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MR:.- ) i ' r -- ---. ( .f3T5rVA " ' 3 Ji". If -- i - " ' .' - " ' R" Sit 'I r li 1 e I i K TU I):.Un J riimov KENTUCKY NEWS. I the general assembly. Iu- I llu EMWllitllrl'U vllIIluAa .... . n fw WIMto loo Latest ew rrom au raru ox uh HHt Commonwealth. : g r i - - m ADVERTISING BATES. 2 i s i r S " ? i s SPACE. " 3 5" : S T - - : 2" : : 5 : : : ; : a I Inch f i oo i ys S tii so f jop iitoa Inches, i 7J s 3 5 7 oo n oo 17 5 3 Inches. 3 jo 3 50 3 00 10 00 15 00 13 s 4 Inches. 3 00 4 00 6 00 13 on 19 00 18 75 5 Inches. 3 50 s 00 7 s 15 00 13 00 34 5C V ol 400 600 901 i!(n J! 4000 yi Col 6 oi 9 00 13 00 3j 00 40 00 60 00 i ol I 800 100 17 75 3 5 5o S000 lCol' loon Koaltiw " """' line for first n . BB-Reading notices 10 cents a ctnTs each additional a sert on. 5 a line for Obilu.rics and s.a.Ur matter 1 1 hlf rates. No specified position. CANDIDATES JUIXiK. T. J. Scott i a candidate for reelection to the office f.t,.iri,u"tee in this (the 2.1th) Judicial District, wiliject to the action of the Democratic paaty. COMMONWEALTH'S ATTORNEY. directs the announcement Kkv. A. Cuutphkr of himself as a to the ofllce of Commonwealth' Attorney in this (the 20th) Jiuliciai to the action of the Democratic party. FOR JUDGE MADISON COUNTY COURT. I herebv announce myself a candidate for Judgo of the Madison County Court, subject to the action of the Democratic party. FOB JAILER. t , r l o..L.v i a candidate for Jailer of Madioou count v, Miliject to the anion of the Democratic parly. A T Fjsh is a candidate for Jailer ot Madison county, subject to the action of the Democratic party. We are authorized to announce P. for Jailer . I'.ro ddus as candidate of Madi.-win con lty. to the action of the Democratic party. authorized m announce We are for Jailer of Jkssi: Conn a candidate Madison county subject to the action of the Democratic party. FOR SUIT. I'URI.U' INSTRUCTION. Mrs. John Williamson is a candidate for Siiperintei'dont Public Instruction for Madi-on eoni'ty. inject to the action of the Democratic party. VOR PURER NTENDRNT 01 ITIILIC SCHOOLS. i v Wip.r.HsLsa candidate for Sunerintendcnt of Public Schools of MiuliMin county. subject totheacti on of the Democratic puny. FOR CLERK MADISON C5IRCUIT COURT. S. H. Thorim:, Jr.. Incumbent, i.-a candidate Tor Clerk or tin- Mad. -on Circuit Court, subject to the notion of the Democratic party. FOR COUNTY CLERK. We arn authorized to announce John F. White a candidate to himself a Clerk of Mndion County Court, subject to the acUoii of tlie'Deinoeratle party. We are authors.-.! to :nno:in )R. II. K. MIDDLET..N R for Colintv Clerk of Madison, to the action of t!3 t. TOR SHERIFF. H. II. Colyhr i a candidate foi Sheriff of Madison eonnty, subject to the action of the Democratic party. for county assessor. Jamks C Miller is a candidate for Asse--or of Madison county, subject to the action of the Democratic party. V are authorized to announce John W. Moorbs a a candidate for A.sSvor of Madi.-on county, subject to the action of the party. We are aut!ior!z?d to announce A- .1. ISroaddus a candidate for County mi j"ct to the action'of tli Democrat'c party. We are authorizd to anii'iiinc T. C. Curry a candidate for As-esc of Madi-on county, subject to the action of the Democratic party. FOR CITY ATI OR KY. We are authorised to announce Okken Clay a canditlat" for the o lice or City Attorney.of Itlchmoiid. Kv., to the action of the De.nocr itic arty. We are authorized to announce J. Talrot Jackson as a candidate for City Attorney, of Richmond, Ky.. subject to tha action of the Democratic party. FOR CORONER. We ara authorized to announce (.;. O. DoziERa candidate for Coroner, sublet to the action of the Democratic party. 1SIIM0KE A noted mechanical expert said recently: "I didn't know the queen & crescent used hard coal on their engines." Hesaw only white smoke, for the road uses all modern appliances for avoiding the nuisance of smoke, dust and cinders. The ra&o(ii(iE Is the only line running solid tibuled, gas-lighted, steam-heated trains to the South. Standard d?y coaches (with smoking rooms and lavatories), Pullman drawing room sleepers, elegant cafe, parlor and observation cars. The CUEEnJ A. CRESCENT BpUTE runs tuliy equipped tiains from Cincinnati to Chattanooga, New Orleans, Atlanta aud Jacksonville, with through sleepers. Also through cars Cincinnati to KnoxviUe, Ashe-ville. Columbia and Savannah, and from to Chnttanooga without change. Ac. for tickets cver4he Q. & C W O Kinearron. General Passenger Agent. Cincinnati, O. J.H.NEFF&C0. Maixt Sfcpoot, (Opposite Glyndon. Country Produce Bought and -Jii: Highest Cash Market THE FALLS At LnolsTllle to lie for Povrer .A Motor Invrnteil. Louisvillk, Ky., March 9 Inventor It. M. Kerr, of this city, has a motor to harness the power of the falls in the Ohio at this place. He enthusiastically