Newspaper Page Text
THE MADMAN Publisbedfvery Tuesday at RIchmond.Ky. by Grant E. Lilly, - - Editor & Owner Entered as second-class matter January 22, 1913, at the post office at Richmond, Ky., under the Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year.. ...$1.00 Six Months 60 Three Months. .35 One Month .15 IN ADVANCE. PENSIONS FOR MOTHERS Commissioners of Allegheny county have appropriated $13,000 for the payment of pensions to mothers who have children dependent upon them. Before the money is available Gov. Tener, under the law enacted by the last Legislature, must name a board of trustees by whose direction the money, together with Allegheny county's proportion of the $100,000 appro priated by the State, will be expended. Only the mothers of children dependent because of the death or desertion of their fathers are eligible to pensions, and the mothers must be qualified in the judgment of the trustees, to administer the pension and care for their children. It was stated at the commissioners' office that of the dozens who havelnquired about the opera tion of the law only a small proportion can avail themselves of its provisions. The appropriation is in the nature of an experiment and is to cover one year. In St Louis last week a widow with four small children was turned out of her house because she was not able to pay the rent. The oldest, a lad of fourteen, was a delicate child and unable to work. The second son, twelve years of age, worked sixteen hours a day to secure bread for the family. The other children were too young to be anything more than a care to the mother. They were without money or property. In this condition they were turned out of their rented home. In this age of civilization when men ancr women are advanced in! thought and are supposed to be trained to a very high state of in tellectual culture, when they have had moral training in the church and its associated works, it seems strange that in cities where they have the largest churches and which cities are money centers, that poverty should be allowed to lay hold of childhood and widow hood as its victims; and stranger still that such cities have made no provisions for the proper prb , tection of both infancy and wid owhood. Poverty may come to the noblest and most deserving and it is a duty of those who are in comfortable circumstances to make proper protection for those who for the time are in need of protection. And who is more in need of protection than an infant? Who better deserves care and at tention than a widow with infant children at her breast? In the struggle for bread, what chance has sheto cope with the stronger and less burdened? Is she not worthy of encouragement? Has she not in her travail given to the world future men and women? And why should she be permitted to starve? Why should her chil dren be thrown on the cold, in different public as beggars? Their future will be one of honor if properly directed; if allowed to come up in dirt and ignorance, they will take their places in the lower walks of life and make felons and fill houses of disrepute. There is a way to avoid this. Aid to this class of unfortunate people, given at the right time in the way of. small pensions by the state, will bring up a better race of people arid fill the state with men and women who will help instead of being a detriment to it. The money spent annually in jail and penitentiary maintenance would be reduced fifty per cent. j. ma saving auucu iu lyc small pensions would add much to the manhood of the state. In Chicago last winter a woman . with a small family applied to the ; Associated Charities for aid. She , was refused until the case could be officially investigated. Time after time she called but was put off until the course of official red tape was run. At the end of .; some weeks and ' after some of her children had died from sfcarva: tion, she was granted small aid. " It is stated that not more than ten cents out of every dollar con tributed for aid -Ito ' the poor, is actually expended on the poor. The ninety cents is consumed in red tape. All this could be avoid ed by a proper system of pensions for the very poor. We are not of that class who think that the rich must maintain the poor. Far from it Of times, giving indiscreetly tends to pro mote triflingness. Also there is always danger in building up a class of stipendiaries who learn to depend not on themselves, but