fir 15
r r f
wrm tier e i
Drink this
and be refreshed!
Sip by sip here's pure
enjoyment cool com
fort a satisfied thirst
a contented palate.
Demand the genuine by full name
Nicknames encourage substitution.
you see an
Arrow think
of Coca-Cola.
Chautauqua Window Pennants
For the Home
UlVJ III v-f
11 if
Tnn above cut Illustrates the Chautauqua window pennants which will
be furnish.-d n eaoh IU1i.ath Chautauqua town nine days prior to
the oj-eniii;: of the Cliautau.iua for use In the windows of the homes.
They are priiited in blue and orange and are most attractive. They
are inches in lengtlu
5 X
K: (- :
IU CeWj EerUfoi
ccs-ca-tu 4 sc!ce sort
Compounded according: to the Original & Ex
clusive Formulas Sc Recipes of Charlie White
Koon, The Cow-boy Herbalist, for the treatment
of human ailments. Endorsed in the Bible.
Thousands of Testimonials. COM-CEL-SAB,, the
Great Body-Tonic SCIENCE SOPE, for the Hu
man Skin Only. Ask your drug-gist, or write
3731 West Eroadway Louisville, Kentucky
"Ninety per cent, of the country's
crime is caused by druukenness nnd 9'J
per cent, of the country's drunkenness
is caused by the practice of treating."
Judge Charles Goodnow, of Chicago.
The "wrong bottle" cost 1 13 lives in
Chicago last year, but there is no record
kept of how many lives the "right bot
tle" cost.
Being "dry" does not put a county in
the pauper list, or being "wet" does not
put it in the revenue producing list,
even if the Model License League does
attempt to make that impression.
All sale of intoxicating liquor on rail
road trains in Missouri has been abolish
ed by order of the railroad oflicials.
"It is a shorl-surhted statesmanship
that would permit J2, 000, 000, 000 to be
worse than wasted each year on the pro
duction of misery, vice and shame, in
order that this government might ob
tain a revenue of $220,000,000." U. S.
Senator Morris Slicppard, before the Ju
diciary Committee, Washington, April
The Court of Appeals has upheld the
local option election held in Pulaski in
September. The county will now bo in
the "dry" list. The election went dry
by a big vote, but the usual contest re
sulted. One by one the Kentucky towns
are joining the dry list.
"Our customers are your prospective
patients," was the plea made in a letter
from the Kentucky Distillers' Distribu
ting Co., to the Keeley Cure, at Dwight,
Secretary Daniels has declared that
in his recent order abolishing the wine
mess in the navy, he had efiiciency in
mind chiefly. ' The modern navy is a
navy of machinery, and alcohol and ma
chinery do not go together."
A million-dollar brewery in West Vir
ginia, that must go out of business as
such, July 1, is being turned into a great
packing house.
Prof. Lang, of Vienna, says: "Par
ents who are saturated with alcohol poi
son their children in the rjerm. It any
one doubts this, let him come with me
to Kierling. There in the hospitals you
will see children who will make your
heart ache; deafness, blindness, oeforrn-
ites, nervous convulsions, feeble-mind
edness. idiocy. 50 per cent, of which is
due to parental alcoholism."
During the :'.: years of prohibition in
Kansas, t lie illiteracy of her people has
been reduced from 10 to i per cent.
In the 10j counties of that State, '1!
have no insane, 31 have no feeble-mind
ed, IMS have no inebriates. There is on
ly one pauper to every J5KK) population,
and theie are 3S county poor farms that
have no inmates.
Gov. Hodges, of that State, recently
declared "Kansas leads in the light
against the liquor trallic, and wiil be the
first State to conquer in the Amendment
for National Prohibition, As executive
or our great commonwealth, 1 hope to
have the happy privilege accorded me
of calling our Legislature together for
such a humane purpose, during my ten
ure of ofVice. Such an ollicial act will
meet the approval of 80 per cent, of the
citizens of Kansas. It will be the most
popular legislative action ever enacted,
with the exception of the Act of '79,
which made Kansas one of the first
Slates to prohibit the manufacture and
sale of alcoholic beverages within Us
Children prow by nourishment not
overloaded stomachs or rich foods but
qualities that are readily converted into
life-sustaininjr blood; too often their
digestive powers cannot procure these
qualities from ordinary foods which results
in weakness, dullness and 6ickness.
If your children are under-size, under
weight, catch cold easily, are languid,
backward, pale or frail, give them Scott's
Emulsion whichis pure medicinal nourish
ment. It sharpens the appetite, builds
healthy flesh, firm muscles and nive
brains. Scott's is growing-food or
Uiiidreu. Refuse alcoholic substitutes.
