Newspaper Page Text
I ? i f f f '- is K ft The Richmond Climax. CANDIDATES ANNOUNCEMENT- TX)K KEPKESENTATIVE. AVe are authorized to announce Db, Elmer Nokthcutt, of Valley View, as a candidate to represent "Madison county in the Lower House of the next General Assomoiy, ecf to the action of the Democratic rhnary. May 29. We are authorized to announce W. W. Cosms a candidate for the Legislature, subject to the aetiou of the Democratic party. CIRCUIT JTJIKJE. T.J. Scott is a candidate for re election to theoftleo of Circuit Judge in this (the 23th) Judicial District, Eubject to the action of the Democratic paaty. commonwealth's attorney. Bkn. A. CiiUTPUBR direct the announcement oi Himself as a candidate for re-election to the office of Commonwealth's Attorney in this frho 5t!iJ Judicial JJisinct, nuujeti to the action of the Democratic party. FOB JUDGE MADISON COUNTY COURT. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Judge of the Madison County Court, subject to the action-of the Democratic party. r. II. Sullivan. FOB COUNTY ATTORNEY. We are authorized to announce G. 1-. Lilly a candidate for County ttonuv of Madison county, subject to the action of the lippubliean party. FOK JAILER. James C. lackey is a candidate for Jailer of MadiMin county, subject to the action of the Democrat if parly. A. T. Fish is a candidate for Jailer of Madison county, subject to the action of the Democratic party. We are authorized to announce P. B. Uroaddus as candidate for Jailer of Madison county, subject to the action of the Democratic party. JOB SUIT. l'URLIC INSTRUCTION. J. W. Wagers i a candidate for Superintendent or Public Sdioib. of Madison county, subject to the action of t e Democratic pany. AVe are authorized to announce Rev. Wm. Crow a candidate for County School Superintendent, subject to'the action of the Democratic party. FOR CLERK MADISON CIRCUIT COURT. S. H. Thorue, Jr., incumbent, is a candidate for Clerk of the Madison Circuit Court, subject to the action of the Democratic party. FOR COUNTY CLERK. Wo are authorized to announce John F.White a candidate to succeed himself as Clerk of Madison Countv Court, subject to the action of the 'Democratic party. We are authorized to announce Dr. II. K. MiddletoN a candidate for County Clerk of Madison, subject to the action of the Democratic party. fob sheriff. II. II. Colyer i a candidate for Sheriir of Madison county,, subject to the action of the Democratic party. FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR. James C. Miller is a candidate for of Madison county, subject to the action of the Democratic party. We are authorized to announce A. J- Uroaddus a candidate for County Aesir, subject to the action of the Democratic party. We are authorized to announce T. C. Curry a candidate for Assessor of Madison county, subject of the Democratic party. FOR MWilSTAETE. We are authorized to announce J. 11. Henry a candidate for Magistrate of Kirksville Precinct, subject to the action of the Democratic party, on the free turnpike ticket. FOR CITY ATTORNEY. We are authorized to announce Green Clay a candidate for the olllce of Citv Attorney,of Richmond, R?-Subject to the action of the Democratic party. AVe are authorized to announce J, Talrot Jackson as a candidate for City Attorney, of Richmond. Ky.. subject to the action of,.the Democratic party. MADE ME A MAN tK AJAX TABEETS POSITIYEL.Y CURE J' "" A XJ", Vt rroti Ilea ory, I m potency, feieepiesenesa, ec7 cnusec by Abate or other EUceabt and lodis 33 cretionit. Thy quickly and surctv rtore LoKt Vitality in old or young, and fit a man faretndr. bo tin ess or marn&se lrevat Insanity cud Contnmption. it titvkfli t in time. Their n fchcras immediate xnent and effect a CURE where all other Itai In-Ut upon hdTinc the ptnnine Ajsz Ttieti They hare cored thousands and wil! euro you. written imaranto to elect a cce ttf HTC in each cace cr refund the money Price vJw Ulwi per rackare; or ix ikir (fall treatment) for tZJOX By rami J, in pl-un ffrapwr upon receipt of price I irculor xroo 1 AJAX REMEDY CO., "Tif For sale in Richmond, Ky , by Uaan A. Herndon. The Uct tr, ftr && Cycle v Handsomest '97 BICYCLE Manufactured. JPricc, S75.00. Corrugated Tubing, 1 1-4 in. Oil Reservoir Hubs. Write for a Catalogue Every Wheel Warranted. if? Deal Direct With Us. Manufactured by H. KaLBACH & SGN, LEBANON, PA. mmm oX,XO ... HE PATS THE FREIGHT. .Y0D PAY FOR THE. DRINKS. NO. 8 SECOND STREET, Phone.No. 3. R!P.HnNI). w TIFTY DOLLARS A "WEEK EASILY MADE .Aejnts wasted In everT localitv for Hon. W. JV Bryan's (Trent book, "The First Battle." - The best seller ever produced, .Agents are . taking as many as 26D orders per week. Beware of fraudulent Send for outfit and beffin -work at once. W. B OONKEV Publishers, 31 Dearborn Street, Chicago.. - Who t'tbtek WantetMndea or gst 1 jiiw Usi; ttttr rate bftsatrotv wsaMh, I jSEilWaatBaalays. X C. fag SJBT fff iWW yslB 9mVmX 3 k - , ',- o . -' : KENTUCKY NEWS. s Thm ZAtett Koiti From All FavrU of tho Commonwealth. BROKEN ENGAGEMENT Caotia I'rrston Thornton to Make an Attempt oa lilt Lire. Louisville, Ky., May 17. Preston. Thornton, a member of one of the most prominent families in the stato and the south, lies at the home of Milton H. Smith, president of tho Louis-ville and Nashville railroad, on Pourth. avenue, this