who look to the rich for their support But there is a sane way to help "the very poor without in creasing the number of people who look to the rich altogether for their support While a race of stipendiaries is to be dreaded, it must be remembered that a race of felons and women of the world, undermines the social fab ric, lowers the moral tone and endangers the republic Intelli gence can always be depended on to determine the difference beH tween proper aid by way of pen sions, and that, system of graft which would give us the race of stipendiaries. And if an error has been, committed in. helping widows and orphans by pension, it can be corrected. The word "pension" means "aid." There is no opprobrium attached to it And while we are discussing aid to the indigent widows and orphans, we might as well include "old age" pensions or aid. What more honorable than old age! Who more deserv ing than those who have fought bravely the grim battle of life and lost! What more touching than helpless old age! "Once a man, twice acniid. Anc. in trns sec ond helpless, pitiable childhood, must the grandfathers and grand mothers of the bold warriors of commerce and the followers of he arts and sciences and politics be brushed aside and left to die ike quary slaves? The true manhood and woman hood of the country say NAY ! NEGLECTING HIS DUTY Secretary of State Bryan is neg lecting his duties as Secretary of State at a most critical time in the history of the 1 Nation. The important problems of state with l t 1 ' - wnicn ine administration is now confronted, are fraught with great dangers and their solution should be by minds not overwrought by outside work. The Dmeocratic party undertakes to justify Mr. Bryan in his neglect of his official duties by saying that the Repub lican party did likewise. This is no answer at all. The Repulicans were voted out of power for wrong ful administration of the affairs of state. For a Democrat to follow in their wrongful steps and under take to justify on the ground that the Republicans did wrong, is straining the forgiving spirit of the democracy too much. Mr. Bryan has injured himself beyond measure and has also put the ad ministration in a hole in trying to justify him. Mr. Wilson's troubles are just beginning. ; ' After sending for our Ambassa dor, Henry Lane Wilson, to come all the way from Mexico to tell us all about it, President Wilson went out golfing and let Secretary Bryan interview him alone. The golf game must be fascinating in deed if it is a better drawing card than a real live Ambassodor fresh from Mexico. Nine Masonic lodges, many other fraternal societies, thirty or more churches, many schools in this, one of the oldest counties of thejstate, 6000 voters and 2000 floaters. For shame! This is a sad commentary on the efficacy of moral teaching; : - Slit pants for men Hs the pre diction of some oi the most fash ionable tailors. Its not impossi ble. Remember the knee breeches of "Give me liberty or give me death" Henry, don't you? v ; Not enough energy to start the the band playing. After the elec- tion is over, we will die of ennui unless the grand jury makes things hum. There's a big smile a great big smile on the farmers face today. You can "hear the nubbins a stretchin'. Bacon in the house and chicken feathers in the back yarcl for a few days more. The more votes that are bought the more chance for detection. One more month of liberty, Mr. Small boys. To The Democrats Of Madison County I have been a member of the Fiscal Court of Madison Court all the time that Jtdge . Sackelford has "been County Judge. This Court is composed of the eight magistrates, and the County Judge. The Fiscal Court has con trol of all the financial affairs of the County, with power and authority to levy taxes, and to see that same are properly collected. Each and every member of the Court is entitled to his share of credit for the good management of the County's financial affairs, and no one man is entitled to all the credit Since I have been a member of the Fiscal Court I have looked carefully after the interest of the tax payers, and at the same time have done every thing in my power for good roads, and good bridges, and an economical and safe administra tion of the County's business. -If I am elected County Judge, I . will give to each and every citizen a patient and respectful hearing on any matter brought before me, and will welcome