Newspaper Page Text
The Richmond Climax. WEDNESDAY. MAY 19, - 1S97. Cow for sale See local al. Stawberry Sapper Friday night. C. U. base ball team will pla at Danville Saturday. Mrs. Lou L. Hume 1ms received the appointment to the Irvine pct office. For a first-class buirgy, surrey or phaeton, call on John Donelson. tf Chickens, as large as English sparrows, a piece. Why not sell them by the quart ? Stawberry supper and Keren Glee Club at Court hoiibe Friday night, Infirmary. J. W. and L. A. Ballard of Whites Station shipped a car load of hogs to Cincinnati Saturday. For a snap shot picture of the Government Building, Mr. R. II. Berry, of C. I., has onr thanks. The annual competitive drill between the two companies of Central Universal w ill take place on Friday, May 28. James T. Bosrs, nominated by the Madison caunty Republicans, for county surveyor, Jcclines to make the race. Central University Commencement exercises will beuin hine Gth and continue three days. There will be twelve graduates. .nator J no. D. Harris will cultivate this year about 350 acres of corn, besides about 400 acres of wheat and 125 acres of tobacco. A visit to John Donelson's carriage factory will convince you that he has the line of buggies. 6urries, phaetons, etc., ever displayed in Richmond. tf Miss Mossy Parrish will represent Caldwell Hish School-in the music contest at the Harrodsburg graded school tournament. R. N. I. fc B. sells round-trip tickets to Harrodsbuig. for $2.75, May 27. 23 and 2i, on account of the Blue Grass Contest. Mr Streng left yesterday for the east to lay in a new line of hat?, suits and pent furniehings before the tariff gets itbJ faii" into low prices. Harry Crawford, of Mad'iKm county, through town yesterday with a large drove of stock hogs which he b night at 3 cents. Spout Spring Times. - Thoe donating: to the supper at Court Houe Friday night will leave unfrozen cream at Joe Giunchiglinni not later than 2 o'clock Friday afternoon. Commencing May 17th, the C. & O. from Lexington will resume connection with L. & X. train arriving at seven, p. in. Close connection now on all trains via L. fe X. both to and from Lexington. The Peters Lumber Co.'s Mill at. Irvine has started again after having been rUtl down for several months. Their supply of lops will only last about two weeks, when they will close down until another tide in the Kentucky river. Still ahead of them all. They can't touch our low prices on groceries. Some may attempt it but invaribly fall by the way side. Dull days are a thing of the past at our store. D. Chenault & Co. Willie Wolfe, who has been making a study of telegraph at the R. N. I. & B. dKt for several months, went up to Panola. Wednesday to act as aent fora few days in Mr. Ham Smith's place. Willie i a bright boy and learns tolegra diy rapidly Jessamine Journal. If you want to be astonished call as we did on S. I- MidkitTand examine his line of barouches, phaetons, buggies and road wagons and got his prices for same. The poorest can afford to ride in a vehicle at his prices. tf Come, get our prices on all kinds of groceries, queensware, etc., and compare them with the prices of other storeson first-class soods and you will find us to bo at least 15 to 25 per cent, cheaper than any grocery house in R'chmond. I). Chenault & Co. Thee will probably be fine driving on the public roads of the county for the next six months. A new' and iiamiHJiue vehicle can be enjoyed beyond measure. Call on John Donelson and he can supply you with anything from a road wagon to a closed carriage. tf Undoubtedly the cheapest grocery house in Central Kentucky is I). Chenault & Co., on 2d St., Richmond. Ky. They handle only standard goods and sell them for less than hi called cheap houses charge for trashy stuff. D. Chenault & Co. The Pattie A. Clay Infirmary will give a strawberry supper in Court House yard Friilay n:ght May 21at, if weather is favorable. The Berea Glee Club will also tive an entertainment the same night in Court House the proceeds of which will go to the Infirmary. Admission to supper and entertainment CO cents, or 25 cents far supper and 50 cents to entertainment. Sam Joyce's House Burned. The residence and contents thereof, he-longing to Mr. Sam Royce and situated on the Boonesborough pike, were burned on Monday night. No iiibtirance. The Royce family barely