Ueaoliful College IVnn utm
Yale asi IIakvakd, Each 9 is x 21 is.
Pkixcktos, Coksell, Michigan,
EAcn 7 is. x 21 is.
All best quality felt with felt heading.
streamers, letters and mascot executed
in proper colors. Tiiis splendid assort
ment sent postpaid for 50 cents and 5
stamps to pay postage. Send now.
Howard Specialty Company,
Big Salaries.
A brother editor says: "It is not gen
erally known that Christy Matthewson,
the base ball player, receives a bigger
hourly salary than either President Wil
son or Secretary Hryan. Matthewson's
hourly salary is $1S.50 for SO hours dur
ing the baseball season, Johnson, an
other ball player, gets $ 150 50 an hour,
while President Wilson receives $30 an
hour and Gary, or Steel Trust fame, gets
110 for every GO minutes of time he puts
in. Wilson puts in 2,501 hours, so do s
Gary, Hryan and Speaker Clark, the lat
ter receiving $1 .SO an hour, while the
writer of this article can barely make
connection with the next meal."
Land, Stock, Crop.
(Continued in Section 2.)
Will Malheny, of Stanford, sold 27
210-pound hogs at 8 1-43.
Jones & Cress, of Lincoln, bought CO
head of 200 pound hogs at 8c.
One produce man in Lawrenceburg
bought 2,710 roosters on "Rooster Day."
J. W. Wagers shipped Saturday to
Cincinnati a car-load of good hogs.
li. D. Holtzclaw, of Lincoln county;
sold a bunch of hogs averaging 150 lbs.
at 8c.
J. M. Evans shipped to Cincinnati on
Saturday a car or hoge, for which he re
ceived 7 l-4c.
One stock trader has bought about 4,-
000 lambs in Anderson and Mercer coun
ties at 0 1 ia
L. S. Hamilton, or Winchester Ky.,
sold a pair or young mules to J. D.
Marshall for S 125.
W. N. Rogers, of Lancaster, bought a
mare mule of Wm. Arbuckle, of Kirks
ville, Tor -'00.
llobi. Knox Tarkington, or Boyle coun
ty, bought a tine mule colt or W. T.
Robinson Tor $120.
Not a single mule was offered ror sale
at Glasgow county court day, and only
one horse was sold.
In Boyle county the best mule colts
are selling at $100 to $125 and there are
not enough to supply the demand.
D. M. Anderson, of Garrard county,
sold his crop of lambs from 120 ewes to
V A. Lear, of Lancaster, at 7 l-2c.
Chas Faulkner, or Winchester, sold to
Fietcher Mann, of Paris, a pair of mules
weighing 2,230 pounds at 20c a pound.
Top prices on hogs on the Chicago
market last week was 8. 35 against 8.t2-
1-2 the previous week and 8.8j a year
Wm. T. Jones, of Lincoln county, pur
chased from Garrard county parties 119
hogs, which averaged ISO pounds, at 8c
per lb.
i'. l. l'enuleton, near l'embroke, re
ports 17 pounds of wool from one ewe, a
cross between a Cotswold and a Shrop
John T. Veatch bought 40,000 pounds
of wool in Woodford and Mercer coun
ties, for which ho paid 20 to 25c, accord
ing to quality.
G. B. Swinebroad, of Lancaster, pur
chased an extra good pair or 8-year-old
mare mules from II. A. Lawrence, of
Lincoln county, fur $35!).
i on cannot keep a mules neck in
good condition with a quilted pad or
those made of sheep skin. A piece or
thick leather, Tree Trom wrinkles, is bet
L. r . Spears & Sons, or Paris, bought
of C. C. Clarke, or near North Middle-
tjwn, N'i.000 bushels ot blue-grass seed
at 52c per bushel, to be delivered Aug.
! armets throughout the Burley belt
are jubilant over the prospects Tor a good
tobacco crop since the rains. The set
ting out of plants was greatly delayed
by the drouih.
In Kansas City, one ot the largest mar
Keis in mis country, .su.ouu mules were
sold last year at an average price or $30.
A team of show mules brought $1,0C0
and a suckling colt sold for $250.
r rom an reports and irom what men
like Cohen, Harbison, Doty and others
say, another great horse is coming into
the limelight Kentucky's Ideal, by
isourbon King, lie is said to be a won
aer ana me greatest s-year-old seen in
this State for years.
Stops That Itch.