every citizen to the County Judge's Office., I will be very grateful to you for anything you may do for me. Asking a careful consideration at your hands, of my candidacy, and for a fair election, square deal, and honest count and promising to do nothing dishonorable to secure the nomination, I am truly and respectfully yours, 28-3tf. , H. C. RICE. -oo- Prominent Educator Dead Prof. Matthew G. Thomson, one of the best known educators in the South, died at his home in Paris, Friday morning, after a several days' illness. , Prof. Thomson had been in de clining health for several months, but recently his condition had apparently improved, and he was able to be about, and it was thought that he was on the road to recovery. He was taken sud denly ill about a week ago, and despite the efforts of his family and physicians, he grew - steadily worse. Deceased was born nearThomp- son station, in ciarK county, in 1850, being sixty-three years of age at the time of his death. He received his education at Transyl vania University, at Lexington, and later attended College at Ann Arbor, Mich. Paris Citizen. -oo- After Incendiaries in Jessa mine On warrants sworn out by Deputy State Fire Marshal, J. J. Peel, for Carl Burgin, a young man of Nicholasville, was arrest ed Sunday afternoon in Lexington by Marshal Smith, charged with arson. It is alleged his arrest is due to connections with a series of fires which have recently oc curred in Nicholasville. It is un derstood that a number of other young men of prominent families are suspected of having been con nected with the alleged incen diarism, and arrests are expected at any time. Nicholasville Jour nal: ' ' : !" ' -00- Berea Fair The dates for the Berea Fair have been changed :from August 7 to 9 and will be held July 30 to August L -A great time is antici pated and all who can should attend. School Trustees' Election. The following named subdis tricts will elect school trustees on the first Saturday in , August, Saturday August 2nd, 1913, be tween the hours of one and five o'clock. The election will be held at the school houses in said sub districts: DIVISION NO. L Subdistrict No. Boggs Alex Turpin Subdlstrict No. 2, Brookstown Ralph Parks." Subdistrict No. 6, Bend Howard HilL Subdistrict No. 7, College Hill A. E. Bogie. Waco Consolidated School G. S. Mc - Kinney. . . - - . DIVISION NO. 2. Subdistrict No. 2, Green Hill M. M. Broughton. . Subdistrict No. 5V Cedar Cliff H. C. Moore. Subdistrict No. 6, Bear Wallow George Sparks. Subdistrict No. 9, Kingston Douglas Young. Subdistrict No. ' 10, Rogerville Wm. O. Mays. -Subdistrict No. 11, Pumpkin Run Willis Hisle. DIVISION NO. 3. Subdistrict No. 1, Beech Grove Ledo .. White. Subdistrict No.5, Big Hill R. L. Ambrose Subdistrict No 6, Narrow Gap Thomas !McKeehan. Subdistrict No. 9, Johnson: Jas. W. . Bratcher. Subdistrict No. 10, Scaffold Cane John Hawkins. Subdistrict No. 11, Berea U. S. Moyers. DIVISION NO 4. Subdistrict No. 2, Walnut 'Meadow Louis Botkins. " Subdistrict No 3, Wallaceton D. S. Botkins. Subdistrict No. 5, High Point W. A. Ogg. Subdistrict No. 6, Glade Jas. W. Fowler. Subdistrict No. 8. Peytontown W. W. Adams. DIVISION NO. 5. Subdistrict No. 3, Hendren W. K. Price. Subdistrict No. 6, Sallee Robert Teater. Subdistrict No. 7, Backwoods N. B. How ard. Subdistrict No. 9, Ruthton Pendleton Whittaker. Subdistrict No. 12, Bent Price Benton. DIVISION NO. 6. Subdistrict No. 2, Miller B. C. Harvey. Subdistrict No. 3, Forest Hill A. H. Wells. Subdistrict No. 4, Buffalo W. R. Hayden. Subdistrict No. 6, Boonesborough Wm. Munday. Subdistrict No. 7, Pleasant Hill Thos. Williams. Subdistrict No. 9, Dozier G. R. Spurlin. The supervisors, Robinson and Kirk have posted; notices of said election in each subdistrict where election is to be held. The in structions to voters and poll sheets have been placed at the school houses. Officers for said election will be selected by the voters at the opening of the polls. Two mages and a clerk should be se lected. Said officers should fill out certificates of election for persons elected and return same to County Superintendent with in five days after said election. -oo- Death of Miss Oldham Miss Alice Oldham died at her home on North street in this city at 6:30 P. M. on the 21st inst. Deceased was a most exemplary character and loved by a large circle of friends, who mourn her loss. Miss Oldham is -survived by three brothers and two