I W. D. OLDHAM & CO. RICHMOND. KENTUCKY GREAf:fhntsa Ft! i mm mwm i . L- C-L1 C I C J "3 i 3 O " A3 O O i . - ZZ. ZZ. Z? 1 s 1 f fSiS sHP S li UMl mmmMkR mil - T5 1111 III JT I S-tJTJZ r v f Tff -v i 'I n m . II i i t -j -2. 1 U - I I II ' r y W J-r 1 x IA II T 1 9 I 3 5' 3 o y o -a ojj'o 2 3 d c 3 P9-.o 3 5. d 3 Z3 S f- U O C : c o O 3 3 (3 W w o g .-. c c 3 C C5 Sale Begins Saturday Morning, June 20, and Closes Saturday Night, July 4 $30,000 Worth of High Class Merchandise Will Be Slaughtered ward season hurt the mills just the same as it did us. Our buyers knew this and also knowing that our big sale was coming off they got busy and purchased for us the biggest and best lot of Loom Ends and other goods not only in whole bolts but whole cages for this sale at prices that will gladden the heart of the most economical housewife. Bring your friends and come km K r.01 Ouelot Whitei Cream and, Arab Lace Curtains, 3 vards long, 60 to 64 in. wide, bought especially for this sale, values ranging up to 2 50. Sale price 1.25 Drapery Department Basement Floor Bargains in Scrims, Etamines, Fancy Draperies, Swisses, Lace Cur tains, Denims, etc. One lot printed Voile (Etamine) plain curtains, assorted colored borders, bought specially for this sale, regular 20c value y . . . . 10c One lot Basil Scrim in plain and fancy borders, 40 in. wide, as sorted patterns and colors, regu lar 25c value. Sale price 12c One lot white Curtain Swiss 36 in. wide, with white dots and fig ures, about 350 yards in lot, reg. 15c yard value. Sale price 10c Of lot of White and Arab Lace plain or figured centers, different patterns of each to select from, full 3 yards long, 60 in. wide, our rAornlnr 1 nrt npr nair value 89c - r- - i Remnants of Drapery from U to 10 yard lengths, at less than 1-4 of original cost. See them Hosiery Bargains Gafore This Department is Chuck Full Men's half Hose, in black, tan, gray and blue, full seamless, reg. 2 for 25c value. Sale price 7c Ladies' black Hose, full seam less, good quality, regular 2 for 25c value. Sale price 7c Children's Ribbed Hose, black and tan, sizes 5 to 9, full seamless regular 15c per pair value. Sale price.. 8c Ladies' fine quality gauze Lisle Hose, in black, tan and white, regular 25c value. Sale price ... 14 c Ladies' fine gauze silk finish Hose, in black, tan and white our regular 3 pair for 1.00 quality. Sale price 22c Ladies' pure Silk Hose in black and colors, our regular 50c value Sale price V. 39c Ladies' Silk Hose in all colors and black, regular 1.25 value. . Sale price 89c Muslin Underwear Bargains One lot Children's White Drawers, well made, good muslin, ruffled bottoms, sizes 2 to 12 years, regular '15 to 20c valne. Sale price . 9e One lot Ladies' Nainsook Corset Covers made of good quality nainsook, lace and em broidery designs, ribbon drawn with beading, attractive styles, assorted, regular 35c sellers Sale price 19c - One lot Ladies' Muslin Drawers, made of good quality muslin, ruffles hemstitched, hem and cluster tuck, sizes 23 to 27, regular 35c values. Sale price 19c One lot Ladies' Muslin Gowns, made of good quality nainsook and muslin, embroidery and lace, trim styles, full size garments, regu lir 60 to 75cvalue. Sale price 19c 1.00 Gowns, Drawers, Princess Slips, Suirts $ .79 1.25 1.-50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 .89 1.15 1.48 1.89 2.35 2.65 Staple Goods Department Good quality Brown Cotton, 3i inches wide, regular 7ic a yard value, in lengths from 3 to 10 yds Sale price 5c Good Bleach Cotton, full 36 in. wide, no dressing, soft for the needle, regular 8 l-3c value. Sale price per 3ard 6 l-4c Best quality Apron Gingham, in lengths from 2 to 10 yards, regular 7$ to 8$c values. Our sale price r. 5c 9 4. Unbleached Sheeting, full width, good quality, regular 25c value- Sale price per yard 19c 9 4 Bleached ' Pepperell Sheet ing. Sale price per yard. 24c One lot French Dress Gingham in lengths from 2 to 10 yards, regular 12ic value. Sale price. ., 8c Over 10,000 yards of best brand Calicoes, silver gray, indigo blue fancy shirting styles, etc. will be sold during this sale right olf the , bolt at, per yard 3 7-8c One lot Ladies' .White Shirt Waists, all new fresh and clean, values up to 1.00 in price. Sale price for choice 49c One lot of Ladies' Shirt Waists bought especially for this sale, all new styles, all sizes, none of them worth less than 1.00 and yalues up to 2.00 in the lot. Our sale price for choice 89c MENS AUTO COLLAR SHIRTS 5H1RT5 One lot Men's Work Skirts, extra well made, full cut, long length, in assorted colors and solid, blue, tan and gray, our regular 50c value. Sale price. . .39c One lot of Men's Negligee Shirts, in stripes and figures,all good new clean merchandise, bought especially for this sale, worth up to 75c each. Sale price 39c One lot of Men's high grade fine Shirts, all good styles, just as good as you pay 1.00 for any -where, all sizes best make. Our sale price for choice 59c Arrange to be on hand early Saturday Morning, June 20th. Select your wants promptly. There will be no deviation from prices w o Do Climax First Stret Richmond. RICHMOND, KY V7 (CdDo