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I J. r? ., 4 MADJI i A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE HOME CIRCLE volume r. RICHMOND, KENTUCKY, TUESI)AY, FElUtUARY 25, 1913. NUMBERS. SOMHAM Jl.lnilHi FRANCISCO MADERO DEPOSED PRES TO OF MEXICO AND JOSE SUA REZ ARE KILLED BY THE GUARDS Claim is Made That They Had Attempted to Es cape, But Explanation is Not Credited. Offici als at Washington Regard Incident as Cold Blooded Murder Mexico City. Franeloco I. Madero and Jose Snares are dead. In a mid night ride under guard from tbe na tional palace to the penitentiary the deposed president and vice president of Mexico were killed. Tbo circumstance surrounding their death are unknown, except as given in official accounts which do not conform In all cases. The only wlt nfKSfs were tho' actually concerned in the killing. The provisional president, Gen. Huida, Buys the killing of the two men was Incidental to a light between their guard and a party attempting to liberate them. ft I v. FRANCISCO MADERO. V The minister of foreign eIatlons, ' Francisco Do La Barra. adds that the prisoners attempted .to escape. Neith er makes a defliilteVstateuieait as to which side flred the fatal shots. It Is ot Impossible that .neither knows. An official invetttigation his been or . dared to learn the reepomiibility, and solemn promises hare boon made that the guilty will be punished. . Not unnaturally, a great part of the publio regards the official versions with doubt, having in mind the use . for centuries of the notorious "ley fuga." the unwritten law which la in voked whet the death of a prisoner Is desired. ' After Its application there Is written on the records, "Prisoner hot trying to escape." - . . Official Account of Incident. The tragedy took place shortly after midnight. Madero and Suare. "who bad beeu prisoners In the na tional palace since their arrest, wore placed In an automobile which was aenoinpanied by another car and ee- . corted by U)0 ruralea under tbe orders of Commandant Francisco Cardeuas and Cel. Rafael Plmlento. . With instructions not to outdistance the escort, the care moved slowly, . No Incident happened until they had reached a point near the prUon, where in an open place the gruarde' attention was attracted according to the official ' version to a group of cltixens follow ing. Shots were flred at tbe escort out of the darkness. Tbe rurales COMMENT OF CARLOS MADERO. Dclafleld, Wis. "If better than an Incurable disease In that terrible pen itentiary. I would rather have my brother executed than a prisoner there. JJo would rather die than be a political twnvict" This answer, glvea with bead high and eye undlmmod after the flrst shock, waa that given by Carlos Madero, brother of the late president of Mexico, when Informed of bU broth er's execution. "My brother Francisco wss not fit ted to be a prealdent of a republic such as Mexico," aaid he. "My broth r was at heart a student' and not a soldier or politician." FATHER OF BARNES, JR., DIES. IS- 1 m f . ., KautiM ket. William Barnes, one of the organisers of the Republican party In New York and for many years ac tive fi national political affair. dWd at bia reeldenoe here from pneumonia, lie was s years old. A widow, two sods, William Barnes. Jr.. the New York political leader, . sud Thurlew ' 1 "Wf c . of. New York, survfvs mm. ' closed in. and ordered .tbe prisoners out of (he car. Thirty of the guards surrounded the prisoners, while the remainder dis posed themselves to resist an attack. ! About 60 men, some afoot and some mounted, threw themselves upon the I detachment buarding the cars, and the ! exchange of shots lasted 50 minutes, when the attacking party fled. The bodied of Madero and Snare?, were thi'n found. Tb body of Madere shows only one wound. A bullet entered tbe back of liU head and emrged at the forehead. Snnora Madera, widow of the former president, received the first doHnite information of his death from the Spanish minister, Senor Cologan y Cologan. - She already had heard re ports that something unusual and se rious bad happened, but friends bad endeavored up to thul time to prevent her from learning the whole truth. Washington Is Suspicious. Officials of the Washington admin istration regard the killing of former President Mndero and former Vice President Suarev. as nothing else than premeditated and cold-blooded mur der. Despite the protest of Gen. Huerta that the action was without his fore knowledge and , in the face of his promise to make a thorough Investi gation and punish- the perpetrators thereof, the administration here had expressed In an emphatic way Its wih that Hie . prc,vU'tiiallswikrit..,. which Huorta is the bead, 'Would treat Madero leniently and not make him the object of summary vengeance. It waa expected that auch an expres sion on tbe