sisters: James, Sanford and W. S. Old ham, and Misses Nannie and Carrie Oldham, for whom much sympathy is felt. The funeral was held on Wednesday and was conducted by Dr. G. W. Crutch field of the Methodist Church, thence burial in the Richmond Cemetery. -oo- Mad Dog Pays Henderson, Ky. Miss Margaret Lilly, aged sixteen, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Lilley, of Smiths Mills, was bitten on the leg by a fox terrier, belonging to a neighbor. The dog afterward ex hibited signs of rabies, was killed and the head sent to the Pasteur Institute "at Bowling Green, for examination. . -oo- The car men on the "Green Lines'- of the Covington and Cin cinnati car lines have rejected the wage schedule. -oo- We keep on hand always the best gro ceries that money can buy and sell them as cheap as the cheapest Phone 72 and 144. Covington, Thorpe & Co. 11-tf I Honor For Dr. McMurtry His legion of friends in Dan ville, his old home, are greatly pleased to learn that .Dr. Lewis ;McMurtry, of Louisville, has been appointed by Secretary of State Wm. J. Bryan, as one of the twelve American delegates to the International Medical Congress, which meets in London, England, August 6 to 12. The Louisville Times, in refering to the appoint ment says Dr. McMurtry has .ac cepted the honor. x The Congress consists of repre i;entatives of the medical profes sion from all parts of the world. Dr. McMurtry did not seek the appointment, nor did, any friends do so it came because of his high standing and well known ability as a physician. He will sail for London on the 14th. Danville Messenger. Drl McMurtry lived in Rich mond once and had an office in the rooms over the corner of Sec ond and Main streets, the same rooms occupied by Mr. Grant E. Lilly as a law office for twelve years. He was associated with the late Dr. Evans. -oo- Mr. Willis Kennedy Mr. Willis Kennedy has ac cepted the position of Chief Clerk in the L. & N. office at Paris, and will make that city his , home. The position carries with it an increase in salary, and Mr. Ken nedy is to be congratulated. " Oldham Furniture and Undertaking DAY PHONE 76 t't'i iti ttt $ ! .fr 't't ! . . . $ .'t. tfr ."t. .X.' M' '.J.1 vj? ,4.' 4 4 V V ! 4 4- I m Iadison institute nn I I Girls and Young Ladies & - , & Next Session Opens September 10th, 1913 I : ; $ J. .B. CAS8IDAY, PrenSdent m 14 t'f i tfi t! tf i iT iT tt tTt t ti i .t t. . .'. .t. t. ,J. i,' i! J,' if I T47 JJ '4.' sj.' 4. "4." "4.' The ROYAL Have selected us as being Richmond's Greatest Store equipped with the most modern and' pro gressive ideas and having the qualities they demand before granting any house a franchise to tailor for them. VWhen we make you a Suit IT IS RIGHT IN EVERY WAY. We have the line and are. READY FOR YOU NOW! Pay ' Your vacation suit put in the making today. . will be ready for you next week and it will be . a work of art. New plaids, greys, serges in blue, black and pure white and any other ; thing you want. Special This Week, $23.50 ' for two piece suit tailor made in pure white j serge or white with pin stripe or flannel. Any j way you want it. Pants only $7.00. u 'GET ROVaL "Who Tailor Best In Richmond Drowned in Kentucky River News has reached here of the death by drowning ? of Mr. Leon Bryant, who formerly worked with the Blanton Lumber Co. Mr. Bryant it seems was row ing with his wife on the Kentucky river near Frankfort, and as he came close to the shore he leaped out and in doing so the skiff rocked and threw his wife into the water. Seeing her danger he immediately swam to her rescue and saved her, but sank and was drowned himself. ; It is, thought the shock caused his death. ' The accident is deeply deplored and much sympathy felt for his wife. -oo- Married Mr. Embry Deatherage, of this city, and Miss Ella Kindred of Berea, were quietly married in Jackson on last Monday. Mr. Deatherage is the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Deatherage of this city, and a vnnnd man nf finp hniinp;i . quaiificaUons. Miss Kindred is well known in Richmond, where she has many friends. -o- Poisoning Dogs The promiscuous use of poison in Richmond of late with a view of killing dogs, should have a sudden stop put to it, for unfor tunately, the wrong dog gets the button and the animal killed is more valuable to society than the animal who throws it out & Lackey W.S.O. R.O.L. 136 229 NIGHT Dress Better YAlLOREb Y'g ICO TAILORS