escaped with their lives. Loss 3.000 C. U. Defeats Stale College. On the College Campus here Saturday afternoon, C. U. defeated State College in a game of base ball by a score of 17 to 14. The game, which was a hotly contested one, was witnessed by a large crowd. L. & N. Rowland Train leaves at 1:20 p. in. instead of 1:25 p. m. Train formerly duo here at 7:00 p. in. now arrives 7:20 p. m. Also an additional train on Ilowland IJranch arrives G:59 p. m., leaves 7:25 p. in. - A Curosiiy in Cobs. Mrs. Ja3. Stouffer sent tc this office a vegetable marvel. In some way a corncob got into her asparagus bed and right straight up through the cob an asparagus branch sprouted. It grew and swelled until the cob burst pirtially open, but the plant is securely imbedded, and we have it on exhibition. Stouffer for Mayor. Elsewhere hi to-day's Ci.iuax will be found the -announcement of J. B. Stouffer for Mayor of Richmond, subject to the action of the Democratic party. Mr. Stouffer is oae of Richmond's leading merchants, and once a member of the City Council, and if elected Mayor will discharge the duties of the office with care. Go to Court House Friday night. The values of what people wear is a matter ot daily experience. What is seen or used only occasionally may have a varying value, but the article in everyday use must possess a value against which it is impossible for an individual to array his personal expression. The only goods that will stand this aro goods of true merit. That is vhe kind we have. You get just what we tell you. We have good clothing of true merit at a very low price. As low in price and in many cases lower than you pay others. See them before buying. Covington & Mitchell. Queen & Crescent Low Reduced Rales. Reduced rates are in effect via the Queen & Crescent Route from stations in Kentucky Grand Encampment I. O. O. F. Louisville, May 19th and 20th, riters Ass'n of Ky. Lexington, May 2Cth. Ask Agent for selling dates and full information. W. C. RlKEAItSOX, Gen'l Pass'r Agt., Cincinnati, O. A Long Partnership Ended. -After thirty years duration the firm of Shackelford & Gentry isdissolved, Mr. D. li. Shackelford continuing the business. Mr. Gentry has probably been in business here as long as any merchant, is equally as well known and popular. The dissolution is by mutual consent and the relations existing are perfectly amicable, as indicated by Mr. Gentry's card, elsewhere in the Climax. Turnpikes Purchased. At a special meeting of the Fiscal Court last Saturday to consider the question of buying the turnpikes, the committee bought fourteen miles of road for $1000. From Waco, College Hill and Kentucky River Turnpike Co , 8 miles, SliOO; Tates Creek Ridge road pike, better known as Jacks Creek pike, 0 miles, $400. The committee meets Saturday to purchase more roads The Fiscal Court will meet May 24th to confirm sales and make levy to pay for same. Stockholders Meeting. There will be a meeting of the Stockholders of the Richmond and Lexington Turnpike Road Company at the office of the Farmer'sNational Bank, Richmond, Ky., on Saturday, May 22, 181)7, to consider the propriety of selling that part of the road lying between Richmond and Kentucky river. It is important that Stockholders be present in person or by proxy. S. S. PARKS, President. Sam Kennedy Weds. Genial, popular Sam Kennedy, of Kennedy & Co'yle, was united in marriage on Sunday morning at Jellico, to Miss Daisy Cook, the beautiful young daughter of Cajit. L. G. Cook, this city. The marriage was witnessed by the bride's sister. Miss Bertha, and Mr. Otto Powers. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy are visiting the groom's father at Carlisle, but will reside in this city, where many friends will wish them all happines and prosperity. They are Alter You. The ad. of While and Gibson reminds us of the Richmond boy who told his girl when she "shook" him that he was all smilles on his face but tears at his heart. The firm mentioned have indulged their customers long and patiently and even yet repi ess their discomfiture at the continued disregard of their appeals fur money This is "nmiles and tears." Drop in and 6ee Messrs. White & Gibson, and give them some "encouragement." They have in their new-stock, and you just ought to see it. Lancaster's Declamatory Contest. The gold medal contest was well attended