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.J SOMHAM MADS A NEWSPAPER DEVOTEE TO THE HOME CIRCLE VOLUME I. RICHMOND, KENTUCKY, TUESDAY, JULY 22, 1913. NUMBER 21). 11 Inl ic v TAX SYSTEM IS DEFECTIVE SAYS PROF. PLEHN, TAX EXPERT, EMPLOYED BY . KENTUCKY TAX COMMISSION. FAULTS OF PRESENT PLAN flcommindi Central Control of All Assessments By Strong Stat Tax Commlation. Western Newspaper Union News Service. Frankfort. The defects and the the need of Kentucky's tax ayalem were pointed out by Prof. Carl Cop ping Plebn at an open meeting of the Kentucky tax commission at Commer cial club headquarters In Louisville. Prof. Plebn Is of the University of Cal ifornia, and is considered one of the foremost tax experts In the country. He was employed by the commission to make a complete Investigation of the tax situation in Kentucky and to recommend reforms. The faults of the present system, as pointed out by Prof. Plehn follow: Failure of local assessors to get nil the property on the tax lists because they do not have proper maps In their ofllces; general undervaluation of property; Inequalities of taxing differ ' ent property owners; Inequalities of taxing different classes of property; Inefficient tax assessors and yearly as sessments. Although Prof. Plehn still has several weeks of work before he will formulate his recommendations for tax reform in Kentucky, he unof ficially suggested the following reme dies: Central control of all assess ments in the state by a strong state tax commission; larger assessment districts so that fewer assessors would ( be employed, and so that they would 'be employed throughout .' the entire year Instead of or a few months as now; a salary Instead of a fee basis la paying assessors, aaseb.jMw U eligible to rea&polntmeniTu of good maps In making assessments; assess ment and equalization every four years Instead of yearly, as now, in order to reduce expenses and give the assessors chance to become skilled; the central tax commission to have control of the work of assessing all corporations -instead of the present plan of having both the railroad com mission and the state board of assess ments and valuations make the assess ments of railroads. Prof. Plehn point ed out that the same general financial and economic conditions exist In Ohio as In Kentucky. Since the reforms which he advocates are working admir ably in Ohio, he argued that there should be no hesitancy about adopting them here. r Woman Gets High Average. Having passed a civil service exam ination for postmaster of Allensvllle, Todd county, with a grade of 92.21, an unusually high mark, and having pre sented a petition signed by a larger number of patrons of the Allensvllle nice than any other applicant. Miss Olive Maddox has been recommended by Representative R. Y. Thomas, Jr., for the office. Five persons were certi fied to the postoffice . department as having passed the examination, but MIbs Maddox led them all with an ex ceptionally high grade. She will be appointed. Other Kentucky postmasters were appointed as follows: Atchison, Tay lor county, J. Moxley, vice M. L. Har rison, resigned; Cuslck, Madison coun ty, J. G. Cuslck, new office; Hulen, Bell county, J. H. Saylor, new office. College Graduatt In Reformatory. N. C. Hill, Jr., graduate of the Uni versity of Mississippi and a matricu late of Vanderbllt, entered the Frank fort reformatory for a term of two to ten years, at the pleasure of the state board of prison commissioners, and al ready la enrolled as a member of the faculty of the night school. Being out of funds. Hill Indiscreetly forged his father's name to a chock for $25 and 'cashed It in Lexington. - J ., i Candidates Get Pledges. Copies of the resolutions adopted by the Ministerial association and civic bodies, asking candidates to sign a pledge that they will not use whisky or money In the August primary, have been sent to all the candidates, with a copy of the pledge to sign and return. The list of those who alga will be pub lished. Compare Depot To Boa Car. Citizens of Avenstokev Anderson county, feel that the dignity of their town has outgrowa the possibilities of dismantled box car as a depot, and petitioned the state railroad commis sion to compel the Southern railway U Kentucky to. provide depot and pas eager station accommodation fit and adequate for the use of the public. New Corporations. . ' Frankfort. Secretary of State C. F. Crecnlius has approved the following articles of Incorporation: The New Process Hemp Manufactur ing Co., Covington; capital, $260,000; incorporators, George