declares that by the power in the falls and putting it to use ho will be able to light Louisville and her sister cities across the river, as well as to run the street cars and furnish electricity for driving the wheels in a number of manufacturing establishments. Kerr's invention has had a successful test on lieargrass creek, where a model drove a number of mechanical appliances. Kerr's invention consists of wheels set in the river's current, connecting with electric dynamos. The whole can be built for 510,000, he says. A scheme has been suggested to build a canal and take power from this, but such a project would cost S2,000,000. . NO QUORUM. Republicans and Free Silver and Gold Democrats Refused to Answer tu Their Names. Frajjkfort, Ky., March 29. The roil call at Saturday's joint session showed only 50 members present, the republicans and lrec silver and gold democrats refusing to answer to their names The president ruled that there was no quorum present, but said he would liberally construe that statute requiring a daily ballot for senator and order the roll calL Those opposed to Hunter again refused to answer to their nanus. Hunter received 50 votes and the chair ruled that there was no election, a majority of both houses not being present and voting. UNIVERSITY CHAMPION. J. M. Elliott Will Itepresent That Institution In the Oratorical Contest. Lexixotok, Ky., March 29 J. M. Elliott, representing the Periclean society of the Kentucky university, won the preliminary contest of that college and will be the representative in the inter-collegiate oratorical contest April 2. Lis subject is "Tho Demagogue." The State college will choose its rep resentative Sunday night. Th judges j selected for the contest are: Itishop Burton, Lexington; Judge Holt, Frankfort, and Prof. Taylor, Louisville, with A. Y. ForJ. Louisville; J. W. Alcorn, Stanford; J. T. O'Neal, Louisville; Helm 1'ruce, Louisville, and Rev. Ga Darsie, Frankfort, alternates. J).tth or Dr. J. II. R.cjhter. Cyntiiiana, Ky.. March 23. Dr. J. II Ilightcr, the oldest mason in this county, died at his residence, one mile west of this city, of old age. He was one of the most eminent physicians in this part of the state. He had been unable to practice his profession for the last four year? on account of ill-health His iutcrment took place Saturday afternoon at llattlc Grove Cemetery witn masonic Lunelle Aylnm Insure I. IIoriciNSViLLK, Ky., Marcit 29. Insurance amounting to S15O.093 was taken out Satur lay evening upon the buildings of the Western lunatic asyluru, near this city. It wss divided equally among the diJTercnt companies doing business here. The asylum had been without any insurance upon it for several weeks. The Matter tti Ho I ie'lcted. Framifort, Ky., March 29. The speaker of tha house Saturday morning appointed a committee to investigate the report that smallpox is raging in the prison hospital. If true, the governor will be asked to adjourn tho general assembly at once, and call the body to meet in Louisville Monday morning. Scott Jackson's Mother's Instructions. Xewfort, Ky., March 29. One of the deputies at the hanging of Jackson and Walling is authority for the statement that Mrs. Jackson advised her Bon to die manfully, as die he must, and to die with all his buried in his breast. Condurtor Killed by a Train. Hoi'KiNsriLLE, Ky.. March 29. While attempting to step from the platform to the caboose of a freight train on the Louisville & Nashville railroad at Earlington. Lee Watt a conductor, lost his footing and was crushed to death. Left a Fortune. Lexington, Ky., March 29. James McCormick, aged Co years, for many years a member of the Lexington city council, died of heart disease. He accumulated a fortune in the wool business. Thr?e Ururcuuin by tias. Xew Yoiik, March 29. Two women and a man were found iu thjir rooms at Flanley's hotel, on Hudson street, Saturday afternoon. They bed been overcome by ga. The women wero dead and the man was unconscious He was removed to St. Vincent's hospital. The three registered at the hotel Friday night as Mr. and Mrs. Marshall and Mrs. Alice Ilayshay, of Commission Monti int Sulfides. Charlotte, Mich., March 29. Scott Seavolt, a prominent commission merchant of this city, shot and killed himself in the woodshed of his residence at noon Saturday. No cause is known for the suicide. He leaves a widow and two children. Cru.lifl Under Tons ot Slate. Parkkhsburg, W. Va., March 29. A. W. bimmons, a miner employed by the Moaongah Coal & Coke Co., at Monongah, was buried by several tons of slate iu mine No. 2 Saturday afternoon. Up to midnight his boJy had not been recovered. .if Ills Injuries. Jeffersoxvili.e, Ind., March 29. Frank Johnston, aged 17 years, who fell from the Big Four bridge, a distance of CD feet, two weeks ago, died morn'n"' The smallest grain of aniline will color a ton of wine. A grain of