on Friday night, the receipts amounting to SCO. The young ladies acquitted themselves very creditably and einced much taste and study by the easy and elegant manner of reciting. The judges were Messrs. P. II. Sullivan, J. Talbott Jackson and Cabel II. Chenault, of Richmond, who rendered a unanimous decision in favor of Miss Alberta, the beautiful and gificd daughter of Mr. S. II. Anderson. Her subject was, "Your Mission," and the delivery was almost faultless. Stanford Journal. Thanks Extended. To The People of Madison and Adjoining Counties. After thirty consecutive years in the hardware business, as a member of the firm of Shackelford & Gentry, I have retired. I take this means of thanking my numerous friends and customers for their liberal patronage. It is with great reluctance that I sever my pleasant relations with those who have so long befrieded me. 1 trust the house will receive a continuation of the patronage hitherto enjoyed, and heaitily commend it to my friends. It. L. GnxTKY. In Danger. He of the Stanford items certainly drives the goose quill in a manner that is well calculated to disturb the "peace,-quietude and solemnity" ot the geutle sex who enjoy taking a "spin" astride their "Dike," Kiy4.ha Harrodsburg Sayings. And we expect some fine morning, when he is resting nicely and indulging in some plesaut day-dream, that a host of "fair bikers," armed with rolling-pins, shovels, butcher knives and other weapons of war, will swoop down on him; and we are sore afraid when they take their departure there will not be enough of his physical btructure left to grease a teasoon. Ex-Judge A. J. Tharp Elected Commander. Judge A. J. Tharp, of Winston, Estill county, one of the most prominent G. A It. TJien in Kentucky, was elected Department Commander at the Kentucky G. A. R. Encampment at Lexington last week. Tho candidates were: A. J. Tharp, of Winston, C. W. Erdinau, of Louisville, and E. P. James, of Morgan-town. Tharp was elected on the first ballot, he receiving 119 votes, as against 73 for Erdman and 25 for James. He was declared Commander, and, with a a few fitting remarks, took the seat and gaxellaid down by General Whedon. Full list of officers elected are: Slate Commander, A. J. Tharp: Senior Vice Commander, R. F. Martin, Louisville; Junior Vice, J. R. Spires, Lexington; Medical Director, Dr. Kimberly, Histo rian, J. W. Sanders, Mavsville; Chaplain, Rev. Louis Robinson, colored, Ssilphur; Assittant Adjutant General, Geo. T. Grinstcad, of Winston; Assistant General, James Moores. Winston; Council of Administration, Win, Herndon, Lancaster; Prof. Dodgg, Berea; John T. Rnpsell, Greensburg; J. F. Kim lerly, OwensborojJohn Shepherd, Lour isville; delegates to National Convention, Phil. Hanger, Louisville; J. 11. Browning, Louisville; W. G. Adams, Butler connty; J. J. Boone, Bath county; John Walsh, Maysville. Bowling Green the place-for holding .he rixteentharinaiil S !t - :v - , -41 L ' r - Bright Girls. Says an Exchange: Over at Crow Toint, Ind., the girls have formed a "Marriageable Ladies' League," to abjure matri mouy unless the masculine applicant patronizes his homo paper. For, according to the constitution of the League, failure to patronize one's home paper, "is strong evidence of a want of intelligence, and he will prove too stingy to provide fora family, educate his children and encourage institutions of learning in the community." These are sensible girls, and there are very lew even of our most odious contemjtoraries which a sensible man would not be Willing to patronize in order to qualify himself for marriage into the League. Lexington's Handsome Court House by Fire. Last Friday morning at0:30o'clock the handsome Fayette county court house was discovered to bo on fire, and only the walls now remain of that once beautiful structure. At 10 o'clock the large bell, weighing 2.500. fell, striking the famous statute, "Triumph of Chastity," which was in the rotunda of the court house, and broke into it a thousand pieces. The statue was the masterpiece of the Kentucky Joel T. Hart, and was purchased twelve years ago by the ladies- of the Hart Memorial Association of Tiffany & Co., New York, for $5,000. The ladies of the Association will attempt to gather up all the pieces and restore the work of art as much as possible. The damage to the court house was very