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Image provided by: University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
Newspaper Page Text
The Richmond Daily Rester, Richmond, Madison County, Kv., Thursday, May 1 8, 1 922 -ssa ;355ss3! IkThese drastic reductions of from 25 to 40 per cent from our regular prices will prevail during a I "period of two weeks beginning SATURDAY, MAY 20th. This will include every single Suit, Coat, Tess 1 ouse. nat ana every niece 01 Doit 200ns m our store " . j - ,: r, V - ! ff M JPOTh. -TJ- MM NlCal 5f fr-C--g;---iBS3 3 7 n u. SPORT SUIT! Sport and Costume Suits at cost and below cost. Decidedly Smart Tweeds iri tailored and Sriori Models. Sale Price S9.50 ' $37.59 m Ess ' TWEi tnEi:i: 500 yards of Heme Spun Tweed, all wool, 54 inches wide, suitable for Skirts, Suits and Capes. Twesds lead the fashion. Price Per Yard Ql ftO Hope Cotton 6 1YJ . DRESSES -fn- Canton Crepe, Roshenara Crepes, Crepe de Chene, Woo! Crepes, Crepe Knit and Taffeta $950 S37,50 . Na atrcrovals all sales will be fml . 1 ) ? . r' 1 Special prices on Children' Socks in a variety of attractive colors and all sizes from 22c to $1.35, Fepperrell 9-4 Bleaches! r - i Good Brown CeUcn Calico light and dark Amosk.g Aprim Gnghata.-- , ,. 5 good size KkcI.-; Towels ' - r:i ITl'I 5 good ske Turkish Tdvrels . IS inch Glass Toweling blue and fed 18 inch Pure Linen Crash While and PiT:k and Bkse Ontins; 53-EE3ft 8 yards $1.00 2 yards $1.00 . 10 1-2 yards $1.09 11 yards $1.00 7 yards $L09 .:- $1.00 $L00 4 yards $1. 4 1-2 yards $1. 8 yards $1.00 CORSET STYLES In the Best Models LA CAMILE and STYLISH STOUTS Each Model shown has some thing special to recommend it far your consideration and :n cur Private Filling Room you may try on as many Models es you wish. Remember It is a pleasure Fcr us to serve ycu and we do not want to hurry ycur selection. What we desire is your absolute satisfaction. ALL CORSETS AT A REDUCTION OF 25 Per Cent mum May Clearance Sale in our Mil linery Department. We have cut the price HALF in two. Seeing is Believing LADIES' HOSE The season's newest colors and creations marked far below ru ltr prices. All go in this sale. SMART NEW MATERIALS FOR SUMMER FROGK? 'J BOtA V.f -Imported Swiss Organdies PJcvelty Printed Voiles Fine Tissue Ginghams French Ginghams that are particularly popular thi3 season and no wonder. They launder beautifully and col ors and patterns tre so varied. This splendid quality of Imported Lorraine French Gingham, 32 inches wide, 75c CQc quality fcr Tissue Ginghams, 32 inches wide, CTc 65c quality now Wu . Amoskeg AFC brand, 32 inches wide 25c quality new ; Amoskeg 32 inches wide, good rsnae of colors 22! Imported Swiss Organdies, permanent finish . in all the new shades, $1.50 quality how ' .' I ... I v Pi inted Voiles in' many attractive H j ft c designs; sale price Jtj MUSLIN UNDERW Night Govns made of soft Nainsook, itim roed with pretty lace QSC $1.25 and $1.50 quality at wU Night Gowns, slipon style in Nainsook, some trimmed!. with dainty lace or embrcid Q1 ety; $2 'arid $iY5 qalityat. 033 Envelope Chemise made of stfr't'Nairndokr, tiiktimcd with pretty embroidery or dainty bee; $L50 and $1.25 QGc quality at SO. High neck and long sleeve Gowns Ql 4Q $2.25 quality at $1.79; $1.50 quality .0 ! 1 1 9 Old fashioned Straight Chemise, so hard to h?d, $2,25 cuality Q1 at lj eUU $1.25 quality at SSc; $1.00 quality at 8Sc. Silk Vests snd Blccmers and Camicles every garment perfect at very interesting prices. -'Children's an5 Misses' Maslhi-'Slips, Patrtiss attractively trimmed, neatly made up at rea sonable prices. 