Silks and Ribbons! We are showing a beautiful line of Biccle Suitings in new designs and cheeks, that make excellent skirts and dresses, price llc. The best Black and Stripe Ducks 10c. per 3ard. and We are cleaning up one line of Ducks, white ground with black and blue and red dots stripes, just the thing for men's shirts and boy's waists, price to close Sic. Our Hamburgs and Laces have .ill been reduced in price. You can get the very best patterns in hamburgs, beautiful designs and best for what yoif formerly paid for cheap stuff. Remenants, almost given awn- to make up your bundle. We are selling a nice Quality Check and Stripe Dimit- in pure 'white at 5c. yd. Our Gx 7, Si and 10c. White Dimities are worth double what we ask for them. ' Five (500) Hundred Yards of beautiful Check Satteens will be cleaned up at Gk per yd These goods formerly sold at 15c. and are good spring colors and styles. NOTE SOME OF OUR PRICES: We sell Best Tobacco Canvass, - - lc. We sell Best Quilt Lining, ... 3e We sell good yard wide Brown Cotton, - 4c. We sell good yard wide Sea Island Cotton, - 4Ve. We sell Trion AAA Brown Cotton, - - 5c. We sell Green Ticket Lonsdale Bleach Cotton, (3c We sell good yd. wide Bleach Cotton, no dressing,oc We sell the best Check Cottons for dresses aud shirts, - We sell good 10-4 Brown Sheeting, We sell best 10-4 Bleach Sheeting, Bed Ticking 5e. yd., better ticking Good Calicoes, new stjies, Remnant Calicoes, One lot of good Challis, ... Best Apron Gingham, -Good Dress Gingham, pretty, new styles, Remnants Ginghams, - gpssj Good Gum Combs, 5c - Horn Combs, 5c Horn Combs, steel covered back, Sc. Genuine Aluminum Thimbles, lc each. Wood Cabinet Hair Pins, 4c Gum end Pencils, lc each. Darning Cotton, lc per bunch. Safety Pins, 2c per dozen. Brass Pins, best, 4c a paper. Good Pins, lc a paper. Side Combs, 4c a pair. New Slyle Tortoise Shell Side Combs 10c a pair. Good Hair Pins, lc. a paper. Package Colored Pins with Mirror, 5c a package. 1 Ream Commercial Note Paper, 10c Uncle Sam Tar Soap, 4c a cake. Good Toilet Soap, 4c a cake. Casmo Buttermilk, the only genuine toilet soap, 8c a cake. Good Towels, 5 and 10c each. oe. - 124c 15c Si and 10c 4c. 2ic. 2c. 5c 2ic. I Our Entire Line Fine wide Cambric Per yd yi yd yd yd yd yd yd yd yd yd yd yd yd yd yd yd s cales will be Cleaned up at 10c. a yard. These Goods are Worth 15 cents. g Good quality Percales, new styles, Sc.yd We are selling a lot of about 100 Berlin White Bed Spreads, large size, good as new, at 79c. each, former price $1.50. Our line of Men's Laundried Percale Negligee Shirts at 49c, are as pretty as $1.00 Shirts. One lot of Ladies' Tan Ribbed Hose will be closed at 5c worth 15c Men's Extra, heavy seamless sox, 5e. lioy's Ribbed Black Hose 5c. Boy's Seamless Bibbed Black Hose So. Ladies' Seamless Grey Mixed Hoe. Cc. Our line of Ladies' and Children's Fine Hosiery in Ox-blood, Black ami Fancv Stnpes is very complete at remarkablv low prices. We are sole Agents for Featherbone Corsets. Oil Shades, best quality rollers, 24c Curtain Poles 15c. brass ends and spring rollers. We are closing one lot of Ladies' Slippers, sizes 3 to 5 in broad toes and pointed toes, heel and spring heel at G9c a pair. These goods sold for $1.25 and $1.50 a ptiir. AVc carry the prettiest line of Men's Children's Shoes and Slippers in the City, all the new Olive Tans, Ox-bloods, Coin Toes, etc., can be had here at our low-cash prices. CALL AND SEE THEM. Perfumery, 5c a bottle. Needles, lc a paper. Tortoise Shell Hair Pins, 5c a dozen. Extr Fine Tortoise Shell Hair Pins, 1 dozen in box, 10c per box. Men's Neckwear, all the new things in Clubs, Bows and Tecks, at knock-out prices. Large Silk Bows for children, 25c each. Pearl Buttons, 5c a dozen. Bullitt Pearl Buttons, 10c a dozen. Knitting Silk, 5c a spool. Ladies' Garters, silver and gold buckles, 25 cents. Seaming Braids, all colors, 5c a bunch. Ladies' Waist Sets, 10c Men's Hankerchiefs, good quality, 5c Good Gum Webbing, frill edge, 5c yd. Silk Gum Webbing, all colors, 10c yd. White Collar Buttons, 5c a dozen. Men's Link Cuff Buttons, a large assortment. Ladies' Waist Sets, a large assortment. Full line Stick Pins. MEN'S BLACK AND BLUE CHEVIOTS SUITE, $2.98. VERY STYLISH MADE. We Are Selling Men's New- Style PJaid All Wool Suits for $5.00, Worth $10.00. .... Ask to See Our Line of Men's Silk Lined Spring Suits THEY ARE BEAUTIES. Boy's Cassimere Knee Pants, - - - 24c a pair.y Boy's Knee Suits, e9e.upto$3.98. . Men's Jeans Pants, - - xl j Price Our Line of Parasols and UmbrGlIas, Ngw Styles hk and Coloreel IK "m. ,?'l SiS" "7. JJChe many BARGAINS that line our shelves and counters that tare can't mention here would fill a volume. Give us a on. get cjur cash prices, compare them with our. competitors, and we will uo the rest. Hoping to receive an early call. We are, Respectfully, W . it D. OLDHM 1 . - & COMPANY. rFfrFM -i mi WMttMipr wmtn - : a- s.- O- s J .. ;.,-- r ,- 'By-"y. yTir tiiii i,i F -" - - .--.- ,'.V ?h. v L -" .- -, ?JSb C' JP-- it?-.' -J , . , - "A ,r t . - - - i: " ' - - " ' 1! a r m m 41 ii m n if! ! 11 1 4 i. f .! t -a ' "i; 3 ' V !l 4 -, 9 -?