great, but it is believed that it can be restored at a cost not exceeding the amount of insurance, $55,000. The building was erected in 1883-4 at a cost of $112,000. More than $50,000 has been expended on improvements since then. The circuit court room contained many valuable portraits, which wore all destroyed. A portrait of Jesse Bledsoe and one of William T. Harry were painted by Jouett. Other portraits which adorn the walls were those of Henry Clay, Richard H. Menifee, James O. Harrison, C. Johnson, 'Judged George Robertson, Francis K. Hunt, John C. Breckinridge, Judge Charles Thomas and Judge Richardson. They were the work of such famous painters as Sully, Healy, Gen. S. W. Price and Miss Harlow. These valuable art treasures could easily have been saved, and many citizens insisted on removing them at the beginning of the fire, but the firemen and custodians of the building declared there was no danger of the firo reaching the circuit court room. A few minutes later, when the flames were that room, an attempt was made to save the pictures, when the dome fell and the would-be rescuers were forced to flee from the building to save their lives. The people of Lexington and Fayette county are filled with sorrow over the los of theso masterpieces of art, for, unlike the court house, they cannot be restored. Proclamation by the Mayor. To the Citizens of Richmond, Ky.: I have been notified that the friends of Liberty and lovers of chivalry will, on Saturday, May 22d,at 10 a. m., decorate the graves of Confederate Soldiers in our cemetery. Therefore, I, T. T. Covngton, Mayor of the city of Richmond, Ky., do issuo this proclamation, calling upon all citizens to take notice and give themselves and employees a holiday from 10 a. m. to 12 in., so all may be able to show their respect for this beautiful ceremony of strewing flowers upon the graves of the Confederate dead. The pages of history tell of no military performances more brilliant, no fortitude more enduring, than those gallant and intrepid spirits performed from 1SG1 to 1805. Done this May 15th, 1897. T. T. Covington, Mayor. Decorating Confederate Graves. Saturday, May 22d, has been selected by the Confederate Veterans to decorate the graves of their dead comrades. All friends and admirers of bravo deeds are invited to participate in this beautiful ceremony. Tlie schools will be out in a body. Children of Cildwell High School will sing tho Bonnie Blue Flag. The procession will form in front of the Court House at 9:30 a. in. Thos. Collins Camp, No. 215, will form in Court House yard at 9:30 a. m. D. Waller Chenault Camp, !so. 919, will form in Court House yard on west side, Capt. David Chenault, Commander. John H. Morgan Camp, Sons of Confederate Veterans, will form in Court House yard, east side, D. R. To vis, Captain. Grand Army Post, Union Veter ans, are requested to form in front of fountain in Court House yard, Capt. Creed, Commander. Caldwell High School-will form in front of their building on Second street, and march to the Court House square, west side. Central University Cadets will be formed on Main street, in front of Court House, Lieutenant Vestal, U S. A., commanding, and will lead the procession. The- Daughters of Confederacy will form in carriages on Second street, Jn front of Garnett nouse. The Richmond Military Eand has kindly volunteered to head tho procession. It is requested that all the graves of Confederate, Federal, Mexican war of 1S12, and Revolutionary Veterans bo marked by small flags. Confederate fqr first nnd United States for the others. Joe Coiling, David Chenault and W. Frank French, Committee. J. M. Poyntz, Brig. General. Thos. Tiiokpit, Major and Chief of Staff. The following is a list of Confederate Soldiers buried in the cemetery since the war: Alexander Fife, T. B. Collins, Anderson Chenault, James M. Clowers, C. S. Coley, W. B. Miller, Chas. Watts, Pat Cunningham, John A. G. Williamson, George W. Maupin, Arch Maupin, Seth Maupin, James P. Tribble, James Tevis, Dr. -Win. Jennings, Captain Joe Chenault, James Rowland, Jlobert Freeman, James Smith, Captain John Hagan, William Gillen, Thomas U. Wells, -Andy McCord, Wilham Fox, John Terrill, Jotm Trioiue, ueorge T. Shackelford, W. G. Ogg, Wallace JSmbry. The friends of the dead comrades hnrft mentioned will nlense marbthe with atsmall srfaves . ., .. w -li.