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K1UHMOJNI), KENTUCKY, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1914.- NUMBER 6. A- General News Gen. Grant Wilson, soldier, ed itor and auth6r,"died in New York at the age of 81. -Fish are being used to trim hats over in Paris. Every woman sucker will adopt the fad. Senator James will arrive in Louisville shortly to go with a delegation from that city to New Orleans - to pre s s Louisville's claims . for one of ' the regional banks. , ! By the vote of 40 to 39 the bill . lookig to a constitutional amend ment whereby convicts may work the pfblic roads, was defeated in the Ffbuse,J)ut later reconsidered and recommitted. . - Four students of Bethel Female College at Hopkinsville, Ky. were madecritically ill when they mis took jjtyood alcohol for flavoring etrat and mixed it in a Welsh rarebvt which they ate. Mrs. Francis Beauchamp, of the W. C. T. U.. is very much en couraged with the progress of the anti-cigarette bill introduced in the Legislature. It is hoped that this measure will become a law. Col. Frank C. Morehead, of New York, who died there Sun day, and whose body was brought to Frankfort for burial, was the son of Gov. Charles S. Morehead the last Whig Governor of Ken tucky'. The tax collectors went to the home of John D. Rockefeller in East Cleveland, last week and filed a written demand that he pay $12,000,000 tax upon his per sonal property estimated at $900; 000,000, into the treasury of his county. The Pineville City Council at its last meeting passed an ordi nance forbidding the dancing of the tango and kindred dances by the people of Pineville. It is thought that the right -of the council to pass such an ordinance will be tested in court Government monopoly of tele graph, telephone and wirelesl communication and such other means for the, transmission of in telligence as may hereafter de velop, was recommended in a special report submitted to the Senate by Postmaster General Burleson. E. N, Forsythe, of Lexington, was found dead in his buggy a short distance from Harrodsburg urn i - r i . . inonaay. jvir. rorsythe was a 1'iuiiuu v hi .-vi nr ; w si i prominent lumberman arid . had just ciosea a deal tor a lot of wal nut logs and was returning to Harrodsburg. Heart failure is supposed to have caused his death. According to statistics present ed by Dr. Simmons to the Lex ington Board of Health, there were fouf cases, of smallpox dis covered there'iri De'cemb'er.'thifty one in January, and twenty-three so far. in the present month. The Board suggested thkt a house to house canvass be made by the! city physicians, and all the people be vaccinated. Herbert Anderson, of Paducah, who has won fame as an apple grower, has named an apple he has developed "The Paducah." Local commission merchants say that the apple is the peer of all other apples and-is an advanta geous product because they can be marketed in August before frost falls The apples average four inches in diameter and have j a depth of 2 inches Some weigh j as much as ten ounces. NEW DEPARTMENT AtThe Normal, In Charge of Miss Lelia Ellen - McKee. To, meet the demands of many students, a new department has been established at the Normal School. There have been numer ous requests from students for private instruction in voice cul ture, and after . considering the application of about sixty exper ienced teachers, President Crabbe and Professor Koch have selected Miss Lelia Ellen McKee as the besfy qualified and most highly trained musician to undertake the work. , Miss McKee - will riot only teach voice but also, violin and piano, and is equally superior in each. She has studied under the best masters and has had consid erable experience as a teacher. She comes from one of the best families of Danville. Her, grandfather, Dr. J.L. McKee, was for a number of years asso ciated with Central University. Many of our older residents will recollect her uncle, J. Lapsley McKee, who was at one time pas tor of the Second Presbyterian Church here. Her father, S. L. McKee, was a Presbyterian min ister in the Eastern part of the State. Her aunt, Miss Lelia Mc Kee, was President of Western College, at Oxford, O., for sixteen years. Miss McKee studied violin un der Henry Froelich, of Cincinnati and under Fritz Itte, first violinist of the Theodore Thomas Orches tra, of Chicago. She studied pia no under Miss Augusta Porter of Western College, and under Mrs. Stillman-Kelley, of Cincinnati She also had a splendid training in voice at the Cosmopolitan School of Music and Dramatic Art, of Chicago, and took ensem ble with Henry Eames and Dr. Wm. Carver Willliams. Her technic on both piano and violin is remarkably well developed. Her voice is a very pure, sweet, lyric soprano of high compass. As she is a young lady of great culture and refinement, and of charming personality, the school is to be congratulated on having secured her services, and Rich mond is fortunate in having such an accomplished musician as a permanent member of the music fraternity, .. . - Judge Chenault Resigns Judge John C, Chen'auit, who Was elected Magistrate of the First District at the recent