permanganate of potash will redden seven thousand times its weight of water. The most trifling disorder will disarrange every organ of the body and cause eventual disease and death. It is the little ailments neglected that make the big diseases. Host serious diea.;es have their in ception in a disordered digestion and faulty nutrition. This i tmeof that most deadly of diseases consumption. It is also true of nervous prostration and exhaustion and also of all forms of wasting disease. Ailments of this description may not only be pree sted but cured by a resort to the right remedy. An unfailing cure for all diseases that have their origin in disorders of the digestion and faulty nutrition is found in Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It cures digestive disorders, restores the appetite, invigorates the liver,, purifies and enriches the blood, builds healthy flesh and muscle and drives out disease-germs. It cures 9S per cent, of all cases of consumption. Thousands have testified to these facts. Druggists who suggest substitutes are dishonest. Mrs. Ursula Dunham, of SUtersville. Tytr Co., W. Ya, writes: I should have been dead had it cot been for your medicine. I was nearly dead when I began taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical DLscoreryv I had a pain in my side all the time, had bnt HtUe appetite, and grew very thin. The 'Golden Medical Discovery' promntlycured - pain, restored my appetite, and increased 'Vfi ' K. Pierce's wnnderfil free book, "The rcoplc&Couimou Sense Medical Adviser," will be sent paper-bound, for twenty-one .ceets in one-cent stamps to pay ..the cost of taailiseoKiv Address DrvR. V. Pierce. Bafelo, -N. Y. F&r handsome, durable; alih covers, beiwrtifidly Ullla -Introduced, Sat None were Jfassrd. FRANK.roftT. Ky., March r7. Senate-The icnale ll;Dt tbs lny la discussing the A. and U. college 1)1 1 unJ a rote vra not reached Ur. Jones ofXtred an amendment providing lhat the interest on the JJOSOOO be divided. Kith the colored school at Frankfort rhe IL1 acd arsenduienls will bs voted oa. Saturdiy. HotJsr Friday a resolution wis adopted the assistant adjutant general to report how many dam he has been in the actual terrice of the state durlnc the past year. This fflco is a sinecure, nnd us Waiter Forrester, he present incumbent, is an nsn. tbo Hunter p ople nre proidlns htm. A 'csolutlon of rcc et was adopted oa the death f Wm. A. Pepper, of Uraclcoa county, a forcer member ot the house. The fol. owing new Jills were introduced: To abolish the custom f print n; of posters by llical courts bond fates, ana requiring to be la lbs lewspapcrs: to re luce tho salary )f the assistant ad Jut nt central to tl per fear to abolish thu oCIjj of register of lands; to legallzs the borrowing ot money by the aylums: to lncreiMu thi llcen e of I vera and to J scale ranging Irom 125 to J(M. giving magistrates, quarterly tnd police courts Jurisdiction in cases where the penalt may be a tine of tsn and for li mo tlis. pased. The prebent law rlve j indlciHT to such courts ji caics ot 150 ttuji and -0 days' imprison- f Died of LocJw. HonuxsviLLK, Ky., March 27. John Lea veil, a wealthy young planter, died i it his home near Trenton Friday morning of lockjaw, occasioned -by having accidentally mashed a finger. His jaws became locked Tuesd.jy, since which time his agony was fearful to nitness. He could swallow nothing. . Mnntlcrllo's 1e.ilmii Sytem. " Mont cki.i.o, Ky., March 27. W. P. Howe, an enterprising Kcntuckian, 't has purchasid an t repaired the old j telephone line between this place and Uurnside, and added a new line to Jamestown, Ky., placing this region in the circuit ot one of the most complete telephone systems in the st ite. I. miv He Fai urea. LonsviLLE, Ky., March 27. The Louisv.lle Soap Co. assigned Friday, after the tiling of two attachment suits. Nominal assets S14.50D, assets 3,500. Fink & Feldhaus, wholesalo saddlers, assigned to Arthur E. Mueller. Assets S7.000 of stock and open account; liabilities not stated. Miot II s Howling Gueen, Ky., March 27. Will Hay, soj of Col. Phil Hay, a prominent farmer, shot and dangerously wounded Will Hagan, a switchman for the L. and N. railroad, Friday night. Hay is 22 and Hagan about 3J. lloth men had been drinking and wore good friends. His Second Attempt at Suicide. Owinosville, Ky., March 27. Poverty and bad health prompted Henry Gates, of the l'easticks neighborhood, to attempt suicide by tne morphine route, the prompt work of Dr. has probably saved the man's life. This is Gate's second effort to end his life. Tallin fcrro Gors Free. Elkton, Ky., March 27. The present grand jury, which has been investigating the killing1 of Will Day, by F. M. Talliaferro, returned tho papers, indorsed dismissed. Judge Reeves at once ordered Talliaferro and bis bondsmen released from further obligations. One Dead, the Other Fatally