city, suffering from a self-inflicted and possibly mortal ballet wound in tho chest. That he mado an attempt upon his life Sunday afternoon in the parlor of tho Smith mansion is about all tho information obtainable as to the circumstances surrounding the affair because of extreme reticence of all in any way connected with young Thornton or the Smith family. Soon after the shooting- a special train was hurriedly sent to Lexington to bring tho family of tho wounded man to his bedside. Ills father Is CoL H. II. Thornton, of Lexington. Ills grandfather was the late Gen. Wm. Preston, of this state and the wife of Gen. "William Draper, of Massachusetts, U. S. ambassador to Rome, is his aunt. The family is well known throughout the country. Preston Thornton is about 21 years of age. Late Sunday night a statement was riven out by a friend of the Smith family, the substance of which is as follows: Mr. Thornton has been for some time engaged to be married to Miss Nettie Boll Smith, daughter of Mr. Milton II. Smith. Recently the engagement was broken off. Sunday Mr. Thornton called at the residence of Mr. Smith and after a few moments conversation in a fit of desperation pulled a pistol from his pocket and shot himself. The ball entered thebody near the heart an 1 tha wound is probably fatal. Drs. Roberts and Cartlege are in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Thornton reached here Sunday from their homo in Lexington to bo with their son. Mr. Thornton has bsen in tho service of the Louisville & Nashville railroad for tho past four or five years. He is a young man of fine psrsonal and bearing. A future of great usefulness seemed to be assured him. The attending physicians announced that he would hardly survive the night. EX-POSTMASTER HETSCH, " Of Xrvport, Ky., Iieada Guilty to Cm. bezzlenient, and Receives a btuponded Sentence. NEwronr, Ky., May 17. Ex-Postmaster Justus Hetseh, who was Inducted for embezzling funds whde in charge of the Newport post office, pleaded guilty Saturday in the United Mates court, Covington, Judge Barr presiding. The second count of the indictment, charging Hetseh with having misappropriated on April I, 1S97, funds belonging to the government in the sum of SS.0D3.03, was the one pleaded to. United States District Attorney Smith, in behalf of Hetseh, informed Judge Barr that he had agreed to a suspension of sentence in Iletsch's case. This was to allow an appeal to be mado for clemency to the president. Judge Barr said that in view of the agreement he would suspend sentence until the first day of the Dicetnoor term of court. He added, hoivever, that it would be the last time such a procedure would be allowed, say.n that he would thereafter sentence at onco those pleading gnilty. Hetsch's bond was fixed at 510,000, and was signed by his brother, John Hetseh, and cousin, Daniel Hetseh, after which he was allowed to go. HART'S STATUE, "TToman Trlatuphunt," Dentroyed by lrlre, a Orett Lou to Kentacky. Lexixotox, Ky., Ifay 17. The loss of tho famous piecj o sculpture, known as "Woman Trinmphaat," in tho courthouse lire here Friday, has cast a gloom over the entire blue ras3. region, which will bo shared by the lover3 of the beautiful in art all United States. It was the master piece of that famous Kentucky sculptor, Joel T. Hart, who was born in Clark county in 1S10, and died in Florence, Italy, in 1S77. The art correspondent of the London Athena3Jm onee said that it was the finest work in existence. Hart was offerjd 523.0D3 for tne piece before it was finished It was sold after his death and became the property of the Tiffany. New York, who in turn disposed of it to the ladies of the Hart Memorial association, of Lexington, of which Mrs.. Wm. C. P. Breckinridge, now dead, was the president. Death of Siatnuel Garrett. PnrscETOS', Ky., May 17. Samuel Garrett, one of ths oldest and wealthiest citizens of Caldwell county, died at his home, near Dulany, of heart trouble. 'He was brought here for interment in the family vault. He was worth 5150,000. He leaves five children, Mrs. Charles Ratliff, Miss Eliza Garrett, Ed., Robert and Will Garrett KUlod by a falllnc Tree. Wbiout, Ky., May 17. J?.mes Nixon, an engineer of Lost Branch, Pike county, was killed by a falling tree. Nixon's body was found to hour3 later by his wife. Nixon was well known in Cincinnati, where he learned engineering. An Additional 1'oinr Houij. Lexikgtox, Ky., May 17. The Central Electric Co. is building an additional power bouse for dynamos to bs used in lighting the city. A 30,000,000 gallon ressr voir is being bnilt. 'ihe cost of these improvements will ba about $33,000. Itetter Times at BtrdtrslL Bardwell, Ky., May 17. This place is rejoicing because of tho arrival of a large force sent here by the Illinois Central Railroad Co. to bfginT an extensive job of grading, which will require sereral months' -work- Thousands of women go down to death every year through their own ignorance a n 3 neglect. Every woman should know something of the physiology of her woman cssse. ly self. Every woman should appreciate the importance of the health I and strength of the delicate onrars that constitute her womanhood. The woman who neglects her health in this respectis sure to be a continual sufferer and is in constant danger of an early grave. To such a woman wifehood is a torture and motherhood a menace. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription acts directly and only on the organs that make wifehood and motherhood possible. It them and makes them healthy. It prepares a woman for an almost pang-less maternity. It does awajr with the dangers of motherhood. It, insures the .health of the new comer in the family. Over women have testified to its wonderful virtures. All good druggists sell it. There is nothing "just as good." ' If it had not been for your medicine and your advice," writes Mrs. I, V. Thomat, of Actoine, "Pike Co, Arks.. "" I would no doubt be In my grave or in an irasaoe awlum. Fourteen years aro. when nr second child was lwm,I came very near losing ray tniud. My "head would hurt o bad I COUI4 hardly live, 1 coma not ue cmrn ana raise np without great pain, MyJiftirBS a misery to rae. Cod atone knows what! snCercd. I had. lost all fcopr of being- cared, but I took your Favorite Presi nption according to directions. I used one bottle of the Pleasant Pellet. two of the Golden Medical Discovery, and bis of Favorite Prescription ' In a little, over one year alter 1 ezan your medicine I ravcbirtU U 1' "nns. Since! I have a bov baby ten months J. He pounds at Ms birth. t. erin heu. since the-birth of these,! CJl .Before uin2 yoar lueaidne my weteht was about one bund red and pounds, and now Iweigk doc hundred and sixty-five.; - i -" Df. Jierce's Pleasant Pellets are a safe, 4, fere, wiit atw permanent cure iot partion. TheytievergnreOBel9entJV atxRxive.'aiKi two taiiua :curue.j; - iatj.eli tKeaBV ---,,. , '?-. If 5Sr "3 I- c stev - ll "- Z-H --V, - " ' C. - c fen KENTUCKY G. A. R. Soldi Its Fifteenth Bl Furade of Veterans Move to the Grounds. Lexikotox, Ky., May 1L The 15th state encampment of the G A. R. department of Kentucky, bogan here 1 .Monday with a parade which moved irom tho Center of Broadway and Jdain to the Chautauqua crrounds. starting at 2:33 o'clock .Monday afternoon. It was headed by a of police on horseback, commanded by Chief of Police Jesse, as- 1 sisted "by captain of the night watch M ilkcrson. Then came the mayor and city officials in carriages, officers of the Confederate Veterans' . tion in carriages, S00 school, children in ) wagons, some of them dressed in red, I some in white, soma in blue. Then followed the State college cadets with, two pieces of artillery. J rexi came mo . a. n. ouiciais, including the national commander, Clarkson. Uhey were in carriages. Then came the banl, white G. A. R.'s on foot, drum corns, colored G A. R.'s led by drum and fife, state guard. ..., . , .-- w.V.w. Wl uw -, ,v, Lieut. Gov. Worthinjrton, Postmaster IMcChcsney and Col, Wilbur R. Smith in one carriage, and the balance of the governor's staff and state officials followed ia carriages. 3 he came another company of militia followed by the Sons of Veterans and the colored Sons of Veterans. Arriving at tho Chautauqua grounds the procession disbanded and the Auditorium, which siats 4,000 people, was quickly filled to overflowing and by 3:30 o'clock 7,00.) people were in tho building and scattered through the A t the auditorium was handsomely ' decorated with bunting, national colors. President McKinley's picture and pictures of distinguished federal soldiers. Tha. 500 school children were disposed on the stage on taiscl seats, the boys all dresed in blue, forming the bluo field of the national flag, tho girls dressed in white and in red, formed the alternating bars of tho ilag. The ceremonies were opened by j Hon. Wood D. Dunlap. chairman. First came a chorus by tho school ' children, led by the band, "My Coun- i try, 'Tis of Thee," then prayer by the t G. A. R. chaplain. j 1 hen a remarkable scene was wit- j nesbed. Mayor Simrall had chosen CcL W. C. P. breckinriJgc to welcome the veterans to Lexington, and when that white-haired orator arose to make the welcoming address he was cheered to the echo. Will ISradley Sign the Hills? Fkaxkfort, Ky., May 11. Four important bills will have been in the ten days Tuesday and will become laws without his signature unless he signs or vetoes them be. ore noon. One of the bills provides for borrowing SoOO.OOO on stato bonds with which to pay off tho asylum debts, and another provides the seven judges of the court of appeals with a secretary each. All are in doubt, especially the latter, because the recommendation of the governor that some of the courts' present be dispensed with, has not been, a loptid. A Tend Leader Killed. ' Louisville, Ky.. May ll. Pete the leader -of the now notorious Wefcir faction, which has been ready for years to shoot any member of the Jlolcn faction on sight, was killed in Leslie county as he sat in his cabin floor, far up on the mountainside. A big mob is out in search of the assassin and the whole factional trouble will bo started again. The murderer may bs killed on sight. Klser ! Not Head. Asiilaxd, Ky., May 1L David Kiser, the Carter county man under indict-i. ent in the United States court lor illicit whisky selling, and who wrote the United States court officials of Covington that ho was dead, will be surrendered to the authorities at that p nt by his brothers, who were his bondsmen. Kiser was tried for lunacy at Grayson WeJnesday last. A. Old nible. s 1 MiDDLEnuRO, Ky., May 11. MJt E. J. Godbey, a prominent farmer of this place, has in his possession a Bible published in 1045. Although the 1 ;aves are yellow with ago the print is us clear as though it had just come from the press. 