Just a few drops of that mild, sooth
ing, cooling wash, Meritol Eczema Rem
edy, so highly recommended for Eczema
and the itchintr and burning is gone
Don t fail to try this excellent remedy
for any form of Eczema. We know.ller-
itol Eczema Remedy will give you in
stant reiiei. Price 50c and $1.00. Sold
and guaranteed by Wines' Drug Store,
bole Agency.
ill of Fare
Cures Stubborn, Itchy Skin
"I could scratch myself to pieces" is
often heard from sufferers of Eczema,
Tetter, Itch and similar Skin Eruptions.
Don't Scratch Stop the Itching at once
with Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment
Its first application starts healing; the
Red, Rough, Scaly, Itching Skin is sooth
ed by .the Healing and Cooling Medi
cines. Mrs. C. A. Einreldt, Rock Island,
111., arter using Dr. Hobson's Eczema
Ointment, writes: "This is the first
time in nine years I have been free from
the dreadful ailment." Guaranteed. 50c
at your Druggist. jiin.
$1 Complete Shaving Outfit $1
Choir Music Monologues Humor Bell Ringing 6
This entire Bill of Fare may be ordered
q for $2.00 if purchased of the local
O auspices while the supply of season tickets
g -which they guaranteed to sell lasts
Band Music Drama Oratory Recitals
Grand Opera Magic Sermons
Lectures on Literary Subjects
Sleight of Hand Vocal Solos Vocal Duets
Instrumental Solos
Playground Workers Story Hours
A Social Hour with Your Friends
CH AU l AUCjUA Wttttis. riEKtt juiy pen 1 v urn
down a chick's tlircat cure
gapes, A few drops in tbe
drinking water cures and
prevents cholera, diarrhoea
and other chick Oae
60c bottle makes 12 gallons vi
medicine At all Jruets.
Sample and booklet on "Dis
easeMOf t'ow!s" cent iRKI
Bourbon Remedy Co. Uiz- . r
Arc Your Bowels Regular?
Don't take Calomel, Salts, Oils or
harsh cathartics when you can go to any
real drug store and eet a box of sure,
safe, blissrul HOT SPRINGS LIVER
RUTTONS for only 23 cents. They
never fail.
One tonight means satisraciion in the
morning. They are the product or the
greatest medical minds at the world's
great Sanitarium and are now offered to
you as a perrect remedy for constipation,
torpid liver, sick headache, coated
tongue and dizziness
Hot Springs Liver Buttons, Hot Springs
Rheumatism Remedy and Hot Springs
Blood Remedy are sold in Richmond by
the Richmond Drug Co. jun
A man felicitates himself upon having
saved one hundred dollars. His wife
cannot understand why he didn't save
two hundred.
Get Rid of Your Rheumatism.
Now is the time to get rid of jour
rheumatism. You can do it if you ap
ply Chamberlain's Liniment. W. A.
Lockhard, Homer City, N. Y., writes:
"Last spring Isuffered from rheumatism
with terrible pains in my arms and shoul
ders. - I got a bottle of Chamberlain's
Liniment and the first application re
lieved me. By using one bottle or it I
was entirely cured." For sale by all
dealers. juu.
The rule is that as soon as
old enough to have her own
quits taking piano lessons.
a girl is
way she
To advertise our Universal Shaving
Outfit and Universal Products we will
for a limited time only, send , this well
worth $:i 00 Shaving Outfit for $1.00. We
sell our products to the consumer direct
and thererore, you save all agents' pror
its which as you know are very large.
1 Hollow Ground Razor.
1 3 inch Lather Biush. '
1 Razor Strop, Canvas Back.
1 Nickel Easel Back Mirror.
1 .'53-inch Barner Towel.
1 Box Talcum Powder.
1 Decorated China Mug.
1 Aluminum t?arber Comb.
1 Bristle Hair Brush.
Each outfit packed in neat box $1.00.
Coin or Money Order. Postage 10c extra.
12t DAYTON, OniO.
H you have the itch, don't scratch. It
docs not cure the trouble and makes the
skin bleed. AppIv BALLARD'S SNOW
LINIMENT. Rub it. in gently on the
affected parts. It relieves itching in
stantly and a Tew applications removes
the cause tnus performing a permanent
cure. Price 25c, 50c and $1 per bottle.
Sold by Wines' Drug Store. jun.
Popular Trains.
Cynthlana calls her commuter train
to Paris the "Booze Special." Mayfield
has a dinky which they call "Whisky
Dick." Cynthiana Democrat.
Some Jawbreakers.
Things Mexican now being in discus
sion, some one has discovered that the
Mexican word for kiss is telemamiguiliztli
But that is nothing, says Mr. Charles W.