Hart. Plymouth, Ky., March 27. As the result ol the old quarrel between Jacob Leeds and ltlanchard Thomas, at Laplaz, Thursday night, Thomas was shot and instantly killed by Leeds, after the latter had been fatally cut by a knife in the hands of Thomas. tiled at the Age of 98 Years. Hoi'Kinsville, Ky , March 27. John Long, the oldest citizen in this county, dijd at his home near Crofton of pneumonia, aged 9S years. He was a noted character in this of Kentucky, having come from Virginia and located over 00 years ago. Killed Father ton. Mt. Gilrad. March 27 Thursday night Amoi Kiggs shot and killed Young lloyd and his father, v. K. lloyd. Young Uoyd had run off with one of Rigg' daughters. Riggs is said to have shot the two men from ambush. Died ot llitnrt Trouble. Lexington, Ky., March 27. James McCormick, aged C4, died Friday morn ing of heart trouble. He was for many years a member of the city council, and was well known in the wool and leather trade of the south. Measles Arr KpHemlc. . Lancaster, Ky., March 27. Whooping cough and measles are -playing havoc in this countj. One death has occurred and many more cases were reported Friday. Country schools will be closed temporarily. C ondomnatlnn Snlta. Versailles, Ky., March 27. County Attorney W. O. Davis has prepared suits against a number of turnpike companies in Woodford county to be filed in condemnation proceedings ordered by the fiscal court Snmllp.ix in the Penitentiary. Frankfokt, Ky., March 27. It is rumored that the penitentiary hospital is full of smallpox patients. The prison physician says it is only forty cases of measles, but the legislators are badly frightened. Mineral Ltml Sold fur Taxes. Sergent, Ky., March 27. Three thousand five hundred acres of choice mountain mineral lands were sold in Pike county Friday for taxes. It went at S- per acre, and is worth five timc3 the amount in gold. The Ttlvtir Falling at I'Ailacsh. Paducau, Ky., March 27. The river began falUng here early Friday morning and the gauge shows a drop of four inches since midnight. Refused to Pay Ills Salary. Lexington, Ky., March 2G. Auditor Pearce has refused to pay to J. II. Staples hi salary as member of the city council. Staples has absented himself from all save two meetings since November last. The courts will be appealed to. Commlttm Ttkea 'o Action. Frankfort, Ky., March 2a The republican state central committee met Thursday morning at nine o'clock, but did not take any uction concerning Gov. Bradley, as was promised. The committee will meet again Thursday afternoon. Life IlrookH Sen truce. West Liberty, Ky., March 28. Lafayette llrooks, the murderer of Gns MeKinzy, has had his trial and been sentenced to 21 3-ears in the penitentiary. Sheriff Elam and others left Thursday night for Frankfort with llrooks. Held for Wuitesburg. Ky., March 20. The. examining trial of Henry C Frazicr for the murder of Eli Isonlast week was held Thursday. Prazier was held for murder in the first degree, and was not allowed bond. L'ternlly Cooked to ToiirKiNSViLLE, Ky., March 20. Thursday morning, near Martinsburg, Ky., the four-year-old child of Giles Uruington, fell into kettle of boiling soap and was literally cooked before it could be rescued. 'Withdraws From the. Association. Louisvillk, Ky., March 2C Tho Louisville & St. Louis Air line has withdrawn from tho Southern Freight association at St. Louis. 1 bis action has been taken solely on the ground of economy. Aged Phyilclnn Dead. "Cysthiana, Ky., March 26. Dr. J. H. Righter, a prominent and wealthy physician, died at his home, this county, Thursday ufternoon, from paralysis, aged 72u He came here from Virginia. .. . i Thrr Colored Peopf DrowneL JKllexsvilue, Ky., Jdarch 6. Sbort, .Ma:a Snoden and Marshall Xjm all, joolored, j were drowsed. It is Thought by Many 'mLlfirW i,Vi fftfirfi'A Erbm the Creator said to woman "in sorroTcr shalt thou bring forth children," that a curcc was pronounced, but the joy felt by eirery Soother -when che first presses to her heart her babe, proves the contrary. Danger and suffering- lurk in the pathway of the Expectant Mother, and should be avoided, that she may reach the hour -when the hope of her heart is to "be realized, in full and strength. "Mother's Friend" so relaxes the system that the natural tnd necessary.. change lakes place without Fausea .Headache, Henrous or mvmm 'Gloomy Foreboding and at the trying hour makes Child-birth easy, as so many happy mothers haire experienced. Nothing but "Mother's Friend" does this. Don't be deceived. "Mothor'a Friend1 is tho greatest remedy ever pat on tho markot,e.ud alljpy castomcrB praise it highly .r W.H.Kii:g i Co., Whitowright, Tex. Sent by Mail,on receipt of nric$l 00 PER BOTTIE. TJook "To Expectant AloUiers" mailed free, containing vrluablo iuionnaUon and voluntary testimonials. The BRADHELD REGULATOR CO..ATLAflTA,G. GOLD ilY ALL DRUGGISTS. '"v-'4 