9 .S3?23EK MAY CLEARANCE SALE OF TDSSMf 0 QUIT PACnC A' TRAVELIN 6S To Our Traveling Friends You will want a nice new Trunk for that vacation trip and we have just what you wast in lovely Wardrobe Trunks. They will net rumple the prettty dresses you plan to take and then we have the Steamer Trunk that you . will find a great convenience, and still another that ycu might like. Come in and let us show you the diverent kinds. We can please you a that is our business. REMEMBER THESE ALL GO IN THE MAY SALE AT A DISCOUNT OF 2g PER CENT PAJAMAS and BILLIE BURKE'S Ldies and Misses' Pajamas and Biilie Burkes, in plain and fancy crepes, pink, orchid, lavender1, blue at prices that will attract. We also - carry .a line of Muslin Underwear for1 Stouts that will interest every stout fig uf6. , ; Shirts, Gowns, Teddies, Corset Covers. iTSi t III III IBIIIIIILJnil3 In May 1774. James Harnxls, Abrnm Hilc. Jacob Sandusky, James Sandusky and 37 other men descended the Ohio river and camped at the mouth of Deer re awm creek where Cincinnati now is lo cated. They then proceeded to the mouth of the Kentucky river and up that stream to what is now Harrodsburgr. JSvSLS Dodp:e Brothers mnm tar N Never been use i?nce will attract you St- ichmond Motor Co. Incorporated lEil EFINE "LEGA TENDER" (Dy Associated Press) Louisville, Ky., May 18 The term "legal tender" is applied to any money that is legally ten derable in payment of debts, un less the contract calls for pay ment in some specified kind of money, according to a definition and table carried in the current bulletin of the Kentucky Bank ers' Association. The various kinds of money used in the United States and their respective legal tender qualities are given as follows: Gold coin, legal tender to an unlimited amount. Silver dollars, legal tender to an unlimited amount. Treasury notes of 1890, legal tender to an unlimited amount.' Subsidiary silver (halves, quar ters and dimes) legal-tender-to the amount of $20. Minor coins (nickels and pen nies) legal tender to the amount of twenty-five cents United States notes, legal ten der to an unlimited amount, but not in payment of duties on im ports or interest . on the public debt. , Gold certificates, legal tender to ah. unlimited amount. Silver certificates, not legal tender, but receivable for all pub lic debts. National bank notes, not legal tender, but receivable for nil public dues, except duties en im l orts. All national banks are re quired by law to receive the notes of other national banks at par. ' Federal reserve notes, not le gal te-.ider but receivable by all national and member banks and for taxes, customs "and other public dues. Federal reserve bank note?, not lrgal tender, but receivab'e for all public dues except duties on imports. Bantam Hen Kills Rats . (By. Associated Press) , Barbourville, Ky., May 18 A singular combat was" staged at the home of Charlie Smith ;on Main street a day or two ago, when a rat trying to capture the chicks of a bantam hen attacked tliem. The mother hen imme diately went to the rescue and all that was to be seen was the, feath ered bantam covering the rat and pecking violently at the intruder. The rat put tip a hard fight but the little bantam pecked out the eye of its enemy and then pro ceeded to kill it. The fight was witnessed by Mr. and Mrs.Smith and Mrs. James Wilson, T.I . TV. THIS IS TO WARN ALL MEMBERS OF THE BURLEY TOBACCO ASSOCIATION TO COME TO RICHMOND, KY., At The Coiirt H ouse TO RECEIVE CHECKS FOR SECOND PAYMENT ON THEIR PAR TICIPATING CERTIFICATES. ALSO ALL OTHER PARTIES WHO HAVE ASSIGMENTS OR OTHER INTERESTS IM CERTIFICATES. EVEHYBOBY COME. AND BRING YOUR NON-POOL NEIGHBORS WITH YOU -