'Woman bhonts Wom-in. Lexisotok, Ky., May 11. Mary Jane Nichols and Mnttie Talbott, colored women, quarreled over a man Monday morning. '1 albott shot Nichols in tho shoulder and escaped. Llgbtnlac'a Treat. EVASSVILLE, Ind., May 11. During a hard rain and thunderstorm lightning struek the home of I. N. Sanders. It first hit on the roof, then bounded to the eaves and went down the corner of the houso and entered the parlor, where two children were playing on mandolins. A chair- on which one sat had a leg knocked off and a table in tho room fared tho same. Ihe children were stunned, but not injured. Xhe lightning then escaped from the room and departed over a metal clothesline In thtfyard. The stable at the other end of the line was badly damaged. Grava of IlnivclU' Father. Toledo, O., May 11. While the work of transferring coffins from tho old to the new cemetery in Bowling Green was going on, workmen ran across tho grave of the father of W. D. Howells, the novelist. The stone was an old one, but the name was plainly discernable. Ilrakeman for S50.O00. Eltbia, O.. May 1L Charles Hudson, a brakeman of the C, C, C tt St L. Railroad Co., was injured in a wreck lust October at Lagrange, O. He now sues the company for $30,003 damages. Twkstt years ago the new postmaster in New York would have had to appoint 2,000 subordinates. Now there aro only two positions not covered by Jt civil service rules. Wadded nt Vovay. OWENTOX, Ky., May 15. and Miss Ada Settle, the 18-year-old daughter of Attorney James II. Settle, of Hosier, this county, eloped to Vcvay, Ind., and were married. The bride ia a niece of Congressman Settle. THE MARKETS. CuCisNA7i,JIay 15. FLOun Spring fancy, 43.8 ?):. sprlrg famllr. (14ln3 JO: nrln? n.ilent. fL.'frrf 1 7.i: winter patent. MSO&iS). t4ioa0: family. M.35&3.6V extra, Z.9)'3.3). low grade. rye, Nortnuostorn, uo city. i30&3 Vk Wheat sales; Sample red, (to trrlvc), E0. No. 2 red. -nominal, vie tOKX bales! . syeilow track. letfc. Oa-is sale: Nj 2 mixed, tract:, 11 Wc; No. 3 white, track. :3;,c liocs Select salppor. JlTi&SSO, select butchers. fair to good packers, t3.C0iS.7i; f.Ir to-good lltht. Ji6Ji3.Tj; common and roa jbs, tJ.OJiil.Mi Cattle Fair to good shippers', f i-032 ' 7": exports. I4.7J&3.I5. good to choice butchers', fair 10 n,cdlum butchers,' JJ-M) 3.9 : coELinon, S2 7Si4'l Siieip' am) 1.a:b SheepExtras, KM C.0i; ,rood to choice." to fair. tt7J&3.bli Lambs Extra (clipped) tHtaQSLOX eood to choice,. StSij; coinmoa to fair. Itiialici; spring iambi, ta.yj. Veai. Calves F ir to good lieht.'tiS'.jj CM: extra, iClo. Luiaciun und Urge, UiQ &U Woot Unwashed Kno merino. 46311c per lb: quarter-blood doming. I3llci ired.nm. delaine and rluthlni;. 1 Que. braid. ,1S1 Jc: medium comtiac 11 1 c "Washed" Sae me- rino X to XX. 1 ia. intdluai clotoln'r. l4lc;'T asinine ueece. iSiil c it n; cosbin..'S 17c; - l una low,, 1J,j;c vcomtnoa coarse. 1S.J30. ciioicc. Hc MtW TToBlcJiay la Mwo.iv.. "' 83'.,c: July. rZT;4,V!??:L. t'' PWm ,,. - te' ' lcet0A'T11c,a"kk,ci . Z , , "'-May, St 1511.- JuVv. 3iXc July, Sic ft.ked; hepctmber.sec. eslted. Oats May, "J WniT May. 7fs:ijBne. 7J3f3QjHly:7iX!. . ' iKo:s.July, - ,J,e; - y4Ht. - " ' Wsraa atZa. - -Kr t - -.?.Z There is no Word so FuS of Meaning and about which such tender recollections cluster LSSKPSk. as that of "Mother" she who WjZ mum A watched our helpless infancy and guided our W t&MMl Yn P first ncr totter- cfM" TThe life cf , every Ex- mm . i 'ate,Lan.' jrar .mt9 v sw toTj9iLfe I Hi i . g &!!!&. &- - danger. 'Mother's Friend" so assists Nature in the change taking: paC U)at the Expectant ntotlier IS enabled to look forward without dread to the hour when she experiences the joy of Motherhood. It insures safety to both Mother and Child, and she is found stronger after than before confinement in short, it "makes Childbirth easy," as so many have said. Don't be persuaded. Use nothing but ' "Mother's Friend" "Jly wlfo Buffered moro in tea minutes with cither of her other two children than sho did altogether rilh her last,havlng previously used lour IKHH03 or t 11 is a nS to anyone erpeetinp to become a mother, ears a customer." Henderson Dale, Carml, III. S""t It M!I. on ncdn ef price, f I ma V CR BOTTLE. Ijv1cTo Expectant Mothers" mailed free, containing va'uable information and voluntary teatunontaJs. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO.An.AnTA.GA. SOLD at ALL DRUGGISTS. THI LEGISLATURE. But Little limlness Transacted In ll" innate Several Slaasnrns Actod Upon !o j the IloaiB. FRAMCFvitr. Ky May , " EATE Tb I Stcpsenson fusion bill, providing that where a candidate Is nominated by tiro nartles for I itiAi.m.rffl.. .. 