GILBERT SAYLOR, ConTlcted of Having Killed Two Men, Pardoned by the Governor. Frankfort, Ky., March 2(5. The jrovernor 'Jhursday pardoned Gilbert Baylor, of Hell county, who killed Hiram Shackleford and James several years ago. The two men -who wero killed went to Saylor's Jiouso to abduct his wife, and in tho melee that followed Saylor killed one of the men and Mrs. Saylor was bidly -wounded. The second man was killed some time after. In passing on the case the governor states that it is one of the most remarkable cases that has ever come before him. Saylor had four trials that resulted in two convictions and two bung juries The court of appeals gave him a new new trial, and his agony was ended Thursday by the pardon. BROKEN LEG. 3'aDllne Martham, the ISorleiqae Actrets, Awarded fleuvy DiMiiufrrg. Frankfort, Ky., March 20. Miss Pauline Makham, the burlesque actress, some two years ago went to Louisville to perform, and while walking up Seventh street, from the train to the hotel, fell into an open cellar and broke her leg. Zach Phelps brought suit for Miss larkham against llauraeister & contractors, who were repairing the building. The jury awarded her 1,500 damages. The court of appeals Thursdaj' morning affirmed this decision, giving interest and damages, which now amount to $0,000. Want Lower Itaten. Lexington, Ky., March 20. The decision of the supreme court in the case of the United States vs. the Trans-Missouri Freight association, declaring that traffic agreements by railroads are illegal because they are in restraint of trade, has caused a renewal of the fight by the Lexington chamber of commerce for reduction in freight rates, which will allow Lexington to compete with other and larger cities as jobbing center for aentral and eastern Kentucky. The traflie agreement was the only obstacle, and now that is reversed, the chamber is hopeful of gaining the desired end. ronefct About a Girl. Paducaii. Ky., March 20. It was reported here Thursday night that J. Frank Potts, of Fancy Farm, Thursday afternoon fatally wounded W. F. Harris near Pottsville, Graves county. From what can be learned they had a quarrel concerning Potts' daughter. Potts drew a knife and stabbed Harris four times, wounding him fatally. Potts is a prominent farmer of tho Fancy Farm neighborhood and Harris is a well-known tobacco man. Caie Decialoi Modified. Frankfort, Ky., March 20. The court of appeals Thursday modified or extended its opinion in the bank-tax The modification is not material, however, simply providing that banks need not pay taxes on money left in deposit, because the depositor pays on it, but reiterates that banks must pay on franchise, capital stock, real estate, etc. Cumberland .11 In eg Harnlnc;. Sturgis, Ky., March 20. The Cumberland mines, west of this city, aro burning. 'Ihe fire was caused by a miner's lamp igniting the timbers- All efforts to stop tho fire havo proved futile. It is feared that an explosion may occur at any time by the flames igniting the gas. j3j Mnlrs Cremated. Lebanon, Ky., March 23. A large barn belonging to J. M. Miller, near here, burned at midnight, together with fifteen head of mules, feed and farming Implements. Very little insurance. Will Mo Tried for Lunacy. Lancaster, Kv., March 23. Mark Jennings, who shot Georgo Mukes last week, surrendered to the sheriff iron-day morning. He will bo tried Tuesday on a writ of lunacy. Two Pardons Granted. Frankfort, Ky., March 2a Gov. Ilradley Monday morning refused threo pardons, and granted pardons to Enoch and Erwin Lewis.of Greenup, one-year convicts. Candidate for senator. Lancaster, Ky., March 23. G. T. Farris, democrat, will bo a candidate for the nomination lor state senator in this district He is at present chief of police of this place. A TUB of chemicals in the match factory at Aurora, exploded and seven men were slightly burned. It was with difficulty that the buildings were saved. Flned for Cnutemot. Lexinoton, Ky., March 23. Judge Parker Monday fined Attorney Robert A, Thornton and Capt. B. J. Tracey 30 each for contempt of court They fought in court last Monday. The caus3 of the altercation was also settled when Judge Parker ruled that Capt Tracey should vacate Ashland Park by April 1. Were Married feecr 'tly. Lexinoton, Ky., March 23. It leaked out here this morning that Arthur 11. Nelson and Mrs. Dixie Ann Young, daughter of County Clerk Claude Chinn and sister of the well known race-horse trainer, Joe Chinn, 3were married in Jcfforspnville, Ind.. March 2. The wedding has been kept secret nnd became lenown by accident An Investigation Will Da Mudo.) Prankfoet, Ky,, March 23. Ths house Jlonday morning authorized the speaker to appointa committee of! five to investigate the report that certain members have been offered money for their votes for United States senator. 