- r I po mey may iu ueuuy mo vuuuuivr tee, on .uecoraMOu. y At -I ,-. a "i . ' ;arfc3' iia. - - "-- iKif'IM.itnr'" tiuife? && "-' The model letter in the Climax comes from Valley View correspondent. Nobody can beat it. Glance at it. Hood's Cure all liver Ills, bilious- ness, headache, soar BT I I j ach, indigestion, r" 111 6 tlon. They act eailly, with. ttf outpalnorsripe. Soldbyalldnwrtstt. j$ centl. The only Ilia to take with Hood1! Samaparilla, It will not cure everything. It is not claimed that it will cure but one complaint, that is dyspepsia. We cannot say that it will cure every case of dyspepsia, but it will cure a large majority of them. Such cases as aro adapted to its use will derive immediate benefit. One small botttle will be sufficient to test it. - The Shaker Digestive Cordial is especially adapted forcmaciatcd orelderly people whose food docs them but little or no good because it is not digested. Tho Cordial contains an artificially-digested food and isa dieester of food happily combined Red one of the little books which your druggist is now giving away and learn of this wonderful remedy. A really palatable Castor Oil can now be had under tho name of Lasol. It Buffalo gnats have killed fifteen horses in Graves county. Howl's Sarsaparilla is known to be an honest medicine, and it actually cures wheu all otheis fail. Take it now. It Lack Tbo Door Before, the horse is stolen. Purify, enrich and vitalize your blood and build up your physicial system before disease attacks you and serious sickness comes. Hood's Sarsaparilla will make you strong and vigorous and will expel from your blood all impurities and germs of disease. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla now. Hood's Pllis nre the favorite family cathartic. Easy to take, gentle, mild. 25 cents. . It Improper and deficient cureof the scalp will cause grayness of the hair and baldness. Escape both by the use of that reliable specific, Hall's HdirReuewer. It The Hardshell Baptist foot washing in Graves county Sunday was largely attended- Quinine hot baths and hot drinks rs remedies for a cold often derange the functions, open the pores, and make the sjsteiu susceptible to more cold. Dr. Bell's Pine Tar Honey goes to the seat of the trouble and cures the disease without the slightest injurious effect. It Carelessness in girlhood causes the greatest Fiifiering and unhappicess in after life. Little irregularities and in girls should be looked after promptly and treatment given at once. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription promotes regularity of all feminine functons, makes strenght and builds up a sturdy health with which to meet the trials to come. The Prescription is not a universal panacea. It is good forhutonething. It is directed solely at one set of organs. Dr. Pierce's Common Sente Medical Adviser, a 1008 page medical work, profusely illustrated, will be sent free on receipt 21 one-cent strmpta to cover postage only. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association. Buffalo, N. Y. Thursda' has been designated as the day and 3 o'clock in the afternoon the time for the Henderson prize shoots. One of the best evidences that Ayer's Hair Vigor is an article of exceptional merit is the fact that the demand for it is constantly increasing. Kb one who uses this incomparable dressing thinks of trying any other preparation for the hair. It Farmers are grumliug everywhere n-bout too much rain. "Ten people out of a dozen are inval ids," says -a recenFmedical authority. At least eight out of there ten, it is safe to allow, are suffering from some form of blood-disease which a persistent use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla would be sure tocure. Then, don't be an involid. It The Georgetown commencement hop will be given June 10. Theie is nothing that causes women greater discomfort and misery than the -constantly recurring Headache. Men suffer less with Headache. "My wile's health was very indifferent, having Heaeache continually, and just two packages of Simmons .Liver Regulator released her from all Headache and gave tone and vigor to her whole system. I have neverregrcttted it's use." M. B. DeBord, Mt. Vernon, Ky. It Preparations for the new Central Park foantian at Henderson are progressing rapidly. Fifty Dollars a week easily made. Agents wanted