Nn- tvember. election, has resigned the - v position, as he found his other duties would occupy most of his time. : Gov. McCreary has ap pointed Deputy County Assessor William Adams in his stead. Representative Helm at Hos '.' Ptal Representative Harvey Helm, of Stanford, is under the care of a . physician at the Providence Hospital in Washington City. He is suffering from a minor growth, and it jsljredicted hwill have to undergo an operation to rid htm of the trouble. . Blackburn Gets $5,000 aYear The House passed a resolution giving J. C. S. Blackburn $5,000 a year as a member of the Lincoln Memorial Commission. The Sen ate has already passed it Chicago wornen to the number of 153,897 registered last week, preparirig to exercise their newly granted suffrage at the next city election. . FLOATING ISLAND I v I s, . . .. : : " "15.. - i ' . ' I V - f v it jr-J,,.. ,. ... ..y; ..v ..Illlllitwr-- ri'l7l'TirTMMTI IH i ffl Floating island drifting in against in with each southeast wind. Marriage and Happiness Last Sunday night a large and appreciative audience heard Dr. Barnes discuss the question of "Marriage and Happiness." The Doctor delivered himself freely along the lines of marriage obli gations and the duty of husband and wife towards each other, and treated the subject from begin ning to end in a philosophical and pleasing way. Those who were not married wanted to get married, after hearing him. While his subject "Marriage and Misery" did not ring out "well, his last ef fort brought a smile a great big smile, and swept the heart-strings in beautiful rhythm. Report of City Nurse - February 1, 1914 I hereby submit the following report of my services during the month of January, 1914. Seven families visited and ' in vestigated. Recommended to the Mayor that coal ($1.00 worth) be sent to one - family, and that provisions be sent to four fami lies. Made seventeen professional visits to the sick.' Benevolent friends made donations of sheets, pillow cases, gowns, etc., milk and other suitable food for the sick. . ' . . Asked the Health Officer to in vestigate the uusanitary condi tion of Bush Alley. Assisted in finding employment for three families, and in so doing, helped them to help themselves. Very respectfully, Mrs. T. J. Taylor, City Nurse Philanthropic Public School Children Soud Fund has been in operation one year. ; In that time there has been ex pended $140 and lunches furnish ed to forty poor children for 14 weeks. . ; : Voluntary contributions to this fund will be received by . the Newspapers of Richmond and acknowledged weekly in their columns. . The following is a list of donations: Miss Lucia Burnam . . $3.00 .1.00 . 1.00 1.00 . 3.00 ine Madisonian . . Cash . . . . . . Cash ... . . . R. O. Lackey . . . . The Uplift Club Notes from the last meeting of this interesting Club were receiv ed too late for publication in this issue.; . . I Club and social notes should reach us not later than Saturday, j ' Sheriff Powell of Estill, and1 deputies Clay Hodgkins and Dee Bush of Clark, county, . arrested Robert Puckett at--Red River, He is wanted at Irvine on U charge of illegal selling of liquor, AT GATUN LOCKS the Gatun Locks. These islands diii't Photo hy TTndcrwood & Underwood. N. T. Smallpox In the Legislature The processes of law-making were practically suspended Wed nesday while the Legislature grappled with a , well developed smallpox bogey which had thrust its nose into the State Capitol. It developed that morning that Senator J. Forrest Porter, of Webster county, who had been absent several days, had been taken to the Frankfort isolation hospital, suffering with the dread ed disease. At the same time it became known that , a waiter at the Capitol Hotel, also had been taken td the'hospital for the same reason. -oo- City Council The City Council met last Thursday night and disposed of the usual routine business. "The question which has been brought before this board pro posed by Mr. Phil Moynahan wherein lie made certain propo sitions for the cleaning of the streets, was refused considera tion and was put in the scrap pile. It was proposed by Mr. Moynahan to have erected a small jail cost ing about $2,000 and that he would keep the streets clean for the city with the prisoners, etc, for $2400.00. The citv council deemed the ' proposition unwise and refused it. -oo- Miss Bennett In Nashville Miss Bell Bennett of this city is presiding over the. Executive Committee of the Women's Mis sionary Council of the . Southern Methodist Church at Nashville l enn., where they are arranging the programme for the annua meeting which will be held at Fort Worth, Tex., April 1. Oman's Club Miss Mai-de" Gibson will ad dress the - Woman s Club at its next meeting Monday 16, "Women Painters." on There is- much in store for lov ers of the art beautiful. Miss Gibson is a very talented woman in this line. Fire At Nicholasville Fire Sunday morning complete ly destroyed the clothing store of I Samuel Shapiro at Nicholasville, land all of its contents. The stock was vaiuea at 35,uix;, ana there was $8,500 insurance. The origin of the fire is unknown. ' 00 The Toe Nail Twister The Estill Tribune has named anotlier - dance J the 'Toe : Nail Twister.'