4i Mrnt Pay thn'I'o.neral Expanses ' CouisyjirJEiry.ji Marcli 23, lit, the raww.A.j,;aaiiiigr, luuquRy, igBar,i cial.JSdelSMflBHBH, f:.the.gBSMlrjy j :!&&3&i rk enarated. .from (rviakwiniHit HIGH WINDS .It Pmlucalt Csncra UnoMlnes T is Oitt, dm; Hugs Wave In tho Swollen Klver. Paducaii, Ky., March 24. The river situation during the last 21 hours has not Improved. At 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon the gauge registered 50.7, and was rising at the rate of one tenth every two hours. About that time the wind began tp rise very rapidly, and since then has been blowing a perfect gale, and, on account of tho waves, it is impossible to form an accurate idea as to the stage of the river. Very fortunately for the business interests, the, wind is blowing toward the Illinois shore. The L C transfer 6toamer Osburn was unable to land with the St. Louis train, ou account of tho running of the waves, for two hours, 'ihe rise of half or three-quarters of a foot since last Monday night has spread over an immense territory, and many who wero high and dry last night found the water at their doorsteps Tuesday morning. Tho City of Clarksville Tuesday landed at a point of a mile from the normal bank of the river. The N. C. and St. L., at 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, notided the merchants that it could rjcoivo no more freight until further notice. Ihe tracks at the N. C. and J5l L. depot are to much under water that tha train Tuesday night was obliged to stop at E cventh street. Old river men disagree as to the seriousness of the local situation and the height which the Ohio may be expected to reach here. Most of them incline to the belief that not more than six or eight inches more can be expected here. Others say at least another foot will be recorded before the flood comes to a stand and begins to recede. Although the closing down of mills and the partial suspension of traffic by rail and river have made hundreds here idle, there are great signs of activity in certain quarters of the city, where goods are being removed from stores, wholesale houses, factories or tobacco warphousss. A foot more water, a conservative estimate, will put the lower floors of 200 dwellings and mercantile establishments under water. Great fears are entertained that the terrific winds of Tuesday night have injured HrookVyn, -111., just across tho river. Several minor accidents to shipping have taken -place, but so far nothing serious. TWO POLITICIANS rizht Hot Konui la the Capitol Hotel, lTtikforc. Frankfort, Ky., March 24. An exciting fistcuff between two prominent republicans enlivened the scene in tho Capitol hotel office Tuesday night Ex-Congressman J. D. V bite, of Clay county, and Hon. R. D. Hill, of Whitley county, a candidate for United States district attorney, have bsen at daggers points since tho primary election last summer. White having accused Hill of helping, while acting as chairman of the district committee, to rob him of the nomination. 'I ho two met unexpectedly in the hotel otlice Tuesday night Whit', without saying a word. thot out his right nnd landed heavily on Hill's templo. It staggered HilL who struck wildly at White and missed. White then landed again on Hill's neck. Friends interfered and avoided further damage. Thcy are both Hunter men. Died From llydriiphohtf. Elkton, Ky., March 24. News of a horrible death has just reached the city from the neighborhood of Allegra, eight miles north of Elkton. A few weeks ago Mr.s. Dolly Morgan, aged 71 years, received, a severe g.ish in the pilm of her hanL While her h.ind was healing she fed her pet dog from it and the dog licked the The dug went mad an 1 Mrs. Morgan was taken with hydrophobia, dyin.r with'n a few hours after the appearance of the symptorrs. Inijmrttnt Willi.. td til. Lexinoton, Ky.. March 24 Jason Tieed died at the insane asylum Tuesday morning. Itee I was a witness to the killing of Jess'j Tyrco by Arthui Piatt 13 years ago. His testimony was expected to bj important in the conviction of Piatt, who was tecently from E jgland, aud is to bo tried in Ap-il. Stubborn t ltuest u.lieo. Irvine Depot, Ky., March 20. For refusing to testify before the grand 'jury, Judge Kedwine ordered Hud Moore, colored, to jail. Saloonkeeper Astlns. Georgetown, Kj., March 20. M. J. Hickey, a saloonkeeper, made aU assignment Thursday. Assets and s unknown. Ant:-silver I'm nn. Lawrencebuko, Ky., March 2. Tho national democrats and republicans of this county have agreed to a fusion on the county offices to be filled next November and will make nominations Saturday, April 3. THE MARKETS. Cincinnati. March 27. FLOUll Sprint: Liner. ft.73&4.t0: spring .'amUr. uprins patent. J4 3044 TO; dnter patent. fir.OilTU: f incy. J4.10 '4.30; ;amUy. M3)3.6. extra, ti TS J 3. it) lowcrade, li5Ua.i;u rye. northwestern. tloj&iTJ. do :it. tiSjIlTJ.' 2 red. comiial ul 9)c Salc3: N'o. 3 red. tr.ick, 8U COift Sales: White ear. track. 