W. Scholleld, H. .T Ynilfiff unit V W Rnwlnnri . - r. - - - . . Lynn Hollow Coal Co., Harlan; In-'I creasing capital from $10,000 to $25,000. ' Blkhorn ft Beaver Valley Railway Co., Ashland; Increasing capital from $1.10,000 to $400,000. B. D. Lake Tobacco Co., Springfield; capital, $20,000; Incorporators, B. D. Lake, T. M. Estes and Z. M. Luke. People's State Bank, Winchester; changing name to the People's Stat Bank ft Trust Co. Middle West Coal Co., Ashland; In creasing capital from $50,000 to $100, 000. Central Presbyterian Church, Prince ton; Incorporators, F. O. Wood, Robert Morgan and Dique Eldred. M. Livingston & Co., Paducah; gen eral merchandise; capital, $125,000; Incorporators, Harry Livingston, Lee Livingston and R. S. Martin. Hopklnsvllle Hunting and Fishing Club, Hopklnsvllle; Increasing capital from $2,000 to $3,000. Thousand Sticks, Middlesboro, changing name to PInacle News. Gardner Bros. Co., Maysville; cap ital, $2,000; automobile business; In corporators, J. H. Gardner, E. M, Gard ner and Thomas Malone. Inter-Southern Securities Co., Louis ville; capital, $25,000; incorporators, M. Agress, C. E. Buckles and A. S. Bain. The Latta Optical Co., Louisville; increasing capital from $2,000 to $10,- 000. H. J. Gutman ft Co., Louisville; amending articles; increasing capital from $50,0000 to $100,000. Home Apartment Co., Louisville; capital, $25,000; incorporators, Hugh L. Nevln, Louis G. Pfai and Clarence Nevln. Hord Construction Co., Maysville: capital, $6,000 f Incorporators, E. S. Hord, O. S. Hord and P. A. Hord. Brought Back for a Crime. Richard Allen, taken badk " from jo Csaer TSFO iAr to -Jy swer to a charge of Jail breaking and complete serving a sentence of two years for killing Charles Tucker, a deputy sheriff, at the August election day, 1883,' committed the crime, ac cording to Charley Tucker, a son of the victim, during a feud battle be tween the Aliens and Atwoodi. Wil liam, Ben and Dick Allen and the At woods were facing each other In the streets of Liberty with drawn guns. When Deputy Sheriff Tucker, who was a friend of both factions, walked be twen . the belligerents, with uplifted hand to prevent bloodshed,' Richard Allen, Tucker said, was crazed with liquor and some one was holding him. The person let go and Richard shot the deputy dead. The latter never had time to draw a weapon. Route of New Gas Line. The company which is to supply natural gas to Louisville has already secured a line from the wells In the western part of West Virginia to Inex, Ky. From this point a right of way has been secured almost In a bee litye to Louisville. It passes west of Lib erty in Morgan county, Frenchburg In Menefee, Winchester in Clark, runs about eight miles south of Lexington and five miles north of Versailles In Fayette and Woodford, about middle distance between Lawrenceburg and Frankfort, about Ave miles from Shel byvllle, and thence to Louisville. Dies Rescuing Wife. After rescuing his wife from drown ing. Leon Bryant, 2$ years old, sank beneath the water, and when bis body was recovered three minutes later he was dead. The couple were at their summer camp at Turkey Run and had been boating. As the boat approach ed the shore Bryant leaped from It and tilted It so that Mrs. Bryant fell Into the river. He Jumped In the water and rescued her, but the shock and exertion caused his death. Good Roads Organization. General Interest has been manifest ed In the organisation of the Franklin. County Good Roads League, and a rep resentative gathering of cltlsens of the city and county was present when it organised In the office of E. H. Taylor, Jr. The league Is assured of an ac tive membership. No time will be lost, they say, in setting about accomplish int the one purpose the Improvement of the roads. Will Hear Railroads. Notices have been sent to the varl ous railroads and transportation com panies of this stat having franchiser and under the control of the State ralk road commission that the commission will meet in this city August 1 to XS inclusive, for the purpose of hearing evidence to Hi the value, of the tang l ble rroperty of the companies. MAN WHO STARTLED David Lamar, the New York broker who gave startling testimony before the senate committee on lobbying and admitted gloatingly that he had suc cessfully Impersonated various members of congress In talking over the telephone. ;.- .