! Then comes the auerv I "What does Editor White know about dancing?" i; . If you do', not get this paper regularly, please call our attention to it We want vou to read each copy. ' D. A R. NOTES Mrs. J. C. Bailey, Mrs. Sumuel J. Shackelford, Mrs. S. E. James and Mrs. J. Howard Murray, who constitute a committee in Susan na Hart Shelby Chapter, D. A. R. to furnish the chapter room in the old Capitol Building, met yes terday morning in the room, to discuss plans for its furnishing. Although the meetings have been held in this room, since the use of it was given to the chanter members of the Sinking Fund Commissi6n, it Had never been furnished, as the repairs made were not satisfactory, and were not accepted by the commission. These recently have been done over, and the room is now in readiness for the furniture, which will be bought by the chapter at once. Yesterday morning the committee ordered a rug and chairs, and these will be augment ed by several handsome pieces of old furniture given by Mrs. James E. Cantrill, of Georgetown, and other pieces to be given by differ ent members of the chapter. Bookcases are already in the room and the members expect to, col lect a reference and historical li brary. With the exception of the rug, it is expected that the room will be furnished by Monday, the time for the February monthly meeting. Frankfort Journal The Bryan Station Chapter, D. A. R. held the regular monthly meeting on Monday after noon at the rest. room. Dean Meyers gave a very 'interesting talk on the need of a State- Ar chivist as the records at the Cap itol are in a deplorable condition. It was decided to celebrate Wash ington's birthday with a luncheon at the Phoenix Hotel. The dele gates elected to Washington were: 'Mrs: Young, Regent; Mrs. Rhodes, Delegate; Mrs. Patrick, Mrs. Dodge Mrs. Malcolm Thompson, Miss 'Connelly, Mrs. Watson, Miss Kain, Miss "Bain and Miss Headley, Alternates. Lexington Herald. -oo- Wednesday. February 11th is the birthday of Thomas Alva Edison, the great electrician whoma,, thc world deHgh.s ,o ! ; A Charming, Rives Romance The Valiants of Virginia S good a ory .as you have ever read. A story with a universal appeal wholesome, inspiring, engrossing. A story for old and young alike. A story for the home. tyBesure ' to:gei the issue with the first installment! 7 Circuit Court Only a small amount of busi ness has been transacted. Those charged with violation of the elec tion law plead guilty and a fine of $50.00 and trimmings was as sessed against them. The case of McArthur vs. the L. & N. R. R. occupied the court Friday and Saturday. The ver dict was for $4750.00. It was al leged that the brick and tile fac tory of plaintiff was burned by a spark from a passing engine. Sidney Winkler, charged with the murder of Reeves just prior to the August primary election, was acquitted. More About Freight Rates The regular meeting of the Business Mens Club was held at the Court House, Tuesday Feb ruary 3. Meeting was called to order by Pres. C. F.Higgins, who stated that the principal business to be attended was the discus sion of the freight rates into and out of Richmond as compared with neighboring towns and towns similarly situated. We will enter into the details of the meeting more fuliy in our next issue. The Hon. Edward P. Morrow, of Covington, United States Dis trict Attorney for the Eastern District of Kentucky, has con fided to friends that he will enter the race for the Republican nomi nation for Congress from the Eleventh district, now represent ed by Caleb Powers, who has an nounced that he will not stand for re-election. While Mr. Morrow has made no official announcement of his candidacy, he told his friends it may be expected in the near fu ture. The Attorney General holds that the extra help bill is constitu tional and advises the Auditor to draw warrants for the same. He claims that the constitution does not prohibit the Legislature by a joint resolution from employing such help as it needs, but that '3 the cons titutional nroh i r i t i n n j the Senate from acting independ ently on the matter. But just any old thing to cir cumvent the constitution goes at Frankfort Friends . of Matt Cohen are mentioning his name as a possi ble successor to J. W. Newman, State Commissioner of Agricul ture, and have already started a mild boom for the popular horse man. Mr. Cohen's wide acquaint ance with farmers and his success as an exhibitor of prize show horses in this state and others, are pointed out as some of his qualifications. oo v The postoffice at Elizabeth Sta tion in Bourbon county, was dis continued by order of the Post- office Department at Washington January 31, and the supplies have been turned into the Paris office. Church Notes Eld. N. J. Culton, preached af the Presbyterian church in Irvine last Sunday. , The Rev.Taylor, of thiscity, has been called to the pastorate of the Buckeye church, which is located in northeastern Garrard. As a result ol the go-to-church campaign more than 100,000 per sons Sunday , attended the fore-, noon services in the . Protestant church in Boston, twice the aver agejiumher.