1 - THE LEpiSLATUpEr iiinrnnrt.rth.rf.ri. . """""'! aiemumy coneresmon to thair bss under ths device w ofeich party, came deavors to have the irovemment adoTit ,nmn as a special order. M btepbenson tffjred a . substitute for his oxn bid. . moved j 10 nave tne substitute printed. The repub iicans ana goia democrats fusfd on the vote and defeated Goebel's motion. Stephenson then moved to extenj tho session till the bill was disposed of. The motion was lost for want of a quorum, the democrats ref using to vote. Mr. lllsscm movod a call of tho senate. Adopted. The call showcl only 16 and tho chair ordered the doors locked and the was given a list of the absentees and ordered to crrest the absentees. Af cr he had been ab3cnt a few j minutes the chair said it wa apparent that tho sergeant-at-arms was not going to do his dut. he wou'd count for I himself and sec If a quorum was present. Ho counted "and announced a quorum. A motion to suspend further proceeding under the call was made. Tho vote on it j etood 16 yeas and no nays. The chair announced that the motion was carried. Mr. iJronston appealed from tho decision of tho chair. The chair des gnatcd Senator Koa to preside. Bronston objected, saying the pre?! - i dent pro tern, was the only one who could tako t mo cnair. xnjro was much squabbling end many points of order.but finally Bronston read the rule, maklnj It so pi tin that the president pro tern, must preside that the chair changed his ruling and called on Gocbel to preside pending the appeal A soon as Goebel reached the chair. Senator Smith edly made a motion tJ adjourn. Goebel" proceeded to put the motion by viva voce vote, although Stephenson and several others wero clamoring to be recojnizid. He announcod tht the ayes had it and "the senate stands adjourned till Saturday morning.'- House Bills passed: Providing for secret ballot is the election of school trustees In cities of the first class: appropriates S15.030 to rebuild the -hops at the Eduyvllle penitentiary; providing that the fiscal court may select some one other than the sheriff to collect delinquent taxes: thi senate bill to rcJuco tl"e per capita of the asvlum Inmatos from 1150 to $1.5 was reportid adversely by tho committee, but it was ordered to Its second reading nnyhow, which Indicates it will pas3 when It comes to a final voto. THE COURTHOUSE At Lexington, Ky.. Destroyed by Fire at n Lost of SG3,0U(I llirt Statue and Valutt Pain tings I.ujc Lexixgtox, Ky., Slay 15. The courthouse was completely burned and in an hour nothing remained but walls. Hart'sbeautiful masterpiece was destroyed in an attempt to remove it. Many of tho loose records were carried out and others are in a steel vault in tho basement. The courthouse was built ten years ago and cost 5120,003. The firo started in tho jury room which was vacant. The county school superintendent was conducting an examination of 50 school children in the courtroom and they were all rescued. Firemen were helpless in the beginning and soon deserted the courthouse to save surrounding buildings. High wind prevailed, and for a time tho buildings to the northeast were in great danger from flying embers. Bucket and garden hose brigades put out many incipient fires. The Central and First national banks and the offices of the Leader and the Herald were in the line of the fire, and wcr quickly emptied of books and records. When the fire was under control it was found that the first floor and basement were partly -saved from destruction by fire, but deluged with water. In addition to the total destruction of Hart statue many valuable paintings in the court rooms iero lost There were portraits of Henry Clay, Richard Menefeej William T. Berry, Judge Robertson, Thomas P. "Marshall and other famous Kentuckians painted by Healy, Sully and other noted artists. The loss on tho building is 00 and the Insurance S41.00J. ATTEMPTED FUSION. A. 'Wild Scene In the Kentucky Senate-Further Troauln Impacted. Frankfort, Ky., May 15. A wild scene occurred in the state senate Fri-lay over an attempt of the fused gold Jemocrats aud republicans to force ;hrough a bill providing for putting sne name under two different devices' n the state election ballots. The democrats, though in the minorityr jutgeneraled the opposition, got ono af their number, Senator Goebel, in the chair pending an appeal and adjourned the senate. The appeal was from the ruling of the republican president, wno counted 11 quorum present although not voting. The majority ro fused to stand adjourned on the announcement of the pro tern speaker. President Worthington was urged baek to tho chain ''Falsehood" and "indecency" were words hurled between Stephenson and Qoebel, who teemed both about to dray weapons. .Men had to got between the president and Bronson, but the president finally declared the senate adjorced because tho democratic clerks, who left oa the Qrst announcement of adjournment "wouldn't do their duty" as he expressed it. Broken Daring: Initiation. Paducaii, Ky., May 15. X suit by J, A. Galloway against the A. P. A, lodge of this city w on trial in the circuit court- The plaintifx sues for' &,0CO damages, and alleges thai three years ago his leg wai broken while being initiated into the order. The trial is a very interesting one. .Bribery Stories Not Tro. Frankfort," Ky., May 15. The house bribery investigating committee Fn- . day morning reported that, after a careful investigation, it had been un- able to find that any member had. been- intluenccd by ,the use 01 money or other valuable consideration. Flrbajs at Vrot ton. IIopkinsviliyb, Ky., May' 15. A firo at Crofton, near here, Friday rooming caused a loas of S15.O0X with. 3,0.10 insurance The origin of. the fire is believed to havebeen. incendiary. The fire was'in the business part of tho .WltlUold JJlfebt Sessions. Fbasktobt, Ky..May 15J Tha nouso Friday morning adopted a resolutiou providing 'for night' sessions, 'mag l , j? j? i' 5 j cf "tlie'i!ot!essa Lurr kT been!iideitiedvbV Hh rdoctofa A fttbttituto to tba lltrtio "Mob Lntf1 llUl Olorod and Art opted la tho Sen ' nts FRANKrtoUT. Ky.. May 12. SexatE The boose blll.kcowTi as the fmob law" bill wm ukca up 1 nJ ti.e apDitituto as offered by the senate comnjlitcfl ws adopted 'ani pasted as thunam nle4 without; a slcgle voto oroinst It It is nns o tho most important hilts of the session. It will p.