- y . . ; 1). S. TARS III SAILORS OF PACIFIC RESERVE FLEET MOB "RED FLAG" OF FICES IN SEATTLE. DANIELS ASSAILS- CREED I V .4- Attack Follows Claah Between Men and Sailors In Which Latter Were Defeated Police Look On. Seattle. Wash., July 21. United States sailors and marines from the Pacific reserve fleet, reinforced by soldiers and some young civilians, made a general raid on Socialist and Industrial Workers of the World strongholds In this city Friday. The attack followed a clash Thursday night between I. W. V.'. people and sailors. In which three of Uncle Sam's men were beaten up. A provost guard of fifty men of the fleet was hurried ashore In cutters to arrest all the rioters, who caused much damage. Secretary of the Nary Daniels was dining on the cruiser West Virginia, the guest of Admiral Reynolds, when the rioting began. The rioting was ascribed to a speech he had made In denunciation of the red flag. There were two parties of rioters. The first wrecking party to get under way was composed of twelve men of the navy, several members of ths Washington naval reserve and 100 young civilians. Waving United States flags the storming party swoop ed down on the cart news stand of Milard Price, a Socialist orator, at Fourth avenue and Westlake boule vard, the busiest night corner In the city. The cart was broken to splinters and the big stock or Socialist papers and niagaaines destroyed. The mob rushed to Socialist head quarters on Fifth avenue, smashed the plate glass window and nailed Ameri can flags to the front' of the build ing. Two policemen smiled compla cently on the wreckers. The sailors tor the signs off the front of the building and broke them to pieces. Meanwhile, a second party f men from the fleet attacked the big Indus trial Workers' headquarters on Wash ington street. In the southern part of the city. The contents of the build ing were dragged Into the street and a bonfire made of them. The mob re-formed in the north part of the city after It had been dis persed and went back to the Socialist headquarters and sacked the place,, destroying furniture and a large quantity of literature. Shortly before midnight Secretary Daniels, addressing a banquet at the Rainier club In his honor, praised the attitude of the mayor of Boston, who stopped a red flag parade. "The red flag has no place in this country," be said, "and believers In It have no place In this country. A mayor who does not enforce the law against the red flag is not flt to bold office, and people who believe In the red flag should be driven ftpm tie country." . It Is said the riot was caused primarily by the fact that severs sail ore got Into fight with Industrial Worker at street meeting. . 101 THE LOBBY PR0DERS . 't1 M ELLEN LEAVES ROAD MORGAN'S PROTEGE ON NEW HAVEN TO RESIGN.. ' Announcement Follows Long Meeting of Directors Became Preei- ' v.' ' " . S JleTIun, (r almost ten years president of the Nefr York. New Haven ft Hart ford systelu of railroads, trolleys and steamship lines, on Thursday submit ted his resignation as president of the road and rll Its subsidiaries to the di rectors wlb were In session here for more than five hours. Announcement of Mr. Mellen's resig nation, which la to take effect "at the pleasure"! of the New Haven board, but "in no event' later than October 1 next," followed a long meeting of the directors, most of whom. Including William Rockefeller and J. P. Morgan, were present. Mr. Mellen, whose recent manage ment of the New Haven road has giv en rise to considerable criticism, be came president of that system In Octo ber, 1903, resigning from the presi dency of the Northern Pacific railway, at the request of the late J. P. Morgan, who regarded Mr. Mellen as the man best fitted to reorganize the more or less chaotic transportation lines of the New England states. Mr. Mellen's Immediate predecease, John M. Hall, had managed the road with all the conservatism which marked the administration of corpor ate affairs, especially In New England, during the previous decade. SPARKS FROM THE WIRE Marietta, O., July 1C Eighty pas sengers, the majority of them women and children, sfooj In water up to their necks and faced death near for Ave houra, while a frantically working train crew reacued the entire number. Michigan City. Ind.. July 15. This city suffered a property loss of over $; ,000,000 on Saturday, when the huge lumber yards of the Haskell ft Barker Car company burned. Waupaca. Wis.. July 18. The first occupant of a cell In the new Wiscon sin asylum for criminal Insane, which Is to be opened In October, will be John Schrank, who wounded Col. Theodore Rooaevelt at Milwaukee. PASSENGER STEAMER IS SUNK Iowa of Soodrioh Line Goes Down With Cargo After Collision With Sheboygan. Chicago, July 18. The steamer Iowa of the Goodrich line was sunk at her dock, east of the Rush street bridge, Thursday, aa the result of a collision with the Sheboygan, also a Goodrich boat, near the mouth of the river. The Iowa, according to officials of the Una. tarried no passenger at the time; those tu the Sheboygan were considerably alarmed, but none was Injured. The Iowa waa heavily lead ed tta( freight and tha loss wUI be heavy . Jfflctals of the company aald fog was the direct sans of tfce collision. 