part of this government would be respected and that- Madero would be saved from execution. There fore 4t was with a shock that the news was received that Madero and bia de posed vice prealdent were shot and killed while supposedly uuder tha pro tection of Huerta's troops fend while being transferred from tbe palace to the penitentiary "for safe keeping." - The assurance given by Huerta that the killing would be made the subject of "judicial investigation" waa receiv ed with disgust by the highest officials of ' the administration. Inasmuch as none oi them believes that the shoot ing of Madero and Saures was any thing else than the culmination of a prearranged plan, of which Huerta was entirely cognizant. ' However, It is not the purpose of President Taft to permit the assassi nation of Madero' and Suares to be made a casus belli with Mexico or to. f be used as a pretext for an armed In vasion of that country. Nevertheless, the defiant disregard of the adminis tration's request that Madero be treat ed In civilized way Is merely an ad dition to. the long list of grievances the United States will remember and which ultimately will have, to be ac counted for. . The administration takes the posi tion that It ia not up to the United States to protect cUlzens of the over thrown regime af.aflbit tbo cruel and semi-civUlKjf venge&re of their con querors, much as the y"deplor this dis tatorlal and niedlvval mode of retails tloiu '-. TRIBUTES PA.IO IN HOUSE. Washington. eulogies were deliver ex in the bouse upon the Uvea and pub lic services of four representatives and three senators who died wlthlu the last few months. Those to lions memories tributes wit paid were for mer Representatives WIckHffe. of Louisiana; Anderson, of Ohio; Smith, of California, and Legare. of South Carolina, and Senator Heybura, of Idaho; Taylor, of Tennexaee, and Da vis, of Arkansas. Representatives OoekM, Willis. Hulk ley, Post. Shsrp and Dathrkk, of Ohio, made speeches eulo gising their dead colleagues. MILLION DOLLAR FIRE LOSS. Columbus, (la. Approximately II, MM.OOO in losses are charged againat (be Are which destroyed tbe plant ot the Atlantis Cotton Compress Co.. tbe factory of th Columbus Barrel Co. and property of lesser value. About 11m) bales (f cotton - were ' burned. The amborUlfe have begun an Investi gation to dt't'trinia whotbNr in lire was of luceod'anr origin. - VIEW OF taw ciwteStiss " 3 'J '. .v ..' - ; , Jmr - ' -atawiwji aWBjBfJBlSJSJgwMajBSjBja This la the One harbor of Vera Cr braska, were sent to protect the lives SPURNS THAW BRIBE OFFER OF $20,000 TO RELEASE SLAYER IS REJECTED. Gov. Sulzer Assarts 8tatsment Saying He Wanted Murderer's Release Is False. - Albany. N. Y., Feb: 22.A bribe ot. $20,000 to release Harry K. Thaw from the Matteawan State Hospita) for the Criminal Insane was offoredl by a lawyer laat Novemoer- h John H. Russell, the supennteaoeni u of the Institution, according .to own testtmonr before the,6ulerw'-f n.--ti'-ii(Iuijlr. - txhw,v. tXflJj M.cTT'l.BtBjrJL'r he . aJstl said he refused the money. ' ' ' This -waa the result ot a -.charge that William F. Clark, a friend of Oov- ernor Sulzer and secretary of the In quiry committee, bad tiled to .-Influence Doctor Russell and Ir. James V. May. the president of tHo state-hospital committee, to give, Harry'.; K Tbaw his ffeedom. Thaw can be released only upon a supreme court order or through a certificate, signed by Doctor Russell that he has recovered his mental bal ance. It Is tbjs certlflcste of recov ery which Doctor Russell said an at tempt was made to bribe him; to give. Governor Sulser declared that the use of his name was unauthorised. "If "Mr. Clark or . any other mav made the statement that Thaw's release would be pleasing to me. It Is abso lutely untrue," said Oovsrnor; Sulzer. On February 13. Doctor Kusse.i said. Doctor May called blra on the telephone from Albany saying be bad seen the governor and that Mr. Sulser would issue no order and "the case would have to take Its regular course" - ' "I told Doctor May." continued the witness, "that If the governor wanted this thing done he would have to give me a written order." ' BIG RAIL STRIKE IS AVERTED , . Managers ef Roada Agree to Arbitrate Fireman's Demands Under the . Erdman Act. New York. Feb. JO. The proposed strike of 30.000 firemen on the east ern railroads will not occur. The railroads yielded Tuesday and agreed to arbitrate under the Erdmaa act the controversy with the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Knginemen. The firemen bsd stood' to a man for this method of srbltrstlon ever sines the deadlock began. The - railroads had stood firm for arbitration before a eommtssloa of six or seven mea. Three men. acting under the law, will decide the firemen's claims. Their decision will be binding. EX-EMPRESS OF CHINA DEAD Widow of Kmperer Kwsngei De After a Short I lines Cause ef Dsath Is, Unknown. Peking. Chins. Feb. J4. Ye Ho Ns La. empress dowsger of China, died at I: JO o'clock Saturday moratng. 