-oh tblr be concurred la or the bouse. Iha proroted provides taut tHQ or more per.ons who band thcmselres lOTether to intimidate, a' arm or lijura any - persoa or to rescue any person frooi an ofllcer of tho law ah 11 be declared cullty of a felony, and. upon conrlctlon, bo confined la tho penitentiary from one to Ave years. Section Ka i stipulate th tt two or rzore pemons who band themselves t Jtiether to destroy upon conviction will be sent to tho penitentiary for from one to five yrarj, no nnttcr whether tnt property li reall dunked or not. It an.-Injury result to psrsia or property tho men convicted ha 1 be connnet In the penitentiary for from one to fifteen years, un ess death results, when the law regarding snch will hold in force. Judges shaU enariro ths Jury in that a plea of heat orpastoa will have no weicht. The person 1 composing a mob Uei tropins any prop rty ( win be held indlvlduilUand collectively H - j ble. andsuit can be br.u,'ht for damaxes In any court bavin; Jurlsd ction. Any officer be 1 lievln? that an attempt tit be made to Injure t. .pctsoma DiictiJiDarsatii njtvs mo yowcr i to summon ns many eJ men between tbo age of S! and s0 as nccesi.r to protect a prisoner. He can notify them br written sum- mons or by word of mouth, end if they fill to comply they will be liibie to a tine of from II0J to $500. Upon any person making oath that he hs reason to believe that an altecpt will be made to Injure property, to any countr jadse. the snid Judge shall order tbe sheriff or constable of the county to summon not less than two nor more than ten able-bodied men. who shall watch the property for 30 days. If, at thi end of 3J days, tho judge has roason to believe tbat it Is still ncceary to guard tto property, the (nurds shall be kept for another 3J dtys, and at thoend of thit time for another SO days If necessary. Personj who" refuse to answer a summons to act as cuard will be liable to a nns of from to to US. If the Jtfdso or sheriff, or other peace cfacer. falls to discharge his duty he shall, upoa conviction, be fined from 1 100 to J50O, and forfeit hU office, the officers shall b: paid 50 cents for summoning guard and the guards paid 12 for wary 10 hours, tho money to come out of ih county .treasury. Tho governor is cm-powered to offer rewards not exceeding 1500 for the apprehension and conviction of persons, nrtrl trtn crtitntv Inrtrr.. f!rt nffa, ..v.rit. of not over 0. In cuse of mobs trylnjr to rescue prisoners, thi prisoners mar be armed. A fine of from tt0 to 500 Is provided upon the of any person sending a threaten ing notice. IIocse Mr. Carroll'ii resolution urgln? tho D nn tt) utilize the wator mr of th ffiln rfirer f .lis at Louisville, was adopted. A message from the governor announced that ha had signed tho bill for the borrowing ct tsuu.OOO br the state. ' BRIBERY CASE ENDED. Iavnatlgwtlng Committee Exonerates Ilepr.seatatlvef Clark, Johns nnd Gosm. Fbaxkfokt, Ky., May 12. Tho bribery investigating committee, com-I posed cf Kepresentatives Steele, Uail-I ey, Ashcraft, Howard and N. N. Rice, which was appointed some time ago to investiatu the cry charges in connection with tho late senatorial race, has finished bors and will report Wedneslay or Thursday. The report of the mittec is now in the hands of J. A. Steele, tho chairman, and says that alter investigating all charges of bribery against members and others it finds that' there is no truth in them. The report completely exonerates Representatives Nerge Clark, John II. Johns and W. G. Gossom, who are ths three men whom CapU Xoel Gaines, of Hunter bribery fame, named as the men who wero to bo bought to vote for Dr. Hunter in the senatorial race. The report will also exonerate other members whose names are mentioned in connection with this affair. Fourth-el I'ostmatter In Kentneky. Washington, May 12. These postmasters were appointed in Kentucky Tuesday: C Henderson, at B.acksford, "Webster county; M. G. Ashby, at lleech Vrove, McLean county; A. C. l.owc, at Lewlsport, Hancock county: A. M. Harnett, at Ncbo, Hopkins county; V. T. Hansford, at Panther, county;' Eugene Aull, at Kobard. Henderson coun'y; II. P. Wool, at Sinking Forks, Christian county; W. 13 ireymer, at Slaughtcrville, Webster eounty; XV. A. Waters, at Springfield, Washington county: G. C. Barry, at White Plains, Hopkins county. Thorp IVon on th Flrat Itnllor. Lexington, Ky., May 12. A. J. Tharp was elected state commander of the G. A. II. on the first ballot receiving 119 votes. Erdman received 73 votes and James 25 votes. 