1 G1PERS PLOTTOLO MULHALL SWEARS N. A. M. HAD SCHEME TO GET LABOR ' CHIEF TO DESERT. M. CLAVE DENIES CHARGES Candidate for Congress Telle Senate' Lobby Committee That Witness Perjured Himself In Testimony Be fore Body. Washington, July 21. The senate lobby Investigating committee was told on Friday nlgbt by S. Wood Mo Clave, Republican candidate for con gress Iff a special election to be held In the Sixth New Jersey district, that Martin M. Mulhall had perjured him self In his testimony before that body. He also denied that Mulhall had raised or spent money for him or had man aged hls campaign ' against William Hughes In 1910. Martin M. Mulhall gave the senate lobby Investigating committee his story of the alleged effort In 1907-1908 to bribe Samuel Gompere, president of the? American Federation of Labor, to desert the cause of labor and support the policies advocated by the National Association of Manufacturers. Mulhall admitted he had no positive Information that an attempt to bribe Oompers had actually been made, but he said Atherton Brownell of New York had outlined the plans to him and had told him of what was to be done. The committee held a session at night to hear the testimony of S. W. McClav of Paterson, N. J., now a can didate for congress, and with whom Mulhall said ho had worked through out the campaign of 1910, when Me Clave waa running against William Hughes In the Sixth dlBtrlct. The committee opened the Oompers incident when newspaper clippings ap peared showing that Gompers bad made the bribery charges before a court in 1908, and that President Van Cleave of the Manufacturers' associa tion had denied all connection with thorn. ; Mulh.-vll said' he bad kvi re ferred by Van Cleave and Stvedt man, the latter secretary of the asso ciation, to Mr. Brownell. In New York, who claimed to be conducting a pub licity bureau for the association. Brownell told him, he said, that a man named Brandenberg waa follow ing Gompers; that they had a plan fixed up by which they expected to "get" the labor leader, and that they were positive they could not fall. Mul hall said he warned them they would not succeed, and later advised Van Cleave to the same effect. Van Cleave left New York suddenly, the witness said, after telling him that he had nearly "fallen Into a trap." How the manufacturers' association proposed to concentrate Its energies if necessary for the re-election of Can non In the 1908 campaign was de scribed In one of the first letters brought before the committee. The letter was written to Mulhall by Schwedtman on August 17, 1908, and declared all energies would be concen trated In Cannon's district "If there Is the slightest occasion for It." Other letters Identified covered a wide range of activity, but centered chiefly about the campaign In Indiana in 1908, when Mulball, according to the documents, waa working In cloae co-operation with Congressman Jamea R. Wateon and with national and state Republican leaders. Mulhall told the committee he raised $5.(00 for that campaign. Inside views of Republican national politics as seen by Martin M. Mulhall were presented to the senate lobby committee Thursday. According to Mulhall'a correspondence read to the committee snd his statements, submit ted In amplification of the letters, It waa the aim of the National Associa tion of Manufacturers at Chicago con vention in 1908 to support former Speaker Joseph G. Cannon for the presidential nomination. As related by Mulhall. the political plans of the National Association of Manufacturers changed with kaleido scopic ease and suddenness, and Mr. Taft, who as secretary of war had for a time been regarded with much friendliness by the association, be came "impossible" as Colonel Roose velt's candidate for the prealdency. It waa developed through a series of letters placed In the record by the sen ate lobby committee Wednesday that the more active workers of the Na tional Association of Manufacturers aimed to bring about the appointment of a promlneut member of the associa tion, preferably Mr. Van Cleave, who waa then