8be was tbe widow of Kmperor Kwangsu. who died November It. 10I. The ewpmae had beea ill only a few days. Ths aotual cause of her death la unknown, but It Is said the eyniptotas of. her ailment reiubled sppendlcltla, Tbe former Imperial family.' was about to remove to tbe Inner porgoc of tbo orplddoa city la order to make room for tbe goverament la tbo east era portico. THE HARBOR OF VERA ui, Mexico, to which the United States and Interests of Americans and other HONOR THE INDIANS TAFT OFFICIATES AT BREAKING OF GROUND FOR RED MAN'S MEMORIAL. MANY TRIBES REPRESENTED Trip to. New York la President's Last Before Retiring as Head ef Nation Chlef; Executive and Wife Re- e)v, Ha.tdsome Presents, 7i iew York. Feb. President Taf ' impaniedjy Ar Taft and Mi arrived in Nftw Terk Saturday on bt lMt trIp bf4re March 4 when he will leave Washlugton for Augusta, ut.i After arriving the presidential par ty breakfaated at tbe Henry W. Taft aoma. aad the president later proceed ed on tbe yacht Dolphin to Vort Wads worth, where bs broke ground for the National American Indian memorial Thirty-two full-blooded Indians, rep resenting sixteen of tbe wealthiest and most powerful of the tribes on tbe American continent, took part In tbe ceremonies. Among the tribes represented were .the Sioux.- Black foet. Crows, Cheyenne, Chlppewss and Apaches. Chief Whlte-Man-Runs-Hlm. who led Custer's scouts into the vsl ley of the Little Big Horn from whence they never returned, was among the tribal celebrities aud be was selected to officiate for 'the In dians la breaking the ground. . At three o'clock the president at tended the opening of tbe new light house of the New York Association for tbe Blind on West Fifty-ninth street, and accompanied by Mrs. Taft attended tbe banquet of tbe Amerlc can Peace and Arbitration society at Sherry's at night. Here the president was presented with a geld medal for hla work for international peace. It la estimated that President Taft baa covered something like 115.000 miles since be waa made chief execu tive and more than 315.000 since be was made governor, of the Philippines In 1901. . .. . C .,. . . y Before leaving ..Washington Friday night a magnificent set of pearl studs for President Taft . and a diamond necklase of pare white atones for Mrs. Taft were presented to them at tbe White House as farewell gifts from a circle of close friends which ths Tarts have made during their long residence in tbe national capital. HOUSE KILLS ALIEN BILL Proeidoot Is Sustained by a Vote ef 313 to 114, Five Ballots Less Than Necessary Two-Thirds. Wssblngtoa, Feb. II. President Tart's veto of the Immigration bill waa sustainsd by ths bouse of rep resentatives by a vote of 213 to 114, two-thirds ot tbe bouse falling to vote to override the 'president. Aa at tempt by Representative Gardner of Massachusetts to obtain a reconsid eration of ths vote was declared out of order by Speaker Clark, and upon bis appeal from tbs decision of ths chair Mr. Gardner was defeated by aa overwhelming viva voce vote, with Republicans sad Democrats Joining In support of the speaker. Bishop J. J. Hosaa Dies. Kansas Oty, Mo, Feb. 14. Bishop John Joseph Hogaa of the diocese of westers Missouri, ths oldest Catholic prolate la this country, both la years sad point of service, died of pneamo ia, Scd eighty-four years, Friday. CRUZ warships Vermont. Ceorsla and Ne foreigners. ARE ACCUSED AS TRUST SUIT FILED AGAINST MCA8KEY REGISTER FIRM. Government Alleges That Concern Used Unfair Methods to Undermine Business of Competitors. Cleveland. O., Feb. 21. In a civil suit filed here Thursday by order of Attorney General Wlckerabam, sensa tional charges of violation of the Sher man anti-trust law are leveled at the McCaskey Register company. , .' To acquire a monopoly of the later atsie' and ;forela commerce In jtiie kult? if account' register, -p-pimucs and systems of keeping credit' ac counts, ths company, Its officers and sgents. It Is charged, wrongfully and fraudulently have obstructed and sop pressed the business of competitors, bribed their employee, employed agents, to spy upon their business, have waged an unfair campaign ot patent suits and threatened suits, and of other unlawful methoda to stifle competition. A campaign of "fierce and unfair competition" has been planned or con sented to by officers of tbe company, tbe government alleges. A force of special men. sometimes called tbe "flying squadron" or "knockout men." wss employed. It is declared, to impart to salesmen and agents In structions to destroy the business of competitors, and for tbe purpose of Interfering with negotiations and in ducing tbe cancellation by tbe custom ers of their contracts of sale with competitors. 