'ihe following additional officers were elected at the afternoon session: Senior vice commander, R. V. Martin, Louisville; junior vice commander, J. It. Spiers, Lexington; meJical examiner. Dr. K mbley, Oweusboro; historian. J. XV. Sanders, Maysville; chaplaiu, Rev. Louis Robinson, colored, Sulphur. The encampment will be held next year at Bowling Green. lUIUrr Jllll l..s . Frankfort, Ky., May 12. Ihe. senate Tuesday after a long discussion passed Senator Martin's substitute for the housj turnpike raiders' bill. The only material difference between the Martin substitute and the original honse bill is that the former does not make tho counties liable. Erasmus DanuN pi.eful Enemies. Lancaster, Ky., May 12. A vain-able stallion and two fino brood mares belonging to Erasmus Dunn, a stock-raiser, were poisoned Sunday night, and all died Monday. Two weeks ago Dunn's barnwas destroyed by fire. Df)Hily lieujlocc Paddcaii, Ky , May 13. Tommy Miller, aged 10, of H"co, Ky., while plow-tug in his father's field, unearthed a. plant which he look to be angelica. It proved, however, to be tho root of the deadly hemlock. The boy ate the tender sprouts and resumed work. Suddenly he fell between the plow handles and died beforo help came. One lml. Another Uylncr. Lexington, Ky., May 13. Engineer John McGovcrn, who was injured in a freight wreck on the Cincinnati Wednesday between Rogers Gap and Sadieville, diod here Wednesday night. William T. Winn, switchman, is internally injured, and may die before morning. SaperlntehdmilvMcN'tlry Dead. Frankfort, Ky., May 13. Gov. Bradley Wednesday morning received a telegram from Lakeland, Ky., telling of the death of Dr. MoXairy, superintendent of the Lakeland asylum. A STRANGER Abv ucted a Hoy Ills Sis ter Itpscaul Juit In Tini lNDiANAroi.18, Ind., Miy 13. Joseph Moore, 7 years old, of West Indianapolis was .abducted Wednesday by a stranger. He i the adopted son of Mrs. Samuel Peck. At the samo hour there waj an attempt to abduct his littlo sUter, tho adopted daughter of Mrs. Mary Williams This was attempted by thj mother of the child, but Mrs. Williams offered such resistance that she was driven oil. The children were the -wards of the boaid of qhlldren's" guardians. The boy is supposed to have beon abducted by an admirer of tho lad's mother, Mrs- Eliza Jlo'waru, also known as Eliza Moore, tho boy's brother. ILaut llo bu Closed. TrTimBllAirrInd., May 13. The A. J. Jackson & Co. horse sale closed Wed- nesdav. The principal sales wero Pray- tell, 2-12, byAxtell, dam Jeaa Lock, to Geora Starr, Si,S00j Marengo; blk. g; 5, by to P. R. Budd, Cincinnati, SlSDOr Axnell, br. g., 3, ly to John McCarthy, Brooklyn, If.Y.. 3S30; Bright Light, br. m., 5,:C8K. by Dark Sight-Majd of the Mist, to Fair-view Stock Farin, ICetvana,;lhd., S3,100r Josephine, b. in., CbyMusictKitty Midnight, to-T. L. Durham, Terra- Allen, g7. 8:lf, by- Alabaster, dam by Young Rplfe,tto& a Brown jNew York, $Sa s Tho JCsw.Viower Tlrj6Bv .. . PHitAUBwaiA "May XL The awr 1wildikgotHlrt.OBlyirliyjof ,fjiSlr, 4hsfAT bodji fased "from ?lTni werddletd Wedniay in Chiwibiutw MttHHt. udttf,t el ,60 fmoa. A wmmmmmwmtm If Stop I That a conchinir. The nnlckest and surest B way is to take Dr. Bell's Pj Honey. JV. gnarsmteeil CO Ugh W E7 cuy, wio(iy uniiKouiiouiera Doner; curls (iirectiv on tne inucens R? b runes, heals the lungs nul r? tnrv ftrpnna nnd lnvirntfatH the El ft Whole system. ll Man -, UK. tStil,!.. Pine-Tar- Honey Annfolna Vij AnninnlMtoil healing :j B. virtues or old und R extracted by a new R srleutldc process. 25c, K &0o aud SI. '4 Xl all dmnlta.or acnt spm m I.K Ifl. HI ptMV VJ W Htdlrlat Ci., radacak, Kj. KEADY TO SUPPLYJHE TRADE Our f.ictory u laurel Slifet in Rich iiioimI irt now ruimiiii:, ami we aw prepared to fill orders f'rtii.tof fh ; ' JJ a. M Ul it if "D. I . !! ml "Pair c! Juh" ?i Knimlx, three grades. W'e r:iii pavevoii ninnt'v Send una liiHlonicr; you will 1)0 willi our products. ple.ihed to hear from cmintry incr oil. ill's. White g? Ross. 10 lticiutovn, Ky. 2a DR. PEFFEKT. PILLS NEW IH'COVriZT. Ti'CVmt TAILS. i)prtss.ed. eaec Itc. fcantr or men. titration owjieibTOTcrCt,OOt) Indira, lnvi unites 1 hv. orjrans. Ite-ware 71 s VV of t'ancrro i.jnltatloti. Nam 1 .y paper, ti per Ikji, small box St. Sent, I Jr c7 ffciled In piain wrapir. rena ta in TT 1 rtamiw for partM.1 la o!t by tjrrl l.orn(inre. J1K1I. ,C3r (?.! 1 rilO, .Mm. II'. old hy Kieliir.oml Drutj Co. aud W G. Wisite. osnrsiiD 1 I Jiave just opened on Fhst Street, in the Caperton Buildino, a mmm m&Mm ' ? ft ' Wm. &o THF P I 1 bWI a fA h wJ( nJS) (3mk i mchll jlFalllSI 50e. and iapanese buc. per Pellets. Will enro all If lnl of Pllia. Vl,anffj.w.lf, Kti.irantco with .0 1.00 lTe, o refan.l th u...s .uicuiiitiuucn, J.JO gapantJoi'uoLflirotompjMy, bt. tsul, JaUtuu ESraoUl hy W. G. White. Dnijij;est, THE W1LLARD HOTEL, as Recently llee Converlad Into a Modern Palace Halls and Enirairje aro Marble 2000 Yards Df 3ril!lait, Now 0.1 dox. Japanese VMtt SO pi Us, 2Ss. a,l. m i -k ... nr I'.rdmUodms, paiMjUIW ad Offcea ar.d Dinlii Ro m liantly monrr J f not mrlj jtaaird to tmr a? Richmond, Ky. and JTiling of the Finest Quality, Velvet Carpet Adorn tiie Floors UPPER HALLS. - Be 0 c rted and Bril- Lthtcd,. without a Superior- in the. South, rate of Considered $lo7ooo! in'This Hecent Improvement $2.5D RER.l&KV " scat m, h m .