in every locality for Hon. W. J. Bryan's great and only book, "The First Battle," The bestseller every produced. Agents are taking as many as 200 orders per. week. Beware of fraudulent imitations. Send foroutfit and begin work at once. W. B. Conkcy Company, "Publishers, 341 Dearborn Street, Chicago. may-12 2m Pot hunting dove shooters are causing indgnation among Barren county people. When bilious or costive, eat a Cascaret, candy cathartic, cure guaranteed, 10, 25c. may5 lyr Owensboro woolen-mill was sold by R. Monarch to H. B Phillips for$35,0C0 "W2EN.1TATURE Needs assistance it may behest the render it probably, but one should remember to use even the most perfect remedies only when needed. Tho best and most simple and gentle remedy is the Syrup of of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig, Syrup Company. may-5-lm The Kentucky Star, tho Georgetown Prohibition paper, has been enlarged. HAVE Y0TJ EID27SY TROUBLE? A 50c. trial bottle of Foley's Cure'will prevent serious results from this fatal disease. may-5-lm Just try a 10c. box of Cascarets, the finest liver and -bowel regulator ever made. The first strawberries shipped from Bardwell this season were sent to Chicago Monday by Eli Allen. Don't Tobacco Spit end Smoke Your Lifo Amy. If you want to quit tobacco using easily and forever, be made well, strong, magnetic, full of new life and vigor, talte Wo-To-Bac, tho wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds in tea days. Over 400,000 cured. Bny No-To-Bac of your drujrgist, under guarantee to cure, COc or $1.00. Booklet and sample mailed free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. tAn orgnization of the sons of ex Confederate soldiers will Bhortly be effected in Barren county. A TXWXD. . I Foley's Colic Carelia very Ijot; but when dilated it is a .warm friend iadeeil tffthose suffering bowel complaints! tl uw 'Ski'r'Y' ii V--U ' ai.v fir- - - - ' "-- ask'33SWiS.2. 'V'sJd3 fi2wMifisS 3 bi idiQHHHl9HHHHHiHilHHHHHHHiHilHHHBilHl T?T-. t XT LIAYAV3 YOUR LIPS. A dose or two of Foley's Honey and Tar will prevent an attack of pneumania, crip or severe cold if taken in time. Cuies Coughs, Colds, Croup, LaGrippe, Hoarseness, Difficult Breathing, Hooping-cough, Incipient Consumption, or Brouchiiis. Gives relief in advanced stages of Consumption, A'sthama or Bronchitis. Guaranteed. The examination of teachers in Henderson will be held the third Fridays in May, June, July, and August. are the most fatal Of b;fas! all diseases. Foley's Kidney Cure a Guaranteed remedy or money refunded. may-5-lm Wm. Moody, the cripple victim of a pievious railroad accident, had his cork leg mashed off at P.uhicah and died. Casca rets stimulate liver, kidneys and bowels. Never s'eken, weaken or gripe. 10c. . .Work is bdng pushed on the waterworks at Hawesville, and it will be completed in two weeks. "WHAT INHERIT1 We are not to blame for. We cannot be held rcsponsiable for the dispositions and tendencies which we derive from our aocestrs, nor are we responsible for thegerm3 of disease which may manifest themselves in our blood as a heritage from former generations. But we are responsible if we allow thee germs to develop into scrias diseases which will im pair our usefulness and destroy our happiness- We are responsible if we trans mit to our descendants the diseases geuns which it is possible for ns to eradicate by the use of Hood's Sarsaparilla. the one true blood purifier. This medfeine has power to make rich, red blood and establish perfect health in plabe of disete. Bowling Green Elks will have a big blow-out Friday night. A lot has been donated at the Tan Yard springs in Hawesville for the erection of a Christian church. The Westfield (Ind.) News prints the following in regard to an old resident of that p'ace: "Frank McAvoy, for many years in tho employ of the L., N. A. & C. Ry. here, says I have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy for ten years or longer- am never without it in my family. I consider it in my family. I consider it the best remedy of the kind manufactured. I take pleasure in recommending it.'" It is a specific for all bowel disorders. For sale by W. G. White Richmond, Ky. may-5-lm J. I. Hamilton bought the W. Sutton farm, near Lancaster, containing 101 acres, for SI, (MX) cash. Tetter, and Eczema. The intense itching and smarting