000W : IMPORTANT NEWS ITEMS swA0AO.aejOAejeAe - Paris, Feb. St. A desperate gun light In the council chamber at Pledleroce, Corsica, resulted ia the mayor and two councillors being mor tally wrunded. Tbe demand of a group ot citizens to see the list of candi dates for the forthcoming election caused the trouble. Washington. Feb. 22. Jasper X. Ba ker ot Indiana was appointed examiner of tbe mint Mr. Baker, who thus be comes virtually assistant director of the mint, has been connected with the treaaury department for many years. St. Paul, Minn., Feb. 22. Public dances, moving picture shows and bil liard and pool on Sunday will be pro hibited in Minnesota if three bills covering these points and recommend ed to passage by the senate commit tee on general legislation are enacted Into laws by the Minnesota legisla ture. The committee also approved a bill which wonld prohibit automobile rac ing and another which would put a ban on all Sunday entertainments to which admission Is chtrged. South Bond, lad., Feb. 22. LottU En gel. one of tbo leading prima don nas of ths Americas stage, and Wal ter Shawvaa. salesman for a Chlcagc automobile company,. eloped to South Bend and were msrrled hero by Rt Rev. Joha Hasea White, IV D, bishop of tbe Fplsoopal dloeeee of northern ludlaaa. The actress announced bei Inteatloa of quitting the stage. Charleston, W. Vs.. Feb. 2t Fed oral Judge Nathan a Ootr was elected United Stat os senator from Weat Vir ginia by the legislature la joint boo sloa Frttlsy. Jndgs Golf received all the Republican votes cast. WO M EH USE TORCH LONOON SUFFRAGETTES CHARG ED WITH FIRING PAVILION OF KEW GARDEN. THREE ARE SENT TO PRISON Lillian Lsnton and Joyce Locke Threaten Hunger Strike If Sent to Jail Oil 8osked Pads Are Found en Them by Police. tandon, Feb. 21. Suffragettes paid another havoc wo.'klng visit to the Kw botaulcal gardens here Thursdsy aud fired a large refreshment pavllljo. which burned to the ground. Two women were arrested. They gave their names as Lillian Inton and Joyce Ixicke. each twenty-two years old. Tlipy were caught while running from the scene of (he Urn, Each car ried a bag containing a dark lantern. 1 -otton soaked In oil, a hammer and a saw. When brought up at the police court, the magistrate refused to allow them ball. They were told by the court that their offense waa not political, but highly criminal. Miss Locke, thereupon, hurled st the magistrate a big law book, which narrowlM missed his bead. She fought dJIperatety againn the wardens who were as signed to remove her to a cell. A number of suffragettes were sen tenced for destruction of property on Friday. Sentences of six months were imposed upon Jane Short and Clara Lambert. The latter two had broken plate glass windows in front of tbe Hamburg-American office. Chancellor of the Exchequer David Lloyd-George's country residence nt Walton Heath was practically destroy-. ed Wednesday by a bomb which, po lice aay. was placed there either by militant suffragettes or their male sympathizers. Lloyd-George himself is on a motor trip in France. Nobody was injured as the residence has' not ' 1 yet been jccupiad. " y . . . Tbe jkCernal mafchino jaso .power ful thafthe thlckrwU Ajiftoe ho?V", David Lloyd-Gserge. split In all directions and moat of tbo rooms were wrecked. Two seven pound cana of black powder also had been placed In two separata rooms among heaps of wood shavings, which had been saturated with oil and la the center ot which burning caudles bad been fixed. The only cluea obtalaed by the po lice are two broken bat pins, which were found among the wreckage. It la declared by neighbors that aa auto mobile containing aeveral women passed through the village la the early hours. An official ot the Woman's Social and Political union told tbs polios that the society bad no knowledge of the perpetrator. "Gen." Mrs. Flora DrummoniL bow ever, declared that the explosion was' "undoubtedly tbe work of women." She exclaimed enthusiastically: "1 thick It Is grand! It was a fins act success fully carried out and shows tbo deter mination of ths women. I say, 'all power to all kinds of militancy U tbo direction of harassing cabinet minis ters short of taking human life.' " HAMILTON VERY BADLY HURT ' Noted Aviator Falls 200 Foot With M ehine Air Crsft Tarns Com plsts Somersault. Jacksonville, lis.. Feb. L Charles K. Hamilton, world noted aviator aad parhapa tbs moat daring birduaa left, fell 200 feet at Pablo Beech aad wss severely Injured Wednesday. Hamilton bad only bea la tbe air a short time s hea the machlao was sees to tilt forward and then lura a eoss plete somersault and come to tbe earth. Beelde a badly fractured left thigh, aad generally brulaed and t-ut, Ham ilton la thought to hsvo escaped more serious Injury. 1 V