24a Oats N'o. 2 mixed, nominal, ot 21c. Logs Select butchers', L05i 10: fair to Rood packers, til'5 a4.05; fair to good light, .3 9J&4 05; common and roughs. Fair to good shlpp n. ?3.7S4 65: nee. S4.7irt5.0U: rood to choice Lutchers'.HOJ t;4 SO; fair to medium butchers', (X35&3.90; common. fJ.5023 Oa SUEtP and Lambs Sheep: Extras. M35 i.bii. good to choice, common to fair. $-50 4.5a, Lambs Extra. ib.ih; food to choice, to fair. $1 "jJ L59. Veal Calves Fair to cood lis'ht. JLTVTfc i.50. extra, t5.75S6.0J: common and larye. UW Cia-J. Wool Unwashed fine merino. I03U3 per lb: clothla;, 13iilto: medium delaine and 13 ill;: braid, li ilSs, medium combinsr. H&Iij. Wa-ihol: Fino merino. X to XX. 13c: medium clothla?. IS& 10c: delaine fleece, l31Cc. Ion? combln?. 16 'i 17c: quarter blood and low. 1.1 14c: coaimoa, coarse, l-3!3c: tub-washed, choice, 1J3. New Yuhs. March 27. 2 red, Mav. 7d July, 771-16 77Jjc: September, 7447lKc Coits Xa 2. :v.5 J31c. Jul.-. 21 Kc Oats Western. Ilfe30i: Miy, 2ljjs nominal. IIUCACO. March 27. Wukat March, 71 ye: May, 7-Jio asked; July. 7iH&71K September. CUXa bid. Cons March. SJiU &23 j,' c. Ma. 21K221fe; July, 25Jis bid; September. 20a2a?J. Oats March. I6Jc: May. 17j.lSo uid; July, IBo u&ked; September, 18.Sc PirrsnnncH. March 27. Cattle Prime. J4. 80 Si. 00. tidy butchers',M.2a&lS). fair. 3 oOJJI 00. bulls stags and cows, fL8.)(d,ft), fresh cows and springers, $J10. Hogs Prime heavy, 4-Ma35: best York-era, J4.25; common Yorkers and pigs, 13,9334.10. roughs. 10033.801 SnW Ohio fed westerns.' tl 413465; prime natives. S4.70dl.S4: good. 4434.03; fair, 14.00 &425; common, 13.253175; choice lambs, Jo. 53 iii.80. common to good, ,.4. 2535. 30. NURSERIES verythlnR lor Orchard, Lavra "and Garden. Tnll stock- pi Ornamental and 'Fruit Trees, Grape Vines, Asparagus and Small Truits. Wa employ no agenM, feat sell at living prices direct to the laters. Telephone in office. k., a'MZaiai nuiuaW iU, j S r& . "7 j: .,' ?4 w mm muMmm'Tikt in Jat3 bSidfly H Ltl v; TE7 I 51 S BELLS Pine- Tar tfVi will fop mcou&h : aSBl hold by nil drueirlsts or nt upon of prlct 25a, 5jc uud fl per bottle by rS12 E. I- SUTnCRI. M V EOICIX E CO., rABUCAIf. KV. 27-20 READY TO PLY THE TRADE Our fnclorv 011 Laurel Street in ,..,...1 ia w...r mm,,,... nn.i nm !..,, ,0 ...-. 4 .v piepared to liil orders forti A..J 1! , I "Ms ci iiiau!i!i. 1 1. M. B ad "Wi c! tob" 25? Bnnnln, We can Rive you ! moiifv. Send us a tri;il "inicr; ou will I le litil willi our jirodiirN. pleated to hear (10111 country nter chants. White Ross, -in- 1'iciiuoxn, Ky. '.',, . , ,. .... ..;. . -. raifaira ' .HiHfBSfil wi ; Wl WVlli is &h " ' 1 , . .EE PAIS THE. FREIGH-1 .YCD PAY FOR THS DRINKS. 5 SECOND STREET. Plione.Xo. 3. RICKMCK3. KY. PA6ENT5 mch31 Furniture Store In Central Kentucky. 117? are alweys at horn? and glad to ee you any time whether yon I j not, C3 don't fail to call. Very t? "D Mucnanan , I , J 1 I m ! WiWIW I ! I ! 1111 1 T II II II II .AAj. 7777? "Y" fcsa ifcHSKf, eoa f 0.51s T Irliii ""-"-- i h! & F CmTy k Last week we miM't'lv vmir .il -00 - 7l l 3 i I fvg tiatoourli.'..f iln rBBtfiy "'""" rJ n ' i ?ff nTinn;ian riTiilPin n n n wt n 1 mtmr TRADE DESICNS, MARKS, f w ,n r n p t k k ,n ,n t 1 1 s ' A new lizc cf CoffiES ted COPYniCHT3 &c. Anyone sendlnjr a rtetrh and description may quickly ascertain, free, wlietner an InTentlonls robably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest acency for securing patents In America. We hare a Washington offlci. Patents taken through Munn li Co. recelra specuu notice In tne SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beantlfullr illustrated. lireest drcnlatlon of anr scicutinc Journal, weekly, terms liu) a year; flJO six months, specimen copies and 1Land llotiil ox I'atksts sent free. Addreu MUNN &. CO., 3C1 Droadnny, New York. MltRESPONDnNCEn - Gm $ekm MAGNETIC r t.. j s . P" Kl J. NERVINE sFSSSk zf33) otf B ,Z32& S P ?3 W.n El ' -. ' Mt . .- I Easily. Cuickly. Lost Vlullty, BEFORE: - AFTER- Mnt uircases cicvea. ST?old by W. G While, Drnpsest, i QANDY ! a t f r it i ni i ss so ''y ? ARSOTiTiTRbY flTTSHoNTRPn ,a cnrc I aaOUijU idb I UUariiliUiiljU t,,. er Permanently ncs?;rcd. &3irV.!. SricS eTons Debility, Ionorinla, Falling Mcjnorr, and all ana ail wcaxnessea rcsnlitnz rmra early pr Inter lozainCiltiiti onricfoicf Drica. 5heltu:tiledIciseCo,Suriul,j:iiia. CAIHABTIC I diRICOMSTlPATION j . ii mil nn r r ' IIrlMdLSMs:b i!o and booklet free. Ad. STKKI.ISn SE31FDV(0..riiiraro.aiinSrM!.Can..orrtTlork. Kywwwvw v m wtyyi w HE WILLARD HOTEL, Recently Bsea Convertefl Into a Modern Palace Has Halls and Entrance aro Marble 2000 Yards o3 Brilliant, New Kichmond, Ky. vwvnm lui n ALL DRUGGISTS nycaseorconstlpaiion. facarfts arc tlie Mral La- ip rr rwt easy natural rrxulti. Sara- and Tiling of the Finest Quality. Velvet Carpet Adorn the Floors! and uim'ki: halls. - - Bzautlfuiiy Decorted and Bril- Lighted -. without a Superior in the South, rate of Considered In This Eccent Improvement. S2.50 PER DKY Sdoli Mir, J?., Mu&gs?. THE PI6E0N! ISCOWERV lOf THE AGE!1 (INJECTION. I.I Cures la 1 to 4 day. Ease Ea ILK B11U9 ia "'--"- .curj. 