Dom ville-Fifa in his book on Guatemala,
to what the Central American can do,
for ir you wish to call the boy who car
ries newspapers, you have but to mur
mur, "AmotlacuUolitquitcatlaxlahuihe."
A Strong Indorsement
W II. Holmes, of the Decorah, Iowa,
Journal says: "I have been a sufferer
from Piles and Hemmorhoids Tor years.
I got no relief until my druggist recom
mended Meritol Pile Remedy. Before I
had taken half the package the distress
was gone and I have had no trouble
since. I would not take a thousand dol
lars and be back in my former condi
tion." Price $1.00. Wines' Drug Store,
Exclusive Agency. jun
Next to those who gives him money, a
boy loves his mother best.
A regular morning operation of the
bowels puts you in fine shape for the
day's work. It you miss it you feel un
comfortable and can not put vim into
uyour movements. For all bowel irregu
larities HERBINE is the remedy. It
purifies.etrengthensand regulates. Price
50c. Sold by Wines' Drug Store, jun.
It has been asserted by many eminent
specialists that there is no doubt that by
the beat of the pulse alone the sex and
age of a person could be told.
Teething babies always have a hard
time of it when this process occurs in
hot weather. They not only have to
contend with painful gums, but the stom
ach is disordered, bowels loose and the
body uncomfortable. Tiie best help you
can give he little sufferer is, McGEE'S
BABY ELIXIR. It corrects 'sour Stom
ach, cools and quiets the bowels and
helps digestion. Price 25c and 50c per
bottle. Sold by Wines Drug ore. jun.
Don't push advice upon other people
ven when backed by dearly bought ex
perience. Some have to pay the penal
ty themselves before they will listen to
the warnings of others.
A billious, half-sick feeling, loss of en
ergy, and constipated bowels can be re
lieved with surprising promptness by
using HERBINE. The first dose brings
improvement, a few doses puta the sys
tem in fine, vigorous condition. Price
50c. - Sold by Wines' Drug Store, jun,
On time and savings deposits and are authorized by law to act as Execut. r
tee, Administrator, Guardian,. Assignee, Receiver, and in fiduciary ch;
both under court and personal appointment. Take entire charge of real .:
sonal estate
ACCOUNTS SOLICITED by its conservative and progressive main.:
Writo or consult us about your fiduciary and financial transactions.
And For Three Summers Mrs. Vin
cent Was Unable to Attend to
Any of Her Housework.
Pleasant Hill, N. C- "I suffered for
three summers," writes Mrs. Walter
Vincent, of this town, "and the third and
last time, was my worst
I had dreadful nervous headaches and
prostration, and was scarcely able to
walk about Could not do any of my
I also had dreadful pains in my back
and sides and when one of those weak,
sinking spells would come on me, I
would have to give up and lie down,
until it wore off.
I was certainly in a dreadful state of
health, when 1 finally decided to try
Cardui. the woman's tonic, and I firmly
believe I would have died if I l .
taken it.
After I began taking Cardui, I
greatly helped, and all three boii:... re
lieved me entirely.
1 fattened up, and grew so r:
stronger in three months, I felt lik.- -other
person altogether."
Cardui is purely vegetable and rc -acting.
Its ingredients have a milJ.t:;. .
effect, on the womanly constitution.
Cardui makes for increased strength,
improves the appetite, tones up the ner
vous system, and helps to make p-ic,
sallow cheeks, fresh and rosy.
Cardui has helped more than a million
weak women, during the past 50 years
It will surely do for you, what it ha?
done for them. Try Cardui today.
Write to: Chattanooga MeJiclna Co.. LaJie' A ;
visory Dept.. Chattanooga. Trnn., for &ieci'l in
siruetivnt on your ctse and 64-pie book. "H
; Treatment for VVomn." sent la pUia wrapper. J-oi
, .
Ticket sold at NICHOtASVILLE toodonlyon Special Traio "leaving II J4 am. or
on Train No. 5.
Apply to nearest Ticket Ajjent, Queen & Crescent Route, for further information.
... . H c KING, Passenger and Ticket Agent,
101 E. Main St. - Phone 49 LEXINGTON. KY.
Hides, Feathers, 5crap Iron, Chickens, E$gs, Etc
Dont sell until you see me. I always pay
the highest market prices
RICHMOND Phone 363 and 297 KENTUCKY
For Sale At a Bargain
2 Moline Corn Planter I John Deere Corn Planter
1 Moline Cultivators 2 John Deere Cultivators
1 Stag Sulky Plow 10 5-Tooth Cultivators .
1 No. 3 Davenport Wagon
We will sell all the above at 10 per cent below
Cost. These implements are brand new and can
be set up at any time.
EMM WE & Fill CO.,