OCR Interpretation

The Richmond climax. (Richmond, Ky.) 1897-1914, August 05, 1913, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069162/1913-08-05/ed-1/seq-3/

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roll SALE Sec jnd-hand carriage in
eood repair. C. 8. Col loo, Uichmond.
m 5t
T T mm r T f mm m mm it mm t
We handle tlie best Teat and Coffees
j:.. . . . . i : 1 Ik It
in town.
No trouble about freumjr your money
if ,u burn out. Talk to iiurnam, the
insurance man. 14-tf
; litiiond Coal &. Supply Co. wants to
ui;r cisieru wun uarbourviiie
.' Call 110. 8C2t
ll iCk
.me to Owen McKee, Richmond
Kv. Ii-r ilry (roods and notions. Oilier
d i a:id liy not VOU. tf
o iiuy all kind of country produce,
Uie luthel market price. Give us
;i. CovinL'ion Thorpe Co. 57-tf.
( !l !
,.,! i ! i t our service spares them ma
il hour. It ik sometimes inconveni
, uu for a late train and a big
iiiuv 1 lost on account of iu For
,a' rfara e have a machine always
i i :.!nl io ilo your bidding and get you
, .ur next town in short order. Give
. .i :r.;il. A.bill's Livery Stable. CO-tf
To Cattle Dealers.
:i ,w an exclusive business of buying
,:'-rs nd feeders on orders. The
.; i .lulity of cattle come to this mar
Vour patronaee will be appreciat-
M;irKCt quotations promptly fur-
o:i application.
V. . ri-.s r.01-603 Live Slock Exchange,
.l.ivis t it y mock i ards. 39 Cm
Rooms For Rent
' or Madisonian office on Second
.I Water, lieht, etc. Apply to
T. i v. I'hone 89-tf
r. Charles Dykes and Miss Nell
,r. IhiiIi of Clark county, were mar-
: m i he home of his sister, Mrs.
v. ! vers, this city, last Wednesday
! :ti eifrlit o'clock.
irst Home Watermelons.
c l.rst home grown from water
vv.Te on sale yesterday. They
v ery small and of poor quality,
mi-its s.-iying that it was because
.;l'n -at up the vuies. The largest
su.ii for a quarter. '
Col. Best Here.
. c. M. Hest. principal of Millers
M :, ,iary Instiiute, one of the best
! lor boys in the country, motor-v.-r
yesterday to see several of his
:,v Col. Best is a fine disciplina
:id can take the kinks out of any
Ojx?ra House Tonight
..ur new pictures a Reliance drama
il.e Reliance feature players, en
i " Wellington's Wallet." Solax
ay "His' Wife's Affinity." Key
.f comedy "The Waiter's Picnic,"
American drama "Mocking Tom."
.r u;ir feature pictures for ten cents.
P. A. C Benefit Concert
I '.very lover of high-class mui-ic should
i ti e concert at Norma) Chapel to
. It is given for the benefit of the
i . e A. Clay lntirmary and those who
. ,; lake part are sure to please all who
I. .r:uem. lioih Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
I'.'.'i.er are artists in their lines, while
' Mariam Noland's sweet ana culti
, , .! voice has delighted many Rich-I:.-
. u audiences. A splendid proeram
i .. ii prepared and from the number
ckfis that have been already sold,
a ; crowd will enjoy it.
is of Field Seeds, Feeds, Queens
- and fancy Groceries. Two Phones
.v. !. . it. McKinney. 70-tf
Mrs. L. F. Masters Dead.
Vr. K. F. Masters died at Pattie A.
i Infirmary Friday night, after a
.r.icted iliness of dropsy. She was
- ji t io the Infirmary some three
- before her death and everything
t, .. was done for her, but to little
,avail. Her funeral was preached
i iv morning by her pastor. Rev. O.
i ..ling, and the burial followed in the
; Ti-rry Perkins burying ground, near
. a::,, siie was 09 years old and is
v . .eii by her husband, with wbom
-.veci nearly 50 years, and seven
. .''!!. W'm. C. of Louisville, B. F.
i ''iack-. of Valley View, and John
. vrs. of Louisville, and Mesdames
. Him Cutsinger, of this county, Wm.
of Lexington, and John Bateman,
: ' . iciKTiati. Mrs. Masters was a de-
. : !i.. tiiher of the Christian church
a -'h,1 woman in every-way.
Iv!ufus Baldwin Killed By
11 f js Baldwin, the 14 year-old son of
; i.rl.'s Baldwin, of the Baldwin
. was struck by lightning and
in his father's tobacco patch Fri-
evi.ninir. lie was missed about 6
; k. t.ut the family thinking he had
u a neighbor's, did not worry about
until s or 9 o'clock, when search