incident to these diseases is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad ;ases have been permanently cured by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples; chapped hands, chilblains, frost bite; and chronic sore eyes. 25 cts. per box. Dr. Caily's Ccndilion Powders, are just what a horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but medicine and the Dest in use to put a horse in prime condition. Price 25 3ent3 per package-Lexington police have been instructed to look out for three runaway Mt- Sterling boys. THE BEST REMEDY P0R From the Fairharen (Ar. Y-) llegitter. Mr. James Rowland of this village, states that for twenty-live years his wife has been a suffeicr from rheumatism. A few nights ago she was in such pain that she was nearly crazy. She sent Mr Rowland for the doctor, but he had read of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and instead of going for the physician he went to the store and secured a bottle of it. Tlis wife did not approve of Mr. Rowland's purchase at first, but nevertheless applied the Balm thoroughly and in an hour's time was able to go to sleep. She now applies it whenever she feels an ache or a pain and finds that it always gives relief. He says that no- mediciue which she had used ever did her as much good. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by W. G. White-Richmond, Ky. may-5-lm There will be a german given at the Rudd House in Owensboro Thuieday night. Ercrybody Says So. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most wonderful medical discoeryof the age, and refreshing to the taste, aclpcntly and positively on kidneys, liver and bpvels, cleansing tho entire srst' in. dispel colds, cum headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Pleaso btiv and try a box of C. C. C. to-day; 10, 23,f.u cents, b'oldand guaranteed to cure by all druggists. Thievpsstole two mules and a wagon load of cabbage from Maxon's Mills. "IT IS WE BEST ON EARTH." That is what Edwards & Parker, merchants of Plains, Ga .sayofChamberlan's Pain Balm, for rheumatism, lame back deep seated and muscular pains. Sold by W. G. White Richmond, Ky. may-5-lm St. Francis academy, of Owensboro, will close with an cxibition June 15. Four thoroughbred jersey cows 'for sale. A. Wilkes Smith. tf xrorioE. I will on May 1st sell choice meats at 12lc. per lb. As the demand for slock is entirely too great to sell same at 10c. to make a success. Your patronage is most earnestly solicited. Jko. II. Tiioki'e. Cow For Sale. Good milch cow for sale. For further particulars call on or address, R. L. Gentry, maylO tf Richmond, Ky. Estray Notice. On Monday, April 19th, 1837, .near Speedwell, a black hone, about 1C hands high, tail short, owner can have same by proving him and paying all charges on him. BOTH BIUTTAIN. INDEPENDENCE FOR FIVE DOLLARS. Are Hot INDEHENDENCE and GOOD INCOME cheap at $5 00? We will start 70a in your own bnsiness, with light and pleasant duties, enabling you to. reap the profits from the labor of other people. A Beautiful a&d Fascisainj Bistiess, as4 large Profits. Tiiis is What We Offer" Ton. " - . ' - 'T c Write for particulars, ladieg sad gentlemen.-.? JAMES L;ARSrSBONa;: Bmm xofK, " ll , l -Jk - iW tyll? ldMf Mi&p 114? v5, .jpV ' JK f Jyi -- - . The Beautiful Display i- sS7Z3? . & . IB -ar . & f&S naacsaaeeo if jS is T ' t ""80C 7 I IP. 4 M " CsrC? ' ft . - .......... f N. jc. ) - ivyMiN &f V. M v-C if C (j IX J " " mt Vy. -k if o . ) aw t? cy A t rv ''- i X1 V- A. THE JW. Is the Talk S ' timsk ""of the Town. IP J6 & Call And See Them i ,N- W B 0IFIHA1 SfflMPANYX Jt .4Kb SBtk Mk m - rir ft x 1 A Bill fill YOU IOI M Popular EVER ss. 1 1 Store m$ fi8 e$$ R5fH m BH ay m o Get one of our statements of your to this iirm? We are sure 3011 have overlooked it, and take this method of urging1 a prompt settlement of your account. In order to keep up our unapproachable stock of dry goods and ladies' furnishings, it is imperative that the old accounts be settled. You see Jiow that is. All work and no play makes Veeder and John dull boys. OIE tSAii7AAA1iA,flii5V5i m 3 rSSl m m m White &W&$lfe&: nmmmH &Q M MC 1 Commissioner's : Sale! George W. Rice, Etc , Pl'B , 1 Notice of Hale In ClaikT5S!ce. Etc , Deft'.., virtue ot a jndgmenfand order of sale of BY Madison Circuit Court, rendered it the April Term thereof, 1897. in the aboTC style canse, the undersigned will, on ,, TUESDAY, JUNE 1st, 1897, Between the hours of 10 o'clock, a. m , a,id 12 o'clock, m.. on the premises in Madison Ky., proceed to expose to public sale, to the highest bidder, the following described property, tIi.: 1st, A tract of land lyine on the Richmond and Speedwell turnpike, about one niile from Speedwell, Ky., containing, 22Jli acres and 19 poles, being the old John Speed Smith ilacc. Said place contains a large and commodious dwelling house and all necessary outbuildings. 