- Vt F? ft' E J X" GnrATiri nr or cri ' f i.Cnree la I to.1 datva. fasasav - vHA tT m CJms in effect K wn. arfl ..: -J raw atruiiHiiio. .av 9m tmnttrmymi iaaew.Ml immtmmp - Its Equipments throghout aro J: CUargea v.y . ?'". HaveUeonrExpendcd R'KTES $2 St w F7 1 ' DR. Ws AfiJ U.SjT'S fS -,p ' m. mmki .LLO M.I pOtitrica! Geuulne aaTHr MMM u1 BMBV jtaavr" ijaMwr ak.tar Jr. (' ! mrM Sflts. Tbsy m xt ae iniam. xuatiessta cam Tenrtat rf BSJA 1 I Baron Bell m (Two-year-old trial.) HAinX BELL is a bay stallion, 15, hands hjgh, foilcl in 1891. Sired by Baron TViltMM 2:18; 1st dam Crescent 2.25S, by Belmout; 2nd dam by Normau, nire of Lulu 2:Lrs and sire of the dim of 2; perf jrmers r'al 2:ll. Better b.ecdlnj can not be found 1 1 the Stnd Too!:. His sire. Baron Wilkes 2:18. is eon el by the trotting horse world to ls ths best ttallion living, bavins been sold recently for 'lo.OOO, the largest price paid for any horse laice boom times, and his dam v it Crescent, ith a race of 2:2V,, to high whcl ulky, by Itilmont, sire of Nutwood 2:1S, irlmont2:03'4,andahost of other fast per- lrmers. BAIION BELL has had very littla training, nd should easily trot in 2:23 thU year. Will stand at $10.00 to Insure, a marc with loal. B. H. INSALE mc!i21 lw - Subscribe Now I THB un 11,113. DISPATCH . A STRAIGHT BE'IOCRITIC NEWSPAPER. For tho Free Coinage f Silver. For the P!itfirm. For the Dmocnitic Nominees. For the Inlerestof theMasbes. All the L:itet Teleirraphic News. All the Latest State News. A 11 the Litest Market Reports Correct Market Reports. Correct Coin t Repoi ts. Reliable News Reports. Iloncst Editorial Policv. The Weekly Louisville Dispatch and The Climax for $1.75 Renuhir Prire Wee: Diapatrh (.$1.00) ami Climax ($l.So), y.-7 BCJTCHEE SHOP And will keep on hand the best of Fresh and Dried Meats, at reasonable prices. Meats delivered promptly. Your Patronasre solicited. Luxon. Jr. ATAriCS. - fm CI n. hx. 6 far S. Pile Ointment. 25 and ( IjURJSi -V e , r A ''r"' iafck fcjrjHMfc jHjHlaW I v - . I H! - - j G&&4&&&&,ifr,QQ,Q -J 1 OU wall L gj Look 2-; ;fc If Under the ww 'V Enamel! ,fC. - We want bright P v3r w Hv business men O SV ' A Bia. to represent us 9 -S P 3 aaasB i, everywhere. f? M MONARCH CYCLE CO., r V aJisssK7 " w J& Chicago New York Lonn 5r (Note tfcis toiay. This IN GOLD AWAY rfdSzl KJ SS && llS & Who can fonn the sreatest number of word- fro-i ho letter in Ht! I!n ' - tn or more word, wc fee" ure and f yia d ycu t., b w u renaul . 1 it It appears in HOLIDAY " Cinul ex op K i . i w t with different be ud but once Us a y N i verbs. adverbi. pretlie. . uCJjtcsaml ailjcccive at hnn that leu' mate w Itout 111 this manner: Holy, hay day hid etc Te t ee word in y .r 1 TUKSrjcST gocTK w II pay .j J in sol t le i who n ites she 1 -I f , -letters in the lloildir crih .econd ta'srt i. 'o fani for n. xl and t rACif for th next llvi larret iiatii. Fo tne .irxc twjnty live 1 tra:,.t 1ih a h w n Kodak, ihe reu arprtcuf Mh rh i a 1.00 each Th above rewa diir kivpii fre for the ptirpo.eo' attracting attention to the .nth'-i j?rvar ' literary weckly.which ha- 1- arx? paces. ' column-teach tMtie. all oru.i .at inatler. wi lonir and short s one- in d 1 tion to its nu neroud'partrnntrf. elt aWoinaii "Children's lae tlry I'aire." and a ae to vutillwrH Industrie', enter this content it is necessary for you to aend 5 cents fora three pwHit!'' frbcr p 3 our lUt of words, and every person tenrlin z 59 cents and a list of te i wortia r mere is t . an extra present by re'urn mall (in addition to Tin: Sin-NT sjitth) of a ! fa.e b . the Konnie Uriar br the famous Ian Maclaren. This bt his attracted more i the United Stales than any book of r. centyesrs. satisfaction cMnniw! Lists should be ent in at ouce. This contest will close June 1st. Then dresses of succesrnl co itestants will b prlntei in the June 3th ine of Thi scinv member, every conte tent Rctsa prxe. N,0(e; If you do not want Bciute the Bonn Hr ernl send you -The Story of An A ricau Farm. -The Other Man's Wife." or - r " Hal antrae. In wrinnR mention tha book: you want us to send you. AtWfttss Tis Si nn ox .Atlanta. U.i. Searles & Cole, i AGENTSZ D. H. BALDWIN S CO.'S High Grade Tianos and Organs; I""ew Iltim and other high grade Also, eheaj) mvehii sr from $15 up. " All kiiivly of sewing machine supplies. Repairing a Specialty. SALE. W. T. Dncrson.of Kirksville. has two yonng Shorthorn bulla for sale, and ready for service. They are good color and well bred. WE ARE AGENTS FOK sd. may not appear again. ) J.H.NEFF&CC. CN.:T;7ra" Maui Stit. (Opposite Country Produce Bought and Sol.l i-!M.. ( ... V Price Paid. 50 1 ZAPS' .sm. EXPERIENCE iSssi' - - I -l M V A fa ! 2tjh .aaig M c ,&j rn -a a tzi W&ggggk2E2i22l ToarF MIDI!!. .'immi DESIGNS. COPYRICTS r. Anyone seidinT a f Vet 'i ' . Cutcxlyacertain, tree, wbe ur prouibiy pate ta- e t onut n i . coniKlentiaL Oldi t scene; f r - la America. Wo hiTe a - i 1 Patents taken tiruaKh 3uno a, t r . special ia tbe SG1ENT1FSG AMERiCAH, beautifully IBasrntted. husest cin uti -n any soicullrto )oraal. week T.ters:.i. fljQsix ranntbs. pen men evpie. ir I Boon, on I'atcsts (out free. MUNN &. CO., 3G1 llraedwni, .ew Vor!.. OS-IT J pateeIacycle Nowip nuikes no diiference whether you ride a wheel or not, come and : .examine what we have and you vi r will see something which will interest tou, " i &RiS.jPRQW.i