ne.-un. It was 11 o'clock or later
! it.e body was found and some 25
men and boys had gathered in the
. v. There was a slight contusion on
' I.i ad. but otherwise the body show
: ro si'ns il the shock that ended the
-v, ne. '' li is parents are almost
- s-rated with grief over the fearful
that has been dealt them, and great
. ;i pat hy from all in that section goes
iio them. The burial occurred in
Perkins burying ground at 5 o'clock
' ' ur day afternoon.
1 jr line of Coffees are as fine as you
:i get in any market. Give them a
r ii. Covington Thorpe Co. 37-tf.
I 4's Get Down to Business.
Now that the primary is over, let us
.' ret down to business and see if we
en. not make up for some of the time
we have lost talking politics. Life is
loo short to devote too much of ito use
less speculation as to who will win this
riK-e or that, or how John Smith or Sam
loi.es stands on such and such a propo
se ion. We know men in this good town
wlio have talked polities day in and day
(jut for the past three or four months.
Ttiey have seemingly forgotten busi
ness, Jorgotlen family, forgotten every
thing but politics; and they were not
candidates, either. They just get inter
ested ia the game and grew more and
more so as the primary approached. It
is all over now and it is to be hoped that
they will go to work. They have bored
many busy men, imparting to them their
imaginary palilical wisdom. Let them
give the public a much needed rest and
from now on do more work with their
hands and less with their tongues. Both
the community and the men themselves
will profit by the change.
Death of Mr. J. K. Gentry.
Al about one o'clock this morning the
long life of Mr. Joe Kansas Gentry came
to a close. He was til years of age and
had been feeble from the infirmities of
aire for several years. Last evening he
erformed his usual work, such as bring
ing in coal, feeding horse, etc. Just be
fore he breathed his last bis wife noticed
his hard breathing and aroused the rest
of the family, but before anything could
be done he expired. A wife and seven
children survive him, four daughters,
Mrs. U. P. Jackson. Mrs. Haywood
Jones and Miss Sallie Gentry, all of ibis
city, and Mrs. Charles Dudley, of Paris,
and three sous, Messrs. Martin and Al
bert Gentry, of this citv. and Joe Gentry,
of Canton, Ohio. Mr. Gentry was high
ly ihouehl of and had always been a
good citizen, lie was an old Confeder
ate soldier, having served under Gen.
John II. Morgan. The funeral will take
place at the residence on Ilallie-Irvine
street tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock,
followed by burial in Richmond Ceme
tery. 4
s n nnr
L J I A n J v
r :
Throw away the old one and look and feel dressed
up in a new one at half price. AH the newest styles
$3.00 for $1.50 $1.50 for .75
, 2.50 for 1.25 . 1.00 for .50
2.00 for 1.00
IFimie Pamiainma
A few left, extra quality at $5.00, cut to $3.95
The boy will need a fall school suit, and here's your opportunity to save. You know our quality. Look at these prices
?,?;S choice 6.50 11 choice 5.00 1 choice 4.50 5500 choice 3.75 5S choice 2.50
These prices cannot fail to more this merchandise in quick time; therefore we strongly urge our customers to make early selections. Terms cash to all
They must be
carry them over under any circumstances. There are several hundred fine
Suits still left, in light weights for the hottest weather, and medium weights for
all the year wear, in colors to suit every fancy and sizes to fit, every figure
Here are the prices on our entire stock, solid blacks and blues alone excepted:
You'll need a
than buying now
Lowest Prices Ever
U u)
f n S
sold nowi no matter what the loss;
new suit before long, and you can't
The finest and best brands, Hanan's, Speedwell, Walk-Over, Beacon,
cut as follows: ' .
IS for $4.25
3.50 for 2.75
Made On Boys' Suits
we cannot afford to
make money faster
Mighty Slaughter of
Haft .
Counter Shoes $1.00, $1.50, $2.00
$4.00 for $3.00
3.00 for 2.35
.1 4

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