2nd, A tract of land lying 6n Hickory Lick, in Madison county, Ky. containing.) 166'f acres, about two and miles nort least or Speedwell, Ky., being the place foriaerly owned by C. C. Smith and -known a. the Meadow Brook farm and having therusn a splendid dwelling house and all necessarj outbuildings and in excellent condition for jj 3rd, Atractof land lying in Madison county, Ky . , on the waters of Hickory lick, conta! nlng 131JJ acres and adjoining the aforesaid Meidow Brook farm. AH of said land is of excellent qualltynnd in a high state of cultivation.) The first sale wiU be made on the first tract o)f the J. Speed Smith ploce , apd the secontl andf'Jilrd tracts will be sold on the premises of 1 the Meadow Brooic :trm, wm dc ven January 1st, 1393 If TERMS Sale will be made on a credit q f one and two years from datcpf sale. The purchaser wWlie required to give bond, with apptoved comritv. for tho navment of the "trarthase money, to have the force and effect of a I raent, bearinj legal interest from the li day K January, issms. wiw a ueu reserreu uiwujim property until all the purchase money is pild M. C,M.Ot3. j - . fo CURE A COLB IN OWE DAY. Take Lssmtive 'Sreao" QbIbIb TabfeU. .ItattaatetaMtaMitlieBMweirif It Mis to DeAtxkV'W. BWWtt, Draggm, d tmrii I W, JOT.; tt ' 'Jz. -WB ?-- "i "'. :- d 1 99 m rfi G iDson :K m nrro'rTTrTT'rTT Kfey 3 v1 v;"a' f .liYf .v .ai fc&3w&tt&3$ P5K3 leCKSieKj1 ksyJiJyiii Dissolution Notice I The firm of Shackelford & Gentry has dissolved partnership, R. L. Gentry retiring, 1. B. Shackelford continuing the business iti heretofore. TWO- FARMS !FOR Oil J XJ The undersigned has three separate smaL farms' which he offers at private sale separately tdscther. All three are situated at WHITE'S - STATION J" on the waters of Silver Creek. They contain; respectively KJand 185 acres, laid are weU watered ana .weu unproved rams. Tncre it no better land in Madison county, most oU being 3 --EICH BOTTOM LAND.-- 1 It is a fine neighborhood and Accessible by turnpike to schools, churches, Tailroads, mllli,; etc., allwltninamuo.oi oi's Biaiion nxa Office, tea miles from Richmond. TERMS Sale will be made caslt balance to sait purchaser. or pantcuiari address , V- o Geo. D. , '-s - fl - r I - - I - .t " 1 ,ftWfllwU(iiL.Ky --,' ,- I Business is carried upon Strictly Cash Basis to all aliko and this fair and square guarantee goes with eveiy sale. If ;ury purchase fails to please after j'on have it home bring ib back and your money will be refunded without question or argument. HONEST QUALITIES, LAEGE ASSORTMENTS and LOWEST PRICI Are looked after by the old reliable, who now deals in "Wearing Apparel for males pnly. SHOES, GLOTHIN Furnishings, Hats Ever- article we sell is a Bargain and we have a large list c f Jl them. Here are a few ; see the figures for guaranteed goodi: . Men's well made All-wool Suits, $5.00, SG.00, $7.o0 Young Men's All-wool Suits $4.50, $5.00, $6.00 Splendid Knee Pants Suits, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 Seperate Knee Pants, 25c, 40c, 50c Men's All-Leather Shoes, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 Straw Hats, 25c, 35c. 50c. Crush Hats, 50c. Ml Fur Hats, 98c. Latest Style Derbies, $1.25, $2.00. Fancy Colored Shirts, 4Sc, 75c, $1.00. Balbrigan Undershirts, 25c, 50e. iVen arid FOR Boys. few of our way down and telL us what you down prices and the of the have firmly established. Satisfaction, V These are only a. prices. Come in think of these way guarantee we give you. We want your opinion policy we" Yours For C . .1 " A- J - - - "- i .,- . - -?,. - -J -'... 1 m B K B l H Bfc M K. VLV mw "" w t 1 V I l-J If JB i.- - ' 1 I m. I I B m. m -J$M " -"- m ..! . -- i. The CUtkler, Th.Sfcwt TW riTiii)wr,nt IXtwr. .? 9 i? 5 9-ta ai ?rf sza t u V: i m r w v i n t u MBBjBjp8igJHMK ''l"VfBBBBTBBIn