'asl.a X-. Km. ponw prareniiT. T ' - - - t)t I'mims " Offices and Icsr.tly Its Equipments througfioiit jire .... Charges Have licen Expocitled RKTES S & W RUST'S DR. GBTTOH ROOT AXTJ .ft I (OrlgiBai mwmi li I 1 aol ,f! sntne 'alwara iHM and . irruiii.! i sIwujnailtfurlw.Koi'i's! acil" - rrcraaie lltLTlfBT Rftrsr tell aatueTev"blu. I 'aHMM rwisaltit " To bring the money saving public to our store. A telling attack c n values. ( h ,. ness uniooked for even by the most exacting. Our constant endeavor to t . quality up and crowd the price down brings the knowing shopper here and T ir. this the...... (iisiest BedRoom Suites at all always have the very latest designs. Upright Folding-Beds. Mantel Beds, Chiff. . and Separate Bed all in Ash, Oak, Curley Birch and Mahogany. Side-Boards, Book-Cases, Dressers, Bureaus, Secretaries, Chiffoniers, Hall Ti . ture Moulding, Chairs, Easels, Screens, Mantel Mirrows, Center Tables, Extendi, n Springs and Mattresses in designs and quality to phrase every one from happy lit to the cranky old maids and bachelors. Our Line of Rockers 'V''V'V''' Just, rpfpivpfl. , frfish :ird ti"w WW-- - an(j -wonder lo see such jroods little Desks, e Lave just ivccived for tho ladies in Oak, Curly ertelajvpoefc,alleoB. ptMi is on nxa jmi. n ' iLiaiiisa tv m)thc MHWIHIII - .'CoJ i. .iaff' '. 3l&" Prices m m in Oak, "Walnut and ; received nearly every day, and by .s i ,. ,, r 1 i i from the factories have caused sold in Richmond. Don't fail to 7Th o SnSi -& Ccskets :'nst from tlio Fnc'tCiy kSJ 3 Theso. bountiful Min.hiiiy ly. tho Ittlio fa!! !, and inarch tt tho City Store to inspect tlio varied ;. . k NovoL its. It u.eIo.s to toll tho Ladie-. that cljockn, hir." ;i small, aro all tho nifre. Kvery olio have a ch o or at Io:tst a check -.nit, or at fe.iht a chook skirt, a t' t terial ranpes in price from 39c a yartt to $6 a uit. The popularity of tho Scotch tory, "Tho Bonn;.- l'.i IJusIi," Iuim riven iss these Sctrtcli Pl:' . Checks, and "Drumloehty" IMiitl is the iwwost aid i' tiost, hut there are Covert", Ktaminps and ( . ' amonjr the Novelties, and an ineressiinr deuisntl for - ! colors; so the female population i.eeif uot be . uniform. Mack Goods receive our closest attention; mi woive.N. het blacks. A beautiful Wool Grenadine at 'JCte per yard. Etamiuo Cloth iu IJIack and Navy will make a lire that will not inn, or or catch the o"irt. Wn tur:: ir -in this department to the WASH GOODS ,ooils are Srotch in oIi,I Linens with Sat.n strip-.s: Linen Lawns, Ac., makinfr as foil drciapUtt i line or Oress uoous as eer shown by Trimmings to .mi it one of them, COTTONS AND SHEETINGS. present and future v ants. This i the period oh Mtk stores wfcea cot an! jlue are not so cloeI ccntdtred as ami for soring sanppen kn. Uanutjb of it The goods we car:;, are staniliig, besc :jb 1,'iw Ilos.ry aud l nderwear. Wiwi m - - (jib so n - i a o aseaaacseeceeesoceaceQsooooecesGSQo ess s a oasoeeoeo90aoGaaas9aooooooeooQccreac9a . , aaaaaaajaaaiTaaaafKkKtK.KAak&A.a.A.Ka jbi x k r e e o ao e" 9ast. sa SMs Jtist opened &r y&- SZ' ' V'reet (.. e,,,Iy WjT a- s 0' k I9M T p "0.'vrA SO "-x. VV da,. v CG.. C3ee. O0c Oa. gnu- 4a.. xV2i (SO Oa "We have no books can therefore sell .. Lowest Prices for Cash, S3 ) All goor's fsesh o- the city and 0CS. supply l received ' D. CHENAUUT S9 Oa.- -i' a.- a- w .W am i ia ka.saAa.saiai.aasia.a. ' "- a Av " ) . ))a aj ' v.'' on Second '.'.'.11 at tlie stand re- ;;;; 0CC"P"ed h T- :::ii A.CIienaull. ... iiew and soiI as 1W 'Mil a :UIV ' 'ie 'WKet for nmlvfLflii .xV" !! A"ai k t'w A V "lt? x "tf Xfif i'- S3 fromvv r i 5 APv - s a ne.v5 a :': -it daily .v J CO. vl vJfe3 '2 .. Mill ..-.' v8 aa..a4.aaaiaaa A ? kAa.mAmkaaAakmaABiaAasaaa.AAAiaBBBa viti9goeii9attttiiiaeeoiijt99iaoiti0 o eeseaaecaaescsaeoeeeieeeaoeosoeossaeoesu CTTJST OPS1TED I I have just opened on Firat Street, in the Caperton Buiklinr, a iimi ma Siiar . mv mM&SBMimmb' Wm. E. IHERLIMM. uu"iriniiji.aruuiitHl k li rtJTrtjTrntrirtnrLrtj p lrtiirtruuinxuTAxt, u.. IS' Elm, Oak, IN Curiy Birh, lb IVlshoixanN and Wi!!ov. many !. crme and sec W 1 Birch and Mah : ; t$2 ft j e e . j z zrA ccverai cow desirrs. ::5';.vr.. '-s , " :- AAWAV'A W s k Y 1 -a M. & ( Qs ooo i : , j Dimities at Me. I5e sad tOe r van!. Anooft the etrest W.--- colors ami fatter: fcjatfcoine this houe. near m tBiad we have t i and Laces, Embroideries and Riliu .i It will py ytm to buy rig' row. aiHl at this store f - H Q - - 1 CTTCEEE nd will keep on hand tae best quality of Fresh ami Cried Metxts, at reasonable prices. Meats delivered promptly. Your Patronage solicited- Luxon5 Jr. ?s. ! i ' "T $Jl5iN TTJflE. 1