Its president, as a member of the cabinet of President Taft, and also to have repreeeotatton oa th Republican national commute. Marshall to Be Chief Speaker. Chicago, July $1. Vtce-Preaideut Marshall will be the chief apeaker at the ceremonies on July 17 at the lay ing of the cornerstone of the $1,000, H)0 vocational university to be erect, id at Meosehart, a ear Aurora. Ill WILL FORCE U. S. HAND HUERTA BLAMED FOR INTRIGUE AMONG EUROPEAN ENVOYS. American Faces Inquiry Expected te Disclose the Reason for Recog nition Demands. Washington, July 19. It developed Thursday that a great International plot, which may Involve a dtplomatlo scandal, lies behind the movement to secure recognition by the United States of the Huerta government of Mexico. This plot found expression tn "fake" an tl-American1 - demonstra tions and in the application of inter national pressure upon the United States. It is now possible to outline some thing of the Washington administra tion's views about conditions in Mex ico which previously have been veiled by refusals to talk and general mys tery on the part of the state depart ment. Many, if not all, of the reported anti-American demonstrations in the City of Mexico, in the opinion of the Washington officials, have been manu factured for the purpose of forcing this government to recognize the Huerta regime. Conditions generally, as affecting American Uvea and prop erty, are not believed to be so serious as have been reported; in fact, it la declared that there is an artificiality about the whole business which de mands a thorough probing before any action is taken that will even indicate the adoption of a new policy. That European members of the dip lomatic corps In the City of Mexico have been parties to some extent to the "artificiality" which Is designed to have an effect on the United States Is believed to be the view of the ad ministration here, although It would not be diplomatic of course for any one tn authority to admit It. STRIKE IS PUT UP TO ROADS Representatives of Men Say New De mands Muat Be Withdrawn to Avert Walkout Mediator Named. New York. July 19. The 80,000 trainmen and conductors who threat en a strike against 45 eastern railroads win not agree under any circumstances to have the roads' grievances arbi trated at the same time as the men's demands for better wages under the Newlands amendment to the Erdman act, according to a statement Issued on Thursday by W. G. Lee and A. B. Gar retson, presidents, respectively, of the trainmen's and conductors' brother hoods. Mr. Lee, In a verbal statement sup plementing the formal . one. declared that If the railroads persist In their present stand to have their own griev ances arbitrated, ft is absolutely cer tain that a strike will follow. Washington, July 19. President Wilson on Thursday selected William L. Chambers of the District of Colum bia to be commissioner of mediation and conciliation, under the Newlands act. and G. W. W. Hanger as his as sistant. Their names w ere sent to the senate. The two other members of the new board wilt be Judge Martin Knapp of the United States commerce court and Louis F. Post, assistant secretary of labor. TRAIN PASSENGERS PERILED Fireman Diacevers That Northwestern ( Limited Is Racing With No Hand at the Throttle. La Crosse. Wis.. July 18. Hundreds of passengers on a limited Northwest ern train were at the mercy of an un controlled engine Wednesday night, roaring through tunnel No. 1 a dan gerous stretch at a mile a minute and down grade at an even faster rate, while Engineer Henry Denier sat un conscious at the throttle. Hla -fireman, Jacob Nenman, waa buay atoklng, and did not inquire why the train was holding such extraor dinary apeed. He saw that Denier waa In bla uaual posture, apparently keeping his eyes on the track ahead. As the limited cleared th tunnel th swaying of th engine alarmed New man and, looking cloaely, he saw that Denier lurched strangely In hla seat. He shook him. Th man fell forward. Inert. The train waa stopped and th en gineer was removed to th baggage car on a cot. Doctors at Norwalk aald be had been stricken by apoplexy, probsbly the result of a long Illness. It ws the engineer's first trip after re covering. Report Theft ef Gold. Philadelphia, July 18. A dispatch received here from Sun bury. Pa., states that $10,000 In gold oola dis appeared from a car oa the Pennsyl vania railroad while being transported from th United States mint la this city to a bank In Buffalo, N. Y. Rail road officials her deny that such a. robbery has takes place, . .. i 4s 1 " r